r e r e n iy y r -R T O N FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1928. reytfw X L O C A L N K W S ®— ----------------------------- Mr*. t'harlc» Jacks w u I land visitor. Tuesday. I’ort- Mr*. Arthur Clament is kept at y i'lne s, this week. her homi Mrs V r. Kreems„ via Mr. ar . 1 * 2 wL A iteti frie. ,M" 1 “ * K*U l*d“ * * Weik P I S hull* is reported suffer- in f from the effe U of a bad cold. Mr. and Mr*. H. K Waite were dinner guests of Mr and Mr*. Har­ old Clak o f Portland, last week. Mrs. Nell Talbert entetained re­ lativi* at a dinner at her home. Sunday. Gray Cooper ar.d Thelma Tcdd In Zane Grey’“ The young chid o f ,Mr. and Mr* Haskell, underwent an operation for a hernia at the Kmunuel hoapital. last week. 1-2-S. Conrad Naitel and IHdores Costelli At Beaver Theatre. "Nevada" Nov. ' drea*. Foreat Grove, Oregon. ber a, lean Said Nettle R. McUirer and Hctt- Attorney* for Plaint iff. Date o f I A it Publication, Janu- ry W. Met «iter, aa owner* o f the Date of Kiral Pubi cation, Novem­ ary 4, MM, mentioned in **>l certftcate. logsl title of the al>ove described You and each of you are hereby property at the* am* appear* of further notified that L. K Miner, tmorá, and each of the other per- the holder of Certificate o f IVlin- •,,ov* »•">«’»* hereby fur quoncy numbered 1987, issued on ’ her notified -that I„ R. Miner w ill, »»* •'»'d day o f July. 1925, hy the «pply ‘ o the Circuit Court of the Tax Collector of the County- of County and State a fo c .a id for a 1 Washington. State of Oregon, for foreclo.iny the lien .„»m a t H„ )ount of *16.10, the same be- the property above descridbed and mentioned In »aid certificate ine tho amount then due and dolili And you are hereby aumtnoned quent for taxe* for the year 1920. together with penalty, interrat and appear within sixty days after o f the aum- costs ther, on upon the rvai prop- the ’ he lirat «rat , publication h . o ... erty assesses! to Herman Mctxrcr mona, exclusive o f the day , of sai- (m.w dccesscdl of which property first publication, and defend this ac- defendanta. Nettie R Metiger and “ » « l>»> ‘ he amounts due as a- Hcnrv W. M e tte r (heirs o f said hove shown, together .with coat* and Herman Met*|ter. de, .«»odi art« the wrued interest, and in caae o f your owner* a* appears o f record, ait failure to do ao, a decree will be of uated in Washington County. State tendered foreclosing thè lima o f Oregon, and particularly hound­ •aid taxra and costa attains! th* Never were foods more tempting, tlmn during the fall day«. ed and described as follows, to-wlt- land and premiara above named. Thia anmmona Is published by or­ Lot Three (SI Block Forty- Great yellow pumpkins, plump fo w l* , luscious fruits,crisp der of Honorable Geo. K. Uagloy. one (411 Metzger Acre Tracts celery great while potatoes and biand new stocks of Judtte of the Circuit Court of th* You are furth.r notified that the State of Oregon, for the County canned and preserved fiuiu Inin every land. said L, R. Miner has paid taxes on of Washington, ard said order *«• said premise* for prior and subse­ mad* and date«! thia 80th day of quent year, with the rate o f in ^ t7b*r7 ' l 9 2 8 .''and 'the date o f' tho fl« fn l A W 9 ’ : . - a . ... _ I . tcrest on aaid amounts as follows first publicstion of this summons is for the year o f 1911, rec't no. 9181, the 2nd day of November, 1928. | »9.27, l2 ri int.; 1914. rec’t no. All profess and papers in this 18519. »7.25, 12 int ; 1915, rec't proceeding may be served upon the no. 14251, *950. 12**- int.; 1916. UK L I V HR Y M i K V IC K W est Side ;> m. Hast Side 3 p. nt undersign*«! residing within the rec’t no 14605. *1103, 1 2 * int.; We Deliver but unlay At 10:30 a. m. State of Oregon, at the address 1917, rec't no. 14227, »9 87, ll r i hereinafter mentioned in t; 1919. rec’t no. 14858. *8.9?, L. R M ner, Plaintiff, Residence tS r int.; 1919. rec't n x 14585. »9 89 • nd Address, Metig.-r Oregon. I2r'r int-; 1921. rec't no. 15948, M. B. Bump, residence and *d- f trmeri: We pay caah Icr your egg* and product *18 07. 12<* Int.: 1922, rec’t no Oregon- 16467. *12 62 12r/, Int.: 1923, rec’t t*r***> Hillsboro, no. 15985, »12.05 12ri Int.; 1924, D- D- BumP« residence and ad- foreclosing the lien against T decree the property above described ami Every Autumn Dainty (continued from Editorial page) no. 14225. »4.10, I M int ; IN I, rec't no. 14854. *1.15. 12rV int.; 1919. rec't np. 14682, »6 2», 12‘ « int ; 1921, rec’t no. 16982, »8.65. UP', int.; 1922, rec't no. 16436, »9.08, 12rc int.; 1923, rec’t no. 1581\ »8.64, 12rV int.; 1924, rec't no. 8587, *4 19, 12*5 int.; all above were paid on May 19, 1925. For 1924. rec’t no. 14925. *4.15, 12T, int. was paid on Oct. 21, 1925. De­ linquency Certificate No. 1873, a- mount $1084, rate of interest, 12 *t. Total »69.37 up to January 19, 1926 . Said Nettie R. Metiger and Hen- ry W. Metzger, as owners o f the legal title c f the above described rec't no- 9174. *5 85, l2ri- int.; 1924, property as the same appears of je-*t no. 14924 15 74, 12*^ int.; all record, and each o f the other per- above were p.xid on July 9. 1925. sons above named are hereby fur- Delinquency Certificate No. 1927. a- i ther notified that L.R. Miner will mount *16.10. rate o f interest, 12 apply to the Circuit Court of the *4. Total *139.06 up to January 19, 4-5. County and State aforesaid for a 1926. Just Phone 3203 and We Will Gladly Deliver ~ BEAVERTON M ARKET AND GROCERY LUMBER ocal Happenings T h e m o n t a q heated borne enjoy a " balanced hum idity.’* T h e radiating w arm air la kept naturally moist but not too moist for com fort. Montag designing has provided for just the right degree o f humidity, or m oist- ness, that ia required in thia particularly dam p climate. This la an Important factor In haallhful, “ vanti- 1 laird hast." aprvlfy th* Big Stock Special Prices SC Mrs- Frank Hooken has been vis­ iting in town, recently. 2 by t's to 2 by 12's 3 by 3’s, 3 by 4’s, 4 by 6’s, Cedar Shingles BARN Sash W. R. Fetch was a business vis­ itor in Portland. Monday. Mrs. E. J. Woodward visited re­ latives in Salem, Sunday. The Ladies' Aid held a quilting bee at the Methodist Church, Wed Mrs. William Smith has recov­ nesday. ered from a recent operation. . r _ , . .. A. C. Chmn and family ware vis Mrs E. Samms spent the week itors at the Robert Doolittle home, end with relatives in Portland. at Alha, Sunday. •—Alice Adims. W. J. McCready Lumber Co. Phone, 4603 Adv. c49-50 D PECK, S A L E S h C h Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt vis­ ited with relatives at Vancouver, Wash. Sunday. movies' Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Petch were guests of Mrs. Petch’s sister at Yamhill Saturday. Hugh Lewis and family have mov­ ed from Beaverton to their new home at Huber. ë Fifteen Beautiful, Unbreakable, Talking Dolls BEAVER THEATER Sunday and Mi nd>y. Nov. 4-5 “ NEVADA” Comedy and News Mrs. Elizabeth Davis and Mrs. Lewis Hughson were visitors at Forest Grove, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H- Davis o f Knap- pa, Ore. were visitors at the Lewis Hughson home, Sunday. \ Given A w a y Election Night— Nov 6th, 7*8 “ VANITY” Comedy and Cartoons Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erickson of The Dalles were guests at the Fredrickson home, recently. A t Your Fridvy and S* lir’ iv , Nov. 9-10 •LOVE AND I.EARN" Comedy Dr. Mason has been seen around town driving a r.ew Willy’s Knight car purchased last week. of a Lovely Radiant fire Now W ithin Reach Prices Reduced Terms Extended Mrs J. E. Davis underwent an operation fer appendicitis at the St. Vncent's hospital in Portland, Tues­ day. Ruth Ralnard was kept from her studies at school because of throat trouble fo r a few days this week. Mrs. C. Jacka and Mrs. I. Myers and children vis.ted with Mrs. John-, son, Mrs- Myer’s mother, at Biliey Ore., Tuesday. L Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Crabtree was a visitor at the J. Raynard home, Sunday. Mr. Crabtree Is a brotn- 4*i of Mrs. Raynard. ■ Anna Norgaard of Aloha under­ went an operation for appendicitis, ■ at the Emanuel hospital in Port­ ■ i land, Tuesday morning. Mrs. Hoffman, near Sylvan, slip­ ped, and in trying to save heiaelf, a struck her arm against the fence, | breaking her wrist. She is 77 c years old- g Beaverton Oregon ¥• ■ Í PRICES S Beaverton Loop ■ Service Station ■ ■ A . B. Clement, Prop. j ¡■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■a • Busy payment*—No /»nonce charge* - Immediate ssrvtcf Beaverton Sheet Metal W orks BFAVFRTON. <‘ RF.GON Make It, Unanimous Th ese Candidates W ere Selected By Overwhelming Majorities A t The May Primaries VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET STRAIGHT NEXT TUESDAY ^ Supreme Court Justice« JOHN L. RAND GEORGE ROSSMAN T ry pawling you r floors this season AT IGash * Carry Qt D E A N 'S D R U G STO R E .J Louise Mier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. /ohn Mier of Hillsboro Kt. 4, was operated on for appendicitis M at the Emanuel Hospital in Port­ ■ ■ land, Monday. A« F U R N A C E 7*eite Store ÍTÍRES The “ Neighborhood Club” met at the J. A- Anderson home Tuesday evening for “ 500.’’ Refreshment* were served. First prizes went to Hrs. Louis Hughson aid Mr. O. H. Breiton and the consolation to Mrs. Elisabeth Davis and Mr. Ben ! Portland Gab & Coke Co. Guy Carr, Bert Bohse, L. Dean and Lewis Hughson had a very successful hunting trip near Gas­ ton, Sunday. The Kigert brothers and Freddie Schmitt visited the W. P. McGee family at Batt’a Ground Wash., last week. Mr. McGee owned a store here, six or seven years ago in the Hodge building. arm without obligation, o f course, No girl over 12 years old 5— No coupons may be depos­ ited in the Ballot Box be­ may be entered. fore November 26th or a f­ 2— Only or.e nomination blank ter 10 o'clock P. M. Christ­ to be placed to the credit mas Eve. of each contestant. 6— No coupons will bo given 3— Every voting coupon must e x c e -t at actual time of be stamped by one of our sale. Do not ask for them sales force before being at any other time. deposited in the Ballot Box. 7— Any coupons showing trac­ o contestant shall solicit es o f any change in num­ vot'-s or customers while ber c f votes marked will be in the store- destroyed without being TH E JO Y Earner Stipe and Robert Summers returned the first of the week from a hunting trip at Tule Lake. \ 1— f ------------- 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Christensen were dinner guests at the Fredrick­ son home Monday evening. E t f A E h l C N , i h C h t (CCS Ot th e Mrs. J. D. W.lmot bruised her knee at Pacific City when she step­ ped off a plank. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Butterfield left Wednesday morning for a week’s visit at Corvalis. 10.00 *10.00 1.75 .65 O U R RED T R U C K S D E LIV E R Mrs. L. L. Myers and her mother ~ ____ were Portland visitors, Thursday. TO WH0M IT MAT CONCERN Mrs. B. A. Rohs. and sons vis- 1 will not be respon tide for any ited relatives in Portland, Sunday debts m ile by my husband, Dan Mrs. B. A. Rohse and sons vis- ited relatives in Portland, Sunday. | Per M Per M Per M Each % \ FLOOR PAINT DIETSCH H A R D W A R E A N D FU R N ITU R E SEORE B eaverton O regon State Senator EDWARD SCHULMERICH Joint Senator EARL E FISHER a Representatives K. FRANK PETERS L. E. WILKES CHARLES R. LAFOLLETT District Attorney E. B. TONGUE B ACME QUALITY County Clerk EDWARD C. LUCE Circuit Judge GEO. R. BAGLEY A cm e Quality protects your flooring. It 'ves a beautiful surface that is easily cleaned. o need to scrub for imbedded dirt. T h e paint seals the pores of the w ood. Goes on easily and dries quickly. W e recom m end A cm e Quality Floor Paint (Granite.) Our guaranty goes with every can. Call upon us for any thing in the paint line. W e are here to serve you. County Commi.mdoner J. M. HIATT I Sheriff J. W CONNELL AtiseHHor W. F. HOLEY Trea Mirer E. B. SAPPINGTON School Superintendent N. A. FROST Recorder JAMES H. DAVIS Surveyor EARL L. HOBBS V O T E IT S T R A IG H T P*id Adv. by Republican County Committee, M. P. Cady, Chairman. lASki NATIONAL STATE COUNTY