B eaverton Review Issued Kv.ry TIIK or pr°- OREGON: You and each of you d! a ll th-" ~ era hereby notified that L. R. Mln- M c A U .^ A ‘¡T °7 h - «■ «*• bolder of Certificate of Do- S i 'i g Bank H i" ; "n H dlabJii " t’ ',U,nC,r " umb' r#d » * * • Imu« ( • " Oregon, within at. month. W U v e ‘ S J ? "? t W A R M A IR L E A D S A S M O ST P O P U L A R H E A T IN G SY ST EM Friday at Beaverton, Oregon, B y- REVIEW PU BLM H INO CO Which ayali'iti ut homa-hoatlng la moat popular, Is a question huma own- fnlfrt' e Carter km frequently poniltr whan trying to J II H ululi ••tart riiultmiant fur their own '.oliar« Tha answer la given by the Encorvd aa *vc<>iid eia.* mattar llntlnnil Institut* of Thermulogy uf . nib. r U, 1.1--, at th« i>o*Lyiiii'i< llollnml, Mich., which etica rcatilta of I M umm rti'ri. U rrgoii, ululir Out a nnllohnt aifTvry on tha subject ra rcntly completed. Act uf .Hutch J, IHilt. Thl* Invcatigntlon showed that 4fl.ll per m il of all American home* are henleit by Ih# warm air circulating FRIDAY, Dh< EMUl.K 14, IVid. system ; 24 per rent by steam, hot «valer, vapor an<1 vacuum ayst<-ms; I squirt, the tty lc maker, nay a tb« anfl Ibe remaining 2V.1 per cent by U v y . a it t u r i n n . u . t go. 1 i i u i i k good- alme* and flreplacea. •»••», mmaa going. This la taken aa an Index of publie appreciation of tha healthiness of T im -»» who art< ill luv« hava ona warm air heat aalvaniug« uvtr thua« whu are in truubi#— (tiara at a inure «aila U> Deep Baoement Adda to iuva Oian tnvra at a tu truut'l«. Home Heating Efficiency Hoc1#ty Killt or ,»J .uagor (.«uil manner* conalat largaly in traatmg th« other tailuw aa though ha w*r« aa important aa ha (««la. EDITS. ax rkioooogdrgiudtlrdrT I f Ihs prospective home-builder wants a well heated bouse, he should Insist that the basement be deep enough In allow for Installation of hi* warm air furnace In such a mea­ ner that It ran function to the beet advantage. U tlilb T IA N li This I* the advice of the engineers Vie 1,1. ouisei.es “ Christiana“ , W„y i uveauae lh.it is the common of the Holland Inatltu's of Tlisrmol name that all are eiitiusu to wear ogy. Holland. Midi which has recent­ wiki bullv«e tu uesu* « Uriel and u- ly complatad a survey of the factors making for eflldent home heating bey lua iui.ooai.il.. 1. 1. nut • par To meet the situation In old homes ly iittiue. There an, unquestibllttbly iheluouist U .ritl ana, Uupl.al Cnrta where hnaemenis rannot be altered to Uuiis, I'r e li, t. nun C brisUana, Cath provide for a first.rate heating In «.it l in-.i.a. o hat we dcp.ute I* stallatlon, or where conditions of the ar.lt problhlt basements of the Ideal In« wSe of • nttioe Jlttl Uisliiigulsb- depth—seven feot-the largest pro cs one group uf Curialittli* from durer of warm air heating plants ro another. We call ours#iv«a Chria- cently developed a new type of toner Uttha and Christiana only nut to dif circulating heating plant. II Includes f « renllnle ours civs# from |olh*rs, a motor-driven fan which force, air out to .d.n-ify oursel •*» w.th lh«m. through ducts and leaders through Narrow »««-tarianism does nut aug- which the fores of grsvlty will not g«al the name. We do nut claim mova It to be the only Chr.stlana, but Christens only. Wear the name If NOTICE TO < R EDITORS you will exalt it a. day will com» when undersigned has been duly appoint we will l ave a cum nun name ani ed by the alova «(titled court a* a common faith. “ One I ord, on. the Administrator o f the Estate of faith, one baptism.’’ Differcnees will said deciesed, and has duly quall- be forgotten. We will tie one, and Aed as such; Now, therefore, all persons har­ the prayer of Christ will be ana- ing claims against said estate are "ered (Read John 17.) hereby notified ami require«! to pre- Home Disasters That Needn’t Occur IWICTJVI HUnM SYSTUO ¡AND SMOKING ~2S% («61955 [ m » ° Lt u M - g % Every four minutes throughout the year somewhere In the United States a horns catches Hr#, and (here la loss of property, If not of life. Thl» makes a total of 131,«K) residential Ares svery year, aays *ho Holland Institute uf Thsnnulogy of Holland, Mich., or the conAngratlon of a* many house« aa there are In Itiiffnlo. N. Y„ with a population exceeding half a million. A l lenat three-quarters of these Are« may tie elaaaed a* preventable, and chief among the preventable Urea are those caused by heating plants h» need of rffa lr and cleaning. IH»- feetlve chimneys and Hue* an» the third greatest eanse of th* total Are loss in tills country, stove*, fur­ naces, hollers and their plpra tnke fourth place and Are* originat­ ing from sparks on ths roof come eighth. Another significant fnrt ta that In ¿rsi £ H - . M c A . . . , J T Peters, A U u J ^ y% ney. for Administrator. m 0. togethor with penalty, interest „• I.,0,V Adm nlatralor uf th. f0 tl, ^ m o . u^.n th. real KataU. uf Herman Trebaa, deceaaed. prop#rty to Herman M.tx- H im . K W KXECUTOBH | f " 't t t Z r SAI E o r R E A L r a o r u r r r H -n r, W. a « « . , , ■ # * . < In the I “ "•J' of H*ate Herman Metxger, deceased) O regna Kor Washington C'uuoty, are the ownera as appears of re Probate D part nent cord, situated In Washington Coun­ In the Malter of the Ea titled cauae, th* undersigned ax prsmlssa for prior and aubas- exerutor of the estate of Jennie Me- 8u,nt with the rate of in- Gill, deceased, will from and after i ‘ •real on said amount* aa follows: the 21 at day of January, 1929. s.11 «\ / £ r ° L ‘ f 1* 8 n?. at private aale at the reaidenoe ,"5 “ J9.17, ,r' c ' of T . J. Allen, executor, Beaverton n0- H225, $4.16, 127« Int-; 1918, Oregon. subject to tho confirmation n e t no. 14864, »4.16, 127« Int ; of this court, tho following de­ 1919, roc’t no. 14682, $6.23, 127. int-; 1921, roc’t no. 16932, $8.86, scribed real property, to-wR: 127« int.; 1922, rec't no. 16436, The Ka-t half of Lot al* (6) $9.08, 127. int.; 1923, rec’t no. Spencer Homestead, Wa«hlng4 16813, $8.64, 127« int,; 1924, rec't ton County. Oregon, and ihe no. 8687, $4 19, 127. in t; all above Fait half of Lot seven (7 ), wore paid on May 19, 1926. For Spencer Homestead, Washing­ 1924, roc’t no. 14925, $4.16, 127. ton County, Oregon. Said sale to he for e*ah or on int. was paid on Oct. 21, 1925. De­ linquency Certificate No. 1873, a- terms approved by this court. Date o f first publication, Friday. mount $1084, rate of Interest, 12 of last *£, Total $69.37 up to January 19, Decsmher 14, 1928, date January 1926. date of last publication, Haid Nettle R. Metzger and Han- 18th, 1929. T. J. A LLEN , Exsrutor of the ry W. Metzger, as owners of the Estate of Jennie McGill, Deceased legal title of the abov« described property as the same appears of Beaverton, Oregon. record, and each of the other per­ sons above named are hereby fur­ SUMMONS ther notiAed that L.R. Miner will For Publication in Forec'osure of apply to the Circuit Court of the Tax Lion. County and State aforesaid for a IN TH E C IC I'IT COL'RT OF THE decree foreclosing the lien against STATE O F OREGON F O R the property above described and W ASHINGTON COUNTY. mentioned in sad cartAcate. L. R Miner, Plaintiff, vs. Nettie You and each of you are hereby R M etiger; Henry W. Metxger | further notiAed that L. R Miner, and Flora Matrger. his wife; A-j th, holder of Certificate of Delin- dnlph Wolfe, unmarried; Henry > quency numbered 1927, issued sn G Wolfe and Laura W olf«, his the 3rd day o f July, 1926, by the wife; Geo ge Wolfe and Gertrude Ta„ Collector of the County of Wolfe, hie wife; Jerome Wolfe; Washington. Stat« of Oregon, for Sanford Wolfe and Sadie Wolfe, the amount of $16.10, the same be-i his wlfa; Adple Olaen and Bert jng the amount then due and delin- Olaen. her husband; Sadie Collier quent for taxes for the year 1920. and Robert Collier, her husband; together xrith penalty, interest and Florence Wolfe Ettleeon and J. coeta thereon upon the real prop- Ettleson, her husband; Edward erty assessed to Herman Metzger Neustadter, u n m a r r i e d a n d (now deceased) of which property Jack Neuatadter, a minor; also defendants, Nettie R. Metzger and all othar persons or part ice un- Henry W. Metzger (heirs of said, known claiming any right, title, Herman Metzger, decased) are the estate, lien or interest in the. owners as appears of record, sit- real estate described in the a- listed in Washington County, State herein, De- of Oregon, and particularly hound­ mended complaint ed and described as follows, to-w lf fendants. Lot Three (S) Block Forty- To Nettle R. Metzger: Henry 0. one (41) Metzger Acre Tracts. Wolfe ard I.aura Wolfe, his wife; You are further notified that the George Wolfe and Gertrude Wolfe his ««rife; Jerome Wolfe; Sanford said L. R. Miner has paid taxes on Wolfe and Sadie Wolfe, hi» wife; said premises for prior and subse­ Adels Olsen and Bert Olaen. ner quent years with the rate of in- husband; Sadie Collier and Robert terest on said amounts as follows: Colter, her husband; also all for the year of 1911, rec’t no- 9181, oth'-r persona or parties unknown »9.27, 127. int.; 1914, rec’t no. claiming any »igbl. title, estate, 13619, $7.25, 127« int.; 1915, rec't Hen or interest in the real estate no. 14251, $?.50, 127- int.; 1916, described in the amended com­ rec’t bo 14606, $11.03, 12<“r int.; plaint herein, of th* above named 1917, rec’t no. 14227, »9 37, 127 defendants: int.; 1918, rec’t no. 14868, »8.92, IN THE NAM E OF THE STATE 127 Int.; 1919, rec’t no. 14586, $9.39 Berthold* Egg M ash B e rth o ld ’ D airy Feed B e rth o ld ’ S c ra tc h Feed CHARLES BERTHOLD Hay, Grain, Feed, P ou ltry Supplies Garden Seed Lim e, C em en t, Plaster, FertH irer Btavvloa, Or«. Portland Enjoy the “Silver Grays”—They arc built to give the utmost in comfort and safety. Individual seats, air cushioned, lights so that you may read at night, air brakes and a driver of Southern Pacific dependability. A great network of "Silver Grays” cover the Willamette Valley, providing fast, convenient, comfortable, economical travel to and from valley points and Portland. LOANS on real e»tate. Low inter? est cost, repayment priv­ ileges. Write (or details. Note these Schedules to Portland from W ASHINGTON Forest G rovs—leave }: JO, 7:45, M 5 a. m. and hourly thereafter to 2:45, theft 4:45, *5:45,6:45 Savings & Loan Assn. Shute Bldg. DR. A. E. WILSON 22 states greater loss resulted from one of thru« three preventable causes than from any other single cause. The national annual Are-loss from these three causes combined I* $.08,- 201.67(1, according to the latest Ag- urea avnllatde. A thorough cleaning out o f the fur- n*ce, pipe* and chimneys every year will lend In a largo measure to re­ duce these losses, says the Institute, and Is, therefore, a civic responsibil­ ity on every householder. By th* modern giant power suction vacuum cleaner, all the dirt la removed from Ihe heating system, and tho removal of carbon from the chimney elim­ inates the possibility of siwrks fall­ ing on the roof. Al the same time, Ihe whole heat­ ing and smoke-pipe system Is Inspect­ ed for defects, which, when discov­ ered, may be repaired before they reanlf In disaster. and 8:45 pm. Hillsboro, Ore. Hillsboro— leave 5:45,8:01,10:01 a. m. and hourly thereafter to 3:01 then 5:01, *6:01,7:01 and 9:01 p m Beaverton— leave 605,8:25,10:25 a. m. and hourly thereafter to 3:25 p m then 5:25, *6:25, 7:25 and 9:25 p m Rail tickets ate good on the "Silver Gray” motor coaches including the 10 ride ticket. •Sunday ooly- Southern Pacific C. E. Allen, General Agent PRE-HOLIDAY BARGAINS ■ ■ ■■■■■> ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY DOLLARS W ORTH Clip ihU coupon and mail il with f l for a six week«' trial tubteription t* THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR rub!t«h«4 fejr T hb C n iiit u n ScutNca P ublishing S ocibtt Boston, | f % » rhuMtt». ................. U. S. A ‘ Get Your Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings, Blankets & etc AT CUT PRICES la It too wlU flml the dally good new« o f th# world from Its 750 special writers, arim cnti devoted detoted to wotnec’a womec'a and rhlidron'# In terets, «port». mu«lc. aa well so departments d rom o into ro o r bota« ap fearless an crin.'stloa. radio etc. Too w ill ba g lM to welt advorafo of neor* and prohibition And don't t miss Snubs our i dog and the Bdmdlol V 4 the other T n « N ow is Your Opportunity! Take Advantage! C H S t r r i A j f B c iw n c b M o n i t o « , B a c k P a y S ta tio n , B o s to n . M a ss, rienas smd me n all weeks' trial ssbserlpttoo. 1 enclose ooe dollar 191). FREE (Nam e, plrass print) ~(A*lrmT (S la t .) New Capitol THEATRE TICKETS To Purchasers Ladies' Vi Children's FELT SLIPPERS Reg 75i Value CUT PRICE....... - - - - - - - BOYS’ It Isn’t Being Done Time was when in the strong ..box of even the most success- 'Jful men could be found woith- ■ì \ 'K ! less stock which was not worth the paper it was written on. But it isn't done any more. Investments are quickly and ♦ ' «f the new receiver. An Improved form of tuned radio-frequency circuit is employed, comprising three stages of radio-frequency amplification, dotec- tor. and tw« stages of audio-frequency amplification, “ The operation has been reduced to the elmploat form. A power ■witch turn* the set on and off. The current drain from the electrle light line 1« no greater for the new receiver than for tha iisnnl 60-watt lamp. Tun­ ing la accomplished entirely by one knob, while an Indicator dial moves past a window In the panel. The vol­ ume Inlouslty Is controlled hy a elm pie, volume control to meet the ape cldc (sale* of the listener. "This new receiver represents ths latast davalopments In the kroadcaat inception art, which mass production has made available at a price well within ths reach of ths average to w u tf ....... ............................... £ OPOMETRIST JEW ELER^ Optical Work— Repairing 1 BEAVERTON OREGO n J A J accurately classified by DRESS SHIRTS Reg. CLT ... 6 9c Children’s STOCKINGS Keg. 25t Value CUT PRICE 15c experienced bankers and the the hankers and to rely upon the advice given. When vou make this bank your bank you are entitled to £ advisory service, which all our customeis enjoy to the ^ fullest \ B A N K OF B E A V E K T O N 0 ' 7 . W. Livermore, Pres. B. K. Denney, Vice Pres. Children’s WOOL SWEATERS Reg. $3.00 Value CUT PRICE 1.48 TOYS Doy Gray, Cashier U 1.50 Value PRICE 2 American depositois have learned to accept the service of '0 m N n t S. f . "SILVER GRAYS” oraptcAUSES-|90/0 lyiav^ o o ^ NEW SOCKET-POWER DECEIVERS ■ MEET WITH FAVORABLE RESPONSE Th# nsw socket-power receivers are fast replacing the old type aeL The simple form of turning on the light switch now supplies an Inexhaustible source of uniform power. One of the new and Improved socket-power receivers recently an­ nounced la the Radio la No. 1«. In spoaklng of It, Mr. J. L. Ray of the Radio Corporation of America laid. “ It Is entirely self contained and eg tremely compact, require* no batter-« lea or external radio power unit», hut plugs directly Into the nearcet A-C electric light eocket or outlet. With elmpllflod precision tuning, substan­ tial volume and realism of tone, and Anely balanced senaltlvlty and aelee tlvlty, thla new receiver has all the baale feature« to make It an outstand­ ing surer**. “In addition, laboratory technicians hava further Improved selectivity eo D u rjw tuning is prgvldf* fl(J| 127. int.; 1921, rec’t no. 15948, $1307, 127. Int.; 1922, rec’t no 16467, $1262, 127« Int.; 1923, rec’t no. 16935, $12.06, 127« Int.; 1924, rec’t no 9174, $6.86, 12% Int.; 1924, ice’t no. 14924. *6 74, 127. int.; all above were paid on July 3, 1926. Delinquency CertiAcati- No. 1937, a- mount $16.10, rate of Interest, 12 %. Total $139.06 op to January 19, 1926. Bald Nettle R Metzger and Hen­ ry W. Metzger, as owners of the legal title o f the above described property at thes ame appears of record, and each of the other per­ sona above ramed ar>- hereby fur­ ther notiAed that L. R. Miner will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid to : a decree foreeloeing the lien against tha property above descridbed and mentioned In said certiAcate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty day* after the Arat publication of the sum­ mon*, exchialva of the day of said A rat publication, and defend this ac­ tion or pay the amounts dua aa *- bove shown, together with coat« and aerued interest, and in caae of your failure to do so, a d-ctee will be rendered foreclo ing th* lieni of said taxes and costs against the land end premia*« above named. This summons is publi hed by or­ der of Honorable Geo. R. 1’agley, Judge of the Circuit Court Of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Washington, and stld order w si made and dated this 30th day of October, 1928, ard the date of the first publication of this summons U the 2nd diy Of Novsmber, 1928. All process and papers in this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereinafter mentioned L. R. M ner. Plaintiff, Residence and Address, Metzx r Oregon. M. B. Bump, res deence and ad­ dress, Hillsboro, Oregon- D. D. Bump, residence and ad­ dress, Forest Grove. Oregon. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of First Publication, Novem­ ber 2, 1928. Date of Last Publication. Janu­ ary 4, 1929. » 254 and 50f VALUES Æ 5& 10 Children's UNION SUITS Reg. $1.00 Value CUT PRICE 48c Men’s and Boys’ CAPS Reg. $1.00 Value clT PRICE 69c Ladies’ and Misses' GALOSHES, Regular $3.00 va:ues. variety of colors, large aa- sortn.ente, C l T PRICE ..................... . »1-69 $2.50 Children s Shoes, CUT PRICE ....... »1.48 Ali $6 and $6 Ladies' and Misses' Ehimps Straps and Oxfords, latest styles, Cut price 2.78 Jl.00 Men’s Felt Slippers. CUT PRICE 694 15 00 Boys' Dross sbees, CUT PRICE . »1.89 Puscial lot. Ladies’ and Misses' Shoes. Straps And Pump*. Reg. $4.00 values. CUT PRICE $1 99 »5.00 Men’ s Shoes and O xford*.(V Price. $2,98 $4.00 Men’s Heavy Work Shoes, Cut Price, »2.98 *6.50 Men’s Hi-Top Slieea, CUT PRICE. *4.98 ’ 55 00 Boys’ Hi-Top P W s . CUT PRICE, *3.98 (Boy Scout Knives Wjth Every Pa'O J8.00 Men's Hip Boots, Red Rubber, Cut to, »4.49 5500 Men’s fiubhe*- Pars C l T PRICF. ... $2 79 C6c Men's ard Coys' Heavy Woo] Sox ....... 38e 11.50 Mrn's Flannel Shirts. CUT PRICE .. 79e «2.00 Vcn’s I ’ n-'on Salts, CUT PRICF. . . . 98e #6.50 Wool PCflk«- Knit Rweat-’ rs, Cut Price. *2.«8 71.00 Men's Wool Flannel Shirts, Cut Price. »2.48 #.:,00 Blankets. Full Size. Double, Cnt Price. *3.69 00 Boys’ Suits and Overcoats Cut Price, $3,48 115 Young men's suits A overcoats Cut Priee. $7 99 812.00 M*n's SuP* and Dverrr.ats Cut Price. * i* 85 g.-, oo Bovs’ Pain Costa, Yellow. CUT PRICE »7.42 *15 00 Men’s Genuine L«ath«r Coat«, Cu* Price. *S 98 #10 00 Men's Rheenskm C-ata. CUT PRICK *6 98 *1.50 Bovs’ Cordurov Kn'cker*. O ’T PR IC E 69e 13.00 Bovs’ Long Ccrds. CUT PRICE ....... $1 98 #2.50 Men’s Pants. la rg e so'eo’ ion, Cut Price $1.48 TOYS Fur The K IDDI Eg 1-2 P ric e MEN’S SOX Reg. l i t Valus CUT MEN’S RUBBERS Reg. $1.25 Valus CUT PRICE ALL GRANGE Rayos HOSE Reg. 764 Value CUT 229 231 S T . Betwe n SALMON and M AIN STS. PORTLAND, OREGON M .In Store open evenings to 9. Sundays, 9 am. to 2 p.m. Mail Ordcre Filled— Postage Extra. ,35c PRICE MAMMA MEMBERS N. DIRECTOR S WOOLFN STORE ,79c Women's The Official Grange Store 16% DISCOUNT TO 6c PRICE DOLLS Reg. $2.00 Valus FIRST CUT PRICE ., 79c 4