THE BEAVERTON REVIEW SPECIAL SECTION SUNSET ELECTRIC COMPANY Reiner?ß Fui Shop S T A R T I N G , L I G H T I N G A N D I G N IT IO N S E R V I C E Finest Furs at Moderate Prices Due to Upstairs Location A T 121 N O R T H N I N T H IN P O R T L A N D A R E T H E O F F I C I A L F A C T O R Y R E P RESEN TATIVES OF D E L C O -R F .M Y . KLAXON. O N T H E T E N T H FLOOR O F T H e T B R O A D W A Y N O R TH -E A ST I Specializing in Manufacturing, Remodeling, Repairing and Storage With E Q U IP M E N T — R E P A IR E V E R Y T H IN G E L E C T R IC A L ON YOU R C A R Headquarters at S. IF. Cor. A lder at Park on the Second Floor in Port- IN T H E M O S T E X P E R T M A N N E R — T H E Y A RE C O M P E T E N T L Y land— Established 1906 — Patrons of This Fur Establishment Know That AN D E F F IC IE N T L Y E QU IPPED T O SE RVICE Y OU R CAR SA T IS­ B y Haying Direct From the Makers They Will Receive the Rest Service FA C TO R ILY AND E C O N O M IC A L L Y — G ENUINE PA R TS, C O RRECT Possible from Their Garments— Concentrating Their Skill on Furs IN ST A LL A TIO N AND PROPER ADJUSTMENT TO FACTORY ; ST A N D A R D S G U A R A N T E E D - PH O N E: B R O A D W A Y 012«. Alone, They are in a Position to Give Far Better and M ore Reliable Ser­ vice Than is Obtainable from a Store Where Furs are Only Featured a Bring trusted with the official far- mg, lighting and ignition service he tory service o f the greater number wants to consult one who knows this j Few Months Out of the Year. and v a r io u s o t h e r m anufactu rers <>* the popular electrical .system s used on motor cars today, which is the distinction with the Sunset Elec­ tric Co., o f Portland i,* a certainty of the competent and efficient equipment for service o f this kind. Their electrical service and genuine parts are guaranteed and factory standards in correct installation and adjustment makes this popular estab­ lishment the place to be desired when needing electrical service for your automobile. They are factory representatives o f Delco, Kemy. North-East, Klaxon equipment and other auto electric manufacturers. They maintain a complete equip- mer.i »hop for the repari o f starters, generators, ignition sys.ems, and car- buretors. The real pleasure in driving an automobile is to know that when you start your car you can feel as- sured that it will display plenty o f life and take the hills with ease. In order that a car will meet these re- quirements one o f the essentials is a complete and serviceable electrical ignition system. To get the max- mum efficiency o f a motor you must have a steady and sufficient flow o f current to the spark plugs and in or- der to have this you must have your ignition system in perfect condition, When the motorist wishes start- of auto e l e c t r ic business thoroughly. The ex­ cellent service that they have rend­ ered their many patrons has brought them much new business and the number o f their patrons is steadliy growing. They have learned all o f the little intricacies o f this busi­ ness and have had a wide experience in every branch o f the work. There­ fore, they are competent to handle every feature o f the business in the most efficient and satisfactory mai. ner. Purchasing o f a fur coat ia a weighty matter and something not accomplished in a day's shopping, but instead requires considerable thought. However, an exclusive fur­ rier establishment specialising in furs every day in the year, manufac­ turing fur coats and neck pieces, re­ modeling, relining, repairing, clean- ing. brushing and combing solves the problem when a fur coat ia to be purchased. Devoting all their skill and con­ Many manufacturers o f standard centrating constantly on modern automotive equipment have made methods and the newest styles, they this their official service station be- : broaden their excellent reputation cause this firm has provided the pro- j every year and the patronage o f this per scientific equipment and the ex- establishment grows larger ail the pert men who are versed in all o f time. the features o f these various sys- With the highest standards main­ terns. This is but one tribute to the tained in all the work turned out by superior work and service which they this establishment, the use of render the public at such reasonable prime pelts and the best o f modern equipment, the purchaser o f a fur rates. The Sunset Electric ( ompany is coat is readily assured of genuine located at 121 North Main satisfaction that will last as long as located at 1-1 North Ninth in to be gained by the fur coat owner Portland. when they deal with an established In making this review we are concern who knows fur, specialises lorn* experience pleased to compliment the man- jin them and thru agement as prog-essive and promi- j knows the advantage o f this variety nent business men whose establish- o f fur over another, and whose nent has merited the leading posi-j tion it has attained and we wish to refer t< all o f our readers. W J* 1 HOLLAND FURNACE COMPANY L A R G E ST DIR E C T IN STALLERS O F FU R N A C E S IN THE WORLD W ITH PO RTLAND H E A D Q U A R T E R S A T 361 EAST M ORRISON S T R E E T A N D 2 44 R U S S E L L S T R E E T IN P O R T L A N D IS T H E F IR M T O W H O M T H E P E O P L E OF THIS CO M M U N IT Y LO O K M ATTERS PERTAIN IN G TO FURNACES. TH EY FU R N ACE PEOPLE ¿ F LONG E X PERIEN C E *W ITH MODERN EQUIPM ENT, RE N D E R IN G A C O M P L E T E * FACTORY SERVICE AND FOR THE FAMOUS "H O L L A N D " " * ' BEING O F F IC IA L » FOR BEING THE AND MOST SA TIS­ R E P RESEN TATIVES FURNACES. ***» • • • » « a , ALL EXPERT . * - w -g NATIONAL SCHOOL ! _ OF COSMETICIANS guarantee for aatisfaction is as good as a bond. True It ia that fur coats are sold in many other stores other than at the fur establishment but there they are only handled a few months out o f each year, the sales people are not thoroughly acquainted with their qualities and besides these coats are made by manufacturers who follow stock metheds and individuality is not considered. It takes a special­ ist to make the truly smart fur coat and they do not cost any more than if purchased in a random-like method from a selection made up in targe numbers. They make a specialty of made-to-order furs, for less cost by far than cloth coats which are purchased by most women on the average uf every two years. Ralining also restores the fur coat to ita orurinal newness and the rea­ sonable prices on relining add great­ ly to their attractive service. Reiner’s Fur Shop i* under the personal direction o f K. C. Reiner, the proprietor, Due to their upstairs location, Reiner's Fur Shop is able t„ offer furs and fur garments at prices far below those forced to pay high rents. When you purchase fur garments from them you know you are getting the best— that they are Just what they Cleaning methods employed by told you they were and that aa long this concern restore the brilliant lus­ as you wish to wear tke coat you k a u a I b .,,s , a . . . . . .4 . .. . .. . . tre o f last year’s fur garment or fur have their continued interest in giving piece, the depth of the fur ia restor- you the best service. Their trust­ ed and it is made silky and fluffy, worthy and honorable methods have To get the utmost out o f any fur brought them much trade not only garment it should be remodeled now from Portland but from all over and then to meet the prevailing Multnomah and Washington counties, styles and this furrier features this They are widely known throughout service. I f good fur coats are re- this community and women who modeled occasionally in their sever- are looking for quality, good style and al years' wear, the owner has a lux- sensible prices form their ever In- urious and much prised possession creasing patronage, ____ ___ 1 * KJear-1 one Radio service B U I L D I N G IN P O R T - L A N D IS T H E R E C O G N I Z E D S C H O O L F O R T H E BRANCHES OF BEAUTY C U L TU R E — THE P L E A S A N T A N D P R O F IT A B L E PRO FESSIO N — THE MOST A D V A N C E D S Y S T E M O F T R A IN IN G FOR W O M E N S C H O O L IN T H E OF BEAUTY CULTURE PERM ANENT W AV IN G — ALSO ALL ADVANTAGES LO CALITY TEA CH IN G OF W O M A N 'S S P E C I A L I Z I N G IN OFFERS GREAT IN T H I S NORTHWEST STUDY MODERN THE ONLY M A R IN E I.L O S Y S T E M IN STRU CTIO N S IN FRIGIDIN K AN A U T H O RIZED SCHOOL UNDER E X ­ PE R T P R O F E SSIO N A L D IR E C TIO N ..o t every girl ia fitted either fot domestic or commercial work as a means o f livelihood and beauty cul­ ture opens an avenue heretofore meant f«r a few. With the advance of women into greater social, business and political activities the beauty es­ tablishment has come Into great de­ mand and the need for more and more experienced women In this work la so great that much o f the demand must go unanswered until trained people ran take their place in this particular fleld o f endeavor. Hardly a day passes that this school does not receive a request for an experienced operator and the demand haa brought about a constant call for skilled beauty culturista in all branches of the work. Their training courses prepare op- ( r ( ||)ra f or pogj{(ung and enables th>m to pass state examinations. In con­ nection with their school they main­ tain an employment agency for the placing o f their students. Both day and night classes are held at the National School o f Cos­ meticians so that any woman inter­ ested in taking up the work can do so P H O N E : B E A C O N 4578. at the same time secure practical experience. The average lime to complete a course o f study is six months. Thl* la the only school in the North West teaching Marinado system o f beauty culture. They also o ffe r in­ structions in Frigidine permanent waving. *A course In the study o f beauty culture by the National School o f Cosmeticians includes bleaching, clipping, beauty pack«, hair cutting and curling, violet ray (realmente. water waving, eye brow arching and hair tinting. You can reach out for better sur­ rounding« by becoming a profession­ al woman. Every woman owes her- If the duty o f aoif improvement. The success o f the graduates o f this school attests their ability and desire to help you. You may visit or write them without obligation. The National Mehool o f Cosmetic­ ians ia under expert professional direction o f Mary Emily Newman and merita the success which has been theirs. Northwestern School of Commerce — O n * o í A m o ric «* « E n c t p l i o n « ! B m iìu r m C o J I o fo i — TK# S ch o o l »1 B r o o d w a y and S a lm o n S t ro o l in P o r tla n d Th at ia O ffe rin g Evcolla nt A d v a n t a g e * in Buaineaa T r a in in g and W h ich 1« the Lo g ica l Sch o o l f o r L o c a l Stud ent*— O f fe r in g A d v a n c e d C ou rse* W h ich C o n f o r m Conveniently Located at 369 Fast 'Broadway Near Union in Portland — , to M o d e rn Hu*ine*a M e t h o d » — E n ro llm e n t i* E v id e n cin g the Po p u la rity Features One of the Most Complete Stocks of Radios and Supplies and Thi* Sch o o l Ha* W o n in T u r n in g O ut Pupil* W h o W ill Be F o u nd A m o n g Provides a Complete Service in the Best Radio Sets of the Day and Car­ Lander* in E v e r y W a lk o f L i f e — T h e y Furn ish T r a in e d Office H e lp - ries a Full Line of Supplies— Original Ortho-Sonic Federal Dealers — j E ve n in g Classes a* W e ll a* D ay Clas»e*. Have Many Sets as Well as Complete Equipment Always in S tock — I Through the pn>gn**»iv© efforts o f pupils for businesn life. You Need Not Have Technical Knowledge to Operate a J* Radio and in generation v^ * b^ o f to« the ^ u“ °.B th* K \ progtv Thr *lve, aide and ; ,f cflt, 'h ;:-nt u and has u . . T y " «tat* ar* yT offered the Country and Suburban Home / hey Offer an hndless v ariety of Fn- ihr educational advantage o f any built for themselves and institute a tertainment to the Entire Family- -Hom e of Everything in Radio, (¡iving\m oaifxn m,iroI><>UXnn c' y ' ,uM,,n of •««•••mpiuhm.-nt and often that counties,like this can boaat .honesty and the untiring efforts m< rii Special Attention to, Mail Orders From Out-of-Town\ of such an up-to-date institution aa liberal *uj>purt from the people of thi« fine. Not onljr can the young the county. it in the summer— and provides per- There is no firm more in accord their guarantee o f successful opera- This fim is prominent in radio circles men and the young women o f this This business college ia the home o f f e d circulation o f fresh, clean, moist with the advancing and ever chang- tion relieves you o f all detail. in this section o f the state and has county secure a general education, opportunity for young men and wom­ air at ail times. Combining exclusive ing times than this modern establish­ Klear-Tone Radio Service at 369 aided in bringing radio science to a but through this buaineaa college en in this part o f the state. The patented features that “ are years ment which has come to be recog­ East Broadway in Portland invites better understanding throughout this they can prepare themselves for their best advantages are offered students ahead, Holland engineers have per nized as the radio headquarters o f you to stop in at their store, examine section, and every advantage for a thorn life's work. fected a system that meets every the county. the seU they have on display, "tune In addition to the sets they feature The Northwestern School o f Com­ business training is afforded students essential requirement fo r homes o f They feature Federal radio equip­ in” if you wish and spend as much a full line o f all kinds o f radio anp- merce furnishes trained office help. o f this institute. Upon completion of all sizes and saves 20 per cent to 30 ment and are now showing the new time as you tare to in examining plies and equipment, batteries and They have evening classes as well an studies they are assisted in securing per rent in fuel. In hot weather it electric table model which sells de­ them. ( everything connected with the radio. day classes in business accounting a good position. circulates delightfully cool air into livered at $115. This is one o f the They make a specialty o f service If you have a set and it ia not giving and secretariat training. The college Is the equal o f nuy every room. No draft— just perfect most popular o f the new Federal and inspection lff> e to their cus- you what you think it should, no Night classes are conducted here business college and specialises ventilation. This means the equiv- models. tomers. matter where you bought It, just thruout the year the school ia in Jn keeping all their equipment, text alent o f more than a fan to each room In the way o f radio sets and *up- The proprietor o f thjA popular es- step in and see them operation. The fact that local boys books and instructors in accord with — with one central control— at an plies they carry a complete line and tablishment Is a radio expert and thu^ The management and assistants at and girls have the advantage o f night the rapidly advanced times. Every­ operating cost o f about a cent an no matter what it may be that you they are better equipped to serve you this shop are able electricans, thus classes is a very unusual feature nnd thing new in business can be learned hour for electric current. Investigate need to go with your present set to in a practical way. being highly efficient In the servicing one that many are embracing. here. The moat efficient methods Holland Vaporaire. See how it an- amplify it you can get it here. The o f radio seta. It is very important This is a day and age o f business for thg expeditious conduct o f mod­ tiquates ail other ideas o f home heat­ management is thoroughly conver­ Anyone who owns a radio will tell to buy a radio set from someone who efficiency. The man or woman who ern business are instillod into their ing. Get ail o f the facts before you sant with all phases o f the radio busi­ you that it is best to purchase radio ia able to place it in full operation, is not prepared to keep pace with the students. That in the reason that buy or build a new home, remodel ness. * equipment from some one who under- We are pleased to compliment the demands o f thp present day business the students from this institute eon he an old one ar repair your present You do /not need to possess tech- stands the business thoroughly and Klear-Tone Radio Service upon their efficiency is soon lost in the hurry found as the leaders in all walks of heating system. I)o this without ob- nical knowledge to enjoy the won- can place the set in complete opera- well merited success and the leading and bustle o f modem methods. It Is business life. ligation. Multnomah and Washington county The Holland Furnace Company in deni o f radio. Their dealers’ service tion, look after the batteries and give position they occupy in the radio not necessary that one become a o f expert installation together with you service whenever necessary, circles o f the state. machine, but it is absolutely essen­ people interested in a business course Portland furnish people in this loc- tial that every one who wishes to he are invited to write or call at the o f­ ality an excellent furnace cleaning successful in a business have practi­ fice o f Charlas F. Walker, the pres­ service. They have the most modern cal training education, nnd such ident o f the Northwestern School <>f equipment for the cleaning o f the training car. only be secured in an Commerce al Broadway and Salmon furnace itself and the pipes mounted institution devoted to preparing its Street» In Portland. on a truck. In a short time and with­ out any inconvenience to you or any “ Portland's Greater Furniture Stores ” it see them. And if you want to dis­ confusion in your household, the fur pose o f it don’t worry if it is about naoe and pipe, are cleaned thorough- Popular Home Outfitting Establishments Located at Fifth and Washington “ all in” just see this firm nnd you ly and satisfactorily. This service is I will be pleased and aurpised at the accorded everybody. Streets and hast Side Branch at Fast End of Burnside Bridge in Port­ A P r o m in e n t C o n c e r n L o c a t e d at price they offer. In making this review o f the pro- 4 3 5 East C la y W h ic h U a H e a d ­ They have parta for all makes and gress and commercial efficiency o f land—Selling Merchandise Many Miles From Its Home City and Is q u a rte r« f o r All M ake« and M odal« o f automobiles at prices this section, we wish to direct the o f A u t o m o b i le « , G a r a g e Man and models which will save you many n dollar. special attention o f our readers fo O w n e r « Findin g Th a t They Can 7 ruly a Prominent Business House and One of the Features of the Com ­ have the essential service rendered by thi* Sava Both T im e a nd M o n e y In S e ­ Both gnrage men and owner* well known furnace firm. The man- learned that it PAYS both in TIME c u r in g Part « by C a llin g Hara Firat mercial and Home Life of the Community — Special Credit Service agement is in the hands o f progress- • * — P h o n e : Ea«t 8 7 0 0 — A I « o Hava and MONEY to see them about parts. ive business men whose policies have L a r g o S to ck o f U «o d A cce « « o rie > When you break some part o f your Operated I pon a Policy of Personal Consideration for Every Patron. merited the liberal patronage t'ney and are A l w a y t in tha Market f o r ear or discover that some worn part receive. One o f the important features of They are artistic and the colorings you will find the management and U »e d C a r«— If it i« a Part T h e y should he replaeed it’s better to call the business life o f any community an<| effects charm and delight the assistants courteous and sccummoda- Hava It — T h e y W r a c k H u n d re d « them first. They save the motorists is the outfitting o f the home. In eye. The people in charge o f this ting, and you will know that the o f Ca r« Ea ch Y aa r and H avo a o f this community thousands o f dol­ WE NEVER REACH THE GOAL! this respect let us direct your atten­ department are familiar with the bus- prices denote real and true value, for S t o ck o f U*od Part« That ia C e r ­ íais by selling parts at reasonable prices. It cost* double and some­ tion to this well-known store. tain to Mee t Y o u r D em an d. iness and can tell you exactly what this store has established a reputa- Half the fun is dreaming, half is keeping on, time* triple to send to the factory for you need to match up with your sur- tion thruout this section for fair Planning for nnd scheming till the thing is done; When they first started in business roundings, and when your house is dealing and one price to all. This establishment is one o f car parts. They have used parts for But when you’ve achieved it, dull and cold it seems, they decided that the best would be fitted out everything will move in Service is the watchword o f this the strictly up-to-datf and highly e ff i­ most every make o f ear and truck, Not as you perceived it, in your golden dreams. none too good for their customers, peace and harmony. store and has been responsible for cient auto wrecxeni o f this 'section nnd nine times out o f ton you can and they have conducted their large What is done is ended, you need hope no more. are prominent citizens. secure the part you want from them. the phenomenal growth in their and they establishment on this policy ever That which seemed so splendid in the days before We take pleasure in this business While they extend credit upon the business. They can (drnish you with What you would expect o f such a since. They arc prepared to furnish most liberal terms their credit de- anything you desire in the furniture progressive establishment you Lies task completed, commonplace to view— will review in directing your uttentinn your home completely and their stock partaient is distinctive by reason o f line and the management o f this find here. And let us assure you that t° this concern. The proprietors are Just a foe defeated, now there’s more to do. includes the moderate or the more their admirable policies. In case o f store has made a study o f furnf- the charge* will be moderate and the some o f the well known business JOY, is in the dreaming. DOING holds the thrill; expensive designs, whicht -er you de- unforseen illness, accident or other ture during all the periods o f history, service satisfactory, men o f these parts and take an ac- Dull the time is seeming while you’re standing still. nre. They can furnish yo.; a set­ unusual circumstances they are al­ being thoroly familiar with the set­ Thc telephone number for the tlve interest In the onward progress Pride o f conquest stifles all the future fun; ting o f any period and their ability ways most willing to arrange every­ tings also and can furnish very at­ Oregon Auto Wrecking Company at ° f thl* section o f the state, meriting Goals achieved are trifles, greater must be won. to fit you in the furniture line is thing as easy as possible for their tractive rugs that corresponn with 435 East Clay in Portland is East the lending position now held in the only limited by the various styles patrons. These policies have been the style in which you desire to 8700. business life o f this section. Dark although the day may lie, jo y lies in the doubt, turned out by the American manu­ renponsible for a large portion of furnish the room or house. Hope is in the “ maybe you can work things out.” They buy old and used automo­ facturer today I f you are contem­ their tremendous patronage. Cus­ But the thrill is over when the fight is won, Their service is efficient, pleasant biles, paying the top o f the market District Attorney— “ What possi- plating the furnishing o f a room tomers have found that at this es- and satisfactory and no matter for them. This place is an auto And you must discover new goals farther on. . . . . . . .. hie excuse did you fellows have for completely or if it is only one or tablishment interest is personal whether it la one ___ , piece ___ __ or _ a suite wrecking establ.shment and thus has acquittln(f lhat mupdercr7.. — Edgar A. Guest two pieces that you want you will be with consideration for each individ- that you are looking for they will he a large stock o f parts. It makes no Juryman— "Insanity.” able to find the right thing here. usl patron. pleased to give you the same kind of difference what the name or the mod­ * Advertisements— Every article in this section is a paid advertisement” District Attorney— "W hat! A line o f excellent rugs is carried. When you call at this popular stoga service. The el o f your car, if you need a part for whole twelve o f you ?” No service is o f greater value to the community than that which pro- vides even, comfortable heat whether the weather be mild, cold or below zero. This firm has come to be recognized as one o f the foremost furnace firms in this section. They have had a long experience in this work and are thoroughly competent to solve any furnace problems. This is the official home o f the “ Holland" furnace. Thruout every state in the union this furnace has long been known fo r its satis- factory service. It is not only known for its fuel economy but also for the ease with which it can be handled. You do not have to fire the “ Holland” five or six times a day. Even in the coldest weather you go to the basement but twice— in the morning and again at night— if your furnace is a Holland. It comes in sizes for every type and size o f home and building and its superiority is a matter o f long record. Back of the “ Holland” is a com- pany with millions o f dollars in re- sources; acres o f factories, a nation­ wide dealer organization and the good will o f millions o f satisfied cus­ tomers o f “ Holland” products insure the satisfactory service offered you in the Holland furnaces.. Advantages never before available in any type o f home-heating equip- ment are now put within easy reach o f every home owner by the Holland Vaporaire System, This develop- ment ohsoletes all previous methods o f home heating and establishes new standards o f comfort and conven- ience. One simple, economical system warms the home in the winter— cools Henry Jennings and Sons Oregon Auto Wrecking Co.