fri n r ooto E er rax WLvvxRTON 7- m s atine appears ou the publish, Again the siuittug candidate log horizon boasting itself the Files in from each direction EnUred u »••ond-cUsi » a tt a / mouthpiece for the "under dog.” The "p ec-p u l” to emancipate Right after his election. December >, 1922. at the poetof - But somewhere along the route — L. C. D flca ait B» a rar Un», Dragua, uuder from the editorial offices to the printers the advertising depart­ tha act or March I. 117». ment talks turkey. And that is BOWS IX THK DMI 1*81 ISSI'KD EVERY FRIDAY AT that. ■Saved on* day and lost in the • • • BEAVERTON, OREGON next, it you go ou your religious OI K VOCABULARY feelings. So the Father bids his GLENN K. MILLER, Publisher (Watch U Grow) people stand on that Solid Rock. TISKET—Word u-ed in popu. His Eternal Word the Bible. SIBSt KIPTION RATES lar song bewailing catastrophe Blow hot, blow cold, that stands. Per year (in adranca) ........$1.00 to yellow basket. This writer Feelings or no feelings, that Net In advance ..................... ISO does not know meaning. See euds it. You uecd not day by ! TASKET—concerning which we day feel your spiritual puls« are likewise mystified. sett!« your sonship in the fututly Uncle Henry Henstutter says: of God.— “ Verily. Verily, I say " I ’ iu willin’ to make almost any unto you. he that heareth My sacrifice if this country get^ word and believeth on him that Interesting ASM Trje mixed up in that there war that sent Me. hath eternal life au,j Focus— The Newspaper bttiUt Hitler is askin’ fo r; but I'll be shall not come iuto Judgement contends (and who should bs in double gosh-durned If I’ll try to hut is passes out o f death Into a better position to know?) that knit another sw eater!” life.—JESUS CHRIST. God said 95 per cent of the Ame-ican • • • it; Christ did it; I believe It; press is guilty of downright mis. THE SECOND READER that settles it. representation of facts. Dis. See the Boy. The Boy’s Nose Now you the sheep o f His patches front Spain are altered so that “*Government” is chang­ is Bleeding. Why Does the Boy's pasture and you repeat that moat Because It Has beloved Psalm THE IX)Rl) |S ed to "Reds'*: Jews in Austria Nore Bleed? are never “ murdered.” they In­ been Smitten by the Boy’s Play, MY SHEPHERD; I SHALL NOT The poor sheep is not variably "commit suicide." Even mate. Why Old the B'oy’s Play­ WANT. the Horn? asked to have any feelings in columnists such as Westbrook mate Tag Him on His the matter but he is asked to Pegier, Heywood Broun and Because the Boy Socked in the Eye. clean house^ take every need to Hugh Johnson have learned that Little Playmate the moth-eaten phrase "the free, What W ill the Boy’s Mama Say? the laird and hank on the Path, the Boy’s er’s fait hfu'ness. dom o f the preiss” does not ap­ She will Say that "God is able ply to them. The general mag­ Playmate is a Little Ruffian- and to make all grace abound to. asines have never seven attempt, Just Look at Your Shirt All Cov. I ward you. that you having al­ ed to take the side o f “ the peo­ ered With Blood. Will the Boy ways. all suffciency in all Fighting« No. He Will things, may ple" because so far it has not Stop abouod in every been considered a paying propo­ Probably Resume Hostilities T o­ good work.”— I Cor. 9:8. But sition. Spasmodically a new mag. morrow. the saved must first get their skirts clean— i r I REGARD SIN M »1 F+++I I »♦ ♦»■» ♦ 'M -H - H - K - M -H - H -H - H -H -H -P'H -M -*'» * » -»» ' IN MY HEARTGOD WILL NOT HEAR M E - Ps 6«: 18. THK EKAVMTON rcïïuncH 1 RKV I KW ¿N N O IJN C L M P ffrS St. tedila’» Church Her. U. L. 0 ’ K*efe. »'altor Building Material :: Plaster board, per M $ 2 7 .5 0 <; Doors, 2 ft. 6 in. by 2.10 6 ft. 6 in., 1 panel :: Roofing, per roll :: Door Locks • 1.05 55c :: . • • «* :: Galvanized Gutter, per ft 52C W. J. McCREADY LUMBER CO. F. D. PECK, Manager. ;; Phone 4 6 0 3 find a promise in the Book to cover «very' tveed and emergency and all made by eternal God who changeth not. So men has ev. er received o f the Lord all that he might have had and God pledges—BEFORE THEY CALL I WILL ANSWER AND WHILE THEY ARE YET SPEAKING 1 WI LI. HEAR— Isa. 65:2* Sure THE EYES OK THE IX)RD RUN TOO AND FRO THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE EARTH TO SHOW HIMSELF STRONG IN BEHALF OF THEM WHOSE HEART IS PERFECT TOWARD HIM. 2 < hron. 6:9—C al! Unto Me and I Hill Answer Thee, and Show Thee Great and Mighty Things Which Thou Knowest Not. Jer 33:3. Leave o ff the search for re. ligious thrills, face your duty ” toward God and man, then claim the Bible promise for present need— His eye Is one • «I the sparrow and I know He watches me.” God in Christ SAA'BS-KEEPS . SATISTFIES all who receive Him as Saviour and Ix»rd- Beaverton Oregon Beaverton Announcement o f Advertising — In response to popular demand The Columbia Food Store at Beaverton will use the Broadway-Colum­ A. til. SEVENTH BAY VDVKXTIST Servicoa held In Holier hall every Saturday. Sabbath school 9: <5 a. m. Classes for ail age». Communion service 2:30 p. in.. Saturday, Oct 8th. C. C. AVIlcox officiating. Qfl Portland. ___ J The Past Noble Grand Club wtl meet at the home of Mrs. Hetty {Harper R. Burns, Acting Min.^ Mvers next Wednesday noon. Oc. totter 12th, 1 llethal Congregational 69c Barry’ 5 & 10 Cent Store Pleased to Meet Y ou 25c 29c 4 9c Sunday S ch ool-9:45 a.m. Sup­ erintendent. Chas. Roseman. Clas­ ses for all. Morning Worship, 11 a. m., Sermon.Topic "When Jesus Comes to Stay.” Bpworth League-.7 P. M. Lead, er. Phyllis Foe. E v e n i^ AVorship..8 P. M. Good Song Service Serm on-.Toplc "A Light on the Desert.” ‘T h is is the first great service o f religion to life; it gives a light to follow and music by which to march.” O. O. Atkins. CIGARETTF», Camel», Chester­ fields, lu ck y Old Gold, 2 pkgs. WORK SPEAKS PILLSBURY’S PANCAKE FIXJUR I Argo package............................. • 19c A U j I j KADINO 7702 EKKSH PRODITE t o M a t o e h BRANDS— Tall • 'arruls. Bfeets, Turnips 3 hunches fo r ................................ Other Items: Parsnips, Ruta, hagas. Shell Beans, Celery Hearts Italian Squash. 4 for Tin« WE HANDLE ONLY TOP STEER BEER b r in g your eggs d ir e c t For to us . PORTI j ANI) CITT TO YOUR FANCY we can u » e m arket all you have and Il ^ U B S C R I t B TOP PRICES INDEPENDENTLY OWNED — AUUROHH FROM l l \Xk PHONE 3203 FREE. DE IJ VERY 77M 7 W »W }M W M M JJ772Z !t^ S pay Beaverton Food Store New Hair Styles O 27c Beaverton Try The New Upward Trend In Hair Styles given in the M\KY ELLEN BEAUTY NOOK Phone 8303 Ac rose From Poetofflce. I The Beaverton Review 25c 10c L u g........................................ 59c ITSBLF. Phone 25c PRESTO 1XKJS, 12 fo r .................. The handy fuel. MILK, D E W E Y , T h e Plumber OUR same as our Portland Stores. pears each Saturday morning in the Oregonian. While They Last Slacks which formerly sold for $ 1 .1 9 and 98c, now Our regular shelf prices are all always the The Broadway-Columbia Markets’ Grocery ad ap­ CLEANUP ON SLACKS Church I Bible School at 9:45 a. m. Announcements have been re. Classes for all ages. reived o f the wedding o f Miss Morning Worship at It a. m. Martha W oodruff to Mr. E. Special music. S erm o» "T he Greatest and AVestley Fenton In Tacoma Sun- Grandest Army In the World ”. | d*jr »fternoon. Note: annual meeting of West Mr. and Mrs. Jarrel Richard, Willamette asaociatlon Sunday afternoon and ensuing program son o f Vale, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Graf were dinner guests of follow s; Mr. anl Mrs. Lyndon Myers AFTERNOON last Thursday evening. 2:00 Devotional Service.............. ......................Rev. E. D. Kellogg The Catholic Indies will hold! 2:15 Business- . Appointment of a food sale at the Thrifty Mar Nominating Commltttee. ket Saturday. Oct. 8th. S++-:-M-%'-.^+ .y+ + + + + + + + ^.+ 4^_M ^ <.+ + .; Adoption of Program. — — ■ 2:30 "The Spiritual State of the Church" . . . . R e v E. A. Allln 3:00 "Developing a Better Tech, nui tie in the IgKal Church" Secretary Warren H. Denison of the General Council || 3:45 Music.-Solo. “Women and tbe Goal of the £ You have heard the old saying, ‘ ‘ you can take a boy out of the country, Church." | '«The Marthas and th< Goal" j but you can’t take the country out of the b o y ” —-This seems very practical in my ................ Rev. Paul G. Dickey "The Mary’s and the Goal" case. For the past two years I have been trying to locate again in a small town or ................. Rev. E. D. Kellogg 4:15 "A Parish Program o f Re. country community, where people stop to say ‘ ‘ How Do You D o,” and think of more ligious Education” -.Mrs. Fred than just their own selfish interest. S. Richards 4:45 “ The Message of the General Council to the <'hurches"..Rev. It is with this thought in mind that I feel very happy to become your only G. A. Pollard, Supt. Frank service store operator and citizen ui Beaverton. E. C arbon Closing Business. Roll Call of Churches and I‘ m sure that we have something more to sell other than cheap merchan­ Ministers Reports « f Committees. dise at a supposed cheap price, and a fair comparison considering quality and size Election of Officers. of tins with free delivery to your door— saving nothing of convenience and cold Approval o f Minutes. Recess. weather-—will prove to you that the Service Store still gives you more for your 6:00 Lunch. Music by the Choir money. v „ „ Yours for better service* # * 6:4$ "Taking Stew Out of Stew­ ardship” ..............Dr. Denison O. K. BELL. 7:45 Address ..............Rev. Nel. son W. Wehrhnn Adjournment 3 tin s CRACKERS, Sunshine or Snow­ BILVEKTON CORN.......................... flake, 2 lb. b o x ............................. for HTA« X) BEANS ................... | Me.hodist Episcopal Church | IMITANO PEAS ................... SNOWDRIFT. 3 lb. T in s............ I Karl II. Horsell, Pastor | MODIC TOMATOES .......... The perfect shortening. ® —---------------- ■■■ ■ — 8B bia Market’s grocery ad for week end specials. So you can now get these Portland Special Prices right at Beaverton and save yourself the expense of a trip to Statistics P ro v e Sunday s e r v ic e » -1:0« *«*» »0:00 THE THIRD RAIL led a flue boat ride on the Mrs. Keko of 4049 N. K. 17th of the Christian Church en'oyed Nehalem rlvwr Huuday. avenue of Portland rove a » piente dinner after church al shower in honor of her niece. Washington Park Suuduy. Miss Katherine Markovich Sept. Mrs F. U. Austin lefi Sunday 28. Many beautiful gifts were for a weeks visit with Mrs. I . J. received and a lovely two cours* that It nulling Water Is the greut. luncheon was served at the IFughson ut Kockawuy beach. Mrs. Myrtle Haines and daugh. e»t asset to any lural home. close o f the party. (er (lludys. Tucker Uauoit'ted WHHTiJO Pumps have only »*ne business In Hillsboro Monday. n toying part. Simply Install Elman Johnson and Bob Den. That’s Alt. ny, students from Oregon State Mr and Mrs. Ivan Koehler und Kit'll Kf spent the week end with their baby Teddy were Sunday dinner HAKBWARR A KtJRM. TO. parents. guestn in the home o f Mr. and Phone 7751 Mrs. H. D. Koehler at Sherwood, Harold Srank of Dallas. O re, v*»itcd Monday evening in the P. H. Barry home. » I I' ♦♦ I I I I I I » + 4 F + F +» I I t l l l I t 4 | I I I I I I I I H --M-+1 LO C A L N E W S E l l P y 1 r O - D e A r Y Y e a r