T ttirir. ir ir»» rem IIEA V KR TO N, R E V IE W 'S T il K HHC IT T he B eaverton R eview CT.RAN II RADINO TOR ALL T U FAMILY The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests O f Eastern Washington County. » • • August 15, 1950. Mingle Copy, 5 Cent» Beaver Theatre Opens 2 As All-Talking Show; J ChoruN of Sixty Trained Dancer» Are Used In This Production LOCAL NEWS Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon. R E A S O N S FOR C A R ’S P O P U L A R IT Y O lV E N I Tire Covers Advertise Mra. J. V. Fredrtcey and aon IM m ar o f South Platte, Nobraaka ami formvrly of Beaverton art inn kinK a two inontha vlalt with frlvnda ml rvlativva in Hvavvrton ami Portland. ' Rd l . Moor.. Hvrrrtary of thv Htllaboro I'hainlnir o f Commerce and MunaKtr of the County Fair, rv- turnvd Sunday evening from lowu where ht waa called by thv critical i illnvaa o f hla molhvr. I S S TACÍ K S U CC ESS NOW ON D IS P L A Y V O L U M E VIII, NO. 37. 91.50 Per Year Large Crowd Attends L United Clubs’ Meet — at LO C A L N E W S F. Lillckard injurad hia hand racently. The injury became infected quite avrioualy. | Huber, Aloha and Beaver ton Clubs Co-operate In This Movement Friday, When th# Chevrolet Motor C#m- I-uny introduced to thv automobilv public thv M w Chevrolet Six on Jan­ Mr« M . C. McKvrchvr apeni uary 1, 1929. thvy entered into a Wedneaday at the G. A. Gilmore highly competitive field with a car, home in Portland. which waa deatined to champion new alandarda of salea and performance Julius Meier Tells of Great Mr. and M n Adam Klink of P ort­ Comings and Goings of The recorde Immediately following the land are visiting with her father, People In and About Improvement In Roads announcement of the New Six, thou- Mr. A lfred Davies. aanda o f order» were placed for the This Vicinity. In Past Few Years IMr. and M n. M. H. Metcalfs car before lla firat public ahowing. and aon Ernest returned Weuneaday By the end of 192# the Chevrolet Motor Company had sold and deliv­ SEN. M I L L E R S P E A K S ' r«m s «a »id « where they »pent their B y S P E C IA L W R IT E R S vacation. ______ ered more cars than the combined The Geo. B. Smith fam ily moved Many People Come To aalea of all the other aix cylinder Beaverton form er L * , , . c a n manufactured during the aame policemen Are Stationed l o Help thu wppk from ^ To Viait Friends and Relativa» Find Parking Place» well house to the Hall house on Al- period of time - i — j len Avenue. Now with a new 1930 model that Mr. and Mrs. Georg* Van Oss i . . ____, . . , The Unitel W-ataide Club, mat at M r» J. H. (luiett and children are recent arrivals in town. h* ‘ * " * tly to- school and M r». ..... M »ry - < ,n . P, .e<> D n lm # . 1 e v il _ visited with Beaverton friends Tuea­ r cylinder cars, 1 attendance in it» history. Police- becca Elleraon ™/'r* (><,Pu**r T>ur day. , __ ,, " a most enviable 1 men were stationed outside to look Mr r ‘ Position among the automobile after the parking of the autos. The ** * r °* Betty Sams visited over the week champions. j large auditorium waa filled to ca- a Saturday evening dinner guest it. end with Katy Bertsch o f Portland, the home of hia sister, Mra. K. l Oregon. Thia leadarnhip of Chevrolet ia ea- P»city. R Denney and family. penally evident among the business The president c» Cia c!uL>», Geo. Jus* Li.a Certsch o f Portland, and professional men o f the country, Lippert presided over the meeting „ Mr Walter Jones and daughter Ore , ia spending a week with Mar.e who »re trained in the selection ot which was opened by ainging the Waldyne were Thursday luncheon Sams | u »lity value» While the Chevrolet firat stanza of America by the mem- «nest* at the M. C. McKercher Mrs. Theodore Hetn and Mi a Motor Company is international in . her*. Mr. Kinney o f Fairvale, chair- ■u‘ne on Thuraday. ltj> scope their local representative, man of a cur*mittee on roads, was Mr a M Mrs. W R. VanKleek and Irene Hetu are spending a week at Stipe's Garage have supplied a , called on fo r a report, as was M r dacughtc. Cathryn visited at the Glen Cannon Beach. l»rgc number of 'Chevrolet Six cars MacDonald who gave the club a Snyder home at I-ake Grove on Mra. T . J. Hannigan spent the to local people. The following is an petition or set o f resolutions, asking Wednesday evening. week end with her daughter, Mr*. owner list o f the Chevrolet Sixes ! for a connecting link between the ^ >frs y w L ivu more H A. Rohae. talsen from sales to business and Hoffman and the Garden Home road. . . The threshing crew o f T . B. Den­ professional men o f Beaverton. The dub went on file as favoring Jr ’ " nd a- U* h,* ‘ - ^ «“ » ‘ ored to via the Salm.n River Road, ney and Hansen Bros, are bu»y Passenger cars: Mm. Willimuaon. the petition, and agreed to send Newport where they spent the wtek end threshing this week. Groenwood Cafe; Ohms. herthold, copie» to the city o f l^ortland and Miaa Genevieve Carter spent the ^ r* M n . Walter Jones and Berthold Feed Co.; Francis Liver- to the (bounty Commiaaioner o f Mult- more, J r., Bank of Beaverton; Dew- j nomah County. I’egg.e Crabtree ’ daughter Waidyn r f San Francisco week end at the home o f her cou­ «-y !>' Drorbaugh, Dewey the Plum- gave a solo. ’Caiisnan K id." H. »e r e dinner guest at the M C. sin. Mrs. E. G. Perkins. l* r ; Dr’ J. R Talbert. Dentist; [ Eliander gave a brief re|*ort o f the McKcrchcr uome on Fr. lay t f last jiiaei Dona Rae Howard is visit­ Dr. R. S. Welsh, M. D .; Dr. C- i Tigard-Beaverton Highway Senator week. ing w!th her grandparents, Mr. am K Mason, M l>'; Roy Davis, N a- j Milton A. Miller gave a f| !»nd d talk ( -r a n ) Mrs. L-u c Hughson and Mrs. Howard of Bend. tionnl A ircraft Co.; Father Heesac- j on Oregon, congiatuiulmg himself Harvey motored ty Newport via Mrs. E. Roether was operated her, St. M arys Academy; Elmer and all the rest fo r living in thi* the Salmon River Road to visit on at the Emanuel hospital recently. nenxon, IJlty Meat Market; r rank wonderful »Late A violin and piano with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brieten, She is getting along nicely. Noyes. Noyce Plumbing Co. . JO|u wag given by Patay and Helen formerly o f Beaverton, The Misses Mary and Margaret Trucks: A ’ H Hanson Hanson O’ Neil. A baritone solo, “ I ’d like 1>f. . Mr_ j o x .lb e rt and are en­ Wood C o .; (Jhas Berthold, Berth- t0 Uj Ri . by Harold . ' *nd, M , , u ^ ' Carson and Alice Benson Old Feed Co.7 W J M K ’ ready. Me .hl^ , g " c o I. ! ’. ! r „ r f Car° ' ynJ ean *? Med' joying a week at Rockaway. CrmmAv I u iiie r Co ■ Jm- Kcmmer n " !ii j u ' ,■ " , " OI ford on .-.tturday aftern' on to n »it Mr. L'. A . Koh&e ami sons Tho­ ‘ r« J > ’ Joc Kemme . , Portland, gave . fine U lk on h w vith h(1 nt#. Mr aml Mra. O mas and_David spent Sunday fish­ ” 0. returned Tuesday. ing on the Upper Agency Creek. was followed by a brief talk from Arlon Eckstein o f St. Mary's was j our own mayor. Otto Erickson. DAUGHTERS OF VKT- Rev. and M r*. W iley of Jennings drowned at Astoria on Thursday of F R A N S (T V E PAR TY Kenneth Harlan o f Portland gave Lodge were Sunday dinner guests last week. Funeral sc— i os were held a lengthy but ratK-r entertaining o f Mr. and Mrs. L . W. Tucker. talk on electric power. Julius b. in Portland on W ednesday and in- Mrs. Cough ran o f Temple, Calif, The Da ugh te i» of Union V eter- Ml*ir, independent candidate for terment in Mt C» lvar>’ * _» f at ... a .. u :u ' _ . . who form erly reskied at Huber, an* o the g-*:.-1 CiviJ ix/ War gave birth governor, was the main speaker of Mr. J. E. Davis, who with Mrs. Say ^ S^ay X r moon for evening He told about the Da via has been visiting at the home visited Huber and Beaverton friends Mr W aller at h.s home near T o- ■ vast difference in the roads now of Mr. and Mis- W . H. Boyd recently. Thoat who havv recently had thvir I tonalla romovvd by I>r. Maaon arv l x » Ansel*» Orrhr.lra Suppliva Mu- K Strickland of rout. 1; C. (j. Anyonr Inlvrvatvd In Seeing 1 mi Alavn; llvlvn Merritt; Hetty R i­ May Oo To Onv of Garage* ale l " r Night Club Seen*» chard« of Aloha; Mra. Elizabeth i Sammona; and 1‘vKKy, Ralph, and Some time ago the Huber Com- Thv «u |»r K r »«n version o f the Charles Tonz of MuRnomah. , mereiai Club conceived an original celebrated I’hilip Dunning Georg* IKI »on 11 ur nrnip vu i» r puMicity imiHiuiy ID 1U Mr». Idouts »mgiwwn llughson N nn«l non H »r »ch#me to g givr to WIT th** Tu Abbui t stag* SUrt-ea» "Hi oadway accompanied by her niecea * the alatm Valley and the town* located la lu rum* lu thr tiaavvr T lw it u vey . _ * Fri Mal. ami Sun A uk 16 1*1 17 Miaaea lx>ta nnd Genevieve Shearer at the lower end of it in the east- Glen Tryon, Evelyn iirvnt and Myr- o f Forest (»rove, motored to Tacoma *rn part o f Washington county and iiu Kvnnvdy ant fraturvd in thv cast on Thuralay, where Mr». Hughaon a near to Portland. K l>avU, is viaiting t is an elaborate talking alnging 'nother> Mra Mr* E J. Gilsdurf in diacuaaing the pro- Mrs. Davta will return with her position said that “ You just can’t and musical picture with an inten daughter help reading what is printed on a diama a car tire cover on the bark W of I The Evan* Whitworth fam ily cele Th . pho fulm ina waa directed by !, ' r 'L' whenever you drive up behind the Dr Paul Fejoa, under the supervia- bratrd the firat b.rthduy of K” car ” They got together with the Ion of Carl I-aemmW, Jr. It wa< Whitworth on Sumlay evening. Ad Aloha Commercial club and the liea made on an elaborate scale, and is ditional gueata were Miaa Pauline verton Chamber o f Commerce and ■aid to have coat $1,600.000. Much Wuald o f Portland. Mr*. W . C. H o­ had a design drafted to go onto tire o f the action la laid in a night club ^ n " f Kentfield. C alif , and Mr covers Then they made a contract Thi* interior ia said tq l e the moat • n‘l Mr*. J. Whitworth and aon* with a large nanufaduring plant in striking scene o f thv year The de Ronald and Rotiert Portland to turn these covers out in eolations and the gen.-ral airange M r. arul Mrs. R B. Denney, and largy num'mrr, the service clubs of ...ent and lighting o f this set have Mr „ „ j Mt1l A M j . nnMn at thp towng , n u m rat^ contracting set new »tan.larda In c.nmnatogr.phy . meeting of the Hillsboro to take a stipulated number. Against IU hlsarre and and modern modern Rotary Club on Thursday at Forest |he p ail WM.k lheac tire§ hava Istir Ia»rk|frounds, a chorus of six* |( i |1 j $ (m lf Club In honor o f vne ma,i. th dr appearance in Beaverton ty train,d dancers pul on a show Rotary Anns The early evening «nd have la^n' ¡.Tsceil on nafeVt the 1^1* Nh W York o f ' ih ' ' ¡ * ni in (f° ,f followed more convenient garages and service NrW , n,Rh‘ r l“ b o f ,b* fcy • banquet at the ckibhuuse. staUons o f 'lh e nast” ' ^ ° r* ’" n‘ u (Juite a numlier o f Heaverton re- Th* Hre has at the top the time T , aidents spent Sunday at Wiihoit R takes to ilriie from the heart of a amoua »oanut ,ro\, ill Springs. Among those preecnt were the Tualatin Valley into the heart cheatra of bo* Angeles, undar Uie %, r and Mrs Hoy Gray; Mr and o ( Portland. "Fifteen minute* from direction of < m another KUeat pre8* nt | The old gentleman was pleased to two ladies from Portland, whose L. Pace, the purchaser, is now llv- names we did not get. M r. Kinney ¡ng ¡n Oregon City. He drives a Iwarh with a picnic dinner at Dav. A t noon, a pot-lurk dinner was whose name we did not gets He h» v* the uaiugbters come and en- introduced Mr J. W. Cullen and truck fo r the Multnomah Cleaners, il a Punch H»>wl after which thr served on a long table urnler the came from Sunny California and joyed the picnic as much as anyone, party visited the Eight Huus« near triea in the yard M r» Kllerson has spoke a good word for that state. I think the milk cans were all wife of Glen Cullen, old pioneers w . E. .McCloskey is the salesman A ga U Beach. , beautiful yard full o f many kinds although he told us that he thought drained dry., the amount o f ice of Oregon. Mr. , - Cullen vnr . said his . . wife nf wl,o closed the deal. Eugene was chosen as th* place a f tree« and shrubbery A whl* hedge Oregon a better plane in wnich to cream that was made and eaten 1 J . _ _ , ‘ . * of iiMwting for 1931 almost surround* the house. When |iy*. He was . school taacher, or »f*er they reached Mr. W aller’s lBa* “ ** the P‘*,n* F. J. K d * t n rni J I., IWriAon, lockl th# w riter A*k<* hand* The item» o f especial interest waa M r’ and Mrs. C . J- Bielman and DISTRICT C O N V E N T I O N The day was spent in lounging, the decision to make the next meet- ç . Morecroft to Fred N. Parson H F LD “ nd waiuiermg through the ing a picnic, thé location being left et ux. lot 1. Blk. F Steele's Add., son and Billy Woods returned from W I LL B E a week's vacation on the South Fork _______ tree* A ll present ha»l a wonderful to a committee consisting o f I. R Beaverton % ' o f the Mackenzie River. tun* an»! on departing the hostess Metzler, lx>onard Adams and J. R. Albert H . Erickson et ux to Chas The Sunday *<-h»Kil convention ana |„adod every cne down with luscious Talbert It will lie “ Ladies N ight” J. B M »>ter and Erie Johnson MacKey et ux. Lot 8. Kurdv's Add.. picnic of the churchr* in Kinton p|umg grown on her own tree*. N ev- and perhaps there will be who make frequent trips to the otb ir Beaverton. district will be held Saturday, all er were tree, so laden as these features, but the committee has Fred N . Parson et ux to Kenneth springs during the summer months, day, August .10. at Isiurel. It is ax- p|um tree* were! A fte r all had ta- not rendered a report as yet Carpy, Lot tl, Blk. F Steele’s Add. spent Sunday at Wiihoit. iwcted that aix or more Sunday j,tn a p , d |y share you could scare- ________ __ Rev. W iley o f Jenning’s Lodge, a Beaverton. schools in this district will take part c*|y tell there were any gone , Q, , . Waldemar IVrtelseii Bert to G P. fortner pastor o f the Bethel Congre- in th* axerciaa. o f the T . 2 N . R 3 W . , « th* '<*»1 chur.-h Sunday. morning with noun The afternoon i>* devoted nevoieo oth»*r noon win will" tie other year. annU. M r. and Mrs. Au- Charles Allinger et ux to Theodore motored to Eagle Creek where they op this ort-asion It ia also expected ( () S ( ) N f AR M S brey Fletcher o f the Sorrento dis- F C. Kinvru-t et ux, I-ot 5, bYuggai enjoyel a picnic lunch, on W’ednes- that there will be several outside j trict. Tr. day o f last week. speakers present during thr day. Ten 4-H C alf Chib boys from Washington County judged Jersey Mr. nnd Mrs. H P. Downing cows on the farm o f M G. Uunder- ' and daughter Mary Frances, arcom- son near Silverton and Holstein cows panied by Mr*. Downing’s father, and calve» on the Mt. Angel College Mr. M. F . A y e r» spent Sunday at farm, Saturday. August 9th. Wiihoit. ! The hoya were ncrompanied on the Mr. Ed Hiller, who was hurt in ‘ «¡P *>y F . H . Joasv leader o f the HbWW' o o o S J -Ì T hat i>sr a traffic accident in Portlaml re- Rock ( reck ( a lf Club and W . S. t wi-Wr pan tutne»l home from the Emanuel ho*» , A verill. Assistant County Agent » , i^F I LOCM< AS * ».v*. t,C HT PtHlACSj pital on Saturday. He is getting a - 1 Tho Verhoort Club was representel a p in t i V” '\FUNNV AS S H E ' "> ' WHEBe. PIP MA, MAY I <¿0\ long nicely. by EwtU W yffels, Adelliert Ever*, Ig - TO ES 'H KNICktíS .0 '¿At OET" I 'f o F M A H W ¿>H.PÉA¿rU'4 P¿VNN TO THfch )M _ _ ,, , , , . natius Ever*, Clarence VanLoo and f i VAA7ULP NT M r. R C. Doty and daughter NormaB Smith. Tlte H elveti.-Jacx- ‘ EM ' T vXJHr*Jl r P fun N THESE f ü ß M \ J l sV N ii VES MAM.T he SE lsK.rr.m e and M.«s Katherine I en r<||f clul) was reprelentad by CH PEAC Funs WERE ray aceompanie.1 Mr Doty to Salem , ^ va tl D„ vMaoIli James Davidson. T l l ö ® , Vi'HiCH VOLL THAT1- w at t r FATHERED IB'S i VstlTH VíAJ r voatc R. EVER I " " !;U un‘1* 5i Wherr y r* marn* d un- and Billy HaUhelder. The Rock PAt WP MÖRNIN6. l ì Pur t Thuraday. j Creek C alf Club was repreaentt>d by lit THERE IS o cJSTPKKLY B?ESH l A TIRE REPAIR Nr/ SHIRTS A Mr. and Mrs J D. Brehaut Jttff Donald .lossy and W ilfred Crossen. VJWV TTVMFp IN ? son James, Jr., o f Gervaia spent There were more than (»0 4-H ^ i FAVAtE * Tuesday and Wixlnesday in the boy* and g irl» present from Polk, — T rXCTNEC ? 'J home o f her *i»t*r, M*a. L . R. Marian, Clackamas and Washington AHP ^CNC L T O IVan and fam ily. countiea. A IVONP 0\ LUMI OH All Pl6HT stH AP- H AOHtHE PUT IM TEI l INo I- (ANS Of- SARPiNtSj Miss Louise Anderson of Portland G A R IB A L D I C H A M B E R ^ u n o v a in e s t r visited in the home of their duugh- PASSE S R E S O L U T IO N ter an»l sister, Mrs. Guy Carr and ä lUNPlttSTAMO] family on Tuesday evening. ,jno wjth thp ^ movp ,n THERE iS A tpvEtv P lace I M r*. Richar»i Johnson o f The the state chamber of commerce MACHAT ARE Dalle* and Mias Ethel Johnson o f asking the state highway commission 1 MOE Ö0IN61Ö Washington, D. C. are viaiting at to take quick action on a short 1 HAVE — the home of Mrs. Johnson's parents,, route to the sea. a resolution has PlNNEP Mr. and Mr*. E. E. Swenson. ju »t been passed by the Garibaldi Ì~NEVER SAVI Mrs. W . H . Boyd motored to «’»‘ "m her of oommertw SUCH JS DeLake Monday and brought her /.u' Z . "V a V'T parent., Mr and Mrs. J. D. W ll- the great ne»-d o f a shorter route nii t, and her uncle and aunt. Mr. R o la n d and the beach re^ , snd Mrs. I L. Mnrelock home with ,o rt «3ülTOES NV IUHER6 > ----------------------------- CLUB LOCAL LEADERS TO HAVE A PICNIC Mr and Mrs. L. B. Sami spent the week end visiting at Mrs, Sam’s mother, Mrs. V . Bender’s, home at Knappa. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs T . Thompson and son of Knappa. Ore., are visiting at the heme o f her sister, Mrs. L . B. Sams. The beaver Theatre opens Friday, for a 3-day run, with a big all- talking: picture. "Broadway-’ . It is a sensation. Mrs. F. J. Dietach and three chil­ dren left Thursday for Gervais where they will viait with Mr. and Mra. J. D. Brehaut. Mrs. F W. Cady spent several Washington County Association of 4-H Club loctl leaders are planning days last week in the home o f hei a picnic at balm Grove fo r Sunday, daughter. Mrs. John Bankus and fam ily of Portland. August 17. Mr. O- M. Plummer, manager of the Pac-fic International Livestock Exposition and personal friend of every 4-H Club boy and girl, has been invited to speak at this picnic. Mr. H G. Seymour. State Lead er 80vs and . Girls' Club work has al* ° h*“en invited to be present and ^ ‘ alk to the group, In th* aitlrnoon ther* w,n ** o f athletic events including 5WHn,mn* ' running, tug of war, ball f am3S’ “ n j other events. Prizes for «vents are »-ing donated by merchants o f Hillsboro, the prizes in­ clude such items as boxes o f candy, berets. flashlights, heads, belts, necklaces, etc. The picnic is planned to include all 4-H chib members, their parents, and friends Fsich person will provide • • • • • their own lunch ani families or clubs may eat together as they choose. There will lie the regular charge for the use of the Balm Grove grounds The Mazaroff Mystery 7 7 7 7 ? A L B E R T BUCH ER , OF K IN T O N IS M A R R IE D Albert Bue.her, son of Mr. ami Mrs. F. A Bucher of Kinton was married last Monday in Hillsboro to Miss Pearl Confer o f Portland. Only members o f the family were present. Mr. and Mrs Bucher immediately started on their wedding trip, which took them to Oakland. C a lif. where they have been spending the past week. For the present they wi^ make their home with the groom’s parents. Mr. and Mrs Bucher. Mr Bucher is one of our popular young men, and his many friends are ex ­ tending congrr’ ulat ons. LOYAL S C O U T S ” H A V E A N N U A L HI KE The organized class o f boys o f the Sunday rchool, “ Loyal Scouts." took their annual hike Saturday evening their annual hike Saturday evening their »lestination being Eisner’s grove, where they stayed all night. Nine boys and 0 dr teacher, E. c, Cox. made the trip. They returned to their homes Sunday evening A swim in the river was enjoyed, and also a weinie roast. Floyd Bierlv joined the boys Sunday morning. 4 By J. S. FLETCHER Was it some enemy from the diamond fields of Africa or was it some family feud which caused Salim Mazaroff to be done to death in the peaceful precincts of his old home town? H ere is a typ ical J. S. Fletcher story which w ill en gage your keenest interest up to the very end. R ea d Thi9 Thrilling Tale in The Beaverton Review