«J*4v •rtitjr Lib ra ry T he B eaverton R eview The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively to the Interests of Eastern Washington County. VOLUM E XIV, No. 33 Mrs. Gabriel Is Grange Speaker Beaverton, Wauhington County, Oregon, Friday, July 17, 1936 EXTENSION SERVICE B U L L E T IN E X P L A IN S REPORTS HUS Y YEAR FREEZING OF FOOD I County extrusion ugeuls h a y zxpvrltuced u year of greater •Hilvily IJmn ever before mea- «ur«fU both by statistic» ou re lor service, anil result* FIRST AID VITAL itti N E W U NIV ER SITY CATALOGUE READY Jb lly Marna ret Dixon lai can "My boy need not hare died if Subscription, $1.00 per yr. in Advance FED ER AL GOVT. SEEKS FROG MEN County Fair Will Be Held In Sept Kreeziuig affords ou* of the Just what the prospective ledeTal "brain trunters” seek- simplest methods <>f preserving freshman student« ebould know, tug means of retiring t'ie na- foods, and wllh the rapid ex- aomu on* *iad known tHr" »top »u< h a* couraoa, student living | tional detA might take a profit- i ____ pun slim Of cold storage rantbUe* I ,t<‘ Ibe wound In exfienses, faculty members, robot able lesson or two from Albert . .. ~ aiailwble to the public, much ,,to ’ ** “ “ aot ,al arwbips and prizes and many Hi el and Sylvewter Sehnlt. self- I ioneer h Daughter Tells 11 *,,rk u«romj4iatRd. acocTtiin* interest has developed in ms ,e’ Oregon catalogue for 1S36-37, w.Vmn the Portland Better Bus Again Be Sponsored dlroclor in change of Uie Kderal pose. Affairs of Nation could hfuve beeu prevented by now ready for dialribution. lines« Bureau has bad a number By Rotary Club co-operative extension service at io answer tbls demand a nsw *t0<-'w ledge of Unit aid. Knowledge The catalogue contains for the o f ln temporary T h e«« new *l.ru«ure*, totalKng 1 n'>* the “ b ^ ln trusters". Darsier», etc., t*romises Success ______ ! *»»**«1 reached a total of 163,«01 Oregon State college, haa Juwt ’ nr*‘- ln oases of accident or nearly $1,000,000 in cost, will be - The diiitrlct ati*V*rxey would like , , __ . . * . for the year, an Increabe of acen publmhed. This i« a pop- e " ,,u,' y tu; I . r* t,ian ,he t0,al population included Copies o? the volume Pupils how to make billions by iv.i-hingtou (.ount> Fair oiricials, It-nne Samuel S M I, M.a M *'22\ , ° r an “ v*7‘w of 124 easy refennee purposes. , . , , ° f Mashinglon r-ounty die as a may be obtained by w rftlrg to 'risin g frogs, er county, many of these be­ ■mu eiorythsug pn'inu to a suc- brlel'e f.illier, \\n« u inoli, cr of l-hose w tso have »to r.g e fxcll- I of moU,r ^ demonMtratlon mrcilngx Pt^st-al ir.«peotors learned last c*o..ul i air uiiis >ear, on Sep- curly Oregon and to.,H up hl.1 1 " ing ? ™ » » '™ '. n n mrr.HW* Hie» kept at 10 degrees .'bov, rf.Br j0 (h# rn i(e(] M (f the university or from t'ie o f fiee of the General Extension fall of the amazing fiirtnclat 1 < wiser 2, 4 and 5. homcataad ,,n the « i ........ *btcU| W® “ f farm zero or lower have a w l« . tnje ,,f The FUrmct*- Union and Ihe I leave pi on n o w rf.n d s Mm (Ja- ! * f" re -hown. In addition to range of fi> in the buildings. umt ruHivf on -Woman-. I " * 0"; " ‘" V “ veraged ,M £ lii « T ” ** ab,we t® '«*rn caution hecuve from EN TE R TA IN M A N Y Ae'eul W. F- Cyras, Assistant a cmir«e of lesdm»« in "Frogs— part in the affairs of ibe N a ] ‘ G* vUIU |o ,arm" an,, wro' ’- may be used, although I* re- the a g .» of 1 t0 40 no disease Il00-. {cn average of 3.213 leMeis for quires 10 degrees or lower f o r 1 VISITORS R EC EN TLY "Hi to Breed Them.” wax county agent L. E. Fiancit, not even lubeasculogi*. claim* aw ______ »47-5« cash, or »57.50 M »5 dowr County school superia:«ndenl O. initial freezing to ibtain many live« as accidents and the Mrs. Schan*HW iT *1»., W vis y*‘ar' No rwv,^,, ,a wadt* of at. B- Kraus and J. E. ll'.iukhorn, a* d *5 a month As a gradua bent results. itmg Mr. (tabrial, «ta g ■ Urn ,h‘' "r same i* true of girls up to the Week end visitors ai be of the Future Mon gift. the firm premised -ii’ ierlnlendenl Inf cresting remart»* abm. She U r«‘(,-'ved monthly. Under general methods of pte. ige of 18. Adults should remem­ home of Mrs. Z. Wilmot and < •'f-y fir m e r * a fa ir of *rogs Uanners' division, toget‘i“ r wi^h ( I N ...... . in radio, t.nvm • S' h- 'i .l prop., I ,i, l.omr e< pu rat Ion, Professor Wlegand ber thst accident rates tncieaue Mrs. W. H. Boyd were Mr. and y “ eorld ro rieht 'nt-i I: e cluh leadeis, will make remiavird music and words to a " n,' " ,lcs extension were taken points out that containers for wtth age. I t 1« well lo think Mxa Jc« Pope, and Mr. and *** *t««ijiep^ for i.'mseK r**i*ing 'heir diviskiis fe.ature» o the number of wongs that have been 10,0 every county for the first storage may tie either glass, -«nely of practical methods of Mrs Frank McGee of Izos An- f>* g legs fo*- ihe market, ibe in- Fair. heard over the N.ll.O. nwtwm-k | 1 me during the year reported paraffined paper cups or even -reventinp Injuries for not only celer, ard Vrs. F-rn ■ Ua-*-»U "rtc “«; *’ F Y I'h 'B t r i ’ ears, The following songs, riimiKwo! 1« . Ballard showed, even Iboogh Mr. A. L. Keiliug, president hwzard of death and J r-» V n '? C x r "II of iM to- , » * adv«te»siog tin cans 4f the cans are “ M l- W there the is alleged tn c1 (.he Rotary Club of Hillsboro. (be advertising by her, will s<* n he heard • - I only six counties bad Individ. melrd". For vegetables, parch­ Hitt thousnrds each ywnr endure v h w . Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Pop- w prornis^ ^ n„v frof Wonder” . "Norm * I«*«'', and " U n - ! ual damonslration agents work, 'o tt - that I heir organization ment lined wax boxes are also suffering and kme nee*ep4ie I €ar1y r .5.000 In monev t U ll^ U I II N i l r ( I K rpp, yenr, hp pointed out. The breaking Hil!»Horo busim.-s men at u upon Injury will greatly reduce and Nirs A R. Fanno of Mil a, (ho PMitof. recent meeting announced that C O U N TY 4 II CLUBS Mktta <>f gtab enrollment to nir- pnek vegetables tor freezing, Me chance of infection. hint» on cooking frozen wsiikie were VaAorr Asa Fanno rr,“ !on a* ,n any the many kinds of betiri«». cher­ buf “ more persons are acciden­ flVrnm. early Oregon pioneei. lsit( tX«i«n deputy tracting an attendance at the ottier of the 11 'western states. tally kilted while xt work in Sunday, July 26, ivt Hoi.mers' ries, aprico«», figs, grape», pea ' 1 1 ..... ' ---- ■ itr-’.ials songtf Broe) and S-budt Fair. A special feature '•). Fri­ Work of thr extension ser- agricultural pursuits than ir any ■ ■ 1 “ r«Ht. according to I.. K. Francis, che.» and prunes. FaHs claim the population of ‘ w* * f ° un<' *hey^ bad left F r.- day afternoon. Septen!x-r 4, w 'll vice 1« Inrressed In effeetive- ... __. . ,, „ other occupai ion.“ In TCanaas n>»4elaut rnunty agent. Ib e -iM-olhc direction* Ine Hillsboro, r d r a s t , « ^ ’ - Rooenflv, M ww« Ifsrned ' « the closing of all lh.» u ee- ness through close coordination a tftudy wns made, ma- Beaverton, The committee of loaders who sey that the fruit fhinery was more barardoiTj than Grove and Tigard Toys and o - 1’ * diptrief atfi-rnevV -.fflec , nd hiuireiM concern.'* i.i lilt! — with other divisions o f wc.rk In strawberries rne working out the final iikans be picked when well animals and Dolls. 1:341 to 5 to. Tl. * lher objects «honld never be led' **»»♦ ,h,'v eT-hH-'bed r C r ­ bon. fre ui agriculture at* the college and should for the picnic, wthidh will in- through amieahle cooperative re­ colored and ripe but not soft. oc the steps. A safe step ’ adde- f "ft*1 ’,,í’ n, *n t ’,,* ownei-s »n«l their empi .yees will The farmer should also note rlude ball gomes In the morn­ are capped and that more fatal accidents occur should be in everv home, and Cme . ltd near New Orleans, pre- vl.-'lt the FaVr al t lationships with the »(ate de The berries ing, lunch and a ahnilt program pirtment of agriculture nud farm washed and packed in con'alner* on rural hiahwayw than tn the sosp should never be left in the «rm ably to e-«-h fn os some of indulge in a number u< »p-* •» nt noon, and recreutlnnl act Ivt ard vieit the displays. the quick billions, thewselvec. organisations of the etate, he a I tae rale o f three pounds of city and more resuM from col­ bathtub l :es in the afternoon, are A r­ berries to one pound of sugar, lision with fixed object«» »uch as added. Next in prevalence are luirns, -------------------- thur Ireland, chairman, W T The outlook for the future Is o. in a syrup of 60 per cenl trees and milk stands or (fitches. «vpl'Fvins. poisons land pols'THvu» U. P ESTABLISHES Putnam Jr., Mrs. Hoy Heinrich R E V IE W DESCRIBES made by using slg falrtv rmtimlstlc. atthoux*i not­ density, Fatal accidents in the home ‘ gas. ard Mrs. John tleipry. O M RESEARCH B U R E A U STATE CO NFERENCE withstanding gTeat aid which pound« of sugar to four rounds a-ee Here listed in the order In j CouMnnn sense is the most ipo Kraus, onuwty rehool superin­ Usually the syrup which caution Is most needed tfnt accident preventsive IVrotteh the Bankhewd- of water- tendent, and the nm.l*tnnt coun­ came pack looks bent, saya Wkpand, Jones bill, there I* far more Establishment of a research A complete account of the an ty agent are helping on Mil» dry pack has pos­ demand for Increased work than although the bureau by the Union Pacific nual Commonwealth Conference, c ommlt lee < • n l e «•ir'r* 1 • * fro.» present sibilities. itai’.: oud. plonfer in the develop- held this spring on the Univer­ The ntinual tail! game b e ween income, Ballard said, (Direction» for freezing aspara : menit of light streamline trains, sity of Oregon campus, ls in ft,« Im der» and older hovs will “ In all plans and programs gus, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, v.as anenuneed last week by W. eluded in the current issue of amin he n feature of (he t ieixir. of (.he extension service, the Sweet M. Jeffetv, executive vice pres corn, mushroom», pea.i "The r*mirror.wenllJ» Review" reale- Franc*. This hall o m i , „hiectlve fa betterment and spinach . Ideal. Otto Jabelmun. assistant published by the University o f are Included. v ili commence at K>:M am th(. rurn, home/. „ „ „ a r d con- general superintendent of mo­ Oregon. and will lie the opening event eluded. “ We feel that all work tive power and m actiniry, will A large number of p ip e r» of the rttiy. LOCAL AU TH O R W IN S whether from the technical de­ head the new- department. rand at the sesteton by prom­ The basket lundi w|tl be at nari ments or from the humnni PLACE IN BOOK This Union Pacific move to-r- inent Oregon leaders and ex­ 1-.30. Alt 4-H club members, j J nr-pli«*» toward a more pr >- from ohher waird con*istent betterment of perts brought here leadens and t'.ielr friends and titnbln farm TWC MAN WHO I and a more cul- «cottons of the country, are re­ | equipment lends added emphasis Tunas without Mrs. Gertrude Martin Ih iisten -, fuiniliiw an- invited to attend ,ur<>rt homr Therefore we do S i GNAU NG ! 1« “ Railroad Week” , observed produced in full. Complete a c ­ sen cf lkaverton, Route 2, is* Mila picnic. not use the term 'program for of sections on mining tb.oughout tthe west July 13-18 counts men', 'for women’, or ‘for 4-H one of tuc writers wliose work; and geology, community velDsm» in recognition of progress made club young folks’ . Instead our Is included in "The Yeaibook e.l ; reyrrealion and others are inclu FIRE DESTROYS b> western railroads. a 1 work Is with men. with women (\>niiein|,«irry Poetry, 1 ded. •The necessity for a serrrate SOBOLEWSKI HOME | -«nd with voting people, hut for poetry anthology whioti b.is juit . An address on the need of a i «search bureau." said Mr. Jef­ t een published. The volume eon- ' I the family.” and geologv fers, “ arise« from Ihe many sci­ bureau of miniog tain* mainly Ibe work ol worth- j for Oregon, made by Go*ernor The HkholewskJ home at Whit- entific and mechanical problems w 'li'c hut obscure authors w I ki l.ird sitution was « .miiiletrly des­ SILVER TROPHY TO at the conference, and cenfronting the Union Pacific in Martin s: ould receive greater rec igni­ of rthee talks ere troyed by tire of unde'ei mined Itte development of moc'irr a number tion for their literary «(furls, BE A W A R D E D AGAIN reiwoduced in full. The current ills nit It p-m. Sunday evening. freight and passenger equipment, and Ihe publlslier* through this Mr. Sobnlewxkl, who was away including light weight and high riimber also include* an index collection are attempting o in­ til the time, did not team of 1T<> Calf Manna trophy which troduce their writing!* to a large | * peed streamline trains, the idea of all material published in tihe Ms bras until Monday morning. has been awarded for the past. and of which was originally advanced Review during the past vear. important audience. For to the outstanding s« vira l of those include.; in t tie j Several nlumbers of the Bea­ I wo years by W. A. Hatrriimn, cliatrmnn verton lire depurl men I responded dairy club at Ihe Washington volume it may he the heg'nning or' our board of directors. Our TO HEAR REPORT tv tilie call but the tire had too (xrutity fair will aguin be awar­ of an outstanding literary career. present research forces will be OF C O N V E N TIO N much of r. atari before it was ded by the Carnation Milk Com­ resigned to this bureau and ad­ A nation-wide .search for tal­ will be one o f Ibe discovered to make any attempt pany nnd ditional mechanical. electrical, ented writers was conducted, and features of the competition at at saving it povalble. There will be a Republican and metallurgical experts added. In response manuscripts were Walter tlnils, at the Beaverton the fair Our purpose is to intensively flu b meeting held in ihe Cbsin- submiilcd by more (bar 4(TO Ktedrtc shop, and a member of The trophy, which Is ft large study, survey, perfect and pre­ btr of Commerce Rooms at Hills­ 'authors. Of these, less thru 100 •he tire department, in attempt­ sliver loving cup, Is perpetual, pare for final adoption, rrrprove boro at 8 p.m. July 21rt. were chosen lo have work In­ ing to safeguard (he crowd from and is awarded pooh year to tthe At this meeting Ihe new of- meats, in design and const ruction cluded in Ihe book. The pub­ nr.y dangur of coming In contact dairy rluh which mak»»s Ihe High- of railroad equipment for freight f'ceirs will be elected, delegates lishers, enexnuaged by the sue- with live wires, wn» himself cel score on Ihe basis e f the and passenger service on Union to the Corvallis Convention will ce»s of their efforts lo uuc.irlti burned on both 'lands b/ the following points: 1, per cent of 1 e elected and there will he a Pacific lines." new literary talent, intend In win's. Dr. Mason was called and cluh menutiers exhibiting; 2, worthwhile procram at whirh Mr. Jabehnsn. a native of Issue a similar book later this Mr. m is was taken tb Beaver­ ii'dging leazn scores; 3, drmon- Convention an I Cheyenne. V yc.. eame to the Ibe Cleveland year and another widespread ton to have hits hands dressed lintlon te*ini scores; 4, erhitiit of A lf landen Union Pact fie 30 veers ago at the oomiWBtion search for talent is now going oUicitiga; 5, showmanship plac­ Ihe age of 15 cb a caller in th° will he reported on bv one of on- Those who are interested ing«.; 6. herdsman ship; 7, filling. uheyesine roundhouse. With the the delegates to the conve it ion. MRS. GEIGER LE A V E S should write hi Ihe publishers. Awarding of this trophy has exception of thyre years of ■ill Ihe Repi»blican candidates in HOUSE, 151 Ftflth Avenue, FOR TOLEDO HOME resulted in a marked improve­ AVON study at the U civersl'v of the county are exqiected to be New York City, for a e< pv of ment in Ihe appearance of dairy Michigan he has been with Ihe PTesenl. This meeting will he Ihe rules of the competition. Mrs. \Vm. Geiger left Thurs­ exhibits both in the barn* and preHmirtR.ry orgmi/stton company continuously. He *s Ihe the It has also day for her Hume In Toledo. ii Che show ring. meeting for the Republican cam­ designer of the Union PaMflc’s iravtutrs ins. Lo, Sofas Serrtet, Ohio, after visiting ifluree months ennui raged Ihe cluh meml.cr» to DATES ARE SET FOR two 1 pfe«* streamline*«, “ F l y of paign in this county this yea-. ir tilie home of her brother work for their clubs as a whole . T V "ver” , now in dailv «ervlce and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. n-i well as flrr individual gain. If. N U T GROWERS’ TOUR Most drivers have had the feeling the main roads. A policeman patrol- ^ Denver and Fhl^iro Geo. Brown. She was uccxmi- Is one of the valued awards of (hat they would like to run the care- ling the road can make almost a summe» j teas driver right off the road, includ­ goody-goody out of the most danger­ panted by her sister, Miss Ida the show and will again nerve Dales ot t,ne annual Sunday guests al fh.> If. F ing tha road hogs, the weaver, the ous driver. Brown who will spend several 1 ¡i» one of the outstanding fea tcur of the IVeslern Nut Gncar- W aile Home were Mr. and Mlrs Until people grow up in their use snatcher of seconds at red lights, week* wtil.b her. lures. ers association have been «el for The following hirtihs were re­ the speed demon, the driver who of motor vehicles. It seems to be Frank Humble of Aslhoria Mrs The Rork Creek dai y eluh, August 12 and 13, accord:l.g to never signals — and also the horn necessary to provide many with Frit chen Westfall of Portland, ported by Dr. Mason; to M:. The Misses Eva and Elsie F. H Jossy. lender, Has won C. K. Schuster, specialist in nut watchmen. Here’s something funny and Mr. and M-rs. Henry Watte and Mrs. Shirley Kallam, a son, blower. Whitworth and their grandir,oth this eup both years fha* it hns gniwing at Oregon Slate calleg» to Mr. Many a time a driver has been about the "pests you’d like to swat." of Redmond v'«is Violet Sprane* lia r Id l-eslie, July 7; cr, Mrs. Mary Evans, spei 1 Ihe been awarded and secretory of the association. heard to say, “ I wish I had a 10-ton There are so many of them, at va­ and Mrs. I