>,l u t ,.' *•. DUX. University Library E» IK i r « FOR »KAV IltTON. r i : v i k w h for TIIK it T h e B eaverto n R e v ie w CLEAN READING FOK ALL THE FAMILY The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests O f Eastern Washington County. VOLUM E VII, NO. 2. Single Copy, 5 Cents former Beavertonians Celebrate Wedding Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon. IIICH SCHOOL N EW S ■ ---------------------- ----- ------------ UN Thinks future Has Friday, Oregon State News M........ ...............“ i " ---------------p December 1928. ] $1.50 Per Year Santa To Arrive in Town Next Week ----- 1 Â M M É s f1 [ JCOUBT HOUSE ITEMS' 17344522 —M * A new city hull st Arlington is The Sophomore* won the Inler- ARRESTS ’ nearing completion. ch»»* haaketbnll rhupion*hip, it wi< Harry Gardner waa arrested on | decided In a gam* Monday between The Sherwood Theater is being a (trunkene** charge by Sheriff th* **nlor* ami aophinorea who had remodeled and improved. Reeve«, Dev. 8. prevloualy defeated th* Juntura and 'Utt|ti|(lui(u t t u ijv .il i i u ;n b o| iiQ the freahmen re» peril vely, The Conatruction of He»*lg Block at irarn** were the mo»t hectic of th« CIRCUIT COURT A new Kir key Prairie achoo'itouite They Celebrate At Home the aoph* winning by Juat Y'oilllt' Men Advised to Cl’l Business Hous­ two pointa. Th* aoph girl* beat the near Molalla was dedicated, recent- Windows, senior girts 10 0 and the aenior O f Their Daughter, Set For Eight Years Ilarly Sprouts is erecting a mo es Decorated To Fit boy* were unable to overcome the ' dern cream warehouse at Condun. handicap a* is provided in the rule* Mrs. J* Chilton Of Hard Work Holiday Season plead guilty to a drunken*»* charge ¡y e n s O f T o w n The boya’ Kam« ended 19 2 for the 17 Htrveta have been improved in _______ waiving Grand jury indictment. He 10W n | the Fait Broadway project in Port seniors. By winning this year the ~ ~ ~ waa fined 8100. He will be paroled —_____ land. soph* wr«*t *4 the t'tle from the 2 DAUGHTERS, 1 SON present Junior team, who won It FUTURE DETERMINED A new high school gymnasium ____ last year. ______ is form afy dedicated at Gold ______ filed a suit on an action for money < — . » , ' A student body meeting waa held Bench. against Alfred Hansen. Howard Mr. Kennedy I . E ghty-Two Year* *“ * whieh t,m* ,he U*F»' Ho#v*r 1 * First ’Heal ’ Executive „ Children Are Invited To Come Sc* MeCullach is the attorney lor the M“ I Dinner Guest* In Beaverton glee club entertained the students ^Ke grounds around the Umpqua A n#w He* vert on victory song wia Elected l're«‘dent Of The IT, 8 . Kiver lighthouse station to be ira- Old. Hia Wife la Eighty-Five Sanu Claus Die,.eh’. Store j P U r i £ Phillip, ha. filed suit for Dur‘ " « Th* P“ ‘ W ~ * aung and met the approval of e- _____ proved. _______ a divorce from Samuel Phillips on ______ _ veryone. i | The Keno section of the Ashland l a charge of ill treatmant. The cou- Kedlanda, Calif., Dec. 10, 1928 A Torch^ honor *o< iety meeting The election of Mr. Hoover give* Klamath highway will be paved in i = hollday »pirit is in the air. p'a wera married March 4, 1927.) Mr*. C. J. Stevens waa a New- (Special) Comparatively few cou- waM h,,‘ *"‘*1 Hebalo chan.pion- ident of the United States y -)2 construeUoo ot a naw tourthou*e 1 Lm._ ,Ujre* . “ nd ,oth*r *ke 1« the attorney for the plain- *nea* were Portland visitor*, Wed. Nov. 12 at the home of their ,h lP wl11 <»'5«'***^'* *n a debate Hoover will be re-elected in 193_ iiU.Hine»* houses are artfully decor- tiff, daughter, Mr*. J. A. Chilton. 1301 *h<* hilrh ,e‘‘° o1 ■“ «••»ortum Friday and we can, therefore, feel confl- «t ililujjjook. a ted in holickiy c o o . a. Chris Unas _ _ _ | Lertord Adams has recovered liroo side avenue, a few intimate ri°dl,yi when th* s^niora and th* dent that up to 1937 this country from a severe attack o f the Flu. Ihe Caiifornia-Oregon Power Co trees and other de:orations related MARRIAGE LICENSES friend. Joining the couple to a«- «!"**• Thev will debate will witness some o f its Lc 4 y Rome o f you men are quite"you* g! w l ^ j U m , 0 ^ ^ a n c and to C’hn.tmaa have Uen u ^ d . i t Marriage license* were issued to Mr. and Mr* ivant _______ tend congratulations. «• V * i'UMton o f [ R«*<.lved. that 8, la hinted that francy himself will the following persons during the visiting at the home of bit .c,.,. the United State* should materially • nd oUr advice to you i* to "Get Mr and Mra. Kennedy, who have " V ,* , " i'loneer Hardware Store C° me to U'wn *° ftnd uut ***'■ Mat week: U re m° th* r’ r e t id « . 1 ) « > « 11., . r i v tw.ntv ------------- reduce her army and navy In ac- Set for eight year* o f haid work 11 he in .'tiurishfVdcl is being en- ,t,e bttic kiddies want him to Rn*a Tupper of Forest Grove and coming from Portland Ore * are wl,h lw’*r<’ «"<1 careful «comunicai handling of building LuiU ; bring them Christinaa day. In Edith Gray of Port’and, Dec. 8 . R. K- Putman was married a C h well and hlTov H . U 82 and U* m’ G «irge your peraoaal affair», well a . U.vl ly remodeled. both well and happy II« la M and , UrH, F lif.t .th Huff, and Ronald ,„,ra. Train your-elv*. to handle I . , „ . . *hDrt becoming more and Theodore Keueer and Alice Mul- few weeks ago to a widow in Port *h# la 86 years On the w wi„ up'old uphoM th. th n „ j rg g ^ .tiv i v . . aide ,|H* money , . . . of age. w,‘ ‘ nr w#bb. Will .* p en *. »em on " , ! ^ P T . ‘ » m- more aware o f the fact that Christ rooney. both of Portland. Dec. 10. l«nd. moll«*V wisely. wiirlv. Spend **---- J «inen annivecaary of their marriage they o f th, qurit,|oB while th, , elrnui. ey J lth V , “, T “ “ “ <• N*w Year »• j««* John Haaiand and Norma Stick- v. „ _ _ ,o g r iW <, 8 h . w . . f„rm .m * l" U by lh* " * » with e K ^ J m o m y .^ * ” '**’ + a^und the com er. ney. both of Portland. Dec. 8 . ? „ , . K i A1 , ,, . . repreaented by Lewia Poole, Jim careful with your own money. The A 9S&JH/0 new bank building and Strolling by Sprague’« dry good R ------------------------------------------------— ■ Friday of last w o k 1 ° e ly K«t>cc a Knight Abbott and be- _____ A - _ j u n . u ___i. . __.. . .. •' *n n ...... .......... . . . ..... __ „ . „ ,i ____ ____ _ ____ _ c . c _ . i i n r ' AI v r u 'C l r ™-*y °* *«•* week. IXX'A L N EW S cams th# bride ------------------------------------------ a Barbara Cady and Mr Tucker at In Stow*. Frontier Thesta Pegg had her tonsils re- tended the C. E. Cabinet meet- the marriage being moved in Portland,. last week. mg at Hillsboro Sunday. . ». * — •- " • ’ » »«» ■»” ” ’r n iiituviirr v'**v ms * « « u s e tiirou ffh the Plum Creek County m Rood p(arv to do _ your Ví!. *rr.U “A _..T iîf . . . ” chance to "Get a little ah. o|". The waa started recently Immedlato’y after the and Mrs. W . Boyd visited Mr. Paul "shuitx, a local wood , , _ . . ... • esru atony whlch th* moat annuals at the * JT '.T* .. Christmas shopping. Tak e >ou ortland friends Sunday afternoon, dealer is recovering from the ef- they sUried 1 for Dulr th.tr new home- clo#B n/ ^ th. Ul# o f Greenburg was V.1J i W k " PortUn house which was to he their home |fl------------------------------------ ----- - *i ">«ke hay during the next eight will he esO abli*^ by U .' S. Gov- ter from Santa saying that the s recent visitor at the Review o f- w er nome’ for some year* among the hardy Tho thirj ini()e >old lht, nlo, t Vr‘ ,r*. '.rtwav-x near Medford. jovial old fellow himself will be in fice. Mr. and Mrs. H. Waite were din- ploneare. ( h .iu m a . ,u m p the recent Yl they prospered. A bu- They sold a total of almost *20 ■ ineas 0 * ening in Hakting*. Neb., worth «A slampa. They wrr* arpeated b> Mr. Kennedy after ».w arded a Kslf-holiday which they - g j * —- -v ■■•■o. ' . .. -w v „ . . . _ , . __________ Urn* and he dD,Km*d of hi. land* will take * 0 » «11 - * m^re r, .1 Construe Har,K-r and r“ neh- A »*“ a,*°f find * ^ l u m g . M r,. J. R. Talbert waa a funch- |o takr a position tn the railroad (n the aixth grade a I Knit five pu- *'v« A verm ent than ever Ufwre. A JbtWO new pipe organ has been dl*P,U y K^ T ,, „ , , 18,t‘an A hur ‘h^ he“ * 600 It “«*1 at **» h« me of Mrs. S. Shop» of this new town residing P)U received Palmer button» for Un do«.*». Banking. Engtneering, installed in the reconetrucUnl Me- *tock of Ue^n * . lhwg; , ^ ™ *l th* chnrch’ Tuesdj,y , f C. Huntly of Portland Sunday, there until UW7, when the family doing the fin,l twenty.five drill*. Water-power Deve'opment. Market- thodist Church in Greaham. j liU nM>° n - Mrs. G. A. Gilmoreand daughter People We All Know ,„!£ L S H 'S L S r - * ’“ I8" " « I»t»r««n* Ftr«» A . “ •"* Numfcer Of Cit- ¿VJSXfrSSriA MANY DECORATIONS « M" feW MEETING IS S tr iT S " ' MR. AND MRS. HUGH- g Q f l ENTERTAIN CLUB Mr. and Mrs. L . Hughson en -1 tertnined the N-ivhhorhood riuh.it home on M’ ntscn St. Tues-I day evening. Cards were played and d ’ I'ghtful refreehments were »erva.l by the hostess. First ladies' j Roy bv Mrs. i-ir e wm won Young. First man a prize was n warded Roy Young, ronsolntion vvn won by E- E. Swenaon and Mrs. R l g g * . ________ /ip n n /ip (iM )K (tK l l f P ) V O* p l J V . W K M .n „ L y tv ERAL IS llr iL lF ---------- Funeral service* for the Into Ge rge Wil'», who died suddenly n hla homo on Johnson Road from heart trou '1*. were held from Pegg’s chapel, Sunday afternoon with in- lerment nt Creacent Grove cemeterv !H* waa 8 » year* old. He leave* to mourn his parting a wife and two children. WHITE GIFT SERVICE TO BE HELD, SUNDAY The annuel White Gift Sundnv i service will be held In Bethel Church rn Pec. 16th at 11 o’clock, Tn om- 1977 aervice w# received 156 gifts which were d noted to the .«alwt'on Army o f fo-tla.id for t|ie Cbriatma# seaaon. Gifts of food or »eeord hand I clothing nre all acceptable. I ---- — Mra. Otto Erickson entertained the SCO club at her home last Frl- dav afternoon. Mrs. H. L. Hud- son won th# highest scope. Mrs. W. H. Boy$ won consolation. C»ue»t prize w m won by Mr*. R. ( Welsh. M^ r Tnii Mm E ' »"• Gorham, M r. and Mr*. It.. I ^Sefcrader were enteetamod at cards d dancinir by tho Portland l a - Port and Saturday eve-, en and occupied by Mr, and Mrs. Perkina, seat of town, waa run in- t0 by „ o t h e r csr In Portland. It ■ wna tipped over, throwing the o o - cUpant* 0 ut. Mra. Perkins receive! a f-getured collar bone. 9he i* n daughter of B. K. Peiney. ---------------------- mee* at tfi MRS. ERICKSON EN- TERTAINS 500 CLUB h«vc any w„ k , 0„ dri>. O M M I T T F .D T U E S D A Y --------- The regular prayer meetlrg at the M. E. Church was omitted Tuesday evening a* the men of the church attended the crntorAry Wil bur M. E. church at Portland t i hear Mr. Bancroft, the noted east- Washington County will Tigard V E. church. * ' 0i C!Ub more mcvtmgi until ' afUr ,he lulidnya. The next meeting will - iung wm ho held on the second Tuesday nf 1929 at the H. Barnes home. Jt )•- h..fx-tl that more members will be out to this meeting. New - , | » Tlie I. O O. F. anl Rcl>ekah 1 M'r mav atUn.i the lodge« here will have charge of who n interested may attend Uu the serve*, at th. I. 0 . 0 . F metting and .jH-ak to Mrs. Me- home in Portland, Sunday atter- Kelson tke instructor about ,« n - noon at 2:30. '«*■ McK.Uon » p o rt* that A , M . Fell has resigned his dUb to Fro»re.s.ng finely ■ p—j,!,,,, nl steward on the »'earn- . _ , , ^ ; hip WU,.oniin and purchaaed a J; D,vU ha* ^ 'tarn'td frum a re, taurant at Park and Broadway business trip In Cgltfomia. (n porti*n 4 . ej---------- - - 1 -------------------------- At the regular meeting of the Grange Saturday the fo lowing o f ftcicr. were c ’ected for th. ensuing year Master. I U r Ison Hansen. O « „ M r, Marjorie U w is. Lee turcr Mr*. M a r g a lt Denney, Chap nn. Mrs. Helen Woodward, Mrs. Luti# Boring, aecreUry, treaaurer, Mrs. Jennie Gray, outside gate keep ev„ Mr*. Wm. Barn»*, inside gato- keeper, - Andrew Kennedy, gentle- nian ateward. I’ ruc. Denney, lady assistant steward, Mra. Helen P a- via Care«. Mr». P. K. McKell, Mf*. r Q. « lin.i vi,.«, Mnr\ k Uwia Starke, and Mrs. PRAYER eV,fn‘ n‘t I>fC''niK,'r Ruy Caiir, U A, Rohse . . . and I. Jansen of Rwdvllle bagged about forty durka on a hunting trip at la k e Wamputo near Gaaton, Sun- day. JIAVE BEEN ELECTED r*‘ e r t , n s E i’ 8PECUI* F0B REVIEW r » - — -— t j r - j g s L O C A L N fc > \0 ! kt Portland, Sunday. _________ Mr. and Mrs. D. Roberts of ^^ j J. Henderson who has Corvallis were week end visitors b«en~tll for the last week is im- — ............ ... lhe last Wetk '* ‘ m at llle R ' Petch home. proving. * Mrs. T . J. Hanmgan o f Port- Mrs. F-. G. Webb was in Port- **nd was a guest of ner daughter, REGULAR M E E T I N G I * " * » < * * * and K'“ - a- Uml W. d n , ^ . y doing hey ctin .t- Mrs B. A . Rohse, the first of Mr. and Mrs. John horbe* of the week. 1 1 he StAto Highway ( ommissioYi nias shoppiìi^. Port'.and *|«nt Saturday evening vi «- ,, , T ie Choral Club held its regu'ar w‘*1 owttrd contracts f„r the stren- , at th»- home o f her sister Mr*. L gihenin^ Lower Columbia River niecting in the home of Mrs. H. * tnening ^nwer K.oiwnovk Klv" ‘ a ^ aiS e^at the Review' office one Wilmont attended the funeral o f laswel. busy p r e -'M ’ Ftarnea T u c d .y afternoon On- « - * C w k “ d day l^ s week M r,. Dav.es at Sellwood. Monday n Ihe ,« Bethel Choir m o ir nre nre vvny Pre- . f mambera of the c’ub war Noi&e Creek, paring their Christmas cantata - to | ' J y * * . . f *hC ^ ^ M r , L. Dean underwent an o- a f* ™ on /ivvn al the Hethel Church F « » « a very good practice, ---------------------- peration at St. VincenU hospital Dr Carl Swenson and family of 0 r*C* Sund“ y ________________ ____ A D D ir g D I CsKAIVCiP» U P r IU ,r.l\ n -s r « “ d v. ni tsunas parties. . » * r » T s * i w s r s ’ j ; . * . J » w{|| 1 | f ...............................* « x » c lifin g p d » at ti a iityre thill h« ■ '.i.fitu *• v contract for the f * Christina» ttke* pre tily decor- advantage o f the opportunities be bwn «warded a construction of two new boats for atvd |n bright and sparkling Christ- fore him. ^ Business never had a brighter l 'le L°°th hishcries Co. ! nul, trinkets. _________ t,utlook> The "Condon, Kinxua and Southen, Ü2 Ruilronl hi»« m m -h .u j ' ‘, I f " LOCAL N E W S I 91 C H O R A L C L U B H O L D S 1 conch for servil* Uli the line be- teinbor, 1909. v«*,l they canje to Red- ■ ing ftrpt qn Sixth *,iv«t. lands llvin then t'ynth raf ave due.’ and lastly on Hmokride next door to th«lr daugh- ter. Both have been members of the Seventh !>ey Adventist church for many years. N Besides Mrs. Chilton th* Kenn# dys have a daughter, Mra. Irene C.ramlgeorgc of Beaverton. Ore., and a son, W. W. Abbott, of Portland, both of whom visited their j nrents recvnly. rt-ceniy. There »n .rr are «rr al«o n.-u five grand- children, six great grandchildren, and two adopted children. Mr. Geo. ** * -¡¡s r - ,mn!'oSSJL T £ a “ £ s : — j turday. Mra. Douglas o f Hazcldale had her left hand crushed in a wringer. Tuesday «nd was attended by D r. Welsh _ „ . .. . * * T - P,tty and wlie' L0™ “ * Coy, H. Hupenbauer were dinner guests at the Caveness home, Wed- ,ie8d:*y « ' enin* - The Ladies Slipper club will be entertained at a cne o’clock lunch- lona by Mrs. W. 0 . Robert of portiand. Friday. F R U I T G R O W E E F R S TO u u n a i i It 11 M M F L P ' F T T I V l V ' r e n n v H U L I J M r . r . I l . M i , o U O lA a* « ■ 5 r t L " 3 E ^ a a i T TH. » e h * u * . Aid h .d . The Rebekah Needle and Social Swenaon Sunday good attendance at their bazaar and rlub met jn the j O. O. F. hall y‘ turkev dinner held at the church , Friday afternoon Mm. Raynard and son who have Friday of last week, been visiting at the Jack Raynard and Mrs. O val Thompson A special meeting of the Tuala- Mrs. Fred Braun . *nd Mrs home returned to their home at j Mr tin Valley vaney r Fruit run. urowers Growers jvssocia Associa -1 - 1 i>rvm Orval Thompson i nompson were in m ru Portland pac)ftc Q|ty Tuesday of Moro, Ore. arc visiting at the J. H. Hulctt home. They expect to li n Wl11 '* hlld Monday evening, Thursday Christmas shopping the Beaverton Realty .. ^ R 1H . r Mr. in d Mrs. L _ . ------------ Hughson ------- and ^ here f or several wcks. Mr Serfl. Mre son, Mrs. Elisabeth DaMs, Ray | slipped and fell an some steps dis- Mah.'.-r and daughter, Betty were Mrs Arthur Wi son took her A representative of a fruit buj locatiug hia right shoulder. gale n Sunday small daughter Barbara . . to a Port- Sale n visitors visitors, Sunday. ing concern will lie there Vo offer land eye specialist Monday for prices on strawberries and sign Up B - Moore has filed suit on an treat of one of her eyes. contracts. It is urged that every Tell the merchant yOU »ctiwi for recovery of money a- 108 . . ' ’ . . grower interested be present. SEW’ his ad in the ‘Review. ------------------------------------------ -------- yf ^ plaintiff. B _________________ duties at family fcST^n Until Star after the hell- holi­ days, when he will return to his a logging camp. H S GRADUATE i _ £ L S £. HAS LEADING PART ^ .T d .“ ' " » ¡t h M r,. b i „ - - 1 *«Fs sister at Seattle, Wash. Miss Mildred McLeod of Hillsboro Mrs S. Wheeler who has been has been chosen for the leading visitinir at the H. L. Waite homo part in “ The P a t s y a three act Vlslting for the al past week returned • - to - her comedy-drama to be given at the home in Seattle Wash. Wednesday. Venetian Theater in Hillsboro. Funeral services for Mrs. Davies, Tuesday evrming. December 18th. The play is sponsored by the W. sister o f the late George) Tefft, R. C. and directed by Mrs. H- were held in Portland, Monday af- H . Stannard. who will also take temoon with interment at C re seen part in the play. Grove cemetery. This type o f work is not new jjrs. L. Meyers entertained her to Miss McLeod, as many persons motHer Mrs. Florence Johnson and in Beaverton remember her many y , , Hreakwith and son of Dillev, parts n High School productions. j| rs j g. Jacks and Mrs. Charles She is a graduate of the class of j fccka » t a luncheon Wednesday. ’26 o f Beaverton High. Her pa- , . , «. . j . u r, rents, Mr and Mrs. J. H. Mff- ^ About twenty-five frends ' - nd reside here. Since graduation Moehe»«.j wc:iu«re R , _ Miss McLeod has been an employee at tho honlf 0 . J sba of the Portland Electric Power Co. Cedar St. Tuesday aftcrn ^ n She She is also president of the Hills- w<” tb« recipient of ma.iy lo *ly boro Business and Professional W o- g i f » , men’s Club, a notional organization. Mrs. Charts Jacka entertained at The Club is a very large and ac- hrr home Wednesday afternoon in live one in the City of Hillsboro, honor o f Mrs. L. Meyers. Dainty -------------------------- refreshment* were served. Among HANSON BROS. W IN those present were Mrs Jornson P R I7 F «1 AT SiH O W Mr*. Breakwaith of Pilley Mr». K K IA P j H A I w#rr?n B;irr<,s> Mrs Paul R.ng’.e T ~— 7 . _ of Hillsboro, and Mr*. W. Cady The many friends of Hanron Mrg j Jacka. Mra. Nell Talbot . *“»“»• were glad to hear o f their ____ »- winning prizes at a poulry »how M th<> 0 rim ,„ Canv-.n “ Tell me; Thev won 3rd and 4th prizes at the wh>t >re Mn,f of the chicf beauties rr,D, ’V ' W h d d in Portland last neighborhood that w# must . week with their white leghorn I cockerels. They live south of town n" ml- » The cockerel* are of eastern stock "Well, there a Old mah Johnson* Harris Hanson is a tenor in the jnughtcr down by the null, ard . Bethel choir and »Inga every Sun- Tom Jonea’ wife up that thare day at th# Congregational church mountain.” '