THF Beaverton Review F rid a y a t O ra fo * , TH* BKVICW E x te n tio n C o u rte a o f Stole I'n ie e r tily Provm P opular O ver O regon CO J. ufer> •itnrihj * |«r>,tH.t{ reply eoa *Jdi*m J H. H uM t . . Businat* Manager A fu t Flo, «» care of thu aaretpapee. K n ttrad aa second d a t a m a tta r D ecomber 9, 1922, a t th e poatoftice a t B eaverton, O regon, u n d er the A ct of M arch 3, 1879. D e a r M ist Flo, I have been going ont w ith a young m an w hom 1 love very d e u r- ly. He once seem ed to care m ore fo r me th a n fo r anyone else, but now he goes o u t w ith a n o th e r girl. A lthough he say s he c a re s m ore fo r m e th a n he dees fo r her. I am h e a rtb ro k e n an d don’t know w hat to do. L. M. F R ID A Y , FE B R U A R Y 8, 1 9 » . A hero m u tt die a t the right tim e in o rd e r to acq u ire a m onu­ m ent. Be tu r e you a re rig h t— b u t don’t be too tu re everybody else it w rong. J M any a m an’s w ife dresses s t y ­ lishly because his c red ito rs can a f ­ fo rd i t A fte r w orking th e political fo r . jo b a m an can afford to . ' ix easy . 4 a REVIEW V. O. Dean Honored B aa v arían, P U B L IS H IN G BEVYFRTON boss tak e if ^ i B * T he oddest th in g ahout the secrets of success it th a t th e v ’re told every w here. M ost men And it ea sie r to tak e tw o step s backw ard th a n to tak e one fo rw ard . Some people w ate a lo t o f energy- clim bing m ountains before th ey a re even in sig h t. If a w om an is n 't quite sure o f h e r h usband she alw ay s ad v ertise s fo r a plain cook. M any a m a n ’s u npopu’&rity is due to h i. a tte m p t to w ear a m is­ fit m an tle o f g re a tn e ss. E v ery w om an h as a w ill o f h e r own, b u t m any o f th em w uld p re fe r a Tom , Dick o r H a rry . A n o th e r p o in t in w hich m a rria g e is like w a r is th a t th e first fo u r­ teen y e a rs a re th e h a rd e st. Jo b w as a p a tie n t m an b u t th ere is no record of his ev er h av in g p u t a to o th -c u ttin g b aby to sleep. A w om an’s in tu itio n is m arvelous, sure enough, b u t ju s t the sam e she burns th e o a st now and then. P robab ly th e n e x t g re a t boon fo r th e common people w ill be th e in ­ vention of an elec tric can opener. T h ere is no s a tisfa c to ry reason fo r believing a w om an who is a l­ w ays h a rp in g w ill m ake a good angel. Eric W Allen, dean of th e school o t J c n n y U m o f th e U niversity of *° ,‘~ d u n iv ersity of M innesota Joor- nalism tour of Europe In 19 -J 9 . UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu gene.—An inv itatio n to take charge ol the U niversity of M innesota fourth annual tour of Europe in the summer of 1929 has been extended to Erie W. Allen/ dean of the school of journalism o f the U niversity o f Oregon. The group, which is made up of new spaper­ men and journalism students, devotes the summer to the study of journal, m in Europe. Dean Allen was a mem ber of the faculty for the tour d u n g the summer of 1927, and delivered a series of lectures to the 44 aew spaper men and students on the trip. The tour gives those p articipating an unequalled opportunity to study th sources of European news, methods of handling news, and to gather other in ­ form ation in eight different European cities. A t the same tim e the leading journalists of each country are met frequently, and it is a t these inform al meetings th a t the visitors really learn the intim ate details concerning the nations, the dean points out. The trip is especially worthwhile for editors and telegraph editors of daily j newspapers, and for editors o f other publications. Following the trip a bet- I te r interpretation of cable news is pos-1 sible, and the traveler has an invalu­ able background for editorial and in­ terpretive w riting. Many special privileges, such as conferences w ith American correspon­ dents, entre to many meetings of na­ tional importance, adm ittance to the best elnbs and organizations, and the friendship and acquaintanceship of internationally known men and women, ! are allotted to the journalists while ! abroad. I t is expected th a t several Oregon newspapermen will make plans to ae- j company Dean Allen on the trip in 1929. An a ttra c tiv e rate covering all xpenscs is offered those taking the tour, it is pointed out. VXATCH HEADS ALUM NI Now th a t L indbergh h as b ro u g h t UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu- ; good-w ill into o u r fo reig n relatio n s, gene.—John C. Veateh. ’07, an attorney some one should persu ad e him to of P ortland, wag elected president of U niversity of Oregon Alumni assoeia- v is it Congress- tion for 1928, it was announced fol­ lowing the counting of the world-wide [t w as q u ite a vehicle m a rria g e , mail vote. Mr. Veateh is the succes­ Now th is title none could re— sor of F. H. Young, '13, associate edi­ p roach ; • *3 tor of the Oregon Voter, who has been For she w as a g irl o f fin e c a rria g e ; president for the past three terms, but was so t a candidate for re election. A nd he w as th e college coach. D ear L- M., I d o n 't know ju s t w h at to advise you to do; in fact in p p a a rtic "d o in g " a n n y ytning th in g in rtic u u la la r r m ig h t not a lte r th e situ a tio n The young m an . . v s he c a res m ore fo r you * th a n fo r th e o th e r g irl; p e r­ h a p s he is in te re ste d in h e r only fo r th e m om ent. U n til you a re e n g a g e d to the young m an you would not be e x ­ ac tly f a ir to in sist th a t he see no o th e r g irl. J u s t be a s nice a t you to th young m an. n and tr to V» » can « Il 141 v i i « e - j V H iig ; i 41 t» y J X hold your place in tra affection» by sheer charm . T ry not to show your concern about the other girl. Make the young man feci th at you are sure she is ju st a passing fancy, and th a t you know no one has a surer place in his h eart than you. Dear Miss Flo, I am 20 years old and I really love a boy who i* 21. I have only been with him two or three tim es but know him about a year. W hat can I do to win bis love? 1 am very unhapnv w ithout seeing him or being with him. He is the man of my dream s. He is very charming. Please advise me how I can win him. M. E. B . . n u o to u n i tha! ho w ill w an t to see you ag ain avion. Look your b est and act your best. T ake a lively in te re st in his conversation I h » a good listener. In v ite him lo p a rtie s when ever you g e t a chance. Do ev ery th in g you can to te e him m ore often, b. t do ro t be obvious or obtrusive sb o u t i' J u s t be as nice a* you can to him — b u t don’t give him the idea th a t you a re p u r­ suing him. T h at w ou’d spoil e v e ry ­ th in g , m ost likely. Slowly and p er- , * * ) Î!'* * * " *r* o i >our b a n n e r i n i b i r tb ‘ h ^ v o - i * / * " 7 T ' Zu ^ t i l l th a t y ° u ‘ Br* fo r Mm. ---------- Dei»- Mi*» Flo, I am a young girl o f 17 and a»" very d e sp erately in lo w w ith a young man o f 29, whom I'v e been g o in r w ith fo r th ree y e a n We have been eng ag ed for alm o st a J , y**r Rr(i h* trt •’»’» ,0 " mf e w rv d»y I am heartbroken and don’t know what to do Ptraae give me your a a vice. M D exr M. R PerSapa you a re m is- te re s t m ay be quickened. Physical Well-Being of Children Requires Candy as Part of Diet W ----------------------- "a M n s r --------------------- ^ p r- \ ks V FluUifi --------- B ** ■ ÿC / — he old Indian fu r-tra d in g depot u st aa im p o rtan t In th e m odern ustrlal city as it was when the luols. or th e Black Feet, or the ix pitched th eir ten ts, undrede of thousands of trappers n all over th a United States and ika annually send th eir furs for lin g and m arketing to Chicago to o th er fur-depots located on sites of th e old trad in g posts, ne of th e m ost extonslve raw -fur living eervlcee In th e world ls ntalned In eight fur-depots, by atgomery W srd A Co., as a free dee to th# trapper. H undreds of p nenta of furs are received dally grading and m arketing a t the i t poets, located In Chicago, St il. Kansas City, Baltim ore. Port- d.' Hew Orleans, Denver and Fort rth. oxea, m ink and beaver, from ska, th e east, and n o rth ; o tter n th* extrem e south a n d north; ger from Wisconsin, m u sk rat from itslana; raccoons from Arkansas ssum from the south; coyote* and vs* from th* west; and rabbit* n Ml 0 7 « lb* c o n tin e n t a n ' E g g B e r t h o l d ' M a s h D a ir y F e e d B e r t h o l d ' S ci a te li F e e d CHARLES BERTHOLD H a y , Q r a ln , U m « , F « « d . C « m « n t, O m . P o u ltr y S u p p lì« « P ta « t« r, N m t I P . Eugene; Florence S ! Prepare for the Future! Put aside a regular turn each week to safeguard yourself against financial worry later on. Anyone who ft * " • |f has learned the lesson of I hrift mav consider himself well educated. W e welconiQ new accounts which may be started with one dollar. ! B A N K OF B K A V E R T O N W. Livermore, I’rti*. It K. Denney, Vire Pré* Doy <»my, t ’axliier t A*. % J beauty Before You Go Away o n a o in * e tL T t Ra labaugh, A new garage will be constructed at Aumsvtilo. You bet, The Beaverton Review prints butter wrappers among th# wealth of typical Amerl- can fur* sent every Say to th* W ard receiving stations for grading and selling. There l* no state in the union which doea not produce some kind of American fu r tn increasing demand for commercial use, from w intry Maine w ith It* fine eastern mink, to warm Louelana. which pro­ duce* more fu r annually th a n any other state In th# union. The m usks ra t, m ost common of all commeroiel fu ri, breed» In abundance in tb s swamp* and bayou* of th a t sta te One of th e greatest fur busine In this country It done In rab b it skint, The chinchilla rabbit, th# fawn. IM snow-shoe hare, th# jackrabblt, and cottontail, rabbits of all kind* eafi sizes are In th a greatest dem and • th is country. More th an th irty kind* of furs tm made from these rab b it skins. TIB largest commercial use for them ls felt*. As m any aa 25,000 rab b it tk have been received In a «Ingle eh m ent a t Wards. The grader» a t each fur depot c aiw fully check the valuation of each p A Then tli# furs are m arketed by tad m ail-order house, a t the hlgoeA m arket pries, and th* check for entire am ount m ailed to the vldual trapper. B e r t h o l d stalled Saturday evening as the Oregon chapter of Gamma Alpha Chi, n a tio n a l) advertising fraternity. Pauline Krenx, | ^ of Beattie, national vice president of the | H organisation, was the installing officer. | J Ruth 8 treet, P ortland, was installed a t | K president. Other officers sre B etty K BInnchard, O rsnts Pate, eecretsry; and I Marlon Bten, 8t. Helene, treasurer, i R _B r W Member! __ are _____________ Maurlne Lombard, , Bprlng field; “ Margaret “ Humphrey ‘ ' | R Vsl*i Grebe, Portland; Pauline Btew art, Day ville; and Maryhelen Koupnl, Eugene C hapters of th* organisation are b o w In-atcd at the U niversity of Missouri, t ’nirereity of Texas, U niversity of W ashington, U niversity of Illinois, and U niversity of Nebraeka. It Is a mem- ber of the International A dvertising Association. CHICAOO — All children require In m oderate q u a n titie s any time, pro­ candy. C andy restores h e a t and 'lded U d.ves not spoil th e a ppetite tor o th er necessary foods. energy to sm all bodies burned out by "O vereating is not responsible for bard play. Lack of candy In th e diet m ost n u tritio n al Ills. I t U w hat is of children is th e cause of n u tritio n a l . lacking th a t causes sickness, a n d even disturbances a n d m a ln u tritio n ¡d eath . If children receive too lit:!» T his Is th e opinion of Theodore W ' b u tte r, yolk of egg, or cream , they will B unte. president of B unte Brothers, suffer from protein deficiency. The whoee candy factory here la the sam e holds true of a lack of sugar In largest in th e world. ! the diet. In old days, m a ln u tritio n "Candy Is a n Indispensable p a rt of believed to be due to teething, a well balanced diet for children," de- in te stin al parasites or Inherited weak- clared Mr. B unte. " I t can be used as nesses. Physicians held th e ridiculous a dessert In place of less wholesome belief th a t candy was harm fu l to th e sweets. A little candy In between teeth and the cause of In testin al ter- m eals ls help fu l because It revives the m entation. Candy le aa valuable a child'« body fatigued by perpetual p a rt of diet as foods usually consider- m otion. P a re n ts may give pure candy i ed table staples." ♦ ~ ♦ Famous Freds Dear M. E. B„ by no means run a fte r him— be more subtle. On those Make y o u rself n co n stan t su rp rise; U NIV ERSITY O r OREGON, Bn rare, sweet occasions when you see do th in g s d ilfe re n t’y th a n he e x ­ gene.—The W om an's A dvertising Clob pects you to do them , and his in ­ of the U niversity of Oregon was ia this charm ing man, be so very, very a VAM Q W 0 » S wWflTjT Ç 0 O 3 F o i l © O L * ./ PAXT 0» M nuont oetAPVtr t e n t > 1 — — fi C elery curls are t tade by cu ttin g celery in tw o to th re e inch lengths and gaahing m any tim es, alm ost to the end, th en leaving In cold w ater until curled. taken. Perhaps he cares as much complete them within one yenr. This is for you as ever. You have not held to be an unusually high record, to'd , me his since many correspondence schools ad ­ , , how he m anifests mit that completions do not amount to * n ,du*1 ,oss of interest, I am sure that if you are as m o r * th *n ,lir<* P*' f#B*- charm ing as you can be toward Th' wide r*B«» of aB'1 of *■ him. and constantly show him how j *™ Bt,1# f £ ^ P U ,*•**,"‘ i work is shown in figures citing that much you care for him, he will re ­ turn your love. Pcraps unconscious­ •ges vary from 13 to S3, and th at Ml d ifferent occupations are repreeeoted in ly you may be acting indifferently those enrolled. toward him. It may be th at he is not as de­ m onstrative in expressions of affec­ A d vertitin g Society It tion as form erly because he has he- In ttu lle d at V. o f O. come ra th e r accus'om ed to you. *ur Industry Receives Big Stimulus From Mail-Order Housê * AtC tn/fO 4/Mrt/ALfcV R UNIVERSITY or OREGON. Fu gras. -T h e amount of eileuaton work done by the llalv ereily of Oregon, it shown in the annual report Just mads public by Alfred Powert, dean of tha extension division. A total of 4,i l l r,»g.slrallona are recorded in classes in , hc Portland center, 248 r é g e n t i o n s in placee outside of Portland, while 1,440 Individuals enrolled In correspondence courses durtug the year. Course ri\'n - Irntiona in correspondence totaled 1,9*14. Total attendance a t lantern slide showings during the year reached the high ligure of 131,011, while attendance at extension lectures was 94,199, Communities in every county in the ■tate are reached by aomr form of activity of the university. A total of 359 communities are represented la the number of students enrollsd In corre» P « "* * « " . l s * com m uâm es held U ntara slide showings, while e a t.n .lo a l.e tu re . were held la 189. The high schsol de bate league, which is under the exten siou direetioa, now has 78 members. Reading circles, which use material supplied by the unlverelly, have grown rapidly in popularity and during I In year 8,195 reading circle eertifi. atvs were lasued to people of the ita te . M ilked lacrea e» in many phisea ot extension work are shown. Correspon deuce study courses registration In- creased from 1,87.14 In I9.'8 to 1.984 tbs past year Attendance at leeturoo grew from 78,171 to 94,199. A n g n ific a a t fact pointed out ia the report is that 43 per rent of students registering ia correspondence rour HOM E P O IN T E R S A rin g mold fo r g elatin may on«- ily be emit liv ed If a re g u la r mold cannot lie secured. A g lass fru it Jar la placed ill a round bowl, and f ill­ ed w ith ice o r ice w ater. The g e la ­ tin m ixture is then ! oured into th e space around the J i r W hen firm rem ove the ire and | our w arm , not hot, w ater into the Jar. T ake out c a r e f u l l y _______________________ —p la n leisurely w ith your otvn S o u th e rn P a c ific agen t* an d p roved m e c h a n ic a l perfection place th e NEW 1 9 2 » D u r a n t six upart fro m uny o th e r low« priced Six. ^ T he price will Hecm ex trao rd in arily low when you inapect this “ m ost Rcnnational Six ever b u ilt'’ and Gnd Lanchewter Vi­ b ratio n D am pner, Red Seal Six C ylinder C o n tin e n ta l M otor, Nel­ son B ohnalite in v ar stru t pistons, 110 inch w h e elb a se, M orse silent tim ing chain drive, full force feed lu b ricatio n , and m any o th er first-quality features. Avoid the hurried choice of out-of-town buying. Start on your trip confident that you arc going the best way, and that no annoy­ ing complications will mar it. Whether it is a trip of a day or a month, South or East, to San Francisco or to Europe, your resident agent can be of utmost value to you. In buying "travel," remember the slogan of your local merchants, "It pays to buy in your own home town.” S o u t k r a P a c ific 0. E. Allan Agent Otto Erickson Co. Washiogtoa County Distributors é