THE BRAVERTON REVIEW By Charla Sughro» r> . — MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL LIFE’S LITTLE JESTS ^ o , rr A»ur m o «. •*» i o m m u Sta. HOAAB (WP«r VJi rU 'tu' V M S ^ fool* -tu' UVAK BM Bia tins * m Friilny, Dec. 28 . 1028 S; Ufa? ANOTHER CATTY CHAT p u r Tim amateur tint mu 1 1 mi ■ w it « rv hearsing. Mr«. IJrcrna m i required In kl«« Mr. (Inge, «m l Jim ni limy hml nr rlvi'rt ni till« imrtlrulur Incident. Mr« (!««•’ appeared. “Oh.“ esrlnlmed Mr«. tlrcen*. “I lm|M\ ilnnr, you don't mind my «in. bracing your tiiinlmml Ilk« IliUT" “ Not «I «II," WII« III* Iry reply. “ I (Joli I liilnil In tho lens! - I f ho doesn't.“ m a Miui wuonwaur CWm m «M U M A IK Botanti « n i U « AAABAltO '• THE FEATHERHEADS A Good One on Felix CONSISTENT I I« — Why do jrou refute nt«T Xho— \\ ••II. y*»u •«•«*. I'tu n tfurnir* lim its duughur mid I glv« «tu «11 III# • lr F i r « F .n u u jb W • w i l l i n k « jrt*u mi > p l a n For n «Ing In i i r o l rmt fnr«, If lh« I n l c i v a n l n i apara, Y o u w i l l r o v a r on Nh n n k • m a r « The Kind Ha i» Itllnka IVImi klnit of « frllow l> Ihl» ivrklna t Jln k «— Wall, he 1« (ho kImi wlu woultl Ivi hi* wifv Inko Iti bonlrr« lo kiw-p Ilio wol| frolli thè tlonr whlle t.c dvtoiiHl ni« limo lo |>rovlti|| Ilio follo« wlm «uhi you ran'l unacrainbl« «ti cgg wn« « Dar. A Girl of iha Period Tossi ng «»Irto « («itili Ooirl, «In rrachcd for «m i O|ioiirrt «tiolhor hook Il proved io he a Ireiitt«« oti geom eiry “Ah, Ih* elortttil trlnngle." «ho alghcd. (< salng limi uul of III« «lo do*. Beat It t ln r n a s c d C«r|>ot S a le s m a n (n p p e n l I n i lo h u s b a n d ) — Jfoo woti’l I m - ui thl« •lr 'Vlfo— Toil'll parduo me; he will If I wnm him m l Hia Viewa llo wn« ill» nursing on friendship • mj wn« told not |n lie n gmurh. “ I'm not n grourh. Hut I mini the llnhllltlo« Ju«t about balance tho •Mel*.“ USUAL RESULT i ! \\ fil i n Imi a iM « u trvdliH k with 11 1 •• 111 ?*’ •*l NuHlIm k. I in n f r n ld ." Sc«n«ry T w o )uaf no Which mat!« A flrnry clout! Ant! maahrd apiauda In "»fork' th« penpl« k m >* f«ll on a rock II out of ahnpa Trying to Beat the Game She (al beaclil— It's awful lo moot one of lho liny* you were engaged to la«t »uinmer. Her Friend— II tmi*l he. She— I Ju*i ran serosa Dick and hu wanted the old tfngngemenf renewed without giving up a new ring. rjL A Changed Man Mr» Kmigg — Vou were a different nnin when I married yon Kmigg — I «laeerely hope so. for (lien I » I I I I fool -------------------------------- Beyond the Law Cop on Shore— I'm going In nrrrn you wl on yotf ru n « out of there. Man In W nier— I In tin I That'S a Joke on you I'm not coming out. I'm committing title Id*.— The Farm Jour nal. The Bathing Hour “ I wonder If there I* any thing worth landing In Him lake?" murmured Al fred. “ 1’lenlj of heiresses," declared wise little Khilae. Choice Limited Couldn’t Be Done\ LIKED ANYTHING Jnck— “Almost anything you'll give her to eat. Very Friendly Visitor— Did you have uni dllllrulty In chooalng u niitin for bnhvT Fond Mother— Not the «lightest You see. dear, we've only one rleli relative. Mrs. I'cster— t'ouldn'l you mutch that sample I gave yon? Her llnshntid— Sorry, dear, hut It win Impossible. They had Ihp same goods but I couldn’t match the price. It's gone up $‘J. Miss Prim— l*o you really like to tie held ao close when yon dunce? Miss IV rt— Why, I didn't ttnd any room for complaint. That Would Be New Solid Loaf Generoua Witness— Then he upped and 'e knocked me down with a leaf. Magistrate— With a leaf? Witness — Yea. your honor. With n leaf from the table. Hllnk— ts Wlmosls stingy? Blank— 8ny. lie's so light when you go out with him Jie leaves hi« sus­ penders