TB* Kur Bals—Muster Incubators, oll or electric; rad and barred rock baby chicha, custom hatching. Phona -Sunset (V il, Bouta 1, Box 471, Portland Oregon. Adv. c-7-10 Beaverton Review Uaued Every Friday at Buaverlon, Oregon the r e v ie w J. II. Hulatt Bennett Wlnhbone Chicha—From 8- >ear, trapnesting, line-bred Hol­ lywood Tanered strain hens and cochtrela on range. Cockerel* are from five special pens of our best bans and cocks. Hatching eggs, 14.00 per hundred; custom hatch­ ing, 13.00 a hundred and chicha,' $14.00 a hundred. Order aoon. ('arrie Bennett 4 Hon; 1 mi. north of Kecdville on R. 2, Beaverton, Oregon. Advc'Jtf PUBLISHING CO. Business Manager FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1929 Advsrtlaementa In this rolumn 1 Despair la the blighted fruit of cent a word. Minimum charge 26c. ---------- ----------------- ----------------- -- »r Hal*—Wood. Firat growth flr. Green, 16 Inch, per cord, $6^0. Partly dried 1« Inch, per cord, $7.0«. Green, four foot, per cord, $6.50. Partly dried four font, p#r cord. $«00. Inquire Brook Bros.. Hillsboro Rt. 2. Phone, Scholls 061». e-62-tf An ambition to own a skyscraper is a lofty ideal. For Hale— V4 acre tracts In Bar- thold’s Addition, Beaverton, Ore. All tha worlds le tta to laugh with Home tract* rlaar and others not clear and aoma with shade trraa. or «4 * lower. Four block* from High and Pub. 11c School* on rock road. L'ghts He la Indeed atlngt who will not »r Hale or Trade— Half block on Gas and with all Improvement* Watson Ht. Will trade for acre­ give you a amile. , - - (mid $ 600 . $10 down and $10 per age. Frank Pulver, Beaverton, month. Call, Beaverton, 36 Ori-iron. Adv. c-7-tf. ny man who v.orka only for st-lilum does hia beat. February 9, IO, II Advert! Hel The codfish lays a million eggs OioHcn am líales Love Is the real thing until the And the helpful htn lays one; newness begins to wear off. But the codfish doovn’t cackle To tell u# what she’s done; A close frivnd ‘s all right, until And so wo scorn thi codfish coy, P r o g r a m C o m m il I r r ul W o r k he declines to lend you money. And the helpful bon we prixe, For Brw| Mcctinn in Which indicate» to you and me, It pay» to advertise. Speaking uf women, attractive i ( i o n f e r e n e e H ln lo ry simpletons are more popular with men than intellectual bores. ' ÜNIVKRH1TY OF UK BOON, Eu gene --February V. 10 and II Save been definitely s«l fur the eneuel (tete Never judge a woman’s smile by Newspaper Ooefrrenre, to be held at her teetn, both may be arlilicial. the Rrhiiol of Journalism el the Uni eereity. It is enaouerud by Ralph R lher* is no man so friendless Groóme, of Allumy, president "The une who has lis t hi* political Of PreM .SeHHion FLASH The Lead Dog A man may b* able to trade his reputation for money, but he can't trad* back. __ -m - Every man thinks that be is the prvpcr one to stand around and Urea tha Job. ■ - - Rich men have tlc ir country pia cea, but poor men must be salis tied with larm e. _ The Fastest road to wealth is to have * rich relative die and leave you a fortune. A short girl g ?ti around it by making the stripes on her siurt run in the opposite direction. Teaching Program Of UJ n m r Is Topic at Meeting D r. A rnold Beauiett H«tU If S peaker at Session of 1 State Institutions UNIVERSITY OF ORF.OON, Eo gi*n«. The erlsntifis program that 1* b o w under way at the Unlvareity of Oregon, by which a mors accurate method Is hoped Is he found for rnting the teaching staff, aad Ihroegh which new and more efficient teaching meth­ ods are sipseted to lie found was gives nation wide prominence In Chicago re- renUy by t*r. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the University, who spoke before the American Association of State Universities sessloa os this sub­ ject. Two main objectives are sought by the experiments and research work now carried on, declared Dr. Hall. University of it* professor» and in- »truetor», an that promotions and ad- vanrements ran be mails strictly ac­ cording to merit. The serond is for definite improvement In artual teach­ ing methods, so that students may be better trained and better Instructed. Methods now in uee at thn Univer •Ity of Oregon for personnel work were described lo the members present, " The first consists of the preparation of a •‘Who’» Who” of faculty member*. This Includes jhe ramplete educational history of thn faculty members and list» of hie academic performances, all available Information about hi* fnmlly, activities In thn university, aalary in cureaaea and promotions and personal impressions gathered by the president from occasional perqinal interviews. The second method which is a direct sbeek on tha affleienoy of tha faculty members, la a requirement that each instructor and profeaaor send in his examination questions when he sends in the results, or grades of students. The third Is that tach faculty member must send In a statement of his objec­ tive In giving the course, at the same time that he lubmlte the examination question» /4rt Student» To Aid In Campbell Memorial i UNIVERSITY O r OREQON, Ru­ gano.— Doan Ellia F. Lawrence of tha school nf architecture and allied arts, announced yesterdny that tho sculpture department would nld In the execution Of models for the detail of tho Presi­ dent Trines I.. Campbell memorial court of tho Fine Arts building. Dean Lawrence, who li drawing the plana for the building and it* detail, also Mid that tho (empiete plans would bt ready for uso In about a month. Tha bulldlag ia a memorial to Preal- Bent Campbell, but this little inner eourt will be especially dedicated to bim, according to the denn. In * niche In a small pavilion at the end of the Court will be a bust nf President Camp­ bell, dona ia broase by rhimicter l’roe- for, who also executed the pioneer »EA T**TO N **V I*W By CEORCE MARSH i 1ère is a tense and thrilling «tory of the nort hland wilder new. The wile« of the half* breed, the auperati- tion of the Cree and the avarice of the white are set in grit» conflict. Flash, the Ungava dog, meet» Slit-Ear, Yellow-Eye and Kona of the huu- kitw;and here too there ia conflict. It is master fiction of a region but acldom pictured and of men and anipull of super breed*. Members of the cimmittee ara Hheldos Hd'-kalt, McMinnville Telephone Kef is ter, MrMiaaville, I, l>. Krlnbeiai, ll.inlnr, Western World; thin Wilson, Beuten County Courier, Curvatile; Wal ter W. It. May, the Oregonian, Port land; Merle Ctiesaman, Astoria Budget; Eric W. Allen, Hehrod of Journalism, chairman; Hal K llosa, and Mr. Croa- lar, es officio members. One of the most Importasi matters that will be brought op will be the pro (nisei that a field egeat be employed by lbs editors and publishers of the stale in conjunction with thn school of journalism. The duties of such a posi Wanted—Work. Pruning fruit tree* an(j team work. No Job too small or too big. Han* Nielaoo. Phone, Beaverton 4614. Adv. p-12-13. For Bale—9 sis week* old pigs. conference. There will he a spacial 214 mile* East of Cedar Mill store sert ion fur tbs publishers of daily an the <~eraell road. — L. Stark. papers. For Rent—5-room house, large a t­ tic, garage, 2H arres ground. W NOTICE TO CREDITORS H. Scidmore, 710 Lombard St. la the County Court of the State of Beaverton, Ora. Adv. p-12. Oregon for Washington County. In the Matter of the Estate of Michael E. Hughes, Deceased. changa v u made from the tentativa Notice is hereby given that the dale, ia January at the request of tha esecutive committee of the Hlata Edi undersigned has been duly appoint­ tonal Aaaoelalloa, following a rarent ed by the above entitled Court aa Sleeting Reasons fol tha rbanfe are Executrix of the estate of aaid de­ that the «secoli*« eemnutlee has im ceased and has duly qualified aa portant mailer» that will come Ur a •uch. Now therefore, all persons having ht-a,l by February, and almi that R W B««*rar. publisher nf tha Head Bulletin, claims against said estate are here­ will ba barh la Oregon from aa es by nctided and required to present tender) trip F.aat la February Ila ia the same, together with proper prt-viiiaat uf tha Stala Editorial Aaao vouchers therefor, to the under­ signed at the Bank of Beaverton, Stalina Oregon, within six The program committee. recently ap­ Beaverton, pointed, ia already nt work and the months from the date hereof. Dated this 26tb day of January, niant «»tensive and intereating seaaioa In the hlatnry of the conference 1s al­ 192«. Date of first publication, Febru­ ready guaranteed by the members. ary 1st, 1929. Date of last publication, March 1, 1929. Gertrude A. McKay, Executrix of Estate of Michael E. Hughes, De­ ceased. John D. Williams, 825 Failing Bldg., Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Executrix. ed by the above entitled coart a* within six (8) month* from tha the Administrator of the Estate date hereof. of aaid dereaaed. and has duly qual­ Dated this 24th day of January, ified aa sec.; 192«. John Huber, Administrator of Now therefore, all person» having claims against aaid estate are here­ the Estate of Martina Huber, de­ by notified and required to present ceased. WM B. (REITZ, 411 Ahington the same, together with proper vouches therefor, to the undersigned Bid., Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Admlnistator at Beaverton, Oregon, Administrator. c-8-lt Berthold’s Famous Feeds B e r t h o l d ’ Egg M a sh B e r t h o l d ’ Dairy Feed B e r t h o l d ’ S c r a t c h Feed CHARLES BERTHOLD Hay, Grain, F n d , Poultry LHn«, C «m «nt, R o#t#r, PwtlftMfrJ You bet, The Beaverton Review prints butter wrappers —plan leisurely with your own S o u th e r n P a c i f i c a g en t» NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Washington County. Ia the Matter of the Estate of Mar­ tina Huber, deceased. Notice ia hereby given that the Undersigned has been duly appoint- Avoid the hurried choice of out-of-town buying. Start on your trip confident that you are going the best way, and that no annoy­ ing complications will mar it. Whether u is a trip of a day or a month, South or East, to San Francuco or to Europe, your resident agent can be of utmost value to you. In buying "travel," remember the slogan of your local merchants, "It pays to buy in your own home town.” Prepare for the Future! on real estate. Low inter­ est cost, repaym ent priv­ ileges. W rite for details. WASHINGTON Savings & Loan Assn. Shute Bldg. 0. *. Allan Hillsboro, Ore. Put aside a regular sum each week to safeguard yourself against financial worry later on. Anyone who has learned the lesson of Thrift m av consider himself well educated. W e welcome new accounts which may be started with one dollar. W. Livermore, Pres. B. K. Denney, Vice Pres. Doy Gray, Cashier Agent S e r ia l l y in B E A V E R T O N R EV IEW now mum power your garden? NATURE can do only so much with any seed. T h e seed itself must con­ tain the promise and the power. You would feel convinced of the power of F erry ’s purebred Seeds if you could see the great Ferry stock seed farm and trial gardens. H e r e a r e a c r e s a n d acr es of specimen plants. Every plant that is m ature is big, vigorous, beautiful, a n d b o u n t i f u l . O n l y the b e st plants are allowed to m ature— all else are weeded out. Any plant that doesn’t produce true to type gets weeded out. And only seeds from the plants that measure up to the Ferry standards in size, fplor, f l a v o r , p r o d u c t i v i t y — arc t h e F erry ’s Seeds you can buy. Behind the tremendous p o p u la rity oi the new 192 9 D urant S ix stand th ree y e a r s of su c c e ssfu l p ro« duction of low-priced six cylin« \ der motor cars. ▼ ▼ D urant's \ sweeping success has been \ yarned. ^ T h e n ew 1929 \ Durant S ix is a proved \ product-suprem e me* \ ch n n ically and o u t« ^ \ standing in d e s ig n . DELIVERED HERB FULLY EQUIPPED New 1939 D urant SU A U otheN ew 1929 DURANT FOUR •t law prtoa. In these seeds is the power to produce flowers of superb beauty, and vegetables of superior flavor and size. Surely all the w ork you pui into your garden deservei just these seeds. F erry ’s Seeds have to be all you expect when you buy them. In addition, they are fresh. N o packet of F erry ’s Seeds is ever carried over by the dealer for sale the second season. F e rry ’s Seeds may be had at “ the store around the corner.” W rite at once for F erry ’s Seed A n­ nual— with its good garden advice. Address D. M . Ferry & Co., Dept. H , 500 P au l Ave., San Francisco, C alif. Your garden will have its best possible start with Eerry’s purebred Seeds » Ottò Erickson Co County Distributors*