K lIU K N t OKt. UnWer«ity Library IK ITH KOK IIBAVKMTON, THF. RKVIRW’ S KOR IT T h e B eaverton CLEAN RCADUCO FOR ALL THB FAMILY The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively T o The Interests O f Eastern Washington County. VOLUME VI, NO. 48. Single* <’opy, 5 Cent* Count) Agent Conclu-1 Beaverton, Wanhinjfton County, Oregon. llltill SCHOOL NEWS Friday, Ortober 2f, 1928. $1.50 Per Year »- iign wn Game from Gresham COURT HOUSE ITE ~ ml Short Items About People We All Know m- Thu second annual footUtll cun- A K RESTS t o t U'lwi n thu ilvul schools, Ilea Fred Faraona waa taken Into cna- vviton nml T.gurd, will be held on tody, Oct. 16, by Depatia» H lc W the funner'» ground' this Friday. and Schrndel, for feeblemindedness. Thu llrst game held at Sherwood George Hoiar waa taken into eua- ' la.I year waa won by Tigard, <1-0, tody Oct. 16, by Deputiea Hickox and lloavvrton expects to gain rc- Hick ox, Oct. 19. for feebleminded- vunru In In rru Friday's gain«. a A com- com t l . __ _ _ vunr» ia y s gain«. .. Plants Must Have No Mori* parativ« uatin.at, or thu »trungth Wearers Of The Orange Harry Iloier waa arrested Oet. Persona! And Minor Men­ of th« two tuuma cannot I hi shown 19 by Deputy Weckert on a charge And Black Make Many Than 5 Per Cent Dis- buuau both tuaina huv« not played tion Of Comings And of assault and battery. any onu oth r achool. However Wm. C. Dodiey waa arrested by Firat D o w n s Goings In Town suNt's To Pass licitlui tuani ha. been defeated. Ti- Sheriff Reeves and Deputiea Sc hen- gaid hua defeated St. Helens and del and Hickox, Oet. 19 for having Kruat Grove whlla Beaverton haa a still, mash and liquor in his MANY VISITING HERE liucti victor» In gamca with Amity 0 . A. C MAN HELPS and Gresham and tied with 8cap- FINAL SCORE IS 30-6 possession. E. J. Thompson waa arras ted by . poose. — Many Bea­ Deputies 8c her del sad Hickox, Oct. Qiuttiag “ Bee" Held. Th« Junior Claaa will *oon decide c- a k „_ WL___ _ . . . „ .. 20 for tho possession and sals of verton! te* Have Visiter* Many Washington County Grower. on the ty|>o of ring» and pin» to h Greatest Enthua- liquor. Conrad N afcl and Dolore» C o.te!li At Beaver Theatre, Nov. 1-2-1. „ , . _____, ba ad-iptod. A commlttae haa been! la»m At The Start O f Game o . ova a»a u .p .c j appolntod to maha rvcconimenda- Mrs- George Tefft left Sunday to — — - tlona to tho cla«a. ' j - CIRCUIT COURT Visit with relatives in Hood River. I’ aaverton’a foo'bnll taarn defeat- Thu Bea*rr‘on eleven «mother,’ ! The Bfarke Machinery Ce., n eor- Mr. and Mrs. A . C- Chinn and the lia.d inspections lor pvtaiu ,d Gresham 30-6 on Greaham» Aeld (Ira.ham unit« ran avalanche of poration, has Aled suit on an action family spent Sunday at the horns avaJ have Dean completed in naan- last Friday. touchdown» on the Greaham Aeld for money against James Cole. R of his parent», Mr. and Mrs. C. D. ingUin County by tna Fnrm Crop» Greaham put fear in the Beaver- Friday, October 18. Not only did Herxoy la the attorney for the Chinn in Portland. L>u(.«rliiiinl of ill« Oregon A giicui- io n ite in the Aiat few mlnutua of Beaverton »core one touchdown In pU;ntiir- The Berthold Feed Store »hipped tui.il loilvga. play whan it stored it» Aral nml the fir at, .croud, and third quartcra The Credit Service Co., a corpor- a carload of hay from Sherwood to In caau 01 II.a Cartiltad gradu of only touchdown with apparently, and two moia In the finul period atlon Has Aled a suit on an action Tillamook and ons from Sherwood »red potato«», n «td» muni allow i,« no oppoaition but then on It wa. but they ala« .ant« within Inrh. « fo rmoney against Mrs. A. H ., t Astria last week. to aaru.d o . of total ot Moduli Baavcrtoii'a game. Jonu# »tarred for o f »coring another, only the »hot Berg, R. H. Lencke is the attorney The Celby family has moved from VS III, Kioto, t m a, Uinchlug. Leal maMng t h r e e o f the five which end” ,I th» half. »topping for the p'aintiff. the H. L. Hudson place to Port- touchdown». Uuru a id Wrigdt mad* them _____~_____ They mar t e l to 26 Arri John Noire has Aled suit on an land where Mr. Selby haa entered Boil ami other potato -ti_____ y. , . I .I I . I ‘ the other two. Beaverton haa yet downs during the game, and he'd action for money against Frank Wi- ther • ataurant business, . umtird grade allows a »lightly teat* da feat, but lu real gtrength the fighting GreahamlU-s to »even, i gle, M B. Bump is the attorney far Ed Smith is slowly recovering huger poicuntage and include, thorn wi|| u . when it meets Tigard Tho Anal «core was .10 to * Ave the plaintiff. from an injury he received to bis potatoes whit h wdl not quite make Btwj HH.I,oro on the heal held in touchdowns to one Neither team State of Oregon vs. Edward w ri,t. recently while cranking a thu cerlihud gradu. Tit* atandani its next two games. was able to convert a a al Haullenhcck, the plaintiff waived c* r- Several ligamenU were torn, •u-d potato 1» u.od for commercial Tho».. on the honor roll this six Gresham «tan »1 in, u ' examination and plead guilty. Ha H. Winkeback and Henry Ostrom, planting. The total acreage of fur- week» are: Fred. Berger. U la Cox titled mk ,I potato## in this county Fern Chin, Km» Shrader, Howard Mek Hn(, was given a Ane o f $560 and a owners ef the Columbia Supply Co. t^rrn o f six months. He wm o f Astoria were dinned guests at thi. year 1« larger than for 1927. Wilson, and Father Shrader. , t.„lphdown „ „ , flrty.y " rf, ; later paroled on the receipt e f $25 the Charles F. Berthold home. Sun- The following poUto growers To get on ths honor roll * »t»- ria, h Bround Hght end by Wedin I cash. lasaeil the livid Inaprctious for Cer- mu»t get at leant th-ee A a ad nnd , w0 |ol,jj paj»«». In the case of m the State or o f ttre O r e -1 -! Mr. and tilled potatoes thi* year; F. J. K ru- * U- and not ,t' M 1 J1* * " ■ 0,n, F r„ m then on It i, r> 1 i in m e ca »o or e oiaie Mrs. Arthur Wilson cgvr, Linnton, Kl 2, Oregon, Conrad i’ 1* r. Port card Although the mil The O r a l I i m ’ *** -nd Todd Fn Zane Crey’* “ Nevada* Nav. 1-5. ron v^ Frank Wood», the p la in -; were dinner guests Tuesday eve­ ---------- 1 *L - t‘ hU ' ............ .'V J ’ r* “ nJ wm _______ ___________ ___________________________________________________ _ «.tu '.tiff waa given a $1000 Ane and a ning at the home o f her father, C. Dick. l i n i e r o . R t"' 4. Oregon. Fr«d J* ,m * '1 '»J*1 '“ V ..............* * 9* “ * t “ a ' rt r» p onged to rne Arat " year in jail. IH. Miller and family in Portland, !.. Meyer, HilMboro, Rt. 8 O re , ‘•rgB >n tho»« t o folloW' ter another, tyiug the «tore in the D A U G H T E R S O F U N I | the occasion being the birthday an­ n r«-.. a , . r , , c . T - w quarter, forging ahead with O N V F T l ' I i A V O ix - xivt MARRIAGE LICENSES niversary o f Mrs. Wilson. j J L' vticntinriuiurt^'Rt GIV- \ alvntins, besverton, Rt. T 8 or!*’ Ore.. ^ , , S » j . „ i EDWARDS r u I i n n m n T n i t V V D P A i U M T V •nothor touchdown in the second,1 «T L R A N 8 JO IN Marriage license« were to Roy E. Uierly, Beaverton, Kt. S, EN B I R T H D A Y I A K T l adding another in the third, and — - - Mrs. W. E. Stiphout and daugh­ the follosrtng couples during the Ore , Nutmara Orchard* (c /o Row- --------- throwing in two mo** in the fourth. Th* °nranlxatfon committee o f1 ter o f Val sets Ore. are visiting at past rll Broa.) Hillsboro, Rt. 2, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Fdwarda en- presumably for goot* measure Daughters o f Union Veterans ! ___. . . ,_______ _ _ . ______ ; the home of her parents, Mrs. and Nutlsy Orchard« (c /o Carl Woh'- tarta ned delightfully with a party Gresham fought gamely, hut theV o i ,ho Civ,‘ W*r woal. R t 2. Ore.. K1,,',k ■T,d m.f Victor Rolcen Hill»tviro, Rt -F r o m Th- Peiveriin Hmomer H '. m . ' i t S " p ^7 " j ’I ' " " ’ w ^ «« ches and a shock received Wednes- '*»■*■’ “ * ...........- B Ore . Wllllnm Wathe', Hi|t-hor>. Fred Om*Ld were Joint hostesses Wednesday afternoon at an e n j o y - _______________ * _ A e'* * ort,and of the ®ut ,the C*det' could day afterncon when he was struck Those attending Pomona Grange Rt. B; Carl Brown, Cornelius Rt, 2; aid. party given ut the home o f Sunday dinner rue-t» at the R ____________________ T u P / C „ ° f by * c ,r dr:ven by Mr- Gat« 8 ot “ C«d*r MU1 Wednesday were, Mr. N. O. Johnaon. Comellua. Rt. 2; the Utter honoring tho eighty-iic- |f p owrii uomi, w#r M M ru , u ^ lr y 8 forward wall, which re- Hillsboro. He had just alighted and Mrs. H. K. Denney and son, Shady Korrd. Roreat G ra n i Glon . . . . . corn! birthday anr.i enutry of th-ir r n rill — >th i Pnrtl. ' a m / 'w 1'’'« "Iv” ’’ Pcat,‘d|y torp m a t holes in the from one of the school buses when Bruce, the Mesdames E. E. Swen- Kpier Fore,« G o v e ; Robert War- ^ Mln'ni# T? mm. Tho J p Tnd 5 » J 0 Powe l l f irin " "S t l " L " ? We#rcrs « «»— button.* line, he was hit. The bey was a t t « d - son. B. J. Woodward, 0 . H BrrfteA I St Marys Defeats Hill Military 24 to 0 1 * Smith, 2 * Tm } £ r Hsgg £ : » A " ¡ Sons, «2 : Hillsboro; , Rrsdvlll *| A Sand drum. B-avcrton, f 0" 0™1 ’ ’ , ‘ j , Thoao pas ira standard grade: • If. J. Valenti’ S, Beaverton, Rt. 2: C !,. Johnson, Shorwood: Geo. !.. Baker. Sherwood. Rt. .1; Mike Yun- k« r Forest Grove; Mrs I^t Tut- ler, Hill-boro, Rt. 5; John Mutiny, lau rel; Frank Muhly, Gomeliu». R*. ?; J. Edw. Wilson, Beaverton, Rt. 2; J. T. Cronni. B-nv ’rton, Rt. 2; Joe Furrer, Portland, Rt. 2; W. J. Thompson, P< ftland. Rt, , . _____ F R F D P IC E Y RNTER- T A IN S S O N ’S C H U M S —— — Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fredrieey en- tertalnud a number r f boys at their h one on Lombard Street Sunday afternoon, honoring their son, Del- mar. Games end several contests wore played and dqHcioua refresh ment* were »arvi q. Seated around the table were Carll Curtis Beach, Arthur Fluke, G.orge Pindcr, Rav trend l.'sm-rdl’ l, Henry Kamher or, Rnt-o’ t E ìgelko, Georg» MeKur cher, Carl Lierman Dcnsld Dupuo, Thomas "Bud", Delmnr Fredrieey and Pets Zohr. Delmnr was the re ipient of many appropriate gifts HUBER LADIES TO GIVE CARD PARTY * ......... ..... , “ J » I " . O r.. ,nd (1" inty gifts in remembrance of the occs- , ~ , , .Z .. _ sion. Those enjoying the afternoon wer-. Mrs. W. H. Bvfiold, Mrs. Em­ ms Hocken, Mrs. Hisler and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Archie Olson, Mrs. Timm and the hoste-s. ° - r “ W" ' Prt~ “ “ * * • '• V pictorial life of H erbert hoover - u . No. 9 Corror.n . „ d a — By Satterfield LOCAL GIRI. IN PA­ CIFIC D E B A T E ____ Pacific Un’vcrsity, Forest Grove, ’¡ £ £ ¿ > 5 cd T h -U Nu sorority in the Phi Alpha Tnu debates hold here last n*Kht’ Every »orority and frater- 'dty *• entering a team ns are the balls for men nrd women. The question ia "Resolved, that Pacific should be made a junior college.” Theta Nu upheld the n.g.itivc last nifht anil lost to McCormick hall, Elimination cont sts are being held «b*h Wl»ck " nd to the winning beam Koca the Phi Alpha Tau silver tro- pby> id Mi— | St. Mary’s Institute ig— ................................................ Monday October 15, S. M. girls met for a pop assembly They eKcted their yell leidor, Bovorty Luck and adjourned. Miss Calllsta dc la Fontnine, for- mer English and History teacher p{ St. M »ry’s nnd now teachim Pf Verb >o t High Scho 1, vialled her pupils and friends Sunday Out. 2 1 , ■ - - - ■ — Mr. and Mr*. Walter Harris, Mr-* N. W. Gorham and Mrs. W. H. Eng- ike visited Pe’wood C ha-t-r in Port- iHmi Tuesday evening o f this wee1', . ,. M' 99 ^ ,r" 1 r f the 8*. Francis Academy o f Portland spent the week end at th- home of her •— The I a lot’ Auxi'ia. y * rue more bt them as time goes on *rn». --------- Those on the Hon- r R«dl in the Mr, and Mrs P. L. Petrequin of Eighth Grade for t’-e first six weeks I.sk * Orovo attended tho C. E »re Alice Fluke, Th-lma Tefft convention at Or*nco Friday and George MeKercher, Grace Johnson Sunday, , and Roy Halisr, | 1. Fa rmile to Chins, Hoover mai lied hts ooltcxe sweetheart and took her honeymoooln» to -laachurta. 8. When the Boxer uprialng ataried. Hoover built tfefenae workai Mr*. Hoover eared for tho wounded. » >. Rumimi of dUeootrnt spread through North­ ern China. Violence threatened all foreigners. 4. Civil war ended Hoover’« promising explorations hi China, and ho salted with his wilt for hoaso. - ■>,. M— R. H. D. William», Tom Stump, Myrtle HITEON LADIES PLAN h «*"*9* " *• Mr8 Rice hn6 A CHICKEN DINNER J Z L , from Be.- .. .. n___ H.teon Progressive club lsd.es are p'ann.ng a dinner for the eve- ning of November 3 This will be a chicken dinner with all the etc. Dinner served from six to eigh:. | at the home of Mrs. Lena Olson. This will precede the bazaar to be given at the Hiteon achoolhouso the same e v e n in r vorton who attended the Christian v„ de. vor convention at Ctgnco, last ; k were Mr. , nd Mrs. John Pe- ^ son, Harold, Mr. an Mason Bennett, Paul Shellenbergcr. Cathryn Biftch and Fem Chinn'. An interesting event of next week- plow them for big gains. on Thursday win be the chicken The Saints scored in the first dinner ah dbaxaar to be held in quarter, recovering a fumble on the basement of the Churutt of Hill's 35 yard line and swashed thru the enemy’s defense for three first ca m * . downs and a touchdown. The kick There will be many articles both for the extra point went wide. Cor- useful and ornamental for sale at coran kicked to Hill's 5 yard line the baxaar, such as pillow casts, and then Hill, determined to make dresser scarfs, lunch seU, apron««, a touchdown, after carrying the ball and ironing boar dcovers. The ba- to the Saints’ forty yard line, they xaar will open at 2 P. M. and thu lost tho ball on downs. dnner will be served from 5:30 t«v St. Mary's squad now started a 8 P. M. drive for unother touchdown but | -- ;------------ — . lest the ball on downs. Hill did KINTON LADIES AID likewise. S t M arys received the rT r r T a f R I ball again and started for Hill's! ELECTS Ut* M L L K 3 goal with a disastrous result f o r 1 ---------- Hill. This drive chalked up more Kinton, Ore., Oct. 22, (Special.) points against the Cadets. Cnee There was a very good attend- during the half the Cadeta took anC4 „t the regular meeting of the tho ball within the shadows of th e . Kinton Ladies’ Aid Society held at Saints goal posts, but the Saints the church last Thursday afternoon, held them for dowrs on the 4 yd. I following officers were elect' d line. Corcoran punted to safety, j for the comi„ g y w : President, Mrs. The whistle then blew annoueing, Ri»h*rds- vice president, th - completion of the half. *Mrs j R Danj