m Beaverton Review Issued Every TH E Friday at Oregon, AMERICAN WOMEN SUFFER FROM “SLOW SMOTHERING” Beaverton, — By— R E V IE W P U B L IS H IN G CO B a A T W fO T F KVT KW ■■ proprrty, situate«! In thè County ot • greea 40 minutes West 663.88 feet to the place of beginning Washington, and Stata of Oregon, to-w it; containing 6.40 a> rea, more or Rrglnning ut a polnt on thè leas, and for such other and fu r West line o f Tra. t “ D " of thè ther rollef aa perlalna to equity. J. B. Jone* AddlUon to lleaver- This summon* 1« published In the ton, belng 1624. 06 feet North of Beaverton Review, a weekly news thè Southeast cornar o f thè H. paper published in Washington J. Stott, D. L. C. In Sec, 16, County, Oregon, once a week for Tp. I, South o f l’ auge l.W ea t four (4 ) auoreealv* week« by orvter of thè Wtllamotle Meridiani o f the Hon. G#o. R Baglay, Judge thenc* North 66,106 feet to thè of th* above entitled Court, mad* Northwest corner o f Traci "C * ami enter#«! on the 28th day of o f seld Additino, thenc* Fasi February, 11*20. 226 feet to th* West line of The date o f the first publication Ih* 8. P. Righi of way ; thenc* o f this summon* I* March 1st, South SI degree*. IH minute* 1929. Kart, to a polnt North HO «le- For Sal*— Rhode Island Red roost The Hats o f ths laat publlcstisa Advartlasmanta in this column 1 Krecn, 48 minute* Fast 668.86 er* for breeding purposes. In o f thl* summon* 1* March 2$, 1929 cent n word. Minimum charge 26c. quire Berthold'a Feed Store. p-18: feet from th* polnt o f hegtnnlng George A. Hall, Attorney fo r belng thè Northeast corner of a Plaintiffs, 422 Chamber Commarc* Good, pure milk promotea health, FOR S A LE certaln traci deeded to W IL Building, Portland, Oregon. Adv. ■ specially at this tima of ysar. Warren; thence South 80 de- For Sals— Wood. First growth fir. Drink lots o f It- Besvsrton Sun-, Green, 16 Inch, per cord, $6.60. rise Dairy, A. Camenalnd, propri- Partly dried 16 inch, per cord. etor. Adv. e 16-tf $7.00. Green, four foot, per c o r d . ------------- 1 !>El*OSITS flue Holstein cow $6.60. Partly dried four foot. For Sale A Call Beaverton 4466. E. J. Mann, per cord. $6 00. Inquire Brook Rio*., Hillsboro Rt. 2. Phone. Rt. 4, Box 69. 2 mile* west of 8 holla 0619. c-62-tf Rank of Beaverton on th* old Hillsboro road. Adv. e-18 For Sale or Trade— Half block on For Sale— White Pekin Duck egg*, i A Watson St. Will trad# for acre Mammoth Bronte Turkey a g g * IS age. Frank Pulver, Beaverton. fo r setting. J. W. Patterson ot A Oregon. Adv. c-7-tf. Ruber. Phone 4114. ^ Bennett Wiahhone Chicks— From 8- >ear, trapnr.-ting. I.ne-bred H ol For Bale or Exchange— Fin* 60-*cr* j farm all in cultivation. Good soil, J lywood Toni-rati strain hen* and drain* well, 8-room plastered J c «bereis on range. Co A vrei« are house, good barn, garage, chic- E tr. m ii«s pe ril pens ot our best ken house, on good market road E PAY BY C H E CK bon* a: d c.icks. Hatching egg* SVb miles from Yamhill Fiv# cows H ..0 , er uni re ; custom hatch s a v e t im e a n d t r o u b l e one heifer. Team Pull set of ng, $.'l 00 a hundred and chicks « I 00 a hundred Order soon 1 implement* $12,700 00. Inc. $470” Payment by check is convenient und ■afe. of this $4000 runs 7 years st V » r e Bennett 4 Son; 1 mi. north , Your returned check automatically provides percent. W ill take city or suburban Reed vi I e on R 2, B -averton, to $6000 fo r aquity of $8000. See O a ren . Adv c9tf >ou with a receipt. The check is the modern P M. Madden. e-18 ay stein changes the air In { “ Women In American homes are dis air heat I .if Hie house fro is one to criminated ayiilnst In the he.'lthful- each roo J. H. Hulett ness atm comfort of the sir they hove tine and h i.iilf times as hour. The Intesl development of this type to breathe, u* compared with their of rqulpmeut Is “ super-clmilatlon.“ by Entered as second class matter children," declares the Holland ln>tl isecember It, It*-., at the postouicc lute ut Tliermolocv of Ibdl.inu. Mich which the air Is moved by a median at beavorton, Oregon, under Lite “ The housekeeper to the «.Venice ¡. nl p r o file r Instead ut gravity Tlila rvauii— according to tests conducted riwolllnc I* subjected to * process of Act ot March 3, 16.9, slow smoOierinc comparable to slow by the Holland vngtneera In co opera starvation, and the result Is tntlnite Hon with the University of Michigan F R ID A Y , A P R IL 5, 1929 suffering from headache, strained In a complete change o f air from four to six times an hour. nerves, lack o f 'pep' and general las sltude.“ “ Suppoes the housewife Is cosllned The school board are asking that to her kitchen, which Is 10 hv 10 feei Supporting their contention that „ a.eeui.g o f the taxpayers of this most women are “ lung-starved," the In dimension with an e t«»t f«xu cell district to be held at the high school air-conditioning engineers of the In ing The super-circulating system. If on me evemng of A p ril 8 to dis • stltute point out that the average It works at an average of five air cuss the bul.ding programme they adult takes Into hts or her system changes an hour, supplies LOUD cubic have worked out fo r the next few about four pounds of fixnl and the an me feet of recirculated freshened sir due years- amount of water, hut 27 pounds of sir. Ing that time. This Is more than twice o l just what this program con dally. Therv's nothing shout the the l.Sthl cubic feet required to give sists will be made known at the respiratory system a» compared with her the same amount that the taw as .cxi.ng. We should like to tell just the digestive tract, the engineers point aurea her children In school•• what the program w ill be. This out, which make* g.HHl atr less vital Re-circulation Is a recognised prts much we w ill say. the a if airs of to health and comfort than good food d p i* In the ventllstloo of theaters, the school have been handled very and water. schools and auditoriums It wi.rkt tticient.y- The board w ill have an a r - ' “ Many state laws require that RO Just like circulation In the body. hlo.nl ,-luted present who is working on cubic feet o f sir per minute per pupil being pumped to the lungs anil there the project. Addition o f the school be supplied In sell.mis. and present day purified by oxidation before being dls busses a few years ago met with ventilating standards dictate the same trlbuted to the rest o f the body Just some opposition with those who fear air-supply for theaters, hotels and so. air In the living rooms of a home even many factories. To meet these heated by the auperdrcnlatlng system a raise in a taxation. Quite the re la drawn through cold air returns to ver.-e of a raise has been the result. | standards ventilating systems are In The busses have been a paying stalled which completely change the the furnace, where If Is purified by the proposition from the start. They air In each part o f the building from Intense heat Inside the rasing, and then la re-oirculated through the home have brought in pupils in numbers 5 to 5» times an hour, The reason why slr-tnollon Is so Int that have made it possible to give “ But In the average home the only portant to health, comfort and the a much enlarged course o f study, supply of fresh air comes from leak better organisation o f the school age arour.d door* and windows The beauty of the skin Is that the normal body heat Is Sift <1 degrees. When more work and at the same time pay off owner of a small house cant be ex tke irvA«htedness o f the disrict while pected to Install expensive rentllstlng heat than that la generated. If muat be passed off to the air If the air Is equipment Vet It Is posaibla without lowering the tax rate- Now the school finds itself in a this expense, to Improve the qusllty moving. It carries away the escues position o f having to enlarge the o f air In the home beyond comparleon body heat quickly enough to keep the person from developing a fever or feel school facilities in order to take with Its nsual condition." «.«e iy ounis should have a r t - lo r Sale— Potatoes for seed or for Ing "dopey” and oppressed. Also. It Tests conducted at the engineering care o f the increased attendance. The -iv. «1 »«.«,.« Ui* whole family evaporates the body moisture so rapid ths table. Carmen, Early Ohio, experiment station of the Cnlverslty board are asking you to attend the -vi., v—ai Ui an that is going on in ly as to prevent the perspiration •tc Davi* M*rlo, 1 mil* north o. meeting and voice your sentiments, o f Illinois have shown, the tliemiolo- which la one sign of excesalve body heat. me world, so diversified ar* ths Hub«r at Santa Rosa station, p-18 and these sentiments should be ap gists point out. that the modern warm »* -grama eve iy fifteen hours of the proval o f the work which has been ¿>ee r. mcr Stipe at Stipe's lo r Sale or Exchange— Exceptionally done. We w ill even go farther, they good 94 acr** on paved highway. T A enough Into the ground so that It will »aruge on th* price* for Atwater should be sentiments o f approval of “ L E A K Y " CHIMNEYS Adv. 60 acre* o t bottom cu tivatsd | not be effected by frost. And no hear Kent radios. tb> build’ng program always pro ADD $20,000,000 TO log construction of wood should be at land, balance is good pasture. A Sale or Exchange— Good gener vided that the same business lik tached to the chimney. good bui d nga, silo 60X60 bam for & V. S. FIRE LOSS arrangements prevail as have in the al farm, 304 acre*. 126 seeded Two nr more tmokeplpes on th* 14 cows, pressure water creek, a to winter wheat, 60 acres of w in past few years. ______ earns flue also will Increase the fir* mortgage. $.1500 will take house 8 Nearly f20.tMO.900 a year Is need ter oata and 25 of epnng barley. Hazard, because sparks that enter the mtrtgage, $3500.00 will take house 6 ___ iic-K s a iP T O V S PRO PH EC Y leesly lost In this country In fires that Building old but fair, electric flue through one opening may pass out to $4000 00 tome cash terms on We rattier like to point the Unger start from defective chlmuevs anil lights, city water, 41» miles from through another. balance, Beaverton, Or*. Inquire ^ Sues. In addition, reports the Holland of scorn at modern prophets, but Yamhill on Market Road Price, The “ thimble" connecting th* of Chester W slker of Yamhill Or ™ almost live hundred years ago old Institute of Thermology of Holland. $21,000.00, or will accept city or smokeplpe with the flue ebould be or P. M. Madden. _________ c-18 < Mother Shipton made a prophecy in suburban to value of $6000 00 fo r fitted tightly and should not project a poem that causes us to scrtch $11,000.00 equity. See P. M. M id- beyond the Inner wall of the floe. Un W ANTED our heads in wonder— to say tne dsn. c-18 less the thimble, a* welt as the clean out door below the smokeplpe, fits it S lt Wanted— Stoves, s heater, wood 4 She wrote thirteen stanzas in all. tightly, air will leak In around It, For Rent— 11» acre of land with a burning, and a rang* Must be ■ four-room house on 7th and Lom which will cause poor combustion. The choice was not particularly un cheap for cash. G. P. Fordnsy f bard. Call at Mrs. Sams' house on lucky so far as the correctness ot To test a faulty chimney thoroughly Beaverton. E 8th and Watson Sts. p-18 her p.oj-hecy was concerned, fo r al to learn Just wherein Its defect* lie la Business Manager I business method of money trm .ference which guards against error und insures against dou hie payment. We welcome checking accounts of both business and professional persons. B A N K tj a Job for engineering experts. If yon do nor know of a reliable heating com Leaky Thimble Joints and Clean-out Door* Increase Fire Hazard and 8oot Accumulation. Mich., millions of tons of coal are wasted by the Inefildency of beating plants served by such floe*. Cracked or leaky chimneys are prolific causes both of destructive home fires and of fuel waste. So anything that will cause rrarks In the chimney Is to be avoided In building a new flue or removed if ll I* already present. Flue liner* of or dlnary clay should not tie used I'hlm neys should not he huilt of porou* concrete block* 8«.I .1 hrlrk«i>rk will: smooth, sound joint« of rich iu«>rinr 1» the best material The chimney » foundation should 1» i»m. rxi sticks, war be mighty F or then shall planned, And fire and sword sweep o'er the land. F o r those who live the century thru In fear and trembling this will do: Flee to the mountains and the dens To bog and forest and wild fens, For storms shall rage and ocean roaF, When Gabriel stands on sea and shore. And as he b'ows his wondrous horn Old worlds shall die and new be born. Dust Off That Dictionary! Some o f our folks were re minded o f their school days, on reading that Yale university has been giving an exhibit in honor of Noah Webster, celebrating the cen tenary of that noted man’s diction ary Also many w ill recall the old Webster spelling book, o f which 00,000,000 copies had been sold at a date many years ago. Many of us used to weep salty tear* while studying those w ell- thumbed vol limes. But no kind of effort ever brought us more generous rewards. To-day the fam ily dictionary us- la lly reposes on some inaccessible shelf. Better remove the thick layer o f dust, or buy a new copy, put it on your living room table and consult it frequently. A man may have good grey stuff inside that little head of his, but i f he can’t put the product thereof overlooks him. And uttering words o f which you dn’t kmv the true meaning is worse than not using any at all. Anyone who ever worked in a newspaper or printing office has re spect and affection fo r words. They are the tools with which we build human relationships. They are sym bols o f thoughts, and thought is the power that shapes the world. I f you want a share in that grand work o f construction, dost off that old dictioary o f yours, and practice with the marvellous word tools de scribed therein. Besides printing all the news of th# east part o f Washington Countv and vicinity, the Review prints pic tures o f the most interesting sub jects ir o o all over the country. SUMMONS IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF TH E STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH1NGON C O U N TY. Eugene Walsh, John F. Walsh, and Edward Walsh, and Eugene Walsh and John F. Walsh, Executors of ths Estate of James W. Walsh, Deceased, Plaintiffs, vs., J. W es ley Price, Rae A , Price, J. F- Pries, M yrl Tsylor and John Doe Taylor, her husband, George A . Rahoutus, and Peter J. Patanuk, Defsndanta- Too Many Smoktpipet Produce Insuffi B- To M yrl Taylor end John Doe cient Draft. Correct Construction Is Taylor, Dsfsndants: IN T H E N A M E Shown at th* L e ft of th* State of Oregon: you are hereby required to appear and an- puny In your community that will ren B‘ ler you Hit* service without charge, write the Holland Institute of Then- The investment of the poult iiNiIngy at Holland, Mich., and Its en farm in Oregon directly chan Triecr* will recommend such com able to the enterprise amounts iMinles I d ynitr city. about $4 80 per hen, according the experiment station- About per cent o f this total is put in chickens, 30 per cest fo r layin houses, 12 per cent into brood« houses, feed houses and other build lr.gs. Land make* up about 14 pe cent, machinery and equipment if per cent o f the total. Mothers Sh ire Responsibility In Battle for Purity of Milk j American people like vegetable», and they appear to like them bet ter each year. Increased consump tion r«ported by the U . S. de partment agriculture has probobly been caused by encouragement from hea'th authorities and ability to get a wide variety o f fresh vegetables Jhe year round- In 1918 146,000 cars of 17 lesding vegetable crops were shipped. In 1988, shipment# o f the same products filled 350,090 sari or more than double the movement of 1918. Gains in acreage have bssn especially noticeable fir lettuce, peas spinach, snap beans, celery and cu cumbers. America la becoming a nation of milk drinker*. Babies, growing children, men and women sre taking more and more to the heavy drinking t f milk The pop'i- lace has awakened to Its nutritive value. W.th the con- umption of fluid milk ft vc raging more than 5S gallons per chplta every precaution should be ob served in the Ci.-e of milk after It reaches the home So matter how pure the milk may be when d vered It soon becomes unfit for u«e unless kept cool continuously. Milk, so easily contaminated, can be kept purs only by proper refrigeration. NSW York City. i r if* o u. of tv ry 1000 d. d be- of the Ice-O-Mstle. an sversg* tarn- ! ret- cn< yr r. Last year pe-ature of 4fl degrees is maintained. 1« than 70 out of 1000 died. And thus killing all bacteria. Bacteria ti « remsrki.bl* re- urd is declared to become inactive and harmless st a hr due to the cerselens battle of wel- temperature below 50 degrees. Milk ! re or ;ar ; u «. h«o !th commie- can be kept sweet *nd free from con- si and m .-!.»rs for purity of milk lamination for day*. Physicians and I -n Indu try Is tu. r ng an eys to authorities on horn* economics egrs* the health of the household. j that steady, even refrigeration 1s th* " Surveys still show colossal care- absolute way to prevent food decay." If: ¡.tvs in n ny households," says Tainted milk means sick children u Willi: ms, Bi omington. III., Milk is protected up to the tlms it m -< t of the Joe-O-M .tic electric rc- reaches the housewife. Bhe carries ,r V r' ' I 111* 1» frequently left the responsibility of th# family's wel- s* 1 ':n > in a worm room or on the fare by proper preservation of all foods beck perch where bacteria multiply a Adequate refrigeration offers decided th 1 - nd f d. It should be kept cool returns In the way of health, economy arc «Pan, in t„e constant dry cold ; and convenience. C. When picking your friends b# A man isn't licked until ha b , - csreful not to pick them too much. ^ gins to complain about the rules. D E A V E H T O N Livermore. Pren. Il K. Penney, Vice I’ rei Doy ( ’anliier . . Gray, . --------- T r à è ) ì " r O .I I .y o u f f a r m ! IZ Z O Beaverton j 4 A 4 A A ool supply is clipped in five coun- ics— Australia, United State*, A r- •ntin», South A frica and New •aland. Over 60 per cent of the nited States pruduction Is In si* ates — Texas, Wyoming, Montana, alfom ia, Utah and Oregon. 4 4 ÿ Dancing contest* of the coming 4 canon w ill be devoted to illustra- 4 non ot a new series of gyration* 4 ailed the “bendola.1 Th* new dance 4 s said to combine the worst too- ures of the cake-walk the Charles- on and the St. Vitus. It costs so little to run *n elec- tric motor for certain job* around the farm on which power Is avail- able that any man doing what a motor could do I* working for less than 8 cents an hour. Economy in- volves the organizing o f Jobs In such a manner that tnat tha in* motor ca* ca» conveniently do a v.reity of task., 4 j R J # CL When you want to do it With great economy of fue* Without wasteful slippage or harmful soil packing. Here*® what a ’’Caterpillar” Ten will « II J* r • ., , 4 under a l l ordinary tannins; conditions. R k S The Southern Pacific Railway Co. is "improving the lin. from Portland 4 Port- ¿ to Craacent Lake and from Port- 4 4 4 4 4 j Berthold’a Famous Feeds W H AT THIS "C aterpillar ” TEN \ W ILL DOI * w thus keeping down the investment * in equipment to aetu.l needs. f ■ SU. „ H iJ.h ^ (m o |dboar<|) , . T w o 14 lo. PU w disk) . . . 3 disk fT * ( f S T -% - - - . 6 - f t , L4* * « ' ( • » li*t#r-pl*ntar^ . . . 2 Disk Harrow (fU n dard weight) 8 ft. doubla Berthold' Egg Mash Berthold’ Dairy Feed Berthold’Scratch Feed , « . Two 7 ft .. C om picker . . . Pesato planter . Patato picha* . . . I do . 7 * ^ Mar Ya V» 1% 2 . Di*k Harrow 1 heavy cover crop) 5 ft. double , U i tooth harrow * . 4 ' section (IO1 * ) Spring tooth harrow . . , . â-1 0 ft. . . land rollers, light waaders, j . la .iT V jft. , totery hoe* drill. • On# ia-14 ft, Graia biaderà . . Cambi nod harvester , . Two 7-8 ft. . . On* 10.12 ft. U « IM , l - . l M l . On# or two row . Two row . . Taro row . , V ft r ti-i 5 .# 3V.-4 / 4 (second aposd) I 3 Vi (third • V * * ) 4-9 a «/ »-!1* % IV * Vh C O M B IN A T IO N S OP IM PL B M IN T S I.Ttafcotflngl*4i(kharrowandt*roa*ctian*of«mo*<Kinghanow * " n i , * h n s . I, T m fco« «ingb 4Uh harrow andt*n foot l*od rolkror puhvortaw 1 Mrotporhouf. » ^ g j;1 fcetupring tooth harrow and eight fcotlaad ro8*ro,pulvorlaor a t ! * « « * CHARLES BERTHOLD Hay, Grain, Feed, Poultry Supplier Garden Seed Lime, Cement, Pfaeter, FertHlT^r Beaverton, Ore. I swer the complaint filed against you by the — plaintiff* in the above entitled Court and cause on or be fore Four (4 ) week* from th# data of the first publication of this summons, to-wit; on or before f four we*k* from IB« l®t day of d March, 1929, that t-eing the dat* A of the first publication of this sum- A mom; and if you fail *0 to appear A and answer, the plaintiffs will ap- . 4 ply to the Court for thcr rslief 4 prayed for in their complaint, to- 4 w it; p For a decree and Judgement a- R gainst you foreclosing out all yout R r.ght, title, equity and int* r' ,t J and to the following described re* R - _ - ¡J Orar 00 par cant of th# world’s f land to Ashland. ' ■ J g'gg y — 1 O F jl \ t s most ever., prognostication came true. I f this holds true to the last sLanza, we w t — ------ .mnhV, Here are four of the thirteen stanzas i f you would like the entir. poem, write the editor and he will secure it fo r you and print it in a later issue. It will make an in teresting souvenir to say the least: Beneath the waters men shall walk; Shall ride, shall s'-eep, shall even talk. And in the air men shall be seen. In white, in black, as well as green, A great man then shal1 come and g For prophecy declares it so, The states will lock in fierce strife And seek to take each others life; When North shall thus divide the South The eagle build in lion's mouth. Then tax and bkiod and cruel war Shall come to every humble door, lu nineteen hundred twenty-six. Build houses ligut of straw and \y Near S. P. Depot. You are cordially invited to inspect this N E W model T E N “ C A T E R P IL L A R " T R A C T O R now on display at our Portland and Salem salesrooms. Loggers & Contrctors Machinery Co. \ PORTLAND, ORE. 6 345 Bast Madison SALEM, ORE. 345 ^ StrM1