t o t wkav ^ mtow reytkw FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21. 19?«. PICTORIAL LIFE OF HERBERT HOOVER PHOTORADIO GREETING IN SHORTHAND FLASHED TO LIVERPOOL BANQUET By Satterfield No. 17 com«» front nor who wan one*» fa. I •bar. It I« the «ame way with In proportion an th »M universal Ulnas, commerça, the movie», art. commerce, If It I» profitable to trade ifrow and a|o-ead. to that »legrer with tlie i »copie of a country, ami mu»t provincialism and nationalem no idea* of nationality can prevent * ,vv vtRy *"<• ■ suitable barin he that occurence. I ,orm ‘’'1 ulh,n whtch to »reel the I __________________ 1 structure of universal peace. I ■ : /* + * - * *) S * . S J** ■ % m ' \ Merry Merry Christmas To All our Trends and Patrons Beaverton Loop Service Station A. B. G im oit, Prop. 1. Another I» the « B etter Home movement, now or* willed la n r of Hoover*» *rro«e»l hobble» hM the élimination of waste la Industry. la America** Reproduction of shorthand t’hotoradlocram erecting. Translation: National Qr»gg Association Exchange Hotel Liverpool Tho Corrmsrclsl Education Association et New York City and vicinity extends slncsrs congratulations and bsst wish»* to you on tho oeeaslon of yeur confsrenc* commsmorsting tho 40th anniversary of Qrsgg shorthand. ALEX A N D ER •. MAS8ELL, Merry PrssIdonL 4. Hs has laid great stress on commercial a\ latioa end has stimulated its development. ». As head o f the radio, be Issued the Erst broadcasting license In history. W A LTO N L E A G U E TO BE ESTA B U S H E D Petition for a charter as a chap- A radio photograph of a greeting written in shorthand was transmitted recently to a conference of educators and shorthand sxperte attending a banquet In Liverpool. This was the flr»t time that a message In shorthand had ever been transmitted by Photo- radio, and according to englneera opens up new possibilities tor con­ densing lengthy messagss and atste- mvnta Into smaller spaces with a con­ sequent reduction In cost of the pic­ ture transmitted. The tegt of the message, not In­ cluding tbs date, numbered forty one words of which only the address and signature were written In longhand, with the remaining S3 words In short­ hand. The sender was Alexander 8. Hassell, president of the Commercial brship rolls to their maximum strergth. I t is stressed by leaders of the movement that all who en- roil previous to the arrival of the ch* rt^ r « cK" U r members c f the organization here, . Founder's Founder-# Button> A Button, silver silver em_ em- blem of special recognition awarded ky National Headquarters to those' who foster new chapters is is being sent to L. R. Dean. Temporary officers are: Prof. I. R. Metzler, Pres., L. R. Dean, Sec As soon as the chapter has been comphely organixed, with enough strength enlisted to enable it to function as a full-fledged Walton organisation, the National Head­ quarters will giv* it every assis- - . _» • _ m ? ,V,nf * * ^ ^ ¥ Pr° b' lems Peca!lar to this locality. jo i U U j uo,tvA ^mzmi jo « ----- . . . ■* A m enta was received from local sportsmen ar.d outdoor lovers at the National headquarters of the Leagu Chicago, according to a d T * “ 1 *>* 1 t r -ad aat through out this state by Fred H. Doellner, general manager of the League. The petition is virtually certain to result in the forwarding of a charter to the local group, he said. «We will welcome the sportsmen and the outdoor people of Bea­ verton, Ore. to the ranks of na_ tional ana and suiit-w state-wide Waltonism, uonai iue « miwiubih , and will be del.ghted to hav. rheir cooperarion in bringing back the I outdoors to a point in keeping with its vital necessity a« an adjunct to T H E G R O W T H O F T H E health, wealth, and general happin­ P E A C E ID E A IN W O R L D ess, and to give them every atob o f assistance within our power to The peace idea is gradually grow ­ help them bring this a t out,’’ said ing. Peace will never be secured by Mr. Doellner, “The benefits go to artificial means unti. there is suf­ those who help themselves, and the ficient sentiment behind i t . That people who take pert in this work sentiment must grow. It cannot be are placing your town well on its manufactured. way to leadership in, and enjoy­ O f course every intelligent effort ment of, -outdoor recreation on a to promote peace helps elong the g eater sra’e than ever.” growth and should be encouraged, Sportsmen here are a'resdy ma- but it sboil’d be remembered that •o l.i-ft p ans for cclftw atkn of c h a r.; unj Ver al peace is n.ot upon tor night. All arc a lively engage ! » ¡j foundation except as based upon in a campritm ta in c -r a e the m e m _________ I have seen films all through world. Old notions of vested prlv- Europe and most of the American ilege. old institution* founded upon ones. European* are fond of Am er. tradition must fiv e vnay. I ican films, fo r the simplest reason Along wth th# film come other th# will of all th# people every. jn the world They are better than things that are universal and Intcr- where. the European and cheaper. national, that know no nations and Lillian Cish, the movie actress. Against these two arguments do not understand the language of said the other day: *1 believe tho ¡ , useless to object. 0f «patriotism’*—art, literature and will bring all men to -c o m - America-« films are steadily In- commerce. In the m atter of art men conception of one God and to • den-ocratic ideas of . a a unlv, „ . , sens# of international ,!w. ° i ™ C .. _ . . . 't make* no difference where one universal freedom and equality all over the relation and duty One of the great factor In the B eav erto n Rebek-1 growth of peace is the movie. It speaks not in words suitable for ah Lodge N o. 218 m eets firs t one r««P'« and not another, but by pictures which are understandable and third T u e»- i d a y ev en in gs at by all. An Italian paper recently pro­ THO !' M. in the . Hall. Mrs. W u ller tested against the influence of A- | merican Hollywood screens._ This H arris, S e c re ta ry . M rs. M a rjo r- 1 is like protesting against the pro­ cesses of equinoxes. 1 W is h in g All A I Merry Christmas 1 I 1 Stipe’s Garage EA VERTO N TO 'V IS IT F O R Y O U A V E R Y , V E R Y >. ¿ « „ s * ^ y OREGON T o Our Friends istmas Washington County Dis'^^utors n . m ^ Oranges,Poultry, Candy, Vegetables Nuts and Fruits Give us your order for groceries for your Christmas Dinner J-in. 1 1 9 2 9 •• We move to our new location on Watson St. South of the Brink BEAVERTON MARKET AND GROCERY ill |i O F LO N G ST A N D IN G T o Our New Wishes You A i 1 1 Greetings — ith a hone ror yu-ir continued friend * h io Pause To Send Fvrib Earnest Greetiatfs Otto Erickson 1 V\ r are Hrndqtinrlrta (or TEN JV * R I i*« -9* r Christmas BEAVERTON GARAGE FO R YO U R PA ST FA V O R S Ml ^ Education of New Turk, who address sd a message of greeting In this form to the banquet bald by the National Gregg Association at tha Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, England. John Rob­ ert Gregg, the only living author of the shorthand method bearing bis name, was a guest of honor at th* banquet, which commemorated the fortieth anniversary of tha usa of Gregg shorthand. The message, was photographed, and the negative placed on a glass cylinder of the Photoradio transmitter located at the New York offices of the Radio Corporation of America ft was then flashed across the 3.000 Intervening miles of ocean to London and from there delivered to the ban quet hall of the Exchange ItoteL Acquaintances Greetings And to Those W e Have yet to M« el »nd Know Greetings ,®L I ^ m m sm m ' am iig Frank Noyes m I ■ » •» K THE PLUMBER fe W E W IS H Y O U A Merry Christmas G Our Message AND A There are no degrees of Friendship; to our Business Friends as well as to our Social Friends WE EXTEN D CHRISTMAS COMPLIMENTS appy New Year Beaverton Pharmacy BEA VERTO N Carls Barbecue OREGON New Gembox, $ 6 9 Bandbox Jr., $ 3 7 jtNewDynacone 72 Be Ready for the Cold Snap 1 1 Used Sets BEA VERTO N pi V5CA ? I i I I X * Iß ALL KINDS OF Christmas Candies BO X ES OR BULK Kambsrgers Confectionary BEAVERTON OREGON II A GEMBOX Chrlitmts present now, means a whole year of fun and /act W ith a Crosley radio scL you keep in touch! You are part of "** world, with its pageant of news and (ports events, the new tongs id dance«, market trsnds. Ooei without »tying that you tuna In on t* '* l iu»t what you want with a GEMBOX, becau»e It’s s Croaley-made A-C 6-tube let with modern feature» And with a DYNACONB power «peaker, you can »hade to the volume you liked Let u» arrange a demonstration of theGEM BOX.tht lowest priced A-Qelectric set of 1029. I OREGON K eep an Even Tem perature in Your Home With a PARLOR FURNACE PRICED $ 5 5 and UP W OOD and COAL BU RN ERS 1 1 1 1 We hav* the following named style*: QUALITY JUNIOR NORTHERN KING MARTHA WASHINGTON CHEROKEE (With foot warmer) OAKLAND CIRCULATOR . S E E US B EFO R E BUYING ELSEW H ER E W E CAN S AV E YOU MONEY VACUUM C L E A N E R FO R SA L E , O P R E N T D IE T SC H ’S H A R D W A R E & FU R N IT U R E S T O R E Beaverton, Oregon | * New Showbox, $ 6 5 Bandbox, $59 The Musicone, 16 Used Speakers j The Beaverton Garage gives you a Complete Radio Ser- S.vice. All *et* demonstrated without any obligation to ® you. Our Easy Payment plan enables everyone to E bave a Radio at home. Ju»t call, we’ll demonstrate! 1 | Beaverton Gaiage Opposite The Twentieth Century Grocery ® Complete Automotive Service. Satisfaction, our motto* g B attery Charging, Repairing, Towing. Shell Gee end Oile. *