Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1928)
The Arthur C. Marsh Company National Life Insurance Co. OF MONTPELIER. VT. — Established 1SS0 — W ITH OPPICHS IN THK AM ERICAN BANK BUILDING IN PORTLAND—ADDS TO With Offices at 304-OH Oregonian Building in Portland is a Well Knoufn In- THE PROGRESS A N D DEVELOPMENT OF THE CO M M U N ITY THRU THEIR RE- surance Firm Rendering a Complete Service in Life Insurance, Whose Organization Has Built an Enviable Reputation— Headquarters of One of the Most Widely and Favorably Known Offices Which This Com • puny Has Established— Is Known By Everyone in This Section— Under the Direction of E. N . Strong, the General Manager. A* the National I.if. Insurance Company, in Portland la o n . o f largest, atronr*>t and moat popu lar inauranca companies In the coun try, It la not surprising that thla well known Inauranca o ffice la operated by Inauranca r*parti enjoying a largo patronage in tho Inauranca buainoaa o f the community. Hut the unuaual aurceaa that thla Inauranca o ffice haa achieved W due in a largo m.aaure to the fart that It appreciatea the value and nereaaity o f real, ntagnamioua aervice In the business. Kvrr ain'e thla organ iaatlon began operation, in the county It haa been at the aervice o f ita patrona at ail tim e , willing and anxious to give any information deaired and a»<iring all persona that no obligation wae in curred merely by the aaking o f quss- tiona. Courteay and accommodation have been the byworda o f ita pro gram and th* hundred, o f client, who have conaulted and purchaaed Inauf- ance at thia oilier are enthuaiaatlc for thla commendable policy which haa rvrr been increaalng ‘the patronage o f thia office. Good inauranca ia alwaya a wiae Inveatm.nt and a never failing pro tection and that la e.pecially true with inaurance written by thia In- »urance company. Their poiicteii have several very attractive featurea and if you are Intereated ia inaur ance (and everyone ahould be la dren are ready to enter college. Absolutely essential to tka pro- Uandliag these matters ia both easy this asrvice should be mighty attrac sentisi financial service to the P«o- theae modern day.) you owe it to Th* money aaved eonaiatently during greas and expansion o f every eom- and satisfactory. Their service is tive to readers o f thia paper from pi*. youraeit -u vesllgate their policies. hia maturing year* will now be the munity is th* reliable and modern both experienced, efficient and eon- an investment standpoint. Beeauaa There ia no better inaurance com meana o f an education. In thia aenae service in th* nuttier o f mortgage fidential. Throughout a large terri- o f the high character and experiencs Thereforc, let u* suggest that you pany in the land from which to ae- inaurance la a helping .topping atone. loans. This Arm has com* to be rec- lory they are known as experts with e f the people at the head ef hav* a consultation with thia Arm cure a policy than the National Life Many men and women who dream o f ognlaed in this respect aa on* o f th* regard to mortgage loan*, this company, ita aervice with regard to mortgage loans. Inaurance Company. a trip to Europe or travel* here in foremost in th* state. Through the entire history o f In- makes a special appeal to local people. In dealing.with them you will be There can be no queetioa but that our own country and know it ia Im- There is no safer paying invest- vestments. First Mortgages have been Commanding the conAdence and high identified with people whoa* reliable thla ia the day and age when life in poaaible becaua* o f family tie* and ment than th* first-mortgage lean. It the Irst choice o f the shrewd inveetoi est respect o f the public, its manage and experienced aervice aaeur* the aurance ia one o f the eaaentiai necan the conatant demand for money in is the choice o f many people today This is the one trp* *« Investment ment renders a aervice to investors continued growth and development al t lei o f every Individual. Thia the family tnaure themaelvea with a and through the splendid service o f that -U n d . ou t- -the .not I attractive in mortgage loans that adds great o f the community in which yon live. office offer# ita patrona the aervice policy due when their familiea are this Arm it is rendered even more from the viewpoint* o f diversity, ly to the progress and expansion of Through negotiating with them for a not only o f inaurance experts, hut e f grown and able to care for themael attractive and reliable. They look safety o f prin-ipal and substantial the community. This aervice is o f mortgage loan you will he really aid a company that enjoya an enviable vea and the money aaved on thia in afU r all o f tho deUils with regard yield. great value to the public in a double ing yourself in more ways than one, reputation throughout the country. surance policy and really not miaeed, to appraieaL title, insurance and eol- Your Arst incomf ia. what you tarn, rapacity. By making mortgage because anything that beneAts the Thia well known company ha. an afford* the deaired advantages o f lection o f the loan. Their long ax- Your second income is what yonr loans to residents o f the commnnity community in which you liv* will enviable record o f yeara o f aervice travel without work or care. And in perienee and wide knowledge make* aaving* earn. Forwar d looking they provide funds which permit the beneAt you, and there is no service to the people. Too much atreaa can numeroua ether way*— too numerous it possible for them to look afU r business men, professional men and natural growth and development o f o f *o great beneAt to the community not be placed upon thla point. It to mention her* th* Inaurance policy mortgage loan matters in the moat salaried men, consistently invest a the entire territory. And by provid ns th* experienced and reliable ser ia an old reliable company that ha. la an inveatment, a aaving account thorough and expert manner. Their portion o f their First income in ing investors with absolutely safe vice such as the Arthur C. Marsh proven through year, o f aatiafaelory for the future, it ia even a conatant clieqts have found that th* negotia- th* First Mortgages, and profitable investments in mort Company in Portland renders in the aervice that they have merited your means o f saving far a home or a busi tion o f a lopn through their plan o f To the publisher it appears that gages they render a valued and **- matters o f mortgages. patronage. In life inaurance there ness enterprise aa well aa for the ia no company with a more aplendid proverbial “ rainy day". Anyone who doe* net at present record than thia one. Mary had a littla mule, , “ Strike while the iron is hot,” aaio your constitution that A. B. Sae, famous alevator raanu- “I ___only t i Life inaurance. while affording all have insurance will do well to eon- j It followed her to school, i B; rldget, as she left, with the laundry i pulled you through," said the physi- facturer and anti-feminist, haa suit with them and learn th* advant on nly half don*. the advantage! uf protection la , cian to th* man who had been in bed written a book calling on men to re- Th* teacher, like a feel. ------------------------- ! for three weeks. volt against the dominance e f wont- thought o f no longer in the aenae ages and th* extremely low rates. Went up behind the mule, “ Well, Doc, I hope you’ll take that i f*t- *be man should rule the borne, "Just aa I expected, drink baa bro- only that It la protection and that it And hit him with a role. | ken up my home,” aaid the man as j into consideration when you send ! b« ■»**, and the vote should be tak- We are pleased to compliment will meet the requirement* o f aome me your bilL |«n away from women. Try and get And there wasn’t any schooL His still exploded. ft z future day. Inatead It I. looked upon Mr. E. N. Strong upon his progressive aa a good buaineaa inveatment. due in and reliable dealing* and to give him 10 yeara, IS or SO. There are hun in thia review the position that the dred* o f parent* now who incur* activities have merited aa among the themaelvea with a policy that well known and reliable business men will com* due when th* chil in thia section. W . R. D eLay, Inc. Eastern Outfitting Company — Pioneers of the Payment Plan — In Portland on Washington Street at Tenth is an Economy Center in This Part of the State Offering the Highest Quality in M e n s and Women’s Apparel at Remarkably Low Prices and Thus Aiding All in This Com munity by Enabling Them to Keep Well and Fashionably Attired in Distinctive Clothes at Prices They Can Afford to Pay— Truly a Valued and Reliable Store— Terms to Those Who Wish Them — Thirty-four Stores in This Section of the Country— Under the Management of Jos eph Shetnanski. When n store la able to satisfy the moat exacting demands o f all i lasses uf people, then it must be acknowledged that It la reaching an enviable position In ita trade. Such la the caae with thia store, oper ated by one o f ths prominent firms o f this section o f the state. People o f every claaa are finding that clothes from this store are satisfactory in every particular and made o f the best o f materials and at the same time the most excellent credit terms are extended. The moat exclu sive patterns and mixture* ran be found in She complete lines and if you prefer the most moderate priced o f the taateful and approved designs o f th* season, they can be had at very reasonable prices. In ladies' ready-to-wear you And here coats, suits, dresses other apparel which reflect the latest o f the approved fashions. will and very Yet LIABLE DEALINGS IN MORTGAGE LOANS A N D EXCELLENT SERVICE IN PRO- VID IN G FUNDS FOR EXPANSION—T R U L Y A PROGRESSIVE A N D PROMINENT FIRM UNDER DIRECTION OF A M ANAGEM ENT OF WIDE EXPERIENCE IN MORTGAGE MATTERS. they are offered here at prices which you can afford to pay. Thia is be cause thia well known store is under direction o f men o f experience who have valued connections in markets and are able to secure remarkable concessions. Because o f thla and the fact that they do not have prohibitive overhead and coupled with a policy o f being-satisfied with a reasonable profit on each sale makes It possible for them to offer these remarkable price* on fashionable apparel. The same la true o f their men's de partment where they make a spec, ialty o f catering to those men who wish to dress In the modern and dis tinctive manner that present day business and social activitly demands. Their men’s department ia most complete. The Eastern Outfitting Company operate 34 stores in this section o f the country. Their tremendous buy ing power enables them to sell at prices lower than those stores indiv idually owned and operated. Thru the very commendable meth ods that hav* marked their business career and the excellent quaility o f their materials and expert workman ship, they hav* built up a reputation that extends thruout this section and which adds to the volume o f their business each season. • The Eastern Outfitting Company provides a credit department fo r cus tomers who want credit. The system is liberal and confidential. In charge o f the Eastern Outfit ting Company in Portland is Joseph Shemanski, a leading man o f the com munity who has always taken an active interest In the expansion and development o f this section o f the state. We wish to compliment him on his high standing in the business world o f this section and upon the efficiency o f the concern which he so ably directs. Velie Long Life Motor Cais W ITH HEADQUARTERS IN PORTLAND A T 363 EAST BROADW AY — V E L I E MOTOR CARS N O W IN THEIR TW ENTIETH YEAR OF PRODUCTION HAVE CONSISTENTLY HELD TO Q U A L IT Y INSTEAD OF Q U A N T IT Y A N D ARE EN GINEERED FOR LONG LIFE EMPLOYING A N AIRPLANE TYPE MOTOR WITH OVER STRENGTH IN EVERY PART. Th* selection o f the “ Velie” to offer its patrons prova« that this well known automobile concern has made a scientific study o f motor car values and decided ,upon a car o f whose value and performance there can be no question. They are experienced automobil« people and know the busi ness thoroughly. They knew that they do not have to make any apol ogies for th* “ Velie” and they will welcome your inquiry at any time. W. R. DeLay, Incorporated o f Portland arc distributors for “ Velie.” They o ffe r you a “ Velie” on income, with convenient monthly payments. Th* “ Velie” has been on the mar ket for 30 years and recently has become more famous for its vibra- power. It has a 2 3-4 inch crank shaft, counter-balanced and other features arc four main bearings, four rings on pistons, Tinfken bearings throughout and Ross steering gear. “ Velie” cars come fully equipped from 31196 to »2246 f. o. b. “ Velie” makes 92 percent o f their swn parts, bodies and axels and each ear is equipped with Lockheed Hydraulic four-wheel brakes. “ V elie" motor cars have proven their superiority for many years. An outstanding feature which makes pos sible their wonderful performance is the “ Long Life Motor.” Such per formance as it gives would not be possible if “ Valia” simply assembled or bought their motors. But this long-life motor that is in every “ Velie” motor car ia built in the vast “ Velie” plant by expert engineers of long experience. They see to It that each motor ia up to the high “ Velie” standard. The same is true o f “ Velie” axles, bodies and many other units which are built right in their own plant. This enables them to offer you a car which gives you the kind o f flashing performance you want; more power and speed than you will ever call upon; silent and vibrationless per formance and endurance and long life beyond belief. There is a “ Velie” motor car for every demand. From the roadster to the sedan you will find body styles and typos which meet every requirement. Go into this firm and let them demon strate the “ Velie.” You will not only witness the smoothest ride you have eve- exr*>~ienced but you will also learn that in “ Velie” motor cars the highest quality is offered at very reasonable prices. This firm long ago realised the value o f courtesy and service. It is their policy that every patron must be satisfied. Long after yon have purchased a car here they are still personally interested in what kind of service it is giving you and are ready to do all in their power to see that this service is perfect. We wish to compliment them upon these excel lent policies and the progressive man ner in which they are earned out as well as upon their selection o f “ Velie” long-life motor cars to offer tkeir patrons. The very name “ Velie” insures quality. For 20 years Velie has held consistently to quality instead o f quantity and the fact that it is especially engineered for long life, employing an “ airplane type motor” with over strength in every part rec ommends it to the motorist who wants stability, good lines and a err*' - - b«P* . t , . Pacific Stages, Inc. Provide an Indispensable Transportation Service to Residents of Beavertown and Vicinity W i t h g e n e r a l o f f i c e s i n p o r t l a n d a t 352 y a m h i l l is a p r o m i n e n t CONCERN W H ICH HAS SATISFACTOR ILY SOLVED THE PROBLEM OF TRANS PORTATION FOR THE C O M M U N IT Y A N D RENDERS A N EXCELLENT SER- Manufacturers of J & D Paints VICE—HAS A FLEET OF MODERN STA GES A N D ARE A T ALL TIMES WORKING Is One of the Foremost Paint Manufacturing Concerns in the Country, IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PUBLIC— BEAVERTOWN PEOPLE ARE PROVIDED Known Far and Wide for the Excellence of Their Brand of Paint and Be ing Manufacturers are in a Particularly Advantageous Position to Ren W ITH THIS SERVICE A N D A VERY AC C O M M O D ATIN G SCHEDULE IS M A IN der Portland and People of This Community an Unequalled Service in TAIN ED BETWEEN PORTLAND AN D B EAVERTOWN — UNDER COMPETENT Jones and Dillingham All That Pertains to the Paint Business— And When They Produce Su perior Products It Should Be a Matter of Pride With People to Secure the Products of This Concern— Located at 312 Second in Portland. Truly has it hern said "Save the surfnre und you save all” and in this runner!ion wo wish to say in this tdi- tion that there is no manner in which you can better insure the saving of tho surface than through the use o f th* wsll known J and D paints, man ufactured in Portland by Jones and Dillingham, located at 312 Second. With large capital, organisation and rssources this progressive and truly modern industry has provided not only a modern factory but extensive laboratories wherein every product is brought to the highest possible de gree uf purity and superiority before It is plucod oq the market. For many year« it has been an established fact with the trade that when Jones and Dillingham o f Portland place paint on the market there can be no question as to its true worth and excellence becaus* It ho* been put to the most rigid tests before being placed on the market. This is one o f the progressive and vital industries o f this coun ty. Itk management has always been prominently identified with oil prop ositions that promised adva icement nnff civic progress. When you con sider that their brand is nrtually a superior brand then it should he s matter o f pride with local people to insist upon thsir products when selecting paint. They are in a par ticularly advantageous position to rander you an sxpert service. Being considered authorities upon paints, their free consultation ser vice is both expert and reliablo. You can take your paint problems to them whether they be large or small and they will assist you In solving them. They will tell you what particular product Is best suited t0 your purposes and they will figure for you just how much you need. At thia establishment you will find com p ten t salesmen If you are g o ’ ng to paint your house, your barn, your automobile or do any Interior work or painting o f any nature, they are in a position to assist you and jo furnish the best possible paint or finish. In making this review the publish er wishes to urge ail readers that it is a civic duty to select this con cern’s brands when buying paints and at the same time we wish to compli ment the progressive management o f this cvell khown concern upon the excellent Service they render par- ticularly to the people o f this section. A N D PROGRESSIVE M ANAGEMENT. Probably no feature o f the ad vancement o f commercial and social conditions in the United States so clearly demonstrates actual progress a; the improvement mane in trans portation facilities. From the days of the old stage coaeh to the modern stage is s long jump, hut America has made it In a f#w years and today ever}’ progressive community provides excellent motor stage sendee. Pacific Stages. Incorporated, well known throughout this locality have headquarters In Portland at 363 Yam. hill. I HhisYIrm jOP*^»* « M tf** •»«*» popular o f tne stagt HgevPfO»* state and has left nothing undone In their effort t0 provide a service that is both modern and satisfactory. They maintain a regular schedule between the points o f their line and1 their vtages leave and arrive at the var ious points at stated and regular in tervals. You can always depend up on their stages being on time and they arc operated so frequently that you can ride at your convenience. The stages, themselves arc modern motor transportation vehicles, es pecially designed to meet the require ments o f this company and its pas sengers. They are large and room y; w-ell ventilated at all times and well heated in winter. They are equipped to render your ride a smooth and comfortable one and the drivers are both careful and cautious. This well managed and wisely 10 - - ducted public utility concern having at all times the best interests o f the general public and the community which it serves at heart under a great expense to themselves have added many o f the most modern and comfortable stages to their al ready extensive equipment. These modern stages represent the very 4 latest and newest features and im provement in modern stage buliding and offer every modern comfort to the passenger. There is no mors satisfactory means o f modern trnsportation than that o f the modern motor coach type this company maintains and when the policy o f courtesy and ser vice is maintained as it is by them. Their motor coaches are not only modern hut are also e'ean and sani tary and their employees are at all times pleasant and accommodating to the ‘.rave’ . o f p •' '¡c. This concern aids in no little mea sure the progress and expansion of Portland and the territory which it serve*. Their stage service is of the very highest type and the rates are very reasonable. The management and employees are all courteous and ready to answer all questions and give all possible directions to people visting these cities. It is a great convenience to the working peopl* to get to work on time, to the shop per, the sightseer and general travtl- ing public, aiding in both the social and business life of the people. Everyone in the vicinity should oc casionally take a trip over the line and see the wonderful development and how the territory they traverse is being built up. Real estate has become more valuable all along the line by reason o f their service. In this business review we wish to compliment them and suggeat to our readers that a good way to promote the further progress - and -expansion of the community is to patronise the Pacific Stages, Incorporated,' which is under the competent management whenever they are going to these cities or intermediate poin's.