F IN N E Y O F T H E F O R C E f S n o o p S ty fr Jr micuaol . viv » ' ' »>4 M W MOtdUTV a v M eat ' mowcn *5 «*JO û P TUli KAT»rt)L T oward ms JMOOP SO V » I UAV do ' v/rilufM When Children Ciy T H E F E A T H E R H E A D S A n / WSU, WmwV SAC \ /\a JlrfT MAKt aÄttkVfci « RCN t h O O tM A ß * / V U û fc ABooX I 0 0 TO OUÛ FQ d M T ^ D o o b . a u o s * u F I R E .AS LQUO A3 YCO CAhi ' Aflswr W Y VoUl\MY V- TACVC V / T h ere la hardly ■ 'hminiholil th al najjti f beard q t <.'iu*erln! l«u*> dye million ‘t.n'uies are nyver wiUioui I t I t there 'chjblf^n IB Vomr fa m ily!’ tliere*« Htiunat dully nee<i o f It A oom- foff. M id nnjr-nlitht m ay Amt A>u very tlr t»l»fii»:-th* re,i n bAttfk la the housET* Jnnt it fe tf drops, • and that colic o r ” constipation la r "lk 'v a (l; <*■ garrhea r a c k e d . A ToitetubUi iw otioct; a baby» remedy meant f o r young folks: Pant aria» Is about the only thing yon have ever heard doctors advise giving to Infants. Stronger hiedlrthea lire dangertiua to » tiny Baby, however haniBek* ttie y tn a j. be to trrown-ni»*. Oood t>iiF Piwrtofla I' Rctnemlier the natne,- nrnd remember io b u y i t It JMiyaspare yOu a sle*b- lees, anxious night. U la akwuy* rea d y ,; alw ays sate to ti**; la »moftp-nulrs, 0 *> for everyday a lim e n t* Any hour o f the day or night that Baby becorrwy fre t ful, or restless. Castorla was never mdfe j*opulaY with mothers than It Is today, Every druggist hai I t ' " ^ vCVi trfiT/ BODCV H — • DCAPfS I tüAS TIUIWÛ VtoO E m ergen cy M e a su re / « cO , EH . ;r Along the Concrete HO S I P » Hf A l ^ r \WOAT HE W E O T ü BE \RMtMeee O ft / x **£ is * » a it, RI m i * P < * ■They t*U A- e t e r y In WssMngton'' about a eceaain- iPgtslivtor h o ted ' f< r h l^ re a d y nit. One day while,Jo e»«g- versajUon with an official o f tug,,locals telephone cori.riany the latter c.en-^ tfo'ned fhat he knew o f a young wom an who wanted to get a Job as secre tary. on T T h «. H ill,”- as the ewjrttof hi known... ,,»< *• “ I'm sorry, hut . I don't know o f any— thing.” the solon advised, but. as an afterthought: “ Why don’t you give her a Job yourself— In your Wrong Number departm ent!” $ A y , STfcANfcEÉ? VE AP WHEN HE HOW MAH/ HORSE UlEW m KFP fa W E R Ait cwr of THE IS gA T E P SHE ? Public Benefactor Dr. George Washington Carver hat to his credit the discovery o f more than two hnndred uses for the peanut, more than a hundred products derived from the sweet potato, as many aa sixty from the pecan, potash and stock feed from the chlnaberry, fiber from okra and furniture (tain s and varnishes from various vegetables. MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL OH. I AM UOT 40 LA OS • OWL.T MAi-F am H l X j R. , SCHAB DAUCE AT THE \ OPERA MOUSE LAST [W ia « r ,B ilk ' I / > [ I nevER-Oar j [w k »A E UWTUA I ATVliXm iKTVi OCILN * o w e * \ I 0 > A KMOVi S A m a e r o p l a m E 1 j KIM GO IOO M îtes] IM HALF f ~ AM MOURUT I I, . ' v. taf wnuo (3 MA w*t I < In the L on g A g o Who can remember when the girl was pretty well fitted out to go away to school with a couple o f blue skirts nnd thiee middle blouses?— D etroit News. V A A S ' IF I DID. NOUD SO TO SLEEP BldMT WERE I------- ' / 0£E, BOSS, ITT 1 Hi THE r ---- X QOUD IM HERB «. PCS , OFFICE ,L \ A VJOslOEB TOO r V40UL0WT HAVE IT l (U tC E AUD WARIAÌ A H ero W anted "W h y did you never marry?” “ I could not love a man who wa.» not brave,” said Miss Cayenne, “ and n. body has had the courage to pro luse to me.” NOV) VE BEEM OVJT EVERT MIÛMT THISj 1 WEEK r Standards D iffer Salesman—That car’s worth Its weight in gold. Customer (an convlnced)— Must bo considerably heavier than It looks. J YOU OON’r YO u ' O G I V C M E THC -r Y a ON l Y S pfUCtOF A SOO\ i f I F ou n d your öiv eo M€ A pipe - a n ' I fopNi> I T - IP i D, p e p . f - O lM e 1p o l, wwA r TAKE* O N 5 0 0 A J r^ -.NOW . ) t J I KW o WIOONT HAVÊ TO PAY NO NCfle TA»£J NCiu). p o p . r - -------- A sour th 6 L c e n r p o I? TAyrs TH E N W H A T A t f £ . .YOU K IC K IN G ABOUT, f 'f0oNrc«^5ee,PoP., » i.nnjEv.,rvi • |U)M6f1 YOuPROM/SCOHC T H A r ^ o A T H e Y C o jr r i .j/ c c N r r -N o w if IH N 1 - HAT6C I I h a d B e ttes p a t u p ,____ Is JCOUDHAVZ \l4 ( f THEN -WHY, AR£ ^ ONLY G lV f N M t f / i IO < f N O W ' OONTYA see. poP I 1 Lf^ = 3 «Before My Baby Came Some Day Timmie W ill be An Expert Accountant By PERCY L. CROSBY Uu»rrl«»l. kr lk* HaClkri •>”* H savy Downpour. “ RI o I rp has loia o f rich relatives, hasn’t she?" “ Yup." “ What aro they doing about her wedding?” “ She expects a m otorcar shower.” HIS A N S W E R Bliasful B a ch s lo r Yonngmnn (In art museum)— I won der why Victory Is represented ns a woman? »»d o n e — I t ’s plain to be seen you’re not married. who has Just proposed to I, receives his answer I Mother Bu%y Grocer— H alf a pound o f rashers and some eggs on trust till your father comes home? And why doesn't your mother come here herself? Child (Innocently) — She's trying an other shop 1 Sweet Search Mother— How did you ever manage to get your hands so sticky? Son —I've been looking for the brooch you lost, mummy. Mother— Where did you look? Sou— In the strawberry Jam Jar. Could Bo W o rt* “ That hoy friend o f yours Is cracked." said her dearest friend. "Oil. well, 1 ran stand him as long ns he Isn't broke," yawned the other one. Optimistic Julia— Renee surely Is optimistic. Jan—W by? Julia— She’s christened her little daughter Marigold, hoping she will, I suppose. A C H IC K E N SU R E Political T riclu Ward Heeler— Mow did he happen to get the women s delegation to swing with him? Senator— Promised that he would put through a bill that the women didn’t have to give their age when they voted. In thu Distant Past What do you think o f Brown's Jim— “ His w ife's quite a chleken they say.” B ill— " l i e ’s hen pecked, I know." She Is as prelt.v as a fairy tale 'Ah, you mean once upon u time.’ “ Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound puts new life into me and makes my work in the store and in the house easier. I took several botdea before my baby came and am always singing its praises to my friends. I recommend it for girls and women o f all ages. It makes me feel like life is worth living, my nerves are better and I have gained pep and feel well and strong.”— Mrs. A R. Smith, 8o8 S. Lansing Street, S l Johns, Michigan