FRIDAY, MARCH E, 1929. THE B E A V gR tO N REVIEW T BUSINESS ____ D IR EC TO R Y STUDIO BARBER .SHOP f ir s t class CORRESPONDENTS Interacting Little Notes from the Surrounding Country as 1 did by Our Active Special Correspondents Weekly Prop. Mrs. Julius Wedcking has been ill at her home during the past week. WOOD and COAL Wood em u len 111 M û I* i -a 1 KIN TON HAPPENINGS A. E. HANSON Cord OUR w ork A T REASONABLE PRICES J. E. Stephen«, I FR O M or Slab—any length any kind Proapt Delivery.. Phone 4504 J . J. VanKleek spent last Tues day and Wednesday with his mo ther, who resides in Portland. A meeting o f the school boarv was held at the school house las W odnesday evening. HALSTEN HARDWARE C S. Brewster o f Portland sper, last Wednesday at the home of Mr STANDARD HARDWARE and Mrs. J. j . VanKleek. and FURNITURE Lend school team defeated thi Cash paid lor old atuve* and Kinton school team, 3 to 1, las furniture Friday in a ball game. In Bank Block The work o f remodeling thi grange hail, which was started las Fouatain Service . . .Best of Eats week, is in charge o f Ray Christen sen of Tigard. Whitehall Restaurant A contract has been awarded for Iin*. mljncent to tha ( hlnook Theatre in Gold Beach for accommodation the construction of a building In The construction of a new three- o f frvdght. Portland for the Hupmobilr agency. story hotel building on South Main The Forest Lumia r Company, in The first carload battery tepar- Street In Burns is progressing re- Chlloquin, recently purehn»ed tho atora was recently shipped to Co- pidly. new Padflc Const Typo Shay lo ­ quille by Smith Wood-Product«,) A warehouse will 1* constructed comotive from Lima, Ohio. i Alolui-Huber Review Jol ’S Y O U PR EEER or your family’s health and pleasure, you prefer only the bent foods! And Mr. Taylor and family of Blan- on Ave. have moved to their ranch it Haseldale. Mr. and Mrs. Sophus Bonlokke of .amhiil have been spending a few •ays at their home here. ‘ÍÁJuUi f .) fond. ¡h V in foo*d.8 i 0Uw ft,,d *" a11 prefer. t,u> clean» attractive roouh that all particular housewives Nazarene Church Thrift stores- Big Saving for Sat. - Mon., March 9 &. 11 Mr- and Mrs. Andrew Denholm l Stacy Ave. were dinner guests i Portland friends, Sunday. Sunday March 10 Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Mrs. Minnie E. Bond, Orego' MAGAZINES and CANDY A. M. Mrs. S. N. Buck. Mr*. H. Buck, Morning worship at 11.00 state grange lecturer, is recovering ud Mrs. Alice Wheeler were Port­ young peoples meeting at 0:30 P. M. BEAVERTON S-: OREGON fiom the accident she received las end visitors, Friday of last week. Evangelistic service at 7:80 P. M. . month. Rev. W. Hanson from Portland Frank Weaver and daughter, a iVniel Mission worker will preach . . Mrs. R A. Williams o f Portlan •arjorie, o f Beaverton, were Sun- at the _______ _ service and the pastor Beaverton Lumber t o . spent a few days last Week a evenng y visitors at the Harry Weaver i in the morning, __ _ the home o f her daughter, Mr: ■ome. 1 Prayer meeting each ueaday at WE SOLICIT TOUR PATRONAGE Cooper mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver, Mr I 9 00 A - *m* e*ch w *a at 7:30 Lewis Brothers, Proprietor* Mr. and Mrs. W . P. Brooks c 'our nfck.’' A story for boys and girls as well Phone, 2UUJ ........................ Beaverton turday visitors at the home of Mrs. as a fine lesson in the classes. TVet: I don’t fe»l any rain. West's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. WELCOME! Wetter: No wonder! You've got Snider. — Oscar A. Cooper, Pastor. W. E. PEGG your hand turned wrong. Misses Ida Bucher and Fay Ker- UNDERTAKER and EMBALMEK skaw, both former residents of this St. Cecelia Church The t latest prize winner is the town were b guests at v the v v Sunday u t i u a j u n i c D . V i Grange Building — :— Beaverton home of Miss Bucher's parents, Mr. . n 13 ®° H)W ieKf*d that he 8undajr orange ou u * has to kavs hts shoos soled on the _ 7 :4 0 and . . and Mrs. F. A . Bucher etde. ., a. m. Ms- and Mrs. Robert Pomeroy Sunday C a te o h is m — 8:30 and braver Wood & Ice Co, and children were guests Sunday 8:30 a. tfl. • Blooa Wood, Planer Ends; Ail , t a bi.thday dinner given ..a y did your pop say I re­ B aptism — 2 p. m. grades of Utah-Wash. coal. or o f hen *--• , non- minded him o f a telescope?” W eekday Mass 8 :1 0 s. m. Yard at Front & Main ..u ie r , S. C. Sparks, “ Because you're so easy to see p . I - «-* -• — wno resides in Portland. through and you magrnify every­ and 7 :3 0 p. m. .. ___Phone 6702 Rev. J M. O’ Neill Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dorgan thing so.” BEAVERTON OREGON stopped a few days last week with Mr. Dorgan's brother, T . J. Dor­ Pause and pray for William Peck, BETTER SETTLE Beaverton Barber Shop gan, on their way to their home He thought his girl would pay the Ashcraft The weather seems un­ in Everett, Wash., from Los A n­ check. settled. C. J .STEVENS, PROPRIETOR geles, Calif. Crandall— Yeah; they must have forgotten to pay the weather man's “ I’ll give you fifty cents if you’ll There was a very good atten- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ___ dance at the meeting o f the Kin- wash your face,” said the college salary. Beaverton, v * * * ® ton grange held Saturday. Four ap- professor to his* small son SIGN OF AGE Keep it and get a haircut,’ ’ was - - - - - plications fo r membership were re- Doctor— Your father seems hale ceived and two balloted on. After j the young hopeful's reply, and hearty at the age of 104. dinner a fine lecture hour program C. FLORENCE Mountaineer— Yep, but pap’s was held. Are you through with the finger slppin’. T ’other day I heard him Electric Wiring and Reparing bowl, s ir ? " Messrs. William VanLch, John Ri Through? I haven't even started say he reckoned he’d take up the TeL 2407 chards and E. L. Cox attended the Huber, Ore. game of golf. I I’m waiting for «some soap.” meeting of Canton Portland No. 1 held in I. O. O. F. temple in Pert- Ed Plunkett says he would hire One: How is her line? land last Monday evening. Confer­ BEAVERTON FEED crowd! 0l»ly elderly women and no flappers Two: Judging from the ring the Deco-ation of Chivalry up­ a tow there was a way to distinguish and on a large class was an enjoyable following her, it must be between them. PRODUCE COMPANY feature o f the evening. line. Campfire Marshmullows- 1-It) pkg.......................... Rolled Oats— 9-lb b a g ............................ 29c 45c Pineapple—Broken Slice, No. 2J tins, 3 tins ......... 55c Thompson's Seedless Rai­ sins— l-tb pkg.................... 20c Mazola Oil— quart tin .......................... 45c Franco American Spaghet­ ti—3 tins .......................... 29c Hills or M. J. B. Coffe« l-Ib tin ..................... 49c Cori»—Mandarti No. 2 tin, 3 cans ......................... Palmolive Soup— 4 bars ............................ Citrus Powder—large package, 2 pkgs.............. 29c 29c Crystal White Soap— 10 bars .......... ................ 45c 39c Del .Monte Cutsup— large bottle ..................... 19c Sperry’s Pancake Flour— No. 3 pKg. and Amaizó Butter Scotch sy­ rup— No. 2 'j tin—All for 48c THRIFT FEATURES A & L S anilla ( ompound —Will not bake out, one O f. \ |, Tomatoes—Solid Vine ripened, no. 2 cans, Thrift Toilet Tissutv-1000 Sheet rolls, good quality, 3 rolls ................................ --------------------------------- Water Glasses jjcaj va[uet durable flint 1 Q OC _ Puritan Malt—Hop flavor. C Q K,aa8’ Two Sm**~ No. 3 tin s ......................... iJ U C Small 9.07.. tumblers in enr- A Q r -------------------------------------------------- ton of 12 ............................ Kippered Snacks—Pre- _ „ ferred Stock, Norwegian, o f *a** tumblers in 0,11" 3 3 c boneless, 4 cans .............. ______ton of ................ WHERE YOU SAVE ON FOODSTUFFS — THAT’S THRIFT ON THE MAIN HIGHWAY BEAVERTON, OREGON a g fflc .'ffnaransy."Wi m m re; w r. rc \vm m ■ .. H I VRCHJ I Highway and O E. Tracks C. J. Beach, Manager Teacher— Give me a sentane« us­ If all the males who consider SOPHS HOLD THE LEAD ing the word "m cron.” IN THE ANNUAL DRIVE themselves hot were placed end to Student— Papa said that sister end they would smoke, having no­ could not go out until she put FIRST CLA8S PLUMBING, thing else to do. j The sophomore class still clings "moron.” HEATING, and GAS FITTING to a gradually diminishing lead in Done at Reasonable Prices DIAGNOSED the subscription drive for the an- Corn silage is a wonderful feed We Cut and Thread all size Pipe rua, They took the top position on Teacher— If I gave you a big in Oregon for a dairy cow-s, but Frank Noyes the first day and have held it ever red apple and you gave Robert studies indicate *hat the cost of ______________ since. However, , ___ the #____ junior __________ class has seven-eighths o f it what would you producing this splendid feed is high Ph«ne: Beaverton 3303 ^ cn drawing closer to the leaders j have ? in this state. The l-est way to re­ Tommy—Some kind of disease in duce that figure is to increase ths until at the present time they are — bri, two subscriptions behind. my brain. tonnage per acre. DR. A. E. WILSON While the sophs and juniors have ONE MORE Optomerist ! not changed places during the drive, 3 GLASSES OF WATER the seniors and freshmen have, Sennett— Just because I held 13 HELP CONSTIPATION Frames Fitted Eyes Tested putting up a lively fight in the spades four times in succession all One glass of water is not e- Oregon > r-wer bracket. At present the sen- seven of them thought I was cheat­ Beaverton nough— take three glasses one hour ______ I iors are in third place with lead ing. Much better re­ Grimshaw— And if I had been before breakfast. , of one lonely sale, while the frosh j occupy the cellar Dut vow that the there eight would have thought sults are obtained hy adding a tea- i spoon of simple glycçrin, saline 1 next report will find them ahead that. j compound (known as Adlerika) to again. The two have charged places | each glass. at each report so far. TERRIBLE ERROR Adlerika acts on POTH upper and Reggie— Did somebody hit you on for itself# ' Ind(vidual honors so far belong Our work speaks ! lower bowel and removes old waste Phone 7702 *° Jake Koenig, Paul Shellenberger, the mouth ? Beaverton, Ore., v'ho won last year, and Lucille Archie— Why, ro. Where's the matter you never thought was in n A U M A W Johnstone, a freshman. Each of the mirror? I— well, for heaven’s sake! your system. Stops gas and sour t V.'e Carry a Good Selection of j three has sold out one book o f-co u ­ I used Mae’s lipstick on my mus­ i tomach in TEN minutes! Relieves and started on the second. tache instead of her eyebrow ■ pen­ I constipation in two hours. Dean ■ $ Shrubbery, Fruit, Fil- p pons Adv. 1 Drug Store. The drive has been halted tem­ cil! f bert And Nut Trees 4 porarily until after the student bo- i a n u r r - i j NURSERY v i ' U c r i i V * ! * S OELBICH 1 1 0 $ ' Six CylinderT (with the economy o f the DEWEY T H E PLUM BER COMPANY price of the annual will rise from Visitors Welcome *:.r>0 to $1.25. — From The Beaverton Hummer Located one mile north of Reed- A v ile, at the corner of market d If you don't lik(> onr johes, and Baseline Roads. d And their dryness makes you groan, Hillsboro, Oregon, Route 4. j Just call around n-.casionally And bring some good ones o f your own. A LINE’R TWO Advertise in the Beaverton Review and get results THIS Name Address COUPON "A re you on tho water wagon for ■ g o o d ?” I* “ Why sure.” J “ Well, you ought to know the g feeling. You’ve been on a thousand ■ times before.” ■ English Prof: What is a poet? Pa. (Dutchman)- A poet is a feller vot writes werse and werse j and werse. “ What makes you so sure you're not a fo o l? ” "Because I wasn’t bom every min­ u te ” and 39 cents are g >od for one box of chocolates or a bottle of Piver’* He:— "W hy did you jump out of imported perfume, regular price the car last night and start running fl.00, at the Beaverton Pharmacy, hom e?” G. Bradshaw, Proprietor. . j She:—"I was bein’ chasts.’’ Auction Sale I will sell at Public Auction on my place a quarter of a mile south of Beaverton at traffic conditions today demand six-cylindcr w ith its greater flexibility, greater reserve pow er, higher speed and sw ifter acceleration. A nd n o w —for the first time in commercial car history — this desirable six-cylinder performance has been made available w ith the econom y o f the four. For the ne w six- cylinder C hevrolet trucks are not on ly offered in the price range o f the f o u r - b u t they are as economical to operate as their famous four-cylinder predecessors! Both the Light D elivery and the l ’/a T on U tility Chassis arc available w ith an unusually wide selection o f body types —and among them is one exactly suited to y ou r require­ ments. Come in today. We’ ll gladly arrange a trial load dem on stration -load the truck as you w ould load it, and drive it over the roads you r truck must travel in a regu­ lar day’ s w o rk . crow ded p e r fo r m a n c e — : ■ ■ At 1:00 P. M. O’clock, Sharp SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1929 LIVESTOCK—11 head of grade milch cows, some fresh and some coming fresh; 1 young bull; 1 team of black mares with harness; 2 brood sows; 4 young pigs; 1 boar and some chickens. MACHINERY, ETC.—Drill, plow, disc, har­ row, cream separator, milk cans and small farm tools. 7 ERM8 OF SALE—$20.00 and under, cash; over $20.00, six months time on approved notes at eight per cent interest. J. M. Driscoll J. W. Hughes Doy Gray Owner Auctioneer Clerk Sedan Delivery, $59*: Light Delivery Ch*nl», $400; l ' j Ton Chn««n. $445; 1 'i Ton Chassis With Cab, $650. All prices f. o. b. factory, Flm«, Mich. S t lh P ^ Stipe’s Garage • UIIJJC/Beaverton, Oreqon A SIX E I N X1IE P R I C E R A N G E OF T H E F OUR,