FRID AY OCTOBER ß. 1028 TITW 1TEA VERTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY REVIEW Murh latmr-wvm* machinery la I Tha construction o f a naw Aro-n>< ¡ '* * install««! in th« K W. J. alstant concrete store building for Hearty, Inc., fruit packing plant the Associated Co, at 8cio ia pro- at Hood Rivtr. i greasing rapidly. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS* |j Inter-sting Utile Notea from the Surrounding Country oa ; Told jy Our Active Specie! Correspondents Wtt-kiy |l STUDIO DA It 11 Hit SUOI' Ad vcrtlsements In till* column 1 Pcrgeron. e-46-lf. — — — — — — » » — u i »ne- * nt n Word, Minimum charge 26c. FIRST LI .A 88 WORK FOR RENT Mr. mid Mrs. A. I Inn non of Mu •i BH- FOR MALK AT REASONABLE I’ KICKB her, Ore. and Mr. and Mr* J. Val. I. Aloliu-Huhcr Review For Krai— 14 n< re*, 2 mile* from I ! aniline of I’urtlan«' were Hu.elay t oi Hale -% uere tract* in Ber- Beaverton, new house, gas Lam, ¡ HI - w J. K. Hlrphras. Crup. ltu<'»ts at the home o f Mr nnd Mrs, \ thuld's Addition, Beaverton, Ore. *1 acres cleared, balance pasture, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood moved to || j Valentina. Some tract* clear and others not family orchard, Telephone, Scholls I'ortluml, Ibe flrst of the wivk. i clear nnd *ome with «hade tree*, Slock Country I C eyotvs are agu | giving the 2440. Inn McCormick, near Wh't- l our block* from High and Pub. Companies Rates Hairy I’rlre l< dilvmg a new farmers who have sheep, a lot of ford flrst house to the left of lie School* tm rock road. L'ghta King Denney's old Peterson place. Automobile Insurance |ClH,,w’u H,,d*n i»rchM«fvi#w w „ h w#r. Bunday der at the most tiff. and 764 each. Mr«. Wm. Shoe­ furniture visitors at th# W. brum« home, Another real estate deal to re­ Hans Nielson. p-45-48 maker. Aloha, Ore. p -jfl la Beak Block port this week. Hr. and Mr*. An- ____ , , , „ , _______________ Mrs. Paul Dudley who has bean Lost and Found. thony Schulte have traded the r 20 For Hrle— Repo«e*»ed piano. Paid - m o , **• tor months at • Port- f ’ Oo down. Will give to any- I uiiiitaia Service . . .Heel of Kate hospital, ha* returned to her acic tract on Cooper mountain for L a t— Man s signet ring. Reward. thc Belmont Apartments managed one who will finish payment* A Phone Beaverton 5862. c-45 Whitehall Restaurant huw* *»•"• by Mr. and Mr*. C. J Daily, whi h - _______________________ I* located on the comer of ea t ' MArtAZIMBM and CANDY J ' 11 ^ Aloha M tr' • MAGAZINES and CANUI cllT,ine i t ,iro »,11 , „ n moV, from 2i*th nnd Belmont street*, peril and. f A*“ 1. lhu Wogram Mr*. L. F. Ilumburg begs to an- BEAVERTON H OREGON hie residence at Kssdvtll* to a place It !■ understood Mrs. DaPy’« broth- U »upporied by a aeries of nounc* the opening of a Beauty ______ | that he ha# recently purchased on •r and family will live on the n“ 1“ > •»twUintuen-s over i Schuit* ranch. . iNational Broadcasting Com-j Parlor at her home on Franklin R " '" " " " " " ‘ Whe. ler Ave. P- '*/’• network^ on Friday nights Avenue. Your patronage ia kindly Beaverton Lumber Co. Mr». Mary M«uh«ii, a former n- "" ! itt li o'clock* A dv.c-tf. eldent, ia racoverlng from a recent New Violet Kay Oa»«h„* Is Violet Kay Gasoline, its produ- rolicittd. Phf ne 3952. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE automobile accident when the car Urlng Sold By General Dealer- ■ announce, represents months she was riding in «k'i’drtl on the Lewis Brothers, Proprietors of ii-seurch end experiment', both loose gravel, at Tillamook. Tha fail season for debutantes- ^ * * ro* d- Catherine Terry received a frac­ in tiio automotive Wur!d at | u ,lh „ * ° bJ , f , 'fi a l other type* of motor*. The members o í *h# P. T A. “ In every town from Canata Here T ur*d»)» and Thursdays high-effi- .a « commit,*# on the lunch##« to be down,.. Gcntr. , ind«pend< nt dealer. The irsult * is * a . V vitalized, ?- — ------- -------------------------------- --- rved to the Wusnlngt n C#. Coun-, thi. number ir> * * y. * j . ‘ ¡* h*1 nmde w Ur and e »• l v. s J ()\ c l ef P -T A. held a meeting at flvr hun.Ir l united in presentinr 'Vi0" « ' ^ oniP°un sta M A I r - S &. » U .N , school building, Mouday after t« th , moborng pubic Vio'et ltsy v*,‘ ” h » ' ' e* 1 aciAc C o a a tm o to r.ti starting BILLIARD PARLOR ncon. Gtmol n ^ - Z Im p rov ed V * of gla n ced , quick .U rtin , improved l ' p pe fuel that is destined to sur]>aas In Cigars, Tobaccos its ti knock fuel with many distinctive Mb gucce-a the or dinal General which Confections, Soft Drink* | ; features. IIITEON NEWS ^ p h o . n e m : \ v j :: ¡ u n 67 o : ^ I * » t introduced a few ye rs ago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------ 1| Because of the fuel that this Cady lUdg. — t— WaUoa 8L ¿ !n order to make this new gaso­ CRT30N ^ Mrs. Herman Mctxentine spent 1 ne*v violet colored p r duct is d * - line di tinctive and immediately re- ^ BEAVERTON Friday in lid »boro. placing all other General Gasoline Cogti gable, G en«:«! Petroleum che- Mr*. George Andvreon »pent FrJ- i in n«ore than .«,000 pump*, the Gen- r.usta have given it a violet co- A. C. CHINN day afternoon l i ‘ Forr*t Grove. | eral Petroleum Corporation ia spoil- of a shedc so delicate that it PAINTER and BUILDER Mr*. Smtlh of Metzger called n ^our ^reat states an e - will retain its true tone only in program of newspaper, , perfectly pure solution. Protect- Thursday in th# Metx#ntine home. lahoratc Day or Contract Work Milhoard and radio advertising to ed by thi, 0olor> the motori,t who Mrs. G T. West waa a Saturday Phone, Bravest«»« 2754 ayquaint the public with ts roa- us, , violet Ray Gasoline i* m*Ur - «\ening guest in Ihc Metxentine sons for this importaa' fopwarit e | ,.gainst obtaining inferior mo- he me. tor fuel, shii-e the presence o f any Do nut furgrl the food salf, Tha magazine eoction* of all acids, ha»«» or aalta which would on real estate. Low inter* £«tuiday |u the Srhubring GUed- Sunday nrw»p -p. ri are being usod harm hla car also would tend to cr.uun store of Tigard. est cost, repayment priv­ PLUMBING and HEATING for tha Arat tim* In the history of destroy th« delicate diat netive Mist France« Hans«n spent the oil eompnny advertising on the »hade of thia new gasoline- ileges. Write for details. Hardware, Paint# wrak end w _h her sister, Mr*. Les­ Phone, 2003 ........................ Beaverto« ter Croft o f Mulnomah. WASHINGTON Hiss Gertrude Seida returned to Mihool Monday, She has been home Savings & Loan Assn. during her mother’s illness. W . E. PEGG Shute Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. £ Beaver DR. A. E. WILSON O P O V E T R iS T JKWKI.FR Optical Work— Repairing BEAVERTON OREGON ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (!■ $ !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ aw In Every Home —complete telephone service is a convenience to every member of the family. Properly placed extension telephones save tiring steps for the housewife. Son or daughter, sister or brother, dad or mother— find them a year ’round comfort and satisfaction. And too, the telephone is an aid in emergencies and a protection in danger. West Coast Telephone Company »' J s H ■ I I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .................... ... J IB B 2 : W ood Co J * LOANS F. W. BISHOP UNDFRTAKFR Crange —; Beaver Wood & Ice Co. Beaverton Barber Shop C. J STEVENS, PROPRIETOR GUARANTEED Beaverton, *•? f hrint 3 Get Your Order in N ow ! ! Beaverton Lumber Company A T Y O U R T H R IF T S T O R E B -------------------------------------------------- HU Low Prices and Good Foods go Hand in Hand- Our weekly advertise­ ments list only a few’ o f. the VALUES to be found here, and ALW AYS QUALITY IS SUPREME____________________________________________ __ KINTON HAPPENINGSI Mrs. Anthony Cohulte made a buaness trip to Portland Saturday, The farmers in lhi» commun ty ihaving silos ha\e been busy All ng UHKtHtN ihdll). t Thrift Values for Sat. & Mon. Oct.6 & 8 -w PHONES: Dr, Sam Sorenson of Beaverton Beaverton, 7216. Portland AT2021 wits in town Wednesday on profes­ sional business. THRIFT COFFEE — “ TH E TASTE TREAT.” fine quality. 31r*. L S. Blerly and daughter, Mrs. Ethel Mc(!ormick o f Hillsboro, were at their homo here last Tues­ day. . e . . . * aa idinaes Ida and Rosa Bucher of Portland spent Sunday with their pureuts, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bu- choi. .Is» Is W’e Re. ve Good CofW i CARL’S BARBECUE F. A. NOYES plumbing, heating gas fitting. Always on the Job. Pipe Cnl An<) Threaded. Phone, Beaverton 3303 FIG BARS — Old Mission, Delicious wholewheat bars fiHed with fresh figs, 2 lbs. Peanut Butter — In bulk, Lne and fresh, made from selected nuts, per lb-......... ¡snowdrift — The popular, pure vegetable shortening, 4-Ib. pail ............................. Upton's T ea—Orange Pe­ koe, l/i-Ib pkg., ................ j Mr. and Mr«. O. B. Kraus and ' fain ly o f Tualatin were calling on an d , friend* and relatives around town C. L. BAKER DRY GOODS and MEN’S FURNISHINGS L#t Th# H#av#rton Review Do That Printing For Yeti. WE PRINT PRICE LISTS HANDBILLS Graduate Student» in Cood Place» in State Sunday. AI V. and Mrs. Harold Cutting spent Sunday with Mr*. Cutting's p«reut*, Mr and Mrs. Fred Brown of North Plains, William Wenzel was one of the Klntonites who attended the State Fair during last week. He «pent the day Saturday. TI e regular meeting of ivlnton Ciangi will be he’d Saturday cve- ii ng nt 8 o'clock. All grangers are invited to be present. Regular preaching service will ho he'd at the church tha Sun­ day at 11 o’clock in the morning. Bible school at 10 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs, Emil Ficken and fam'ly of Tualatin ware vis tor* at the home of Mr. Ficken« brother, Mr, and Mrs, Lorent Ficken UNIVKH8ITY o r OREGON, Ku M ihkc * Alma and Gladys StoUoX grn# -Kigbl graduate atudent» who »indu'd In Ihr *rhoo| of buainea* admin of Huber and Paul Langer of I’ ea- istrsllna nt llie University of Orogon vernn were vl*itor* la«t Sunday at all oMnlnSit good pcaition* upon the , the homo o f Mr. and Mra. C. Van- eomplntinn nf iheir graduste work in dermott. .intia. 102?, it is aanaiinred hy V. K Rnd Mr*. Bon Kershaw of Kali», acting hrnd o f the irhool. Tigard attended the seas on o f the Five of the *,latent, went dlreellv r(.h0ol Sunday morning. Mre. into nee.mnling work, while three other* FrrsaW wa* surcrlntcndent for A are on H.n .lu ff, of enllegc j numb#r t f y#wr|i Ground fresh to your order. This Blend is the acme of 1 It) . . . 3 lbs.................... BEAVERTON FEED and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Chambers and PRODUCE COMPANY . , n „ T . i family and Mr«. E. L. Cox wore Highway and O- E . tracks U, a'erton buane»« caller«, Wed- C. J. Beach, Manager nuday. ATA LOGS POSTERS Summer Prices on Briquets. 0CERS A. Norgaard & Co. Sanitary I s“ndy Uou- ‘•v« rd- hund« y Miss Luc He Hite anti Mr. Kr«y attended the Stat# Fair at Salem on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meat*, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hite, Mr. and Mr*. Churles Van Kleek, Ml-s Klfle Van Kl«?ek, Miss Evelyn llite Finest 11 ta, Jr. and Joe Meats attended th# Fair Saturday Oregon Painting. Knlsomining, Papering Priera Reasonable ALOHA jj This ONE Paint will cover ■ ANY and ALL Surfaces! l onry and l.loyd MotxenUn* spent EMBAUMER the week end with th«ir u n c«, Frank 8clm#ltser of The Dali#«. Bravertoa Mre. G. L. Weet, Mr*. Herman Metxentine and Miss Pauline West Hlock Wood. Planer Kadej All grade« of Utah-Wash. coat. Yard at Front & Main ' R. L. Hchulti Phone 6702 OREGON BEAVERTON SATISFACTION J | and Building ■ : j 35c 19c 91c 23c 48c ...... $1.39 BAKING POWDER— Calumet, 1-Ib. tin ............ CORN MEAL — Yellow or white fresh ground, 9 lbs. Pancake Flour, — Sperry’s A favorite for hotcakes 3 -lb. pkg............................... Raisins— New’ crop seedless in bulk, 4 lbs........................ Life Buoy Toilet Soap— 3 bars ............................. • 27c 35c 29c 23c 19c Candy Special an unsuipassed value in these asioited A . E .T H O M A S C o p y r ig h t W . N . U . S E R V IC E B g D o d d .M e a d a n d Co.. Inc. HIS IS A STORY which brings into piny the author’s well known dramatic power. .For, like O . H enry and others o f similar talent, he has found in the life c f a great city the magic o f romance— this tim eof romance suddenly shattered and regained only after bitter experience. Hillsdale Asparagus — ten­ der short, asparagus pack­ ed in picnic tins, 2 cans, .. Pioneer Clams— Dainty ra­ zor rriineed, tall tins,’ 2 cans Bluing cr Amonia — large bottles o f these. 2 bots... Purix—The master bleach­ er. water softener, a great washing help, large 32-oz. bottles, 2 for ................... Sunbrite Cleanser— double acting cleaner-deodorant can 33c 49c 15c Pineapple— A quality pack golden Haw-aiian fruit, in slices slightly broken, No, 2f tins, 3 cans ........ . Del Monte Peaches— Deli­ cious fruit in heavy syrup Large 2Vi tins, 2 cans, . . . A & L Golden Yellow Corn Del Maize, No 2 tin, 3 cans Crystal White Laundry Soap— The “ Rillfon Bubble” soap- 10 bars....................... Thrift’s Quality Tissue Toi let Paper, 1000-sheet rolls 3 rolls, WHERE YOU SAVE ON FOODSTUFFS - This Interesting Novel Is Our N ext Serial Offering .29c “ Hand Strung” Chocolate Creams 1 ll> 57c 43c 49c 42c 19c TH A T'S THF J m a t flo r o c yi