University Library T he B eaverton R e v ie w The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests O f Eastern Washington County. VOUJMK XI. NO. 42 Heaver ton. Washington County, Oregon. Friday, September 15, 1933 WHEAT GROWERS MUSI SIGN BY SEPTEMBER 25 m arket price o f wheat and what parity price would he at the time the am ount «if the paym ent I» determ ined **Tho»e |>eb)ert o f huvtng the Hlgii A|i|ill * i y o f applying for the tiene Ing advantage o f It get paid directly B eaverton. fit» «>f the plan a fter that dute for then p a rticip ation .“ say» K am na. It ha» hern estim ated hy the state K very farm er wh«i Is farm in g a piece hoard o f en gin eers that the proposed o f land that grew wheat during the plant In B eaverton would cost In the Hy Will la in K ( % y ru »f County Ag«*nt years «if 1930. 11*31 and 1932 can a fford n elgh b orh od o f $7ft,000. T h irty p«*r cent F or the pur|M>«e o f a»»latlng thone t«i Investigate the jKmnibilitle» for hlrn farm er» draltln g help In rom pletlnK up In this wheat plan, a ccord in g to Fard plication « for wheat allotm ent», nr I .unger. Sherw ood, und Hier lUtchey. N E W S FR O M C O U N T Y S E A T ranifem ent» have hern m ade for glvIiiK Forest G rove M eeting» have been held IN C L U D E S » IN D IC T M E N T S »uch nld In ln until even ing and If thoee w ho nre agent'» o ffic e at lllll« b o ro The W ash ington cou n ty gran d Jury Inter eat ed will b rin g In their pa|>cr» — - — -----O— - • —— w hich was in session during the past they can be com pleted nt that time IIF.AI. K M T A T K T K A N S F K H M . week, reported out nine true bills, a» The com p lete »chedule for the»e up follow s C on nie Miller, tw o counts, pointm nt* 1» « » follow s K inton grange. th reaten in g the com m ission o f a felony M onday. Srptemt>er 1M. Murne» »rhool. A E W at «on et al to Fr ed W G rr und being drunk in n private place. M onday. Septen»l»er 1M. Imluy ». K rcd man oom pany, lot 0 N ichol s addition, I A rthur W Bond, la rcen y. H enry Bur vllle. Tue»«lay. Septem ber 11». N orth H arden Horn«* dick, la rcen y: B R Sm ith, larcen y o f IMaln«, Tue»«lny, S eptem ber IU lleth T itle A Trust com pa n y to 1!. O public m oney Alva H udson and Pearl any »tore. Wrnution w aivin g app m lsal in guardiunslUp o f cro p acrea ge 1» the flrat con atru ctlve land claim , tow n »h lp 1 north, range 2 Bert und R ob ert J H a g em : the gu a r­ aid fo r farm er» In year» W hat m ore w est. dian o f M ary Stitt w s authorized to «’an t»e done an«l what m ore can tie ex Hilbert T C ornelius et ux to W Ci accep t a quit cla im deed for a m ort­ pec ted If the farm er fail« to avail him W lldlg et ux. lots 11. 12 and 13. C or g a g e ; an ord er o f dism issal o f excep ­ •c|f O nion Snv the proceaning tax levletl on wheat. It atiould tie u nderstood that ttie am ount ings A I »win a ssociation , lots 1ft anil 16. A ilss et ux, dism issed ; B ettie V ogel vs. revised plat E rick son addition to Gua B redof, 10 days additional to «if the tax 1» determ ined hy the dlf an sw er; W orld W a r V eteran s State Aid feren ce betw een the actual average Beaverton. C om m ission vs. 1» I, B ellin ger et al., partial release o f ju d g m e n t; Mabel E van s vs John F . H ood et al . over­ ruling d em u rrer; V irgin ia W ugener, m inor, by gu ardian , vs. L a w ren ce F. Schm itt, Judgment order. F ou r unhappy cou p les w ere released from their m arital w«>es. ns follow s: Ethel I j O s II from R u dolph I^osli, Caro­ At the W ed n esday lu nch eon o f the luncheon o f the K iw anis club W ednes- j day. President Andy Anderson passe«! line D ay from F re d e rick Day. Ixuilae K iw anis clu b fou r delegates w h o at B leu er from Fred B leu er and W alter tended the three «lay con ven tion o f the out n snapshot taken at the b«»ach P C. Halley from C lau din c J Bailey. northw est district o f K iw anis In ter­ show ing one o f the local delegates do- I And to offset the above infelicities, n ational hehl at Seaside this week, Ing a bunny hug with a scantily clad three happy cou ples w ere authorized to mail«» their report. T he local delegates bathing beauty, but, u nfortu nately, the j em bark on the sea o f m atrim ony They w ere Andy A nderson, president; Ix*e picture was taken w hile the local par­ w ere Paul Alvin R itch ie, route 1. F o r­ B lch ey, vice president; Al Jannsen and ticipant In the dan ce had his back est G rove, and B ertha H err, route 1, turned. E lm er Benson G aston, the license bein g applied for E ach and every on e o f the delegates | •They reported that 61H delegates Septem ber 6 and delivered by the w ere registered anil that the co n v e n ­ had prepared h im self with an alibi, but cou n ty clerk S ep tem ber 10; S n nfotd tion was one o f the m ost successful In som e o f them w ere rath er w eak in H enry Loy, G uler, W ash., and Flores the history o f the organ isation . The form . It seem ed to he the con sen sus o f j Kula L ed ford, lft22 L in coln street, H ills- ou tsta n din g speech o f the session was, opinion, h ow ever, that President Andy j boro, the license being applied for Sep­ In the opin ion o f the local boys, m ade w as trying to pull a fast on e hy pre- | tem ber 6 and bein g delivered the same by N orm an F C olem an, president o f renting the pictu re h im self and thus day by ord er o f the cou n ty cou rt; Clif- Heed colleg e o f Portland, w ho spoke on th row a sm ok e screen, but he Insisted | ford J. B riggs, C arlton, Or., and H azel the subject o f dictatorsh ip, especially that such con form a tion as cou ld be R ae H ow ell, G ales Creek, Or., the 11- seen from a rear view point stron gly cen se being applied fo r Septem ber 9. In Russia under the soviet regim e. Mr C olem an has Just recen tly returned resem bled Leo R ich ey. In any event A n oth er license w as gran ted to from R u ssia, where he m ade many both o f these delegates appeared to he Jam es C am eron and M iss B rlta Skaale, extrem ely a n xiou s about the picture ob serva tion s on con d ition s there. both o f Beaverton, at E verett, W ash., O lla l H olm es Jr. o f E llensburg. falling Into the hands o f their resp ec­ on S ep tem ber 6. tive wives. W a s h , was unanim ously elected g ov ­ O .......... ■ -----------------O ■■ —— ern or o f the northw est district, and Dr. A T T E N D C IIU K C H PICN IC. W L. H yde o f Astorlu lieutenant S 1 R P R IS F 1 > ON A N N IV E R S A R Y . govern or. Mr. H olm es represents this R ev. Charles Clarke, Jean Klein, district. M em bers o f the D aphne club and Alene B osw elll, K ath erin e Denney, Th ere will he n get tog eth er m eeting their husbands surprised Mr. and Mrs. O rtha P u leifer, H enry K a m b erger and next W ed n esday evening, at w hich the G eorge R udh erg at their hom e in G lenn Shellenberger, m em bers o f the C a m as-W ash ou gal clu b and the G resh ­ Portland M onday even ing in h on or o f C on grega tion a l Y ou n g P eop le’s society, am club will be the honored guests. their tw entieth w ed d in g anniversary. a ttended the annual C on gregational Hon Jam es W M ott, con gressm an A potluck dinner, w hich w as m uch y ou n g peop le’s p icn ic at R oa m ers Rest fro m the first district and a noted en joyed, was follow ed w ith cards. F riday. D elegation s o f y ou n g people ora tor, will be present and will m ake Mr and Mrs. R udh erg w-e^e presented from F orest G rove, O regon City and with a gift from the club. T h ose pres- P ortla n d ch u rch es w ere there to par­ the add ress o f the evening. It Is ex pected that about 6ft guests will be «*nt from R eaverton were Mr. and Mrs. ticipate in the fun. V A. W ood end Dr. and Mrs. F orest L. - — -■ o - — present. H ow ard. R E T U R N F R O M S U M M E R SCH OOL. ---------- -----—O ...... ---------------- o .............. . M Y 8 T K R Y S N A P S H O T SH O W N Mr and Mrs. Lynn H ughes returned L A D IE S A ID TO M E E T . from Los A ngeles last week, w here Mr. A T K IW A N IS C A U SE S C O M M E N T T he L ad les’ Aid o f the C on g reg a tion ­ H ughes attended the sum m er school at al ch u rch will hold Its first m eeting o f the U n iversity o f Sou th ern C alifornia. W lm tl»e G uilty Participant In Diino* Is, the fall at the ch u rch T hursday, S ep­ Mr. H ughes has ch a rg e o f the school tem ber 21, at 11 A. M This will be a o f scien ce In the local high school. Is M oot Question business m eeting to form u late plans - ■ ■ o -------— - If you like the R eview , pass it on to F o llow in g the report o f the delegates fo r the winter. P ot luck lu nch eon at to the Seaside con v en tion at the noon noon. you r friends. T h ey will like It, too. Town Board Meeting Is Called to Consider Sewage Plant tisem ent," received a hearty response U rsber N arver, a dvertisin g agent of the O regon O ran ge Bulletin, spoke on ad vertisin g In that paper. T h e as­ sem bly sa n g "It Bays to A d v ertise." T h e O cto b e r m eeting will he hom e­ co m in g and all m em bers w ere urged to attend and all fo rm e r m em bers and frien d s Invited. T he p rogra m fo r that m eetin g will featu re "A p p le s." T he roll call will be prone o r poetry relating to apples. T h e hom e e co n o m ics com m ittee an­ n oun ced that a gra n ge din n er and pro­ gra m w ould be given in the O ran ge hall Haturday evening. O cto b e r 28. and asked all to k eep that date in m ind T h e price o f the tick ets was not announced A lbert S tre if brou ght an Invitation from K in ton O range u rging B ea ver­ ton O ra n g e to attend th eir booster j m eetin g Haturday evening, Septem ber 3b, at 8 o ’clo ck , w hich will celeb ra te the fiscal gra n ge yea r M any fro m B ea ver­ ton plan to attend. of thl» surn w ould he adva n ced by the governm ent from recon stru ction funds i«*' an outright g»a n t T he balance would he loaned from the sam e fun«J at 4 per cent Interest. T h ere is no red tape c o n ­ nect «•