fUGENR. OR» University Library E* IF IT'S FOR BEAVERTON, TIIK REVIEW'S FOR IT T he B eaverton R eview CLEAN READING FOR ALL TIIE FAMILY I The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests Of Eastern Washington County. VOLUMK VII. NO. 12. S ìdr I c Copy, 5 Cents IF I COUI.D SIN« Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon. Short Item About People We All Know Friday, HIGH SCHOOL NEWS February 22, 1929. $1.50 Per Year I Many Pass to the ify the score of 26 to 23, the Orange and Ulack boys defeated Ti­ gard Friday. The boys were ahead throughout the first half, but in the second half they dropped be­ hind some. The team, by the ex­ Could dry the floor of Sorrow’* tear* cellent work of Johnson won over With hopuful proinDe*. in *ong, Personal And Minor Men­ Tigard. This game gives the Orange John A. Peterson Passed And gild with Faith tit« cloud* of fear*. und Black a chance to meet Banks, the county Basketball Champion, And right the darkened way* of Wrong;- tion of Comings And Away February Uth Thursday, Feb. 21. Coings In Town .th! glad would I the note* prolong The negative debate team, con­ at the Age of 83 stating of Lewis Poole and Jim Un­ With uulaing pinion*, soft unfurl'd, derwood defeated the affirmative A how of nromiae, framed in Sons, Atched, radiunt o'er a gladdened world. MANY VISITING HERE team of Forest Grove. NORA HING LE Y DIES The girls basketbeR team defeat­ —Ilv Gertrude Murtln Christensen ed the Tigard girls' team at Ti­ gard by the score of 21 to 22. The Many Dinner «uè*1* In Beaverton team played exceptionally well, and Funeral Services For N. G. Mac­ L had a hard fight in order to win Dur'ng The Faet Week Donald Were Held Saturday MM a JOUNSOM ir’Tií ST VMT* U & CECAPÎU» M O ! ■ - ------------------------ ■ over the heavier team of Tigard. | Real Estati* Transfers The student body held a special iti T — B| Miss Mildred DeLong spent the Arthur S. Ellis et ux to W. A. u .'S ix "»? *i iC0UBT H0U8E IrEMSi Iuildlaw et ux, 260 acres of Sec. week end with Miss Lorraine Per­ u ^ „ * , ** SUITS kins at the L. V. Graham horns- «rational Expo.ition at Corvallis. ! , V IN k. 1 W. Fsb. 22 and 23. Those ehosen to re- oi Sweden’ and "came to 'o ra g o n ‘ in Theodore Bernard* has filed suit Charles Hums et ux to Ike Fixer Mrs. Charles Jucka entertained at present Beaverton are: Gladys Mc- against Carl C h rn tu ^ r to oollect et ux Lot 7, Ulk.il, 1st Add. lisnks. a luncheon, Thursday, the guests Leod, Jim Vnderwocd, Esther Sch- Jo ' Mi.» V m e Denny in D ^ b H damage* for injuries i .. Flaer el m lo C. I Prisiutt present were Mrs. VN. R. VanKleek, rade, Erank Buru and Mark Jones. , 0 *,, wc , „„ - claimed to be sustained in an auto et ux, Lot 7, Ulk. 9, 1st Add., Hanks. Mrs. M. C. McKercher, and Mrs. Ml*. Belden 1. th . faculty advisor ¡¡¡S ’ P* * ^ #W,y ° “ JuJy 6* accident of last August 9th. Chris Zinale et ux to Olive A. F W. Livermore, Ji wh" . Wl‘‘ * lC ° mp*n nV th* * our daughters surw e Mr. Peter- Powell part of J. H, Jones Add., DIVORCES Th. Beaverton Boy. met defeat 4nd three ln d , 0 one d_ Mrs. J . R Talbert gave a bri­ Senator E. F. Bailey Be­ Beaverton. Ida Van Loo against Theodore dal shower for Mbu Pauline Wil­ ‘T J Us,dayM F ' b- “ »te r C. L. Thomas et ux to A. L. son und Miss Helen Mcugler, Tues­ ?" 19, ^ when °*n they nZ played St. Mary s. dauEht*r lieves That The State T. . - *nd , ™ , * , , Van Loo. They were married at n p a L W i t h a T h e m e N eV - Schubrlng et ux, Fart of Geo. Ri­ day evening. Those attending were Th. funeral service* were held at Bo>. O re, Nov. 14, 1914. The plain- U e 3 ‘S " 110 3 l n t m 1 I e g g » chapel and were conducted tiff asks the care ard custody of 3 chardson CL, I I 8, k . l W. Should Refund Tax friends from Portland. PUBLIC DANCES MAY by K ev M onald v .. .. „ - - — — ------- - - er Before Portrayed A. 8. Fat tulio et ux to Fritx B R F E G i G I T U I L A A T I L F I n ) , 1 L A A W W ik ' ? ,i l ‘ male M*cift*lnoon- ture no one should miss. If you've be settled by legirlature, but by waa netted, which wua added to the cut. A bill, which provides that Mrs. Wade Amentrout passed a- knowledge that the editor of The seen the play or the picture before court. .JO grange treasury. weeds shall not grow to a height Salem, Or., Feb. 20. L. M. Hes­ way Tuesday evening at the Via Vo^ an>’ mem^ r of * * ypu’ll want to see it again. “The in excess of 12 inches and shall se of Scholls, forn.er representative hospital at Forest Grove. The fun- *taffLor « "J, of Vo' Night Bird” is the picture to be be destroyed and prevented from from Washington county, was re­ eral will be at 2 P . M. Friday ter hag lobbied, ei. her at this or sponsored by the local O. E. S. STATE GRANGE LEC any previous sess:on of the Legis­ CHANGE MAY BE seeding during the remainder of the cently extended the “courtesy" of club. It's a clean, fast, uproarious lature, while connected with The TIR ER IS INJURED calendar year, has been introduced the House at the request of Repre­ (today). eomedy. Then there ;s the “Foreign MADE IN A LAW Voter, or has sold influence for by Senator Edward F. Bailey of sentative L. EX Wilkes, Hillsboro. MR. ANI) MRS SWEN­ pay or has accepted any fee for al- Legion” which is tremendous. And Kinton, Ore., Feb. 20. The many Junction City. SON ENTERTAIN CLUB E£a* influence or propaganda, he one more, "Subma-'ne" which has friends of Mrs. M.nnie E. Bond, Salem, Feb. JO, “Th* attorney The Bill, S. B. 170, amends sev­ WILLIAM BERST IS A - is requested to report the same proven such a hu everywhere. general of the statu has ruled that lecturer of the Oregon state grange, eral sections of the present law MEMBER OF BAND Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Swenson to the proper authority of the no minor can work in any restaur­ win b* very sorry to learn »he met relating to weed control districts entertained the Neighborhood Club, Set te (House) |for investigation BILL TO RFGULATE ant, Uiug store or any such place with a serious acciuent at the lec­ and the extermination of obnoxious Salem, Feb. 20. William Berst, Tuesday. The evenin'» was spent in anc to myself as a matter of cour- where cigarcttva are icidenlally turer’s conference held in Corvallis, weeds. DISTRIBUTION, MILK former member of the Beaverton playing “500.” The prize winners tes , sold,' declared Kepicscnlutiiv Janie* last week. In some unaccountable “It merely stiffen* the present band, is a mttnber of the 186th were Mrs. J. A. Anderson, and Lou- I xm proof " a s to the editor of way the tripped and fell, cutting T. Uncivil, lluod Liver. law on weed extermination and puts Infantry band, which played at the is Hughson, first prize, and Mrs. The Voter, he wi'l withdraw from Salem, Feb. 20. “I can see a House bill i»t>0, unreduced by Mr. a place on her face which required some teeth in it," was Senator Capitol during the state’s birthday Hughson and Mr. B. J . Wood- the State House ard cease publi three stitches, also spiaining om great deal of good in this n u t Dusieil, stru v s out a clause in the Bailey's explanation of the bill. cation of his magaxine Upon proof ill but many poor pe lc, v vo anniversary party lari week. ward, consolation. of her wrists. Her fnei.d» in thi selection retting to the selling 01 as to any member of its staff or :.ave one or two cows .u d c cigumlUs to minors. This section vicinity hop* to h i > i u favorubit employee, sa;d offender will be dis­ perate under ths bill," declaicJ report of her condition very soon. slakes that havng cigareltss in a charged from The Voter will not Representative Frank l'eter "f pace of ousine. *, w hite minora may There is not the slightest foun­ Hillsboro, opposing the pa sage ’t take them or help tliem.elves, snail MRS. NAULT IS GIVEN dation for the charge that The Vo­ H. B. 322, which provides regula­ bs held to b* prim» faci* evidence ter lobbies or has lobbied, or at any tion of the production, sale and dis­ A SURPRISE PARTi of an intent to sell to minors, time has accepted any fee for any tribution of milk. "Many minors ere working In sendee other than that of render­ Aloha, Or«. Fsb. 20. Friends ano Continuing his objection, Mr. Pe­ drug stores or restaurant* to earn neighbors of Mrs. Nault pleasantly ing Information, and the same ap­ ters said, "It is too complicated for money to go to school," Mr. Haz- surprised her at her home on Stu plies to the editor of The Voter tne smail producer. It would put lett said, “and it ia perfectly pr- | cy Ave., Saturday evening. The oc Any assertion to the contrary i? them out of business. I v ill have per for them to do so. Under the casion was her uiith anniversury. false, and The Veter courts the to oppose the bill i" present i mt. provisions of this cluusc minors can ! Musical selections were enjoyed. most thorough investigation that car "Would you use milk for your not even enter a rest aui ant or place Cards were played, and very de be applied. Respectfully. {if business where i igarettes are in­ i lightful refreshment* were served (Signed) C. C. Chapman. Edi­ ¿amilj that was ro t regulated?" ,ueried Representative Walter W, cidentally sold. This is * great tor, The Oregon Voter, Statefiouse Russell of McMinnville. hardship and whilq it is not often 1 Among those present W'ere: Mr Salem, Oregon. “I have been using it for years," enforced, it is posiibie to do so and I and Mrs. Harry Weaver, Mr. and Mr. Peters replied. lett said, "and it is perfectly pro- j Mrs. Andrew Denholm, Mr. and Mrs. PARTY IS GIVEN IN they complying with most this should bs taken out of tha law," Oscar Mason and daughter, Wilma, F. M. LASSITER HOMF jf "Aren't Mr. and Mrs, R Chamberlain and these regulations?" Russell asked. daughter, Virginia. “They produce clean milk," was The F . M. Lawfter home or rijllsboro representative’s retort. MR. AND MR*. W EL­ Tucker Street was the scene of r MRS. HOCKEN GIVES The bill was passed by a large delightful party on Saturday eve­ majority. TER GIVEN PARTY BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON ning In honor of the birthday an niversary of Mr. Lassiter. Fivr A luncheon was given Feh. 14th hundred was played by the follow­ AOMEN’S MISSIONARY Mr. and Mrs. M. Welter of Third ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. V. A. MEETING, HELD SOON Street were tendered a pleasant' at the home of M-» Emma Hocken Wood: Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beach: surprise jsirty on 1 riday evening in honor of her 92nd birthday, t^iin Mr. and Mrs. W. H Bngelke; Dr The Women's Missionary Meeting by a number of friends and neigh» also being th« birthday of one of and Mrs. J . R. Tilbert: Mr. and of the Bethel Church will be held brtrs in honof of t^eir recent m ar­ her daughter», a grand daughter and Mra. Charles Jacka and Mr. and at the home of Mia. Nell Talbot’ riage, Th« evening wa* spent at a great grand daughtei. Many frlsnda Mrs. Omstead. Mr. Wood and Mrs on Second atreet Thursday, Feb. *'500." Several vocal eelsctions were and relatives called during the day Jacka won high «cores. rendered by Mr. W F . Desingsr. and evening to extend greeting* 28th at 2:30. The subject for atudy will be “Pacific University- Past- Delicious refreshments were served and good wishes. N . W GORHAM H A S R E ­ Present- and Future”. The speakers at midnight. Thole present were: MAYOR Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Edwards and HILLSBORO T U R N E D FROM CAL wll be Mrs. W. L. Cady, Mrs G. Garrett, Mrs. L. L. .Myers, and Mr*. son, Leland, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. VISITS LEGISLATURE Desinger, Mr. and Mrs. L L. Lass- N. W. Gorham returned Sunday E. G. Webb. well and son, Lewis Lee, Mr. and evening from San Francisco, Calif Salem, Feh. 20. Orange Phelps, Mrs. A. C. Chinn, h'ra. M, C. Mc- mayor of Hillsboro, The Sunday sftim w m service where he has been under observa­ George Mc­ Karcher, Mn. and JMrq. W. R. Gee’, city mnt’Bgrr of Hillsboro, vis­ it the Wa hington County Ilosnit il tion at the S. P. ilospital. He laf YafiKjl rek and daughter^, Cathryn, ited the state legislature recently,' Tuesday evening for Los Angeler will be conducted by tne men « rs Mr. John Hays, Mr. Gus Desinger calling on Representative Frank R. to join Mra. Gorham for a visit of the Intermediat? C. E. Society and Miss Cathryn Dcsingcr. with friend», in the sunny Califor­ of the Bethel Church on Feb. 24th reterà, at 2:30. Everyone ia welcome. nia eity, If I could »trig n souk of Hope, The iroldun » omk of Ixivo that chuura, Could hid th« hud* of Joy to ope In bloom* of fragrance through the year*, Great Beyond Legislative Mill Grinds ires ires uomii Io Beaver Theater The Corner Stone of Our Government | j j