THF. BEAVERTON REVIEW Friday, Doc. 21. 1928 ENDS COLDS THE DOUBLE CROSS By A. E. T H O M A S f i y uk t l. Bv A twater K ent tar;, adding aotto Toca. “ I'll (Ir e her a Httla surprise" In a moment he said: “ llello— yea Jim gtan lay. N sw York baal- —la that yott—la that IMrla? Y e « It s man, ordarn hi* dask audl- “ It does seem. papa, at if th* police me I It 'a Jim. all right Couldn't fool phoa* takaa to hta horn*. Inland were rl„ht.“ Dorlt was aaylng. “ It you. eh? I'm Just In.—I'm very wall, ina to flnlah kla d ictation tharo and you?—That's fine. When can I R ollo iVattrm an , kla partnar seems as If It must have been at me com ** tn. Doth ara In lova with see you? How about thla evening, body in this house." Dorla Colby. Stanlay propoaai “ Oh. I don't know.” said Mr. Colby. after dinner?— Tea.—'That'll he won­ toaalng a cola to datarm lna « h ic k I M ' a ) • J » II » I • I * A *■ M How la Kollln? Good. 1 "The modern crook Is a tuoat resource­ derful— yea. * w » M • « A • R • C * I • U » «»«M akall tra t propoaa to D o rla W a ­ I II II I I I « I * All right, after dlnuhr then— Au re- 1 terman w ln a Nina M o r g a a W a ful animal “ I I |Wtl MM n e i«»» tarman'a nocratnry and mlatraaa “ 1 should be ao glad to know,” Dorla • ilr." wHitHa«*** haa ovarheard hla conversation During this conversation Wilson's < *s answered, “ that It wa* a burglar. I with s ia n U y and roaanta Wa- eyes never left Stanley's face. As should almost be willing to gtva up larman a plan to daaart bar W a ­ terman say* ha Is pannllasa and all hope o f teeing that necklace again Stanley's ear caught for the Aral dm* must malts a rich m a rrta c* Ha V r: IIF N another Chri.lmaa In exchange for th* assurance that the sound o f tha well-known voice, urgva Nina to tall Dorla that From Rhode Island a mother writes: roll* around—aud another th* thief waa no ooe whom I had tbora flashed a« rose hla face a look ' Stanlay haa w ronacd her (N in a ) *1 have always given my children (hat waa not lo.-: upon tha secretary —and another— your family Dorla adm its to bar fath er bar known and trusted. Class ro for coughs and colds and cer­ Interval In both man. but la un- will atill be enjoying thla beau­ “ I feel exactly as yon do my child, —a look (hgt told In a fraction o f a tainly would never be without it." abla to doclds which to m arry If tiful and aenatbla gift, but I would not give up hop*. I have second tb secret o f hla heart Nina tails Dorla bar story, a s s e t. Wilson had been In any doubt before, W to a slarious W in« «f swanrv to know a presentiment that somehow. In some Ing a promts# that Dorla w ill 1,000.000 fa m ilie a have i A* rWwtW o i A m I nwibw. that doubt waa ended. Swiftly hla not tall tha so urea o f bar In­ way, that necklace will com* hack.“ Atwater Kent Radio, Many of form ation. Dorla la convinced o f ad worked. Ought be to tell Stan- 1 Mr. Colby departed front hla daugh- - _J phy**c**n’* prescription - GI cm co . S tanley’ s d u p licity and la bro­ them made ibeir pure haw* U*t baby u d crow me ckUd i* ter'a drawing room that afternoon a ley everything he knew, and av ken-hsartad, realisin g th at It la Christina*. ’ ! ’• felt tbia waa when Gle**co i* a th « home. Every doctor— erythlng that be guessed about Water- S tanley aha loves. W aterm an little happier than he had been for every tnuned nurar—he* long known o f its made wholly by Atwater Kent th* thing that would plea*« th* proposes and Dorts accep t» him. w lo u l pmpertse*. You . too. aho some lima. For weeks he had ieen Man's affair* anj hla relations with without GW—co aa t it now from Stanlay accepts tha situation, in lb * world's largeal radio whole household—now we hla wife? Or ought be to hold hla convinced of her unhappiness. Not o t general More. C o « tame no and ns a w ed din g present giv es factory— a* big a* a IS-aere fieldl know," they my. a word had ever been exchanged be­ tongue about It and let Stanley see hla share o f tha businaaa to W a ­ DP. DRAKE'S terman. Ha arran ges w ith hla tween them upon that subject, hut for himself, make hta own observa­ Modern battery aeta, too You, too, want entertainment secretary. Frank W ilson, to take he knew, and she knew that he knew. tions. draw hla own deduction»—and without trouble. You waul lo “ Y * haven't electricity, but wa charge o f his o th er business In­ Cntll she spoke he would continue to answer question* when the; were hear food music and good talk* terests. Ha la g o in g to India. want good up-to-date radio Just asked? As Stanley hung up th* re­ be silent Rut he believed that the Dorla tails W aterm an p art o f —you always get what you want lb* aamr.“ O f course— and no N in a’ s s to ry and ha prom ises ts thing must come to a separation. He ceiver. Wilson decided to bold his from “ th* radio that beep* on reason why you shouldn't hava “ t r y " to And tha g lrL Fran k W il­ tongue for the present T H E G LESSN FX C O M P A N Y r n r r believed, too that Waterman would son, a w a re o f W aterm an 's crook * working.“ ill Atwater Kent battery set* Fiadur.oMo (8 ) rn tt Oorts Colby l.ung up the telephone 1 fight If he could, n * had wished for ednesa. laavaa kla em ploy. Tha TWSAL bava tha I t ! ? refinement*. receiver automatically. Her heart All 'leetrie a weapon which he could use If It la tte r begin s to Im portune Dorla iiM . t * iU b < e a < Th a i bon i» of Dr. D a * !» '» G L E S S O l awl a n M -ufc « S I . I t , to r money. Brumfield. tha ga m ­ If you ha«e electricity from a Youll recogniaethem when you ever came to a fight Now, at least, bounded In her breast Jim Stanlay n s j r ^ t h , book. "Dwaaaaa o l 1 a la n o «a d mm, « I * , bler, la pressing W aterm an for v as hack!—Jim 1 1 A wave o f bappt listen. Your rhoics of two mod­ be had that weapon. central *lalion,there are several U M . K m * It paym ent o f ga m b lin g debts At nesa surged o-*r her whole belug. For Alwatrr Krnt model* you can el*—one foe average rondil ions, W aterm an 's u rgin g Doris wears the first (line In months she was hap­ on* fur unusual "distance." her m agnificent diamond neck­ CHAPTER X operate righlfroma ianipaorkrt. py. tn a little while she would see lace to tbs opera. T h a t n igh t tt Knbcr kind — all-electric or If you prefer an all-ia-on* disapp ears Doris' fa th e r en lla ti him again, take hla hand, bear hla I It was In the month of October that voice— Ecstasy I A few moments of Brcm fleld'e aid In tracin g the battery— give# you tb# be*l in cabinet set. with receiver ami stones. Jim Stanley had departed for the sensation, then a chilling thought radio at a moderate price. See apeaker combined, the dealer East. It was In the following October What should she say to him? an Atwater Krnt dealer about will let you try the wonderfully RELIEVED that he returned. Wilson had known compact Model $2. They're all that Christmas radio—Now! Swiftly her mind reviewed the C H A P T E R IX— Continued . . QUICKLY for five days (hat he was on hla way. events o f her life since Jim had gone Battery Seta, (S3—171 M ill» : I . 40 I MkMMT He had received from San Franclaco «* "ay. She could not talk of thut— ! ( } * * • aw « w * . M fl. - i n — 10— ___________ i - RaataAiaJ t« i , ) t iniaioa r-*)»A tHv-A.U A4 »waiw alta— «ta- a telegram which said: Arriving oo U b a i M — 1 * 4 «4.~|it, M m J «I ««, esimi Ü M |»¿*** A « iwfcw« «od she must not let him guesa to what “ My dear Bromfleld," exclaimed the ATVATU fc**T MiM lAl tlKlYL ««»MrANY «tal. t.fc», MI,. •alta i--....u l I 1*1 rriwwa ém M the 2-tth. Engage hotel accommoda­ a pass thing* had coma There had lawyer, reproachfully. •I | ).L m . M ( 4M4 « ImahieAaa A«« A. i NcaMe Aw*«. Í W FU Usta »y fcia. F« hw)Ja («A« «*• tions foe two." been change* enough In many w a y« “Oh. I know— 1 know a good deal Wilson had done Just that and no hut she auddenly realised that nothing more than you perhaps think of what | H ard to Realize Vast more— that Is to say. he had held his had changed In relation to Jim. Time D idn’t M ean Much 1'- — I TS* lUd ~ - I I: going on in your mind." tongue. And now. as he stood await­ Nothing—yet everything. Stretches of Pacific to T railer of M ooie Then she "I have endeavored to make my­ ing the arrival of the Limited, he The Immen-dly ot the I'acltlc ocenu W A N TS V O IR FURS The way of guides In the Canadian had believed him to be a scoundrel. self very clear." wondered In whose company his em­ U seldom realized. Huge and terrible II L m . I C « * t .M . II .« Sf t « i fa* r w l "You bare done so. But Just now ployer was returning. The heart of She had accepted Nina Morgan's story woods Is moat mysterious. »■ftn* in*-...,.,). lo|»-not*h **.< pfltea m for fu, to za jtMr*. Fur Tw o sportsmen from tha Middle a« Is the Atlantic. Its slxe compared at Its face value. Now ah* disbe­ buomln«. .SazMlltNUyforprlcahal. I can promise nothing." the little clerk heat a trifle faster as lieved It utterly She had recovered West equlptusl for big game atartrd with the I'acltlc la about the «urne a* I f r*ii|ks**' ( .«liti "1 ask for no promise, except that he stood there waiting. Not only was Use Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh her faith In Stanley. Why? Why? out one tiny under the direction of a a farm |iotu| with Lake Ontario. The | f i l l I«* aftipiM« vou will do .'hat you can tor me." I back tor toat batti, if aat ■ be to meet his best friend fter long It was Illogical. There waa no sense native guide. A* they tramped through I'acltlc Is alinosi a hemisphere of wa­ “ Very good." concluded Bromfleld. was that, of course, In It. Why waa It? t u z a : Hie wood*, loaded ullh tlicir ramping ter. and It Is startling tu think that. ¿jmiimiiiiiiimiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiie rising. “ I will do my best to serva separation—there but there was something more. He At this Instant the door of her outfits, they sighted a moose which If the «Inde land surface of (lie globe you In this matter, Mr. Colby. I will had a feeling that aomethtng exciting morning room opened, and her hus­ look fright at Ihelr presence and could he lit ted together like a Jig saw W. N. U.. PORTLAND. NO. ftO -1 »» make inquiries in certain quarters. A was about to happen. What It was puzzle, the reaulllng «urface would band appeared. Instantly, with the promptly dashed away. good many people commonly regarded he could not tell, bnt his sensations The guide made no remnrk but le«l not tie ns extensive ns till* one oceau ! Memory Tost terrifying lllumlcntloo of a flash of Do Not Neglect jZ a , undesirable citizens, have reason were those o f a man who ha* covered lightning the answer flashed upon her. Ids American party In the direction In A few figures will show th l« For In­ A mother waa telling her three Nervousness = to be grateful to me for various small his ears In anticipation of an explo- It was been use she loved Jim Stan­ which (lie m oo«' disappeared. All day stance. the well tra»eroed Atlantic yenroltt «laughter, Nlilrtey Jean, about route from Liverpool to New York la the woman flyer who ma«ie tha trip Irritability § services, and possibly tome one of *!< i. ley I This she knew auddenly, beyond they trumped along and at night them may he able to help both you Stanley's qnlck eye caught Wilson's Hull) m ile« hut from Yokohama to across the Atlantic, tier Aral ques­ pitched camp. Th* program rejwilled peradventure o f doubt, as abe looked Sleeplessness § and me Just now. I do not know, face the Instant be emerged from the Vnlparlso. n slmllur southern Iremi, tion was! “ What wa* her name, Itself III.' next d iy. On III«' third t a g , but— You see, Mr. Colby, though gate, follower by a company of por­ uptm her husband. In the great white acro** the I'acltlc, the distance Is 0.- uiotlierT' In answering, the mother light o f this lllnmlnatlon all her life the «port»men ttegun wondering whnl you may not think It. we—criminal* ters loaded down wltb assorted lug­ !WO m ile« Acr«wa (Ills ocean's nar­ touched her n r nnd *ald: “Think o f H a s Been Used Successfully fo r over 5 suddenly took oo a new meaning, a tt was al‘ about. are often grateful for kindnesses re­ 40 years. Sold by all D ru g Stores. » gage. He seized the clerk's hand In rowest part, namely, from Vancouver your ear nml the Iasi part of your "Look here, you." on* of them said. new value. Cold dark places were ceived." And with this shot Brom both of his own. 'What’s th* Idea? Ilow long are we to Yokohama, la 4.2tlO mile*. The I'n- name 'hart'.” Nothing more was sal«t lighted up old proportions were re­ KOENIG MÉSCINE CO. § celd departed. “ Well. well. Frank." he cried, with elite stretches from lb* Arctic ocean until the next .1«) TO lent Sl.lrlev arranged. Her husband was there, ¿»Ing to keep this up?“ 1045 N W ells St. C H IC A G O . I L L . — He had spoken the exact truth boyish enthusiasm. “God bless your The guide shrugged his shoulder« to th* Amarrile ocean, and contain* Jcttli'e memory the mother took hold IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIlUlAllflfllllllftMini when he said that he had no knowl­ soul I Here you are. eh? Here you b t he meant nothing. Jim had re­ “Oh, maybe two w eek« uiayti* two 70.U00.UtX) square miles of ureu. Ill of tier ear nnd said: “ Who was the turned! 'o a little while ah* would edge ot the present whereabouts ot are. I knew you'd he here. I'm d—n Ibis vasi area are tens of thouaamln of lady that th-w nrroaa the Atlantic?" see him! St-e could think o f nothing months.” M ED ITER RA N EA N the diamonds. Nevertheless, he had glad to see yon. Frank I" Islanda, some Ulti* larger than a farm Shirley Jean rrep«>n«1ry ih.-lr situation. Exchange. Exemplifying the latest style In It was not until they sat at dinner R iñ era . Cherbourg. (P a ris ) Includes botala flatly refused to accept them. necessary. Stanley knew quit« well. raides, motora, etc. ornament and itealgn. nn entire new half an hour later that the waa able “ N o !" he said to his debtor. “ How Still holding Wilson's band, he turned Popular Fisk Food city I* belli* roiiatrurteil near Carl« to think. Her first Impulse was to | As u rule, milk In dare you bring them to me like this? and glanced over hla shoulder to a f ia n k c c u r k ! ,N.T. We g«-t our familiar phrase "Annul, All Hie linxlern Mean tn hullillngs are telephone Stanley not to come. That about the best food Take 'em awn;. I have never In all waiting figure which, even In this huddle'* frutti the town of Finitoli, to tie Inrlinled. The chnrrh la near­ would be the wlae thing to d a She f«»r children, b u t P A R K E R ’S my life been concerned wltb any kind place of cosmopolitan apparitions ing completion, an) It m e a ls the must have time to gel herself together, there are time* when Scotland. Many years ago the flshee H A IR B A L S A M of theft, and never in my life do 1 seemed most »(range. The figure was n.odem arcohectural temlenrle*. The U se . draff8 tops Hair Falline to determine what she ought to do. they are much better folk there discovered sn excellent that of a man. not old. yet certainly wish to be. Put 'em In your pocket- Restores Color and metl.od of salting nnd smoking had main entrance I* behind a single arch off wfthout It. It Beauty to G ra y and Faded Hair ot young, not far from the height of organize her force* to carry It take 'em away I 1 wll never consent dock, which were called "hnddle." Hint Spun* nlmoal Hie eullr« width of •or and |I «0 at Iw r through. She had plenty of time dur- should alwaya be left Wka Patrb< Riservi N T Stan'ey himself, clad from neck to to be the receiver of stolen goods.” The name o f the tnwu la pronounce«! Hie structure. Figures oseil for dec­ off when children feet In oriental robes, girdled at the Ing the meal for reflection. She and F L O R E S T O N S H A M P O O — Ideal fo r o » tu Th* debtor departed with the Jew “ fltinnn." oration are very large, and the ateepl» Kollln had little to aay to «ach other connection with l'u rk-r i Hair Ra Mm. Makeatha ■how by feverlah, els. and presently blj debt was puid walsL Upon bit head he wore a tur­ hair to ft and Ënffr. »<> ern u by mail or at drag­ la a I apering “ aha ft of an gle«" these days that waa not perfunctory. fretful or cross apells, by bad breath, atala. Hiscox chemical W ork*, P a lc h o g o « N. I . in cash. Bromfleld knew, of course, ban. Of hla features the eyes and Good Busies** Just now he himself had sufficient mn coated tongue, «allow akin. Indiges­ bow the money to settle the obligation nose alone were clearly visible, for D a m p e n in g R e p ly Jo Ann had Just received *«>me terial for reflection, ao that th* menl tion, biliousness, etc., that their stom­ Vindication Come* Late must have been obtained, but that, be the rest of his face wa* darkly heard shiny new coins for her suvlnga bank l)«H.kkee|n-r—Twenty die yenra ago passed In aln ost total (lienee. ach and bowel* are out of order. ed to his cheek bones. The stronger After twenty-six years I'rof. A. \V. figured, was oone of bis business. Hit from the week end guest« today, Mr Mnrkhnm, I stepped Into In the drawing-room, after dinner, In rases like this, California Fig fixed his steady eyes a poo the sec­ Bickerson, pioneer of the theory of skirts were clear. “ What d<» you any. iltoir?" asked the your employ— he broke a alienee that bad lasted Syrup never falls to work wonder*, hy cosmic evolution to which motleri re­ Some six hours after Bromfleld left retary. Chief—Y e « I know! I know! T h » th* quick nnd gentle way It remove* proud mother. “ Frank.” said Stanley, while the some moment« search Is beginning to give support, Mr. Colby In bis office, a shabby Utile "More money*, please," was the can- very Aral day you were (tv# nilnul«« nil the souring waste which Is caus­ “ D or!« old girl," he said. “ I’m aorry group o f portent shifted uneasily un­ has been honored by New Zealand man raDg the bell at the tradesmen's dl«t rep!» late. der tlielr burdens, “ I want you to to he so dull tonight—but the fact Is ing the trouble, regulates the stom­ university, which dismissed him be­ '■Dtrance o* Broiufiel(fB establishment ach and bowel* and give* these or­ I’m terribly worried." know my very good friend. Swnml cause his views on science were con­ A few moments later he entered the With an effort she turned her mind gans ton* and atrength ao they con­ sidered unsound. Recently Professor office where Bromfleld sat The vis­ Itamnn.-ira—Swaml, my secretary, Mr to what he was aaylng. “ What's the tinue to act normally of their own ac­ Bickerson. now an old man. living in itor was II no way abashed by the Wilson." cord. Children love Its rich, fruity “ How do yon do, Mr. Wilson," said matter T’ London, received a cablegram saying Present»!. flavor nnd It’a purely vegetable and “ Oh. business, as usunl." the university had recognized Its mis ""M ike," said Bromfleld. “ you or the Swaml in his slow, precise and harmless, even for bnble*. “ You've been speculating again?" take, and ft had given him the title Charlie know anything about bese careful English. Millions o f mothers have proved Ita “ Mr. Wilson has been In ?hargc of “ Well—yea." o f professor emeritus o f his former Colby diamonds?" my affairs during my absence In th* “ 1 suppose I need scarcely remind merit nnd reliability In over fit) years college tha. had dismissed him so un­ The lids of Mike’s left eye flickered Fast You will probably see a good you that you promised me, not once, o f steadily Increasing use. A Western ceremoniously. lightly. deal ol him during your slay In New hut many tim e« to keep oat o f the mother. Mr*. Mny HnnveJy,, "1 wan't 'em.” said Bromfleld. California, says: “ My little girl. E<1- York, for he Is sure to find many ways stock market." A tten d the Party “ Yeah?” na's, tendency to constipation was a of making himself useful to you. He “ 1 know—“ "Yeab. Colby’s a friend ot mine problem to me until I began giving In Spite of Cold l has a gift for that sort of thing " And “ And that you’ve repeatedly broken an you get 'em?" her California Fig Syrup. It helped Don't despair some day your social again Stanley turned upon Wilson the yonr promise.” “ Might" her right away and soon her stomach calendar Is full, and you awake with a smile lhat th- little mnn love«.. “ Yoo don't understand. Doris. There “ Get 'em then." nnd bowel* were acting perfectly. miserable cold. Be rid o f it by noon! “ I should be most happy." he said. are times when It seems Impossible Ton can, if you know the secret: ! "Might take a few days." His arms folded upon his breast, the to do anything else, and when a man Since then I’ ve never had to have any “ Oh, sure. Got to chase around to advice about her bowels. I have al­ I ’ape's Cold Compound soon settles any Swaml ln«llned his head gravely. get* as deep In a hole as I am. he'll cold, yes, even one that has reached get cm together again I suppose.” “ And now, Frank," said Stanley, Inke almost any chance to get out. so used California Fig Syrup with “ Yeah.” my little boy, with equal surceaa." deep in the throat or lungs.— Adv. “ let's gel along." He's got to." “ Phllly in on To be sure o f getting the genuine, As the taxi whisked away from the “ How deep Is this hole you're In?" “ Yeah.” which pliysIciuD* endorse, nlwnya ask terminal. Stanley peered eagerly O ld E n g lis h In d u s t r y “ Not ao very deep, bnt It's deep ■•One-Eye?” for California Fig Syrup by the full through ths window Upon the south In tlie small Yorkshire (England) enough to hnry me In If I don’t get "Nope.” nam « east corner there stood a skyscraper Tillage o f Stape an old industry still out of It.—Oh, I wouldn't tell yon “ Ob well—nothin’ to me who’s in On the day that Stanley bad left New about It, If I weren't driven to It survives— that of making "besoms.” od it Get 'em—that’s all.” Right and Wrong Tork the p ace had been a hole In the It's humiliating enough for a man tn The special kind of heather from “ One-Eye, he— er—er--klnd o f—er Maurice Knvd, the French rora ground. He said tills to the Swaml. he forced to ask his wife for money, which these brooms are made Is to be poser, visited a supper club In New who merely murmured. “ Ah." found only in certain parts of the even If she has plenty o f It." Bromfleld seized a pen. wrote six York the other night. A young man “ I'm afraid." laughed Stanley to moor and must he cut and gathered In Dorlt allowed herself the first Jeer words on a piece of paper and flicked nnd a girl came nut In due course Wilson. "I'm afrnb' that w ere going of her married life. “ If'a a humllla June or enrly July. Oen, ration after It arross the desk. “ Give him that,” to have s hard lime surprising the nn«l did n rather during nnd sug generation has made besoms on the tlon," ah* said, “to which you seem he said. Swaml. He *ia- seen and known so to have accustomed yourself pretty geatlve dnnee. same farms and In the same sheds. Mike picked up the paper, glanced many wor.ders In the spiritual world "Tlm t dunce la very difficult." a well. 1 don't mean to he ungenerous at It, stuffed it I d bis shoes. that our Material miracles may not but you know how often this has hap debutante said to M. Itnvel. “ I’ve M ille n iu m K e y The nurse tells you to take Dayer Aspirin because she knows it'* “This Is Monday," went on Brom­ interest him much " tried II tline nml time ngnln. bnt Atinut IT. years ago, when the w >rd pened.” safe. Doctors have told her so. It has no effect on the heart, so fleld. “ How soon?" I don't believe I’ll ever he able to “ All these things.” murmured the “ efficiency" entered polite society, we “That’* true enoagh," he admitted “ Wednesday night, mebbe." take it to stop a headache or check a cold. For almost instant Swnml. with a slight gesture that “ I've no excuse except that I've had dance It the right way." thought that the key to the front door M. Itnvel *mlle«l. “ Right. Take a drink and beat I t ” up «11 New York, "are of the relief o f neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism; even lumbago. Hut be o f the inilleniiitn had suddenly been the rotteneat luck that anyone could Mike did both of those things. “The right way to dance Hint rnoMK-nt The splr* I* eternal." sure it’s Dayer— the genuine Aspirin. At druggists, with proven found.— Woman's Home Companion. Imagine. Everything I’ve touched has On Thursday morning next Mr. Col directions for its many uses. The three mpn dined together In gone wrong, and now, well,—If I can't dance," he anld, “ la the wrong way." by. In going through the letters on Stanley’* apartment In the hotel, Wil­ Aw*m > Is Ih* tr.Os su rk o f tU rrr M »n o fM t«fa Rpenking tenas—-telephone rates raise S.V.,000 hy tomorrow morning, I ot 'Junoicritrattato«MV o f is IlrfU rs e ia his office desk already opened hy hi* son allowing himself to be persuaded C o lo r F ilm * f o r A ll shall he completely wiped out." secretary, encountered the following to remain. A new cinematograph Invention en “ Yon mean the business— ?" note: After the meal, Stanley asked “ Dh. no. no. he laid hastily, “ the able* motion picture* In natural col “ Mr. William Bromfleld presents 'Well, what Is the news?" hnslnesa la all rlghL This la my per ora to he iMkcn with an ninnteur'a hla compliments to Mr Alexander Col Has Your “ Oh. nnlldng of any great Impor nnn-lilne, hy placing u Alter on the soi i a I account" by and requests the favor ot a per fanre." answered Wilson. He hail lens of the rnme>*a for use with a *pe G ra n d m o th e r’s R em edy Dorl* had not been listening to hit sonal interview af Mr Colby's office news enough, hut this wus not the mo rial niui. Thla filter la a tranipnr For every stomach tergiversations for the belter part of this afternoon between the hours of menf to tell IL ent gelntln «link, divided Into three and Intestinal I1L a year without being able to tell when three and four. • K. S V P." section* representing re«!, green and “ Waterman well? And—Mrs. Water This good old-fash­ he was lying. She knew that he was The lawyer smiled a quizzical smile hine-vlolet. As the light passes man?” continued Stanley. ( y l i f i n i r i i w ork« w o n d er« ioned herb home lying now. but she only said. “ All and took up his telephone. “ I believe ao." through the disk It become* separated In th e r a r e a n d p re u e r- remedy for consti­ right, Rollln. I’ll write you my check I.ate that afternoon he spent one Into Its appropriate color group. “ I want .o see them right away. Ex­ pation, stomach III* for Wt.onO with the understanding v a tlo n o r y o u r h n ir halt hour with Dorlt over ttie tea cuse me." He took up the telephone and other derange­ that this I* absolutely the last time cups. This was a custom which hail “ I'taZH 2i»7(5, please—yea.” Mssssge the tctlp with Curicura Ointment No Writtoa Records ments o f the sys­ I'm perfectly willing to give yon an As he waited for the answer. Stun lo soften and remove the scslez o f dirt snd tem so prevalent these days Is In even grown In frequency of late. Though Itnllatia Ham no written language allowance, that Is the kind ol ley continued. “They haven't eittier dandruff. Sham poo wit h (.utkura Soap fo greater favor as a family medicine he had always been dose to hla daugli other tlniu picture writing Tlielr ter, o f late he had «eenit-d to he drawn of them been very communicative. I mnn you are. apparently, nut If y o j tale* and I«'g*nd«j4ere preserved frtsm cleanse and purify the hair and restore its than In your grandmother’s day. natural gloss and vigor. to her even more Intimately than ol got one letter from Waterman—wait­ get caught again In the stock market generation t » generation by word of old. lie began to *ee Hint she needed ing for me when I reached Yokohama It's at your own risk, la that under mouth. ■ metAmf fhe rang awara •tood?" • f rmrimM O r Ito . * < « . « w ikair. Mm. and though he regretted the —hut none at all from D«>rla. Yea— tTO me CONTINUED.) r»...* f.* «fl-iima. tsadu „ raortssiosi cause, he war not III pleas* >1 with It* I'lnra 2o7fl? Yea— may I speak with E n ro ll a p y tiu i*. sen d fo r litera tu re. Soap l»c. Oiatmvnt I k sad Me. Tainan I k Sold «s e r - The man whoa* only thoughts are result The talk bad fallen on the Mr* Waterman? Just fell het It's • «■ C O N IN S T IT U T E O F TE C H N O L O O T ah * ?» . a h (r«s. Addns»- ' * u i.n ira ." Dop«. B I . Two hearts tira better tli*o If for himself haa bat little us* for • - M - C . A U ld g . P o rU a u d , O regon ; subject of the stolen Jewels. M »l«l*a. Maat. B V « a d r a r a a h a v .a g S d r h a » » . Mr. Wilson." He smiled al the secre they're trumnw brain« T M l «T O B Y I X s U M m J i * J t i n . * , » , , tea. W N. U. r a d io Si fk Mather C m It Hapey Unless Bnbies Art Safe G lessco CONSTIPATION ta-MsMILLAN CARTER'S EES PILLS To Cool a Burn ÍÍSS jSrf nerves ! i Pastor Koenig’s Nervine! This Mother Had Problem Jtaf{p it / 7 ts Bauer itr Garfield Tea S C H O O L FOR MEN SPIRIN