Tur BE\TtUTONf m irro r -LÉ* U » U - ......... — Beaverton Review i m t d B n r r Friday »t B*«verton, Oregon, —Bjr— t u e M V U W PUBLISHING CO. J . H. Holet» . . B uiineo Manager . Entered u second cl»** m atter i)M*nb*r ». 1922, at the postolhce at Beaverton, Oregon, under th* Aat of March 3, 1«7». Luck i* the trump card played by a fool. ____ Advertisements in this column 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25c. FOR SALE Poor men and poor umbrella* gen­ For Sale — M acre tract» in Ber- erally get left. thold’s Addition. Beaverton, Ore. Some tracts clear and others not I t take* an accomplished liar to clear and some with shade trees. band a woman compliment*. Four blocks from High and Pub. lie School* on rock road. Light* Gas and with all improvement« Lota of men are failure* because they never attem pt anything. paid $600. «10 down and »10 per month. Call. Beaverton. 36 Many a man who calls himself conservative is only a coward. TIME TO LIGHT UP. FOLKS! There is one thing about dying— Let’s light our joke-o-lantema *0 Not only Hallowi en will glow you never have to do it again. But all the nights and days be gay With mirth that chases gloom s - A man’s gratitude i* always ita way! best ju st before you do him a fa­ vor. Instead of regretting yesterday, get busy and prepare for tomor- Evwn if a man’s good deed* live o» uojyieod « u; y.us¡ *4 -uiiq .Mtf* care. Hodgson: “I don’t know whether it was your wife nr not. I don’t know her very well ” Coombs: "Did she have a short dress ?’’ Hodgson: "I didn’t notice tho dress.” Coombs: "Then it wasn’t my w ife.” THEIR START Alice: “Dad. do you think George is making enough to support me? Father: “Yes. dear. That’s moro You can’t convince a self-made than I was making when I m ar­ man that he gave himself the worst ried.” Alice: “But do you think a sev­ of it. _______________— — — — en-room house is large enough for ? ’* A brunette may be decided blond , u s Father: “Certainly. Your mother —after she has decided to be a and I started fighting in three blond. — rooms.” ie way to put money into cir- tion is to take it to the race lUnnrtt V tskbowa Chicks From 8-'1 thia summons, to-wit; on or before year, »rapaexting, line-bred Hol­ (cur week» from the 1st olish men’s brains would feel a Ward Shannon; Juan (toreador), long felt want. Frank Bum; Bortolo (landlord), Maurice Manning; Don Lozona (cap- When a man is going to the dogs, he generally meets the dogs about half way. i the eame, together with proper voucher* therefor, to th* under- • 'gned at the Bank of Beaverton, 11. » vei l on, Oregon, within els month* from the date hereof. Dated tùia >6ih day uf January, 192» Date of first publication, Febru­ ary 1st, 1929. Date of last publication, March 1, 1 Gertrude A. McKay, Executrix of Estate of Mich«*! K. Hagi.es, De­ ceased. John D Williams, 826 Failing Bldg,, Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Executrix. I H ■«— HOME ECONOMICS' CLUB IS ORGANIZED l»Y GIRU4 A Home Economice Club was or­ ganised by a group of girla of tho lll*h School Bladen» Body Kehru- ady IS, with Mise Balden as ad­ visor. The following officer* were elect­ ed: president, Kiieebeth Huff; vice- president, lamie* Penney; secretary, Treasurer, Irma Nelson; Parliamen­ tarian, Ruth Clark) reporter, Vi­ vian Harria. The purpose of the club Is the development of enciabillly, among the etudente. — Berthold'« Famous Feed« B e rth o ld ’ Egg Mash B e rth o ld ’ Dairy Feed B erth o ld ’ Scratch Feed CHARLES MLRTHOLD Hay# d rain , F n d , P o ultry Supplie« U m «, C «m «nt, IP. i._____ Before You G o Away Southern P a cific agents NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. In the Matter of the Estate Michael E- Hughes. Deceased. Notice 1» hereby given that the [ undersigned hae been duly appoint­ ed by the above entitled Court as Executrix of the estate of said de­ ceased and hae duly qualified a* such. Now therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are here­ by notified and required to present i Avoid the hurried choice of out-of-town buying. Stan on your trip confident that you are going the best way, and that no annoy­ ing complications will mar it. Whether it is a trip of a day or a month. South or East, to San Francisco or to Europe, your resident agent can be of utmost value to you. In buying "travel,” remember the slogan of your local merchants, "It pays to buy in your own home town." jj Prepare for the Future! £ Put aside a regular sum each week to safeguard 0 yourself against financial worry later on. Anyone who B has learned the lesson of Thrift may consider himself k well educated. on real estate. Low inter- ^ A We welcome new accounts which may be started eat coat, repayment priv- with one dollar. ilegea. Write for details. LOANS 2 om Sam en fa d lk 0. E. Allan Agent WASHINGTON Savings & Loan Assn. Shute Bldg. \ Hillsboro, Ore. BANK OF BEAV EUTON W. Livermore, Proa. H. K. Denney, Vice Pre*. Doy Oray, Caahier Craft Society Tells How to Make Pretty Things at Horn* Climb a little higher than the crowd and you will be a good ta r ­ get for knockers. When a man keeps his wife in the dark, he shouldn't expect her to make light of it. The weight of a woman’s first baking is usually equal to twice the weight of the ingredients. Love sometimes tnealcs out at the window without waiting for po­ verty to come in at the door. T h is ir.cdern fu rn itu re , w hich Is so m uch th e rage to *U th e big Eu­ ropean and A m e n tia cities. end w hich Is extrem ely expensive to buy. can be m ade In your own hem e If you follow directions recently given out by th e C raft Society* To m ake th e chest of drawers, re­ sem bling a skyscraper, you need two sheets o1 silver paper, a n 8-yard roll of p laid w allpaper, the best liquid glue on th e m arket, a n d 8 yards of black Bute paper. If you have a n old Chest of drawers, you need only to dec pra te It, b u t If you haven't, the A little fo re sig h t w ill m ean If a young man sows wild oats mixed with old rye he is reason­ ably sure to raise a disturbance. T hf .RE is a surprise when you first taste the m elting sweetness of fe rry ’s sweet corn. It is not ordi­ nary sweet corn by any means. Nor is a plump, red, smooth-skinned Ferry tomato like an ordinary to­ mato. Nor arc the Ferry’s Seeds that grow these like ordinary seeds. Remember that when you buy Occasionally a man climbs so high he roosts above everybody else —then he begins to get lonesome. The reason the average man can’t tell a woman anything is because she would rather talk than lis- ten. If a bride isn’t homesick for her family six week» after marriage, it is a sign she married the right Biassed 1* he who maketh Christ­ mas presents and expect* th no Wing in return, for he shall not be dis­ appointed. I t ’s very surprising bow many things a girl can leer 11 a t a board- ing-senool tnat will never be el any use to her. There is no objection to a man’s taking up his residence almost any­ where, but when it conies to snop lifting—well, that s different. I t map make nine tailors to make a man, but one Christmas is enough to break him if he is the happy father of nine children. “Now Lloyd,’’ said Mrs. Cook, “tell me the opposite of the word ’misery.’ ’* L. A .—“Happiness.” M rs. C .—“And of sadness?” L. A .— “Gladness.’ Mrs. C.—“And of woe?” L . A .—“ Giddap.” Mention the Review when talk­ ing to Ib î Advertiser, _ a finer garden a regular p a tte rn . Lepage alum inum tin of th* one shown Is: top, 18xM on knobs, or cover them w ith inches; height, 33 Inches. F irst, clean, I foil Cheat fram e: C ut sm ooth and shellac entire job, remove silver paint. handles from th e drawers, a n d cut sliver strip s for all outslds surfaces and beveled edges except th e two •tripe of silver paper o a eU front edgee and top In-ide edges, allowing tide panels; c u t panel* of black flute ' a n extra h a lf Inch on b oth side# ____ ____ C ut panels of plaid O lue In _ place. I paper for ln»:de sides s nd bottom s of •1 drawers, In each case (4 Inch lese , th a n actual size of surface. Lepage | In place. C ut panel# of black flute paper for outside drawer front«, *n<] | glue In place, taking care th a t the , drawer front*, when completely paper lot gigs panels and top of cheat and glue In place, allow to dry, and th en ahellae all decorated aurfacss pf drawers and frame. ! The directions for decorating the m odernistic cupboard are sim ilar to those for m aking the cheat of drawers rh s m aterials a rt: Two mape of any ; city, or any other decorative design iffacfltaisd (note llluettaWOB) prggent I tt»« m : paper, two sheets of red and | decked paper; alum inum foil or A p a in t for handlee. All edge# decorated w ith silver psper. 1 maps are glued on th e Inside of open port of the cupboard. The of th e closed p e rt Is covered sliver paper, snd th e doors and eg other panels are decorated w ith M l rea and gold -decked paper. Lastly, he Mire th a t you use *h* best quality of liquid glue obtain« able, for If you affix your d ccoratlrl paper with pcste, or cheap 0 u « l It ■ apt tq p e e l otf whfltt U F i f l i K A i i UuuM MJftiU J Ferry’s purebred Seeds, you buy inherited quality. Quality is bred into ihc seeds. A careful up-breed­ ing of vegetables and flower» ha$ been going on in the Ferry trial pirdeus for 51 year». This mean» that the Ferry's Seeds you can plant today came from parent plants and grandparent plants that were them­ selves purebred. Sixty thousand tests are made annually in the Ferry gardens for germination. Thousands of other trials are made for size, form, color, resistance tp disease. So far as is humanly pos* sible, wc determine that every crop will meet the Ferry standard«. Ferry’s Seeds arc easy for ama­ teurs to make grow well, and are naturally the choice of professional gardeners. They are fresh fof planting now, at the “store around the corner.” No packet of Ferry’« Seeds is ever carried over by the dealer for sale the second season. Send for the Ferry’s Seed Annual. It is more than a catalog. Addres« D. M. Ferry & Co., Dept. H, 500 Paul Ave., San Franciico, Calif. Your garden will have its best possible start with Ferry s purebred Seeds *