IK IT'S HKAVKKTON, R E V IE W S T he B eaverton R eview FOR TMK FOR IT * j »’«IN «1.1. IH » FAM ILY » I he Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests Of Eastern Washington County. VOLUME Vili, NO. HO. Single Copy, 5 Centn n H m ________ ■ ■ i I Mi i M A N fT U A K Y Ì M Wh*n »on.oonr hu» slipped you u dirk In ilo> (lurk, When eye* timi are loving are He«; When MmiiHini' you itru»t<*ii ha* umile you n murk, Ami »tinehow tin. Heart In you die*; There’* ilirt for you. hurt for you. trouble enough To »hultrr tin fuitli of n man; Kul don’t ever think ilhere I* trouble an tough Th.it you ean't overeóme It you ean. 'A lien living i* liming it* flavor to you When worry ii making you olii; \’ hm there I* no Joy In the thing timi you ilo. Nor truth In the thin« you are tohl. There'* Imlm for you. ralm for you out In the wtlil, There' ho|ie for you U|i on the hill; (let u|> in the timber nml play like a rhtlil; You rnn overcome It you will. fiel up in the timber; the trail anil the tree* W ill make you a man in a clay. 1 he a meli of the ho , I ami the hreath of the hreexe, Nt ill olew al 1 vour tronfile* away. Thriv’a jure for you, wine for you, ho|ie for you there The Men ami the moon ami the Ntar.. If the way* of the eity ari* not on the **|uare, t*et up in the woml'i where they are. Di ugla* Mall ch i < i ta am w i rtiitn rtin ti m a r n i eavertonüquad W A r m m lm n ü rm ç î rp i H a ii O n m « ! I m W I i D IT IP fiH M M udy udiiic . l Beaverton. Washington County, Oregon. ' Short Items About s I ,* ■ ll,k " slum _ __ I , , . , . I he band ha* been heard u|ioli a Bvaverton Is llaiuiit'apiH'd iiumiter uf occasion*, ami has been VN itti (¿rant Out; and very well received. The director, Mr. liUHhnell, amt I he member* are work Warner Badly Hurt ing hard preparatory to thi» public appearance. FINAL SUORE IS I2-Ü This yetir Ihe High School na* I l*>lh u Hoys' ami Girls' Glee Club Pirat Half I* CPSwIy Contested; under the direction of Mis* llarne*. Hut l o r e » ! Grove Had Kdgr A combined progiam is being ar- ■ 11 I lunged. 1 a«M«*il two more tu th«*ir »trinir. »«> that cuuntmit the two prr season games with the two Portland high school*. Franklin and Kuosrvrlt, they have four game* won and four lo»t. They lost to Franklin, Kooaevrlt, Tillamook, ami IlillslMiro and won from Newborg. Tigard, Gresham, and Forrat Grove. It i* worthy of more than pas* ing notice that with the exception of Tigard, each one ,,f ll averton’* opponent* ha* been u school carrying n larger student laidy membership •ban dots B m ■ * r on Wu rually know i ttle of th" ~ Harold Dean returned J 1 *' ** *• " s “ ‘ " r’l” >' l,!' ' r * * * * * ,,W | s' ! " " i Glee two ywra |a h. Su. , 9 Since the Review went to prr»* I, . : , laut m m , thi* IÌ4 'MVi*rtnn R«iuad has fh l* i. i niü (»mitrali* U FEED DEALERS W ILL MEET IN IIILI h SHOKO The feeil dealer* of Washington county, will meet Krulay, Novem ler 2let, 0.20 V. M . at thr Imperiul Cafe, llilhtio»,., for a cli*eu*«ion of piohlem* of the Imiuntry. While the eonaUieratlon at thi* meet­ CominKH and Goings Of primary ing will he given to the technical matter* concerned with the opera­ HvavcrtoniunK Art* Rc tion of the ImiuHtry itself, there are ni»o to lie mnaiclereil matter* uf - curded H e r e farting the farming community in which the fecj men may exert an MANY \ ISl I I’ KIENDS influence. One of the m< «t im- ______ | pnriant of thc-,e I* the quimtion of the existing tariff on oil cake and Many IVoptr Come To Itraverlon oil rake meal. lo Viali I m ini, and Itelativr* Krior to the Imposition o f thia tariff ($0.00 |,er Aon), the associa- Mr. Mam Old* hu lieen on the tiun took on active *t*ml agonist ___ ueh a tariff, pointing out tluat it alek li»t recently. protected cm American Industry and Mr. W. J. Scott made a trip to did aff-ct farni-r. in tin- |-„. Si utile on tunincN», Satur fay. rifle coaat territory. The a.aocia A haliy girl wa* recently born tlon I* now actively planning a to Mr. ami Mr*. Klmcr W rit o f campaign to secure a ]*ductu7n of 60", in this tariff. ander the flex- Aloha. A great ileal of work Mis* Helen Asliuhr «pent »eversi ihlr clau»e. i* involved in thi* program in order day* at the home of her *i»ter, Mr*. to present the daU satisfactorily to K. 11 Denney. t he Tariff Commission. IMana to Mr* George Stump wa* .qa-tated tha, ,,nd wj|| (*. considered among g* I "n *l Vinn nt * h"-■pimi on Krl other thing* ist this meeting. _____ day of last week. n ' ' ’ Friday, ! . . ,L for Ihr iHirpoat' n# » . . «»i outninnff th«» Kuiul Loya 1 m 1 at . trÄl.tjVi« uniforms. LASTERN STAR HAS VISITORS. MEETING Heaver Chapter No. 106 met j Wednesday evening with a lurge at­ tendance. A ntimlier of visitors from other Chapters were >I m present The men had charge of the program and put on n very clever stunt. Dr. Talbert a* teacher conducted a very successful country school. The jiu pd* lam S h elle n b w f r, Geo it , ..... to ' Vincent's ».... . faring feritig from gall ntonaa stones. home on » M,u ta uf Mrs. T. J. Hannigan of Portion.) spent Wednesday with her ilaugiitrr, Mrs. Ii. A. Roh*e, and family. llols-rt Summer* and Mr. Shivefy are re*hinglmg and repairing the house where the Uiermans live. .Mr* K. G. Donaldson has lieen quite busy having a rock garden and pool Installed <>n her place. Mr. and Mrs. F'. Sc hoc nc made u business trip to Seattle on In*'. Wednesday. They rrturne I Friday. Mrs. J. D. Wilmot wa* operate J on at St. Vincent’s hospital <>., Thursday. She is getting ul»ng very nicely. Mis* llcdwig Ho.cui d. r uf the H:irnc* r»ad wa* operated on at St. Vincent'» ho«plta! for appendicitis, Vtedicsday morning. arc, Idttie Kunire West, twenty iwo nnd months old daughter of Mr. Mrs. Harry Weat of Tigard, died at their home on Tuesday. I.ulc Satur lay night when hi* V i i lawrvnrr, car overturned. Dirk Wlsmer cut hi* o in r * ler, t'Uy « « I T . Kdwartl hand quite I md II v , making it necr 7 «1 in Beaverton'* fuv r, a* it wa* Jnnnsen, and Ruth Kllyn Hawley. ** ry f „ r ,.,g ht slitche* to la- taken, plnycd while the dedication of the showed much brilliancy in answer­ Canyon road wa* taking place. We ing the question* pul to them by Mr’ " n<1 Mr" A C Tut,,° nnd were not able to attend. Hut the their teacher li.-rt Knhae a. school d«t»«hters. Delores and Mary Alice, game Armistice day with Forest director wa* Very rlevrr. Refresh ««‘cently visited with Mr. Tuttle* Grove on MeCready Field, Pacific mrnts were served. parent . Mr. nnd Mr*. James TuttW of Orenco. University, was one of the hc*t ever. , - ________ _______ _ Beaverton’s team was well supported ( ’ H F I)(* F RENTS Mr. and Mr*. L. U Walker and by the residents from their home 1(11 I I I I t%frrt.*l> I I , 11 r . .I , family have moved from Portland. town a* practically the whole town H I 1 X H I N T K K H O I ,SK where they have lived for the last was dosed up, Armistice Day. Many year, to their old home on the Can were present at that game who do Mr. ( . K. Hedge ha» rotiteli the yon road. not feel they can close their place* Hill Hunter house located at* the Mrs. Iva Summer* entertained the of business and attend wimti the ^ .h w e s t jo r n . r of Ang^ and Th.rn Kril.niUhip Bridgr rlub nt h(.r homr team usually plays. Fridays. i. .. , ' .. ' ...... ' ' lum* Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. F II The first half was closely con­ tort .and. Mr. Williams will move Schoene won first prize, Mrs. H. R tested with the edge going to For hi* family here Sunday. Wishing to ost Grove by » slight margin for g e l their little girl in n good *choot, Nelson, ronsolat ion. Light refresh­ ments wer», served by the hi>ne»s they hnd the l « l l in Beaverton's ami having heard o f the high qual territory much more tfinn It, averton I By o f the Beaverton schools, they The O. E. S. Officer's (' ub wus had it in theirs. The half ended with decided to locate in Beaverton entertained by Mrs. Felslier und the hall within n foot or two o f the home of Mrs \ * ------ -------------------- — - - « Mrs. Stark at the renter of the field. Forest Grove Fc sher Inst Friday evening. After A C O R R E C T IO N had completed one puss, nnd Inter a short business meeting games were repted one Beaverton hud attempted. enjoyed. Verv novel refreshment - Beaverton attempted two, one In- | Cnrreetloa: The date of the joint nnd clever decorations added much to complete and one intercepted. And installation o f Kintnn and Scholl* . the liall had heen right up to Bea­ giunge» will be the third .Saturday the occasion. verton’s goal line twice hut lost on in January, the 17th of the month downs. w.th Scholl* grange instead of in The second half wns different. Decemlier as announced in last Beaverton received ami passed only j w,,,'h * paper, tr lose the hall by a bad fumble. But ' —- ■ — on almost the next plav Al Wlsmer 1 |n |a*t week's Review we made an intercepted a long pass almost to error counting the number ,,f cxni Beaverton’s ten yard line, nnd he pons on one issue of bonds whieh wriggled nnd shifted the hnll fo clos- have been called. The totals given in to the center of the field. Anotnm ,.rr„ r were f or District No. 3 , the fumble looked bad but they held and j interest should have I..... 1145 on got the 1*11. Penalized five yards , a|k.,| |„,nd inat. M.I of $165 as for two incomplcted passes they es- printed. This brings the total down saved n third and were penalize* to $ 2 . 010 . 0 « insten,I of $2.310.00 as ngnin and then another pass that j „uu.,,. and th„ t()U|, o f ¡nU>r. looked as though It meant a score. | „ t paid ,,n called bornia to $2.896.00 but they were stoppe I about thirty instead of $.3,395.00 We are t 1 lens 4 .fl yards l*ok from the goal. Shannon to have our attention called to thi* Parried twlee to n first down and matter nnd to make this correction. Brlek Welch wns given the txill and r v i v he went to the seven yard lust few minutes of play but the line. A long »ins* failed hut Wi«mer got Forest Grove squad were losing their around their left end for the score. punch and when tb.» final whistle They failed to convert. Forest Grove Idew It wns second down on the chose to receive nnd Shannon got Forest Grove twenty-yard line with away a long kick which almost got the Beaverton hoys right up and go­ to the goal line hut was stopped a- ing nt it as we have never seen hf.ut a foot away. Forest Grove them play before. puntoil. Beaverton got the hall a- With Grant, Beaverton captain, way down near their thirty-yard line out with a knee injured in the and returned It about twenty five Gresham gi.me, with Wismer badly yards. Then Beaverton shot a long hurt in the first few minutes of play, pass almost to the Forest Grove with 11 short second string of play goal. Their left half got It in his ers, Coach Warren’s men put up one nrms running. Seeing a Beaverton of the beat battles they hear man about to tackle him he threw ever fought. With Tillamook win- the bull, apparently thinking that »'ing from Beaverton 42-0, nnd with he eoulil make nn incomplete pass J Forest Grove winning fr m Tilln- out of the play. The Beavertonian ! monk 12-0, it looked bail 4or Bea- fell on the hnll and the referee, verton. With the boys seeming pret- ruleik it Benverton's hall, again right | ty well tired out at the end of the up against the Forest Grove line. [ first half, nnd few aecorul string men This time Wismer hauled in the j it look*»d worse for Benvnrton. But P11"1'- | Ihe score looked good; Benvcrton, 12; (C*trrtfkt. W N. It.) Anybody’s game up to within the , Forest Grove, 0 . j (•resliam gam e, except fo r I he score, to............ ........^ $1.50 Per Yeai November 14, 1930. Grade School Posts Examples Of Work LOAN ASS N. MOVES INTO NEW BUILDING It The Washington Kavings and Loan Assmiation of Hillsboro moved into their new huüding on Swond Street la«t Monday. The huilding ha» heen ronntructed during the Hummer and fall month» an | hu* the distinciiuu Monthly Report Shows 9H of bring the fir«t Saving* and Loan This Meeting W ill Be Held huilding in the State of Oregon put With The Multnomah Percent Attendance for up und deaigned espccially for Sav- Boosters Club Elementary tirades ing* and I.oan buxineis. J. M. Pear- sen, General Manager, «täte« that — ■■■■ formal ipenlng <,f the new of pROJECT CON8IDERED GOOD SAMPLES SEEN the Tire will Iw held u* aoon aa all de- connect'on with moving are Thi» 1» Thought To Be One of the Basketball lh»>* Have Won One t* ’*" completed. Game and Lind Once Moat Important Club Meeting* The general contract for the build­ ing wa* given to Mohr Bros. and If there I* one th.ug by which a The United Weitaide Club* usual- school’» efficiency i* judged more in adiition, the following Washing - ton county firm furni.hed material ly hold their meeting* on the quickly than another it la the leg- oi services: J. A Poyner, plumbing, c°nd Tuesday of each month How- ^»Hty of the penmanahip produced, j j u||naj electric wiring’ K. A ever, the second Tuesday of Novem- tu’ : whi ch we ve *een Price and Company, lighting fix her wa* Armistice Day, therefore ported in a number of the rooms in- lure"; .Selfridge Bros., linoleum and the directors of the United^ Clubs dicuie that adverse criticism cannot counter top; L*-s er Ireland and decided to postpone their Novem- »•*’ m“ d* uf uur »y»*«"* •» »*»•» re»- Company, oil burner; W. O. Jacobs, ber meeting until the Tuesday »H*,t W« c.paeially call attention to {.¡astering; ilur.ey Batchelor, sand- following, which make* the night of ,h‘' * * hibil* ,l* ,h‘’ third- fourth, and ing floor; Corwin Hardware, hard the meeting Tuesday, November 16. *bfhth grade room*. ware; R> s ue Munson, fuel oil; This meeting will he held with The third grade people have an ____________ I’ hillip Mohr, _______ pointing; br,v.n I iiim - the Multi, mah Boosters at their arithmetic chart on wnu h urc listel tjn work, G. ¿.Gibbon*, excavating, regular place of meeting. The sub- the name* of those pupils who tan Washington Savings and I>,an je.t which will riceive the most g.ve the answer* to the forty-five Association wa* organized and char consideration at this meeting is that combinations in one minute, und if ttred for business, June .10, 1926. of taking over the old Southern Pa- you don't think that's a pretty good an(j aince that date ha* increased cific right-of-way up Fourth St. MOUNTAIN JUSTICE’ II W 1 1 I f V \1 \ T 1 C p t l t ' K record, ju»t try it your elf someday. in a tu ts as follow : June 30, 1920. fo- a highway. U l t A m A l I U I A l t i a Thsst Rime room also has some very $28,002.74; Juno 30, 1927, $ 88 , 379 . 86 ; u i* now thought feasible by m pieoplc on the December 3$. 1927. $124,101.48; some to continue a highway down A Kentucky mountain mountain court court wher» wie....wi wirvioxX reminding reminding us that Thank* Decenilier 31, 1929, $307,15834; Oc- that route at least as far as to its A Kentucky wher> th* ■■( the the bilia taka the the law g iv in ! not „ „ far away. 'h< NMfl men of hills take law ^,v| r,K g ju toWr 31, 1930, $300,000.00. junction with the Sc ho Us-Kerry road into “ HaMsand '---- ------ 1 whara ---- -- — * M,. • Ihe'“ i,. ., — IM, J m TrmnAortatlow visualized and The Association now operates in H. L. Davenport. Secretary of --- the tisc sel hytfirmly fixed in young mind* the countie* of Tillamoox, Colum- United Westside Clubs says that ly dramatic episode episodei of “ Mountain > > «»rnmatlc |hat that „ s'' what what the bulletin bourn bia, Yamhill, Clackamas, and Mult- the principal speakers on trie pro- Justice," Ken M Maynard's latest all Ju»t .. . Kan • * ' 111 shown n the t... fo shows .n fourth grate room. In- noman, but will continue tu mam- gram for that evening ./ill be Geo. talking picture which will be at , Ictitally the fnCrtb grad - pupils tain its home office at Hillsboro. H. Hines, and Dr. T- L . Eliott, both the Heaver Theatre Friday, Saturday are hoping for a half holiday Fri- The Board of Director* is con- of Portland. These aie said to be the and Sunday. day. They ha%e nineteen days, and tituted as follow*: E. L. Johnson, only survivors of the committee The mountain court or tribunal if Thu,sdiy I- “ perfect” the will |,e J- U. Kobb, Geo. G. Hancock, D. D. which wa* active at that time in se­ is an affair of secrecy at which the rin ly to celehiute. The eighth. Bump, and J. M. Pearson. curing the franchise for this million mountaineers settle disputes accord third nnd *,.\th grades are als., ‘ uu dollar right-of-way. ing to their own peculiar code of ready for their hulf days then th>- | i v t d l E s t ilt C ’I r a i l h i e r h | David 8 . Stearns, and Joset Si- honor. Seldom has an out-ider wit­ first crop of holidays will lie over fab--------------------------------------------_j nam, a lurmer Mayor of Portland, nessed a session of the court, and and every), dy will settle down to Fred Zui.her et al to Ernest were also some o i the pioneers in it wa* only after wrek* of inten­ the bu*in> s of earning another brief Zurcher et al, '_'22.7l> acres, Sec. 17, puit.ng this project through. These sive research work that authentic vacation. T. 1 N., R. 2 W. two, with Commissioner A. L. Bar- details for the picture were obtain­ Tlje seventh grade pup 1* are not Er;.e*t Zurcher et ux to Fred tour and road master Geo. W. tuck able. ■i*t r c sing writ'l g letters but Zurcher et s!, 222.70 a res Sec. 17, will also be present, according to the Maynard goes into the Kentucay they are writing real I -Iter* to “ fel- T. 1 N.t R. 2 W. secretary o i the clubs. I..OJiuain district aft r the man who Ii w sufferers'' in the Kceti public -Meier ii Frank Co. to Lloyd W. This is thought to he one of the murdered his father and l**comes school as part o f their English work Ellis et ux. Lot 2, Blk. 58. Metzger most important meetings the clubs caught in the crues-firt' of a typical under Miss Hill's instruct on Acre Tracts. have ever held and the project un- Kentucky feud. He is or Icrc l lie- Mrs. Marsh was a visitor in our Reliance Inv. Co. to Albert Niva, der consideration is one of the most fore the mountain court in mid­ s h, 1 this week. Her young son. et ux, Luts 13 and ¡4. Willoworook vital to this section of Washington night session on suspicion of being Jack, is *mnolled In the third grade. Farm. county. a revenue ugenl j Tb * iconth's renort show* 212 HaiulJ B. Jensen to Theodore Of course there will be entertain- Another picturesque feature of the picture is a real. old-fashioned pupils neither absent nor tar! which Dussin. Part Sec. 12. T. 1 S., K. 1 ment numbers on the program con- Pointer Cl. G2. sisting cf music and other features "shindig.'- or ,'anee, at which M »y- mcatis a 98'. attendance for the ele- W., Wm. Th rep rt als i j Master* to Conrad A lge- w hich have a,.ded so much to tne nard perform* at a tiddler n.nl mentary grade*. Kathryn Crawford, who app. ar* op. shows twenty visit* from parents sheimer et al. Lots ti and 7, Blk. 4, popularity of the clubs. All who can possib.y attend are cordially invited petite him in the story, sings the nnd two from school Is.ard mem- Beaverton. Annie M. Connell to Louis A. Zur- to attend and will probably prom quaint songs ef the Kentucky hill k*™- lb wind w . in M; ! a v e « ’ room cher et ux. Part ejections 11 and 12, from the time spent. country. are full of plants this week. T. 1 N.. R. 2 W. ------------------ - Ka I. ‘ a l Is. . 7 V. ell, they’r Henrietta E. Dalby et al to Seba L V) “ C H E V ” I S I N - VLUULNG ' N N !V E R ­ i, . ng very creditable playing. Las’ S. Dalby, 30.37 acres. T . 1 S., R. TKODUCED AT MEET SA RY CELEBRATED week they settled the West Portland 2 W . team w.th a score of 14 to 5 and Murgarct B. King to H. E. Cleveland, O., Nov. 3— Definite Mi. and Mrs. A. M. Kennmy demonstrated some beautiful team liartlett wt ux. Lot 9, L'.k 1, O'Brien assurance that Chevrolet wrill intro­ on their were agreeably surprised in dying it, nu. Wednesday Acres. duce a new car for 1931 on Satur­ first wedding anniversary. Wednes- they lost to Russellville but by’ oniy Kenneth Carpy et ux to A. F. day was revealed here today during day evening, November I 2 ih, by three points. Their next game on the Burnett (Trustee). lx>t 1, Blk. F the staging by Chevrolet factory o f­ group of friend from lig .n l and home floor will In- played with Tim Steele's Addition. Beaverton, vicinity. I he evening was spent ber and we bespeak hearty supp.-rt Fred Kmiel Gel>auer et ux to Stel- ficials of the first of fifty dealer wi.h '»tiO . -h ekcr* am! visiting for thv fl.„()W8 whog(. faithfu, an)l M. Noic8 ,.t vir. Tract 16 and 17. meetings to he held in the next five weeks throughout the country. after which .lamty refreshments *nergetic training should mean Rosewood Acres. Included in a carload o f equip­ were served. All went home feeling winning score. ment brought in for the meeting 'hat they had spent un enjoyable was a new car substantially bigger evening I N K I N T O N P R E C I N C T than the current model, and ex- Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. K K U K I T T O N G I V E N F O R __ tensively tn appearance. W. A. Root and daughter Meric; MR. A N D MRS. M E A TS Mr. and Mr*. John Tigard; Mr. and The vote wus not as heavy as Although the meeting was closed Mrs. Chris Christensen; Mr. and About fifty guests attended the nos in the kmton precinct, the Pul»lic- * w*® Earned that Mrs. Ray Christensen; Mr. and Mrs. wedding reception Wednesday eve ......... ................... .........H. at the ....... general election ncld last H- J J Klinger, vice-president and J A t 'ruht ree; m i and Mi 0 R ning November 6 at the J. W. Meats lu sday" There were 179 register] general sales manager of the Chev Peyton and daughter Edith; Mrs. home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. jo voters and 107 votes were east for ro*et Motor Co., who attended the Alice Cutting: Mrs l.oiu I.only, ssph Monts*, whoso weddin:* was an the numerous candidates and mea- n,ecting here, told the 500 dealers ami Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Kennedy, event of Oct. 2 « instead of Novem sure*. Those serving on the two nnd associated bankers in attendance her 1. The young couple are re boards w»re as follows: Day board: at the City Auditorium that the car publicly announced Mr. nml Mr*. Drorbaugh and son siding in Portland. On Thursday chaii man, Geoige Snider; judge. would . be _ - , . . . , the wont to Columbia City fishing Ar- evening, Mr. and Mrs. Meats enter Harrv Flint: clerks. Effie Van Kleek. com,n* Saturday. and_that, desptto mist Ice Day. tained relatives. Ada Cu.ung and Surah VanKleek; ,u lt* r* * 3f.d ¡»ze and improved ap- Night b ard: judges. Floyd Bier- l'e«>ance,' it would be priced con- 1) and John Boge; clerks. Alice below current levels. Richards, Annabel Flint, and Roy Dramatic incidents attended the Bierly. presentation of the car. ft was _______________ trucked under canvas from the To Meet Tuesday « « '« è “ « » “ « 0 VOTES ARE CAST 'I ^ ¡t O A l) M K E T IN G H ELD g g Z X f velvet drops and under a flood of -------- spotlights, disclosed to the audience. TI -r - were 30 in attendance at A burst of applause greeted the the road meeting held at the Kin- unveiling of the ear, and when tr»*- ton hall, Thursday evening. L. M. announcement of new lower prices Hesse was chosen as chairman of " as made, a wild cheering dealer 1 he nice ing and *. B. Lawrence act- group interrupted proceedings for cd ns secretary. A five mill tax was several minutes. levied the bi; dealer reported, delegation to Hillsboi\> Saturday af- S: ii o s Garage, local dealers, have ternoon to the general road meeting received a shipment of the new- held in the auditorium. models, and are placing them on _____________________ display in their showroom. You M ^S. E R M A SPARKS are mvite,! to view them. IN H INTO N G IV E S A MALI. R E C IT A L Mrs. Erma Taylor Sparks of Port­ land who has been giving music lessons to a number of the young folks around town during the past few' months presented them in a recital given in Hill*b ro last Frid- day afternoon. The following from this town attended: Ivan Bierly, A mos Bli'rl.v, Lois Bierly. Elmer Bier­ ly. Mary Kathryn Hall, Kathryn Pomeroy, Roberta Pomeroy, and Eu­ nice Ellen Snyder. G O O D S U P P L Y O F L IM E IS NOW ON HAND Farmers desiring lime on pooieu orders thru the office of the county agent should place their orders now, according to W. F. Cyrus, coun ty agent. Officials of the State Lime plant state that a considerable sun- ply is now on hand and shipment in ear lots can be made on short no­ tice. A few more tons are needed on n car for delivery at Roy. and re quests are on file for orders for ... . . . Forest Grove and Hillsboro. These “ " l V' A ' J 8« orders will be placed when a quan week from a months visit in Mon- tit sufflcient for a carioad is or tana with relatives. She has dered ^ fl„ t carIoa(, of frouna heen culled there by the death of limestone of the season was un— her father, Mr. John Keeler. loaded last week at Hillsboro. t