V V EUGENE, URL U niversity L ibrary Ei IK IT H ro n MCA V MITON, REVIEW 'S TIIK KOI! IT T he B ea verton R eview The Only New»paper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests Of Eastern Washington County. VOLUME VI, NO. 41. S ìmk I c Copy, 5 Cent* Beaverton, WashinKlon County, Oregon. Friday, SEITKMHKR, 2s, 1928 $1.50 Per Year — Short Items About Folks we All Know Numerous Items Furnished By Our Special Corres­ pondents In Town ; ,TEMsC Essay Contest For School Children ICOUKT HOUSE it)---------------- AKKKHTS Florence Mubilvt m was a rre s t' od by Deputy Woe iter I on Sept 2 I, for liipior poskesa tun C J. Koaeluiul wna arrested on Sent 21 on u larceny char go, by (deputies W tckert and Bchemiel. Jos. Strunk was taken Into cu s­ tody, for ojMnating a machine while intoxicated by Deputy Weekert. N I. Rausch wsa arrested on a charge of drunkenrrs, by Depu­ ty Weekert, Sept. 22. j. iiK.il SCHOOL NEWS OB — —■ - ■' 1 > — —— i ’1 be local bigh school student body elected its oltkvrs Monday «Í- UI noon. I lie following aie Ihe otf iters cii< led; Presumili, Vernon Mnjmn, V c e Pres., Mark uoi.es Sec. Viv.an i l l u n i , il« us. Howard W il­ son, R eporter, Kn nurd Wilcox, I'a r- llepulilican County Central Committee Sponsors Essay Contest o . Have Two Tire Punctures Mgr., Krinu .ScIron, Kinatu'iml Mgr. t late nee lious, E ditor Hummer, Le­ And Go 187 Miles On wis i'oole, Ass s la n t Editor of the Hummer, Hubert Halt < Business Ü Gallons Of Gas. Mgr. of the Hummer, G enn Zuer- cl.vr, A dvertising Mgr. of Hum­ mer, 1'uul Siiellenberger, Student SEE ONE TIED BEAR Council, Howard Wilson, James Un- j dvrwood, I'reS. of Council, Lloyd Anderson, L i « W alker, Erm a N el- i ,CB. 8oc. Council, Vernon Mapcs, Finds Old Editor Of Beaverton P s - Archie Zlmbrick, Jacob Koenig, per On Route At S tatio n A football gam e with the Grant High School Ereshmeif, of Portland ________ w i|l be held F riday (to d a y ) at — 8 R M Mr' „ * !? « •"* » • Next F riday a gam«- with Scap- •un, Jesse made the trip la st week poose a t Beaverton will be played. around the Mount Hoof loop. I hey left home a t 6:30. They CHRISTIAN ENDEA t through Gresham, and a f - going some distance in the moun VOR HAS MEETING ter tn n . they stopped at a filling Keal Estate Transfer* dt- I Fires Are Numerous I the Past Week B. N. W ilhite e t ux to E arl D. Hutchinson e t ux F a rt of Lota 367 Johnson Eat. Add. A lbert M. Anderson e t ux to U - n ltd Slat«« Realty Co. Lot lb, Blk. 1 H unt Club Tra. Nuble Holding Co. to T. M. Me- ,averVm* 1 red K norr and family were tlff. Guy C. Strong et ux to John A. Elnler Miller has fl’e l suit for , c fclrcl* rd 1 resident of U. 8. day Afternoon. Many Respond. guests of J'o rtlsu J frw.tus, S u n ­ Hammock, Lota 12 and 13, Berwick money against W. E. Rice. Hare ______ day. McAlear and P rtara are the a t- Acres. . k a a ii ---------- Mr. and Mrs. I*. G. Uettendorf tom eys for the pla'ntiff. I The Republican County Central Elizabeth E- Ras to John Olsen A P , of W luiford visited at the S lste In tha esse of th« S tate of Ore- Committee for W a.ingtou County > - * « » » • « " • “ «** a , « . lteA * £ » d epartm • , u ™ ent on ,OT h air Wednesday. to gon asinat Henry Brulnawlck, the ia sponsoring an #jzay contest in Trs ! tom e to Cedar A.iil wher^ lire was Mr. and Mrs W. K. Vsn Kltck plaintiff plead guilty, which the school < h fdren of the Lycurgus C albreath to Cooper- „„„ ___. .. . some and daughter, C athryn visited with In the case of the S tate of Ore- county will participate, the sub a t ve Recreational and Educational , . . front P. n th ' a . t *” me es- Portland relatives Sunday gun vs. Lulu Brocon, the plaintiff J«ct to be "Why H erbert Hoover 8c. of Ore. 12 acres Sec. 24 T. 2 8- . ¿ “L * " r "‘ ‘t j Should be Elected I‘resident of the R 1 W J v f T fv 1 . ? G C*r r ’ J “8' Ail s Klmcrna Gardner of Ever­ plead not guiHy. T b ra rie e M'lid’ston was given un- United S tite s .'' M B.Chapman et ux to C W r i J e tt. W'a.h was a week end visitor til Monday of this week to plead The following s topic rule* will at the II. F W’aitc home. The In term ed 'ate Christian E n ­ her eaee. govern:— i a c t t io*t J ^ . So'OTnoa Emwlck D- Bruce Denney and H. B. Denney ... ,___ . ... F. W. Lewis appearrd In person The title shall be “ WHY II FIR- deavor met a t the Congregation«' on. He was editor of the Cronicle J. P. P etit et ux to J. H. G ray where a live brand Uhad hm iw T r ihureh recently to e!art officers for S"_°. tn* “ l and WSS arraigned. BERT HOOVER SHOULD B E l cada Locks last Sunday. h ” * ** “ * ™ *cr” Wm- C«ri>enter rk-d and atarted burning near some Delightful v H e ^ a a one ^ 7 t h e T l E. J. Roseland was given until LKCTED PR ESID EN T OF THE the coming six months retreshm enta were sewed and games Iro m there they w e V Mr and Mrs Henry Kern of Sept. 24 to plead hla case. , he MIU 8% l)Ier te Jo, en, Ja ck . ^ ~ 'UNITED S TA T E S/' I'ortland were Sunday guests at the — E sinys must consist of not isas The officers elected were Pres., rot< home of her sister, Airs. I.. L MARRIAGE LICENSES r7T riew Co; MounVHo<>ih, ; ^ave^'m ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ ‘"h “ l! than KUO or more D an 1000 words. Lass well. M arriage I *-en»«* w ere issued to Essays must ié subm itted t7 V h e !'',U! ’ Ï* * P rf* ■ t 0 ‘rd dld coulJ but ‘hp preejnet committee men in the dls Bill-bara Cady. Sect. Treas., Lu- lJ^h/where^h-y^^e lZTvi£ W-rk M Mr». N. W. Gorham and Mr the following persons; et nx Ty>t 17 Ashhr«v*k Farm , high w nd blowing such a gale, Fsul H, lle is'er and P red illa I trict in which the contestant is lo ­ cdle Purnea, Chairm an of Social of the mountain and Mrs W alter Ita rr's attended . Ids A. Hemmenway to Comm. Na- th a t little coo'd be accomplished Committee, Franc v Jenne, Chair- Troutdale C hapter Saturday eve­ Hoi*, both of Portland, Sept. 2?. cated by j 80 acres T k a re rto n excepting n the cleared spaces. A Zuereher and Thekla 28. Louis Hood R v e r apple orchards they no. , , , ^ where they put out num b erlesa^o n - ning of last week. • Alexander, and Chairman of P ray­ Scheidt, both of H illsboro,_8epb C ontestants must be reru ln rly en- M*Ty F HarT^ r I® B njamin E. flagrations. Mr. and Mrs. I’hil er Meeting Com mittee, Ruth D en­ t , T - . r , n ‘< U lry ^ Hess and J) ... _ rolled in some grade or high school ney. bi < H iv p rT l o-hw^v u" n .ie o trm- H a rre r et al. Lot 6, Blk. 1 C ur-' The dam age was considerable. daughter, Alias Betty of Portland Ross P llall and Violet E. Bit- „/ Washinirtun fo u n tv »era Sunday dinner guests at the r# r. Sept. 10, both of IHIsboro. the r C m e " t ^ oVloc" *m ^ A'J * . . ,P" t>ctU" :, on th e:r ^ *1. Lot 182. Johnson E state Ad here helped guard the Bauers, the Mrs. F. H. Schoene attended the Rev. 8. MrMfnnus pastor of thu DIES AT HILLSBORO •n f mnd , went ,.lb7 " lie s nine di, ion. - M, vV And the Kam il’s buildings, The first prize In the Countv- i card party given by Al Kader Trm - Hillsboro B aptist church. g aiio n . of gasoline. They saw one o -ace M. C n„nv et vlr to S t- t - F it* got quite close to the big wide contest will he *10 00, second Tie In Portland. Wednesday a fte r- John L- Pell of Scappoooe and 15.00 and third *2.50. John S itgcndhaler died in a H ills­ bear in tne mountains but he w m of Oregon P ar! c f Lot «. Blk- F. dairy buildings on the LJidow da- tied. noon of last week H arriett Timmerman of Banks on ________________ c f ” Ps AHifitto» Beaverton. \ iry ranch but was checked w thout The announcement of the con­ boro hosp-tal Sept. 21, 1228- He Airs. N. G. Freeman has return- 22. T»#v » e ra m arried te st was made following a meet was born in Beaverton and died C- A T U D V V v tv i- f r n - Elmer SMnes e* ox to S»-te of any loss though ii looked a t tim es ed to her home here a fte r a vial* -* hy Rev. Herb-gt A, Dick, F-g of th.- executi.c c-m m ittee al ut *hc age of 49 pears l A I n n i -x V A . N h L L L K n m -n n P a rt of Blk. 10 S teel's Add as though this ranch would be lie leaves to mourn his loss, two wilh her cousin. Mrs. Jennie Me- r 8 , l °.r J* Hillsboro to n g re g a - KiiKboro. Saturday, and they have H A S PA R TY W E D . p„nr»r+on. wiped clean of all ita S uitings. _ - A . n_l f ‘k... - ■ W Croud of Portland. --------- H enry A. Lowry e t ux to Mrs. L. U n Croeni ia the only one re - * „ . _ been agreeably surprised by the en ters, one in Minneapolis and one William Sohler. Forest (.rove on g reat amount of interval already in A 'lierta, Canada and two broth- A m erry little group of young- L ra 'l, P a rt Lot 13, Alton A cre- ported as suffering from any bod- Mrs. Maude Miliar of Portland, dy burns. His hands a re burned and grand daughter, Betty Jean 8, pi 19 was m arried to B arbara m anifest, which will doubt'«as mean VÄ ’ ^ ' U w ia * f r * (fathered a t the home of Ca- age Beaverton. Hillsboro. They re- , Ui-ge num ber c f exce'lent es- sd Fred b ie g e n d h a l^ N h ry « Van Kleek Wednesday u , help R. L. Tucker et ux Vo S. W. Leo- and he lost h a garage- He was Alahlir »pent Sunday at th* R. Hilleche uI K w W m. G raf of Be.h I »..lurch celebrate her seventh u birthday __ an- __ na*d. N H o f Blk. I, Beaverton ****** ***** ■****• *T. says from all sections of th# on the roof of the garage when one Mahler home In 8«'em. rultl;>nd Ore., R t ?, on.ciuted a t nivorsary. The afternoon was spent £ ----------------------------- county. of the neighboring house# was Eleanor Bowlea of Cliffs, Wash., IIITEON MAN GIVEN b it lim erai. burning and stayed a little too long _ j in contests and games a rd refresh - | who Is visiting her staler Mr*. E St. Mary’s Institute so he had hard work gettin g a- ents of b'rth d ay cake ice cream g . H.’ll here, was a recent visitor PARTY BY FRIENDS POT LUCK SUPPER IS QUARTERLY CONFER­ m way a t all. and punch w ere served. a t the N. G. Freeman home. HELD AT CHURCH studl n t •*• A*** —------------------ - ENCE TO BE HELD The chi'dren present were A rdith Hiteon, Ore Sept. 24. (Special) Mrs. J. A. Hoygood, a former Seidmore, U la n d Edwards, Doris 18 A 1 and TH REA TEN S n a < ,1 a 1,1 /. discussion /l.M/tllaa. am A M I _ a fte V 1* a r * m * \ Z E Mr. Herman Metzentlne was given Psavcrton resident left l_st week considerable elected the Manning and P atsy Dunbar, Jan e ^ , . . . . . . , . . A pot !uck supjH-r wa» M n i Kinton, On*., Sept. 26, 1928 (Spe- Pres., Georgette STITMP RESIDENCE from I’ortland for nn extended vis- s b i r t h d . y surprise party by f r e n Is , t „ „ CbuK h of C h r is tia n T h u rs- cial) A quarterly conference of the Domagalla, Harold Clement. Lewis n V l r r Dorothv Run it with i r l t t h r t t m K rntuiky. w tdnw lR jr «vvninir. Th* «vwninjr day even in if Friday evening g u est, at the * ' “6W0” a ,,# r whie!‘ From pt action on the p a rt of Many beipful talks were made a- u jn u j uotu|H o-H »« P|J4 *4 11 si w u f nt, Analoe Shields of P ortland ar.d _ ’ , „ iviaa, -A rm ?, Qay C arr, forem an for O lto Erick- Kmma Hocken home w.-r, William d,i!n,y , . r' ,^P: hm cn,• Wl’2 . , ‘'rv‘M ....... . U -ies. The first of le sd .y o i f c d i 8^V - ; ^ d Rohse. r ^ B u n k r ’' meeting Satorday probably saved H art wig of Tucson Ariz and Mcr- AH ivtt w,,uh,n'r ™ these, on "H «w To Improve The c-wk< --------------------- 1 ■ The me« t,D* then 9on ^ adjourned. a qti|^ disastrous fire a t the corner vyn Harding ham of lo rlla n d . M,*ny n,or*‘ h*P»>v »’Irth d sy . l burch ^ nrd was made by Mr. D. \ large a'tendanoe is expected. A D J S T . S U P T . T O S P E A K .. „ lh o se present were Mr. and Mrs The girls a-w m bied a t St. M ary's of F irst an<1 Angel Sts. Mr and Mr». C-eorge ~ ” A wood saw had cut some wood •on were dinner Mr. Stump, and the resulting the home of the saw dust had been pil d up and Dorian Patterson cn fire- The fam ily all le ft Mrs. D. P itt . -hat morn n g afte r having extingu- flowers thfs Summer, among them \nderson nnd daughter, I lke | ast spark, as they think. night only, FYiday Sept. 28. (to - l ->oney, T reasu rer. The older people then assembled she had some very pretty dahlias. Mr. and Mr». Herman Metzentino ... Time fo r action, now, let's go! A!ong tow ards noon the men a t Iliteon Club ladies are planning n g lit i at 8:00 P. M. Rev. Bates n i ns. Henry, Lloyd and E verett, io r P W meeting whllw Dw young. Some are almost nine feet tall System atic basketball practice wprk in the Erickson G arage saw Mrs. U n a Olsen, and daughter and ^ ^m » ln ed Ti the basement to have a food sale a t Schubring has served as D istrict S uperinten- with G eorgette B errest as capU in sn,okc Tal, ing ne«r the house and The M atron's Club of 1926 met sons. Mis. tm - Vsn Klrek, Miss a -d Beiderman a t 7:45. The sale dent in Southern Calif, and Miss- , ®lb.e ^ ri»* -nd a storj- has been sU rted . They reg ret on investigat>on thev found th a t Saturday a t the home of Mrs. V. will be on Oct. 6. innary Superintendent, in C h n a. by M rs. O. A . Cooper. 1 aulins West and Connie W»st. _____________ that but few o f the basketball vet- firc ha(| spread in t h . g ra3s and A. Wood s t W sstdaie a t a one o '­ erans are with them this year. As wgs a tt-c k ’ng sums old wood clock luncheon. Twelve ladies were JR. C. E. DINNER IS D C u C IJ a conse4uence ‘be tem porary coach ciled ' u p on t he south side of the protent. By sa tte rn e ld finds it necessary to thoroughly wtKH, ghed Mrs Lirxie Robertson, who has A FINE SUCCESS search the student body for cap- No damaJfe was done as they vlsllwith relat'ves n Kansas City ab'e players. W ith a long, stiff t the flre out b , fore it g ain cl b lith e r, B<-n F\ Dnly left for a ] |l I I W 5 J Th Junior C. E. dinner, which season of coaching, they hope to entrance to the ing ..e 0f the bull- v is t with relatves In Kansas City was given Friday evening, wus well have a team th a t w 11 equal th a t of d irg Ju at in?id:} th e shed was 3 4 f Wednesday. attended by the Beivwrton people. pas. years. quantity of p ain t-m ate rial and oil 1 1 ---L ^ — Ce- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young and A 1,r*e r number a tte n d 'd than The music departm ent opened th a ; Fred stu m p had stored which small son of Sherwo d Ore. v'atrd ®*P«Ud 1 u t tha little folks its season of study Monday, Sep- be U!tes bjg work writh aero- a t the W. J. Edwards home, Fri mct the n**,d vory weI1 “nd non" tctr.ber 17. S ister Mary Collette, plane8 Had the fire reached this P l) 1U 1 day of last week. Mr*. Young and " ■ dinner. BAZAAR AND D IN ' ER ----------------------------- LNG, PACIFIC SHOW KINT0N THREATEN- The ladiea of the Sisterhood of REV. INGALLS MOVES ------ ED WIT H F I R E ‘ I the Church of C hrist will hold the r » »V f r l? n V V i u* Pacific International Livestock _______ I. He was now ten years of sge— old enough to as­ 1. After the death of H erbert H oover's m o th er l>. 'M l, annual bazaar and dinner Thurs-1 liA I V P i lwIV V r* sume an Important share tn all manner of farm work. h e went to live w ith his Aunt Millie in C edar Rapids, Ia, Exposition to ba held in Portland, Kinton was threatened with a ve- day, Nov. 1 In the basement of the O rigon, November 3-10, affords a dlsa,terous fire th e la st of the Church on 2nd and Main Sta. Rev. W E. Ingalls, for the past n opportunity of seeing and study- wefck A number 0f the homes had F u rth e r announcement« later, two years pastor of the Peaverton j ing i.airy cows w ith records of 50 ' narrow escapes from being Mathodlst church, with h> fam ­ 0 pounds of b u tte rfa t per year, and -e^ royed Had it not been for the ily are moving to Lake Grove. BETHEL LADIES AID m e n . In addition, millions of dol e(Torta of men In this com- Rev. Ingalls’ many friends here TO MEET FIRST TIME will be pleased to learn th a t he iars worh of pure brvd Goef C attle, mun ty and Scholls there would, itoisea bheep, Hogs, GoaU and F bay# been a g rea t property loss, is »lowly recovering from his r e ­ oxes wilt coiupe e for the *100,000 ^ ^ot 0j tim ber on the Teufel The first mealing for this sea­ cent nervous breakdown, ottered in Premium». Combined al d strobel tra c ts was burned and son of th» Bethel Ladi»s Aid will Hir successor, Rey. F u rt W at- so ar» greut Da ry . Land and Manu- ^ h(,me of Mr. gnd Mrs. W C- meet a t the church p arlo r, of the t| to || of Cialskanle ex pect, to la c lu re rs’ I roducts Shows, Woul and narrow ly es-aped destruclion, Beth»! e! Congregational church at bere ^or tb tj Sunday’» services .. — - »--L-— * Exposi­ ■- » j. a i | who ljye jn tH s comm unity •*- Motmir Show, Industrial two th irty in th» afternoon of tion ai.d world-renowned Haree Sh Sh tend , pTid their tbeir thanks to »11 " ho *° ow. rances a r v in is kindly a s s is t'd n fighting the fire. / ted to come and Join the circle. The Bank of Beaverton recommends WINNER OF CONTEST attendance at thia great Harm clas- _ . - f R n v IN IU R E D I BC for tho {duration it affords a S M A L L H U 1 , rnrl MRS SWENSON GIV- Tho Aloha-Huber school is ra th e r nd for the ente tainment provided. A U T O A C C ID E N T EN SURPRISE PARTY proud of the prizes won n t the n. County F air Inst week. \ MR. VERNE BRIGHT Dean Willoughby aged 12, of the Mrs. E. E. Swenson was plea- They won a first for Ihe best rn .it|y surprised at h--r home on decorated booth, first on cunning WINS MANY PRIZES automobile h **®" di*trict W M j nJ^red m. ? ______ accident, Friday evening, W atson S t Thursday evening, by exhibit, and Frances Murvin won about sixteen of her friends and first in the declamation contest. Mr. Ve; nc B right, form erly of " b e n the machine in which he was f'-vxr wxi'v \ neighbors, the occasion being her » -------- -------- — — the staff of The Beaverton Review, rid 'n r w“ h • narnb,r of other chi- birthday. Mrs. E. A. Swinerton and Mrs. Alohn's a r t« ! and poet, won *ev- drt?n overturned on the Scholls 4. The future engineer constructed a mowing machine I. In winter Herbert and his cousin roda on horseback to school two miles away. Gaines were p'ayed and refresh - O. W. C sn 'rell of Aloha wer» Bea- out of M eid cross-oui saw, using a belter tor power. oral ribbons on his pictures rxhib Hill. I t required tw enty st tches rw n ti wer» »erred, ( vgrten visitor», Thursday. I i ited at Washington County Fair. I to close the scalp wound. Many V i.it I iltiu lt In Portland PICTORIAL LIFE OF HERBERT HOOVER A t Hood Trip Veiy Interesting db------- ’Â ï ï f '. U i.e- F M No. S