University Library T he B ea verton R e v ie w 1 he Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively to the Interests of Eastern Washington County. VOUME XII, No. 11 Ücavcrlon, Washington County, Oregon, Friday, February 15, 1935 rves Annual Conference E = = 7- High .School Notes Th« I . a verton --ai i Hi High liaicktiall gaine» t'urina hich they won 1 h* ik'fcal OVUM ut tibe barda of Grove . , . Friday evening on _ »I » " « jb LhSAY CON T F ST OPEN I JO d ib H SCHOOL GIRLS -------------------------------- m __________ Two In Upper Grades Receive Blue Cards ' r S L ,. . . . * I tat Siicmiy i assing -------------------------------- — Subscription, $1.00 per yr. In Advance County P. T. A. Coun­ „ ■ cil Discusses Problems M Its. KM M A CLAN IN A 1935 hign school essay chain ' ,nl1“ Clama, age , v , , 'v t i J Sunday is iiu a jl I l mormng. in 'IIIH tK . ' U)i. h I ■ u »tat* tu tir w who in , W will ill l u he , U «elected |. I , / . ' , Courses 1 Guilders of Organization In 1.4‘ u d c r s h i p 20 Forest' (jrov.'. Uio' «'v i ' G rad er* E n c o u r - Mlluf i l*ni" lW' 1 bor* in O h o> aruJ wiin.n the next three month,-. hich Training Are Honored by Candle- i“ V * r r*M , W Í T “ “ <*«■ I t i - a d in g by I Z T ^ ¿ - « f H » »chooi £ hing Lighting Ceremony >r.o- * ,h. Hi-.».rum “<*«« Book Castle" r tier j home r ;r „ T in . f Kansas, i l i SS s received — town with iu ’ cs course*, -has just been a<|uad travelled t0 Vernonia to win ii.lirmont in the family plot there. by teachers of this city. The o n - EXHIBITS OF WORK ti* Ki,„"xcllli r 1 & • * »«• < **• TEAM WINS (¿AMES | test not only is but DELEGATE IS CHOSEN In, Beaverton forward, came MILS. VIRGINIA I*. HARPER national in scope, it is said. It is --------- through with tihe winning basket, •New I'nmllera* pictorial , M/ * ' Vir*f‘niii *' Harper o f Ka- sponsored oy the live-stock an i Resolution» ACainst Liquor and Ci- Will i(e The wnen hut thirty five seconds of Geography Claaa Make I J*:k'h, (11 years o f age, wife of ri« at industry through its organi- Theme of Meeting lh(' remained to be played. Maps of the Netherlands garette Advertising Adopted t r.rank Harper, panned away at the zi.t on, the National Live Stock and ____ _ _ ,S| Msry'a High cam* to it , _____ (*'<„j Samaritan hosp.tal, Sunday Meat Foard. The topics for essay* il7 . Verton Tuesday afternoon, only to Girl Reserves in Oreffon Friday evening at 8 o’clock at niorning Private funeral services will deal with phases o f Che sub- Washington County Council and he humbled by a 22 to 13 »core •on them Washington are looking hit in t* > High school gym the lower were held at the Gable Funeral jtc l of meat °* Barenta and Teachers discussed WB» high point man of the„ forward to the sai annual mid-v. inter "U H I H I IM * V. 1 T| k ( * r t a -, . . . I „o l, I i u L u » . H ISV4 s of /a bliv i Beaverton r t a v t l V t/l l t Grade fl UUt " r ll'V , J _ » . i _ 1 ... 0 ...... .. arados the homo, Tuesday morning Interment University scholarship will i> pr ,i,|ems ° f education and tcgisla- - y t;on at tiierr meeting at Hillsboro, conference U» Is- held at P aclfic U- Í ^ r ¿ í ! ' 1 ° f ••V#f . P°î.,îU •» «X'l will present the two oper- was at an outstanding etiM, “ The Court of Flowers', and a no • m , . C ove, this , . U ‘ CM ‘ n * * * * ................ ..... “ “ r„ S L ^ t ï S T u , t ^ T r s r a V « game. trd. Forest Grove Committee» made ‘ Make» Believe” . Remember the the - c . w. a « ^ T c J 5 S : up o f member» o f th* high »ch'ol hi T'srlusi'uU- ytt to 'b ^ played" tw" ,.n chartre ia «mail. Itoad, for the past two years S ? r t s » ¿ Î L ? * i u ï S *•'.- ç a » . « T * l ^ Thc Tl r *dm‘',*K ita L ‘ ,! 2 5 J 5 ■ s t S r - Ä J f e r s j r r“ ” v J w . s a z * t .«™ . p.esident o f the Oregon Congress with Tigard, one y**1" the nationa. o f Parents and Teachers, discuss I— T 5 S S . ' - " 1' "•“ •“ * <-~»- n.i j * .. » » , « r i i T S • S T Ä C'lampionsrtip went U> Mils Anr.e the legislative ideals adopted by iik.ny earned excellent grade*. | _ pi* conference. Delegates will Those who earned blue curds V k 'f 'k 'T i t U l L’ F t U M L 'V >< <>ki wees o f Everett, V, a-hirgtoti the State Foard of Manageis at auth their meeting in Portland, January H.-re Agnes Wegener, S xth grad», V v ! ? , , L (»A R D E N - home economics ------------ meetings in the administration, h.l L'.lu rin Hunt, IJ a in # g (!a - ... ’ 1NG TO BE DISCUSSED 0iitiei wil1 ,€lect thc winners, ac- 11. building .,f the u d w i l t f , »ill have- Tin. Baam rton lligii acbool af nml Bdwia n iu w >n t tk k grsda cording to the contest announce- Mrs Kletzer asked if the fish of #Hl*lr meals in the CcngregalK^ial f'nnative debate team, Murkev- Those who are on tbe Honor In. a similar event last year, Oregon should have more fiiends church hall, and will be housed in ' H-J're and Delbert Hurke, mi tore 1 Roil, which consists of those who Professor A. G. B. Bouquet will chief of the at Salem than Oregon's rchool Icie s t Geove home». Io»»t year the L* Canhy last Mon.iay, and came have no grade below 2, are: Agnes «peak to 4-H club memberi ana P r‘ Louise Stanley, home ecorumics oC thc children, in the past two years our conference was held on the cam bccl. with a three to nothing deci» W« getter, Sixth Grade; fydwin Hun*., fanners on vegetable gardening at r'lpPau held in the has»- L S’ PePartrwnt of Agriculture, schools have been cut down in their |*i* o f Reod College in Portland, *r Bruce R. Raxtcr, _ I'airicia Dobym, Lloyd Jounaon. tnod» found to be best as a result Z; I93»‘ ¿T * * Grange Hall with car children rather than of class *l n r » *’ Christensen, Master, legislation. February is Citizenship ________ ________ Wocdford Hohstein _ Howard Juhn- of experiences of truck ~ gardeners v ^ . r . T piesident of Willamette university; , . «V ______ * _ * - ■ - * « f a • • .. V .llcy Post ,t an> E norie Nagae, liisako Magae, _nd experimental w-rk conducted on l r, i ' n l :'- . l < rg. Twenty-f. ur were :n at- m-nth. and time for us all to do Dr. George Allen (Nigers, professor a ,1* * "•w Tu* l,t,n of the Acmriean la-gion Martha Shaver, and Orin Zimmer ci liege farms. This discussion should ^eluding two guest«. Mr something about our government o f psychology at Pmciflr unive.aity; _____ . Mi ! ¡ nan; Eighth grade -Veldon Poge. be of interest to any farmers or CT>d Mr8' ch a " e* ' aBK *ek rf (j. || Obertcuffrr, i _______ .........I T '- by writing to our legislate^ tr help Oregon director oivanned in ' <• K-■ . rill be granted it» Anton .Bozich, Jane Domogalla, Lor- townspeople who raise gardens. All Grange The drill leader, Mrs. them know what we want. of Hoy Scoats, and Mr». Katherine ker diatrict It ^onoms. presented presenreo an orig- it is felt relt that now Hit that there H. Pi|»r, dean of girls at Milwau- hehruary Jlst, according to re (^Rcway, Fayte Morris, an! who would be interested in this ? J ' ” "• , Dobbins, kie high school. > c announcement of Harry F Ell- f r o t h y Tilden. discusiacn are welcome to attend. contest seating drill. The r.ew a e few jobs for young people, ______________ office o f senser was very credita- more education, rather than lesi, Exhibit* of club work will In- " ' n ' the Post Commander. The Sixth Kradc was very sorry • , c *, j 11 . 1 * The meftinif will lie h<*ld at thc f| iOJM, nnr mpmhpri Ann Rax AI n i l 4 i'U i v r f v iL 't -r r b,y filled by Mra’ B K' Donney « reeded, and it is urged that Ju- •hown and courses in leadership |{UM , r, Metzge: Ore members, Ann R*a r \ l . ( l l t . \ t i K A A D L .> lr ,r . 1 - The subject of the program pre- r;or College work be added to out Clubhouse, Metzger, Ore- n1Us,en. tiarring ami program planning will fun at which time department o f- ING WELL ATTENDED » « ‘ « l by tihe lecturer, Mrs. A. S. high Schools. The State Library be given- The». cLaaes will be ^ ^ t n l T ' # ! * mSwIy' ' e ^ - Th“ fir8t n* th” _______ Fur-aton, was “ Comparisons of Yes- needs an adequate budget for its _ -» printing pres», which thc die- leJ by fourteen women who are tt_j omcer» of the post. The offl- trjct ^ |rtjrchasei.) for the lower The Aloha Grange met Thurs- terday and Today ” Mrs. Doy Gray increasing service to unemployed In touch with Girl Reserve # A I k.. , n a t li I I A . I *. I I L' __ . . . . . —- . day evening in their hall wit* a a" interesting account o f the young people. An argument for large group o f member» present, development o f the prone arid po- the County Unit Plan is the re - The lecturer’» hour was spent play t**o by the great naturalist. Lu- duetion of cost in buying supplies :ng game* under the leadership of ther Burbank A report o f out- in large quantities, the Lecturer A1 Kemnun. standing current events was given 5Trs. Kletzer urged the support The various committees are busy by Mrs. W C. McKell, and a re- of appropriations for Public Health ... . . . . . . . . ,,arl acler. members of the executive planning and preparing fer the an- spire of the Grange Bulletin by and Public Welfare to match funds ty will he held at the home of * ilu.^ c ‘ .. nuil Hillsboro Chamber of Com Mrs. B. K. Denney. These feature* Fr.e state may secure under the Elizabeth Schermwhorn, where the An int,.re»tin„ w o m m hn> k h101-1** Abnaham Lincolns p - u w.ll h, , r entertainim» , B mti resting program hui bem K«mesty and kindness were enjoyeu mirce dinner, Thursday, February «re to become regular reports o f Lewis-Wagner bill, and the crea- tnikl On b ™ B , PUnn«^' I"* installation affair. by th/ fir n They memor- 21. Dinner will be followed by a the lecture hour. ttci- o f a State Department of Pub- wil! e n iov S» ,w?m univ.o Th'' « nUrtanrn*nt im-ludes num- ¡,tti this quoUtion from Lincoln p:< gram, and dancing. The first quarterly evening meet lie Welfare with County Welfare --------------------- ing o f the Beaveton grange will Boards- Z ! .ml Z ¿ t l l n v » &•” frvm • '* '” ' ll“ T*r‘’ nl P°Bt» "< ‘ 1 will study and get ready ami * t- ^ anJJ ^ Saturday eve. j|,f American Ix'jfion in Waahinic- - cm# ¿ mv nlv chance will come/ \ 1 Ii< C i W l P i i li C I V I T V b<> beld Saturday, March 23. at d Mrs. Paul Patterson, Legislative r / - y W" ' •)*** * * ~ l <- n County ,n.l from Pur.l.„d Th, JSLd’ i u S S S i 7» th, Alike*. 1 n i i i t v p n All members are urged to be Chairman for Washington County, , ' , program will be followed by a Ccmi Kniile it a Urge “ Good Book LARGE DINNER F ARTY p-esent. in her committee report, pointed Impressive events on the program darce. (>*tle." Within this castle are --------- The next all-day session will be out that there is a difference be- , U> lh* ®P*ning ceremonial F r i - ---------------------- riany window* that when opened. Mrs. Julia Cooper was coinpli- a* vsual cn the second Saturday tween petty politics for selfish fo­ m t < T * c I r i RescVVcs* ^Td th c^ n - B E A V E R T O N TEAM jach display the picture of a dif- mented with a large dinner party o f the month, March 9, at 10:30 d.viduals who seek only personal of relatives and friends at her horn- a.m. The lecture hour will feature gam, and political science, which is sp ring closing ceremo«Ul. which W I N S F R O M S T . M A R Y ’ S fiopil inikos u ^ r t upon "a booi SiMtlay, in honor o f her 86th tirth- '‘ Indian Lore” . a study of the governmental rules will lie prcs»*nted by the Hillsboro _... he has read, his or her window is day anniversary. In the aftemcon, Saturday, February 16, at one under which we all must live. If c.tb Other clubs which will have R iv erton won a fast basketball opened If, however, the child fails the officers of Beaver Chapter p.m. the Grange officers w'.’i meet we do not all study to find the an active part on the program arc Bame i|y>rn st Mary's Tuesday af- to report upon a book, the window celled on her and presented her in the Grange Hall, for practice tCont’d on Correspondent's Page) (wnias, Longview, Portland, New trn0(m by a At th* rn .ains closed. It is needlers to w:tb a gift and in the evening a o f the seating drill. ■ - ^ <3rOVe- e-d o f the first quarter, Beaverton say that many books are being group o f local friends called r. her ----------------------- OFFICERS OF BROTH- 16« dhairmen of the three main WJ|> leading by one point, 6-5 and n od and reported upon by theso to Wish her many happy returns M T <;KOWERS TO ERHOOD HAVE MEET committees are Ra h Dyke, Forest 1>Uf w.* trailing 8-6. but after- little folks. of the day. Friends were present CONSIDER BLIGHT ------ (Pont d on Editorial I age» warda ahe drew away from the vis- East Wt>«k the Second grsde en- from near and far ------- The newly installed officers cf A1 - St. Mary's never comintr jt'yad a treat. I)r. Moyors, Sall> Walnut blight and filbert pro- btight Brotherhood of the Cvangel- ORGANIZATION TO OB- c:wî r than ” point*. Enimone, B*'a- Miyers’ father, sent “ lollypops MRS. TALBERT EN- duetion problems will form the ba- church, met last Wednesday »SERVE FOUNDER’S DAY v<,t”" an<' * e TERTAINS AT PARTY wis o f discussion at the meeting ever fog at the home f •** KanH'- The Th' rJ Gr*‘1<‘ ar0 nM,kinK at' The B*‘«verton 7 r,nU Tenehers'!clo,e Mrs. J. R. Talbert entertained a Hillsboro Chamber o f Commerce kigh Whitmore; vice president. Ro- Suxton, Isaacson, Emmons, Mason tractive posters for Washingtons Founder’s Association secretary, Everett .. . . will ob*»-rv»« . . ... , erd Kline began the g.imc for B-lthday. Ijast. w*M‘k they made gtcup o f friends at her home, ro ms, Thursday, February 21, at bert Pomeroy; Lay at their meeting ut the High Bt.#v#rton Sul(stituU.s Wen Rohr- colorful valentines, which included Tvisday afternoon, complimenting 1.30 p.m. Paul Miller, of the fed- V /-> h t; treasurer, Edward L. Cox; school auditorium rueaday evening, . Bielman k * with little lav* akirts and Mm. IVan Myers, who with „rr cral department of agriculture, who and Amos W atkns f Lauril A February 19. There will be an in- ’ ^ * Mary's second team do- hoys with big red hearts, family, has taken up her residence )^.s been in Oregon the past few program for the coming months torestmg program followed by the ^ .2 ;M4. Original valentines, with White, here ' in the C C. Beach home, j^arg carrying on walnut blight anH subjects to be taken up were candle lighting ceremony. R. resh w bb aUrred for , hi victors. Fea- cut out lace, form an attractive “ F-ve hundred” was the diversion investigation work, will be present considered. n.ents will 1«. s,«v*-d A very cor- gUrterR Brown. U '« « red heart in the Fourth o f the afternoon. to discuss both walnut blight and T p next ni eting pltce will be dial invitation ...... Barron, Engelke and and Kiue- Giude. The valentines were made The guests were Mrs. I. R. M 'tz- fiu^rt biight and will show the *ith* Raleigh Whitmore of Laurel, . n > . , , 1* „ being ext elide i ih I . Newts, Barron, Engelke Kiuc •° ■'> Interested in the work f the ^ Subj,tiU)te, w,.rt. R ger. Substitutes were R, Jackson, hy the pupils in art classes, and lcr. Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Guy Carr. KiU)tg iff^red the past few year* the 19th of March, Tuesday evening. P.-T. A bnr.g forth thc ideas of the slu- Mrs. F. W, Livermore Jr., Mrs jn controlling this disease by means Porter, Barry, atul Bicrly. denta. The Association was recently re-| Elmer Benson, Mrs. C- Hanna. Mrs. of a hordeaux spray. C E. Schus- W0RTHYr GRAND MA- ( tgunized here, and a decided gum ■, / ' / ’ I | T |> | | | ) \ n R C Ir. geography class th«' stu, tents v ‘ cner, *LrMc- «ml ^ key Mrs. M/ ,r,wMR also of of th< “ Vn'\^ TRON VISITS HERE in memberahip and interest has • • *• 1 a e making pictorial maps o the K01 W. R. C Van van partnient Agriculture, mil be bo«n shown. This organization BIRTHDAYS OF FOUR (Oont'd on Back Page) K,eek- U: m ,to discUM general problem, R Chapter _No. 100 O.E.S. should receive the whole hearted ------ - « --------- / u ° ^ h* r<11 r #W.mS L r Z * "»t- host to support of the parents and other.* j be j»af)t Noble Grands club met ------------------------------- to both walmrts ami filberts, accor- anJ a large group ^ .P of mem- interested in schools. In the past, Wednesday at the I.O-O.F. Hall c rig to W. F. Cyrus, county agent ^ ^ t in r Wednesday evening Dr th< local P.-T. A has given mater- wU), a pot luck luncheon at noon, A Parting Sock! fidith Irene Phillips, Worthy Grano ial aid in various projects in con- Mia Hazel Miller was hostess, MIKSC HE SPEAKS AT Matron o f the Grand Chapter of nection with both the grade and >rb<, tables were beautifully dec- GARDEN CLUB MEET Oregon, was present on her official fcigh school. or.'ted with valentine favors, and visit for the inspection of the work. \&i Hf - ■ ----------------- a Iwmutifully decorated birthday . . .. ... . „ . A pantomime floral degree was PORTLAND UNION BI- cake in honor o f the birthdays of Mr M.k^he o f the Washco Seed ccnfPerro<) on Miw j,hil|i bv thp i* /<| tC U L ’ C V I K K T Hazel Miller, I^ttie Jennc, Saran and Feed Store was the speaker at p(l!CrlaiT, am| Cora Crnnc. A th? uaraen Garden h Club meeting. Tutsda> tn? ud meeimg - . ,«.».> J dini ^ whidh VM very _ „ . „ u - . w|_ biithday gift from the club was evening H,s topic. ' Plant Feeding festjve valentine decorations, \ The Misses Elaine McMinn M.r p a n t e d to each on*-. and Garden Fert. iza.ion wa* pro- The ^ anniversary o f the sented m an instructive mannet. C h t e r wi„ he celebrat<,j at the D,dy:_ VarL . r rr Ku ; ; The initiatory degree was con- erine Denney mid Mr. »"<1 M m . f(.rrts, upon a new m.mlH-t, bring- Discus,son o f garden problem . rext meetta^ February 27. The D°d Herg attended gti b SrUih chamberlain as ho*te«s in two weeks at which time Mr fpi.'’ t\ i\ v ” V X? \ TV* the ihome o f Dr. Wm Hamilton ir He.’.fJsey will di^cu« the pruning ■»* - V I Irvington. Friday evening. After of roses. HOLD MEETINGS HERE A car driven by William Webb !£ * br J T d e i K S * With n u m / I'ortiand, amt towing another L. R. Richey, Oene Frown and Teddy Leavitt (state evangelist) * i . nl,,i refresh- au,°* struck a sedan dnven by Ed James Miller attended the dinner o f Carlton, who hag been hcM'ng TOnt.” ' T h - " r ~ i S w .r . ,h h«r,M l> V” ™ « 2- giviin annually for tihe officials in revival service, at the Christian s . '. w .i* , ...........r ; . ' z i ; , : “ denoting fo honor of Boy Scout church at Hillsboro, the pa** n nth d fl bi d otnc r n y m ____ ja»Henircr!i were seriously injured, * week, at the Masonic Temple, will begin a series of mee*fogs at Wednesday evening. This year the tihe Church o f Christ here, Friday oruer was changed somewhat, an I evening. Mr. Leavitt was fostru- the Eagle scouts were also includ- mental in gettinK the Chore! of chip of " m 1- Ernest Smith, met at ter suffered lacerations of his *081?. ed. Gene and James have tvot'h at- Christ organized here s e v e '>1 v e in tne (Tub room Wedn.-a.lay to sew , but was back at work again. Mon- —J | taired the rank o f Ektgle scout- ago. _ , for tha Red Crow f < u-itt ig. »- ¿¡s W « ! ! ... a w a HHty/ m fi m I