TH K ONI. Y |HKAVKHTON OWN Kl» N KWHPAI'KK T he B eaverton R eview if rrs for BKA VERTON. THR REVIEW S FOR IT The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests O f Eastern Washington County. VOLUME IX, NO. 7 Single Uopy, 5 Centn Short Items About TOWN COUNCIL HAS ADJOURNED MEETING ComiiiRH and (ioiiiRK Of lieavertonianH Art' Kt> conlt'd MANY H ere VISIT IKIENDS Many lYiqilr Coin«* To llrttrrliin To V iki I I' iIntel*, ami Itrlaltvra Mr*. Archie Olson entertained fritii.1« from ( ¡ale* Crack, Tuesday. Mr. amt Mra. (¡Ini llunl arc the |iarrnl* of a Imtiy l>oy who arnvcil Saturday. Mr ami Mr*. II. M. Ilarnc* rc tunic,I from a hu*imaa trip to I*«« Anaclaa. Beaverton, Washinglon County, Oregon. Board of Directors oi C. of C. Hold Meeting ‘1 he udjouiticd meeting of in* City "Hu..* • livid in ii>*« council chauilH'is wa* lather well attended .»•onuuy evening. Among tnu*v prea- ent Were I Ivy Attorney I,. I,. Jiyer* h.l. lioiing, Mr Huerlng, Mi. Ili.lge, Mr. Livermoia, Mr. Atnorher, und other* l.esile* the regulaily con­ stituted Tow it government. Voles to Heroine Affiliated v. ilh the Oregon State < Itamber oi Uoinnic/ee ‘iliviv hud Item one or two lull* which had not urnved in time tor the held last /week, lit* light bill and another from the Poiliuiid Hrm which ell* water me tci* and other plumlting supple*. The light III wu* 01 dried paid aiei the hill lor the meter* wa* rvterred back for turihcr information. Mi. uaked the ultundon- ment o| u certain portion of ririt St., east of (.omlurd. The matter m u tattled until *urh a time a* the attorney, who, by-the way, hud not arrived when Mr. Doering «poke, could pa** on the proceduiv. DARKLY Mr*. J. E. Ilay* I'or The officeri of Kinton nnd S. hulls will he installed this Sat - unity, in a joint installation nt the K'hnlln grange hall. It will I k « an all day aojaion nnd it is expected there will he n good delegation from the locul grange present. There will I < a pot luck dinner served nt noon. Remember, this Saturday, January 17th, to begin at 10:30 at Scholls. gra n ges Dr. J. E. Vlson of Portland is to o’ on office* in Seaside on Gilbert ol Ask* For Needy Relief fam ilies After Die reading of tne mmuw u! the pievlous meeting, Pres. I . l . Schultz guve hi* re, ort ot the co l­ led.on» am, disburse Hu nt* <> cn stoned hy the Community Christina-, tier. Ill thi* cuiincc-liuii he also i«ported the l«xal charity wurk done in Connection with the holiday *ea- son. The Chamber vole«! to become uf- fll utred with the Oregon Slat • Chamlier of Commerce, The Heu- veitun t,.lumber hail previously been s member uf the state* chumla r hut for the past two ur thre-e years it wa* thought h«**l n«it to liecomc a member, hut at the meeting lieid Tucsv.ay evening the* Directors voted to again liecome affiliated with the xtute organization. A letter from Mr*. J. E. llays, secretary to the Al ha llulir: Pal onl Tra ilers’ a**o«-iution. requested that the Beavertestigution, and reported that in hi* opinion two oi the families were in n««,; «.f telief, aliil the Dire 'tors voteil, on motion ol Dr. Talbert, MCMtd | by L. L. Myer», that the secretaiy «if the Beaverton Chamlier write the Court recommending that relief I k * exten «led th««se families. CuinmunicaUona were read re, questing a pr«»te*t against the pro posed lifting of the «'nihargo on imptirtstion of hulhs. Inasmuch a« tin* section of Wash i gt..n county i- wvll established in the bulb industry the Secr«*tary was instructed to write protesting the proposed lifting ot the eml*argii. Tim request for a donation to the Oregon Federation of (¡urdi'n Chits for their program was tabled until next meeting. The pripo'ition to hole- accounting *y»tem*. One »tat *ment ninf. interested everyone his statement A number of Beaverton |trop|„ at­ about the same man being in c in tended the Christian Endeavor Co, trol of the finance* and the recorat Cabinet Meeting at the Chn*t an o f a municipality. In other word* he rritirixed the system of comtuii- t thurrh in lllllaboro Sunday after billing the office* of »ecretary und noon. treasurer. Thi* ha* always seemed Mr. ami Mr* W . U. V'unKUek bud policy. especially where >ne and ilaughter ( nthryn were dinner thousand* ul guest* at the J. C Snider home at fund* handled total Bunk* don't operate tha’ Kinton on Friday evening of lent dollar*. way, nor do a lot o f other institu­ week. tion*. Mr C. E- Hedge made a business The matter of the disposition of trip to Hillsboro Wedneaday. When leaving the court hou»e he «lipped the bond* which were called join-- and fell on the wet |i»vem *nt, hurt­ years ago, und on which interest has been paid for a numbi r of ing hi, leg quite tadly. years came up for consideration and Memlter* of the C. K. Society of the Council »greed to offer to uguin the Congregational church met nt pay half o f the interest whiefi n»« the home of Mia, Ruth Denney for Iteen paid in order to keep out of their monthly hu*ine*a meeting on litigation and to got the mat'«*r Thur*day evening of thi* week. settled up- The law firm of Teal. McCulloch, and Shu'er. Mr. and Mr* Re* Denney re­ Winfree, turned to Corvalli* Friday, where hr who are reputed to la« attorneys fo- I* taking *omc apccial work in the the Bank o f Woodburn which hold* U. S. Foreatry De|>artment, at the ten of the larnd* in question, that college of which he i* a graduate. firm had been consulted and they intimated that their client would Mr*. A. M Jannuen ami Mr*. R settle on that basis. F. I'eter* motored to Salem Mon­ There* were several other bond* day evening to attend the reception called on which interest has he -n and liaU given in honor of the l.i.v. paid since they were called What ernor and memlter* of the legiala- these other laindholdera will do is turo. not known, hut the Council shemed Mr. and Mr, VanMeter, who have to ho|a* that all the bonds co'.il I Item living in the Ma*oti hou«e on he settled on that hasi*. Sixth and Watson Street* «re mov The delinquent assessments in mg into the Welter houxe formerly bond district No. 1 was discussed occupied hy Mr. nnd Mr*. Hixl y at some length hut there was m and family. . definite decision given. Ed Boring was appointed Mar­ While rplitting wood Monday, Mr. I»avi» Dobinson cut thr tendon* of shall, effective February first. Al the lirat three toe* on hi* right derman Fordnev has lu*cn canvass­ foot and Completely aevered two ing the businessmen since the :i*r t bone*. He wu* taken to the Emanuel ing to learn what they will ontri- Ho«pit*l where he will remain for bute toward* the watchman's sn lary. lo n g time. Beaverton (irnnge met in regular all-day neaalon on la*t Saturday. Routine huainea* wa* dispose.I of in the morning. In the afternoon the annual installation of officer* tk place with Mr*. A. M.Kennely a* installing ottlcer and Mrs. Carl Han *«n, Mrs. Frances Donaldson, and Mr*. Fern (¡rnliam as her assistants. Tile following officers where in stalled: M-. Marie Downing; <>., Ida Kennedy; I,.. Margaret II. Den- noy; H., A. M. Kennedy; Chaplain, Derle f'erkins; Aaa’t. S., I,. Stark; Sr«*., Ruhy W. Boyd; Treas.. Jenny I.. (¡ray; ({. K., J. W. Barnes; Ceres, Irene C. MeKell; Pom., V i­ vian lawrenee; Flora, Maggie Stark; L. A. S., Myrtle A short program was given: Mr. nn,| Mr*, ('has. VanKleek, o f Kin ton (¡range were viaitors, also Mr. nnd Mrs L. D (inrmire nnd Paul W. (¡nrmire of Tigard (¡range. A QUORUM Student utilities, publication«, re­ creations were the storm centers for disruision hy nearly ti(K> high school student i und several scire ia- culty representatives who attended the llth umuinl High School Con­ ference held Inst week end at the University of Oregon. Jh'hgdes attending from It uver- ton were Russel (¡rant, Betty I uy- lor. Elizabeth Huff, and l.elnit Wil- Jon. Dancing should la* regularly per­ mitted in high schools, delegates to the student body conference de­ cided after discussion. The use of nthletir coaches to instruct after­ noon classes was also criticized hy the students. Raymond Morse, of Benson Polytechnic high in Port­ land, was named president of the state student body association, while Bernice Irgalls, Eugene, was click­ ed vice-president, und Cynthia Lil- jcquist. Marshfield, secretary. Rc tiring officers were John Adams, m Portland, president; Edward Kc.imc* Modford. vico president/; Naomi Child, Sandy, secretary. Problems of publishing nnd edit­ ing a student newspaper and year­ book were thoroughly thresh« «1 out by the dclfgat««s to the press con­ ference, who electi*«! officers as fol­ lows; Harold Jambor, Milwaukic, president; Kay Yashtti, Hood River, vice president; and Ruth Chapman. Salem, secretary, Retiring officers were Clare Vause, Milton, president; Konahl Ingalls, Ho id River, vice- president; and Dorothy Tucker, Al hnny, secretary. Friday, a_________ _ | HIGH SCHOOL NEWS X *>) The student body .election o f Jan­ uary 12 was very successful. The returns are: President. .Stanley C«r- nils; Vic«- President, Herbert Ma­ son; Secret!ry. Florence Solander; T rua urer, I .chert Wilson; Yell la'uder, Edward Possun; Student Body Manager, lie/ cry Mathisen; Reporter, Irma Brown The classes als-i had their elec­ tions Monday, January 12. I*re*hman offieer* are: President, Kathryn Smith; Vic» President, Ben Scruggs; Secretary, Ardis Nelson; Treasurer, Margaret Dirkman. Sophomore offiers are: President, Leo Shell; Vice-"resident, June (iillmore; Secretary, Kuy Wismer; Reporter, Helen (¡odfrey. Junior officers are: President. Margaret Kuuppiia; Vice-President. Oliver Kauppda; Secretary, Lucille Nelson; Treasurer, V’«*rna loelli Sergeant at-Arms, Bob Wright; Ke- loirter. Noma I ixiwn Senior oth ers are: Presid-nt, Walter Suckney; Vice-President, Bruno Le«k la; Seen-tary, Winifred Thoms; Tr«-usurer, Bert P.tts; Re­ porter. Matt Snyder; Sergeant ;,t- Arms, Mahr Scott. Every )>ody has been studying for the >i mesler examinations Which started Wednesday, January 14, this year. Many students have been ex­ empt but there arc as usual the many students who just couldn't pass the requirements for exemption. Wc wish every one the best u« lu«k and hope that the tests were easy. | DAI OUTERS OF VET­ E R A N S INSTALL The Daughters o f Union Veterans of the Civil Wur heUi their annual installation of officers, Monday a f ­ ternoon with >|uitc a large crowd in attendance. The State Department President. Mrs. Madeline Nash of Salem with her staff were the installing of - fleers. The State Department Treasurer Mrs. Margaret Becker and several others from Portland were present. The follow ing officer* were in­ stalled: Mrs. Emma 1,'ush, piesi- ilent; Mr-. Rebecca Ellerson, senior vice prs silent; Mt-S. Fannie .Stock, junior vi.e president; Mrs. bulu Kelley, trezeurer; Mrs. Celia llu- lett, secretary; Mis Inez Whitworth, chaplain; Mrs. Alice Adams, patri­ otic instructor; Mrs. G. Stump, guard: Mrs. Alice Prink, guide; Mr*. Eva lira« ken, col r bearer. Mr. M J Alexander of Beaver­ ton. an o'd Civil War Veteran, wai present, and entertained us with several numbers on his violin, a c­ companied at the piano by his wife. They also furnished the music for the installation. A pot luck dinner was served at noon and a general good time was had by all present. January 16, 1931 Marathon Preacher Audience Sits Thrilled Hy Oratory and Keen Intel­ lect o i this >*an \ ERSATILE PREACHER Meetings W i I Be lie d E«ery Night Excopt .-unday For Two Week» Rev. and Mrs. A. I«ee Aldrich arrived in Beaverton Tuesday after­ noon to find everything in readines- for them to be '-omfortably quar­ tered in the well known Peteh house adjoining the Doy Gray property on Watson street. They opened their “ church loy­ alty ’ campaign in Beaverton Tu«rs- day evening with a well filled house at the Methodist church. “ I believe the Bible from cover to cover” said the speaker in a very outspoken statement in his declaration that thus God had revealed his will U* men. “ One state recently, througi, legislative action, passed a law for- bidil/ng the Bible to be read in it, public schools, and the same leg­ islature pa»*«*«I another law to place a Bible in every cell in its state penitentiary.” “ Why not,” said th- speaker, “ give the young plastic lives G« k T s word and save this vast group of national waste and make them an asset for God and human­ ity instea«! of a liability.'’ Rev Aldrich lermita no t me to pass unused in his addresses in the present series of meetings. Whether children or adults the audience sit thrilled by the oratory and keen «how of intellect o f this renowned, versatile preacher. “ 1 believe there is not only a heaven, but also a hell, to be pop­ ulated by those who spend their lives here on this earth.” With the Bible in his hand, the speaker then said that “ If there is no hell, then God Almighty made an awful blunder in sending His son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to suffer death on the cross that we might be saved.” Many who heard this first address declare that this is undoubtedly Bea­ verton's opportunity to receive the uplift of one of the most sble men that ever visited this community. Meetings will continue every night for two weeks except on Monday. Come early and get a g«»od thrill and uplift by both the vocal and instrumental music. The services will be held both morning and eve­ ning on Sunday. N CLUB SENDS FRUIT TO NURSERY Hiteon club met Wednesday 7, at the home of Meta Christensen. The members brought tanned fruit to send to the Albertina Kerr nurse. >. ENTERTAINS FRIENDS A report of the county federation was given. The next meeting will Helen Cavaness entertained with be January 21 at the home of Mil­ a party nt her home, Saturday eve­ dred Bacon. ning. January 10th, the occasion be­ ing her thirt«*enth birthday. The eve­ HOLD ANNUAL MEET­ ning was spent playing games, and ING OF ASSOCIATION a good time was had hy all. Those present were Aline Boswell. Bon­ The annual meeting of the Coo­ nie an,! I.lovd Tait, Frank I.illigard, Beverly Kidman. Faye and I.eRoy per Mountain Cemetery Association Haines, Genevieve Johnson. Ge:rge is scheduled for Monday, Januoiy Kline. Robert Engelke. James Farle 19th. at 1.30 p m. at the church. Miller, Dona Rae Howard, Georgia The Clerk and one Trustee will be Knmberger. Dorothy Raldwin, Oris electt'd to serve for three years. to improvements Nelson Mar'one Allen, IXiris Whit- Matters relating ford. Kathe.ine Denney and Ruth will also be considered. Co-operation Hopper. is needed to keep up this cemetery. 1 EN CAVANES8 $1.50 P e r Y ea r Scene From T he Sea W olf” featuring Milton Sills to lie shown at th: Bea ver Theatre next week RICHER AII LODGE IS SPONSORING A SHOW The Beaverton R-Lekah lod;e is a show at the Beaver Theatre on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, January 27, 28. and 2 S. The name of this benefit picture i* “ Swing High.” Ware Is Presented The story is a good one. The Mary scene is laid in a small town, where With Pin By Members following Pop Garner’ s “ Circus Su­ of Beaverton Lodge preme,’’ as it pulls into the town, is Doc May s medicine show. Doc’s wife, Daphne, manufactures his “ el- i ixir o f life,” and Gerry, a soldier , ABOUT «500 PRESENT of fortune and a singer, is the o f­ ficial ballyhooer. His success along Beaverton Oddfellows Install Fos­ this line enrages Joe, the ringmas­ ter As Their Noble (¡rand ter o f Garner’s show, and he decides to eliminate his competitor. Before About 500 people were present hostilities are begun. Gamer’s ward. Maryan, induces Gamer to invite the Wednesday evening at the I. O. O. O. F. Hall in Hillsboro to witness medicine show to Vonsolidate with the joint installation of the Beaver­ the “ Circus Supreme.-’ ton and Hillsboro Oddfellow and The deal goes through and it is Rebekah lodges. agreed that Doc May and Daphne The following officers were in­ shall work as clowns, while Gerry stalled in the Beaverton Oddfellow is to sing as a novel addition to Maryan's aerial act which she does lodge: L. J. Foster, Noble Grand; with Ruth. A love romance between 0 . M. Taylor, Vice Grand; M'. E. Gerry and Maryan develops. Ruth. ■Underhill. Secretary; P W. Liver­ Treasurer; C . J. Stevena, Maryan's partner quits the show to more. get married. Joe. who dislikes Gerry Warden; Harry Price, Conductor; L. cordially, sends for La Belle Trixie, F. Humburg, Chaplain; Toon Miller, formerly Joe’s working partner, and Inside Guardian; E. R. Sheets. Ouw- she takes Ruth’s place. Trixie ha* side Guardian; S. G. Roger*. Right been involved in shady transactions Support to the Noble Grand; L. with Joe in the past and he assures L. Myer«, Left Support to the J. M. Thompson, her that the lay of the land is just Noble Grand; Right Support to the Vice jGrand; right for a k.lling. If you want to follow the play­ B. Doty. Left Support to the Vice ers through a game of strip poker, Grand; L. I. Covey, Right Scene Dewey Drorbaugh, Left with a kiss as a forfeit, see heart­ Support; broken Maryan in the hospital, and Scene Support. The Beaverton Rebekah Lodge in­ watch Maryan force the vampire Trixie to confess while the two do stalled the following: Mary Ware, their act as they swing high in the Noble Grand; Rose Stevens, Vice air, come to the Beaver Theatre Grand; Edna Sheets, Secretary; F. one o f the nights the show is run­ W. Livermore, Treasurer; Eva Pri«» Warden; Florence Drorbaugh, Con­ ning. ductor; Mrs. S. Rogers, Chaplain; Hattie Taylor, Inside Guardian; BOTH BEAVERTON Emma Bush. Outside Guardian; TEAMS WIN VICTORY Sarah Chamberlain, Right Support to the Noble Grand; Alice Wheeler. Left Support to the Noble Grand; Monday night, on the Beaverton Luanna Underhill, Right Support to High School basketball floor, the the Vice Grand; Bertha Wilson. Left two Beaverton basketball teams, the Support to the Vice Grand; Eliza­ High School team and the Stipe's beth Myers, Musician. All-Stars, both won a victory. The The Hilhboro Oddfellow lodge High School was playing Gaston, installed the following; Harold Car­ and Stipe's All-Stars were playing lyle, Noble Grand; E. J. Peterson, the Forest Grove Independents. Vice Grand; W. O. Morley, Secre­ The high school game was played tary; Cal Ja.k, Jr., Treasurer; H. first, beginning at a little altei 1. Patton, Chaplain; Arthur McCon- 7:15. The first basket wa* made by nahey. Inside Guardian; Geo. Le- a Gaston man. At the fiist half the ford, Outside Guardian; E. M. Bow­ score was 14-18. in Beaverton's fh- man, Right Support Noble Grand; vor. Though the High School team Ray Sinclair, Left Support Noble has been defeated several times, Grand; A. L. Brock, Right Support they proved on Monday that they Vice Grand; Jay Phillip. Left Sup­ could win. The score at the end oi port Vice Grand; Perry Batchelar, the game was 32-26. Mr. Phillips, Right Scene Support; Dale Bat­ the grade school coach, acted as chelar, Left Scene Support. referee. The Hillsboro Rebekah lodge in­ In the other game Verl Emmons stalled the following: Dorothy was referee. Forest Grove got thr Foord, Noble Grand; Mildred Chris­ first score by a shoot from a to*!. tensen, Vice Grand; Cora Heaten, Warren made Beaverton’s first bas­ Secretary; Helen Deikhman. Treas­ ket soon after. All during the first urer; Flossie Sinclair, Conductor; half the scores remained low and Margaret Munson, Warden; May close. At the end of the first half Cook. Chaplain; Della Denton, In­ Beaverton was only two points in side Guardian; Merle Selfridge, Out­ advance of Forest Grove, with a side Guardian; Etta Hanel, Right score o f 8-6. During the second half Support Noble Grand; Arline Broch, Beaverton crawled away from the Left Support Noble Grand; Anna other team. After that the outcome Tesch. Right Support Vice Grand; was almost certain. Although the Margaret Mohr, Left Support Vice other team fought hard, they were, Grand; Lillian Honie«len, Musician. in the end, beaten. The final score Mrs. C. Heaten, Marshall of the was 34-18, rather a serious defeat Rebekah Assembly, presented Mrs. for the Forest Grove team. Ware with a pin given by members of the Beaverton Rebekah lodge, MISS VANKLEEK CEL* Miss Eva McCormach, and Merle EBRATES BIRTHDAY Selfridge, with a large bouquet of carnations, and Mrs. Alberta Har­ grave with a gift from the P. N. Miss Mable VanKleek entertaine i G. C. a number of the younger set of There were visitors present from Kinton last Tuestlay evening at the home o f her mother. Mrs. Louise Vernonia; Vancouver. Wash.; Port­ Tigard; and VanKleek. The young people en­ land; Massachusetts; joyed a most pleasant evening with Beaverton. After the installation delk/iouz re­ games, music, etc., after which the hostess served a nice lunch. Miss freshments were served. VanKleek was observing her 17th birthday. All present wished her many more happy returns of the day, and hope to help her observe many more as the years go by. T. B. Denney attended the Jer­ sey Bree«lers’ Association meeting at Forest Grove on Saturday. I joint Installation of Lodges In Hillsboro Mr. Donald German of Portland was visiting with his aunt, Miss Letty McKay, recentky. Mrs. Beulah Morley of the Hills­ boro Rebekah Lodge was installed as President of the Portland Auxi­ lary No. One in Portland, Oregon, January 5th.