» » l(Jk ' ■t w - THE BEAVERTON REVIEW FRIDAY. JULY 26, 192». — . . " T - This property is being handled by the Tualatin Valley Realty Co, Mr H. E. Turner from Mills City v:sited at the C. C. Beach home, recertly. I !!■ — W * 11 , . ! Mr. and Mra. Wm. Van Stiphout It has been reported that Mr. and n ,)tom | Mllu City and bock Mrs. L. G. Hartley left for Oalifor- l ut>#day ni„ ht. ma ami way points ^otlnesday of leona Hetu has been visiting her this week. sister Mrs. Miller in Portland for Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hulett and )jls, we#k family were visitors of Mr. and . Fred Braun of Forest Grove. Sale-T w o brvXHler housea In­ M quire t has. Berthold, Beaverton, Tuesday evening. Phone 8603. c-34 Mrs'. N. G. Freeman attended a Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boyd re­ luncheon in the W iltshire apart­ ments in Portland, given by Mrs. turned from their visit with rela­ tives in California. \varncr Mrs. Lewis Alyn and mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Florence of H. P Nelson, visited with friends Huber left Sunday for an auto trip to Sault Ste. Marie Michigan. They ut Scofield last week. The Three links Association is may be gone for a year or more .PERSONAL AND MINOR M ENTION 1 .Lights and Sidelights on Local Activities» . .... ... ■ — — —— — — —— Mr. and M n Chas. Jacks left the first of this' week for a two-weeks* vacation. Chas. Berthold returned Thursday from a two-day business trip in Astoria. Mrs. J. H. Stiles of Forest Grove called on Mrs. N. G. Freeman, Tues­ day morning. F. C. Co* of Woodland Acres en­ joyed a fishing trip along the Clack- amas river Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Persiey of Salem spent the week end at the home of Dr. W. S. Johnston. P>*nnin* 1°. — *V Fr“ day evening (tonight) Mrs. Jsne BYadley of Portland sr>ent the week end with her sis­ ter, Mrs. W. H. Engelke. Mr. and Mrs. James Breaut of Gervais spent Sunday visiting with | Mr. and Mn- L.R. Dean. Clara Hutchins, and Archie Thom­ pson of Banks were sunday evening BEAVER THEATRE visitors of Mary Kingston, PROGRAM Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry Johnson and family are spending their vacation at Cutler City on the coast. 8 Friday. Saturday. July 27. 28 8 This Is Surprise Night Mr. and Mra. J. D. Wilmot left J -T H E BLACK ACE’’ Monday for Devil’s Lake. They ex­ 8 Starring Don Coleman. A Fathi pect to be svne 2 or 3 weeks. 8 Western, AND Marie Prevost ii is a prescription for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summers 8 “MAN BAIT*' Colds, Grippe. Flu, Dengue, and Mr and Mrs. Elmer Stipe are 8 “T artan, The Mighty.” No. 11 Bilious Fever and Malaria. spending a week at Yachat». K Comedy: “A t The Front * Mrs. W. H. Hunter returned last It's the most speedy remedy known 8 Sun, Mon.. Tues. July 28-29-3 d week from a three weeks vis.t with 8 Laura La Plante in fhe Bes jfl her children at Wheeler, Calif. 8 Mystery Picture ever filmed d Miss Eva Whitworth returned 8 "TH E LAST WARNING’’ d Wednesday evening from a week's * Comedy: “Up in Arms” d visit with relatives at Port Town- Inflammation of the end. Wash. 4 Wed.. Thurs., July 31. August A 4 Tom Mix In d T BLADDER AND URETHA Mr. J. H. Stiles reports that he t “OUTLAWED" A has made 562 round trips without A Wonderful Medicine • Don't Forget Tony Is W ith Hir A missing a day since he started his 4 Comedy: “A Kingdom For A milk route. 4 Hearse" Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Schoene mo­ tored* to Battle Axe Inn. Saturday, anl returnel Sunday by way of the \(t Hood Loop. Fred Knorr. the proprietor of the Sanitary Market and Grocery, and family, picnicked on the Tualatin £ EVERY MONDAY. TUESDAY £ river Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clfment and family and Miss Wilma Holgate .t alii., picnicked en the Yamhill Ri­ ver, Saturday. PHONE BEAVERTON 3603 Residence Phone, 3602 Robert Denney returned home Wednesday evening after spending Egg M ash, Scratch Feed, Dairy Feed three weeks in Salem with Mr. and Binder T w in e Grain Sacks and Sack Mrs. H. C. Gilbert. Mr. Brown manager of the Bea­ T w ine verton Pharmacy has rented the B. Cellars house en Hall tit. between '"Mrd and Fourth Sts. A •— *- . v, ‘"‘•w Anderson of Mr. and Mrs. w_ .,. ^ Collins View were guests at u . R. VanKleek home on Wednesday jvening of last week. Miss May McCloekey, head de­ S ' signer for King A Co- milliners of Portland, left for her semi-annual trip to New York, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Gerrow of Reedville left for a two week's trip in Canada. They plan on going through the “Terrible Trail", AH of the The Misses Ida Reghitto and Joy Hulett spent Friday in Portland. They attended the picture at the Property at Orenco, Oregon, consisting of over Music Box, “On with the Show.’’ C. W. Zehr has traded his pro­ 700 acres of land together with buildings and perty here to Mr. Robert C- Braden equipment has been sold. for a quater section in Lincoln County, close to the city of Toledo. IT IS the intention of the purchaser to continue Mr. Braden has moved into his new the business under the new name of home. Gus Miller, who lives on Rt. 2 out of Laurel was operated on for therefore communications should be addressed appendicitis at a Hillsboro hospital Saturday by Drs. Welsh of Beaver­ “BERNARD’S NURSERY, ORENCO, ORE’’ ton and Rcbb of Hillsboro. He is henceforth to insure prompt attention. said to be improving nicely. Dr. R. S- Welsh operated on Now is the time to begin to look your premises over and decide Ruth Zastrow of Aloha at Jones bh that beautiful shrub, evergreen or ornamental tree you want hospital Saturday removing her ton­ to add to the beauty of your home. W'e respectfully solicit your sils. Then on Monday he removed patronage and assure you of our appreciation of same. tonsils for James Wray, Huber, and WE ALSO HAVE A PLACE FOR A FEW MORE SALESMEN Phone, Hillsboro, 792, Bernard’s Nursery, Orenco, Oregon. ! Ethyl and Esther Hesse of Hills­ boro. lo y ie s ^ N. J. Skee of the Beaverton Fi- nance Co. has been entertaining his father, his sister and her husband, reported to be from Oakland, Calif. Good hay and bundle forks. 90c: 4-hour enamel for every house hold need; good used fruit jars, pints, 45e a dozen, quarts, 55< a doxen. F. J. D etach. c-34 Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Allyn nave rented the Masters' house on First St. between Hall and Tucker Sts 666 Miss Gladys 8hellenb*rf|pr of Monmouth spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.. 1>. Shellenbcrger. .. d t Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brown, El- wood Brown and Mrs. Harold Mil­ ler are spending their vacation at (Voan Lake, where ure also Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilmot and Mr. and Mrs. I L. Morelock. Mr. and Mrs. W. C McKell and Mr. E. W. Woodruff spent the week end visiting with Mrs. Woodruff and daughters at Hales Pass. Wash., where they are visiting with Mrs. Woodruff's father, Mr Lots. : Real Estate Transfers M -------------------------- ----------------- Hammond Lbr. Co. to II. W. Hunt, SKV* Sec. 36. T. 3 W„ R. 4 W. Guy M. Roff et ux to M. S Koop- mans. 1.30 acres, Sec. 12, T. 2 S. R. 1 W. Mildred A. Ayer* et vlr to John Hartman et ux, lots 67, f>8 and 69 Beaverton-Reedvillo Addition Ladd A Reel Farm Co. to Mult­ nomah Golf Club part of secs. 11, 12. 13 and 14. T. 1 S. R. 1 W. Ladd and Reed Farm Co. to the Multnomah Golf Club, Part sec. 14, T. 1 8 . R 1 W. Shaw-Fear Co. to Noah H. Hill et ux Part of lot 18, Alton Act ;age ■ — addition to Beaverton. Norman Voge* et ux to Joseph Mueller et al, L>t 16, Humphreys' Addition, Hillsboro. Multnomah Golf Club to W. A. Thayer et ux, part of See. 14, T. 1 8 R 1 W. Robert A. Thiel et al to G. G. McCormie et al, 2.56 aerea, Gar­ den Home. Netttie M Mason to Roy Jornaon, 10 acres. See 4. T. 2 S. R. 1 W. D. W. Saunders et ux to Thomas B. Sparks et al, lait 46. Johnson Eat. Add. Beaverton. I'he Nogero Co. to George K Walnter et ux. P art Tract 12. Ash- brook Farm- Birl Olga McCormick et ux to Birger Boyaon et ux, Part of Th. Denny Cl. 47 1. S. 1 W. Chas. A Hnulenbeck et ux to Ger­ trude E. Johnston. l lt acre of Wm l.ockerntaii. Cl. Anna Foulk to Mary L. Wills, Lot 4 Blk. H. Lehman Acre Tracts. Harriet I- Church to I. 6 Smith, Lot 53 Tualatin Valley Hornet Curtis E. Mason et ux to J. C. Guyer, EW of Blk. I Masons 1st Adii. Beaverton M. M I ally et ux. to Marie Gian­ ni, Part Lot 15. Garden Home. Id« Hinman to M. Balocco et ux Tract 6, Alvord Carr Hunter's Sub Div. No. 1. r — r— 'I 'T T Fresh, New COMPLETE Stock of Standard and Fancy Groceries At The Lowest Possible Prices Awaits Your Inspection. ______“Seeing Is Believing”_____ You May Serve Yourself __________If You Wish!_________ Mother Hubbard h ire d . Many Special» on Saturday Sanitary Market Fred Knorr, Prop. Phone Beaverton, 6 5 0 2 j Government Inspected No. 1 Steer Beef Pot Roast*, per lb. 2 3 c Boiling Beef, per lb., 18c FLOUR.,“Silver Loat” H vd Wheat 49 lb Sack KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES 3 jkgs., PILLSBURY’S CAKE FLOUR 2 pkgs, (Glass Mixing Bowl Freel $1.65 25c 80c Beaverton Market & Grocery We Deliver Phone Beaverton 3203 For Rent-Home For Valuable Papers Men of affairs never debate the question "Where shall I keep these valuable papers and document»?“ Every successful man and many of lesser means always have a safety deposit box in a burglar and fireproof vault and fully insured against loss of any kind.Our safety deposit vault has been tested end approved by the National Insurance underwriters, and you take no risk when you entrust your valuable papers to it’s cere D A N K OF D K A V K R T O N '* • W. Livermore, Proa. It. K. Penney, Vice Free. D oy U rn y , C a x h ic r ■ c — / - OREGON NURSERY Co. *15 to # San Francisco ( from main line p o in d ) now good on 4 train s So great has been the demand for this economical travel, the $1Y coach fare to San Francisco ; $28 to Los Angeles, may now be used on all trains carrying coaches— the ' Shasta,” "W est Coast," "Oregonian” gnd Klam ath,' (formerly the "Coach Special ”) . Good also on Tourist Sleepers T o provide still greater comfort at low cost, these coach fares are now good on Tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. This arrangement saves nearly half ybur travel costs. Planning a vacation? Phone or call on us for all travel information S o u th e rn Pacific C. E. Allen, Agent VOTE! VOTE! -4~-- i- 3 ■ PAY M IR BILLS BEAM ON, ORE. r ■ _ Hamilton Association Com* piles Reports for Clients in Beaverton, Nearby Towns The Hamilton Association, Inc., organized to protect its members throughout this state by acting as a clearing house for professional credit information is now compiling data on how individual patients in this and nearby town* pay their medical bills. The credit rating data which the association plans to supply it« ell-1 ents here will be based on reports j on all their patients having credit ! accounts, after each patient whose account is overdue has received no­ tice of same and has had an oppor­ tunity to make a Satisfactory set­ tlement. The association calls attention to the fact that such notices, sent to persons who have allowed their me­ dical bills to become overdue through oversight are no reflection on their reliability but solely a means of enabling them to main- j tain the good credit rating to which they are entitled and a proof of good will on the part of thair creditors.—Adv. gm.~~.mmm.. j r Saturday Special Hay, Grain, Feed, Poultry Supplier BERNARD’S NURSERY tu x i |l CHARLES BERTHOLÌi A N N O U N C EM EN T Grocery ".< j H j d e p o s it s Z. K. B„ for B R O W N ’S : — Mon.,July 29 Do Not. N eglect To Register Your Vote ■ ■ ■ 3 ■ 8 8 ■ ■ ■ In Favor of improving your schools. Polls open from 2:00 until 7:00 p.m. This improvement program is es­ sential, and will give Beaverton a Modern, Up-To-Date School of which you may feel justly proud. ■ 8