T n r. b k a y b r t o n B e a v e r to n R e vie w Issued Every Friday at Oregon, H E ttE W Juliette Carter J. H. Huiett 1‘UBLISHING CO Boc'ety Editor Manager - WITNESS my hard am! the seal r\ W M el/gcr, >is owners of th« Delinquency OrtlflenU« Noi 1927 o f said court affixed thla «7th day legal title of the above described mouit $18.10, rate nf Interest, o f tvtoher, 1928 property as the same appear* of ' i-. Total $139.06 up to January Edw, 0. l.uce record, and euch of the other per- ipjjd t’lerh o f Prvhate Court of anna above named lire hen'hy fur ft ,|,| Nettle R Me tiger and I Washington, County, Orgeon ther uotifl. .1 that I It Miner w ill ry \y Metsger, as owners of Nu/.arene l hurdt apply to the Circuit Cmnt of the |, *,d title t f the almve deter SUMMONS County and State «for.....ltd for n property al thes am* appears 10:00 A M Sun. y School, J 1 Eor I’ uhlieulion in E* ree osure of decree forv.-Kvdng the lien against ,,„ onl, and each of the other | Holden Superintendent. Tus Lien. the propelty above deserllwd and ,,MI above named are hereby 11:00 A. 4. Morning Worship. IN THE t i l l IT C u b in ' OK THE tneiiUi ned In sad lertfirate. ! ther notiflod that L. R. Miner O-'il I* M, Young I Vo ¡'le* Meetintr STATE O l OREGON EO It ' " f v" 11 hereby „ppiy t0 the Circuit Court of 7:30 P. M. Evangelistic Service. It \SlHNGTON C O l’ NTt further notified lha' I It Miner, (',,UMty and State aforesaid fu, Irayer me tn g* every T'ucsxlav I R Miner. Plilnllff, x^. Nettle holder of Certificate of Ihlln- .decree foreclosing the lien aga t».,« V M. um| Wednesday. 7:30 lx. Metrgcr; Henry W. Metsger ,l',,',,''y numbered 19-., i sued on property above deserldbed p m It. r> .. and Flora VeUger. h!* w ife; A ***• ;l,‘l ’l“ >' of Julv, 19 "o. by the nirnllt („ „ I d certificate, £ ^ ^ > 3 « ' d.dph Wolfe, unmarried; Henry I “ * . ,,f * hl’ ' u" ty -0 , | And you are hereby sum mo „ j ,m, to ,|j attended G Wolfe and Laura Wolfe, his " >»b ngi m, »»at* Oregon, for ,ppaar within alsty days al —Roy C. Nolt, Paitor. u w I e and Gertrude 1 iU.18. the i m N , . p m , ation Uf the si Wolfe, his wife; Jerome Wolfe ’" Kr O'»'amount then due ami delln rl(l.|Ui|v* , f the day of i Bethel Con«:. Church S m feid Wolf-. xp .I Sadie Wolfe, ‘lu*nt f" r I1','“ '* f‘ y th‘ . .y*,,,r, ' ' ; » r«t pul I cation, ai d defend this his wife; Ailele Ols n and Bert * fiber wit i penalty, Interest and , lon or ,my the amount« due as h r hl, .... v s t « thereon u|a.n th- real prop- v„ «hewn, together with costs, Service.' as usua1 Sunday. Sunday. The Services ' . , 1; £ . p ................... ' *“ « .r t n a n « ■ ............... ............... ....... .. ..... ..f > minister p e a he» at the morning Florence Wolfe llttles >„ and .1 «1 c. .s .l) . f ^whlch prepe. tx f|li,urv tll do so. a de. re* will **rn)|,n on the topic "The Water of .... . , . , .,, . .'efendants, Nettie it Metsger and I rendered forerlndng the liens kite • the choir will sing the Etti, son. her husband; Edward „ W M. „ „ r (heirs of said mid taxes and costs against f'eustadtcr, u n m a r r i e d and “ n,h*m ’ The Lord is My Spehcrd“ Herman Metxger. derasedl are the Rm1 („^.„.Ues above named Jack Neust ad ter, a minor; also own)ers<'ns or |>«rttoa un- 80,0 “Thanhs be to God '. Sun V. òhi Mb- 1,1 U v su e- f .............. S i Bag] school and (. hristian Kiulcaxo' k m ,*"-V , / ’ ,, nf Dicron. and particularly bound „r >|,e circuit Court of Hml Evening Worship at the usual ; V ed and d . ‘ . f ( ngVn fuf tlw Co«ll hour* V UU •" **“ • Lot Tin... et» Block Forty- .d I " ' rCHUnCH I JWWJNnMMS Beaverton, —By— THE r k v ik w d estri’ .? i p e rto s s i r e p ly «M» , A/wi Flo, kt can el lit* newtpnpe*. Ir» IS and even be joal os of your busi- Entend a» second class matter b*''*r Mia* H o: December 9, 1 9 ... at the postoffico 1 •m v ,r >’ much in lox* with the new . . . .. „ _ . . . ... ... And there would be m thing that a. l u ( ’r .„ under the »« wh.®m J. I*“ married. We have similar tastes in you could do to rvmcdv the situa Act of March 3, 18T9. « « . U r J-U o-ar . ¿ . ’ . m o f „ . should be very happy together. sanity. It cannot be reasoned with FRIDA ., NOVE.MRTR, 30, 1928 However, there is one thins which — nor ran it be combated by logic troubles me a great deal. She is or dispe'Ied by any proof of its j extremely ,'ealous and when she is groundlessness. r i d . V E N T FIRES around I am afraid to smile at a No man is put in a positioi more not her woman, for hi variably w, e n d H u a w wl'o i ' drven b» How ter do it i to read news- have a scene afterward. She is al- the jealous fury of a wife to choose n or a., un of tiro at Christmas so very jealous of my mother and between her and the mother who time 1 > i' i e ha .i »t season has often actually been rude to bone him, them other he adores, the m George Wolfe and Gertrude M elfe qnent yeara with the rat* o f In All process and paper* in tl set it up securely so it cannot top- other woman in the world and of that his wife is utterly lacking in Sor-dav C aloolu sm — rt-JO ind his wife; Jerome Wolfe; Sanford t (r t d on i# ( j amounts as follows: pro ,-edtpg may he served upon t pie over. Don’t p'a.e it near heat- every interest you have. You will sympathy, and kindliness and gen- » ;)0 t ' _ Wolfe and Sadie Wolfe, hi* wife r ,. th(, Vl,„ r 0( |p| |( re,-'t no 9IH1. undersigned redding within t not dare even to be courteous to erosity. ing or lighting fixtures. Adel* Ol cn and Rert Olsen. n#r fo.g ', !«• Int ; I9U, re ’t no State of Oregon, at the addrx D a p lis n i — 2 p . m. For trimming the tree, lighted any lady you meet nor to hire a husband: Sadie Collier and lL'lier' $p o^> J jr jnt ; 1915, rec't Surely, you have had your warn- hereinafter mentioned- W eekday Mass 8 :2 0 a. m. candles should never be used. Prc stenographer under n nety. And ¡n?— heed it if you value your hap - Colier, her hu b u d; also nil n- n >Jt. |9.S0, 120 int ; 1918, L. R M ner. Plaintiff, Resided and 7 :30 p. m. p. : y in t i led electric lights arc she will throw a fit every time you pjneSi and j*,'*« of mind oth-r pera-ns or nnrtl s unknown „„ *tl 03, IJ'T Int.: and Address, Metsger Oregon. are five minutes late coming home— Rev. J. M. O'Neill safer and give a colorful effect, but claiming any right, title, estate, j o i 7. roc’t no. 11227, $(» 37, 12". M II. Rump, res'deence and l safest o f all is a colored spot.ight IL-n or Inte-est In t h e real estate |p( . ;o|g *ect no. 11888, $8 0?, focused on the tree. Again we ask, why?. Inaliensble rights depend upon O r c ifO tt S t a t e N e w s describe,! In the amended com 1 4 |n«.: 1919 , rect n >. 14688, $9.30 dress, HitNhoro, Oregon I). D. Rump, residence and * If you have a man working for many things, but chiefly on sleep- $ _________ ________________‘ _ ^ pie Int heroin. >f i i - :.love name 1 It ,•> Again it s neces-ory to caution 16943, Int. ; 1921, rec't no smokers to be careful with then- ycu. who is giv'ng sa.isfaction, the ing with one eye open. defendants The grsvel work on the 2k* mile 1998, ree t no. dress. Forest Grove, Oregon. $13 O’’ . 12r» Int. materials near trees and decora- longer he stays the better he can ■1 ■ — ......... s*revh 'rom Keno to Worden is Attorneys for Plaintiff 18487 8I2( -2. 12’ Int.: 1923 ro !*t tions. Of course, keep matches out serve you. always provided he is Most arguments don't get any- progressing. In t; 1024, Date of First Publication, Nover no. 1593R, 912.06. 12 o f the reach o f small children. ■ serving yen nstead o f himself. But whe.^ beesus« the other fellow is . m .. . . , .ire hereby notified that L. R. Min­ rec’t no 91 74. *5 85. 12r*< Int.; 19*4, her 2. 1928. er the holder of Certificate of De­ ,t is a faet that a m «" « ^ not too prejudiced to listen to reason. th; ^tah! shment of a 7 fry Date nf lout Publication. Jan a r. rry ser­ linquency numbered 1873, issued on i#i-*t no 14924. *6.74, 12’ a Int.; all always to work for you if he were paid on July 9, 1925. ary 1, 1929. Color in Mc-rhandisiing ; is wish worthwh'ie. a box** vice from Roedsport to Gardiner. He wants to get the 19th day of May, 1926, by the The vanous sections out for himself. If h* continues to _ _ .. of . America The Oregon Hank * Trust Co. Tux Coll ctor of ihe County of In the field c f modern merchand- w, nt t0 , U v with you it is because * * r#e 00 ‘ " ° , eV^ thl“ « *XC'P ‘ of Klamath Falls has secured u Washington, State o f Oregon, fur ising the u«e of color has played h, th pUs ^ U g e fin g more for ,h# Proper thing to b* ashamed of site for a new modem ba lding. the amount of $10.81, the same be­ n very important part. The day «taying than he can get if he gets ing the amount then due and de A survey has been made for a of the open tub of butter, the pickle ; out and works for himself. The “freedom" most people yearn linquent for taxes for the year Clip lina K >U|)OU ;tiu! ««luit ¡1 tell!» $1 fur tt ii« urti«' Irmi uthuttplion lo new road from G*-diner to the barrel. the box o f prunes, and o There is more to any office in tor mer*'y ‘ h* Privilege of bos- North Fork of the Smith River. 1920, together with penalty, interest THK CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ther well knoxvn commodities d:s- j t ; l11' erton than just the routine of ,,n * and costx thereon upon the real who now bo“ ‘.hem by TNI « NMINTIAN H« IK**"* I*« ' played in unidentified bulk packa- • the * v office. The Recorder ;js the of- The work on the $3.170.000 property a* e acd t> Herman Met* M a x m , hu». ll$. D M A ges has gone. . Today the up - to ficial through whom the business Education must seem less won- widening project voted by th<■ , fr ( n o w deceased) of wh , h prop la It t»u will Q im I llw dally t »xl n*«s <»f il»« «uriti fr*>ni Ha T3a* i rl«| wrllefn • a « v i i •• ,!#•«*»|n>. *»!• i l n i d i d lu *», •• < » i «(*•! • lilMrwii • iu«> r*ala t | « M i n iW 'r date grocer ha> -is merihandise in l Town is transacted, espec- deri'ul to a boy who?e educated dad !'it rcns of Portland wi 1 begin at rrtv ilcfoiidants, Nett e R Mettger tw in.«! u ra d io ri*' \ -»M Will b* gl-«.! In w 1 ,n*c In 'u » <*etr )»**«•»« •*» fw a rlc«« I « adrox-ata a / « a d i*m l.ID«Moti And 'Ivo ! m l« « i*nul a -»tine iv* name and la- C>n. U a « outside wi of 1 the From the Doubtless IOC the n.ClSt n.ccst thing about of a new 21-story OWr* * ** epia - tv _ _ * -| « wutroiur 41 Town. * J _ i/UULUc-'S *nil!£ UDOlll ! construction * --------------- — - —- - g build- “ r'' _1 th,‘ . a, * of , re Hr«*« »XOd air • «I« Wrrka trial »um«'rifilai». I r«. loa« oar «kdlar (ill. rx l . t . . . i -Is-. »-. I In U ' d , i ,»ti The pur,o»e behind th;s improve- Recorder the outsider must learn _ fucharest, from a middle aged in* at e rs Fourth and ■ •• Morrison streets, cord. situnt*i in Washington Conn merit sr.t in sc.in e methods is to pro wh„ are th* other officials, official- que#n'* viewpoint, is the last sylla- I'ortland. This buildng will be the *Jf. State of Oregon, and partleu- s n n it i. . ___ ____________ . . r ’ • __ — . larlv . . bounded • • a id • deacrilted * -* * - a* ■ * fol­ » tect tr.p the ntirrhAiU> purchaser r ncr-jn^t aganst substi­ ly. Oh, it may be a matter of com- largest in Portland. tution and to assure him that he nton knowledge who the others are low*. to-wit:- ________ _____ __ rXJ*}r*aal is getting just what he wants, the but the man with that sort of know- _ , . . . . . . ., . Lot 8. Block r.0. Metzger O O U «T OF happiest land is or* in which IN THE d l l N n label acting as a guarantee o f the ledge is no longer an outsider. In . The . . . . . Acre Tracts THE STATE OF OREGON FOR •VA. , *V, . j ..... the people aren t sore enough to u (Tuw a I Tit«»#» product end a quica means of iden­ the Recorder we need a man who . . .. W a s h in g t o n c o e n t y . pr o Y u are further notified that the a , A , A . â . j » . a . a . a . A . a . A . A â . a a . A . A . a . A . < » . ■ A a A - A .A A i « A .A .« justify the existence o f "great lead­ tification.. can meet strangers and create a BATE DEPARTMENT. »aid I.- R. Miner has pni I taxes on The same principles are now be­ favorable impression. We do not e rs." In the Matter of the Estate of *aid premise* for prior and subse­ . ing npp ied in the gasoline business. need one in that office who will Jennie McGill, decea*,d. quent years with the rate of in If gasoline were so d in tks coun­ answer when asked Ah, well; those who now fear a question, No .......................... CITATION tfi-est on said a mounts as follows: try as it is in some parts ui the ‘•That is our business." for the young once hid in the bam To Theodore G. Cates and all oth- for the year of |fl$! rec’t no. world, in fix-e gallon cans, the pro­ It is difficult for the average cit­ to smoke and te read Deadwood er unknown and interested person*. 14603, , * 4 :50, 12’ t Int., 1917, ree t blem o f identification xvou:d be sim­ heirs, and devisees o f Jennie Me no. 14225, $4.10. 12’ , int ; 1918, izen to admit that he has made a Dick. ple, mere:)’ calling fo r a label to mistake. “ —“ '“ ~ Gill, deceased, and to sit person* rec’t no. 14864. $4.16,. 12". • He must be confronted p.ace on the container. However, It is true love if it endures af- unknown claiming or to claim any 1919. rec't ro. 1 B N , $8 23, 12". with concrete evidence that he has in this country, with th? balk turn­ :nt : 1921. re.-’t no. 118932, *8.85. over of i.oto fuel too great to be, 16438. 12r/r int.; 1922, rec’t no. man who has he'd office for almost ferent things as “ perfecteiy pre- ,ea! estate o f said deceased: handled in this manner, the prob- | a generation is much more likely to ciou s." In the name of the tate of Ore *9.98, IS rec't no. int.; 1928, lem of identification was more d if­ iron, you are hereby commanded to 16813, $H.r> 1. 12" Int.; 1924, rec’t get that office again than is the one ficult. A study of the situation oi ] x ho looms up aim« s. for the first no. 85¿7. U 19. 12f i int.; all atiox-c Social position is relative, course brought the use of color but For time. But as the years wear on, pends on living in a tow were paid on May 19, 1926, it was found that on? could no. 14925. M 18. 12". the one who comes up persistentlv ,} ple are ’less invifortai rec’t no. 1924. m erdy color gasoline with any sort it going to come closer and closer JourSpi f i pa:«i c ‘ dye or ,o npound ar.d have th city of Hillsb, r.’, Oregon, on th«‘ . linqaency Certificate No. 1873 to the office. Witness Rufus Hol- a- plan work in a satisfactory man- ii.an and George Biker in our little . c u -, , . . . . . , „ " th d«y c t December, 1928, f mmirrt 84. rate nt $10 $1084. rute o o f f Interest, Interest 12 i,ar. A Fhilade.phia store has a bell the hour o f ten (10) c l o c k A. M.|™ - suburb to the east. Total $69.37 up to January- 19. Tht Gene al Petroleum Corpora­ ». , . Jl1af _Ht>, voU which can b® heard 30 mile« “ way. on sai<) day to ahow cau*e if any Now let us just y This beats Mr. Coolidge a record by ixlst, why the c urt shall not make 1 " . . , tion in putting General Vio.et Ray and ^ 30 miles. nvli enter an order ,,f sale of the ^ Net*’e R ■Bd Hen- Anti-knock Gasoline on the market, to go te the poUs onv.ct.ons next Tuesday. And what ----------------------------------------- following described real property su T.-.our,t<", t. is difficulty by devel­ ever is the choice o f the people of oping a color on a petroleum base The stranger in our fair land is belonging to th* estate of the de- f Beaverton, we’ll stand back o f them so that the product as it comes tc S T i n o i small way what.v- entitled to be told that “ Bank G o" The the consumer i- still a 100 per cent er of service m our small power to the headline writer s shorthand Th, East half of Lot six (8). Spencer Homestead, Washlngnn straight run petroleum product. In­ render. But the garagemen cannot for hockey conteat, County, Oregon, and the East «Or troducing a new fuel on the gaso­ Anyway the pessimist doesn’t en- half of lo t seven f7>. Spcnrer line market in this day and age re­ pull your car out of the u.t«h un- r ’ rage you by looking on the bright Homestead, Washington County, ally necessitates the positive iden­ less you go to n ® * ” P side when you are having a good on real estale. Low inter­ Oregon tification of the product in such nor can the Re le of the Town o f Beaverton out oi ^ bej # maft for the purpose of raising funds a fashion that the consumer can est cosl, repayment priv­ the ditch unless it knows where the ■ to pay the taxes against »aid pro- readily recognize it and then be Beaverton, Ora. Near S. P. D epot car is and is in . - possession — , ---------------------- ileges. Write for details. — -----— , . of , the ... _ . .. perty, the claims against said es- sure of getting what he wants. —> required info-mauon as to what is That statesman with th# studious tte th < 1 p08ts o f administration, ard The distinctive viclet color of Gen­ . . for . -“ S— it ■* — expression Is the great dictator, to Jh# exp€n, eg „ f such »ale as pray- getting out. eral Violet Ray Gaso':ne is there­ reeded WASHINGTON whom the king is expUinng the ed for ¡n , ai r* Ill- T o p N lio s» w it h than He has «lone for III* residents will get millions of ^_o!lar* in an annual report by Nicholas j I I 0 M e n s Klnnm -I H h lrts . , . 7 pP it nx K n lf? ■t n 's 111 - t o p 8 h ««es S « ‘.»N tffious.nnds of bank* which do this urray Butler is even more won- 8 o f Beaverton, Men's nnd ll..yH' (<„ II |!M, ëfln A t the threshold of a great city -erve* freWy a* a leasofi »n thrift. derf u| th»n was at first supposed. E Time was when in lit- r n p r* * 0 7 -, Most planners of C h - tma» «'hee’ ]t maki., no mention of the w .3 E we here have liv d to see thai city K F R E E —TH EA TR E TIC KETS TO I’ LKCHAHERs_F R E E gift buf'm wed do their gnt b-i^ng , ' • base ball, g andals or prubibi- 5 r ^)b<>x Of even ihe moti sur «»■• £ spread out far on the other side of can a* well later, when the rush will l> K now a* a r ver which impede-, tra c, but m e n c o u ld b e fo u n d w n .lh - i t i l «00. & fi: C K I I K C T W O l t K HIIOK8 this side has come to the ridge and be inconvenient C'LOTWi*"“ 8 P K C IA U I * »A ,* - L . .. ,1 -.«sslk ** 9 • stopped. Why 7 Why not be forehanded? ^es* s I«* ck *"U , , uo l.v,, 111 XI, n'rt Work Shicrn. Doli- Ammonia is effective for lemoy. i 110 nn Iloj-ji' s e l l , . ,V. We say with a,l modesty tha* »I I« bla Hola ................ ........... *' S* Nife- Ing iodine stains. A dilute solution B v hr i v.e rme to B averton, and I» »U llo y a M u lls ............... . . • 3 9« Hate’s battle cry in all the pnprr n v/rhfen on l i n r » m n 's t«-tnch III- » om »»*> by the we is meant The Reviexx- ages: Of ca}î"tic * i»c ten f i n o H o y s ’ C o rd u ro y L o n g la s » 1 . 0 » : ì M e n ’s W o o l M ix t 8«»x versation «1*8 F a n c y Clxloshes, L a d la s , section | 11,80 R o y . ’ C o rd K n i c k e r s . . 8»0 jears re-tl *1 d, cause 19% DISCOUNT TO AI.L (iRANGE MEMBERS city N . D ll E C T O R ’ S WOOLEN STORE This 2 9-231 FIRST ST., Batwe n SALMON and MAIN STS o day PORTI.AND, OREGON on this M in Rlore upon rvenings to 9. Rundoys, 9 t.m. to 2 p.m. ny ore Mad Orders Filled— Hostage Extra. RAW A D O L L A R ’S W O R T H Berthold’s Famous Feeds B e r th o ld ' E g g M a sh B e r t h o ld ’ D a iry Feed B e r th o ld ’ S c r a tc h Feed C" * ARLES DiRTHOLD H ay, G rain, Feed, P o u ltry Su p p lies LOAMS G arden Seed Lim e, C e m e n t, P la s te r, F e rtfttm r DISTRESS SATE SAVE DR. A. E. 'Vn.GOV It IsA’t ¿eing Don« SAVE I TH E OFFICIAL G R A N G E STORE