The Beaverton ItevWw ■■ I < ut In »Ree» uik I aerve plain or ! Kivim»ln«i wlili whipiM'ii cream , i Thiii in' ko» m ! x ius vlng*. Ill a n i) and B railli llu Hakt- XeuKi I’l l hup» y o u rv tu , ni I hi mo jwm olti w hi »g\ 't.'iiii i.i m i . ,t* m il bonny •!•*.» • .It, ! iKtiiiiiva «ri'it’t limn w lili commuti ihumi , i'i ,r! May ho not but F h iid ., liaib ltu haautw a a ril t»rotly a l ili *roiin-l ili» 01041 h a w iliacotvrvd that« la no beauty in,,- thw beJiiiy of lumllti ar il vllalUy, and limy tx> bontà MOUMiblo uU-iit II a rd nine out of ton of U m * iii a r t lattina U t Four tain of Youth ihrouah a *t>raw! t Itrua fruit», which »pi nut out of 1 I mi aro uml dnwu lu Muriti» wtK ro I'uiit 41 ile I .eon »oarvhmi fur the mirale fountain, u» well a« I it, varlnu» other m uhi» oin MlatoM, are the cotiiniun »en»e solution to l i e beauty quint. A lull «la»« of orango or grapefruit Jtilro In ilio 111 rein« I» a "him *•'" to »tart ih» ita> with teat, and for b ra n t) alt op a hrlmmlnx ttleaa of Uomo aohlt 11 juice» Un­ io n thlna before “ light# out" metili» a restful »loop. Ilo, amie In au ty I» a» brauly do*« to botoomaltera they are ■urving limite citrini fru ita 'round Ilio clock wn Fountain of Youth In the tee lei I recipe» giv­ en here. CIIUHCII mWiOBNCM II n k »; pool a rourtl doop suoligli lo l 'i o , t e all w'i.itt inom brane; t ul oli oillier aldo <*f « mi li divid­ imi innubia,ne and re m o te meni m Rinvili hy seminari. A ita t a« imtr - tneiMa in flow er forni on lei luce <>ip, 1 lieti « m in g e a li.ili clycla "f finteli olite lutMf u »lieta In Iront of lite lettu re Clip, rt'--rvc »•ih u creala o r M a n d i drefcsitig. Tu fine thè liti n aca, pool «nd «Ira» pronti» of ft rlt itrgtnw l»e ttown hanatia lo m ake p a ra titi rum ,ve». Tinnì »lite. W------------------------ H8 I Me hod*.»t I.pisci,p.tI t hurcli , ■ I uri II. Ilorsell, l'H»tur ■ ■ — ----------- ----------------BL Sunti») »elioni, 9:45 «.in. P au l . Ilo H a u ty , K u p e rln le n d e n t. Cla»- »1 » fot* a ll a g ra . 1 tlm ri vii k wor»hip, Il *.m. Sei moli hy Dr. J. T, H u rilio n , Di»- I rtot Hui|«,| iritcm irnt of Portl*u«l D lstrlct of thè Melh<»li»t K piace- pai cJiureh. Mpw orili leagiw», luirnm ediate ard Senior, 7 p.01. 4B---------------------- --------- ■ Ih Ilo I I oiiirrcgnllmiHl t hurch llu rp er K. Ilitrii», P atfo r » -------------- -------------------------------n lilhle »eh-ol ‘ri 9:45 a.m. c|a » - »e» far u ll ag**M. li. t*. P o i) , Stipi. M arniti* w orali'«p *t l i a.m. W. !.. t ady In cliarge of choir. Her- tti«,n ihetii*, “T he Pow er of Pray- e t .” Ju n io r «nd Senior f.K . at 7 J*. M. Note : T<> lho»e »'ho do noi a t ­ ti nd ctiurch In «rur com m unity. Why noi pian lo a tte rd »otite rbiirv-h Suntlty am i ket-p |t up, a» you wlll n rd a hcntrly wel- conie In any mie trf 01 <• church- <■». Y11 woultl not want to live In it com m unity in whicli there » ere ro eburebe». Wliy noi glve tho»e who a re orde«voiIng to carry rai a lift. lirap efru il Yl tilt ina 'A cup »uttnr Mi cup i-Jtoi lenirti Vi clip sugai 1 cup g|izpefrvit morii ,eri» 2 io*!«, he»leu 1 cup tnllk ] cup» fluivi* 2 l»po. haklttR l'uwtier 1 t»p, »alt '■» t»|i. baking *oda Add Y4 «np su g a r to frenh grupefruit »egm tnt», and let »Mind. Oiuam »hortetilr.g unill light and fluffy; add Vi cup »n- gar, a llllle at a tim e, blontllng a fta r i»u*h addition. Add Imaivu tg g » ; »in flour, m easure »Ifl a- Kalr, II ree tim et w ith iiaking powder am i »alt. Add milk and dry ingredient* allei ttult ly to s u ­ gar tulxtuie, heating well after each addition. Add bakLrg Hoda to grupefruit augm ent»; c*omblna w ith muffin b ailer. I'ou«* into CHI Ki ll OF CHRIST w ell-greased muffin line bake (ieo. IV llalr-h. P asto r | in modt-rale oven <350* F .| for m --------------------------------------------- n 20 minute*. IP'c.nnuix the Hrtit Sunday in March, tht evetSng aervlce* will I.ra|>cfruit K efrlgrrafor l ake la k e j 1 /3 cup* sw eetened have »«»me »pcoial fetatutv which coo^ar.aad ttvllk, Vi cup w hite wlll make thorn both en tertain in g O ran ire Hoaane corn, »»rup, mx-lior* of 1 large and prirfltaMe. Wo «»« in­ S cup »u«ar grupefruit n rd 1/3 cup fresh vite * I ran g ers frlendr to 1 Vi cut»» oran ae Jt»Vr«j grap efru it juice, 1 cup vanilla tlm ie services. IV4 tup». K«*latlne Hlldi* acbool, 9:45 a.m.. Mr*. » .f o r crum b», 24 vanilla wafer». 2 tha|M. w ater Vcrtrta Hofiper, Hupeien * e udont. I'lace mw i t tc rn d o-rtjt*n»ed milk 1 ru p heavy m eant isjiuim invin »orvice, 11 a.m., fol- j and syru p in liq> of double boiler, 4 Owl»», powdnred »ugar h.wctl by prtttatiling by th e p a s­ I Unitolt e »uaar in orange juice. j Stir c o ra ta n tly over boiling wa- tor. Isiih m orning and evening. | ler about ft minute» or until ntlx- Soften KtikaOr« In w ater anti dta- Midweek service every »Vtdne*- »nlve over hot w ater. Mix well | tu rc thicken». C i» |. Add gtape- day. 7:30 jxm. w ith orantre juice. W hip cream | C j (tit ju k e . 1,1 no narro w oblong till of custard con»l»tency and pan with wax p ap er and vanilla “ c e d a r m i l l n e w s f>ld In pomodored sugar jVild w aftr». (Fill In spare» w ith half lly Girl Scout T roop No. 61 ! It.lo o ra rg e juice. Freeze In re- of crum b».) t'o v er w ith g rap e­ • fruit jttk*« m ixture. Place g rap e­ f rlr e ta lo r at lowrtat temp« rature, Roger and I/e»lie Johnson en- Mtlirlmt onto while feezing. If fruit Meet ion» on top of grape tc rta lrc d a group «»f friend* Sat- fruit juice m ixture; ad d unrulier tlonlrctl, Vi cut» rltopiietl walnut» ird a y nlglit with a monopoly- i t almond» may be folded In be­ laynr "f rrtttnh», a lte rn a tin g In part y. thl» way u n til gr ap e tru lt Juice fo re freezing. Till» make« alx s e r ­ m ixture 1« used, ffnlHhlng with Ray I'eteison, Ml«» Jt-anne ving». layer of wafer*, t h i l l In refrig er­ G rebe a r d Mr. and Mra. A rth u r ato r 12 hour» o r longer. To It. Pmirtcun spent the week-end II»tut 11 n Orange Salad With a ah arp knife, cut a thick nerve, tu rn o u t or »n**II p la tte r at S iavlew , Wash. layer off top and bollnm of o r - and carefu lly remove wax paper. Mr. ar.d .Mrs. YVayne G uthrie nr.d Mr. and Mrs. Kliner W alters v isiu d at Mr. an d Mrs. John W aller* home Sunday. ho" dinners By BETTY 81. V alentine’« Pay la a day of magic and delight for lover» both oting and old Surely nothing can e more exciting thnti those cryp- tlc. card* the poatmnn bring*, with th e ir m ysterious signature of "Ouc»» W ho” concealing an Identity well- loved. or perhaps . . . thrllllngly . . . unsuspected! ‘tlu e aa Who" day dinners an» fun. too • for they offer more oppor­ tunity for am using game» and un- unttal dlahee than any other holi­ d a y meal of the year. Painty cro­ quette*. a luacloit» salnd. a cake or »mail cup cake* to »erve with the holiday punch . . . all are welcome tidbits th at can be served with liny candy hearts aa decoration», carrying «»I the motif of sw eet­ h ea rts' day. Lima Croquettes 2 cup* cooked, dried Limas Yk cup cream Vk teaspoon »alt tk teaspoon poultry seasoning 1 tabli-Mpoon tom ato catsup Ik teaspoon pepper '4 teaspoon powdered »ago 1 egg. »lightly beaten 1 cup fine dry bread ommb» Huh I .Inin» through % coarse »tralper. Add t-runth*. cream, »alt. pepper, »age and egg. Shape In the form of at.iall cylinder» Roll In cnim he dip In 1 egg beaten with 2 tablespoons cold w ater and again roll In crumb» Fry In deep hot fat '(390° F.) until brown, then drain on »oft paper. Place on serving plate and garnish with ring» of tried apple. Tomato and W hite Grape Salad ) package »ala«1 gelatin 2 cups toam to Juice 1 cup »ccdlesu » h de grape» H eat 1 cup of tom ato Julio to boiling. Pour over salad gelatin and »fir utklH dissolved. Add 1 cup cold tom ato Juice, t ’hlll -until Mixture begin* In thicken. I hen add wiille grape* Pour Into a le rfe heart , - i H ukmm I mould, or mould In * tow pun and. when Orm. U« t Mr. and Mrs. H eitrain Jenny of P ortland and Mr. and Mr». Ja ck Jenny purchased th e MiXrray place a t r e ila r Mill*. H erm an Jenny moved on the place last w eeK. ■■■ FRI PAY, FKBHVARY 2«. 1M7 ■ lle ll’a lenue I act 'I uer.lay evening. date liereof. PA TK P th!» 11th day of Feb­ NU non Slouch lute returned bom# from IVirtland a fte r having ruary, P*37. GFOilOH V. NUf/VON, Admln- been tjuatrunllncd wih hi» bruUi- tr 'a family, who bwl » eailet fe ­ la tra to r <*f the e»tale of «aid de- cc«aed. te*. I1AUI.KY « HARK. Attorney* TI kj (>* i per Mountain laujie» for A dm inistrator. pt 1 -15 d u b held th e ir mat ling T hum - day a ru rn o ta i a t the home of > o i i n ; r o ( i t e m io k > tlw n«w prewliWut, Mr». We# fn Ill«- County 1 o u rt *f It.e M ate Uany. »I Oregon 1 •*f ’lie t oiiiity LÌ 'The th ird year 4 |{ cooking 11 aiiiing « it t'luh held th eir find, m et!lug la»t In the .Mat t r i Ü..* Eatxte of *we«k witlb Him Hantonp aa lead­ MARIK S P ii F T Dr reaped. er. TtJ* nr»t y i« r d » -« haa Vir­ Notice is hereby given tt.a t «Le ginia Miller a* th e ir leader. iinderalgr.ed haa been appointed Sewing cla»a<« which meet In AdruinittiraP-r of the oMtste of the hchool basem ent every Wed- Marie Specht, deceased, by th e iK»d.«. O. H. IfaiMten i f (Jol- detrdale, W#»h., Mr. and Mr». Jack Neff of P ortland and Mr. Wnd Mr». Sehuld of Milwaukie. IMtt. I.ICF.VKK NOTIFE The H M M fee» b* t* e r l| k nwznth» old o r for dogs owned or k ep t over 30 day» for the y aa r 11 1937 aue m ale tb>g. fl.b u ; fe | m ale dog, 91.50; spayed female * 1 2 ilog. f 1.00. A fter M arch lsi Uie ¡u-nalty is < ll.o o for failu re to procure II- < ttn»e fur the dogs alwve stated. l*urcha»ing from the City He- c«nder plac«*» Mi'/r of the fee col- | le c tc l into tlie general fund of tlie Town of B eaverton. Pay license to H o rn « L. Wil-1 »or, R eco rd er-T reasu rer. cl2-13 NOTH T TO I KEDITOBH In the County Cunrt of the S tate of Oregi'tt for YYashingtor. County In the M atter of lit« E.itate of H attie N elson, Dei-eased. NOTH F, IS HHRKBY GIVE,!* th a t tlie unilersigned h a t bees duly confirmed by th e above en ­ titled c o u rt a s E xecutor o f the l a s t Will and T estam en t »aid deceased, and has duly qualified a-, such: NOW, T H ER E FO R E , a ll nersons having claim s ag ain st said es­ ta te are hereby notified a n l re­ quired to present the sam e, to ­ g eth er w ith p ro p er vouch iet th erefo r, to th e undersigne* at th e law office of Uagley A H ere, In th e F irst N ational Bank B uild­ ing in H illsboro. O regon, within six m onths from the di-'e hereof. I ’ATED th is 11th dav of Feb­ ru ary , 1937. GEORGE P. NELSON, E xecutor of th e l ^ s t W ill and T estam ent of said d e b a s e d . BAGLEY & HARE, A ttorneys for Executor. m !» pi 1-15 7 d tjoul W I1E E N F A M IL Y County (*4>urt of th e S tate «»f O re­ 712 Hwetland llullding, port land, gon for th e County of YV'*»hlug- Oiex«>n. adv ell-1 5 tnn. ar<| ha» qtialine«l. All persona having claim* a- cwln»t »aid e sta te a re ltereby no­ tified to present th e sam e, duly verified, a» by law required, to L«w Faaaato Ihe undersigned at hi* office at Iteaverton, Oregon, within six tuorth» from the d ate hereof. The gay cities, desert r o o m f)ate of first publication this and gueit ranch*« of Cali­ 12th oay of F eb ru ary , I! j 37. fornia and the Southwa»! are P a te of la st publication thl* only a day or two away wbaa 12th day of M arch, 1937. you travel Southern Padic. fH»y tlra y . A dm inistrator You'll go twiftly, SAFELY, tomfortably — in air-condi­ Sam uel ||. l^awrence, A ltorney, tioned comfort all the «ray. FARES ARE 2e A MILE A N D LESS. Pullman coot« a rt way down. Coffee, milk, sandwiches and a variety of similar item« are i t and 10» in our coaches and tourist cars. Pining car meal* ar* moderately priced. WitUrf C+mei Had TwH hmp (hrt at M la I Hr Mtrenf R jim to €• Southern Pacific Thm Ihrer | m aut out two piwMfi t« s jrour te e d t . P. ■gtnt or w rit« tiquul biU* into yisor L*»w*fU daily. If th « l»«to j. A. ORMANDY, firs. Put. in not flowing f rwly. yunr ff»{rd, Ywif whole* iiyutrm 1 ^ f»r : v * i U m I »our, Bunk and th« w /rU took* pnnk. California! WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- I j U km ’ ivbu ar« o n 'y m a k o y h ifft. A m m bowr! nwj>«*n«*nl A t w i i ttvt a t th « raiL*« It 1 W lk n FtmOr. tak«a thoue teo»dl. old r«n*r a Littto Liver 1 * 1 ) 1 » to g t t UlPM tWf» fiOJimb f f i ll« ft'.V/ r jf fr««ly and mak«yfn» ferTupMdup H«»rm- toaa, »rr'.lto. y<-t lemanfn(T in inakir.»? L«> *1 *w f r r t i y . A»k fiyrfZm n*r s L ilt to U v r t P ilh l»> Slubhoraly anylluntf «U e. i£>c. SPECIAL OFFER to NEW and PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS Five Magazines -And 1 ” The BEAVERTON REVIEW McCall’s Magazine Pictorial Review Woman’s World Good Stories The Country Home The REVIEW All Six One Full Year REGULAR VALUE $4.00—YOU SAVE $2.00 Si^n the order form below, and mail or bring it to $2.00. There is nothing our Office with more to pay. USE THIS MAGAZINE ORDER FORM AND SAVE $2.00 The, liwal troop of Girl Scouts atlcndeil a tea S atiu d ay a t the Oregon lioi>dwil| In d u stries build­ Review ing In Piwiland. The purpose of NOTICK TO CltKDITOHS the ntfeiir.g was to show a rd a c ­ Beaverton, Oregon In the (' Is to t>e having claim s a g a in st said es- | *4 cup b u tter I am now making FULL PAYMENT of $2.00. h«ld March 13. ta te are hereby notified and re ­ 1 cup brown sugar quired to p rese n t th e sam e, to­ 1 \ cups pastry flour Signed ............... .......................... Address ............... 1 teaspoon baking powder HAZELDALE n e w s gether w ith p re fe r vouchers | 11» Mrs. J. I in la h Yk teaspoon soda ttu v efn r, to ih e um lorsigned * t , ; go----------------------------------------------as the law offices of BAOLKY A- 1 teaspoon ginger P- 0 ............................................... State ..................... Yk teanpoou cinnamon The t'om im inlty club will bold HAKE, In th e F irst N ational Y4 cup butter Its re g u la r m e ilirg this F riday Bank Building, in H illsboro, O re­ Yk cup sugar evctnitw. gon, within six m onths from the i 1 egg j Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur rro c k e r Yk cup molaasea v|«‘nt the wei'k-ivxd. with his ;»ar- Yk cup sour or b u tter milk A V . V . S % W A % V . 1 \ W W A M i % S W A V ,A W . W . W W % S % W A \ W A f l A V A V y W M W V W N M i W A W / W o rts at Motumoutb. 8 or 10 Hawaiian pineapple h pears ,lo«e O aam cr ti-sd the m isfor­ Yk cup heavy cream tune to s ln o t l im silf in Ihe fool 2 tablespoons powdered sugar one d.i.v last w tek. « Melt Y4 cup b u tter In a 10-tnch Mr. an d Mrs. Pniul O V onnor Iron frying patx or an 8Yk Inch have a 7-pound hnby body born square deep cake pan. Add brown Monday, F ebruary 22. sugar and atlr until melted. 81ft Roy Uetzer and fam ily have flour, baking powder, soda, ginger, and cinnamon. Cream b u tte r and m< \*i»l hack onto Mieir place a f­ sugar, atlr In egg. molasses, milk te r a ytmr In P ortland. and dry ingredients. A rrange pine­ Mr. a,rd Mrs. W es Uany spent apple »pear* In melted b u tte r and Sunday at Ute home of Mr. and brown sugar; heat. Pour In cake Mrs. Bert R iliy in P o rtlan d . mixture. Bake In a m oderate oven, Mrs. Bessie Bridgnvan atten d id 350 to 375* F., for about 35 minute*. When done loosen cake from the the p aity <*f Mr. and Mrs. John side» of the pan w ith a spatula. In G ates ai Hillslx-ro S atu rd ay nign». vert on a large serving plate. Serve Rev. G«o. N. T aylor of Port- hot with whipped cream . 8 eerv j land gave a ivhiort talk at the Inga. llazeldalc Sunday schuoi Sunday. Magic Nut Cup Cakes Mr. a ril Mi». J<l < ondanaed tw:!h. «■£ ywlk ana Mc.M'InrviWci spe.tit Sunday iris p .rent», Mr. an d Mie. Bert b atin g powder Bland th — uc h lr Fold In nUBy t>— mo m r. w hit« 1 »Mighty. Di"l> hy spoonhils into a m l l alw T h e teach ers and officers of zr«a,i-i' o f iwk« tins Ik A f In mod the Ifsz ck iile S u n d ay t schixtl held .•rate «» two i*M t i ^ o a a F t 3* tt hustr««M ineetihit a t Mrs. Dill fW W W V V V W W W V V W W V Y IW V V V V V V V V W V W V W W W V W U W W W W VVV u w . « m