F R ID A Y , F E B R U A R Y IK, 1928 TUF nr VYI RTON R F V ir W -------------------------— T7----------------------------- T — --------- tt| L O C A L NEW S Mr». L. E. ('hnmlK'r» v fd tn l (r ln d a on Lake Ri.aJ Sunday. I {filivi ( Olili Ivi; a titillili flu's Most Deadly Enemy Once ' Used on Battlefields of Eurvp€ The llcavcrloh III V Club e f tfic Migli S-hool wili ntlem! thè moni i i Woi 'h ip » i 11 liv ot thè Ilei Ilei Cl.uivh mi S uiu I m ) Celi. ITth ut I! 00 nell k » u h tl.cii h ailei, 1 11 I i. Melili Tli» w uni' moii » ili ii . v - inì in t'oiiduiliog l bv «ervu e ami Ihe -peakee » i l i l-o Ili'V. DoiiuKI Ma, Nili, »bone thomo » ili I»' " l 'i o gres» lin o unii < ip|H'.*ition'. The txi-imig se-tieo ut 7 :10 « ili I h ’ un.' in whieh nm » i l i timi u eor dal »cleom e, good munii. and u hi | 1 il me--iii i entltled " Ih. \x rage Man 1 Ttu Sunday puh»' *1 ini’i’l» as 9 Ift uinli’i tlu* Inudolshin ,.f Mi. R. c , 1M X You m e coni ; lly inxiti'd to attend tht DO S ’ IN u* i o f woral»ip. Donald M M Neil, Mulinili Fn^l Hulmci o f T ig a -d foil while coaatiag on • sled » n j fr »ctun.il his collar bone. Mr. and Mr». W. Abbott w crt visitor» at the B. E. Brar.dtmcn j home, Saturday. Mr. ami M i». C i u r r e v o f Muliua were visiting at Mr». Coutta’» home the end of last week. Mr. and M r». Henry Hickman of Bxthany are the proud parents o f a baby girl, brn .Friday. Mr«. John Pi ter»on i» recoverirg from an operation i n her r o te at Dr. C o ffe y » Clinic Hospital. Mr. F. W. Liverrti re, Jr., attend­ ed the American L ep im meeting at Hillsboro, Tuesday evening A party at the h im « of Mr. and .Mrs. A. E. Aade.sor. was enjoyed by anumber o f Portland fo lk ;. Mr. and M i», th t« Hamel, o f Be­ thany are being cony ratulated upon the arrival o f a baby lait week. Mr». Thelma B ore visited at the i home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pegjr. d u r i 'j the post week. County Teaencr’a Institute was held at Forest Grove Mr- E. G. M ebb o f this city *s comity p resi- » dent. Mrs W. R. Peteh and Mrs A. ; W . Buttertieid Visited in the home o f their sister, Mrs. Fred Cane, o f Yamhill, Monday. Several Beavetron ladies art ta ­ king* advantage o f Dr. Mitchell's tatks at the Calvary Presbyterian church in Portland. Mr. E. P. Edwam s o f the Stan­ dard Oil Co- and w ife are spend- ) ing tneir vacation m California with Mr. Edwards’s sister. Mr. anil .Mrs. E. V.’ . Li verm re and »on, W iiiard. were dinner guests ir ’ (he home o f Mr. ami Mrs. F W Liverinre, Jr. Sunday. Tne h ig h School Glee Clubs will present toe peret*a “ El Bandido” in tne h ig n fcchooi auditrium, March 13 and 14. Save this date- Mr. Glen Miiier o f Astoria and M is. Benuey and daughter ot Kel— * so, W asn., visited at the home ot - h i . anu -wrs. j . A . Miller, Sunday. * Mr. and « r » . Louis Hughsn and son, n ai vey, and Mrs. hugnson s m ouier, airs, tu ia o e ift Daws, left fr iu a y xor lacvrna i c r a oriel stay, j I n e Lauits Aid o f Lbe oeth l Con- gicguUoiusi cnurcu w id nold tne ir av £~««4 i 44*e«ui.g Taursuay al -.wv o c o c a n tue chuica parior. ' LOCAL NEWS W I ’ i for an i mieti tiit cat u> Her won, Mil ly it ut t ethnic icVucI in I'm-tlad. Mis Letti* Alltel t’ Scotichi »pent the work etui with her purent* Mr and M it. II. K. NVlton over the tteck end. Mi u U Boyd rut uninti tn w IHnl Him; tut 1 >in>* inn Mi » Muni «tn I n « l|« > . •nr 1*11111* \ i-.it. • 1 with ber 1 tir, M i ». III lian Thy hit . S n mía y. Mr M xii i o f Mu’ Sho rtlinm tin «R id tii» y onil i, 1| I « (I on the nml troto i.vi le# i ur 1 • ■ 11 p MU H b * 11.m a g «n joyed the V illu.il le p i the e many ti nuage o f fia ml li year-. | » n b io e\p.« . my appro ciat ion niai thanks for the i MUI«' hut now that illiii* * ptvw nt* tilt from taking curo i r hint in* f hu\c tunu'd nil of my iii»ut «tfc c over to Mr. C l Uc«U:c, who Will look Utter all •i^uiain * ivnctt uI* on |T ivnUki Ms renewing your insurant«- w th him you will U nclit both o f us ANNOUNCEM ENT B un i,, , r i he Hiiaveiton Mssunlr I'll! <1 eg .i»»o lilt on will be belli a( i , Mul- II;• I, Saturday evening. i » II b# lur b' 'hoeary 'I hemp«.m'» Columbian n b ,| bv e-7 It I > b eiti«. Item nli ' 1 H und d iii 7 30 I ti, H b' II di Mr». « e., Sei i clary, M i». I hm litui, N. (1. e rlu n llebek 1.litiga Nu. meet » (Ira i H u id T u es- e ia n l n g » at I* M ui H im Mm Jolie Le Salali Chant- p -tf Mis. K iolu id John»on, of Tht Pulita it t|K'!hiinjr fov om l daiya in tho homo o f her perenta, Mr and Mrs. E E. Swrson Mr. anti Mrs. l\ \V Florence. unti Mrs. M K. Smith t f liultvr, und Mr. anti M r». W . A VunKleok and sons, 1 t y i i unti Cene, o f K itoti, tterê dinner ffucsts o f Mr. and Mr* J. E. Smith, Sumiav. , dt th* r Oecti ;t e d for ! -.ospitai u s e jf s c t e d persons In ero » -li. in ttx e strp ^ Like r p»i» Do® » rvmar.ee is the UiiOvighout the civilized world. t ■story of how Science, originally re­ ' b»U ' *rr ’ ' e semi» that the :r»alml pii»-' But this remarkable nut sponsible for the deadly gases used cu . 'le. ire neee»'.iry mi.»t an ^ , one particular tault- it w.m uu on the Held of battle, has taken these sta’ -le: In other words. It would not ,Jclt ln '* because of the selenUAvt be 1 . 1 _ mnot Uea rase» »nd given to mankind an effee-, keep, it had to -----------. . . _____ tier m .iv n used t»Uiniil In ills war each day by expert* lu use. there- UlU ha* become the »lie w«apon used tamngiy ui n - ^ (u ...,:;ed to hospital, and «'* '• * • M »m »t «*• * ag'.nst disease germ*. I to the medical profess.cn, until It 1 s The grrma of Influent* have td During the Grist War. two scien­ wn* stabli.ced. tmeed it is said, to the one Umu 8 tist« succeeded tn developing s solu­ In Its concentrated stablilcrd fo m n buttle held» of Europe. Ten >*• tion for the treatment of »rounds the so!ut.on i> km wu as 7 in:le It ;vjtv a hen they made their moat keep Ita which was non-polsonous and non­ r.-*.h tn icflnltely and fective stand again.wt man. the i-e germs were carried Into pi caustic. yet possessed high gcrmicid l tion of wounds tu Allied hospitals lou-p :v nrua. non-caustic, vet h h - ! day. with the knowledge that roi l r *aa».* :n the .a its n. deadly enemy, naan l » from seventy-five percent to almost ,y germ*« nraiuubie. afraid of these Rerms than nothing, saved the lives of hundreds read b? ♦n gpedcmic yf % dt »it Ir.:i- of Chr.iwuh Jf aoj : «*r* an J oas HEAVER T H E A T R E Í P h y s ic a l E d u c a tio n At L n ir e r s it y JVotcd r Ull. ^lon.. Tut*., Erb. 17-18-19 \ \i U K O N I/I D MI till Colleen VtM.re in “ SYN TH ETH SIN” A First Nutli-nal S|M-ei«l Coii'vdy i>cia> uiujntttsi z\F ( ONTEST BETW EEN A SSN . A N D B A N K S To place motor vehicles by them-1 seives for taxation p u rp o ses, so (O regon Voter Reporting S o »’V,! t ) that the age of the vehicle may be A severe contest between the taken into account in fixing the lax, building and loan aisoriatiens and and the proceeds be applied exclu- (O regon Voter Iti; ortirg Service) “ My recipe fo r goi i legi.elation is the greatest g< qd i- r the greatest number,” stated S- ator Edward Schuimerich o f Hills Loro, when he voted fo r S. li. !»i o f the 1927 ses.-ion, a bill hi had previously voted against. Although previously v o t'd d'>»n, was bl Uf t U|I for re- consideration ar.d passed the Sen­ ate. The votes o f .“ nator Jay H. Upton of Bend and ¡senator Schui­ merich changed the final tally, m a­ king the 20 votes necessary to pass it over the G overnor’s vote of 2 pr R pnt WHERE FRESH MEANS hRESH Anyone can carry f . v o i > Meats and Groceries but delivering them to the trade day in and day out through­ out the year, that’s the trick of it. A 5 A S 1 h u t b w K i t l h e b e a v e r lot. e . n c r> a i m s t o d o . Med.. Thur“ I eb. 20. 21 f M im a l-oy in J T'R.N HACK TH E H O U R S '? i m d y : Shortahots S I Fri.. S a t, i rb. Jl’ - . ’ J Mnot |i|l«en in "111 K.M.Nti T U E W IN D ' Comedy S l’ Kt I \). NOTICE Counlr) Stur« Nu» F iery t\ edne-day In-lead u| I.— Phone for free delivery. Phone Beaverton 3203 We Deliver 2 4 In d u ) * --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -— * ^ ! Y o u Can Buy Y ou r Coal ! AND . Briquets M R. A N D M RS. SO LD ERS E N T E R T A I NS F R IE N D S About ten neighi o«,d friends o f Mr. and Mrs. George Soiinis were entertained at a party at Mr. 1 am) Mrs. Sollers’s home in Huber Saturday «-„ening T ; <• oc a ion was Mr. Sollers 7ttfi 'ij ih anniversary. 1 Mr. Sellers arid I’o i ’ larid t. e both the same age and ti-eir anniversar- ies mrp both on the same Hay. Five hund#efj was enjoyed. De­ lightful and sumptuous refreshments were served. 1*11 Beaverton Lumber Co. 1 l()R Hager I v awaited hy nil power users those whose pmv.r requirement« .ire not gre.it enough to ent ploy a tractor of larger H /e . . . , (hose w h o need one or more -.inail tractors . . . to supplant the work of larger units A small tractor . the 1 ln“iderng tax and re-I amendment introduced by Senator , gulation bills. The Lank* wan* to or Kiddle o f Island ___ get the building end loan a "eela- kfirdal I’ rices 'by the Legislature this would be tions on the same tax and regu ­ f> by 9 rugs, *"i 95 this week Voted upon by the people at the lation as the bank.« and the ;,sso- CongnleuiM, 6Ie a sq. y j. next election. It m understood the . . .. „ eiations ore striving to retain their Parlor F'urnace Special al í.'.'i.(K) ionizes with Governor - . . RtatUR . measure harmonises ,,f . pr. ptir,l ’.'em p im i (T T S li .-i w M d. I ’ntt#tson’s idea o f riving the ow n ­ tion from taxation and to rem ain1 ANI» FURNITURE STORE e r o f the old car some b t M l t | W d ir r ( r i |l t |on a mutual invest- Gold Seal Rug» ai d * ongnleum from license fee reduction. ^ nient Luuics rather than ns Lanks, ¿y ^ U years ago. Senator Schuimerich said that he had changed his vote, not because of ny influence exerted, but becuse he had decided to waive his objection concerning one minor clause in the interests o f th# gen­ eral whole, which be consider!d very worth while. The til: was to permit Multnomah county to fix salaries of certain j s IM PRO VED ST A G E S K U M tl. to and (rum I'OK IT.A.Ml I or jo u r greatest convenience tickets o f Pacific Stages ..ml tie Silver Grays are now interchangvaile. Tickets on * lie line are honored on stage« of ths other «ompunj'. I or example, you can go to Portland on the Pacific Stages, etum on tire Silver Grnys, using the same ticket. Sche- >'■ ’ t G-v-e companies haie U en ro-ord'-iaU d, too. Uy a.\i. g auvantage ol this combine«! serxice Wore is u stage •o ami from Port land every hull hour throeghout most o f the day. 'o g . a rtadjustm ents in Silver Gruy sched.les h aie been mauc a* follow s t effective bebiu.rrj' 17): D» I'U RILA .N D — :26, 7:25 p im i ROM P tlK iL A .M ) — i:2.>, 8:25, 9:25, 11:2c a.m. and 1.25, 2:25, .1:26, 1:26, .2o, 9:25, p.m. ake advantage o f this r.ew co-ordinated service. It la ...!.e l oi id •roiided fh order that you n.ay h aie the utmost in motor coach transportation. SOUTHERN PAC IFIC l’ hone y ou - local Southern Pacilic Agent, 3772 i th ere nas been a steadily g row ­ T U N N E L A C 1 TO IiE IMPROVED U PON ing ueniand am ong tne buio g ro w ­ ers to Oe -ncrUued under tne nur­ serymen s act, according to tne (O r gon Voter R p-rtir.g Service i ntawement maue t j tne norticultur- Legislation to co ire c t the tunr.el ai commiUee in be.mlx ol Oregon district situation is under w ay a ilo ilic u itu ia i society. Tne proposed the legslature. The “ tunnel d strict lee of f i b is considered nom inal,' act” o f 1921 was declared uncon- in spite o i the la ct m at »7 per • stitutional on the grounds that it cent of the bum g iow ei* are small was impracticable a. <1 confiscatory, grow ers. Ih e l a » , to quote ltepre- The objectionable leature o f this bentauve Charles it. D atoileit o l act was the property re ¡uir- ment vi asum glon County, will ue easy to that an elector must be bona fide cpera'.a under, easy to eniurcc, anu ow ner o f 5,000 sqtta’ e feet or more provide lo r sufficient funds for p ro­ o f land situated wit.iin the district. H. B. 102, introduced by R epre- per inspection and regulation. Xoe need o f a piotective tariff .er.tatiies John H. ( . i.r.-in of Jack- on buibs is fe lt r o that m e horti- * county, R. S. Hamilton o’ Crook Lm ted; Desehutes, Jecerson, Klamath and cultural industry of the d ia les will not be forced t o ____ meet Lake counties, a n ! Senator J. 0 . untati competition v ith a foreign ®a*leY c J. ultnonvao county, Beek* uiai tupn :' d.strict act agncultui al product prouuct produced w ith ! *° r*Pea cneap labor, a cco rtili. g to Repre­ o f 1921. A substitute “ tunr.el district act” sentative H H. Lhingren o f L lack- S. B- 91, hn* benn introduced by ■iiuii County, in bis memorial. 'Ltie estimated possibilities t f the Senator Earl E. F biter o f W ash­ buib industry in O iegon arc be­ ington county. Similar in detail to the property tween ijT.tXHVXK) to d iiO.OuOJwu the act o f 1921, elector have dollars. The gladioli shipment from oualifications o f an been changed. Sena,or Fisher’s bill U u iiii Lass alone was $is5,UUV m erely requires that an elector be last year. a bona fide ow ner o f land within tbe district. á riiOdKAM now a powder made from the substance is substituted In place of the meat. Dr. Murphy is at present »«aoeiated with Dr. Minot and Dr. Edwiu A. Locke on various clinical problems, and he sper.-ts I i ■ — I M n i i g a la t‘ c l'. ter Be j Brigham hospital tn Huston. Last summer Dr. Murphy attended the Oreg-M State m eting » .-re his -t sc,n erv »ttrsete.1 »ity at Kansas. 1 » organizing the elas». Ths proposal has not yet r ms before the faculty, but it is hoped that it will be passed on soon. Four University »tndenti, three of them from Portland, have already en­ rolled for av.a'ion instru-ti n with th» Larjm a.'k ».hiol here, where the eour»# will be given. They are Hetty Cook, Richard Graff, and Richard Manning, Portliud, ind R j i Kldins, The Dalle«. Four others, all r.si-1-nt» of Eugene, also plan to take the work. 1 h»y ar» Frank Nettlrship, Flircn.’ e Collin», T. O. Paine and S. J. M FarlsuJ. B t 'd t c T l o n M a rk e t H G ro c e ry Watson St., Btlwttn Bank and l*. O. J rX T T F B SIT T OF OREGON, Em g ro t —The wide variety o f work done - a **, « aüu *ura. Janea Coutis and by girls in the school of physir.il edu- cuauicu iiave gone tu üpeiid a weeiv eation was demonstrated before hun­ o a . « aííu aura, tu u ria ey at o iu - * dreds of student» and townspeople at i«*»««- «»a», tv u k u :á «uta. C o uriñe y a the annual “ open house” of the do- Miter. „ partment held Thursday afternooa *aüies irom the Betnei Aid under the direefion of Mis» Emma Uie iiionthiy meeiing oí Waterman, director of this work. Laerosse, basketball. Danish and in­ -A*v - U i - u s ooaru CÍ tüe Cungre- 6*ut»ss«g cnuiviies at tno ¿ irs i dividual gymnasties, beginning and advaneed daneirg advanced swimming o**u* caa o í i vi uand, t naay. and even ping pong and teniquot were R e m e d y f o r D isea se —.u o. J. 1. Stjm uu r niov- j^j^rn t# the visitor* during the open vu w i uru«nu, isaturuay. In eir h w»e. Guide» conducted group« frera F o u n d b y l . O. M en “ “ “ » “ -vi, icaifwlay, is slaying iM m one part of the Woman's building to anr. » ..a æi - s . Gsc-ir Livrmau “ nu | another, where sports were being j UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu- a-a.uui,g mgn school here. played continuously. gvnc.— The successful treatni.-nt of per­ Visitors were st-le fo note the proj- I nicious anemia by use o f a potent liver lu e truer media m Chnstia Endea- ,VW1 o ! m* r>e, xi, i Coiigregaiiona* re»» made is various »pori» by ob-erv- | eitract, discovered by Dr. William “ “ -i» “ invited to g .ve a program { ing beginning teams as enmpsuc 1 Co j Murphy, a graduate of the University a . . - e v> « sixí H^loir County riu^piia* i work by advaneed students in :h* I O* Oregon in 1914, and Dr. George same sports. Equipment o f the wom­ at, rur..sooro, didiua), F eo. « i . 1 i Mur-»t, Ci.f been annouuceii m the Har- e n ’» g> mnasium was also »how» dur­ ' ing the tour*. newsj'apers. Both of the discoverers are now connected with the Harvard , S tu d en ts t o L e a r n • ÍD C 1 L D lil liib L b Medical 8--hool. F ly in g at L n ir e r s ity The curative powers of liver and kid- iO regen \ oter Keporting serv ice ) I ney of animals was discovered by acci­ dent, the report states. Its value was iJUuu grow ers in tr.e s u t e » i d he rN rV E R 5IT Y OF OREGON. i > then proved by a complete investiga —Uevled by tw o measures now up gene.—A course in ground instru, t. a troa. I ntil this diseoiery was made, rur cous.ueratm, snouid they he «- In flying including lessons in the the- pernicious an.mia was considered fatal • UBe is ii. t>. „j.r# »m en sry at flight is being organized here to tr.aa. t.aocuies oulh grow ers as nursery­ %nd a proposal has been made to the The liver was first fed to the patients men, subject.ing them to the license University of Oregon that eredit be leguralions, and prelection ox tne allowed students taking l he work. O. at the rate of half a p- .r.i a day, but mu nurserymen s ww. Tne other is 8. St an berrv. graduate of th* Univer- 1L J. Al. lu , nivii. j la iu .n g Con­ SUHULMERK \\ VOTES gress to enact a protective tarixx . EOK b i U . THIS TIME on imported bulbs. A t .E O F V E H IC L E S TO D E T E R M I N E TAX I bili e* III o tu lli il all of my tini e .m ie ia lit i« e l- uvei tu bini, I.ne« mg Miai yon io il lully rely ,-u lo « boiiesl nini ti liable ilculiiigs. Am favor» v o i i uv ginnt him m il b, hi.th'y ap.iii i tiled by your bumble »ervanl b F,. Su eu »on M. K Psti h und M i» I a kiltg U X. >■ilion in 1 .tlilfin uta. Ml xfl'ilM Ix fi 'll l < IIiiald» lo to V« Imiif on uuioimt of* film» • * \V,ite (or Discriptive Pnltltr ,t B i Loggers & Contractors Machinery Company, \ P O R T L A N D , ORE. 3 4 5 E a s t M a d is o n SA L E M , ORE. 345 Center Street f \