kugenb . o « b <1 IF im BOR IH 'V IH T n N . KKVIF.W'H rO R THE IT T he B ea verton R e v ie w ' CLEAN READING FOR ALL THE FAMILY The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively T o The fateresti O f Eastern W ashington County. VOLUME VII, NO. 4. Single Copy, 5 Cent» OREGON A wild «pray of Oregon's garland* I hav* gathered and twined for my own; Mucked fond from her valleya and highland* And bloiaomad with xephyr* of *ong. From her vnlu* where In childhood I wandered, From har hill* where my glad youth haa roamed From her mountain*, deep forest enfolded With the alienee of agr* enthroned; All *cft with the flow of her river* And wild with the «urge of her sea, Apuls* with the glad wind that quiver* The note* o f her June *ymphony; Her praise I* my Joy and my duty, Har lovs la a rapture to me; A* wide as the world In it* beauty, As fathomle** deep a* the seat — Gertrud* Martin Heuverton. Washington County, Oreton- C. Of C. Purchases Baskets For Poor Meeting Held Friday. Pré». Pinder Instructed To Huy The Haskets SIX NEEDY Many FAMILIES Tliougt t Chamber Of Com- •nerce Sheu.d Spouoor Tree ______ Christensen. M ay, I Short Items About People We All Know COURT HOUSE ITEMS A R R E N I? Robert Gilstrap was arrested by Deputy Schendel on a larcdny charge, Dec. ¿ ‘ 1. A Nm $rar (Sontra By W illiam F rederick B igelow the ^ NEW CHEV READY festivities h p im v o T U tT m NEW YEAR is in the harbor, bringing the desires o f our hurt*, lt comes laden with every good thing we have wished for—peace and prosperity. good-wiS and hap* pineaa, labor and the desire to bhor. Our share of all these things is in the bold; we have only to claim it And pay the duty. Because the year—this year or any other—is ixft a brmger of free pita, of largesse unsought. There fa ML There is striving. There iai being unafraid. these we need not go down to the harbor, k* we shall only come away with empty hands Some one with a fefier heart will get our share. But if we are willing to p s y - If we ahtMl deceit. If we abhor tnckineaa, If we keepour own hands clean. If we hold Bat to that which is good, we shall watch the year depart, knowing it carries with it nothing o f ours—nothing that we have missed. Instead we shall have bid up riches—against an uncertain future. ushered in the V ulelnir M for the expectant youngsters. Early rU K U t iM U ii b 1 K A 11U N in the morning the Portland Taxi j ---------- Co., due to the courtesy o f Mr. Next Saturday every Chevrolet Royce and the ever faithful denier wiR I* prepared to display Knighu o f Columbus, furnished and «Irmouslrate the new six ryiin* transportation to the cily o f Fort- der Chevrolet, whose recent annunre- land. There the Oregon Council «if m*nt created on* of the big sen- the National Motion licturv league i" automotive history.. Uun- *| onaorvd iheir fifth annual Christ- ‘Jreds of thousands of |ierson* view- mas party for the orphan», at the ed the new Chevrolet at the ad- vane* showing, but no cars for de- Riveli theatre. It consisted of a fin* movie, monatration purposes were available vaudeville acts, and Christmas mu* Ih *1 time. Next Saturday will sic. Last, but not least, «-aim- the be the first opportunity for mo- distribution of “ giMNlte*" to the torists t^ rida in the new six and happy lads. The boys will çyvr yudg* it for themselvea. Vet, in spite of the fact that the remember gratefully th* kindness motorist public has not yet riilden of ino»* good friemia In the evening the Catholic ln » • n*w *‘x- the «PPearance of Daughter* o f America and th e ” iw Chevrolet and the peiT«r- Kmghta of Columbus came with m»»«*e promiss- g\v»m by it* »peel Santa to the Institution. A »hurt fication* ha'* w'*,n sufficient to playlet, “ Th* Christ Candle^’ inter­ draw thousands of order* from Cal spersed with songs, wa» rendered ifornia motorists. If the same ratio in th«ir honor. It wa» a delightful ha* prevailed e aewhere in the U- program and conveyed the ideal ntt«*«l State*, Chevrolet offi.-ials e s­ Christinas spirit of love and char­ timate that the company will en­ ity toward the poor. Miss Lillian ter the new year with a quarter Uarrow accompanied th* Christmas of a million ordnra on ita books carols, and the aoft, harmonious f ° r *h* new car. sounds of the organ blended awe«t- The manner In which th# Chev- ly with th# children # voice*. ! ««let organization ha# swung Into Mr. Niedcrmeysr, Impersonating production on the 11 Santa Claus, then appeared on the 4® * truly remarkable industr .cena, and waa hall.-d with loud achievement. The sweeping chan- cheer*. Wishing all a Merry * » « " *ix from 1, b e . four ChrUtmas, he at once distributed cylinder model which prweded it m the K>ft. so generously donated by [“ ‘ ^ V n V h l n t r ^ J a Ì Tx' th# Daughters of America and the toolv di*e and maihlnery to an ex- tent and at a w a t" hard" for the Knights, under the auspiccg of Mrs. laura Foote, Grind Regi-nt of thc average motorist to conceive. — ------------------ DaughU-r*; Miss Carlottn linker; and Mr. and Mra. Coffey. Such KINTON CHURCH E- beautiful gift# a» were displayed— LECTS OFF IC E R S erector sat», fountain pena, blazers, shoes, roller skates, and tftyw— Kinton, Ore., Dec. 24, 1928 (Spe­ aqntf papcela rivaling in sis* thc cial) At the annual meeting of the t|ny tota who raceived th*in. Rev. Father Hceaacker, inspired by Klnton church and I tble school the the happy, smiling (aces before following officers were elected for him, delivered a speech, thanking the coming year: trustees, F. A. H. the kind and gracious donor«, in be-1 Bucher for three years, A. half of the orphans. When, In years Dallmann, two years E. L. Cox, A. H to come, these children leave the one year; stewurds: Mra. “ pale of 8 t. Mary1», they will ever Dallmann, Mra. Floyd Bierly and cherish fond memories of thla joy­ Mrs. E. I . Cox. Bible school offi­ cer* are as follows: Superintendent, ful occasion. Christmas day brought anothi-r Everett Wright; assistant »uperln- surprise when the Elk* of Portland tendent, 8 . H. Pomeroy; secretary, delivered a load o f tholr womler- Mra. E. L. Cox; treasurer, Mrs. ful baakat# and An# toys. This or- t Floyd B,*rly; organist, Mra.^ Ro ganisatlon, well known for It* b e n -[ bert Poernmy; lll.n»: ians, Ix^o Young evident spirit of charity and good ffnd i - #n Bierly. Rev, and Mrs. W L. ••• 4 iu'- s«a#on. rarely forget* g Ulkp#w uf w .a t Portland w»re pr* will at »•— - aent the meeting. the laddie* at Beaverton. In Thc Rev. Supt. and Slater* U l S d ‘ Óveii ,’n S " p U n ^ m a iirior^ th e .. . 1 Public in ,u ll“ tion * ^ hold Sa' turday afternoon, January 5th, to which all are invited. It is to be joint installation with Scholls charge of the institution hereby tend sincerest thank, to all «»• benefactor, who so lovingly brought Christmas cheer and happineM to th. hoy* of St. M .r* > ; mny abun­ dant grace* and ble*.lng* be theirs In th* New Year to come. v iu v a OF WINNERS IN " doll CONTEST The fifteen girle receiving floll» Christinas Day at the completion of the contest held «t Deena Drug Store arc n* follows: Naomi Smith. 110,978 v«>tn»; Lois Livermore, ALFRED 8TREGER IS 10,708 vote#; Margaret Taylor, 9,211 SERIOUSLY INJURED vote#: Charlotte Jacka, 8,720%veto*; Evelyn Robinson, 81t>0 votes; R<" Alfred Steger of Portland wa* licrta Lewie. *7,748; Louraine Doty, aerioualy Injured Thursilay evening | 7 , 331 ; Katherine Denny, 6,793; r when the Ford coupe that he w a ‘ ; .qhellenberger, 6.727; 0 . Smith driving skidded and crashed into L peu r , «429; B A. r a telephone pole near SUcy Avenue Oeneviev# John»^ in Aloha. He received a fractured N ,'»on, 0,114: collar bone, broken arm and on# of #ch#rt fl080. hi* eyes was so severely injured ^ _ — ------------ that. It was necessary to remove Mr. and Mr*. 0. It. It waa removed at Dr. Smith a Christmas visitors nt th» hospital In Hillaboro. H# died later, their daughter. Mr. nnd Mi without regaining conlriouane**. | AUhanda at Portland. “ • ***• . w° 7 / rom a8 f/ r as Seattle and has some from Ta- Klnton, Ore. Dec, 34 . 1928 (Spa- " '« • . Portland and Urge cities in x siu-cial meeting of «u» t h e Northwest rial) A the w Kin- ___________ ton wränge was held at the hall, „ . u, . , , , Mrs. krotch, Eric Axelson, A. W,-dnes,!ay even.ng and matters of Osmar of Knappa. Ore. spe-nt the S P E C IA L gran*e- 0 MARRIAGE LICENSES I A family dinner was enjoyed at Marriage licenses were issued to the home of Mr. and Mrs. George the following during the past week T efft on Christmas day. Daniel J e « e and Charlotte A ken Mr >nby wound being obliged to take **v- |j,KKke piano solo by Joan Klein; eral stitches in the lacerated flesh recitation by Jimmie Byfield; piano ^ r- Foster has a shop on the old solo by Evelyn Alexander; piano so- , Canyon road near the cemetery, lo by David Mason; recitation by This road leaves the pavement just Thomas Rohse; piano solo and re- this side of Sylvan, and joins it a - citation by Kliodn Thyng; rvcita- K“ ' n *be West Slope service tion by George Klein; piano solo, station. LaMerne Dean and a recitation by This injury i» a severe one and Katherine Denney. will make it difficult for the print- ^ 1 “ er to continue hia work. He has K IN T O N (¡R A N G E H A S plenty to do, unlike some printers. A CIRCUIT COURT | Tracy Kraemer haa filed suit on J an action for money against James | Welch. Ferkins and Bailey are the Some Interesting Facts A attorneys for the plaintiff. Bout Number Of Cit­ Aner Matthews has filed suit on an action for money against I lor izens Of Town 1 othy Matthews on a charge of de j aertton. The couple were married | Jan. 16, 1928 at Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. SPECIAL, FOR REVIEW I Mark Cox has filed suit on a mortgage foreclosure against Ar- ; _____ thur Wild. Loyal Graham is the attorney for the plaintiff. Many Dinner Guests In Beaverton The Feenanghty Machine Co., a Daring The Past Week { corporation, has filed suit on an i action for money against E. 1. j . j Traxell. Hare, McAlear and Peters , ! are the attorneys for the plaintiff. Mrs. Leslie Spencer Is confined The Creditor's Protective associ- to her home with an attack of the ation, a corporation, has filed suit flu. o# an action for money .gainst V e - , Mr, ^ JoDe, entertained her ,Ri^ ler’ d0‘ DK, children at. a holiday dinner. Tues- the firm name o f Richter Motor . Co. Abraham Asher is the attor -1 *' ney for the plaintiff. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pegg en- Lou Boyd plead guilty. Dec. 26 tertained relatives at Christmas waa the date set by the court for dinner. pronouncing sentence. Mrs. D. Elliott wi 1 visit for a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. PROBATE ¡ Herbert Cox. The estate of Fred Harris, de­ ceased, has been filed for probate. , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynard en- George Harris is the executor and ter^ ‘ ned aboui a<,venteen » uest» •* Hare. McAlear and Peters are the * ChnstnuJ d,mi* r- estate. Rev. and Mis. MacNeil and young The estate of Mikes Genzen, de- »on were dinner guests at the Dr. ceaaed, has been filed for probate. Mason home Christmas Day. Frank Genzer is the administrator and Tbo*. Tongue, Jr., the attor- f B. A. Rohse and family visited with his brother and family a t ney for the estate. Vancouver, Wash., Sunday. A Quite on importunt meeting of tire Beaverton Chamber «,f Com- j ®vrce wa* held F riday at 1 o'clock ] ln the directors' room at the Bank' I o f Beaverton. I When solicited for subscriptions SILENTLY PASSING to help pay for the docuralion* on , B— the community Cbrislmaa tree, , - w . Vt. II Altil.ii AN Wil.iam W. Ilanlii.au «lied Chrul- n“ n,,Hr ul l,‘« bu»ine»a men thought mai »ve at the home of hi* »on, thal lhl* ®"t* rl>r'»« should be taken W. 1L llardman, from acute bean " P “ nd ,,ut tr o u g h by the Cham- truubls. He w « n VO year« of mgv ^ u,*l,n*rc#* Those in chjtrgi* ^JNCERTAIN unleu we are very careful now. Two Tne body was sh.p, ed to in* m i. 0.f th* { hr‘»u “ *“ tree suggested things w* must work out Uu» year: Peace, with honor, home in Lebanon, Ore., * Tuerdaj lb“1 lt th#r* * “ * nio»«y in abroad; honor, with peace, at home The first is facing us by W. E. I'egg. Funeral eervn-ee ,h* Chamlwr o f Commerce treasury, now, the second on next election day. Bt M ary» Hoy» Attend wer* held there Thursday afmrnoon ,l 8,,uuld he used to buy present* ; It'« A tricky year; it s a precious year. Winch, depends on from the baptist church. ,or ot til« nwdy m tne com - ! us. But there is no need to worry— Annual Chriatma» Par­ He leaves to mourn ms passing mun,ly- There is courage. two »on*. W. H. Hardman of Una Following ®»4 ‘ hi* suggestion, ty For Orphan» town and Walter Hardman of Le- lhc we#ting was called for Friday ! There is faith. banon, Ore. afternoon, an«i Fresnient Finder wa* There is God- - Instructed to purchase baskets and ! Happy New Year— Hlgs. ill HKR son«! to all those who were not' ELKS GIVE HASKETS i Mr*. Huber passed away at her “ ble bu> c>nd,e* « nd such things! ( H *p**iitk*J >y ntmrlm f •f (land nmf M nym im tl — — i home south o f Huber Thursday lbe kiddie». ' morning. She died o f the Vu. She Instruct.on* were sent out to all HnlghU Of CulumbuH And Calho- w« i 66 years of age to U? in lout h with Funeral arrangements will be a - lbw nccni’ Ì* a" “d<>y ,to fS .y " World” ; song, “ Come Sound His : Praise’’, upper grades of school; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris an- song, “ Oh Come Little Children” , tertained their son, Robert, and his Alexander-* Super-Service Station primary grades; recitation, “ A Poor wife, from Hillsboro, at their home Plan", Leo Young; “ Noel’s Star” Christmas day. la Last To Install Sign seven girls; recitation, “ A Chriat- Mi. and Mrs. John Peterson en- “m Those Tkn,eH* Who w !o Help Santa tarta” ^ chUdren and gr.nd- primary child * d and y ,m u D c.m pbeU of There are a g y « t many *° rrades; recitation. 'Touifh Times for . y-u * j called “ signs of the times but the Turkey” . Eve lene Young; play. * orest Grove’ at Chnstmas dui- those more recently noticed in this primary grades. “ Away in the Man- n*‘ vicinity are the two neon signs ger” . At the close o f the program The ’union Watch Meeting Ser- put up by Stipe's garage and A- a Christmas treat of candies, nuts vices will be held at the Metho«list lexander s Super-Service Station. and fruit were given to thore pre- church Monday evening, starting at These neon signs are quite the sent. As has been his custom for a & o'clock and lasting until mid­ latest thing in electrical display, number of years, W. C. McKell, night. Thp first to come to Beaverton mail cvrrier on route three, rem en - Dr >nd Mrs Karl Swenson and waa put up on M arsh. Garage on bered the children with some , on Reeil> of wert. recent --------- ‘ 1 , T T t JU at, ,7 * e*!t Christmas Kd,es which ff'ven visitors at the home of Dr. Swen- 'P d_ ° f , . I ° Wn Th,a Wa* f? IIow« 1 a out in 8ch°ol during the day. son-s tetner> £ £ . Swenson, on short time ago by the large one -------------------------- w _ts0n street put up in front of Stipe's Garage. A S ^ n C I 4 T I O N H probably the moat illuminating of iv r o r t c r n D IT C IV D C C The daughter of Mr. and Mr*, the three, it having both red and I N L K E A o L U D l l a l M l i d a Lorenz Wolf of Portland, route 6 , blue lettering. was operated on for appendicitis Approaching the town from the T * Washington Savings St Loan at the Good Samaritan hospital in e.*t, on* can see the on« on Ass 11 tion of Hillsboro has had its Portland Wednesday. Marshs Garage as soon as the best ; nd biggest year in 1928. J. M r. and Mrs. E. Marsh and Mr. turn is negotiated in that direction. M. Person, General Manager, re- and Mrs. N. W. Gorham attended Alexander's is probably seen for a port# that they hav# nearly doub- a Christmas tree program at the ■ 1 .ii- — led in assets during tha last 12 Rose City Chapter meeting, Friday months. Last January their total evening of last week, assets were $124,000.00 which have Monday evening the Sunday school Another Book Completed D keen increased to $210,000.00, in round figure,. The A asori.tioa' now f,ro* ran‘ tw as, * lVta at thA e ^ thel . . , Congregational church. A large holds mortgages on improved real CTOwd was present, and everyone estate appraised at over $.> 00 , 000 . 00 . proclaimed the entertainment a huge Mi^ Person states that while aucces» home building has been very slow the past six months, there is now Adolph Kijowski o f San Diego, an apDarent returning demand for Lai., Joseph and Phi.ip Mayer* of new home*. He believe, that there Portland, Ore_ and James Robinson will be a fairly active home con- oi phoeni* Arizona, a form er in­ struction demand this spring. structor at bt M ary, spent C hnst- The Association is declaring its ma8 at *• usual 7Gr dividend and in addition Tb* choir of the Bethel Congre- adding a substantial sum to its Re- gatienal church presented a can-' serve Fund. Dividend checks will t*‘ ». “ The Wondrous Light,” Sun- bc mailed January 2nd. day evening at the church. The The Officer# and Foard o f Direc- aoloists were Mr. and Mrs. E. G. tors are constituted as follow*: Webb. Miss Rhoda Sheltenberger, Dr. J. O. Robb, Geo. G. Hancock, Mrs. F. L. Spencer, W. H. Bo*- E. L . Johnaon, D. D. Bump, J. well, and W. L. Cady. M Person. Geo. T. McGrath a n d , ----------- Z — ____ ____ J. H. Shearer. BEAVERTON MARKET & GROCERY MOVES — . The Beaverton Market atxf Gro- eery will move onto ttarir new lo- cation on Watson St., next door to the bask the flnrt of the new MRS. ROHSE ENTER­ TAINS AT CARD PARTY ------- • Mrs. B. A. Rohse entertained six- l«en guest* at a “ 500” party, at h«r home on Second Street, one day *»»« week, the occasion being th* anniversary of her birth. year ft It one o f the most modern First P rile8 were won Ml •> it ^ e s in town with plenty of 0410 Breitten and Mr. Cox. Th* shelf room and a nice, roomy ice* consolation* went to Mrs. Bagan box. and Mr. L. R. Dean. — -------------------- — -------- Among those present, beside* greater distance for that lo