T he B eaverton R eview The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively to the interests of Eastern Washington County. VOLUM E XV, No. It Heaverton, Watihington County, Oregon, g — Beavers And Tigard ¡¿ In lie For First < i \ \ i M linker» ol M u n li 1..............J L, . .. CLAYTO N NYBURG HONORED AT MEET Silently Passing Mary All«'« —— Huber | t ii. All H I« oiilstardlna record of < H w u » u Ml a t l*l tA M r» . W . I I . I ' m I lull ucJilevi merit wan cited u ttli« t-r.biuvh n f llu lii* r, .Mr». U u r i li I «¡nuiral »«Jib v«iu«iil invellng for Friday, Subscription, $1.00 per yr. In Advance March 5, 1937 ■ ttLU Beaverton Debaters Win Five Straight .h« Tiuiluun l H rkulm wClI«a wan Harne« of Kinra.."*»1«, 'Va»lilng | »on, Mm. A iik liu I), Miirpliy o I .ponaored by th« Winona Grunge' Heaver High Wins From 1 ’oillaiid. i\li». Ni»n Mleven, aru M Tualatin, .M' lufay, February 12, D e b a t e r s Win Double «port» E. K. J’ranr ih , aasi»‘_ar.l Header From Gresham I ounty ax«'nt Hillsboro Squud By A 1 futí« ral M urp,,y °r H*,e was In charg« of ,n W. ,,,M K. Eleven boy» marl« up lie ujeni-1 Last Thursday Night Score of 33-1« iierBhip of (be »lx ogneult ..ral' Tubs In liu* commdotty, all of Mr». Il* urtinoti of I'ortUuid TEAM W IN S T W E L V E I mothar of Mm. l-’red Tlbba'U pan whirl* complet'd 109 per rout.. W ON A L L DEBATES I KVtrty proJnrU were carried by red «way « t lire bom« of h«i Affirmative Tram Vet To *««-( •Tajer» T « Participai« i„ Toar- oldest »on tn Ino» Angele», Cal, the member». Canby Araatitr Team Moat oustanding anirtng the ■in mr ni U f i it f ir Id ('«Hear on Saturday. Th« laxly in hetfii. 1 record» made by the xrouu w »» 1 telurned n-, (tom Boavertm, and by far lb « great- I tost». Thin In a record » V r l i cixlu, February 24. The dc- « »I in U m , Waahlnginn-t'oluinbia FINGER PRINTING T O BE COM PUI o SORY ha» n«*ver lief ore b««n mad« In Ira te* took place up< o the local bague ih,- «n u r« m'iimm, Heaver . Wa»hln*t«n co m ly . 'Plio dairy platform and were a purt of the ion Ululi H«’ h ol Heaver» soundly defeated ili« iiiii»lHtro il luti mjutt.i t ompulaory finger-printing of clu*’ w,m ,hc < alr trophy regular State-District DehaU* f i«mi F’ruiay rver*jng i»y » »core o f ; all iiernonn «ngagod In the naie of *** ‘ he ouUUltdIng .lairy nub at Schedule. Maahingto» ( ounfy la ir. Beaverton'» afflnnaitre debate •*» m. Bear) Mal .«mi uii almlmltr hete ray«» *'a» a meati» ntniutitig room w»a tukrn by an of rlouíitne up the liquor trade” fifth, ant nixlli pirre« (**,,, j a) otbaon »ml Lyman «tithunlMMlIr crowd which »uw lir a - > I» urged by Mian Ethel llubler * ,"re w‘ 'n by ° f *fc«‘ Webb. met Oree’ iam n Negative verton ink« an early leant and ! of I»»» Angelen, member of the e o r n r *1" ’ «> |V"' « snmerr ial-Nat debaters at 7:30 p^n. and won by »tank t orn Sfmw and aerond a vote of c iiitlru« It i lirouchoiit the turne. National Temperance Conrrd Jn 3-0. Mennwhile our * ’ **"’ ' hiragn Inte.nat- negative Iteawrton played » bard driving e communiralion luaunl to ev- team, Marian Boyaon fn»l breaking game that had the *ry »tale ln|ii«»r control board In io,m* * orn IHiow. '*'*'*' ° » “ ,,M1d ,md Kdwtn Blatter, defeated ahe llillahoru « »(e ra bew llilcrcd iium I the United S lat«« for consider»- I ,n* 4' H * * < * 1he ( i„n ' Clayton Nyburg, who also wan affit mative team 2 to 1. of I I n * Koine. Hon. 'l”bua tr. the find week the dia- "More ilatu 12DU nwin and wo> named an one of the t vo out­ Heaverton now enter» the dia I trict corteata Beaverton's (iebn- standing boya of the »tat« 11 let nunitxr 6 play-off « i Un- men wtiii criminal record» h«ve fteltl college, March I. &■ 4. Teams unenti, «ought liquor llcanaan In ,. *..i-* .. ii *aa glv* * ’ ’ ’ ftelil Mar t o r n.» r.plwi- •<-« r..ur attait deluttea. The»« cunipeling their are Tillamook * Southern California,** dacia red M l»» *n MoMtrovili», N« »berg, Monmouta’. ! Hublw in he, letter to l.quor "[ achievement and vlrt.'rta. pBcrd Beaverton and Heaverton. Tigard. Woodburn * > d \»«->trol iNallew T h e.» »tartltn« Icadernhi,» ah.eh to largely rea_ W eatUra, tied for f rat honors ao Halla», or Sllvcrton. Tb« , « « , , ; ««u ne» have juat emu. to light. ' * " * * > ' * <“ r •‘ plend.d record fcr In th. 5 « „n tv dLtrlct de- a Inrlng 3 gnu um enters the »tale folliwlng the enfiwcrviwvit of c o m - I11'* 1 ,bp 1 *'® - * s,r *• lourtMimrt at Salem March 17th | pul««»ry finger-printing of all U - ,,on <î,‘ ^rk<, •«'»> projects, led • Thursday afornooli of this week MrtMIrnvIlle ha« luu-n fav.wcd t,> | QU«»r Iteonae applicant» In I b e l * » " ? ■ * « f*'“ <‘ lUh?' * f th« county Judg- (.ru,.ial j^ b a ^ ,,f tSle WMik nie j Albert Karpateln, .!*4n> Hurt e* and ¡ from selling liquor as * ' 1 ' " ,l[ . * .* moet- ni* ‘ Klectrte Utilities Should a dnvr-t result of the rlngrrprim- At ,he cOclusión <>r t*u* m e « ---------------« ----------- « lain Wldirg. , .. » ,,,,1 .weir He OovetcnianiallT Ow m«l and Op- Mlas Hhhler de- > « »»>« member« pledged ' M i r v :ng e*l»erlnvem K t n s l » la n d in g « in tire W a s h - clarad «npporl to the activities *>f »hc «> »'«d . it « I o n « . . u n ir le a g u e a r c It IS urged .hut stornar reso bov« and w.ll iw.mmte lh*ir work Heaverton meet* t'anbyr In the Won I/HlI Pet. laiton» b / J into ¿ S L 2 S •» - ^ ^ « .800 Heaverton utely In «very state whore a,p,>- ' « ut r e i-at « — ---- --- ------------ -- -------------- JJ 8 .800 2 Tigard * * . ... _ ,, . . . _ 61 Hi nolle, tievniages are wold B» a 4 6 St. Mary’s ui<.an« of eliminating »urge port recognition of th« M» ^ Real Estate Transfers t ..600 4 F’oreat Grove of th e crln iitm l »Icuw nt row In com pletion of « ,p #*--------------------------------ffi 0 H .200 Hlllaboro Vt«v.,.- J' * ‘ 0,'',rnor e« to A. B. 0 10 .000 rhe ranks .T ttu: liqtmr Ciade.” wey»* f"'* '“.'" Shrew o««! ux, Lot 130 in • W ill’ l l M U U IU , IU . *» l T> * . . . „ ( *1 *r t o n “ * » w v' drinker ] Nyburg and M,*r e ' ' h|j .loltnson Lhttate Add. t«> Beaver- •« h i » « < * x ifb n i, a * is * tire the W HITFORD CHURCH ■ i*. • . tc get ‘chummy Thc of . c ton-Recdville Acreage, containing M E E T IN G with the man aw-rosa cross the tbc bax baa «hut tbut ( 2‘« a« >^- HOLDS iitng ^ ¿ ¡ S i I ■ «-o h J Wlfatlev et ux to he la not r iraiem fra te m irln g .wrtdi ,wlt!h a an m . 1*1 eg bank bandit, u counterfalMr, rorb lu Herbert 1 H" ra* ° wn* r* ’ U>**‘ Corp” PBrt ° f Tlw rrcontlv «stat*n- ghtr,” Hubleir _ »aid. r’,h year—-Albeit (.ilr Johnson Kstate Add. to Heaverton or a burgka . Miss ______ ■lenointnntlonal rburrh lit 111« M«-- waaaaw*» * gv k a t ... } . 11 CMS 1V 11 A Acreage. iT W I Heedville “ It would 1 seem to tne t that ,r «-! 1 i l f V V . \Wlt«T Nyhurg, Kuy school bona«, met again last tallera and wholesalers of Ireer, UHylon Ny-btirt. ^ >lhut V. O. FYenrih, et ux to Ethel Hiwxlay night, K«t*raax> 2» with wines, and liqurw, who wish fq | NVllÜa Nyburg. Merle r e m B. fhtrsons, A. iV. Hart OLrC T1 Arnold (Jarncll of iVyrtUml bring­ put .their busint-as S RIW , 2.37 acres. on a more Karl, Sagen. ^ ing the biblical meanugp for the te» per table t>asls would them- _. ’ _ ir A r r r c Ethel B. Uarwons to < tara B. evening fn tn the fifth chapter selves, initiate a cam p a ig n Pot COUNCIL VOTES French A. W. IPart D I/- T1S HI of the H-'ok of t.eneaia, dealing compulsory Hngcr-prlntlng, In or- , TO BUY FIRE HOSE IV, 2.87 acres. with the building o f Noah-» Arh «1er to rid the trade of unde- 1 Huella L» Howell et ux to E- It was requested tliat thoae at sirables.” Th i. (north'» meeting of th e , 'a. K. t-iunwraon S«c. 12. T19 tending would each owm oriie n Citv Pads » t n quite a lung one HIM. containing 0.943 »ere. favorite porlkxi o f acrlpture for II. EARLE W A R N S »r d ninev matters o f irterest were Mark Skinner, Supt. of Banks rext week’» nieelin«. AGAINST CO M PANY *m‘ u ^ , i but action taken <>n a to 1/mis E. Finrow et ux. Thos. YOU, wh*> are reading this «r- few at tilts timei The proposed , Otchirr, 1)1/', T 1 N R 2 W cortain- ticle. are asked to come out and bring a friend wnd your Bible Hugh H. Karle, Insurance Com- |,pW clly hall took considerable tng 100 acre«, rext Surdav nlg’it* March 7, at intiMooer, Iwis received word I>avid C. tlarver et ux to 7:46 nun. to Irtar the oh!-fas11tuned i Horn II. E. O’Malley. Superinten •]-)*, Courcil iipulDted Archie George W. Avery, Tart of Sec. ucadulterated gos|H*l preached ful- dent of Insurarce fnr tine State of Olson, fire chief a*rd U A. i las- 25. T2S RIW. ly and freely. Help make these j Missouri o f the precarious oondi- , „,,r (Speedy) as his assistant. Meier & Prank Co. io Samuel meetings » success. | tion o f the ManutPanttiring Iaint- : The wiiter line leading to the G . Hulnte I » t 1, Block 36 in 1 bermen’s U*nderw rilevi », a recipro­ E Grandgeorge place was taken Met/.geu Acre Tracts, cal exchange of Kansas City, j over by the city, and in con*id- g -----------------------------------------9 BIRTHDAY P A R T Y erat kr- fcr the purchase, they a ” LOCAL NEWS ( • » * I I V V L E ' I V Ml’,M N i v V s l I u v J o N . t f ' i f U t l | v < I n ’ A \ f N h tran c 0 i a H i 1r - d l f f i c x i l t l e » f a i ' l * n ro g t ,hr h i s "■ greed to muintain « fire hydnvnt ^ ----------------------------- g surnn«x* 1 rganixatlon that Supor-, f< sponsor irte E a rl Dnvrbaugh Mra. Kdnw Ridgeway nnd da ugh- tec damage In the Ohio valley mary Mrs. Maye Waters, V -s Ame„can te c io r Amateur ter Nina. A. C. Adams. Mr». Re- region against whirb this ex- T Ï i W l to he held - , .he ven- I h - ccw Eciman, Miss I’rarl t’lilK N ,ro. M* roh Mrs. Mal> It* Gem hells and Mr*, age. id, nt Otolla -Mardis of McMinn 16th. Vokum. Reason* advanced by Oomms- ville was also prese t. _____________ sioner Earle for following the ad- Women's Club The Whitford Meetings are held the first Wed l * r 1 1 C A I L’ P U t i l l vice sent out by the Missouri of- r.esday of each month. AM t/e- are to give a Kn «* the hall next SEAL SALE (. HAIK , „„ the following gior-atres and their wives a r e . to the Whitford school nn tbe MEN HOLD MEETING f . c * ______ Elrt*», the members and policy- urged to attend. Mrs. H. ElU»n-| 18th of this month. The proceeds der the first vice-piesident pre-| are to go to th» fln«d relief The Christmas Beal Bale Chair- holdors of tihe excha/ige are, ttn- sided in the absence of Mrs. Nel-1 fund of the Red Crnsa. tiK r Of the county were guests of ' < *r the Oregon lew-, r e s p o n s e ! Mrs William livin g, the pri- 11.« M ashing.,,n Cour-.y Health t o r the losses and expends of » « « . — - -• • I nut rv teacher in lit« Whitford Ass ci,.tiro, at turn lt.on M „lU s ^ i . t o g he « ^ g e «nd th « . . . .. TenpomihilUy continue« until TEA GIVEN FOR IN- ( school has been quite ill with « r V m,. iw a . the!; policies are candled either COMING PRESIDENT Marsh. President of the Assoc,« or policyholder. thru end Mrs. M. . McKerch« . ^ ^ r u e v A n - t * « . nr hy a court The Kiwanis ladies group on- flir tM,r ¡„ the school, 1 cal » . » I aal. chairman a»teoded. >f rn (pn, )nri, dlrtion. Noither laired with a tin at the home K. A v e rts « t » t f Hanitary Miss Hose cave Seal Sale chair- ^ H„ 4,rr<,v n(>r . nv ,w irt ,1JIB or Mrs. A. Berg Thursday nfter- --.on in compliment tn Mrs. R. s. \ F.rgvreter * • « «*». «.,«>-• speak- man of Waahtngt.m county pre- th„ e p„l|cW sided ever the meeting which fol- aecond nn the Wedsh. welconvrig htr a* the in-1 er at the tner.) viwxn'*. lunch- lowed and ./ch chairman W »re(ftnBJv||ll of tl,o f x . coming president of tbe group, eon and bnstoe«« -lee'ing. He Sewage “ repot 1 of her »cal »ale ard the rhm(ro ftro V(,,T dlseouraging and Al»>ut twenty-five were present, spoke on “ Sewer« »nd tneih'd* employed in each com- |o«8es occurring under these pol- The committee included Mesdames Dis.po.wal *' A nm»h.*>- of sddi- irlimlty. Talk* were also given ....... . w |jj m a|| probability not A. Rerg. F. H. 0<>yt. Pnyton Peck, ¡tonal guests w ro * • « ’ pres"m .......... bv Dr. .MacDonald nnd Miss C la ra . )>p for n,ary months and "Rud" Mllller, W. H. Oraner* Mid includirg nifntw N n* 'he City Eugebriiaen, County Nur»«. possibly for y«vr*. | Jay Gibson, | Council „tltutinK PIONEERS” T ELL HEALTH NEEDS OF WHY THEY MOVED COUNTY ARE SHOWN Approxioattely 41 pet runt umuigtant families arriving ! g'ess in disease prevontion and in Oregrsn from 1930 Bo 1P36, in- 1 tb « genetal i»roir*>tion of puolic elusive, were experienced farm ' Inaltb, yte no more than the sur- o; erato*'», according to the te- ' face ban been scitatched. Accor- x lit» of a aurvey Juat published drag to government -.'atUlics, t> , tli. O.8.C. expat .na nt »cation the average American spends an- in t*.opera»ten wdta liie WPA uuaJly ten doilaiti for candy, nine a U tesetU. tnem administration, i dollars for education, »evn.|y-|tve The tep rt pi the result of a 1 cent* for perfume, and Bfty cents aamplv survey taken in 112 Ior chewing gu,m. The average a- r.ra i achcol district» m JB Ore­ mount spera for public health is gon counties. The* survey, mark «bout thirty ce ,'a < il . et.» of through the use of reliel labor,! • t hy *•■»» th,. Ut c« die sought a x<-ncial hackgrouitd of j t**r «»p it* for health protection. Ir iVirmati< to maintain pervisor of rural res car* h and penal and corrac-tioual inatituttons and hospital« for the insane These author of the report. would not be so crowdeu *f pv - ItMorriatuon previously obtatoed eryo r« were mentally am physi­ irom all school district clerks cally well. Charity and poor re- showed that 4130 immigrare (any- ’ . ^ , | lief lake a large sum of money illes arrived tiv Oregon from Jail- * ,. , 1 annually. yet everyone k x i«»ry l!tU3, to June 1936. The pre­ that the greatest < at use t»‘ .pover­ sent report covets a period from ty is ill bttalih. January 193« to November 1936, LJfficiect public health wo k can or atari, twice as K eg as the j greidly reduce rhe state expense previous time. for eleemosynary purpose by Toe study showed tirai a lar- preve*nting causer. that make ,* « ,arroemt»ge of the Umllies , , hMe c-xjwuditur« nertwsary. Pre- comtr* in 1936 were headed b* I vent km ,A h u m » w leeks is person« who bad actual expori- , m(Ki) „ p e ^ iv e , han the enee in farm operation than was coM of r ^ n K for lhem> the oa»w previously should be more concerned atsrut Contrary tb a common belief what it would cost to be with­ that 'pteciically ail of the immi­ out health protection than with grants came from et*.- middle what health protection costs. vest, the study showed that S3 Hardly anyone would argue that j*er cent came fnom the western the state of Oregufi has ever group of state«. A mtul of 44.3 boon unduly extravavar* in ex­ |ier cerx came from the north penditures for protecting the pub­ sod rfuuth rettual states, while lic health. Ln fact, the most ef- xiSitterir.g numbers ranging to feothe measurt* in thWr field are Has than 1 per cent came from ever now scarcely developed. the other more distant regk>n» of public oi>tnion has not yet g:asp- the counts y. ; ed tb« usefulness of health con- luadetjiaite income In their for-1 «ervatton *rd the fact that it* tier kx-ation was named by 51 cost to the taxpayer |* saved per cent o f the famlbea as the many times over by the preven- •eason for leaving their titate of lion of disease and death. The I'reva ux lestden««. Toe drouth * gaioe made in tbe elirolration or was blamed by 29 per cen., while curbing of sudh diseases a* ty­ clmngc of climate, OcaJth, or loss phoid ferver, tuht-rrmlo«», diph­ of Job were cited by many others theria and other comratinicAhle Kelativea or frior.d» in Oreg/n dtsea*«» i* a record of which was the jutnctpal teaeon given tbe |>eopie of this state n»ay welt by th*»« migrants for coming to be iprotui. But tn order to main­ thi* state, 25 per cent of them tain thc efficiency -tf rtw heal»!« giving this as the chief factor deita/vjnent. siiffu icnt funds are involved Climate persuaded 12 rc*de«l 4o employ experts or l>«r cm fit, previous visits to Ore­ those who have been properly ln the field of disease gon, 9 i>er cent, while 3 per cent trained *u d they were attracted by ad­ ja c-ventkm. The nrenaee of coo trgicn. «trean* pollution, tmsarl vertising. tary milk and food supplies and The present sttifude towsad unregulated quarantine lr. inter Ou*g*>n by roarly all families vis­ state travel, must eg lie added to ited was very faw.rable and othfeT hardships now aonfronting most of them, except recent ar­ this state. rivals, had made substantial pio- the average coninxiaiity needs gres* toward acquiring ownorwhlp ja w aH-orwaniaed health depart- of farms. ment which «ngJhasiie« the follow- j Ing activities: 1. The safeguarding of tbe HOG RAISERS HAVE health of tn<4hers ami children. GOOD MEETING 2. lTevesstion and control of c 1 nmnunicnhU- diseases. 3 . V one real disease prevention Sixty Washington county beg raisers attended tae meeting at and control o f syphilis. t. Recording of accurate vital the county courthouse Friday Feb. 19. at which time Prof. A. W. statistics. 5. Support of a hygienic lab­ Oliver. Oregon State College, dis­ cussed problems in connection oratory for the detw-uon and pre­ with hog management, rer-orts U vention of communicable diseases. 6. Saawtary control of diseases E. Francis, assistant county a- spread front human wastes and vent The keynote to P »fesso; Ol.v- ^ vermin and Bisect*, tr's discussion was '.hat the fun-! on^’ tbe State Board of dameu.al principle lor success- He* ltU but local * * * « “ * fceaIth ful brood sow management and departments as well have as a caie of young p»gs was a prep- Primary musive the carrying out erly balanced ration containing 1 'rf these essential activities. A d i­ tile right amounts o f minerals 1 I 11** * health organisation and and tl»e correct amounts and types ■ whole-hearted support no the oi protein. « * rt <* th* * nd ,oc* 1 ** „ , . KfncPes ate eesootJal if these ac- Pivfes*,*r Oliver ftirther po,n,cd |(lvltjes fcTp t o b p sucxespfull>. out the vital necesany for 8* n'- < maintanied. Incidentally, whole- U! l Ì"n •4' _ ^ . PreVwed ’ * ________________ _ to become in feated until «tftí-r ¡ v r r C U f W V M IV they w ere about three months Í N T E R E S T ^ H U M N 1 ^ old at which tinte worm infesta-. A lo l'A L , fc lM J L A llU H tions have no apparent affect on - ■ them. j ‘A growing interest in visual Hog lot rotation and proper education, particularly through bruising and farrowmg fa llitics the use of educational moving were other points discus, ed as pictures, is noted in the annual well as matters in connection report of U. S. Burt, head of the with pig* suffering from anemia department of visual education at Oregon State college. Durt handles and wewk legs At the conclusion of his talk, general lrtalerial for the entire Professor Oliver answered mis ly itc n , as well as that for the cellaneous questions asked jv the cooperative extension service. Burt’s record* show that 539,- hog rawer*. 678 persons attended meetings VfUC v n u ill a IV p v M K i> . I M U K B L A U P ii> - Heaviest Dozen Eggs Contest ïo Be Held Columbia Food Store And Review Join In Spon­ soring Contest $5.00 IS FIRST PRIZE RevieN To Give Away Two Hub- i-riptioa« T « )) inner» Again the Columbia Food Store and Tbe Beaverton Review Join ¡r. sponsoring their ” Heaviest Dozen Egg” contest. Thi# time it is surely something to crow abott«. Starting next Friday. March 12 and ending at 1:00 pun. Saturday. .M*c.h 20, tbe participants will be given in prize*. $8.00 in cash, a »9-lb. sack of Northern Moor two subscriptions to The Review and ten one-lb. packages of Col­ umbia Best Coffee. Here are conditions or rules for the contest: Eggs must weigh 27 ounces or more to the dozen to be entered. Purchase will be made of all eggs accepted with your choice of either one pound of Columbia Best ^Coffee, or. cash at top mar­ ket price the day the eggs are entered. Nothing but hen's eggs will be accepted in the contest. Each rontestaut «rill be al­ lowed to enter only one dozen eggs. Duplicate prizes will be made in case of ties. All rating by the management will be final. A first prize of $5.00 ¡n cash, F<«-ond prize of three dollars, a third prize of a 49-lb. sack of flour, a fourth iprize of one full year’» sutrweription to The Review, a fifth prize of a six-month’s subscription to tbe Review and ten jirizes < 'e ,k r wl,w'> Hlnis ob*ftned from his department were shown. WHITFORD WOMEN’S TERTAINS SOCIETY ! I jirgest users were OCC camps 4-H club*, granges and grade schools His collection now con­ Mrs. Norblad, Jr. entertained* sists of 550 films ami 786 slides, for the Refdville Mtssiorary so­ which are available for renting ciety on Thursday. Mrs. Art nt nominal cost. These include Schroder was the devotional lead­ more than 100 Altos supplied by er. The subject was the Africau live federal government for dis­ negro. A very interesting pru- tribution througlh Burt’s office to gmm was giver All the members other sUpes in tbe west, inctud- ■were in attendance. Mrs. 1*la; 1tvfJ Washington, Rtoho, Montana, Klrk-w-ood was elected for 1917 j Wyoming and California, president. CLUB HAS MEETING The regular meeting of the Whitf' *rd Women’s Club w as held at tbe club room on Wednesday. After roll rail to-which each one I responded. Airs. EubensteBi read ! a« irteresain« article entitled • ‘‘ Reformation vs. Confirmation. Mrs. Satchel of Heaverton and Mrs. Hoehle of Garden Horn# were guests. ^