The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, May 23, 1930, Image 2

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    Friday, May 23. 1930
Black She< ep’s Gold
H e r e b • n e v e r -fa ilin g
fo r m o f r e lie f t r o ia
aciatic p a in t
C op yr ig h t by H u g h * * kl *** le A Co.
Illustrations by Irwin Myers
W N U fU rx Icq
i It to genuine
,B A Y E R
AS p i m m
For Barbed Wire Cuts
Balsam off Myrrh
P h il l ip s
L Milk .
of Magnesia
— M a n s I s*.
bandaged onto her feet, tier bat was cause of course I was afraid that
you'd he angry— Phil, you re not an-
a tangle of tom string
Anger bad possession of me. and gry with Utile Jlu. are yout 1*1x11. I
1 don't mind any­
yet—lInmgh I knew that she had prac­ Just lull) (p v'V"1
On s plea sur e trip In eamtrrn
Amory, En glish
tically v»m ked my eipedlthm —1 could thing. now I've found you, and I
W o r l d w a r vsls rah. now s trs dsr
Dot choose hut pity H e bright thing, knew I'm goln' with you."
p the Island of Papua. V s *
“ Jinny, my dear," I said—and l did
brittle as « butterfly, who bad wag
overboard to
not think my black halm) Plan her­
ered her light self against the ter
• a v s tht Ilfs of a musical cemsdy
Aim«, N o .
actress, k n o u t a . "Cl n -S ttn g. “
self would grudge the kiss that went
rlfic powers of the unknown; who, be
Amory becot. rS intersated In IMa
with the words—“ Jlntiy, tell me” —for
The worid’e our ojntw, but w*
Lat irU r, m sm b s r of a wealthy
don't all find a pearl therein.—B ob -
lay beaten.
Nothing but tha slow I wanted to put off the bad moment
N e w South W a l e s family
ton Tranacrlpt.
pace enforced on me ty the cutting as loug at possible— “ tell me. have you
tails h* r of his k n o w l e d g e of a
w on d er fu l gold field on the In­
of a track had kept her with ate so had any breakfast 7”
“G l n - S l l n g " talia him Pta
“ No, nor dituier last night," she
She must hare known this;
la en g ag e d to Sir Richard Pa n -
guessed that her only chance of life said. “ I hadn’t anything left.”
Hla holiday ended. A m ­
ory a rrl v ea hack at Daru.
“ Then you must breakfast at once.'
was to come forward and show her
meeta an
Eng lis hm an.
self, fling herself on my mercy, before t railed s carrier, spoke to him and
Try H A N FO R D ’S
there on development hueinrss
It was too late. She had obtained a set him to make tea and bring meat
for a syndicate of which Pa n -
s b a w la h e a d
F a n « h a w » name
canoe (as I afterward ’earned) from and biscuits.
recalls to A m o ry a l o n g - f o r g o t ­
She had eaten her meat and hla
the village at Itomllly mouth, and per­
ten Incident la which ha w i t ­
suaded a small crew to accompany cults; she had thirstily finished her
nessed tha escape of P a n s h a w
her. I.lvlng and sleeping on board, imnnlkln of tea. U fa wnt creeping
from a leper colony
Ha tails
P a p e r C h u r c h to Bm M o v e d
hla friend Baaeett about It and
she wnt able to keep oer hoys with buck Into her tired face, and with It
A church built of paper, cardboard
decides to Inform U au n e r.
her until she landed at the place something that I knew my next few
and beaver board la to be moved In
where I had debarked a few hours words must kill —hope.
Ita entirety from an estate at B*-
“ 1 thought you'd he angry," she
earlier. There they deserted, as car
s l a w dictate a massage which
nonl, about twenty miles from Jo­
Indicates that lha secret of the
tiers will, and she had had no food said, setting the pannikin down upon
Is known.
Am or y
hannesburg, South Africa, to a new
save what she could carry herself, no the ground. 1 said no'hlng. I took
meeta with an accident that laye
site. It waa aent from England In
shelter save the frost, during the four her scarred, burned hand, and began
him up for three w e ek s
R eco v ­
sections 21 years ago and. although
smoothing It gently In mlng. Angry?
ered. ha sails alone for Port
days of my Journey towards Dread
much used, has proved highly effi­
A storm compels him
nought range. Luckily for her. It was She little knew. The very rage of h— I
to put In at T h u rs d a y Island
Impossible to lose th-* way. even when had been In my heart, when first I
w h er e he finds P a n s h a w
she fell behind, sln.-e Ihe track we looked down the clearing, saw her
v oy age
P a n s h a w f o l l o w s In a
were cutting made our course plain sitting there, knew whut It meant to
motor boat and nttempis to run
as a macadamized road. I think she me, anil knew In the same moment,
him down.
Am o ry shoots and
that she could uever. If she lived to
went In constant terror; terror of na
ki ll s P a n s h a w
he u hundred, understand what she
lives, terror of wild beasts, even ter
ror ot me; for she most have guessed, had done. How could one be angry?
“ Leave go of my hand." she said
all too soon, that bet plan of follow-
“ There's something you
Ing me right through was madness
aren't telling me. I’lill. What Is It?”
From where I was camped, the and that she woald be forced into
“ Jinny." 1 snld. “ there are a greal
whole world scented to fall away In showing herself.
Bui I do not thick she knew, even many things you haven', told me. and
on; huge wave, upon whose crest the
1 propose to know them before very
boys and I precariously hung.
Four suspected, that her coming stumped
long; but there's plenty of tint# for
days v. had foiled to reach this place,
all thaL Plenty of tin.«," I repeated,
four days i f hardest work, cutting our she hud merely to placate me. use her
"for anything either of us wants to
I road foot by fool through forest that wont in's tricks. In order to find refuge
was knitted and tangled together We In my party. She didn't doubt her tell the other. On th* way."
“ Yes." she said
“ The way to the
were pitted with leech bites, scarred ability—Jinny had not had much
place they call ratatata."
R ev en u e F ro m F o re s t
“ The way to the mouth of the river,
Dornberg, a Baden village, is In dinner, and wasn't likely to, for In this or any other test where the
I mean,” said L
the same fortunate position as the months; comfort was a dream, and weapons of her sex were pitted against
“ You’re goln' back again?' cried
man s determination.
•mall Franconian city Ehern, whose danger dally food.
But It was not man's determination Jinny.
And I was happy, in the way of
Inhabitants not only pay no taxes,
“ We're going back."
but receive about GU marks a year one who baa long thlrsteo for a that barred her now. It was the Im­
“ Because of me?"
from the city. Doniberg owns large
“ Because I find It Decessary to go.“
forests which bring In so much rev­ native town. and. after loug travel, tamed wilderness, of 1‘upua. Against
“ I'hll. Td auve drowned myself
long difficulty, las won back to it at this, the finest men of the Nineteenth
enue that no local taxes have been
rather than—I. I'd known. i’ hll—
last. I wish i could find words to century, the pick of the Twentieth,
assessed for many years, and each
don't do It old hoy. Let’s go on and
citizen receives 31 cable meters of tell the completeness m that convle- had fought, struggled, and—most often
chance IL I'm not afraid of anything.
firewood and 1U0 wooden ties yearly.
I'll go till I drop tleaiL Let me. I’ hll.”
Who was the tittle fiancer, to break
ducible facts— that I was In my proper
She was almost crying; she held my
place and doing what ■ ought to do— lance In such an army?
sleeve tightly, and shook me. In her
here, four days Inland from the mid
Ihe did not know. She stood op.
waters of the Romilly river, away and came tc me. with the red of sun- eagerness.
“ Jinny,' I snld. “we're np against
from all the world, white men and all rise on her red gold fair, smoothing
their works; here, on the spine of the her <orn shirt, and \ tiling down her hard facta You d drop dead, a* you
Dreadnought ranges verging—at last, tattered breeches, cnlliug to work Ihe call IL before noon r.ilay. You—”
“ I done well up to this, anyhow. I
at last!—on the unknown.
smile that hud gained
drop of new
From today. 1 knew, the worst of ■wee!nesj from every man who fell kept with you. I'h ll!“
"You kept wltlf me heennse the
vlctlt.i to It. until now It was a very-
the work began. I scanned the world
below, and decided that I had done honey flower wherein the wandering, work lindn't begun. If you had been
welL Grace, the dead miner, hadn't kissing bee might drown. She knew an hour—five mlnules—later In find­
left the Rotrllly till he came right to her work this Jinny. She made me. ing me. Jinny, the meat.ants would
in a minute, forget her rags, her have been picking your bone* tomor
the bead of the navlgnhle part. I.
acting on what was more a gueis than stains, her battered wenrj look, and row. maybe before yon were dead.
a conviction, had branched off from see her hut as I had known her If you entne on with ur now. we might
the river halfway up Nobody knew month* weeks ago. vtt the liner and In be able to help yon along—*
“ Yes?” Her eves glowed with nope
Just what lay a day or two beyond my Thursday trlamL
Vet. at the same
“ For a day or so— carrying yon In a
present camp, but from what I could time I was angry, and sorry— for her
litter where we could, nnd slinging
see and Infer, I thought I might suc­ and for myself.
ceed In cutting off weeks of work, by
“ Jinny, Jinny.” I said to her. and you up precipices with bushrope like
. . That. Jinny, would
going on Just as I was going. I might again “Jinny, Jinny!” It seemed as s tied pig
m l our day's work down by a third
go a longer way round than Grace If I could find no other words.
mayl>e a half. We should get a little
had gone, but I was likely to get there
But Jinny was only too eager to
way and turn bark. 1 prefer to turn
sooner. So I sal and smoked, and talk.
back now. Don't cry. Gin Sling; you
felt myself at peace. And the sun
“ My oath, ’hi.." she declared, catch
never cry. yon know
What's that
went down u|>on my day.
ing me by the loose folds ot uiy shirt,
Too much to eat—too rich a diet
I should nave slept well that night.
as if she feared, that somehow, 1
you'll soon be deudT Lei's hear It
»-o r too much smoking. Lots of
I did not I lay wakeful, on my grid might vu tsh— “ My oath! I thought
again.“ I clapi>ed her on Ihe buck
things cause sour stomach, but one
o f sticks, an.», through the ot-en tri
it was all In with me I did straight,
nsaumlng a gaiety i waa very far
thing can correct It quickly. Phil- j angle of the tent fly. the Cross swing
lots! nigld I ci uldn l see a sign ot
Ups Milk of Magnesia will alkalinlze
round to the movement of the earth your tire anywhere, same us I'd seen from feeling.
One of the swift changes typical of
the acid. Take a spoonful o f this
about the sun.
It nthei nights, nnd l fair gave myself
tier sad. merry kind, slezed hold on
pleasant preparation, and the sys- j
“ Sleep," I told myself. “ Ton must
up for dead. And *«- this morning. I
tier without warning. She fluahed Into
tern Is soon sweetened.
sleep. Tomo row's a hard day." Bui
started off Just as soon a* I could see suddeD fury.
Phillips Is always ready to relieve
there seemed to be springs !o my eye
me feel, and I said *o uieself, 'Jinny
“ For twopence," she snld. “ I'd kill
distress from over-eating; to check
lids, bolding them up; the muscles my girl if you don't hod him quick
him—swine I"
all acidity; or neutralize nicotine.
o f my limbs were stilt und unrelaxed
the robins ot whatever-lt is will come
“ Who's the swine?” 1 asked. Bui
Remember this for your own com­ I could not d'-ep.
and cover you with leaves today
fort ; for the sake o f those around
Toward morning, whet
I shoulu I hurried and hurried, and when I she looked at me sidewise, nnd made
no reply. 1 saw she was shaking with
you. Endorsed by physicians, but
have been waking. I dropped Into con
come on you Just like that, it took me
they always say Phillip*. Don’t
fused, tired sLep. The first spears ol queerly. and I hud tr all down he j ra,e.
IT U ( ! ■ C O N T IN U E D !
buy something else and expect the | sunrise woke me .Ike a stab; 't Is not
game results!
at sunrise, hut before, that the ex
»s »a
» a a « a s a a a#.«-»
plorer should leave Ills -lone tixedowny
With a curse
at my own lazl
ness, i Dulled to boots,
and was
Already the carrier* had
character of each actor Is considered
T h e I'lisslon pluy. a d ram atization
their fire going; they sal round It.
<f the sufferin gs in the life of Christ
a* well as hi* histrionic ability. The
blanket-robed, watching the |>ot of
principal parts are hereditary. The
rice cook over the fiuineg. I looked takes place In Ihe U tile v illa g e of
' R ieronim ergau nestling In Ihe Bava
whole village live* for this production
at them, almost through them; fell
rtan A lp » And Mils play tin* been go
Die inhabitant* «pend their lime si
From Old Salutation
fushloidiig crucifixes, rimarle* anil Im
the brown men of Hie country made mg on every ten years since Ih e plague
The slang phrase, “ so long," I*
if I I S «
I'u rlp g 'h at yem the citizen s
ages o! Ih* «nini* to sell to Ihe tour
scarce a break In the glorious the
Mid to be a corruption of th “ word
if O liera imnergnu vow eil that they
1st* who How through their quiet little
Intoxicating sense of solitude that a
“ salaam.”
would etilici the piece e te ry ten year*
'•Ity year by year.
white man knows, on (lie verge ot
na a th ank sgivin g o ffe rin g f i » having
untrodden lands
Over Hint nearest
America gets most o f Its pure
'•een d eliv ered o f the plague.
Good Manners
sand for glass making from West
T h e o rigin a l text and arrangem ent*
I take II that Hie e»*en< e o f gi««|
there was no man grew w but ; mil
Virginia and Illinois.
were proluihl) rimile by rhe rnohks ol
urn liners is the gift of pulling in-ople
when I topped the mi unlnln I should
Ih e munir was couipiised bi
at I heir enne, not the chosen few pen
know. And i said. In my rashness— KttHl
Itochu* I *et11er schooltniister o f the
pie whom one likes, hui nil |n-»>pl*
“ This Is good; I ask no more of life.
iw rirh in IkM.
I’ he prodic timi I* glv
Yes. ease Is rhe word that deserti»«
In the same moment, I turned
en In the opi-t alt nnd «fu n d* » r e eon
giant manners The great ludy Is »I
looked carelessl., down the long cut
<lriii led to anoniim -dM le V issi *|iec
her enne will» the gardener Ihe n»»U*e
ting In the forest that we had mad*
fursI«I the ntgaiiitjlfin Ihe oufca»l »nd
the day liefore. und saw j figure senleu la to rs Set en hundred a cto r* are tin
ployed III the ploy nil u n live v illa ge r*
«he make* them all feel con »fort H hie
on a log.
The proceed * go fot Hie puhlli good
In her present* And bad manner* I*
The current of my blood seemed t«,
S t r e n g t h e n e d b y L y d ia E.
tfle r the e x I e n n e » h a te tieen d ofrayed
the fa cully of making every one un
stop as the Itow of ihe K om III) rivet
P in k h a m ’ s V e g e t a b le
ind a «fila li rem uneration made to
entufi»rinhie whelhet hy being abrupt
stops, for an lusiant when the Gull
C om pound
ly nule «>r overwhelmingly gushing
bore omes sweeping in ami Holds .1 •«eh actor
trat cordial or fia« tacking In cordini
T h e play I* a stupendoli* manifesta
back. Then as the nor» files up the
Rt. Patti, Minn.—" I used to be as
Ion o f religion * w orship and Ihe moral
Ity La» contempi nous or lia» (Intiering
river, driving all before It. anger »no
tired when I got up in the morning as
l oo ioni b o| any thing I» hud umriner*
sick dismay invaded uy soul
when I went to
was something else »«.«►— grailfled van
It destroys ease nnrl makes people
bed. I had faint­
S tr e e t of M o n u m e n t «
Ity, and a kind ot ange; love p en t»;«
fidget A mariner Ihal makes oftiei
ing spells and pal­
hut they wen drowned beneath Ihe
•\'t<*f orla
r.iul. iok t etil. luitidon.
people nervous Is s bad manner
pitation. Of course
It waa my ago. 1 tiprusldng fide
I t»a k ten steps i.
writes “ Ips'ker Irn
In the London
whethei It tie frankly unpleasant or
mad a Lydia K
may web hold the »..o pleasant by far.—Mary Borden In
the place wlie.-s Jinny I'reurliei wa­ If lily Chronicle
Pinkham booklet
a irl i *
reci -d fo r nioiinmenis In Harper's Magazine.
sh ting und I said to et t l - 4 Jinny
and started tak­
wliat made yon do 1111*7*
my Hi lo'iglifnre of
mime length
ing the Vegetable
She lookei Up St me. 1 could see
tor variety usi. It ’ «lies a lot of sur
C r e s i L a b e « ' S h a r e L in e s
Compound three
Monarchy is represented si
now. I.t the growing .Hwnllght how
times a day. I am
Lnke !*ii|»»rb»r loia » «Imre line In
her beauty was wreeked; how hei
now a well woman.
each extremity by queens. Victoria
ili* l ’ nlle»’ S ia li* nf l.lirj udì** ; ir
T h r e e o f my
eyes had sunk buck Into her bead and at Ilia-»friars anil lb adire» nr W ««i
' "minila Miti ralle»: Lnke Mi» Idgnri en
neighbors k n o w
In Lei Ween are «linesmen
her copper hair lost it shine, b iw m im 'd
tlrely w II filli thè l'nlted Stale» «li .re
what it did for me ao they are taking it
she had worn nerselt to a skeleton
icholur* p o e t * soldier* |oiirnnli*t-
line IJHM lupe» ; Lnke lltiron wllliln
too. I will write to any woman if Lydia
and let lief clothe* mil Inio rag*
uiusti-ifius »ml com. osile memorial*
'he l'nlled Siale« !VN| lolle»; In l'un
E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound
There were sores on her arms ami Ever . h' i|> o f course, k n o vs all attiro
»In 1 1 Lì filile» : l.ake Erte. l'nlted
will help her as it did me. I feel like a
neck —leech bile sores blue marks of It.' Yet I tlollhf If ole perso!» In ten
young woman now and I thank you."—
k'tde« pii mlle»; I il fonia 'r.’7 ml'e«
Mas. If. C. I I i . nrt , 236Puller Avt., fit
mosquito biles, deep scratches made could pm on pii|>cr six »if the names
fffifa r l".
l'n lt e d
Paul, Minnesota.
hy law ret thorn,
tier shoe* were or deeds represented.
tu lle» ; Culm d». ».V I inlles.
r*>r*»i«v* ; they degYtfe any Craw
I g . I I I ) . W vsW in N v s r a is e « « Union |
It's only folk within tbs win»«
l'«n knew my tisppln«*»
I tint nut tell my sscrsl but
1 hssrd Ihs robin* s u m « :
The s -M. ii minnow knows It
llviisslh th* wsisrvrsss.
‘Passion Play” Life of Small Bavarian Village
An omelet scema a hard dish to
make for the amateur. To have It
light and Huffy, well
done and palMnhlii lakes
BR-c-T T
Here I* one
x s. * '* i t (hat will be good for a
beginner :
Muity Omelet.—Take
one half teaspoouful of
salt, ono eighth teaspoon-
o f t'épiler, two table-
spoonfuls of quick rooking tapioca,
three fourths o f a cupful of milk;
rook for ten mluutra or until the tap­
ioca la clear (In a doubla boiler), then
add one tahlespoouful of butter. Beat
the yolks of four eggs until creamy
and the whites until stiff but not dry;
combine with the rooked mixture,
folding In the egg whites Inst. 1'ook
In a buttered omelet pan and when
well cooked on the bottom pino» the
top lu the oven or under a gas flame
to finish on the top. Fold over and
serve. This omelet, because of the
cooked tapioca, will stand up and
•lay light while being served.
Msat Loaf.— Many rooks have their
fuvorlte reel|ie for meat loaf. We like
one which Is moist enough to be
piilutablo but will hold Its sliupe when
»Heed. I'se leu tablespoon fills of quick
rooking tapliM-a. two pounds of munti
of l>eef chopped, one-half of an onion
cbopi>ed, two two-inch slice« of suit
|n>rk finely chopped, one pint of
canneti tomatoes, two nod one-half
tenspooiifuls of salt and one-fourth
teaspoouful of pepper, with a dash of
cayenne. Try out the salt pork until
golden brown, odd the onion and cook
for two minutes; then add all the
other Ingredients, mix well and hake
In a loaf. Garnish with parsley. The
tapiñes extend* the meat and also
acts as an Ingredient to bind the mix­
ture. Milk may tie used In place of
tomatoes If preferred.
There are many who object to corn
starch; tapioca will tnkr the pince of
It In such dishes as pudding anil
cream or lemon pies.
Duchess Soup.— Take two table-
spoonfuls of quirk rooking tapioca,
add ona trns|ioonful o f salt, one-
eighth teaspoouful of pep|>cr. one tn-
hlrspontiftil o f chopped onion, one
quart of milk, two tabli-spooufuls of
butter, two tablrspoonfuls of parsley
nud four tahlespooufuls of cheese
finely chopped or grated. Mix well,
add the cheese, butter and parsley
Just at the last. Cook the Ingrnlleuts
at least fifteen minutes to Insure Ihe
perfect cooking of the tapioca. The*
add the cheese and Serve.
A cry In th* night may be th«
first warning that I B llaby ha* colic.
N o cause (or alarm i( Castoria i«
handy I Tjiis pure vegetable prep­
aration bring* muck comfort,
can never Jo trie sli^hteai harm.
Always keep a bottle in the house.
It is the ta(e and aensible thing
w hen children are ailing. Whether
it's the itomach, or the little
bowels; colic or constipation; or
diarrhea. When tiny tongues are
coated, or the breath it bad.
Whenever thrre's need o f gentle
Children love tha
" H
cj L
B ru ce A t ta c k D isp u ted
D e v il A id * D o c to r*
Loyal silmlrera o f lloliert the
Bruco are aroused over Ihe recent
attack on the Scotch hero made hy
Thomaa Johnston, undersecretary
for Scotland. During an addrena at
Greenock, Scollami, Johnston said
that "Robert Hie Bruce was a feudal
bully and the story of Bruce uud the
spider U an Invention.” He added i» tiic winter <»r iBOfiT B u m s
w h s s|M-ndllig hi* time not In semi*
starvation watching spider* In an
Inland rave, but amid the rude com­
forts obtainable nt the court of the
Norwegian king. Champions of Bruce
declare the charges are untrue.
For several your* the British au
thorltlea In New Guinea tried every
way possible to Indura the nativa« lo­
hn vaccinated f»r smallpox. Finally
sir Barbari Murray, ti"- ItMtsnanl
governor, was auccranfiil hy calling
the leading chiefs together and lu
forming them that a great Mark
devil was coming out of the moun­
tain* to destroy them and that their
only escape would be to have Ilia
government charm branded on ttielr
arms. Thousand* of the natives Im­
mediately llockeil to Ihe government
clinic amt wer« vaccinated.
B ra a k ia g O u t
"IVhat's the lump on Ihe front of
your car?"
"Oh, lice radiator Ju*t had a boll.”
t-ongfrUow calls attention to th*
fact that the Np»inl*h |>eopl* greatly
admiro “ eut#rail) eyes” and celebrai*
them In song.
A «Ignlflcaiit advance In aircraft
Is the u«e of n chemical cooling fluid
In pince of water.
There are a thousand harking at
the hrnnrhe« o f evil to one who la
striking at the root.— Thoreau.
S pan U k Id ea o f B s o u ly
when system is sluggish;
costs nothing to try
When your bowels need help, the mildest thing
that will do the work it always ihe sensible choice.
Take a laxative that a family doctor has used for all
sorts of cates o f constipation.
l>r. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin is to pleasant to the laxte, so
grntle in its action, it is given children o f tender
age and yet it it just as thorough and effective as
stronger preparations. Pure senna, and harmless
laxative hrrht; ingredients that soon start a gentle
muscular action. Avoid a coated tongue, bad brtsik,
bilious headaches, etc. Every drug store has i>r.
Caldwell's famous prescription in big bottles. O r
just write D r. C iilJivelft iiyrttfi 1’e fiin , Slontucllo,
JIL, fo r a free trm l bottle.
During the summer weather cool
drink» are used more freely nnd It Is
n great suit fa» tion to have some-
thing good, cold, and pulatabie ready
t o i f r r i one's
friends. Lemon *lr
up. aside from Its
being more delici­
ous than ordtuury
r. -, I ■ • •
» lemonade,
le mon:
g I r • s
. J . - * ! one tlie
9 ^
of Its nlw-uys being
reiuty to serve at
Just a moment’s notice.
Lemon 8irup.— Squeeze the Juice
from enough lemon« (probably five
dozen) to make two quarts of the
Juhe. Add enough o f the grated rind
to suit the taste, alx pounds of sugar,
and two aud one-half quarts of wuter.
Ilent to the boiling point, strain and
bottle. Keep cold. When serving pour
a tahlc«poonful or two of the sirup
over chipped Ice In Ihe glass, add wa
ter and serve.
Chocolate Sirup.— Mix together one
pound of chocolate, one pound of sit
gar, and one pint of water; add a few
drops of vanilla or clnnninoii extract
Keep cold; u*e three tuble«poonfuls to
a gl;i*s of chilled. Iced milk.
Ginger Punch.—Chop half a pound
of runtoh ginger, add one quart nf
cold water, one cupful of sugar, hull
fifteen minutes, strain, add one half
cupful o f orange Juice and the same
of lemon Juice. Serve on crushed Ice.
Fruit Punch.— Make a slruji by boll
ing one cupful of water, two cupful*
of sugar until *m<a>th, add one cupful
of strong tea, two cupfuln of straw
berry »Iruji, the Juice of five lemon*,
five orange* nnd one cun of chopped
pineapple. Mix und let *tnnd until
Strain, add three quarts of
chilled water, one qmirt of mineral
wuter. one cnjiful o f cherries. Morve
In n punch howl with Ice.
Currantade.—Take one quart of cur
rant*, one pint of raspberries, one
ipnirt each o f wnter nnd augur boiled
to a sirup; cool. Serve In a punch
howl with Ice. Mlrnln before putting
In the h»iwl.
Racpberry Shrub.—Take six quart*
of raspberries, one quart of vinegar,
let «fund In a Jar forty-eight hour*
with a weight over the herrie*. Htrnln
and squeeze the Juice through n Jelly
bng. Add’ »ne pint of sugar to one
pint o f Juice; boll ten minutes. Bot
tie; dip cork* In paraffin.
Add three time* the onmnnt of Ice
wnter when serving.
Add gtpgcr ale to grape Juice for a
nice dilnk.
latte o f C astoria, and ita mildneea
make* it suitable for the linieal
infant, and for frequent use.
AnJ a more liberal dosa o f
Castoria it always better for
growing children than some need­
lessly strong nieilii inr meant only
for adult use. Genuine Castoria
always has Chas. If. Fletcher's
signature on the wrapper. P re­
scribed by doctoral
Happy Movie Endings
Popular With Edison
Tin- gn-nt Inventor, Thomas A. Kill
non. has b«-«-n culled suix-rhumiiii by
many admirers, but those who really
know him claim he Is human to a
marked degree. Although he doe« not
like bridge or golf, he la quite a
movie fan and eai>eclally partial to
“ western«."
If there Is any reason to lielleve nt
A ffsw r»(*netosfsr t h a t
the end of the picture that the hero
IVow'S KIM l/ini.ul, FseHry,
and heroine are not going to live
D o g s , Cairn, * r mo mm l a k y CMcMm
happily forever after, Mr. Edison la
r i n h * n f t « 4 « b * w t I K « h am s b a rn o f posai
highly Indignant nnd on more than f K r y R r O
o t ò w*Hh a b o o lu t* Bafct t • • IS o n ta In «
one ocrasloii haa written pr<»liirera i b b i t f y f bRR . K R O I t o m o J « o l » q u i l l . • •
r a c o m iM n d a d h y U 1 ( ) « i > i ofA grlvu lS ssr« unJar
and registered hi* rehuke for putting ( t » i |>t h l P t « a a a wM< ft l t i « u r « a m a al m sar i’
a s i t n f l h T w o « o n a b ille d 97t gaia a t A rb a u a a a
un such n story.
• t a l a F a r m . H u n J ra J a o f o lh a r t « a s lm o n l« lt
"W e are all working for human
a * M * a • M ***y E **h Os s rs s t*».
hnpplness,” remarked Mr. Edison, In ala« upon K R O. I ha o d g ln a l S q u ill a « s « r
after a rather disappoint Ing picture, m in a i or A l l p o o lS r r a u p p lr . d ru g , a n d H » d
• to r«a
75c l. a r g * a !«a <f>»ur l lm t a oa m ot
“anil while we may not Biicreed In •1 ufi D lr a c i I f d * a l « r c a n n o t a u p p ly y o u K K O
real life, we can surely make our C o . S p rfn g A a ld , O
characters linppy In picture«."
Kill Rats
W ith o u t Poison
Mother of Five Healthy
Children Spe«Ju
Everett, W ash.—
P A R K K R 'S
"There is iv »thing so
hel pf ul in motlicr- l F-
liasulrofr HS«*fta Rafla faJH
Im p o rla C o lo r an d
hood ss Dr. Pierce's
to ( « r a v a n d F a d o d H a h
Favor i t e Prescrip­
and |1 OP a l 1 i r a g g 'a¡
tion. I amthe mother
»If .
l U
of five as fine, healthy F L O R M T O N SH AMPOO l»te*l f<* u m I»
•children as any one w n n w tu .n w ith i ’ arhwr a lla lr Mo loom M ok aoth o
h a ir a o ft an>{ fltsfTy. b »t r ernia by m a il« * a l d ru g-
could wish for and I «ta ta . I lia c o » < h «tn ical Wurka. I'aUU-grua. N Y
give tins medicine
greateredit, for I took
it each time and it
i i>«utn*t kept me m such good
physical condition that I was always able
to do my own work right up to the last
—never lost my strength at any time. I
would not think of going thru expectancy
without taking this tonic”— .Mrs. C. fc_
Armstrong, 2811 Victor Place.
Fluid or tablets. All dealers.
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce’s InvsIM» Ho-
tel in Buffalo, N. Y , if you want a trial
package of Prescription Tablets.
Brave Youngster«
Ib-fendlng themselves with a bow
mid arrow, Robert A. Murteiomn,
eight years of age, nnd five-yenr-olil
«filter drove off n vicious attnrk of
n lynx nt tlielr home at Wiimiley,
The two rhlldren
had gone out Into Hie liusli to play
fntlliin. The lynx sprang on the girl,
clawing and lilting her. Her hrnther
kicked It »nil drew Ills bow. The ar­
row hit the ii ni inni nnd It dl»np-
poured in the briiNli.
ff— r Mlat aWilimtod me fa# rofnndad lath«
W R I T T E N A»SSi;H A N C R o t t the
In ad«
Ing tha I * C. J ttm m
BRR —TBka' method off traal
inant. ((Tard by oa asciualoaM
Rrmartuibl« ( u r e m alao wtfh
joflirrHr f.xl*iw1l «donatiti
«Hand T O D A Y h * I K K K IOO
p a i*
RE c t a u ST olòn
F ree from p im p les!
What s relief it is to know that your akin ran
be free of pimple*. Anoint it gently with
C im C lIK A O INTM ENT, then wa.h off in a
few minutes with CUTICIIRA SOAP and
warm water. A very simple but satisfying
treatment of pimple«!
The C U T IC tR A Treatment ha« been weed
for years in thousand« of home* throughout
the world.
Old English Custom
Boxing day In England. Ihe flrat
wee;, day ufter Chrlitnm* day, hud Ita
origin In the custom nf pre»entlng
lane* containing present* to employ
eee, |**tiueu. errand boys, etc
h'lHSU P»H
* Drue * ( X Pill«1 l«t*n*
Ha*. M■!*«., Mm*
a i t VW
T«lrm * l b
C u tic u ra
clink !
W. N. U., Portland« No. 201930
Sound* Reasonable
In Chin» a recently found skull with
a dislocated Jawbone haa been clna«l
fled iii Minanthropuspeklnenst*. It I*
thought that the accident to the Jaw
was mused hy the unfortunate man
attempting to tell somebody who he
wu*.—London Opinion.
B m » 11«. I * f t « ,
hnssli giving dr «.ilia ami
humlre-U oM ra lU n o n lsIa _______