FRIDAY, "W * * 1 » W B u . BUS 1 ÙIES 5 siaxraanac l ic e n s e Ç R p M .-Û T Â 'r^ Irti*iv-nliiiK'L t t ff.V M i^ ó t k w n ^ S » * - * ] * ! * s ,' Tfid ’c jn ^ u V x fe tiw s j k c W ^ pr STI’ DH> ♦i.VHWMf'KHOI «H K W P U m - K . , I i^T---- f ----. SATISFACTION .! ’ Hillsboro, Oergon. iD^rlnti-ndriit Thompson had ■ >VMw .,f ##•-*»»; k'~#nu4*H#. u.n, IO W At'iiui- th" ArsS of lit# Week, '• • tu » . a ! tfiicMr’Wiftnt*« 'w * f#4'’ Q u iM 'u iia 'W V fyfro.n r.oujf- -Mr -Ror(J and last wveh vlaitmg some A, I*#. iluV\h> of Re U-kuh's held at Wiisonvill# \\ hilehall Restaurant Wednesday of last week. MAGAZINE* and CANDY day of Mr. OREGON I’srtlund. Uh At hit l ON •V s i Fay Daniels, who is employ­ morning to th# Sunday school. ed in I'oitland, spcii1 the week enu Julius Hendrikvor. has a new Miss Dorothy Duff will sp«ak Sun­ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. new Chrevolet car- Rea verton Lumber Co- day at 0:30 to th# Young Peoples' J. It. Daniels. Mr. N- W. Gorham arrived home meeting. Come to cburch and bring W t SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Kail C. Bell purchased a Wadi donduy from Dos Angeivs. your friends. drag saw last we'k, and Is busll) — Roy L. Nolt, pastor l.rwl« Brothers. Proprietors Mr. J. E. Davis left fod Seattle, engged in making tr>rd wood at hi Vlonday on a business trip. Cooper mountain ranch. Christian Church Mr. J. W. Sprague was confined to l . L to * has been employed dur MARKS & SON ns home with the ‘‘ Flu" for several mg tne past w ek dulng som< The services for Sunday, March 3, lilt. LIARD PARLOR catpenler work on the S. M. Mean will be conducted at the regular Cigars, lo o m , os Mrs. Walter Harris attended the time. Sunday school at 9:46. The place on th# river read Conivi lions, dolt Drinks Ail are most cordially invited t tqbekah convention in Portland morning and evoning service at attend the service« at the. churn Saturday. lliOO and 7:30. Th? morning theme this Sunday. I>iblc school at 10 Mr. and Mrs E. P Edwards re­ will be “ The Bible," the first ser­ o'clock, at 11. turned torn thuir vacation in Cali­ mon in the seri*»« “ Credentials of F. W . BISHOP Regular meeting of the Kinton fornia, last week. Christianity." We begin the evening PLUMBING and HEATING grange will be held in all-day ses­ Mrs. Gertrude Robertson was a senes of sermons, “ Exiles of Eter­ sion at the hail this* Saturday. All dinner guest of Mrs L- R. Dean nity” and “ Herod th* Qte»t” !• the Hardware, Paints grangers are invited to attend. evening theme, Sunday evening. Beaverton Phone, 2IMS M. and Mr# M. F. W#lt#r, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. VauKleek daughter, Jenn. of Timber, were St. Cecelia Church and daughter sp-nt Sunday with irurels laet week ■>! Mr. and Mrs. Portland rvlatlves- W. E. l'EGG Sunday Masse* — 7:40 anc Mrs, J. Ilannigntt of Portland waa UNDERTAKER and EMBALMER 10 a- m. visiting at the hom? of her daughter Sunday Catechism — 6:30 anc Mrs. B. A. Rhose, 4:30 a. m Grange Building Boyd Sprague entertained a num­ baptism — 2 p. in. ber of his friends at a party at his Weekday Mass 8:20 a. m. home Saturday evening. Beaver Wood & Ice Co. and 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scidmore U luva A uoU, P in n e r I m i» , / Rev. J. M. O'Neill and daughters Clare and Ardath gradee wl Lian-Wash. tuai, have moved to Portland. lard al Trout A Main B. H. S. DEFEATS TI­ P. L. Stli n i 11 Phone (71 Herbert Jonas of '.he U. of O. J GARD IN BASKETBALL ■ RAVEN TON OHEUO spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. 11 Jonas. Mys. H A. Rhorc and son Thomas Beaverton Barber Shop attended the Mothers and Sons C. J .STEVENS. PROPRIETOR banouet at the Y. M- C. A. Thurs, AT lU^A^iUkAHU: • t’k i f K s n o t ic e ■’ TV’g lie*'"“ 1 t,,r i f « 'Y'iiv du# #nd [i*y tlc.'V.f ’th# Countv C ‘ i j f r n t * tt+ * for ifloßth» old and ownoJ^W •" ..* KIN JON H AP MWTIN«sf prices that enable you to save consistently. Thrift Features for Sat.-M on., March 2 & 4 Convoy Flour— Proves its given, 49-lb bag ........ success by satisfaction Sperry’s Panrake Flour— Lighter and tastier pan- cakes or waffles, 3-lb pkg. Calumet leaking iJowder— Fine baking powder given at real saving, 1-lb tin . . . (tarnation Wheat Flakes— Delicious, big premium pkg. Preferred Stock Telephone Peas in full -lb tins, 3 cans ................................ Bulls Eye Standard Peas— CORN Preferred Stock Tiny Ker nel Com in full 1-tb tins, 3 cans ................................ Eastern Standard Pack Com— No. 2 tin, 3 cans .. Pineapple—8 large slices of Golden Hawaiian Fruit, slightly broken, No- 2} tins 2 cans ............................. , Raisins— Seeded or'seedless Fresh stock, 3 15-oz. pkgs, Creamettes or Chinese Noodles in hardy packages 6 cans ........................... Syrup— Amaizó butter- scotch, excellent for candy $ I^unbar Shrimp-—dry pack, finest quality, makes deli­ cious salads, ? cans . Beets— Tender, sliced, A&L brand, No- 2 tins, 2 cans Argo Starch— Com or Gloss, 1-lb pkcr. 3 pkgs. .. Alaska Red Salmon— Sock- eye, delicious flavor, con­ tains heavy natural oil, tall tins, 2 cans . . . Pels Naptha Soap in 10-bar cartop, Carton ................... Llorox—remove* stain, help in laundry, 2 bottles 47c 25c 25c black Figs— Finest quality, Oysters— Southern Cove, full of vitamen. 5-oz. tin 3 cans ................................ Rosedale brand, Northern salmon, No. la flat, 2 cans Thrift Coffee— Good, ever- gaining in popularity. Al­ ways ground fresh to your order, 1 lb ......................... 49c 59c GUARANTEED tcaverten, WHERE YOU SAVE ON FOODSTUFFS — THAT’S THRIFT Oregon ON THE MAIN HIGHWAY BEAVERTON, OREGON C. FLORENCE n fK H n H H f Keel rie Wiring and He pa ring itself, and at half lime the Orange and Black led 18 to 12. Tigard, how­ ever still had some of its old tight, and with three minutes to go they had jumped into a 23 to 20 lead. Beaverton made it 23 to 22. Beaver­ ton missed 4 foul shots in a row. When in the final seconds Homrich dropped in two field baskets and the whisUe blew with Beaverton ahead 26 to 23. Seme game! BEAVERTUN FEED and PRODUCE COMPANY Highway and O E. Tracks C. J. Beach, Manager FIRST CLASS I’LCMUING, HEATING, and GAS FITTING Done at Reasonable Prices We Cut and Thread all aire Pipe Lee Ariss former Beaverton stu­ dent and guard in the Tigard team was found to be ineligible just be­ fore the game and did not play. Frank Noyes I'hoQei Beaverton 3303 DR. A. E. WILSON Optomerist Eyes Jested Beaverton Clip this coupon and mail it with |l for a tlx week»' trial tu b tm p iion to T H E C H R I S T I A N S C IE N C E M O N I T O R Published by T ub Cnmrriaw Scran ca PosutHiNO S ocibtt Boston, Massachusetts, U. 8. A. Is It res will Unit th# dill, *om) MW 1 »t tks worn from Its TU «sosl writs*». »• well ss d.Mrtm.Rti d.iotrO to »oma'i twl dilMru'i lutsrwsts. sports. Bislc. sdu,-»lies, rsdio etc. Too -III be *l»,i t» -tlcowe 1st» tear keme •» fesrlc»» se sdreels of peso sod preblbltlea. As? dsaN -- m iM --- Ssubs ear do# eed the SusSlsl S ad Iha ntkee »-e I. -»• --- -- Frames Pitted - !- Oregon DEW EY TH E PLUM BER T u » C u bisti an S ciskc « M onito » . Back B ay Station. Boston risas» mod S , » . n wk R i tri>| nbsrriptlsa. I »nr lost r- „ Our work »1 Beaverton, Ore., (Sam», pi. Visitors Welcome Located one mile north of Reed- v lie, at the corner of market nnd Baseline Roads. Hillsboro, Oregon, Route 4. A LINE’R TWO Advertise in the Beaverton Review and get results THIS COUPON Name Elirti'oth Hayes has (recovered from a recent illness. Frank Gaunt of Mountalndale was a visitor at Aloha the first of this week. Mrs, Harry Weaver and Mrs. Alice Wheeler were Portland visitors Saturday, Wilma Mason and Mrs. A. Nault Portland one evening of last week, attended the Policeman’s ball at Mr. and Mrs. F. Gaunt, Sr., moved from Portland to the house recently occupied by F. Gaunt. Miss M. Grande the third ami fourth srrade cachet1 has recovered and 39 cent* arc g'od for one box of chocolates or a bottle of Plver’s imported perfume, i^kular price |1.00, at the Beavrrton Pharmacy. f i . Bradshaw, Proprietor, 7 CHtVROlF ( National Demonstration Week! rive the Chevrolet Six N o matter h ow clo se ly you inspect The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History—you will never appreci­ ate what a wonderful achievement it is until you sit at the wheel and drive. So this week has been set aside as National Demonstration Week, and you are cordially invited to com e in and drive this sensational automobile. Regardless of the car you may now be driving—come drive this new Chevrolet Six. Come in today! •a Six in the price range of the four! mm ■ m ic ~ . if c o a c h $5 9 5 i&»n....*525 fckv ...'595 Mre. Alice Wheeler has been en­ tertaining relat vos from Pnilomath Oregon, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are having improvements made at the r resi- Charles, 111., for burial. Harry Sidwell has resumed his duties at the Aloha Serv ce Station after a few days iilness. ugnar*!# Not only is the new six-cylinder valve-in-head motor 3295 more powerful, with correspondingly higher speed and not only does it provide a fuel- faster acceleration ________ econom y o f better than twenty miles to the gallon —but It operates with such marvelous six-cylinder smoothness that you almost forget there is a motor under the hood! Wo Carry a Good Selection of Shrubbery, Fruit, Fil­ bert And Nut Trees OELRICH NURSERY COMPANY a-» ^ W ^ r \ Coupm ....... 3 3F.F iX»..... *675 ANNOUNCING The New Jackson Bell All-Electric Five Tube Radio Tone Power Simplicity Beauty Complete with Magnetic Cone Speaker and Tubes y U / # J v W e also carry a complete line of Crosley Sets Beaverton Garage C. M. Flinn Manager eryCKani*.. VJ *545 At Stipe’s Garage Beaverton, Oregon A T L O " C O S T