Unfr#r*lty Library feb T he r« B eaverton R eview The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests Of Eastern Washington County. VO LUM E X, NO. 27 Single Copy, 5 Cent* TO G IV E RADIO P A N ORA MA OF OREGON Happenings At The Court House Told ? National attention will ba fo- ruftiNj on Oregon »n Monday muht In n » 0, wh«n a radio panorama In ■nualc and story o f th* « la t « ’» contribution tu hiatoriral and in- duatrial development of America Many Are Arrrttlrd By Oí- will be bdoadcaat to tha country. Th* occaaion, which coincid*. lit ers on Some Kind of with th* celebration of Portland'a Liquor Charge fainoua Rose Keatival W**k will b* I th* dadtcation o f th« "Parade of W IL L « ARE PROBATED , th* States’ prugram of that »v *- ______ | nin* to th« «ta t« aa part o f th« plan to give th« people of th« Many Marriage l.irease. Are Is* real o f the country a mor* intim­ sued This Week by Clerk ate glimpse o f rach of th* »tales In turn. Th* program will be AR R E STS broadcaat at 6:80 p.m. Pacific Bill Smith and Bernice Jones i Standard Tim * over the National » . . | , , charged with living ill.-gitamately || r # « T ' " * l . ' " mP,n y * network together, and will be heard in every section Wtllamtna Ruff: rhargrd with in­ of the country. sanity. Bruce Barton has written a spe Joseph Meek: arrested for reck­ rial tribute to Oregon fo r the pro less driving i. | h ‘ i 'r, Frances C r.n úwsltine th. q , . t . Industrial Hch.Lt * . aie uiu r a i n, n.s .. H,k" ... ' Beaverton. Waahington Countv, Oregon. Grange To Sponsor Flower Show Here VOICES OF B A S E B A LL” Beaverton’s Queen Will Accept Crown T h « poet Ix n g frllo w one« iaaue. ; a volume callad "Voice* o f th* N ight.’ I f he were living now, he might print on* on the voice* of the day, or th« voie*« o f American : life. I f he did, he ahould not om.t th« voire o f th« ball ground The ball Arid ha* many vow*«. Art interesting program and Many Divisions Are Named There la the roar of rapturou* *,**- I Both For Single Flow­ Dancing Are Planned taay when the home player make* hia bane. There ia a deriaive acorn To Fill Evening ers and Collectons aa the viaiting fielder, hia little lega | rotating like an engine piaton. j . 0 1 . 1 ,ng an engine piaton, CO M M UNITY AFFAIR vainly purau«« *ome long hit. There M A N Y ON COMMITTEES ia the voice of agony and execra­ tion, aa the “ robber" umpire cheats Smith. Anaaheile Henaon. There W ill He a Special Division tha home player of hia well earned Hazel Thelma T efft Lead ia Contest run for flow era Entered by Children A boy learns on a ball ground The Beaverton Rose The * flower being sponsored ” - - • * show ,,v -r le w • s Ig a s 1 1 n a sx* . .. ■ _ *uccew on|y through goon ” w m * - * Festival - — * ■ by the Home Economics Committee , P '*> lnk ,,H its merits. Such e x - ‘ Queen contest cornea to a grand 0f th* <¿range will 1« held next **"r'* * ^ f character, hence close on Tuesday evening, June 7, Thursday afternoon and evening, | 1 *’* turn* out few crooks ' with a Coronation Party which will June 9, at the Grange Hall. Thi* ,nd I be held at the High school. Elab- te to be a community affair and Solemn philosophers say the men orate plans have been made for the (1« y » °* lh* hunter* and trappers the Grange. Everyone is urged to “ nJ th* *,u‘1» un Bay Company and exhibit hia flowers Ehher a sin- describe* her Industries where sal- gle specimen or a collection will be mon, flax, -----*“ apples and lumbrr ----1 are — welcomed. | ----- ■------- -■ prepared for a world market Flowers will be judged for per- M,r’ ! »pi"oP^ l r l” ,th.n,,diS e Friday, June 3, 193*2 ° L 't ° z I i r li. ° r r . n i e i r _ ... be „ ‘T . w ^ l ’n A l W l S i . : , Banks and i lh' ________ tamer _______ RUibon. will program feature, and will be played r iaaaei( The pr|ze list is as fob Evelyn t ’orvln, Portlaml. under ,o w* w i. ' best U t long , ,t«m m ed flow er, I a u ranee R Hart. «iM ton and , by a concert orchestra ---- -- tha i *“ stemmed flowers Margaret Helen Upham. Hermiston K” ” ,u p - - 1 - « o « " » « ill' . J | ml sec vanev.ee; oeei snort stemmed Clarence Anthony Vande hey. be represented on o f on, v. riM y; U . t short stemmed HillslM.ro and Is>lu Ellen W right, composers w,U he program through ’V a r g o e ." set of mlxe<) v. r ie tie i. bw(t iria, iin . Forest Grove fa- If xprclm, n . t ^ ,t e o la tio n iris; Frances 8. Vanlsi», HtllslM.ro and to th. word, of M aaeneU . moos I., uise It Kplesscharrt, Cornelius „ ¡ L r !... : .he*‘ •|n «1* •pecitnen bulbous iris; •nd ey. baritone eoloiat. Other musical bulbous iris; del- tribute to th. phln lu m -b e .t single spike, best Order« Kigned by Judgr Templeton number, will pay bow, o f on< b ^ t bowl of David Legier esiste: final report. s la t * . scenery and her industries. Among th«— who have co oper- m,xed v. rWy> ,^ t 0|d.fa, hionwl Frr»!irrick F.lllgsen estate: Anal ^ eupplying the material from bouquet, best basket of flowers; report ^ n ar- ro. „ _ b e . t single roM . best bowl John lharh estate: appraisers ap­ which the Program ha. n n ic d a n th** Hon. Hal E. H ob », nf ftil- * . m » m ». 0 .1 . ö* one va rie ty , bext collection; pointed. xetrelmry o f »tate; the rortlarul . l ; u *— - - __ _,_________ _ __,, .. : Guardian appointed for Elmer # e» » . children» section--beat collection of ( hanrber o f Commerce ami the ... ____ . ______ . Rurchson, an incompetent person. wild flow er», beat arrangement of State Department o f Education __ flow er» for child under 12 yeara of U z z i* M Wlrtx estate: appraisers I . g e " " .............................................. ’ appointed. Estât# o f Adolf F Nelson c i..*d 4-H C LU B LEADERS . i-., Special prizes will be.w.rde«! baseball. The youth reading th* committee* in charge promise there , P‘’rt' nlf P »lf«, they »ay, should be will be no dull moments fo r those economics and history. ' attending A record crowd Is ex- The elder sunning himself on the p,.ct«d. An interesting and diversi- bleachers, should be at work cur- find program has been arranged mg th* defects in hi» business. to ,tart promptly at eight o'clock Possibly but if so, American life to be followed by dancing at nine , might be like the boiler without boiler without A A peppy eight-piece orchestra ol of ,u * * * * * v» lve* 8om*' wh* n iU local High school boys will nirmsh i —‘» * n* ‘ in* th» ‘ k*«*»*«r « goes the music music iot for m the dance. | ‘T « " r . for* et« " T 1 me e nance. I - ‘. “L " “ — • • < * « • * - 1 Mystery p ........ « b ..«. ------- -- tioned off during the evening and Baseball keep. men and boy. refne.hment and candy booths will fiom going through the roof. T n . U in evidence. You will get full f n.rated by toil value in vote, for all money spent. $ 1 .5 0 LETTERS Per Yeav it Ex­ ercises Are Held Editor, Beaverton Review: The 1932 Oregon State Conven- I lion of the Farmers’ Educational and Co-operative Union of Amer.ca | held in Salem, Oregon ended it* three-dayt session May 27th. ------ - Tha educational committee went Dr. C. E. M ltS O n Gave the on record by recommending the Address; Subject, “Am­ appointment o f a committee to in- vstigate educational problems, in­ bition Has No Rest” cluding the currency o f the United Stale*. Lack o f knowledge on the part 0f the general public in re­ M A NY AW AR D S G IV E N gard to the currency ayitem of the country has made it possible for a Valedictorian and Salutatorian Are small group o f men to grasp un- | Elected By the Clase 1 limited power. The various systems o f currency should be studied by ! every — citizea so that would - — ' - — *v — " - * all ■ 1 — — — e i . iiiixi iv v lilt II v - exercises AC I v l**C 9 A tea The commencement for thoroughly understand the present the Class o f 1932, Beaverton High Gold Standard and its operations. School, were held in the high and the Bimetallic system which school aud.torium, Friday, May 27. would remonitize zilver, as proposed The processional uf the gradua­ In the Wheeler Bill 2487. | ting students, the boys in dark legislative measures, including th* «Ir e * * « in pastel colors was at 8 t he Frazier Bill S. 1197, known and K‘ rl* marched slowly and sol- as the Farmers Farm Relief Act, emnJy aero«» the auditorium and up f „ r the liquidation and refinancing onto the pl»tform to the strains of of agricultural indebtedness. "Welcome” (by Harold Bennett), A committee reccmmende-l PUy* d b* [ he * * + «cbool band. Mr. tc study the establishment of an * ^ -k d,re^ OT (>rng„n state owned bank, this ^ band AU °* th* memb* r* o f c,jm^ itte€‘ t0 with th* éx*cu- th* b* rA were dr»4*r *k* sunlight in to serve on the sp.-cial committees • Oregon- Under the prentense of “ Allah's Holiday” by Friml and ‘ he ball park, («leased by the spec- **-■ -------------- *---------- “ Greetings to Spring" by Strauss. tacle of ' athletic achievement, that iw ^ s n o n T ^ V t r . F C Donald try i" * *® * b° ‘ ish drunken drivinf- it c cleverly incorporates a a drastic The members o f the steam finds an outlet Its pressure decoration.. Mr,. F. G. Donald lt ) e w iy incorporates octette are; independent motor truck relieved, youth and a^e if© home »on, Mrs. W. C- McKell, Mrs. R blow at John Schilling, Stanley Corniis, Lu­ B. Denney and Mrs. F. H. Schoene. haulage, which permits the ihip- cille Nelson, Ruth Denney, Eleanor normal, and they will keep their Program: Mrs Robert Summers, ii ent o f farm proiu rt, at reason- Zurcher, Wilma Tuttle, Paul Boeck- feet on the ground some day» more. Mrs. F. W. Liverm ore and Mm. J. able rates. It would place the far- li, and Robert Montgomery. Helen Every American town, big and R. Talbert. mers and stock men at the mercy Godfrey was the accompanist, and little, need» ita ball team. Let it Dance: Mr. and M r,. C. J. Biel- o f the railroais and their high Miss Barnes the director. _ ___ »«lect IU mightiest men, and chai- The railroads are Dr. C. E. Mason gave the a d ­ lenge* Its" haughtiest neighbor. ~The man, Mr. and^ Mrs. V ^ . ^ W o o i i 2 ',5 ht r* U *‘ and Mr. and Mrs. George Bla,sei. seeking to incorporate thia measure dress. He used as his subject the money spent therwm will bring r«- Refreahments: Mrs. F- E. Pos- on the November ballot, class motto, “ Ambition Has No ARE G IV E N PIN S for the sweepstakes, best rose, best ,urnj' ot trmd< • **«,(h. and con- son, Mrs. S. B. Lawrence, Mrs. C. While the Farmers Union was tn Beat” . < IE T U IT COURT — i basket, heat delphinium and for trntm* nt- W. Craig, Mrs. A. E. Wilson, Mrs. session, solicitors were on the Senior Girls Chorus sang “ Glow Tualatin O i . a corporation, vs The following 4-11 Club Leaders children's section, Elmer Benson. Mrs. Mike Pienovi streets o f Salem with long petitions, Worm” by Lincke. The Chorus R 8 Br«A»n *t al: foreclosure me­ received achievement pins for hav- I » ' I, m i n v e i v » . JOH NSON PRIN CIPAL Mrs. Dewey Drorbaugh, J. E. Con- trying to secure signatures for cisisists o f Verna Toelle, Ruth chanics lien. ing brought their club to a on« SlKKNTIdY I A S S IN C * i / i i i r a v »¿ i C P I T A 1 /Jv «mi i mi . * i which they were paid ten cents Denney, Lucille Nelson, Wilma Tut­ Ethel C. Grass vs. George H, hundred per cent ckiae for last year * ------------------------------------------- - ¿ I K IW ANIN SPEAK ER . oly and Andy Anderson each. Many people were signing. tle, Dorothy Lewis, Eleanor Zui-^ Johnson and Grace Johnson: mort­ Their members received their card, Mrs. N. E. Smith, age 71 years. — . Gandy: Mrs M. C. McKercher, Neither the petitioner nor the sign­ cher, and Irene Fuegy. Helen God­ gage foreclosure. ar.d pins s«>nie time ago. died Tuesday at 11:30 pm . at het A. S. Johnson o f Portland was Brs. Essex Marsh and Mrs. A. M. er knew much about the eiatter. frey accompanied them. Firat Bank „ o f Tigard, a . «v . rpor ... Theodore O. Adams, of Garden home on the Cornell road near Ce- the principal speaker at this J»nn*«n. . . . ■ . ^ ation. vs. R E #< Wham_. Herbert Mason gave a clarinet • ,,onw . ! Earnum, Aloha-Hutwr; dar Mill. She ha. been a resident w e e k . Kiwanis meeting He is in- Mystery Packages: Lee Richey. ^ ^ ^ „ L r th«. ejod na. ten cents; the other, the good na Oldham: aotion for money Mni a solo, “ The Blue Bells o f Scotland” C. Conner. Farmington, uf this vicinity for more than 4S • teres'.ed in getting out a publics- T. M. Boyd, and Ned Bytield. tuned citizen who so often care­ b y Paul de Zille. Maurice Manning Ethel I xm II vs . R udolph Loslli Mary DeYonghe, Tualatin View; years tion similar to the one produced Tickets: C- C. Beach, Dr. J. R lessly signs his own death warrant. suit for divorce Phyllis L. Detrick. Rock Creek; She was the daughter of Dr. by the Portland post of the Ameri- Talbert, F. W. Livermore, I. K. Ex-governor West, who helped draw accompanied him- Aloha Mercantile C o , a corpor­ Stanley Comils and John Schill­ Mrs. L. A. Flint, Kinton; Dorothy John L. and Josephine Scott o f can Legion when they went to De- Metzler and M. W. Manning. up this bill, is to be congratulsteo ation, vs Wm. Ileil: action for ing sang a duet entitled “ A Perfect Fish, Forest Grove; Madi* Flerch- Hodgenville, Kentucky. roit last September to induce that Advertising: P. L. Schultz, on his deep understanding of hu­ money. Day” by Eond. Harold Dean was ingvr. Verboort; Mrs. C. C. Gault, j She was united in marrisge to organisation to hold their next na- Button sale: Mrs. Elmer Stipe. man nature. the accompanist. Metxger; Mrs. Roland Hornecker. Joseph Eddy Smith, an Oregon tional convention in Oregon. The count of the voting fo r this P R O B A TE In like manner the enactment of I. R. Metzler announced the Pleasant View; Mrs Hrialer, W il- pioneer in 1877 in Kentucky. | The 0f the tune was ta- week reads: Hazel Smith, 27.100; the oleomargarine bill wss defeated Petition that the estate of Mary son; Mrs Louis Juncker. Thatcher; j awards. Four cups, seven Torch Six children survive, Mrs. Mag- kfn up b>. i^ o nard Adam , explain Annabelle Benson, 26.200; Thelma . , Willamina Tipp be admitted to pro­ Mrs. Helms James, Jacktown; Ethel g,e Stark o f Beaverton. Mrs. Seat- injt gome o f th<. f e, ture» and prob Honor pins and one scholarship _____ _________________________ Tefft, 24,800; Jeanne Posson, _ 13,- , , bate and Minnie Anderson and Wm. It should not be possible for pe­ were presented. The cup fo r the Johnston, Bsrne. and ( edar Mills; , U Steel. Mrs. Fannie Vance. Und- ,ems of K ellin|t the Beaverton float 750; Donalde Perkin.«, 13,600; Mar- H. Tipp be appointe«! joint admin­ titions to be circulated as a busi­ highest number o f Torch Honor Mrs. A Kaufman. »osMlnle; M r. je y Carl and Marshsll Smith o f and the queen contest launched off guerite Ross. 4500; Audrey Me istrator. ness with a financial reward lor points went to Noma Browne, who I '* U L‘ . . R u ‘ u ' ll U u ‘ HU^ r: u t * PortUnd’ U •fr,n<‘ rhiWr» n- in good shape One item worth Quillan, 4500 The estate o f Edward Wilson every name secured. This is one also graduated with the highest en M ill. Reedville; M r. Ann Mil- g re .t grand children, and many ^ t i o n i n g is that the coronation of a«imitted to probate and hi* widow ler, Tualatin; o f the many methods by -vhlch grade average in the class. Mar Mrs. Thoe. Mulvey. friends „„ * COMMITTEE MAKING Caasie Wilson b* appointed admin­ D illey; Margaret Negro. Fair, tew ; l capital controls and oppresses the garet Kaupilla received a smaller --------- Q w i ^ ^ high school Tuesday istratrix. Mrs. Mary A. Plank, Metzger, Vir- Mrs. Minnie Storolaky, age 80 cup, donated by the under gradu­ N E W CITY CHARTER country- evening o f next week. [k ----- th gim a Parks Tigard; Mrs. Chas, years passed away at the home o f Julia S. O’Brien, (Mrs. Bert O’ ate members o f the Torch Honor, R EAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Rosem anjacktown; Mrs- Geo. Rus- , her grandson James McClincy ir. R D I v r c A p p i 1 p i ) . A committee consisting o f Fran Brien), Secretary, Washington Co., for the second highest number of S u . ' I * — —1 — . 1 — — — tM P...II.1, i last » week u i ok........ . .k Mrs. C. P. Scott, Portland She was the „ 1 points. A l Wismer received the A 1» T I ' D X I O c*s Livermore. W. H. Boswell. W il- Oregon, Unit. The Farmers’ Edu- Meier & Frank Co. to T llli* F. | sell, Thatcher; L A K I l K I N ¡N OV E R lis Cady and J. H. Hulett are cational and Co-operative Union of large cup for being the most out- Duke. Lot 17. Hlk. O. Metzger Acre U n G L U Pch“ rc|V G£ * I mnthir of Mr" c h “ * KsU rly of den Home; Mr». L. a. w olte, ita- Baverton and until a year ago was standing all round athlete, and 1 holding meetings each week with America. Roes Hart received a smaller one. ' western One. Farm , to T.tle â Harold Whatleyv Alobw- a resident o f Beaverton herself. The What might have been quite a the purpose c f preparing a new — The seven graduating members o f M A N Y FROM THIS CO. Tru .t Co Tract 115. 121. 122 Boa- ; V u8* r = , U , r l ‘U l*- funeral was held on Thursday with disastrous accident happened when charter for the Town o f Beaverton Trust the Torch Honor who received pins Jean hmith, Rosedale- burial at Aurora, Ore. a heavy Studehaker, travelling too This proposed charter, it is hoped. nyalope. TO GO TO 4-H SCHOOL were: Noma Browne, Stanley Cor­ Th* follow ing 4-H Club Leader» ------- fast, nearly collided with an east can be whipped into shape m time Western Ore. Farms to Title A niis, Joy Hulette, Margaret Kau­ John P. Waters, aged 44 years, bound Oregon Electric train at the so that it may be voted on at the 1 Trust Co, tra«-ts 62 and 63. Bonny- thel received their 5 year pins for pilla, Dorothy Lewis, Doris Ling la vin g completed five yars o f Club died in Salem, Monday, May 23. 1 crossing on the new Canyon road, regular election at the same time summer school delegates will slope man and Dorothy Redfield. The Edward Krahmer et ux te Elmer work are: 4'hriatine Perm, Forest after hia third paralytic stroke. He Monday. Sudden and firm applica- when the Mayor and other city of- leave Washington County fo r cor m b .. — . « t k’ til !l* ik V a * M n rm I . V t I ir iifl ( ■ r n V «* * s ■ » all »III I -, 1 *. • - 2 Vf t S« n o / u L.«ku .»a k o o n *. .\ *5 1 ___ ___ k . 1 ___ YTR lllC T June 11 D O 1 13th. f H t travelling r f i V p I l l f l GF A V | ir t the Vl P $150 scholarship from Pacific Univ­ vallis over F . Wohler 30 . . 34 acres i f T IS M R a jW . ! I Grove; Marie V M -ys, I 1 Forest Grove; is survived W by hit widow, Nitaius l i o tion of L e brakes caused t the car 4 to ficials are voted on James ü w is et al to Frances B. Vera Poe, Forest Grove; Ethel WaUra, four sons. John. Job, Basil turn around and tip over. Some o f the proposed changes In- Oregon . . , Electric, , ^ on . the _ regular ersity was awarded to Joy Hulette. Donaldson. Part lot 1«. Sec 15. Smith, Banks. and Donald, and a daughter. Crys- Besides a bad scare, a few slight volve the tenure of office of the »fhedule from Forest Grove to Mr. Metzler also announced that John Waters had completed his T iS K lW — — ——— — — tal. all o f thia place. Funeral ser- cuts and a bad shaking, the six mayor, the recorder, and possibly Garden Home and on a special tram high school course in three years vices were held Thursday in Salem, passengers did not appear much the a treasurer. The matter o f a city from Garden Home to Corvallis. Chris Johnsi-n to Chsrles Johnson MRS. D. REGHITTO The Valedictory was given by worse fo r the experience. The car. manager is being given some con- Approximately 40 beys and girl» et ux. 40 acres Sec. 16. T2N R2W. HAS BIR TH D AY PARTY Noma Browne Miss Efrowne is go­ R. . L. Tucker „ hss purchased the a _ glass enclosed ----- type, ---------- had a ------ had- sideration. — Corporate boundaries are from this county w il! attend the Phillip Blumauer to Bartlett Cole, _______ ----------------- »------- ------------- -------- ing to the University of Chicago 65 acres Sec. 2 T IS R lW David Hi-vhitio celebrated ' M'r t le P-iint Herald at Myrtle |y damaged top but was otherwise one o f the knotty problems which *wo weeks summer school this year. this fall, to study dramatics. ty-fifth t r i h d . y S u ^ v . l I Pcint' , ^ e worse. will need a lot o f consideration. W a a h iy ton and ColumMa Coun- Wm. Stanton et ux to Geo. W. , ^ »i*eigh a>i|ghty The class song, the word.« of ty delegates will be responsible for Lamka, et ux, 1 acre Forest Grove. | tht, humF o f her daughter, Mrs. a thirty minute radio broadcast on which were written by Magdalena James H. Marshall et ux to W R0, a Merlo. Mrs. Reghitto came Handsaker, was Friday, June 16th, at 8:00 to 8:30 Boeckli and Earl Kramer et ux one-half acre Sec. 11 , f rom |ta |y to America thirty five p.m. each member from Washing­ sung by the whole class with Stan­ TliS R lW . years ago and has lived in Beav»e- ton County w ill have an opportun­ ley Comils directing them. W. II. Ross et ux to Anna Na- ton and vicinity practically all Da- Dr. Mason, the chairman of the ity to speak over the radio if gel, Part lot* 6 4 6 Bonita C.ar- I |im# since her arrival here, school board, presented the di­ present plans are effected. dens Sec. 12 T2S R lW . While she ix not in as rugg«*d plomas. He also made the interes Round trip fares fo r all points A Jackson to J. B. Bart low et ),r a|th as form erly, she is able to between Forest Grove and Garden ting remark that every year for ux 10 acres Sec. 8 T2S R2W l out uf ¿oora and take care of Home to the college dormitory the last five years, this high school Meier A hrink Co. to .. ' her chickens and geese She spends will be 11.65. The Or“ « " '- Electric has graduated a pair o f twins. This Liehert Lot 1 Blk. 22 M etzger mucb time in her garden. ¡9 making a special rate o f 2155 year the twins are Margaret and A cre T rs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Among those present to help her Bids fare will be $.10 from the Oliver Kaupilla. A fte r this the graduates receive«! station to the dormitory. H ITEON C L U B MEETS c,l,brm U w,r* h er Mrs. Rcsa Biggi, Anna and Dena their gifts, bouquets and congrat­ 4-H summer school will be in HITE Merlo, David Merlo; three great W ITH IDA ulations. session June 13th to 25th and del­ grandchildren, her daughter Rosa egates from this county will return Hiteon club met May 24 at tha Merlo and a host o f friends, a BURNS Saturday. June 25th, arriving about HEN HOUSE Mrs. R. Rossi and home o f Ida Hite with twelve mem­ mong them, 7:00 p.m. TO THE GROUND daughter, Nellie Orselli and N ellie’s bers and three visitors present. Club members should take toilet A report on the county federa­ two daughters Elisabeth und Mary; George Lippert was awakened articles, bedding, clothing, and what tion meeting was given and the Mr. and Mrs. P. Debeneditto and Saturday morning by ever athletic equipment or musical about 1:30 program for the coming year pre­ daughter Anna Marie; Mr. and Mrs. neighbors to discover that his chic­ instruments they care to. sented Mrs. Cora Metzentine and Frank Re**l of Huber. Mrs L Ad- ken house was in flames. The It is important that club mein Miss Margaret Summers repres- son and Mrs. Mathis o f The Dalles, hers planning to attend notify 0. building was entirely gone in 20 ented the club at the state conven- The Review joins with her host B. Kraus, County School Superin­ minutes. tion in Portland laat week. The of friends In wishing Mra. Reghitto The chicken house was 140 feet tendent, or W. !S. A verill, Assistant club ia planning on having a pic- many happy returns o f the day. by 24. There was nothing in h, County Agent. nic soon. i ----------------— but he had 600 baby chickens com­ ------- 7^7— ....... HITEON SCHOOL HAS ing on Tuesday The cause of the K E LLY S MAKE TRIP COMBER-McCORMICK CLASS G R A D U A T IO N fire was unknown. The building was partly insured. W E D D IN G THIS W E E K ------- A R O U N D P E N IN S U L A The loss amounted to $1500. — ■ - t Hiteon school house was welt Monica McCormick, daughter of filled laat Thursday evening and Mr. and Mrs. Frank K elly spent Mr. and Mrs. I. G. McCormick of all enjoyed the splendid program MARY’S HIGH the week end on a trip around the ST. Chehalem Mountain, was unrted In and graduation exercise*. Harry Olympic peninsula. They went by SCHOOL TO GIVE P L A Y marriage to Mr. Alan Comber of Robinson gave the graduation ad- way o f Olympia, Skelton. Port An­ Portland Saturday May f8. The dress and presented the diplomas. 1 geles, Mora, Quinault Lake, Aber­ The Dramatic Club of St Mary’s wedding took place at the home of County school superintendent O. B. deen, Raymond, Long Beach, Port High School is announcing ita in­ the bride's aunt, Mra. Barney De- , Kraus alao gave a short talk. All Ellia, Astoria and from there home. tention to put on a play. “ The P ri­ zure, at the Vancouver Barrack», four graduates will enter High They report a very enjoyable trip vate Secrteary,’’ at eight o’clock The couple was attendtxl by the school next fall. and are enthusiastic about the many in the evening o f Tuesday. June 7. bride's brother, Ho