FRIDAY. JULY Thr Bravrton Rylcw lft, 193ft 4 THE BEAVERT9N R E V IE W Entered as second-class matter December 9, 1922. at tbs i>ostof­ fice « t Beaverton, Oregon, under the act of March 8. 1879. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY AT BEAVERTON, OREGON J. H. HULETT........ ...E D IT O R M IlM K1FT10X KATES . . $1.03 Per year (In advance) . 1.80 Not in advance .......... DAD’S STORY m ------------------------------------------------ bb (^SNAPSHOT CUIL DO OUR EYES BETRAY US? »ICTt’ RE TAKERS are often sur- * prised to discover that, although the camera l«*ns is just a piece of inanimate glass. It sees things the fhuman eye does not. I Actually. In a given scene the same Images reach the eye as the lens but while they all reach the cam era film some ol them do not “register on the brain. Does the eye 'betray us? No. tt Is because the imtnd tends to select from the images received by the eye those in which it Is most Interested and to rejt-ct or disregard the rest. I waa a Service station atte olitili chlkK'li. She expect» I«* visit In v Ilo ,|oltl ite. to go otti lo fi> rsttu Ne» Orhstiis, 1st , before rcluru- si n e l . tng. I , M e giti i«irt »a> u|> lite l'un Mr ami Mrs. I It Motxlrr >« il tinti Inni ' a log nota ti to Mi s, Marian Melsler, |»r. anil Inni a luti mi and go back. Itili Mrs J K Ta I lie it and chil- » e kepi oli lo lite top i f thè dren and Dr. ami Mr*. It. 8 tuli. I kilt-» l d n ew r rPmoe i \\ el*h sisa l the »e ck end ill -neh a Itili in gnUtug to Reu- the Talbert «Milage at liny O- vcrton oli tIte Itvtln or »gaia ecu it. ou Ile stage Bui a felli w ut Mr. mid Mr». M'. E ifiirnet1, thè top o f lite Itili tolti uh Ihai » e » e r e gotti? Mie righi Eileen, Arnold and Paul G huh VU, Mrs. Goo. N. Taylor, IHiiiglas, duvet imi and so wc eivme un. and L) titan Tin lor and En intintivi! ugniti. lit<-k«>H.t i n D k n W UW h Rl amt pii« V oi us lo lllh • tiurii Guytt, Yen non Hrolikev, EU) re nee field up he­ Paul, Tom. and I a-» is M Ihmn as though tv* want g t spent the » is-? ««mi al thr sum calamity t sumióse » e liter Inline i*f Mrs. MiWion's m«>- »v re a sight. Hungry, cross, th««r near T n o itui. M nah » e t, d ir li, we piloti out and Mrs \| «’ ■ Me Kerch« r left lay il«>»n tin the grass t osi ile Monday evening for a two \ ««ek- the house to real. The rain had visit in Sun Franristxv. She » a s si i»pia-it » hile »«« iv«'r«‘ be! ween iccotupanied b> Mrs. J««au lair Foresi D rive and Banks. At lN»r- kin i t Oukland, Calif., who has ost Grove » e had slopped to buy a little something fo r the tu en vIsltinK with ht-r dungli- l«*r at RiM'kspur the past I wo thildren to eat. month». Along about the time 1 » a * thinking o< a newspaper. Mr. Morgan got an order to report h e Special Investigator at --«Til« This is something to remember other reservation and to turn I when you get ready to take a pic­ the Colville Agency over t> Mr. ture. Neither the lens nor the film Upchurch. Soon alter Upchurch |selects. Together they record every- showed up MSrgun’s man » a s ¡thing the light transmits. Hence, relieve«! at lnohlcum. 1 «\in*t the disconcerting things that often remember all the prelimin: ries. ¡appear in a photograph because the But thing* leak out after years. 'mind disregarded them when the shutter was snapp««d—objects that Mr. Upchurch asked if 1 stilt In the print stand out with startling v anted the job at Inchlei.m. i thought 1 did. He told ire he 'emphasis and which you would al­ most swear never could have been could get tt fog me at $900 LOCAL NEWS per year, with the usual per­ ¿there. W--------- ----------------------------- --- rf For example, so many snapshots quisites house furnistied, fuel, fight®, everything excepting , of landscapes are marred by the ap­ Mrs. K. A TayTiv und «tauch- 1er* spent (girt of I:)*! »e ck at what one ate and put on o n e 's p earan ce of telegraph wires str««ak- Jing across the sky, not to mention t telai ke. hack. the telegraph poles, or by sign The previous salary had been Mr and Mrs. W r MrKell «boards and unsightly buildiugs that $1200 per year and I did not left Frida; y for a ten ils y v a went unnoticed when the picture want to take a position that iwas snapped, jarring a composition cation on the Mel oil its river. had the salary reduced just that would be otherwise appealing r Inule M.tlzke atvom when l was taking tt over. 1 Ibecause of the natural beauty of group of friends on a wonder if I should h-tve been ,the scene. Or, often in interior »■• ««k-end vuoitiIon to the Sa li any better off had I (akin the views of a home, objects in disorder tiam river near D««tn»i plao> at Incheleum. B it that that were not particularly notice­ Mn stubborn streak In me fo.bade mklin « if Seat t le able when the picture was taken, M n , HUH n visitor will make themselves startlingly my taking the job at the re­ at the home of Mr. and M rs. evident In the photograph. Such a Fred duced salary. Of course, at tha: thing as a table cover slightly Go>H Thursday Friday of and time, though the base salary last week was $900 it would have paid la wry, or a newspaper underneath b chair, or mantel-piece objects considerable more because we Mr nnd Mr*. H L. Funk and that may happen to be disarranged Shadows will foot the eye. but not family left last wix-k for 1'kiah were all getting something more Will attract unexpected attention In the camera lens. The photographer's in Fhsfern Oregot . » h e r thev than the straight salary. \he print. And who has not seen a own shadow did not seem imoert.-nt • I turned that offer down and tharming likeness of a person al- when he took this picture, but look none other showed up until I at the result. Virginia and John llii-nn left biost made ridiculous by the appear­ had arrived at Banks and was ance of an incongruous object in Again, »-e often let our own shad,,»- with their aunt Miss Yee Noble wrrking on The Banks Herald the picture, such as a sign on a barge into the picture, as in the of Portland, Sunday morulnc for 1 think I told you how Phi! ktore window, some animal that snapshot of the decorative 1 ly a week's vacxithn at Taft Garber left Nespelcm in April )ias wandered Into focus. unnoticed, above who appears to be standing ' and children Mrs. Oilier Ids and took oTer management of or some grinning spectator in the on somebody's head. of M h I ' el! s'; I Paul and Faith the paper for what was to have background ? The moral is that when you take Montana. are spending s, verni been the two o f us- W did not One of the things that often give a picture, first make your eye the »«-efcs visiting » th Mrs. I (tao’s pan out just that way bu* that us surprises in snapshots of persons camera lens and vour brain the parents, Mr and Mrs. Henrv was the intention at the time is a strong shadow across the face, ; film; then you will know b fore M’atf*. After I had been at Banks a which in the print spoils a good like­ you shoot exactly what Is g >ir.g to Miss Harriet Me-t. daughter of ness. In taking such a picture, our j sho»’ in the picture. little while they offered me a Mr. and Mrs. Harry M'est of imagination fills in the dark area transfer to the Warm Springs JOHN VAN GUILDER Raleigh, left this we«‘k with u satisfactorily, but remember that reservation In Oregon, at the the camera lens has no imagination, j : group of delegates of the M'al- day school one passes bv when «ring south from W apin'tia. T i' near Wilson Creek. It »«.'em* River; I can't tell just t..e er- 'her la-ague for Huston. Texas, never could remember its name- to have been at an auto camp, uct spot. I’ve tried to locate it to attend the M'alther League Well, when we got reedy to siKih as they bad then, a shed lime and again hul never have convent urn of the Lutheran leave Nespelem they sent the housing a gas plate, geme out- I seen just I he pla< e so I uat big truck to take our goods houses, some tables and benches, I could recognize it. ',Ye had out to the railroad slalion. We wit>h a stand that pipe where one expected to be at Banks did not have much, the Indian could get could not water— that was a- night hut we just Bureau having furnished ur bout the best equipment on* make it. The season » s June, quarters while in the Service. found. How different n o w neat •he weather had been fine with But books made a heavy load little collages, furnished with plenty r-f heat up In the hills up though they do not bulk n those awful detours Rut the every modern convenience, baths, much. About all we had was lights, heat, a fully equipped next morning it rained rs «nit books. They are scattered all kitchen and beds that might much as it liad the first morn- I over the place even now. some lull even those » h o were not ir.z after .-.farting to Michigan are rather valuable, but not to Me piled into the flivver and weary to sleep. any great extent. out thinking it that The next night we camped started I tried to sell some of them mid gel near Yakima. An old India) and might lei up and » e to the public school board be­ his squaw .came along and camp­ A bite to eat. fore leaving the Indian Service But it continued to rain. The ed few a time right near our but they would not have them- domicile. At first .they were shy, fVrtber west »«* got the harder 1 offered them an Encvclcpedia Then the wind a; are most of the race, but the rain fell Britannica eleventh e«iition but up th” river when I began talking Chinook began to bltxw they thought it out of date. how i; wa« they . perked up and became Gosh all hemlock Well, pesihaps ia Is, but the quite friendly. From I hero we raining, and the wind blowing thing* that are in it, the truths, you off the road, drove almois*. to Goldendate and fit to carry never change. What need for a camped in the Horse Heaven Then right at the' »n f- j new edition that has the latest ward curve at Crown Point, ] in radiopathy, or X -ray treat­ country, Nothing to report only with the wind jus! boating. that next day near unco we ment for cancer? The things came to the Columbia at Mary» end rain falling in to .en ls a that are add<*l will mtrre than out! 1 had hill and ert/seed on a ferry run front tire blew half of them be proven untrue- h> a gas. engine. That wes the come from a <<*mi'«ralive!y «Irv An encyclopedia U good only for first one of the sort I t).!nk I: climate, and that rain and wind the everlasting truth, for a sci­ ever rode on. though th e one ,'Wmost made me w ish I’d i ever entific magazine or ?« tabloid cf newspaper worl:. a. Vantage may have beer, pro-| 1 bought newspaper. It has mighty little polled by the same ineanr Me | S^oaked’ T o the hide! Rut »«■ value. I still have my l l f i ate lunch in Oregon, just thK not the thing fixed and drove edifion and when I want 1« <'Ti info Pr>rtland M'lien making side of Cie Desehutes rivei look up anything in it I usually ti.e trips to Itanks and to Hills- From there we detoured, it find what T want to know and bojv« we ren>< mbof fh«w« ent business than printing Not make St Patrick sw ea r” Well, some travelling that Printing is not all right, we have done ar.d back not at all, but tha/. perhaps KCT'um . Ijbf country the my peculiar alents might have twice, and up and down discovered something that was cou-! fionf Seattle t«> California, better suited to thr-m. You ne­ and I thirk it safe to «av tha. with, very few exeepions f nev- ver can tell. That (.rip from Nespelem to* ti have tried to negotiate such Banks took us five days. We r /ad* as they sent u*> week»’ visit with relatives and frienit* In Beaverton mi,I |s>i*Kui,l Mr. Meed Is ill the lanitaen|ie de­ part ni«‘nt of the Boulder dam project. a -------------- - On Oregon Farms *• _ . — — — m Bela» Pruning Matnnts \d>l*ed Albany Mulnut grower* -howl,I not lie loo eager to prune irees a* a result of (he (lama .-r whle.i may have oecurred front the freeze o f la.-« winter, be!l«*ve* County Agent F C. Mullen Many trees Hull tlrut i|i|H«ur«‘il to 1 h « killed are now iw-dlng« out small shoig* along the trunk and throughout Hie branches, he says, und it Is exptx'lrd that these new spm uls will develop It to limbs which may Iw re. tallied, hut one cannot '«• sure now which o f (he sprouts will nroduee a strong branch lat or in the summer. It Is nutuml for the nnvt system to have mi ill let for fo«Hl manufactured, Mullen says, and no damage will be «kune the tre««s If alt the sprouts are allowed to »row and the dead branches not n m oved il,any years ha» r»«'eully been on.,mined, »Uli Dick De.loug of B u II n I oii as president mid H N. Dickllisoii of tml««|ielldeilr« as v loo-president, r«»|sua* County \yeiil .1 It. Beck. Georg» A MiHids (s a scrri'lary In««Mirer, mut !iht*se otTUxii'S, with Fred Meriti of MIII miihiii « mut M B Findley of It l«k leal I romprtae tile tHNird of dirt«<«tiirs. Ivan Fskald- son Is lesl««r for t!u» new group. p » i» « r . Hier g lor I lli'd. «'»toll Paid ttdv. (Elir (Drr 0 utiian Great Nrwapaper •f lh« Norlhwrat POWER ■ A ltrill II MI I.IIOM .tNI» ■ Auto Kout» and Agency JJ BviviKon O h m m tu r lufiiruiatlun ngnnling g «i'rilie ur suhaerlpGun« ■ Phone lleav»rt«n 710.1 ®Residence «nd office. Ë Corner, Srctmd and Hall Fool -Power You iieed 1 hat I otiti y, Just aa dl«l tlie early Christiana »li o went everywhere preiudilnz ttie Gospel the Good ■ News lin i lìod tinti u Son who ■ dted for y«»ur slns. The till, M«»s sing cornea when vou u»e f(H*f. tlie on* power nnd hunt up » h o n«*yer heurd. Head-l*ow«v; ! ’ »«• all you bave r.nd »itti il take ou all 'he III hi«« ^vtm «un. "Aly Word *hal' imi return to me votd," auy-i God Ami of thè Scrlplures Chrlst «ud "Ttiea«« m e tiiev ttiat stx'iik of Me.” And He also salti. “ Alid if I I h * liftetl up (rum thè ««ariti, wlll dravr ali meli unto me.” l ’se yonr hixul- power: »liti* IBm lifted up, cru- elfl«?d. piinlatie«l for sin. Tlie holv God ntccl» slnful man h««re ul Ih«« Cross un »h lch thè Son Of GI ot . v dted • leart - Power : You nwiy |>c et oqueot Imi »tilt you ure polh iug but soiindlnar hmss u.l /?• *. /. N . D e m y ta y t: «langlllg «'violini utiles* you bave I hat«» found nothing (n th» Ibis ben rt-power. Mr. Rlnfui pait 20 pear* that can fafce th» brtqiks «town » tven he sensen |t. place of D r. M tin A n ti-P a in You ure moved to pi «nd urtili Pillt. They are a ru re relief for htm tiecaus«« eternai love «ha* my headache." overltowed ini» your liearl Noi SufTerer» from H e a d a c h » , tliat »«> loved Goti Imi fiat he Neuralgia, Toolluiclie. Backach», loved us and gave hi« Son tu Sciatica, Rheumutlain, Lumlmgu, «Ile for u* Neuritis, Muscular Pains, Peri­ Kn««e Power ; rimi bring» In odic Pains, write that they have all lbese and »b u i other p«»w used Dr Milo» Anti-Pain Ihll* er* you n«e«l to tiecom ’ the with better results than they had riutiful i branch. Huiven’f (he •ven hoped for. r r u r u * lo foot It «>yer to tb» Countless American house­ n« Igbhur and tell !ilm Ih« G«vo.t wives would no more think New»* 1 -e your kilt» power, t'»«« of keeping house without Dr. Il day by day; neìgbhor’s bloo I Miles Anti-Pain Pills than with­ out flour or sugar. Keep a pack­ 1 1 mi your banda until you teli III in If he g«M*a out lo»i age In your medicine cabinet and m«l you k««|»t sileni Iben wos save yourself needless suffering. to hlm and lo»* o € eternai re- A t D rug Store»— 25c and f t.00 «nrd to you. Don't know h<>» lo teli hlm ’ l’hen knee power aurain. Ilaven't ANTI-RUN P IL L S • he óeart for II ? Th« n more ’oik form * Ik. Il. I. Association I R W f»rt , i Dallas The first dairy herd improvement association lo op­ erale in Polk county for a gvmd l at— u m Business Places ToPatronise BEAVERTON V/histling Through the Graveyard ‘MICKY” AND HIS GANG llercln is my F a­ lba! you tien * so shall you lie null'll fruii; my dlselpli«»,*' says our Io n i N. Taylor, Ileo«erto i. Ol knee Signal Ratterte* l>ee T iro s* Tubes 1 irmpetitlvr Price« Alexinder's Super-Service Station SIGNAL GAS AND OILS A-t lubrication, #.%0 Sterling and Pciiti/oll ______ Risverton, Ore. Beaverton Barber Shop C J .S TE V EN S , PIUIPKICTOK SATISFACTION GUARANTEED STUDIO BARBER SHOP & FIRST CLASS WORK 01*T0METRY AT RFA.HONARLK PRICES K II. Van MKTEK. Prop. w. e . p e c í ; I’ NT »MR TAKER AND MM It A I.VKIt • rangc llu ildlng Pca'crtou Alt Heidelberg Beer On Draught Try u h f«n« Chicken Dinner ned Barbecue Hnridwlche* OLD H KID ELM ERG PARK FREE DANCING Iti V T i l l R E S T Order Vour Milk From CRESTDALE DAIRY Walter Schsllhcrgcr A Son llcHtcrton, Kt. I 'hone usui (il»»»««*. Kitted or KrDAirrd Our Specialty DR A. F- WILSON E. L. HOWARD Agent For THE OREGON JOURNAL Phone lion«*rton 35S& First-Class Wood & Sawdi* Primipt, Courteou» Servloe OLD GROWTH YELItOW I !R LEO SA M S , Beaverton Phone 11209 Sa^ Infantl«ni Guar)«nte«d carpenter Work Remodeling Confitta ;iullb-ln* ■SCToen hoor.i «lini VS iiulow Si rcpiui l<4‘!iH«>iinlilc P r iff i BEAVERTO N CABINET SHOP R. L. MAIJJVCE Hall ¡it 1st Henver'on Ore By Sam Iger