FRIDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1928. TW® BUSINESS FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS DIRECTORY 8 T lTm o B A I'B f Tolc >y Our \ctive Special Correspondent.; REVIEW The street light that ha» Wen , .reeled hu« muti« quita an improve- I ment in our community. Mr. «uni Mis. A. Chop limn will «atei lain twelve gui-st* at u Christ maa dinner at their home. Inter—ling Little Notes from the Surrounding Country as S FWAVfflîTON Weekly N azaren e Church per curd, $0.00. Iiniuire Brook n s a a s ii ,. „ Advertisement» In this rolumn 1 Mr. and Mrs, Carl Beckett are ( hristmtis Greeting» to you all. ct>nt a wimt. Mini mam charge 26c. 1U. 2. Phono, Bros., Hillsboro to «Nil th*ii- perenta ut Sa- The Sunday school will trive Scholls 0610. I at 7:30 P. M. Everybody is invited c-62-lf KIN TON H AP PEN IN G S Mrs. Elisabeth McGowan and Usm ov* r tho ChrUtm*» h^'day. FOR BALK Christmas program. Monday 24th For Sale— Light Six Studvhaker Rü­ Margaret Zimmerman attended the Mr. and Mrs. Clms. Rose. Mr J. B Stephens. I’ rop. Earl C. Boll purchased two cows Sctimi.iy matin»« performance of and Mr»,"~J. 'TìUmlòri''w dl” entertain K^ryho^r I» invitedI t o corn#, den, 1023 model. See J. A. Cox For Sale— H acre tracta In B»r- last week iron» parti«« in Portland. Julius C M N r in Portland. ( twent i y ______ _________ ____________ at Beaverton High School, c-tf. K uosts __ lit Christmas dinner " " wU1 ob,*rv* th* CHK •hold's Addition, Beaverton, Ore. Stock Country Some tracta clear and others not For Sale— Family row, yoiinr. Res Kinton has been well represented The Misses Lucille Hite. Dorothy' Mr and Mrs. Yarbrough o f Port- ^ ^ ^ “ ¡n^w hlte“ fo rb o rn e *needv Companies clear and some with shade tree«. Rates in Portland during th * past week and lk'i«vieve lYUv>on and Karl land will entertain Mr. and Mrs one. “ son tide. J. H. McLeod, Beaver­ Four blocke from High and Pub. ■ Ut m o b i l e In- l - . r n r « Klr k Hoover ipent a few iUys Kmcinvlh Pet rson, Ray Chris. J. T. Hadley and daughters at a The Sunday services will he at ton, It. 2. c-3 tf lie Sehoola on rock road. Lgrliu V J SKEE — ALOHA las week in Po.tiand whcid he ^ J ; '1“ 1!' . f * 1" " West. Christmas dinner. the usual time, with appropriate Gas and with ail improvements C m Sale— Plymouth Rock pullets, and Henry and Lloyd Metientine Office. Beaverton Finance Co. mu» interests. I “ 7 ! ? ^ „ I' l «.. TK» Ladies’ Auxiliary had their t"c.*ogo. You are invited to com# $1.26 a piece if taken at once. paid 1600. $10 down end $10 per '-w . , , „ , i spent 1 ursduy night in Durham. . *........... “ ,v* and worship with us. ______ Mr». C. L. Keller of Portland •* • «mial aftentp.n (or the year Mrs J. H. Hulclt, Cedar St , month. Cali, Beaverton, 3H- spent last Thursday with her sis- Bad coida and la gnppo have of *28, Wednesday l*ec. 1», “ BOO” Roy L. Nolt, Tastor. Phone Beaverton 20.86, 03 c -t f ter, Mrs. J. C. Snider. : •>««» visiting lliteon people. Miss was enjoyed. Mrs. Hadley received \. E . H A N S O N . ,, ... .. Genevieve lVtcrson. Maurice Wil the honors and Mrs. Chapman, the WANTED WOOD and COAL For Sale— Wood. Firet growth Hr Church of ('hrist ,*“ r- Mrs. C. W \oung and t0U4illl.y, ( herbs VanKieek and Her ‘ consolation. Green, 10 tnch. per cord, $'1.60 Paper hanging. Cord Wood or Slab___anv length ^ r- * n<* ^ rs- bloyd Bierly were in man Metientine are among the vie. I . . . , , ■ ■ ■ kulxomtning and ^°ra o '* » —« ny wr.gtn Portland last Thursday. i Wmi . Wednesday evening. Dec. 12, both I . Partly dried 111 inch, per rord, paining done reasonable. Satis­ any kind r v . .lt I ^ * the Huber Commeicial Club mew- •'WMWiieewenta fur Dtc. 2 . 1 . It28 $70 1 ). Green, four foot, per c««rd, faction guaranteed. L. S . Rica, Phone 4504 , lou n K was reporteu as ill We wish to correct a typograph- iters and the la d ie- A uxilary hud >ou" * Iffuple will put on a Prompt Delivery . $6.60. Parity dried four foot, Beavyrton Rt. 4, Box 47. p -2 -l last week is some lnrpro ed and is ical “ ir. r in our column last week, their annual soelal evening, “ 600 " I ^ ristm a a !»••>'. called "The Christ #t hl* home on Tllt' tl4t ro* J* The words “ dairy" and “ doming ' was enjoyed. The ho- ess had a plea '"** Q“ »•." Everyone is invited. H AJ j S 1 E N H \R D W AR E Mr- Ulenn Snider o f Lake Grove were confused. The item should ,;uU surprise for ail the members ! , A” eh'ctioii of otneere will beheld ken from Pearls cantata. "The Song $:3 :90 a. m 1111 «l>enl the day last Friday at the have read:— Freest Hite. Christ ¡a fter the preaching service. Sun- of the birth of Christ in song, ta -1 I iiu|itlatn — 2 p. in. STANDARD HARDWARE home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snider. Ohristenaen and Charles YanKleek , - j - ------ « — «• " ------- — i W eekduy M oss S :2d a. m. X Í " U,‘ rd tü e b h wil, and •U U FURNITURE * t .« * » i s v .» « U_ is- I . »mMUiPU 111 kllM attended n «WIV dairy UlVX-tlIl* meeting in thw a t ° t t l i l : ,?au. m i k i ~ **"» offertory solo, a wonderful1 . „ j 7 Cash paid for old stoves and , sûn,î X , McDonald Hall c i Tigard., Friday, representation from Beaverton. The ** Preaching arrangement of one of the favorite j * - - »• n .M furniture *>est tortlana were Sunday guests —---------------------- j were won by Mrs. H Heartt et lt:0fl. sermon. “The Bitrh of Christmas Hymns, "It Came Upon Aev. J. M. O Neill . of \F .ur. ... «« and a n/l Mrs. \( ee August A itdntat Hallmann __ _ — —A a a i'L _ _ »i'L _..._i Dallmann. ^ and Mr. Chapman. The consolation I d Rank Block III B L R Jesus .S upernatural or Not." I the Midnight Clear" ( Marker). IB ------------------------------ — ~ , was won by Mrs. Leonard and Mr. There is a lot of sickness around P>---- Celebrate the birth of the world'» The Sunday School Christmas | I LOCAL NEW S Kaynard. ^_ town, ¿..wood VS i.son is reported as Saviour by attending church »«>me party will be held in H*th.| church J. 0 . Lareon is now finishing the Fountain Service n..wS C . . >■ tt* .1 . .. a «I > .Beet «* Kate having been very ill during the ü ------------------------------------a ivla.ta place next Sunday. Welcome to all on Monday evening at H o’clock, interior o f their home. Mrs. Nell Talbot waa a week end past week. LO CAL N E W S at our services. interesting program will be Whitehall Restaurant visitor at McMInnvLle and Salem. E. D. Grey from Eureka Califor* — Oscar A. Cboper, Pastor, presented, riease be prompt. B - u .m v T u e a j » . vnv Mr.anu Mrs. Floyd Bierly ----- . . . . ,, . MAGAZINES and CANU1 iamUy Wer, amner guegt4 Sunday •• th* hwme of Herb Mrs. Howard llughson and Mrs. Mr*. N. G. Kroenuin was a Port­ W’ R Petch were Portland visitors, BEAVERTON ft OREGON at ure u w u ot Mr. and Mrs. Lor- <-,re>'- land visitor Monday. St. Cecelia Church Bethel C'onir. Church last wsek, , fn l Ficken. Mr. and Mra. Dan Shaw will en- Mrs. Violet Rodman was a visitor R urday Masses — 7 :4 0 and Mrs. J. H. Rtlles o f Forest Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hall and tcn quests Christmas at th« H. F, Waite home Tue*. The Christmas Morning service '1 0 a m. Grove was a visitor at th# N. G. Beaverton Lumber C o. u u , u r , ...ary sa.henne spent Sa- “ *nnw- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of at Bethel Church includes the story Sunday Catechism — 8:30 and Freeman home last week. ness trip. J. J. VanKteek returned Mr. and Mrs. Agnell o f Huber h ave' hid“ a*"* furna^e ' lnstalied'' at vis.ted at the H. F. Waite WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE pmg m Portland. home Tuesday and Wednesday. Lewis Brothers. Proprietors J. J. \ an&leek and son, Wayne, their home in Huber. Mrs. H. F_ Waite was a ..dinner went to Sa.ein Tuesuay on a b u si-. The Cunninghams are enjoying ness trip. J. J. YanKleek reuturned their new turnace which has been guest o f Mr. and Mrs. McMisnor of installed the past week. I Tot Hand Monday night. home, Wednesday. Dellmore Lessard FIRST l I ASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES on business Friday. """ ooa 0T i T {or Ported Mrs. Julius Wedeking and son, Buster, Miss Anna Wedeking and ■ Mr. Louise VanKieek were visiting ■ relatives in Hillsboro last Monday. ■ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Offices with Justice Swenson Here Tuesdays and Thursdays Ray Chr.stensen of Tigard has been finishing the interior of the new home o f Mr. and Mrs. Roy L'.xny during the past week or so. M A LE S & SON BILLIARD PARLOR Cigars, Tobaccos Confections, Soft Drinks Cady Bldg. W — :— nn X- DR. A. E. WILSON ■ g B B ■ OPOMETRIST JKWELERg Optical Work— Repairing BEAVERTON -> OREGON Ti*e children of the school will observe Christmas Friday aiternoor. There will be a nice tree in each St. j| gifts. f Eugene VanKieek, son o f Mr. an Mrs. Wayne VanKieek was very ill ^ i usi week, but is improving. He ^ was attended by Dr. Mason of Bea- ; verton. A. C. CHINN PAINTER and BUILDER Jack Frost 0 Day or Contract Work is here and W e E. UNDERTAKER and EMBALMER Grange Building — Beaverton ' Beaver \\ ood & Ice Co. lock W’ood, Planer Eads; All grades of Utah-Wash. coal. Yard at Front 4 Main Phone 6702 P. L. Schultz BEAVERTON OREQOnf — 0 0 j 0 A j> Beaverton Barber Shop C. J STEVENS, SATISFACTION PROPRIETOR GUARANTEED 0 Oregon Beaverton, p A 0 0 0 Painting. Kalsomining, Papering Prices Reasonable A- Norgaard AJ.OI1A Beaverton. it Co. MBOM PHONES: 7215. Portland AT2021 ^ A 0 Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson are driving a new Sedan car. We Serve Good Coffee. Mrs. Harry Weaver rats recover« j from an attack of the flu. ----------- Jlrg- F. Gaunt and Mr. Bragga of i Portland were visitors here tne first C. FLORENCE j of the week. __ Mr. and Mrs. Sophus Boniokk, Electric Irmg an Repa ring ^ dUioi( a|eiG .ye u o^ syi sasai CARL’S BARBECUE Huber. Or#. TeL 2407 mat of the week. Mrs. George Wilson entertained — -----------------------— --------- ---------- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell of B E A V E R TO N F E E D Usui, over the week end. and The i.oys and Gir.s of tne H. H. PRODUCE COM PANY c iu o . will have a tally day once a Highway and 0 E. Tracks “***“ - '* 9 ™*'* the ,ir«1 oi Jan- I p R eacn pn ch , m IM an a n ager a ffP r i C . J. in Hillsboro for veask. treatment, last j Mr. George Wilson and family | leave t ruiay to . pend the holiday» | in California with Mr. Wilsons i sister and attend a family reunion. Let T h e B eaverton Review Do T h a t Printing Mr. ^ Harvey County Road en w of thv the Jones. h0#piuu , Quality and Service For You. WE PRINT Charles Haines will visit with un PRICE LISTS! fst“ Ly at Huber, u. t.i alter uie Christmas houuays, when he wm i e. urn to nis d 'tiej as an engineer POSTERS HANDBILLS in a logging camp, HBMvrrton Review Print. U-----------------------------------— ----- ~ CATALOGS HITEON A ,, ~ \ l l C'l? n . a , ..__ , 2 “ Good Select,«» of j Shrubbery, Fruit, Fil- J bert And Nut Trees \ 0 E LR IC H N U R SE R Y 0 „V j Visitors 4 , Welcome .. »K.1VJU Jb 10 4 V I ViA Christmas program for handy, for our prompt deliv* 1 COCOA NUT—Sweet p Shredded in bulk, lb ___ CHOCOLATE— Chirra- Beaverton Lumber Company \ | deii¡-s ciíSí.n5rs f-'tZ. Lewis Bros. » , s 9 £ ■ a P? ed ? ? handy size pkes. C M popí ^ J ELLO —So So popular for desserts, 3 pk^s. Hite went to . —- w — I d Every Home ■ aaa I T m • ^ • J ? A . «A A It l x! rai( r‘‘an’ ,Mi^ 3 lbs. 57* Cream Mixed, 3 lbs., 15# & I hi:4 Extra Cream could well be advertised as a fane* French Mix as there — complete telephone service is a convenience g to every member of the family. Properly placed extension telephones save tiring steps for the f t Chocolates— Those housewife Son or daughter, sister or bro her, dad or mother— find them a year ’round comfort and satisfaction. And too, the telephone is an aid in emergencies and a protection in danger. West Coast Telephone Company is a big j>ercentage of hand rolled French pieces included. old-fa- » shioned drops all like, 3 lbs. Plain Velvet Mixed, or bro­ fjf Fancy Chocolates in Holly ken Christmas Mix, 3 lbs, Boxes, this is a really high grade Mixed Nuts— All new crop ft Chocolate, 214 lb. Box .................... Nuts — No peanuts. 2 lbs., Campfire Marshmallows— Walnuts— No 1 Soft 12-oz. sealed tin, ............. shell, 2 lbs.......................... FIG S— La>er, (Fancy Cali­ Almonds—New Crop, fornia, for eating, 2 lbs. . California, 2 lbs.............. S P E C IA L G IFT S U G G E S T ON— Water Glasses-9-oz. Tumblers 1 doz. to carton, durable, fancy or plain, per dozen.............. 45c 79c 25c 29c — BA K IN G N E E D S — Fisher’s Blend Flour— 49 -tb. bag, ............... Snowdrift, Pure creamy vegetable short’ning, 2 lbs. Royal Baking Powder— 12-oz. tin, ....................... Swansdown Cake Flour— Large package................ i A & L Vanilla (Compound) 2-oz. bottle, ..................... © Knox Gelatine, for variety desserts and salads, pkg., Clipper N u t—A palatable Spread for bread, 3 lbs., .. Fancy Blue Rose Rice— 3 lbs., .............................. Snowshoe Syrup, Pure cane and maple, 21/2-lb. tin, . . . Spices—fresh ground, Cin­ $1.89 49c 39c 35c 29c 19c 55c 19c 39c 15c f'andied Orange or Lemon Peel, per pound................... 29c Candied Citron Peel— Per lb................................... 39c namon, Mustard, Ginger or Sage, 2 oz. tin .............................................. PIFT C O F F E E — “ The Friday Tillamook M INCE M E A T — Purest Ingredients Has Kick 2 11 > h C U R R A N T S— Preferred Stock, the best, 15 oz. pkg. R A ISIN S— New Crop, Seedless, 4 tb pkg. ........... S U iiA R — Powdered or Brown, in bulk, 3 lbs, . . . D A TES— Bulk, All New Crop, 2 lbs. C A N D IE S A N D N U T S — A fine assortment at very LOW PRICES, 2 These two varieties are ve ry popular as a Christmas 3 ^ W _ t r e a t ----till* DY ceptionally P nhf in n n llt f good A this « V. w, year iia as . treat— the quality is 14 ex Taste Treat" Makes a perfect meal belter, Ground fresh to your order, 1 lb.......................................................... Mr°. He -man Metientine and son, 2 Henry were Sunday evening call- R m the Harry Robinson horns. Erne.t 25c 29c 33c 10c 25c # ni,fht °*c 21- 0 0 4 — ^ P O P C O R N — Jolly Tim e A l orited one mile north of Reed Mr. and M.s. Herman Metzen- P v'lle, at the earner o f market tire e e > edn sedsy dinner guests and Baseline Road». in ’-he F ovd b u r l / home of Kin- Ill!«! ro. O egon, Route 4. (j ton. g In bulk, “ It Pops” 3 lbs. . HlUon who#1 pupils pupilg are are planning plannin|f a When the family all asflembles or the friends come to share your Yuletide reast, be sure of the success of those old Family RecijK’s by buying from our l ine Fresh Stocks. Prices are reasonable this year and our stores are well stocked with Goodie s from every source. J | Special 5 Day Christmas Sale-Wed. Dec. 19 to j.J Dec. 24-Prices prevail until 9 P. M. Christmas IB Ardi» The Misses Vivian a n d ------- NeHon spent S.turuay in Portland. 0 2 4 NEW S ^ To You and Yours this week, so get your shovel J ^ ery of your order 0 p A 0 0 A The following have been guests 1 during the week of Mf. and >lr Everett Wright: Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Vxaters and family o f Portland, Mr. and Mrs. V. Anderson of SheL ton, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Ward have been having some improvt made to the interior of their on Pleasant Val-ey road by havin, some papering done. Jake Faix •a \ do:ng the work. auc( Ion gaie on the Seth Mil ler place in Scholls, last Tuesday, was very well attended by Kin_ ton folks and somU o f the liv e: A »u>ck and farming implements sue- tioned off will be put U use on j some of the Kinton farms. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snider had as uin».er guests Tuesuay: Mr. ana ia n , Sniaer anti family. Mrs. Hairiett Ford, Mr. and Mrs (xeorge aniuer, Jr., and family o f I lone, Ore. A six o'clock dinner was . serveM I 1TIE M A IN H I G H W A Y BEAVERTON, OREGON I i 1 I