F R ID A Y , M A I i r i l 24, IM S THE BEAVERTON REVIEW ■— - ............. lilt Bt’uvcrton Review Im uid every tun, Oregon. Friday at beaver- Kntcivd u» aecolui-« lu•» mull mat­ ter Dev. 9, 1922 al the Poaloffice a l Beaverton Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. J II. Huletl, EtitLur it Publtaitvt PI I I H A T D O LLAR TO WORK A dollar »|H-nt Bow fur construe tiun or maintenance of property i* in fur a busy tini". It enter» the pocket of the work­ man on the job» It goeii to the local dealer who »e ll» you l lie sup- pile* ui-l mul«'rialu. It | u - mm - h througli Hi«- hand« of the traimpor- tntion coinpaniea that curry them fiom the factory to y»u It »pend» a time In the cuffvy« of the con­ cern manufacturing them, aiul from there goea to ita employe». It via ita the related conceria» aclling raw material» and bun aupplle» to trie manufacturer. It goea to the gov­ ernment in U»xca, and to the in » « ¡ o r in lite form o l dividend». And, finally, it atari» tha cycle all over again, when aoni»one uov» it for improving hi» own property. Thia little «lodar, too, ha» an a- maiing purchasing power at thia time. It will buy in- re lumber, more paint, more electric wiring, more o f »im itar aupplie», and employ- moro labor than it ha» for avverai decade» pant. It will give you a chance t«i improve and increaae thi- value o f your property at r«»ck bottom pri«ea. I f you keep It hid tng, it’» w orthle»» -only by taking it out and putting it to work can you ami other* gain it’» potential be nef Ita. So put your apare dollar» to work on your property. Mak« them fix or renew the furnace, the ned the garage Make them taint and repair the ate|M You’ll be getting your money’« worth «eversi time« j over and you’ll providing em ploymetit in a doten hu»irt«a*e« ami doing your part to alleviai« rlUtre»» and build purchaairg power Joha are ch«-aper anil b«-tt«-r than charily arvl without j«d>« there won't be money for charity. I'leaae refer vn m t«f your Hible, Acta, Now I d • not know if the good hook hail your r«lit<»r in mind, but there ha» brrn a lot o f ju «t what that verse *»f the Good H*> k tall« o f There »eem » U\ have hoen littb thought in the mind» of » -i - that your editor, uaually ■<> »oft »poken, would write the«e thing« that have miiumh I the talk o f a Treating ami ruing f««r libel or »lamler. Referring ta «he Good Hook again, let u» re all fo r an inatant the viait of «he good Queen S h e!» to the glorious court o f the wiae King Solomon. I.««' in quote from her »|M-ech to the King: (F ir*» King«. X. 6-7) ” It waa a true re­ port that I tu a rd .........howbeit I believed not the word» until......... mine eye.« ba«l »ecn. ami behold, thi half wax not (old .” iuut th«< mayor were putiuntly striv­ ing to better, with the possible ex ­ ception of the Silver Star matter which seemed to lie conaUlered by them to be out of th «ir jurisdiction. Well, anyway, the mayor »m l coun­ cil get littl" en»ugh for their pains and I did not feel like publishing hi» cominunioation and I went to him and told him »o, with th« proviso that it would be over my protest. Itathor ourtly he told me I could do "Just as I saw fit." Just a »hurt time after thia, there up|M«ared an nil in the classified »rot ion of certain I’ortland Sunday palters stating that Beaverton wanted n nev «|»p cr The Setter liuainr»» Bureau of I’ortland in­ formed me the nil» were signed K K. Flahrr. I. V. M«'Adoo then o f Hcio drove here ami asked if 1 wanted to »ell out. W«'ll, I had no Intention just then o f aellig out but it gnvc me the idea and I Inserted am ad in the I'uliliwher»* Auxiliary uf the paper f«ir Mile. Soon letters began to come in »m l I t,u«i one man wlio wo* com - ing to look over the place. However, at aliout |h«- time I got his letter, a Chamber of Commence meeting »a « held in th" high school at winch II II. Jefferies made hi» ap ­ pearance »n«| gave out the word that h«' wa« "going to atari o news­ paper in Beaverton." Oh, ye«, wy forgot to state that Mr. Fisher and one D. U. Cochrane were done friend» at that lime, and we had refused to print «»ne o f Cochrane's contributions attacking th«' »«'hoot board. h e ll, you eon druA your own «on lusion». Th« »e event« were tak­ ing place Miur-g in til« winter and »1 ring of 192«. About .lie first of •tprll. It may vary iu il a ll’.Us as I la v e n«i record, ‘T .it Beaverton l.i erpri»e" appeared «.n tnc streets, >«a, literally on th«’ » t r ie ’ s, fur one « «ul i pick up iu,i: •» on utmost any * .;« * « « » in any bio-» in ow « tCuiitinued iV ilt Week; A L O H A NEW S II E liA M . B E N E F IT T ie Aloha toseball team, under th« management of Fred McBreen, bus joined the Sunset Baseball l.oague, composed of team» from Aloha, iP-avrrton, Hillsboro, Maple- “ ir-d, Oiw«-go, Kuy-Verbourt, Scholls ■ «ml Tualatin. For the imrpose of raising mon­ ey with which to pay for uniforms ! and for other expense», Mr. Mcb’recn and a»s slates are planning a bene- Dl »up; er and «lance to be held at the Aloha Grange hall on April 2». The Alu'ia Lumber Company has | kindly donuti-d lumber necessary to •rert a lock stop on the Aloha dia­ mond. Floyd (i. Nation, a »on o f K. L. Nn*on, 1» moving h «r« with hii fa m ­ ily from Montana In tha m ar fut­ ure, having purchased a 1W «e ra tract Ju»t caat of Aloha. He 1» now having the land cleared prapam. tory to the erection of a aet of new building». — ALO H A CALEN D AR • ------------ A '«HAI. KH’I M l. j onomica effected by 25 women of | the Brooks home extension unit, i Tw elve families were assisted in saving money on their grocery bills 35 persons were eating more vege- i tables, 21 were using more milk, 6 I homemakers were using a more ec-1 | onomiical form of cereal, 13 were ; using more home produce«! and p“ r- ! erved foods, and 14 children had improved their eating habits. In ad 1 dition, good suggew'ions from the I project hod been passed on to 1H1 other ndividuals. TKANHI EK8 l:. rt Buell i-t ux t.. Kiank I auk a t et al. 10.081 acrea Sec I T1S K1W Wm. Steele et ux to W alter Q. Orr et ux, 24.76 acre» Sec. 16 T2H lt2W. Mary C. W att» to David L. W att» Part Seen. 21 and 28 l]l.S R2W. Chria Hi oil et ux to Date-Prune Development Co. Part of % o f I. Il'utli-r DI,tC No. 48 T IN 112W. Charlotte Hilt», to Rhode M HoU-hkl»» *'t al. Tract 32 Virginia Place. Albert Yanakey et ux to Wm W e, 6 acrea Sec » T1S R2W. E. O. Robb et ux to Augu»ta Reianer, 40.43 acre» Sec. 22 T IS R2W Chari«« A. Coaper to Harry la r - aon e l al. Lot* 6 and 7 Hit | and Ix>t 4 ,Blk 3, W llke,boro Harry A. Alexander et ux to T. R. Denney, Part o f Wm. F. null DLC T IS RVW. John Cnaaman et al to Sam Shaw et ux. 40 acre» Sec 20 T2N R2W Alliert M Koberatein et ux to Alice N. Kau»t, Ix»t I I lakevicw A.Id. Dalton. Worth Repeating He was a bit shy, and after ihe Fad thrown her arms around him and kissed him for bringing her a bouquet of flowers, he ar«>se and started to leave, “ I am sorry I offended you,” she said. "Oh, I am not offended,’’ he r e ­ plied. “ I ’m going fo r more flowers.” Owl— There’s a fool ing "good morning” again. rooster la y ­ at bedtime Missionaries Return to Moody For 27th Founder's Week Meet Na/.arene Church Rev. W.llard I*. Andersen, i ’axtor W. had another good «lay last Sunday with splendid attendance. If you are not in the habit o f at- ! tending church come over and v is it! us. You will find a friendly welcome Rev. W. I*. Keebaugh. a visiting preacher, will be with us next Sun­ day morning. We are expecting s wonderful time. Come and heir us erjoy it. You are invited to all our regular service»:—Sunday School SI’OSI) T B UMOHl’S at A. M. Morning worship at • ---- a I I 9:45 A. M. N.Y.P.S 6:30 P. M Even­ “ Kgotiam ii an anmthetic pro­ ing Service 7:30 P. M. Prayer and vided by nature to deaden the Praise Wednesday 8. P. M. Don’t pain o f a darn fool.,’ forget the chorus practice with Mrs. Tripp as instructor at 7:30 Wed. “ Ju.t look « f old Phillip» over there- - thoroughly enjoying himself! Congregational Church And I ’ve alwaya thought he waa a Rev. Charles F. Clarke, pastor woman hater.’’ “ So he 1»; but »he’» not with him Well Friends: We are always tonight." think of some message to help or ” I>oe» your w ife agree with you? something to do fo r you. so next Sunday morning we will think t o - 1 asked the ksdy on a viait to «he gether aliout “ Sin in the Mind of tmpic isle. Man” and at 7:30 P. M. about “ A " I do not know,’’ answered the man that made Jesus Marvel” That stalwart cannibal chief. " I have was a great thing ko do. He must rfudiously refrained from eating have been a remarkable man. both her." o f the Christian Endeavor Societies Wednesday night at 8:00 oclu-k. A letter was sent to a rich man­ ufacturer in the State, demand­ kniton Church ing $50,000 or otherwise his w ife would be kidnapped. Through^ an Officers and members o f the error the latter was delivered to a poor lal«orrr o f the same name, church are urged ito be present at who replied: “ I ain't got no mon­ the last quarterly conference to be ey, but I ’m interested in your held at -he church at Laurel, Mon­ day evening. March 27 7:30 o’clock. proposition.” P h o to » »h ow main a u ditorium ol M oody Bible in stitu te, C h ica go , scene annual Fou n d er's W eek con feren ce to be held Feb. S-9. 1933. in grou n d is seen tb r w om en's building on t L j ro o f o f which is one o f o f station W M B i (I n s e r t ) the R ev James M. G ray. D D „ L L D. M ood y Bible In stitu te. o f the 27th r ig h t back* radio tow ers president o f Hundreds of alumni former students . the Rev George W Rhoad from far­ and frlenda of tbe Mood; Bible Insti­ away Abyssinia in Africa. Memories of D L Moody will be re­ tute. Chicago, are expected to gather siled by several Chicago minister*, in- there for the 27th annual Pounder s ; eluding the Rev Howard C Pulton Week conference commemorating the D D . the Rev Harry J Hager, the Rev memory of the late Dwight L Moody Carlisle L Hubbard. D D . and the Rev internationally known evangelist The William McCarrell On folloartng day» gathering will be held during the csslona will be held at 8 JO A M 2 oerlod of Feb 5-9 1933. with each day P M and 730 P M.. when there wll. designated as of some special Impor­ be expositions of holy scripture» In- ' u.rpretatlons of prophecy, defense of tance Between twcnty-Ove and thirty the faith, wonders of misatona field» apeakers. some of them of world-wide and an alumni home-coming oelebra- fame, will address the scores of meet­ I Hon. Opening day and a Bible Institute's ing* to be held dunug the conference Among others are the Rev William day. on which presidents of six of the Lamb, famous author and lecturer on larger lnstltu'.es of the country will prophecy. Sydney Australia, the Rev attend, and Missionary day are ex­ William Evans. Ph D - nationally pected to be the highlights of the con­ Scores of Moody-trained mu»- known Bible expositor. Los Angeles clave Calif . Prof John E Kuizcnga. D D .onaries will return for a ,j...posium. lmli-g frem every ::*■ 1« J and un­ w.io holds the chair of apologetics in F r u u . I h a w . o g i c a J »iii.n a i). a a i * IN O R E G O N H O M E S f THE JAZZ HOUND i «1 i i — — hi 111. i i .. ■ ... . I . . — i^ j Mr and Mrs. F. P. Bushey have rented the former Burton place at G R E S H A M — A total of $204.52 You can run to this and that was made by 20 women enrolled in the comer o f Waridngton and A lex ­ ander strreta. Mr bushey is a re ­ and the other a ffa ir— you can dress the renovation and remodeling pro­ tired army officer and was station­ up and dull up and spend up and ject in the Cedar Home extension ed in ihe I ’hilippine Islands four- yet the same old hunger inside you. unit, according to reports handed And after this world, the denizens teen year», where he was instru­ in to Frances Clinton, Multnomah mental in putting into e ffre t a gen­ dawn below w ill crowd up to jeer County Home Dcmontrotion agent at you and to say that hell is just Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated eral sales tax. Mr. Bushey says This saving rep resented foil y-ntlie one lojig heartache; forever lost to thia system of taxation has lieen garments dry e'eaned with an esti­ God who made you foi himself. Half Soles $1.00 $1.25 & $1.50 very successful in the Philippines W hy, think yotu, did Jesus Christ mated saving o f $14.35. one garment IiCt u» eml <>ur quotation» with and Ix-lieves it would prove e«|ually strip himself o f his glory ami leave dyesl frith an estimated saving of Rubber Heals 35c & «50c the word* o f the immortal Lincoln, satisfactory in Oregon. the realmn o f light to come among $.8.>, ami 28 garmeri's remodel«*! ’’ With malice toward» none, with with an estimated saving o f $189.32 fallen men? W hy did he go to the SAM BAKER. PROP. charity for «11, with courage (o do Ik-tail* t> ~ ,iminary to the organ­ Croa« and open his holy heart to the right « « God give* U« to »oe ization o f a !>«y scout troop at A- i llROOKS— That the project on receive all the putrid sin and to 706] Washington St. Portland, Oregon that right, we propone to carry on loha have lieen worked out and the “ I jow coat meals” has met a real become very sin itself? until the end. I do the Very beat first meeting was held Wednesday. need i* shown by the repoii'. o f ec- Why did he? I knqw how— the !>e»t I can; and Mar«d» 8, with twelve boys in at­ He who knew no sin was born I mean intled scoutmaster. Tho troop is right, what 1» *ai<| agv»in»t me won’t sponsored by the Aloha Grange W hy? amount to anything. I f the enu and the committee in charge is com­ “ TYiat wc might become the right­ tiring« me nut wrung, ten angel« posed o f E. C. McElroy, R. Wheel­ eousness of God in Him.” »wearing I waa right would make er and R. P. Rassmuasen. Right now settle the big question, !»<» difference.’’ take your stand that you are deliv­ A t 787 Oregon St in Portland, I to baby chicks as well as all kinds attention is given evdry customer We hove made but a little !*•- Verne Wilson is busily engaged ered from the guilt and curse of Oregon. Member of city state and o f poultry. Their baby chicks are j regardless o f che amount o f pur­ gitn.'ng o f the hiatory o f thi« pub in building a riuvk room at ihe A- sin by hi* death fo r you. Then Bi­ national society association», in­ sturdy and full of pep and «hose j chase. Ih-ation The Review, So many loha Grange hall. ble, Bible, Bible for your new cluding Accredited chicks . People in this lo.ality who ar* Hatchery and who have purchased baby thing» have transpired. lie» hnve marching order* and prayer, prayer, Breeders A ss o c »'io n of Oregon and here invariably re-order from th is’ interested in poultry raising should been circtilnte«!, the report o f in­ Rrproaenlatives from Aloha. Hub­ prayer for the power to go aheod- International Baby Chick Associa­ firm when they are in the market * visit these hatcheries where they nocent action« have been distorted er, HazeUkilc, Reedville and Coop­ Old-Time Religion. R«wc 95, Rt. 2, tion. Has lieen an important fac­ again. This shows w-hat kind o f : w ill receive valuable information in the itelling and it ha* been go­ er Mountain met at the Huber Com- j Beavertoji, Oregon. sell and it is not and service. tor in promoting the more exten­ chicks they ing «vi for a long time. Thi» time, mcreial Club Monday evening. that their business has 1 They make a specialty o f day sive raising o f poultry in this skate strange w«* are out to tell aonu- o f it he mo­ March fi, nnd completed organiza­ ! grown to such large proportions Telephone Easit 1805. old chicks and are in a position at tive« prompting the distortion of tion details o f the Aloha-Huher Ser­ This firm conducts one o f the and is still inceasing the truth. all times to furnish chicks o f any vice club. This Ixxlv has as it’» ob­ They are always willing to give larges: and most modern hatcheries age that are needed to fill a de­ Truth, ce'iahed to earth. will rise ject the co-ordination and super­ any information desired and give in this section and annually pro­ pleted stock. •gain, Th Eternal Y ea r» o f G«yl vision o f the relief work with-in it’s P R O S P E R IT Y P A R T Y , fo r Bea- duce thousands o f baby chicks. The prompt attention to letters, person- j are her«. Hut Error, wounded, district. W e wish to compliment Mr. J- S. verton R elief will b* held in the hatchery is known all over the all calls or telephone inquiries ard Maguire upon the leading position writhe» in |*iin, and die« among Beaverton High School, Friday orders. her worshipper«." A play, “ Apple Blossom Tim e,” evening, March 24th nt 8:30 o’clock. country. They are pe«vple o f wide j 'llhe public is always welcome to his firm has attained and to urge is in course o f preparation by mem­ T h eiv will be dancing in the Audi­ experience in this important bus­ j visit the hatcheries. The aim o f tho all our readers to consult with him ( ContimKxl from last week) bers o f Alohn Grange under the torium, Card« and Refreshments in iness and ar«' considered author­ ( Maguire Hatchery is to leave e v ­ on all matters pertaining to baby Thi* state o f mutters lasted iliroctnrship o f Mrs. E. C McElroy. j the Cafeteria. lVnations of staple Adv. customer satisfied___personal chicks. ities upon all matters pertaining ery throughout 1923-24-25-26 The of It is scheduled for production at n groceries and sh«>e* will be greatly fieious ones were getting more nnd ilntc i-arly in April. appreciated and will be- accepted more disgruntled that they had Mr. nnd Mrs. R. A. Alexander, fo r admission if you are short of been forced to close up. Well, Karl o f Portland, have rented the Me- funds. Admission 25f Fi*h««r and Frv«l Koshland wen- Cabo place o f tw o acres on Rlanton Children 10«*. Adv. pretty regular contributors to those street west o f Wheeler avenue. columns. Their effusions were taken You and your friend* are cord­ violent exception to nnd given us The Aloha Bridge Club met at ially invited ito attend a card party the principal cause, by the officious 1ho home o f Mrs. Her!>ert Itnid at given by the I-a«lie* Auxiliary at As designers this popular com- A t 5823 Foster Road, Telephone be seen at this establishment is ai-j ones as why they wrri* not giving Tobins on Tuesday afternoon. March the Huber (Hub house, Saturday pony has acheived a w eP merited ways comprehensive, because this 1780 in Portland, under the capable »is their supi>ort. December 31,1926 14. Mrs. A. Richards wits assisting evening, March 25. Lunch nnd priz­ firm buys in huge quantities in reputation, the design: being or­ management o f Mr. H. J. Fr«’ iheit. w«> printed quite a lengthy t —*r>- h«»stes*. are every style and material available. iginal and artistic, and they es. Admission 26,*. Children not butinn from Mr. Fisher. Thci xi»r« playing card* 8 to 16 years old Mr. Freiheit needs no introduction When tine builds a home, busi­ ready at all times to submit designs ( to most o f our readers as many of wards in th« first issue in January, ness structure or any other build­ fo r all classes o f work in the line Mr. nd Mrs. Harobl Porter and 10< admission. them will recall he is a world war we printed a spirited «-«litorial con- as well as to faithfully execute to children o f Coquillo wore guests of ing they usually consult a comp­ denting those who were circulating B eaverton Rehek- vi'teran having had active service etent architect to draw up and the letter any special designs sub­ Mrs Pointer’s sister. Mrs. Culbert­ the past nml .signing a petition to the county ah Lodge N o in France and during make their plans for such a struc­ mitted to them. son, and fam ily over the week end. twelve years has been engaged In nuthoritics to allow the Silver Star 218 m e e li first ture so that it w ill be artisic and i They have the very latest and Mr Porter ha« rcnti'd the Week’s Inn to re-open. It ha«l l«*en rinsed and th ird T u e s ­ his present occupation. in harmony with surroundings and most mode»m appliances. This in­ place on Vista avenu* and expects by S heriff Reev«-». In selecting a fam ily memorial location. The same care and care­ cludes the best equipment which en­ day even in g s «1 For the n«'xt issue or one soon to move in about April 1. Mrs. Port­ 7-30 P. M in th* this firm can show you memorials ful attention should also be taken able* them to produce the finest after, Mr, Fisher sent in a direct »1- er a tv! the children will join him i I.O.O.F. Hall. Mrs. Sarah Clu.m- •built on the basis o f quality, em­ in the selection of a monument or grades of work in the most expert ta«'k on the City Govorment, «silling after the close o f school. berlain, secretary, and Mrs. Hazei bodying both durability and goo