••...ti' »• FRIDAY, MAY THF DF. WF.RTON REVIEW 17, 1929 D a n c e , SATURDAY, May 20. Barn Rippling W aters SUHOG . HOARD MAY BARN DANCE AT RIP- H A CC A LAU R K A TT E MASONS A TTEN D DIS­ CALL ELECTION AO A IN PU N O WATERS HALL. SEKW CES TO Btt HELD T R I C f M E E T IN G Wednr-dsjr evening Petition- Signed Since the opening dance on May By ISO names Are Presorted 4th, the Rippling Water« dance pa­ vilion has been lining splendid nd e'ectlon he'd for the crowds. ? 1 ht As a s|>ecial trvat the manage­ purpose of issuing $30.000 of school district bonds lost to a vote ment is staging a bam dance on Saturday, May l'th . Free lunch of something like 100 to 117. This past week there have boon is to he served and a livestock col­ several pec pie busy soliciting signa­ lection of curious animals is to be tures on initiative petitions looking exhibited The public is c irdially in- the pr opening o f the mstter and (»ail Knms ami hia Rand the cs'ling o f another bond election are playing real dance music for Wednesday evening at a meeting this os-easion. of the school board, there were pre­ sented petitions signed by almost a BEAVER SOCIAL CLUB ENTERTAINS AT ‘’SOO" hundred sixty names. These peti­ tions were of the initiative variety Beaver Social Club entertained and would seem to make it manda­ tory on the school board to call with a card party Wednesday o f- tsrnoon Ths hoite«»es were Mes­ •nother election- It is skid that the board re­ dames J. C. Huntley, Otto Erickson, Harris. High honors went turned them to the people present­ Walter . u ,»• , , - ,. , „ „ „ . ing them asking that more signa­ to Mrs. W. H E -g.lke in 500. and tures be secured before they, the to Mrs John Se tt in bridge, eon- school board would set to call ano­ eolation to Mrs. I ogsn ther election. ......................... ............ It ieems that there is a division Contract* have been awarded for o f opinion At the mass meeting ,, , , . , he'd some time previous to the elec- he construction of four street pro- tbn. these present expressed them- Jects in Portland. , „ unar,im0usly in favor of 'tiings mc Mrs. L- Butler o f McLoud, Calif., spent the week end with Mrs. Elis­ abeth Davis. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Graham spent Wednesday and Thursday visiting with friends in Hood River- P n . J. R Talbert and R. S. Welsh spent the week end at the ocean. Mr. and Mr*. S- M a pea and son Ralph enjoyed a successful Ashing trip near Corvallis, over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Van Kleck o f Kin ton are the proud parents of a daughterborn at their home last week. Mrs. W. L. Cady entertained the Lady Slipper Club at a one o’clock luncheon in her home Friday- I Mrs. Amy Higgins o f Portland s. ent Tuesday afternoon at the j home of her brother, Mr. G. Thjrag- Mrs. W. J. Edwards and son Le- land spent Saturday with her mo­ ther, Mrs. B. G- Leedy of Tigard Mr- and Mrs. W. R. \Tan Kleek and daughter. Cathrym- »lent Sun­ The Monitor Club held its regular day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs meeting at the home o f Mrs. N. J. J. Van Kleek. G. Freeman, Thursday of last Mr. and Mrs. L. Hughson and week. son Harvey and Mrs- Elisabeth Da­ Mr. and Mrs- L. V. Graham re­ vis attended a dinner at the Porc- turned from a several weeks’ trip i*n{| Hotel Tues4ay evening. in Eastern Oregon, Friday after- Mr. and Mrs. F- M. Lassiter, who noon' I have been spending their vscstion Mrs. L- Miller of Portland st- with j j r. Lassiter t mother, in Mis- i tended the Grads School Concert iiMippii WU1 return home Saturday. . Friday evening with Mrs- Grace Mr and Mrs. Ed V. Burns of calling the election, and it was em - Norman. Fortland and Mr. and Mds. L. E. tidently expected that the bonds Mrs. Florence Johnson of Dilley, M auler of Corvallis spent Sunday would be issued. But the morning who is staying with her daughter, with Mr. and Mrs. I R. Metxler o f the election there were found Mrs. L, L- Myers, spent Thursday Mrs Rosa Humburg wishes her scattered, thoroughly, a poster cal­ on all to , come . out and vote at her home- . * manv friends to kn ow that she i s , ling _ , _ , | Mrs. J. B. Jack# who has been o first class beauty parlor against the bonds. Thia p< f j r * ' ... « her son, W . Chas. U h«7'hom ^ . . . , ... J We . n o n in visiting with Mr. e.' . Monday. May 20. and ried » the name /X of # on* one of of the the soon- spon- sors o f the opposition, but failed' H- Jack#, returned to her home in your patronaKe will be greatly ap to carry the name of the printer. Hoquiam, Wash. predated. As the corrupt precticas act re­ Mrs. Leslie Spencer entertained quires that the name of the printer the Tuesday Bridge Club at her ALOHA CLUB ENTER- be on “ literature” concerning elec- home, Tuesday. Mrs- A . E- Han- JAINS ITS FRIENDS t7 or.s.“ it w ou ’ d seem thst the things son won high honors. were somewhat out of order- Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Losli are Aside from the one signing the Tre Aloha Community Club en- the proud parenU o f a daughter tertained about a hundred o f its j poster, R. Scheupb.-ich. it would he born at their home in El Monica, friends and members at a card par- a little difficult to find out just who Wednesday of last week. ty and dance at Wheeler Hall. I the backers o f the opposition to the j bonds were Some* probably not Mr. and Mrs- Walter P. Johnson Tuesd>). eveninr fr o m ' vayirg anything for business rea- were dinner «uesta Sunday tfca | A A thr## DIM ,e three piece orchestra home o f Mrs. Johnsons mother I Hillsboro furnishtd the music f o r ' »ons. Mrs. Ida Jones on Watson St- ! dancing, which was enjoyed until Why there was any organised op ­ Brady HowdyShell s visitor hers. , u u hoar. j position to the issue is a little dif- from Pindleton haa rented a place j Deliffhtful refreshments of sand, * * } ' 1 ® u" der?ta" d t near Progress and bought the farm . n/, worn k a m il thp . with the highest In t ^ __ equipment through H- O- Helm. b ^ Id * ¿rn g'fm m ish eY 6 by^ th e’ Da- This is * lfrowine com™ " ^ To f ™ ' f . A. Noyes has purchased the rid,on bread company cf P ortland, « » t P'1 - . . place owned by Mrs. Jenney of the sandwich . spread by a Portland i #verv bit as far a» possible consiS’ “ 1 " Portland, and plans to remodel the company, and the cream for the p' er> coffee was donated by the Guern^y ^ t ; with J h e ^ p ^ w rick ^ ^ building, and have a plumbing shop built there- __________ ! velopment. The Rebekah Needle a— Soc,*l1 1 u r k x - 4 v n r iD t U IV club are spotreoring a cooked food B O l AND GIRL v* IN sale to be held at the Beaverton PRIZES IN CONTESTS Market and Grocery, from ten in _______ the forenoon till five in the afternoon Two more of our young people Saturday, May 18. have added to Beaverton s fast Mrs. Strayer o f California, who growing reputation as the home of is a guest of her parents Mr. and prise w inners. Mrs Morgan o f Morgans ranch Last Saturday in the junior and route 3 .underwent an operation senior piano contests of the Oregon for appendicitea at the Emanuel Federation of Music Clubs, there hospital, Monday. were Beaverton winners. Evelyn Arthur Fluke, the tw elve-year- Alexander in Class A, junior was old son of Mrs. Harrison Hughson, awarded recond prize, a silver cup. Maurice Manning in Class C. se- was hit and knocked down by the bicycle being rode by Wayne Bar­ niors, tied for first place, and on ber Saturday afternoon o f *ast the tie number, Bach Invention in week. The glasses young Fluke B Minor, was also awarded second prize, a silver cup. was wearing were broken and These awards are more noteworthy big gash cut in his forehead. when it is cons d:red the compe- The Parent Teacher » made about tition was very keen, both playing thirty two dollar# at their cafeteria in large classes of the brightest lunch held at the school house Fri­ pupils o f Portland’s best music day o f last week.lt was also A - ehievement day and the work of teachers. the different dubs were on exhibi­ Both m s talented young musi- tion. A play was given by the pu­ * n<^ having n s advantage pils of Mrs. Barkers room, in a of instruction from very capable very pleasing manner. teachers. ß -* - it, P ;fc I IF T l„ lr I. ♦ * V ÏW ' i At All Times. is a prescription for Colds, Grippe. Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. th e greenw ood c a fe Mgr, It is the most speedy remedy known I fr-” * I Always Fresh Cooked Food Sale under the auspices of the Rebekah Needle and Spclal Club Saturday May 18. from 10 t o 2 o'clock I I. n c .M E R / o r r > . We Deliver ^ r I Phone Beaverton 3203 deposits .yry c V V No Regular Hour the home owner knew ju«t when and how and at wh$t hour the sneak thief or burglar was (o pull the job at Q u a l it y O f T h e H ig h k s t P v ie n s I.ow RAT hu- home, he could of course be prepated and would -_______________________________________________________ suffer no loss. But things don't work out that way. S *n^est method therefore is to take every reasonable A precaution and only the m )it efficient way i« « Mfcty deposit box. BEAVERTON PHARMACY 0o The Highway B A N K UROGRAM REAVER THEATRE S p c 'i i l A d m i‘ *i>n, 85f — 15e 4 >V <1. Thura May 22. 23. 4 "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” Vk I Order« A T BROWN’S >2 M A TT* KC. 4-Sf 7MD *fA6 / You Can Find What You Want j yvtAO/Ot 666 ■** with Lewis Stona A revealing story 0f a newsps- paper’s battle with ths A Bun., Mnn., Tues,, May 19, 2o»2l "Vice Ring’’ Virginia Bruwn Pairs qnd __Comsd^_^Corne on Horace” Creighton Hals In Friday, Saturday, May 24, S| 5 “ THE HOUSE OF SHAME” Ken Maynard la Added Features “CHEYBNNE" 2 “ Japaiu e Oddities” “ Down Ha­ waii Way” Ths famous Chcyenn« round-up and rodeo 6 Scored with SOUND, MUSIC, “ Tarzan the Mighty" I A SONG. mwmÊm llesvertn n Rabek- ali L odge N o. ? » h meats first and third T u e s­ day evenings at 7 :3 0 I* M in ths (. O. O r listi Mrs. Merjoris U - wls. Secretary, Mrs. Sarah Cham­ - ■ berlain, N. 0 . p-tf 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. L. Tsllmsn, s y i E S ! ir SS I From W Good things to eat have always been our policy and it i* upon this platform that we continue to serve our customers Here you will always find fresh and appelking foodstuffs at reasonable prices DC % Short 1%.- crashed down on the field near I g». Tuesday afternoon. It was removed Wednesday afternoon. ■ri- ' ^ Shown hers for the tint time ts the i contract by the Aine-Chelmer» Memt- Cn.tcd. the world's newest tractor toi fsclurm g Co.. UllwauKee. « member H C. Mer-ltt farm and Industrial work, produced a t the corporation. hearts the Wisconsin concern's invelar by a greet new co-operative manufac­ division. AH ths products bear the turing ant marketing movement with United name and a strtktn« orange 1125.000.000 of combined assets and Mack color seberos. Thirty-live large Independent makers "By eliminating expensive corn peti­ and distributors o f tractors, farm Im­ tion in menuJacturtpf sud scHlqg plements and Industrial equipment In ornons our mouther, we haey cut ( w a North America, banded together as O Hit minimum, to d the’ n xu lt of the United Tractor and Equipment Mils oo-oper*tlve plan Is the lowtsf- Corporatlon. are Introducing, through priced tractor ever offered, per pounds several hundred dealers In the United I of drawbar pull or per horsepower * State« and Canada, s full line o f aid President Milton W Anderson. eD€ Mrs. Anderson is a niece of Mrs n, , . riant are progressing for the #«- Jones. {«bllshment of an airport at Till#- -. ■ ■ ...................... — — mook. Try Oar 45-s-nt Dinner, Served The Aloha Choral Club, under thq direction of Mr Ewer, gave a very fine program of sacred songe at the Bethel Church, last Sunday eve­ ning. After the services the Be­ thel Choir served refreehmenU to the Aloha visitors. Beaverton M arket & Grocery THEY ROB HIM OF $100 The Calgary Stam pede , Epic of Early Frontier Days Of Canadian W esty To Be Held July 8-13 , Inclusive i > S 5K Given World by N ew Co-Op Movement % ^re we a^te.^ our ow" ’ • °^r and my' business i* we reíu3e to i grant the necessary means to carry’ on this business? Think it over,, that’s all we ask. r -T V lP C v i r v I t ! v r,î> .vlr»N Sunday was observed at the Kin- diB»* r •* • * » WM » * "J° y*bU » feature of the evening program ton church as "Mother’s There were many mother« present, The «cholera o f the Rible school v. . M 0 - A . gave . very fine program, which 1H.h o .re r i s i n g at «he 11 Record-Breaking United Tractor our readers to a few things. One is that there is qo standing still. Try it some time, an! see foy your self. If we do not go ahead, we must go backwards. Again, the ed- ucation o f the growing generation is the biggest busine»« wheh faces our community. It is by far the biggest business in our community. MAN The Baccalaureate Service for the Messrs H. Nielson, Guy Carr, Beaverton Senior Class will be son- F- W . Livermore, W. K. Evans ducUal at jhe High School Audito­ C. E. Hedge, Wilbur Weed. A . rium on Sunday vvening, May Itfth M. Kennedy, A . M. Jantissn, R at s;00 Tim prelude will be played R. Denney, lie Witt Hamel, J. R. by Mis. R C. Doty. The Invoca­ Metaler, R. M. Wolf. R. A Rhose. tion will be given by Rev. Oscar L. D. Shel enherger, J . H. Fslah- Cooper and the Benediction by Rev. er. J. B Downing, end Ackerman hurt Waddington. The musical ee- were among those from Beaverton iiciioni are prveented by the Be­ who attended the A. F. and A. M. thel Church Choir and the Male District meeting ht Hillsboro Fri- Quartel The evening address, “ The ,Uy evening. Among the speakers Temple of Character” will be given were Rex Davii, Grand Master of by Rev. Donald M. MaeNell. Every- Oregon, deputtee Winslow and Hst- one is cordially invited. 1 telmier, R F Peters, Grand Sec.. “ _ ~~ “ D. R Cheney, and others. Dele- KINTON CHURCH OB- gatlons from Forest Grove. Mc- SE R V E S MOTHER’S D A Y Minnville, Sherl«ian. and Dayton ______ wer* also present. X sumptuous ALOHA CHORAL CLUB SINGS SACRED SONGS W. Llverinore, Pre*. H. K. Doy Gray, Caahier ^Comedh^J^BusterTri^ Silver Nite, Every Mon., O F B E A V E R T O N '««• - 4 4 Country Store, Thursday^ f D cnnpy, V ic e Pree. Cannery Workers l/* 7 on Register Now Announcing the Opening Beaver Beauty Parlor C L tA K O * * r u t AAotine It wad witnessed by a few inquisitive thousands, for by 1&22 It had reached the 100.000 mark; it had doubled that by 1928. and 1928 nsw 220.000 people cheering and ravelling In thla exhlbl- tlon o f the proweaa of the plainsman. Several world-celebrated personage* will donate prices for the major cow ­ boy contests In 1920. among them be­ ing the Prince of Wales, E. W. Beatty, President o f the Canadian Pacific Railway, and Sir Thomas Lipton. British yachtsman and sporting en­ thusiast . The various events scheduli d In­ clude bronco-busting, steer deco­ rating (once known ** bull-dogging), calf-roping, wild steer riding, wild r m MB«« M Utcepupa Is 191» grkSB boras and abuck-waaon r t u * * n j For a week in July o f swell year ths entire populaes o f Calgary, thriving city In Alberta, casts off its conven­ tional modern clothing and dons chaps and 10-gollon hats in honor of ths Cal­ gary Exhibition and Stampede, a relic of the Last Oreat Weat and ons of ths flneet exhibitions o f horseman­ ship In ths world. This year's Cal­ gary Stampede will be held July t-lS . Inclusive, and Ouy Weadlck, Ite man­ ager. well known Impresario o f the Canadian West, has announced that It wttl be "bigger end better" than ever. Tbs attendance at ths Stampede has Increased by leaps and bound* Monday, May 20 Register now for employment tn our plant during the 1929 season. Thia company will pack pea«, beans and other vegetable« not heretofore packed repuiring more help «nd providing steady employment throughout the season. Plain M an n ello Facial | cow milking contests and race* In which b u 'k Indian* and tquaa* h one \ ï 331 .Hillsboro Oregon