FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1020. f *■* TOE BEAVERTON REVIEW BUSINESS rFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS DIRECTORY Interesting Little Note* from the Surrounding Country aa STUDIO IIAKIIKK SHOD FIRST C i.ASH WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES J. E. Hlrphrna, Prop. A. E. HANSON WOOU and COAL Cord I CHURCH I ANNOIMIMENE Told by Our Active Special Correspondents Weekly IKINTON HAPI’ENINCSi ura now employed ■ M by Mr. Pomeroy, making cord wood El wood Wilson haa recently pur- fo||))W|n|r pupl„ of t be prl- chased a Ford coup« of Portland m. ry ,,f lh i * .hool( Mrg. partica. H arriot Ford, teacher, were neither Rev. and Mra. W L. Strange of aliaent no tard y during the month Wa»t Portland ware calling on some <>f March: Elm er lllerly, Lola of the church membere last Thura. Blarly, Orville Ulerly, Koacoc Ijierly, • r —.......................... . thia aervice an im portant announce­ ment will be made with regard to the pastor, A apodal board m eet­ ing should be held and all board members are especially urged to be present, 1 he evening service will be of a i.pecial nature. The pastor will have a message for everyone. You way miss som ething if you miss it. —O scar A. Cooper, Pastor- Nazarene Church Hunday, March 24th Morning worship 11:00 A. M. Young peoplea m eeting 6:30 P. M- Preaching aervice 7:30 P. M. P rayer meeting every week on Tuesdays at 0:00 A M. and Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. A cordial welcome ia extended to all. Wood or Slab—any length any kind M r., J. C. Snider and .o n U .t c r * * * Rj f harda‘ Prom pt Delivery.. Phone 4504 apent la .t Thursday In Boholl. a . V .nK leak, Loleda Tweedy, a ii a -iZ » - I . u H arry Luuwijr ( Beaverton i being a large number of out-of- vir» ||. A m « is still at th St Mr*. ^ ack Satchel has recovered ' < COMPANY * town people present. Vincent hoapital. Her condition is ,rom h e r . rec*nt iUn*M and U a t ^ Visitors Welcome ^ Work is progressing finely on the '* ry bad. homa again, Beaver Wood & Ice Co. grange hall, and it will be greatly c w Florence is » ..tin * h i. Mr and M ri- philiP Thome a t- ^ Located one mile north of Reed- p Block Wood, Planar Ends; All Improved when completed. A good house in sham- for .. cost n /* » , i tended a recital In Portland, 4 Mon- villa, a t tha corner of m arket ^ grades of Utah-W ash, coal. slsed porch «rill be added to the front w°h Tu pLn't f° r * e° mt ° f g0Od evening. and Baseline Roads. 4 Yard a t F ront A Main of the building and an addition in . n __, f Route 4. j r . L. Scbvlts I’hona 5702 the north for the stage. Mina Fm*—"" Emerson and Mrs. Wikeen Ml“ — Mr> and M °* G Rus!c11 and ^ H i l l s b o r o , Oregon, ■KAVKRTON ORBOON w — . . ___.,» Hyland A Vi O E . E*p, - , H „ r .lir, V anuvr V .n jrr h . V . 1 - hkd , h - “ • most who have been employed on toua® P an ted . Byron S tark has taken the agen- H n a v n r t n n B arber Shoo i tb® 8 - H Pom*r °y v*nch cutting Mr. J. Prink ha* excepted a po«- “ yro". f , n the a*en ; One fam ily th a t keeps an a t ­ tractive borne plaoe, accomplishes more fo r its community than a do­ w n who find fault with everything There was another young man. a mere boy, who had had to leave school early, but who m eant to be iduca^ed all the same. He was a train-boy, but between train runs he spent his time In the library, digging into scientific periodicals and hooka. They opened the world of science and invention to hia keen young mind. He has since acknow­ ledged hia g ratitude to th a t small library of long ago. Hia name waa Thomas Edison. Wood durlnir th> winUr complilt.j in Moi„, ,,e lo, ; M forphU ^ ** .STEVENS, STEVENS, on real estate. Low inter* e«t cost, repayment priv­ ileges. Write for details. WASHINGTON Savings & Loan Assn. Skate Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. Train and Stage Announcement For your greater convenience on trips in Western Oregon a new ticket arrangement has been put into effect whereby the same rickets may be used on the stages of the Southern Pacific Motor Transport Co., Oregon Stages Inc., and the Pacific Stages. For example, you can leave here on the stages of one line and return on the ocher, using the same ticket. Schedules of these companies have been coordi­ nated, too, giving you better service than ever before. R a il tickets good on these lines Southern Pacific rail tickets also are good for use on the "Red Tops” and "Silver Gram,” and, with few exceptions, on the Pacific Stage line. If you wish, you can go by train and return by stage. Suces call a«- BEAVERTON PHARMACY h W HITEHALL CA FE rP bont or ca ll on us a t any tim e fo r a ll travel inform ation. Southern Pacific C. E. Allen, A gent PROPRIETOR SEALED ESSEX CONQUERS THE COAST An apron and tmouk sale will be hvU a t the I. 0 O. F. hall. Satur day Sandwiches, cake, pie and home mada candy will be sola. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Metcalfe and Bon, E rnest, spent the week end w ith Mr. M etcalfe’s parents, Mr. and Mr*. A. L. M etcalfe of P o rt­ land- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Imlay are being congratulated upon the arrival of a daughter, Friday , March 15, at the Wilcox Memorial Hospital n Portland. Mr*. W enegar's father, 85 years old, fell and injured his hip recent - ’ ly. He hae been confined to his bed for about a week, but is on the road to recovery, now. M em btraoi th e \Liadiqs Sfiipper club met a t the home of Mrs. J . R. T albert for a one o’clock luncheon Friday. The afternoon will be spent in doing needle work. The officers of the O. E. 3. met to practice, Tuesday evening a t the hall. L ater the y surprised Mra. W. H. Engelke, W orthy Matron, with a handkerchief shower, in honor of her birthday. When an Essex stock coach left Ban Fran* Cisco sealed in high gear, and with hood and radiator so sealed that It waa Impossible to touch the engine or to add oil or water, on a round trip teat to the Canadian border, south to the Mexican line and back to San Fran­ cisco, tha odda wars heavy against it com­ pleting the run. It made the 3493-mlle teat successfully on the one filling of oil and water, going over all the numeroua moun- ain grades in high geer, returning to San ^randsco with tha aymbolad seals intact. It was held to be a sensational test, a distinct { LOANS No^°fkn,^at°n " n*’, and Mrvice* recently. Mr. Kapy nrw field next Tuesday. l* locatetl Portland. haa gone to A storia and Mr. Vender Mr# c w y-}orm M Mra. Maude Thompson and daugh- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED “ *ert«n visitor, Snturday afternoon le r- Mi,dred, of California are via- Beaverton, O ragaa TOOK ftODA TWENTY YEARS home of Mra. Dan Adams ll|i>g th* home of Mrs. May Me- j ——— FOR GAS — STOPS NOM and Mra. R. Chamberlain and --------- daughter, Virginia were Sunday din- M r- and Mr*- Jack Percy and C. FLORENCE For 20 yaars I took aoda for In- ner guest* at the Andrew Denholm oi «*“ **•>* *P«n‘ S aturday | dlgeatlott and stomach gaa. One bot- home on Stacy Ave evening a t tha home of Mr. and E-«etri« Wiring and R apa'rlag Mra. L. Stark, , tl* of Adlerika brought me com Tal. 2407 p**tP velief "—John B. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. W. A VanKleek Huber, Ora. I A dlarika relieves gas and eour of Kinton were Kundav v is ito rs at LOCAL NEWS _____ stomach a t one*. Acting on BOTH th . h„m. x iJ v J , '? 9b upper and lower l«rw,|, it remove. th (|. Mr a . M E. Sm hh ** * m° Mr». T . J . Hannigan of Port- BEAVERTON FEED old wa«tc mmtUr you never thought * land, visited w ith her daughter, and waa in your ayatam- Lot Adlerika Mr. and Mra. Frances Livermore, Mr»- B - Rhuae, F riday, PRODUCE COMPANY give your stomach and bowel* ____ _ a o i Beaverton, were ______ _________ Sunday _________________ visitor* A little daughter arrived a t tha Iliifhway and O- E. Tracks PEA L cleaning and see how good »* the home of Mr Livermore’« p a- home of Mrs Thomas R. W alker, you feel! Overcomes constipation, rent*, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. L iver- ¡ Tuesday, March 19th. C. J. Beach, Manager Dean’s Drug Store. Adv »»ore, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sutton of Aloha , are tha proud parents of a baby boy bom Tuesday March l«th. C. J J T h e t P rin tin g F o r You. Important DEWEY THE PLUMBER ueaverton Harder Miop Let T h e Beaverton Review Do triumph for the car and for Veedol Motor Oil, aa well. The top picture sh o w s the atart with (left to right) W. C. Pettingell and Frank Wagar, Tide Water O il Sales Corpora­ tion; Paul J. Feely and B. M. Sharpe (in the car); Roy B. Alexander, general manager of Stanley W. Smith, Inc., H u d so n -E ssex dis­ tributors; Leon J. P inkson, San Francisco Chronicls, and Art Manning, San Francisco Bullstirt. Below, left to right: H ow the gear was staled in high; how ths hood and radi­ ator cap werp sealed, See Marsh’s Garage about a demonstration The beaver Social club of the O. E. S. gave one of their delightful card parties a t the nail Wednesday first prize for high score, Sr*. Ola Doyle won eecond prize aid Mra. J. C. U untly won consolatbn. The i hostesses for the afternoon were Mr». Doy Gray, Mrs. W. J. Boyd and Mrs. L. R. Dean. Miss E rm a Nelson honond Mrs. Robert Eagleton (H elen iocken) with a bridal shower a t he home Friday evening. The bride ras the lecipient of many beautiful a d use- | fu| gifts. Those present wre, the bride, E rm a Nelson, Dorotty and Vivian H arris, Ruth Lundgrd, Alice Johnson Gencvcve and lorothy Teterson, Em m a llocken, Elsi W hit­ worth, LaLun Chinn, Ruth Clark, | and M rs N orent Allyn. _ ^ 3 h ' N G T O N ' ¿ ¿ A H 2 a L C A L rF " ° ^ N i NOW 400 STORES STRONG Now more than 400 progressive food stores have joined hands to bring you better food values. The combined buying power of these stores brings you greater savings on foods and a more far-reaching food service. You will find the better foods at better prices in Mac Marr store s ._______ PRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY AND MONDAY, MARCH 23 and 25 DATES—Golden. In .btilk. 2 lbs., ................................ SNOWDRIFT— The family shortening. 4-lb. can, . . . o g . ¿O C o n OUC WESSON OIL —Save by making vour own mayon­ naise. Qt. can, ................ JELLO— Choose your fla­ vors. 3 pkgs., .................. PEANUT BRITTLE MINUTE TAPIOCA— 19c 10c 19c Package, ...................... RICE —Fancy southern Blue Rose—3 tbs........... PURITAN MALT 10 bars, ............................. CORN MEAL —Eastern kiln-dried. White or yellow. o n 9-lb. sack..................... JO C CLIPPERNUT MARGAR- ine. 3 lbs., ...................... Economical No. 10 sack, .. 28c 69c 25c 49c be- 59c Kellogg’s Corn Flakes— 3 packages, ....................... QUAKER OATS— Children require a warm cereal for breakfast. Large pkg., ... 25c Ton Fancy, A wholesome confection, 2 lbs CHEESE—Full Cream. Aged to your taste, tb., .. Sperry's Pancake F lo u r - COFFEE SMALL WHITE BEANS— No. 1 Californias. 2 tbs.,. Bohemian Ho« flavored, I t’s all ‘‘quality’’ cause i t ’s all Barley, 2 4»-lb. can ........... t>&G NAPHTHA SOAP— LAYER FIGS Lon 45c 19c 29c 10-lb. box 25c $1.39 CAMPBELLS BEANS— ori The “big” tins. 3 can3, .. FLOUR—Fisher’s Blend i qq 49-lb., sack, ....................ip 1 aO 5/ 20th Century, or T hrift, obtainable at the re ­ spective stores, Save the cost of tin containers. Pound ................................ 45c 89c 2 lbs. EASTER HAMS o u n n - r in _ You wnnt the F aste r And In S w ift’s SWIFT I O S r PRFMIITMr ,K7 lbs.: " yo H n alf *ct or th e be,t ham A era*?<’ . w . e . ig I \ E . l V l U J i V l t o ron 12 whole , v pound . . h . t. . . . i) . «JVTI1 ON THE MAIN HIGHWAY BEAVERTON, OREGON