n i F Beaverton Review How to Ralee Poultry lim ati Ev.ry r r ltU , »1 Of» —i —By— T1IK REVIEW PUBUSHINO CO . L. D . LeOeur, V. S. Si. Louis, M o . F.nterad •« *taM ""“ l i ' ' Dwambar #. l»2a. * .1 Heavcrion, th# Orsgon. under the , ~ t •< f.l.rla.n .»—«■«« -ai illllllM ■fitta anfc aaJ tmalarr. Imt»«.i IQ Ìa tlt ua patatar Mai k aU «I NaliaatJlr k«»»« ptaatar l»aalar. Act of Merch 3, I*7*» laadaaff aaal l a a m FRIDAY, MAY 31. 1 * » “(jo to hew with the chicken*? u I Most cerUlnly M il* — h M “ Business >n “* well known radio «nWrtatnor In mock j. II. Ilulett indignation. “No, indeed, l ‘d never he able to sleep on thoae atlcka the Time kills one who hilla time. way they do " For more realotui thon one, I am Inclined to sympa If you can't make up your mind, thise with thla gentleman's point maybe you haven't any. of view. Nevertheleaa, I firm» ly believe that, ehort of literally One thing that Is sweeping this going to had with them, the man country Is vacuum cleaners. who cornea nearrat to living with You don t need a lie n » , to hunt j hi. chicken, la going to get the greateat profit out of them lie will trouble nor dug, to scar, it up. do ao herauae he knowa hla flock both individually and collectively. You will find the world growing The alighteat change In their habits tttlWwur •• you f*ow m«liowtr. or appearance will immediately a t tract ill» hla MlienilOT) attention "HU and IX if Ulfil-litr diaeaae _ 1.1 arnut" irilc* Many a * ° . t0 home. threaUna he is able to nip It In the unable to find the trial to home. ^ ^ ,t n w U | lh# d„n . , veara f t point. anything. (>f oourae, not every one can give y fu|j t ,m# ^ thf care of his fowls, moner. and nor Is it altogether nece»ssry. There Home men cs breath, ere certain times every day when other, can hardly »« « their hreeu». ^ atUnUon f ' r f##d. A turtle Uvea *° old, but It doeant . business ing end ths like. Then, scan each The man w o ^ bound to fowl aa closely as possible and ain- solely to make money ^ u I gle out for closer examination any falL I that show tha alighteat signa of poa- * n .w ’ haby upset a houeehold *'bl. disc*»«. On. particular ma- and a new car oftln doe. tha .a m . U*"»"» discs.« which may crop up * n#w at any tima, more •apeclally in tha t h i n g . ---------------— fall of the yeer la chicken pox or lie who ridicules another’s Ignor- sorehead. As this disease may be norance confassea hla ignorance of carried by mosquitos, your flock may become Infec’ed no m atter how the other. m «■ * • careful you have been to keep your u ------ ’ “ owrn houses, yard* and run* In The thrifty man la not always sanitary, healthful condition. necessarily wealthy, but alwaya A number of eruptions or nodules comfortably fixed. varying from the alxe of a ptnhend to that of a pea or hsxrlnut, appear What tha young folks now know on ths comb, wattles, eyelids, ear la th at If they marry In haste they lobes, beak and nostrils, and some can be divorced a t leisure. times on other psrts of the body . . . . . . sueh aa the neck, leg«, under the The humiliating thing about It is w)nr, on th# , nd #>)W|t , hf that the youth who thinks h« knows vjmt 0n ^ tba nodu|f i may ». ore than his parents, so often does Ur, , r on tho htad. Th . nodules beg.n as small red or red- Find ons that boaata that hs Is dish gray deposits with a shiny sur not a “party man ’ and you will iace. Thay gradually enlarge, becom find one who aeldom votes but la mg dry, ahrivaled, uneven and wart always "agin'' the government. like in appearance, while the color changes to yellow, brown or dark It must be astonishing to ths brown. Aa these nodules increase old* fashioned busineaa man to learn in number and the inflammation that modern succesaful business extends, large areas of th# skin Is built largely upon sentiment. will become thickened and covered with hard, dry crusts cloelng the F at men who realise they ere nasal openings and eyelids, otten fat make the beet of It r j l laugh making it diflicuit to open the beak about It. But with a fat woman If the attack la mild the eruptions — Gosh all hemlock th a t’s a serious are limited to the hrad, the nodules m etier. _______________ are distinct and small and the gen Modern gtrla may be more modest eral health la not affected. Tho than the old-time ones. The la t nodulet «fern dry, heal and shrink ter blushed occasionally, but the the crusts become loose and recov former now paint a blush on their ery la rapid. But In malignant check# in the morning that lasts all case* the eruption la more general, day. ________________ tho nodules are large and there is considers»)1« inflammation a n How ready are some people to thickening of large areas of akin make trouble. A few days since a When the cruate a it rubbed off lady had an editor arrested for slander. It seems that the lady had there will be a watery discharge loat her husband, (by death) r e from the ulcerated aurfaces, which cently, and the poor newspaper man »ill later thicken, become thick and thinking to do the family a kind- yellow and will give off a disagree nesa, wrote an article on the man's able odor. In this type of the dis life, in wRich hs stated that Mr.— case there ia fever, rapid loss of had gone to a better home. What ileah, prostration and death. At the very first sign of this dis would havs l>,en the outcome had he written that he had gone to the ea»e give the whole Hock large doses of epsom salts, once each week for other place T two or three weeks at least. Mix one pound of epsuin salts in a small WHOA! BACK UP Backward, turn backward, oh time tempting wet mash feed for each In your flight one hundred leghorns, or ona pouud Make me a girl again juaft for to for each 76 of the heavier breeds night. ■ or halt-grown stock give one-hall Give me the long golden curls th st the amount. l*ut the mash out in were worn mng troughs so they can all got to Berk In the days before tresses U and and eat it up in a few nuii- were shorn. uU-a. If wet mash feed ia not be Give me the skirts that brought ing given, the epsom salts cun be many a laugh pul in the drinking water, but in When boisterous winds flipped them • wet mash it is much more etfec over the calf. uve. Remove all airected fowls Give me the rose, our cheeks sport ■ separate location well removed ed then Without touchings up from the old Five and Ten. Give me the petticoats; give me the lace; G ve me tho modesty; give me the KT*ee; Give me the power to blukh when I’m kissed; Gl’-e me the things that I lately have misfed. I have the gimmles. Oh time In your flight. Give me my girlhood, please—Just for tonight HEY! FRECKI.ES! ‘hefs Is no doubt about the fact that oranges are a very healthful fruit, and their cousins, the lemons, about aa uoeful around the kitchen, pantry, bathroom and boudoir as •ny fruit could bo. But now a staunch lemon booster from Somerset. Pennaylvanla, claims that In lemon juice, borax and su- srnr he haa a remedy that will vanquish fre klei. He may he right, too. The editor haa no freckle* and can t decide, but anyone with frec kles who will mix an ounce of pure lemon juice, a quarter dram of borax and a half dram 0f «ugar and apply occasionally, can with p ra c Jienlly no expense find out. But „ , u r0rk^ n / rc what wo do for hoy« when this year'» freckle contest cornea? r“r C,'e“n Up of ■** huu»es »roni th* poultry Hock Then make «■oops and feeding equipment. Clean and disinfect all hoppers ^ u g h . Wld dnp(* liK <ou« j 2 N - M . dropping boards and otner removable equipment. Remove und rn all litter and droppings. Final- g J o d '? V t * UU.“g ,u ‘Ut'u“ °* ••« « Kuud coal tar dip and disinfectant “ int‘ - e r y nook * 1 cranny where mosquitoes, parasites mm, gVr“ “ uu* ht flnd « hi- c * P *|Ctk i W Always cnange clothing and shoes when gu- ln*. BtU'd i0Wl* “ > beaittiy •nd disinfectant or tincture ot from one-half to one toaspoonfu, tw o T rT h “ “ il a'Ul ri'P tal th« ¿ O " n. i L *y* IuUr 11 ,h" » » no improvement. A local application swa *° V6; y h/ ‘,lth fl“ with a amah ¡«dine to Ï tm Ï n Î V or ï the f e sores, " g,’üd dip crust BX A T m r o V ftrV IFW CANKERS IN NATIONAL MOVE FOR UNIFORM FINANCIAL PRACTICES Would romote Greater Con»i*tencjr Among All the State Law» in Re*pect to Banking Condition»—Uniform ity of Practice and Under»tanding Will Make for Greater Convenience, Efficiency and Safety for All Busine»». HOME POINTERS r v r m ---------------------------- -— -----------■ A much-worn linoleum can be freshened and saved by covering with a th n coat of vamlah. TO H A good water softener for laun dering may he made by heating a pound of aoap in four gallons of water and adding a pound of soda, in four gallons of water and add ing a pound of soda in four gallons of water and adding a pound of so da * ! /> = • rTTTTi Til Id Is the time to reduce the Advertisements in this column 1 amount of heavy food eaten. Serve uay. Sea Elmar Stipe at Stipe’s fruit cups, salads, plenty of green cen ta^ w o rd ^ jM in lm u n ^ ^ Garage on the prices for Atwater APID interchange of buitlneM and the quick fi importa vegetable*, apple sauce, berries, FOR SALE Rent radios. Adr. tion of good» in the United State*, coupled with tlmoit in- light fruit desserts—and let them ■tantaneoua mean» of inter-communication by tele ph, tele take the place of those Second Far Bala—Wood. First growth fir. Good, pure milk promotes health, phone and wirelcaa, have welded the coun helpings of meat ar.d fish that were Green, 16 inch, per cord, $6.60. especially at this time of year. try into an economic unit. The m* on i* not, so common last winter. Fruits and I'artly dried 16 Inch, per cord, Drink lota of It- Beaverton Sun In a busine.*» »en»e, conducting its affairs in vegetable* are alkaline and will go $7.00. Green, four foot, per cord, rise Dairy, A. Camensind, propri 16.60- Partly dried four foot, etor. water-tight compartment», a* in a measure far toward giving you a healthful Adv. # 15-tf par cord. $6.00. Inquire Brook it did in the day» of »low travel t :d remote summer- For M l*—W asting machine, Which Broe., Hillsboro Rt. 2. Phone, place», but style», method», co-nmoditiea Schalls 061». s-62-tf does good work, $6.00. Phone 261$, and busine»« practice» flow freely today in Vary the l>/euAla»t orange by all direction». Therefore it i* desirable »«rvu.g it silted one day, in juice For Bale or Trade—Half block on For Sale—Good piano for $126.00. that finance, trade and industry throughout lorui unotuer, in tegmenls * third, Watfcon St. Will trad* for acre Box 373. Adva-26-26 the country operate along generally uni anu in yuur usual naif shell style age. Frank Pulver, Beaverton, form or at least consistent lin< *, »o that a lo t the xourth. Variety is tn* epic* Oregon. Adv. c-7-tf. For Site—White Leghorn laying hen«, Hansen strain, f l each; contract or an agreement or obligation in of a meal, even the humdium tirst Every home should have a ra Fc-ed cutter, $3; 2 gas brooders | connection with business transaction» «hall u,eai of Uie day. dio. It keeps the whole family almost new wood heater, $12; day mean virtually the same thing in all part« of bed and mattress, $12; 50-H a re When tba children come in from abreast of all that ia going on in the country. Particularly nece^ary in thi* frigerator, $1$; electric heater, $4, connection is the establishment of uniform dank, have a coo; pitcher of lemon the world, so diversified are the Mrs. Mitchell, Union Ave., Aloh*. financial and banking practices so as to fa- ade awaiting them- It will quench programs every fifteen hours of the gjlitate the flow of trade along accepted and ade awaiting them. It will qcench ................ -v 1 thirst and also tend to make the LN THE COUNIY COURT OF THE understood line», »•«„ty u«e, uiei.ee east on said fed HIGH Banking in the United States is recog body more alkaline, for in spite wvUuu .me twenty six and SI ATE OF OREGON FOR THE nized a* a semi-public type of business and is therefore sub of the fact that lemons and oranges a**« uuxua (26 2-3) rods, to COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. ject to law» to define the »eopa and character of its activities. are though^ o f as acid fruita, they In the Matter of the Estate of Mi« pu.Ce cl beginning containing 'have very a decided ultimata al These laws at present set up a great diversity of condition» >»'■«-/ acres more or ie«« lament of Michael E. Hughes, de- kaline reaction when taken into th* under which banking Is conducted In s.tuated in the County of Wash tioa No- 3644. various parts of the country since bank commissioners In some etates la system. ington, State of Oregon To Trank J Glynn, sole devisee and they come from both stale and fed found in laws giving them complete for in* purpose of payment at char- legate of tha Last W riil and Tes charge of Insolvent banks and tbelr THE RETORT COURTEOUS eral authorities. The national banks ges, expenses and claims against Ross H art: No girl ever made a tament o i M.cnuej £.. tiugues, ue- sa,d estate. are all.chartered by the federal gov liquidation as distinguished from more cea*ed, anu to all otner neus and ernment and therefore operate on the costly liquidation through the courts. «ap outa ma. *» iu.es» my hand and tha seal of persona unknuwn, if any thsre be, Les. Deniaon: Who did it than? same lines In everr slat» of the In tbs Public Intsrsst •aid court ad u sd this 1st fey of claiming an interest in said estate. Union, but there Is no such regu Distinctly Ip tke public interest are larity In respect to the oondltlons taws prohibiting or limiting an officer IN THE NAME OF THE STATE | may, 1*29- Jouw. u . Luce, County Clerk. under which the state banks chartered or director of a bank from borrowing OF OREGON, you are hereby com (*EA L ) » » by the respective forty-eight states manded to appear in the County must conduct their buslnees. All state from hla own (tank unless bis col Date of first issue, May 1st, and Court of the State of Oregon, fo r banking codes, while they have si nl- lateral aecurlty Is approved by a ma Washington County, at th* court date of igst issue, May 31, 1928, laritles. also have many great dissimi jority of the board of director* of the bouse in tha City of Hillsboro, on larities Ip respect both to the na bank. Also there la recent leglilatlon tbs 3rd day ot June, 1929. a t tha NCM ICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL tional bank laws sad bgsklng laws noted providing for closer supervision MEETLNG hour of 10 o’clock, A. M. on said covering state bank operations M oth an* »„»u'e'lon of building and loan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to day, to show cause, if any exists, er Jurisdictions. associations, ereiilt u»,-. J}J. finance why an order should not be made the legal voters of School District Banker« Move for Uniform Laws companies and private banks. by the above entitled Court author No. 46 of Washington County, The State Bank Division of the In some states measures hare been ising, empowering and directing the State of Oregon, that the Annual American Bankers Association, which enacted broadening the field for !n- txScutrfx- 'of' the above estate to School Meeting of said District wHJ latter Includes In Its membership vestmeai of funds ot savings banka sell certain real property of Said es be helti’at High 'School Auditorium; banks of all descriptions throughout and trust companies, which hare ma tate described aa follows: I to begin at the hour of Eight ov-i the oountry subject to all th# varia terially enhanced the service that clock P.M. pn the third Monday of peginning at a point on the tions of «tata and federal banking these Institutions can render, partlcw June, being th« 17th day of June, se^tjpn line* twenty six and fwqT laws. Is committed to the effort to larly in tha way of co-operation with A- D. 1929. thirds (26 2-3) reds weat of the bring about greater consistency and their customer* In personal financial This meeting is called for U m southeast Corner of Section uniformity among tha statute« of all management Another type of legis purpose of electing one director to twenty five. Township one south, these various Jurisdictions. This body lation, Import*“* especially to bank serv« for a term of three years and Range two west, of the Willa Is conducting a vigorous nation-wide ing In view of Lb* frequent »C„r?« to one clerk to save for a terf of one mette Meridian; then running “Wasn’t it fine about Pria- campaign urging that active steps be defraud bank«. Is that which make» year and the transaction of busi north one hundred and tweenty ciltt getting honor» in her taken to secure greater coordination the issuance of worthless checks » ness usual at such meeting, jt t y j roqs to a point; tbcnc« school work last term?* said In banking legislation, more equitable misdemeanor with specific penalties. Dated this 3j»t day -of May, 1$2$. west twenty rjx ami twoJ Mr». Smith to Mrs. Brown. conditions and mom uniformly effi C. E- Mascp. Chairman Board of The State Bank Division of the third* (26 2-3) fods to a point; "What?" asked Mr». cient public supervtnton of banks in American Bankers Association en Directors. then«« soqth gne hundred and Brown. “I didn't know the several states. dorses In the fullest degree in princi twenty (120) rods to the south ATTEiT: P. W. LI vermes«, Je.( about it" The organisation is particularly con ple the eerclopment of banking laws District Clerk. c-26-28 section line of said section cerned with foeterlng this movement along the foregoing II h » s »nd iv active “But it was in the Home to bring about more uniformly desir ly engaged In fostering the spread ot Twwn Paper,” replied Mrs. able condition« throughout tha United such legislation wherever Its services Smith. “Don't you tak£ it?" átate« In respect to the pubttc super ir e considered useful both to banking PHONE BEAVERTON 3663 Residence Phone, 8602 “No,” said Mrs. BroWto, and to the putylp. J'ulformly sound vision of banking institution« by the “but I am going to." state banking deportments. It Is on benklnf institutions and practices, to record as favoring the policy that the gether with common methods sod uu r I And she did, for this is a Important office of state bank commis derstandlng. will mai7T**M* 10 ll)* true story; sioner should be kep; as free from convenience, efficiency and safety oi *- —««-h • part of the •mangling partisan politics as the Ju business In serving the well-being of n s ____ “ *- aw« diciary Itself and should be complete the publlo in all parts of the nation, community life as ia ly detached from all other functions especially In those transactions Involv school or church is the Home of state government ing dealings between different locali Town Paper. It is also on record as favoring the ties. policy that the tenure of ofltep of state Subscribe for Your Horn* bank commissioners should be made Town Paper * X - more secure and lasting than Is now Hay, Grain, Feed, P o u ltry S u p p B f* the case In many state Jurisdictions BEAVERTON REVIEW and that this Important public officer be granted sufficient compensation and discretionary power so that the office shall attract and retain the serv ices of men of outstanding executive The past year saw the greateat ability and successful banking expe gains In savings In a single twelve rience. It is also n part of this policy that month ever recorded In the United (he bank commissioner’s ability to State*, bringing the total savings de (errs well should be strengthened by posits In banks to over $25,400.000.000 lrovldlng him with adequate forces of on June SO. 1928. held In more than bank examiners, selected on ths basts 63,000.000 Individual accounts. It la of merit from men haring the requi reported by the American Bankers As site qualifications of honesty, ability, sociation. These are the blggeat fig training and hanking knowledge to carry out the duties of their offices on urea In this field shown by any coun the highest plane of usefulneee to the try tn the world. These figures are Indicative of proa public ae well as to banking. parity more general than any time The Trend of 8tate Laws The Association’s State Bank Divl- since the business depresstpn of 1920, ■ion has recently concluded a nation the report declares. Only three states wide survey of state banking legisla failed to show a gain and the 1928 tion and conditions and in general has volume of savings constituted an In discovered a definite trend along the crease of more than $2,327,000.000 above the 1927 figure. The gain per following lines: There it a distinct tendency among Inhabitant for 1928 over 1927 was $17 the states to raise the minimum capl- and the gain In number of saving* de al required for banking institutions positor* was 2.496,079, an Increase •o $15,000 and also to gire the bank of 5.2% as against a growth In the -ommlssloners or the banking boards population of the country of 1.2%. The gain In savings per Inhabitant •ole power as to the granting of char ters for new banks, thus enabling In New England and the Middle At 'hem to nse discretion as to the need lantic states over the previous year >r desirability of added banking facflt- was $38 These groups of states, with lea or the fitness of the organisers M $9 9% of the population of the United ■nter the hanking field. In thla con 8tates and 52.8% of the total savings nection many atatea are creating dopoelti, have the largest savings rate, mnklng board* to act in an advisory $461 per Inhabitant, of any area In the »parity with the state bank commit- world. The per capita savings for the WHY CAMELS United States as a whole this year tinner*. There has also been observed a stands at $237 as compared with $220 ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE tendency to Increase the compensa last year. tion of the bank commissioners and to Camels contain such tobaccos a n d such lengthen their term« ot office and to “An sere of alfalfa for every cow In blending as have never been offered in »ivs them power to appoint necesaary Howard County, Iowa,” Is the slogan qmttes and examiners so at to build adopted by the county bankers ars» any other cigarette. n adequate force to carry out their elation there after watching several nstbliltles and duties An trapor- hundred thousand dollars go out of They are m ade o f tbe choicest Turkish a n d 'gmentation ot the powers of their county last winter for feed By B. J. HIGH President »tats Bank Division, American Bankers Association R ; f,or, removin* d,,infect"nt should be I advise giving all young fowls and used full strength, 80 bo careful not n many cases o'der ones too, large e it get In the eyes. Also doses of epsom salts once a week for three or four weeks. Give same relfiM C*Ch dny 0r tW0 r. liable °nCl’ aore-head remedy. A some good amount of epsom sal .« and in the Poultry presclption tonic in large same way ns recommended above doaes w, , bc /ound V(,ry b„ , eflc7 al I nl-o advise extra precautions in loaning and disinfecting at this "t this ».me. Careful following out of this treatment should give high • Ime. All houses and sleeping quar J gratifying results if started soon ters should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected every week or ten Ru™ CLARK: Mortal, how do enough. yon keep a man’s love? In the fall about the time chicken days for some time. The disinfect SID: By not returning It. pox usually appears in your locality, ant should heforced into ail dark corners and hiding place* of mos- the H o m e f e p e r T a M TH Egg Mash, Scratch Feed, D airy Feed Cabbage plants T o m a to p la n ts Flow er plants Gladiolus bulbs Seeds In bulk or In package^ CHARLES BERTHOLD AMERICA LEADS THE WORLD IN SAVINGS Just another good thing added to the other good things of life C amel CIGARETTES Am erican tobaccos grown. quitos and other Insects with a good ituiju.'A.ud jo ; juoiun.oi) stqj »u;sn uooq oaeq J -duind oojoj pox for several years with excellent results. If my chickr.g do take the disease at all, it ia usually in a very mild form. Vaccination with a specially pre pared vaccine is being u ed with varying results in some localities. The question is whether the disease Is serious enough to Justify the ] trouble and expense, even if It was 1 sffectir«, Camels are alw ays smooth a n d m ild. Camel qu ality is jealously m a in ta in ed . . , by the w orld's largest organization o f expert tobacco men . . . it never varies. Smoke Camels as liberally as you choose. . , they w ill never tire your taste. N or do they ever leave an unpleasant after-taste.