_______ IF ITH KOK BEAVERTON, TH E ItKVIF.W'H KOK IT — a p EU GEN E. (»HK University Library Ex ^ T he B eaverton R eview CLEAN READING KOK ALL T I B FAMILY The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests Of Eastern Washington County. VOLUME VI, NO. 43. Short Items About Folks we All Know Sin*le Copy, 5 Cent* ifeBYerton, WaHhinjfton County, Oregon. |COURT HOUSE ITEMS* It ------ m l m ....- Prtday, SEPTEMBER, 21, 192« T HIGH SCHOOL NEWS 1 $1.50 Per YeaC LOCAL NEWS ---------------------------- ----------- m I Aloha-Huber P.T.A. j Met September 18 M p - Jam ea B arkhurst of Portland aia- ited a t the W. H. Skidmore home Sunday. Mua Anna Cam cnznd is employ ed a t the Beaverton Feed and P ro duce Market- The organisation of clasaas and the election of officers fer the Bea- C laranca Hpakn waa a rra a ta d on iton high school will be held Mon the vivvsnlh ol ‘lie m oiiih and pu day afternoon. The foilow'p-' nam - in Dip county b aa'll» c h arg ed with d students have bean nominated | violating Ilia ti Mil • law s. D eputy i for the offi-es of tha Stu lent body: ' Mchandal g ath e re d him in. ■ » Proaidant— V. Mapes and M. Bor Darcy Lroalvy waa arraatad by in* D»| uly Moadrn on an asaaull and Pani Noble Grand, Mrs. NunicrouM Hem*» Furnished batlvry on tha thirlc-sn'h Unlucky Vice President -fj. Hoovrr M, s!e i M*<** T» K n leru m Joncr and B. Kearns. eat Grove. m _____ day for Darcy. Lcwitf Prehides During By Our Special Corres The Wagh. Co. Council fU-<retary—V. H arris, E. Fuagy, Kidney i'uwara was arraatad on Mr. and Mrs. Van Rodman of and R Lundgren pondent a In Town the lo th and charged w.th opera The Entertainm ent Port-arid von tea with Beaverton Of P. T. A„ Soon T reasurer — H, W loop. ting an aulomoobiie * hi.» intoxl lr.enoa Tuesday. Reports»—F . Buru, ami R. W il • a tod. cox. Mr. and !rs. R. C. Doty and [ MANY •500” PARTIES MANY ON PROGRAM P arliam entarian— E. Nelson, A. daughter, Lorra ne, motored to i MANY TALKS GIVEN | CIRCUIT COURT ZTnbrick, J. Welch, and H. H a rri Brownsville b unday W. E. P«»gg, local undartakar, i» son. • on record as having a la r1 ad a suit b c v tn ty -F ifl i Anniversary Of U« M rs Charles Dunham of Portland tth letie M anager—Manson Ben Mali) Of L w il l ' u r l i 0 « On H unt to recover money on acaount from waa a week end guest of Mr. and Newly Elected President D ecapita nett. • bak..h I.agree te la b r .U J , Tu«u. M aigaret Walt*. Hare, McAloar Mr*. George P. Henderson. ing Trip». Iti-lutn Wall Laden A ssistant M anrger—E. Nelson, HAL HOSS IS APPOINT Chair For F irst T.asa It Peter« are attorneya for the ED SEC. OF STATE Fir*. N. G. Freem an will visit The seventy-fifth anniversary of F Jenna. j plaintiff. her cous-n Mrs. Jennie McLeod, in F n a n rla l M anager—C. Bous,and Dorothy Higgs has hied an action Hie lounding uf tne Rebvkah de J E. I »avia ia(t 1'uvsiiay fur a glee waa celebrated Hal E_ ilo ta, of Oregon City, will Portland the coming week. by Rabakuh M . Saydcr. Aloha, Oregon, Sept. 19, ( Special) (or money agam at H arman K. Kit- a law ilaya hunting m a r baattlc. Lodge, No. 24«, at thair regular A ssistant Editor— R. Haines. be appointed by Governor L U P at The work of improving W atson The first P. T. A meet ng of the lekan. Manta A Manta ara a 'to r - Lhm t forget tho «iinnar to ba Business M anager of the Hum teison, and beiore tn a t w aam anag -r meeting held a t tha 1. O. O F. hail S tret from Scond St. to the bank season was held a t the Alohst-Hu- naya for th p plaintiff. put on a t t'ongrvga iuual church mer F. Chinn, a n ! G. Zuerchcr. oi state, niiiiig the unexpired term waa sta rted Wedneday morning. ber school house on the afternoon Carl E- Ward ha* died a suit Tue-day evemng, September 18. Advertising M anager of the Hom- of ssm tin» | Friday) at tt:dt) T .gaid Lodge had been invited to Kozer, who is lesigm ng M li Charles Eaterley waa ber 18 on a m ortgage forriosure againat ------ Charles E aterley W OO a a oi T“«»«1» /. Septem - Shellen utiei.d and came over alnioat in a tie r —M. Boring, and P .Mr. and Mr», Cnar «a Savage of J. W, Knowles O U ke over new d u tk a a« direcU r g u m t a t USe M artin P ra tt home Mr# c * Haineu, newly ele Hare McAlsar * elected Huaaourg, »punt th# wear and at ■ ’atcra are attorneys for plantiff. body. They helped put on the pro- berger. Tueeday. president of the Association, oc- ct*. ln ^ ^ ^ lA a d Monday and Tueaday. fcituuent Counc f —J . Underwood, sla te official* is set fo r Monday, lha J. F. Godard hvma. Kita M. Gates has hied suit for giu.n ai.d seveisl mi-mlers respond- „ cupied the chair in a very nice W. W. tu to the call lo r impromptu K. Wil ox, C Lou* A. Zimbnck, C September 24th and Mr. iioaa will R a Mrs m ,, iiu t • » '-»ward of the way WM e la te d a t the last Hum and Juun itay n aid wera a divorce from Gordon A Ga'ee. lu | ye, r . speeches during the regular order Fhivcly, and L. And# aon ! serve by appointment t f lha Gover- Barnes district was . guest a t the m e€t,ng ^ absent ( ioiii acool the tlrat of lha L. C. Howard home T u e« l.y eve- j,Un, were m adt to enU rta n oi businasa. The Beaverton H >gh School ha* nor until Jan u ary 7, 1929, the end PROBATE waak on account v t ankncaa. Follow ng the open ng aong, Am er- »" attend int o of 278, with hop of the tehm lo r which Mr Koser *’ - the W ashington County Council of Thp estate of Polly Ann Rogers Mis. r.dgai Uvnnatt of I>allaa ica, a p vmo solo waa given by Mr», pickers »til! out. had been elected- Try one of our nickel hot dog* P arent Teacher Associations at «a> a i c i v i l 1 visitor a t tha hums of O rrenburg has been filed for A. fc. Crick son I A foot ball game has been plan- Mr. Hot.« is the republican norai a t the Beaverton Feed 4k Produce th eir meeting which will be in a probata H arry and Charles W il Mrs. Chna Chnatanson of Tigard n d for Friday, Sept. 28 a t N ew -1 nee for the cffiiec of seertary ' l Co.,on the Highway a t O. E. R. R. short tune, either this week or uf Mr. and Mrs J. U. Vann. bur are the petitionera and Thos Adv -c4.i next, the exact date to be set fcy Mr. and Mrs. M 11. Metcalf and Tongue ia attornay fo r the aiU ta. read an easay en til ed ‘Ti.story of * * U Ih u rrd a v evening th» team state winning in the prim aries by tracks. lbe Founding of the Rebekah bad a scrimmage w hh G rant 51 gh aon, E rnest, lafl Tuesday lo r a ta.i a wide m argin over H. H Corey Mrs. J J. Van Kleek and daugh- the Pr**’* PB' o f ‘he Council, Dov Gray haa been appo nted an Lodge." S< hool of Portland. days' outing at Itoc'kaway and Tom B Handley. Prior to en- te r Helen, of Kinton, were guests Th* following named people were adm inistrator for the estate- of M. Mr. George Anderson of Tigard term g the race for election as se- a t the W. R. Van ' Kieek home *PP°'nt®d a« a luncheon committee: S. Burnea who died here in Bea Mrs. George lilaaavr waa a lun gave a vocal solo. He was atxom - LOCAL PEO PLE IN AC* cretary of state, Mr. Ho.-s served as Monday. Mrs. W. Benjamin, Mr» B eattie, cheon guaat Tuesday at tlia liana verton recen'ly. Hare, McAlear A I an *•<] by hia wife, Mra. Anderson. IID E N T , MON, EVE. private aecreU ry to Governor P a t-, j. r. . , „ . Mr». Montgomery and Mrs. Robt, Peter» are named as attorneys ln f A voc«| duet was rende rod by Mrs, t i Ruusr hum« at I'rugrva*. , terson te n o n nd nd before before th a t was w a. manager t'orotfiy e . . iwnus-ieu uy a*.», ______ ------ »»■ Oerber of Bethany waa (jhamberUin. tha notice to creditor» which i» J. r, jl, llu lt'tt apd Mr«. L. L. Myer», appendicitis a t the . . . . . M»- and Mra, li J. Woodward to ba found In another page H. Huleft Myan., F r , r - . (>n 1 of the Morning Enterprise, publish- 7 operated , * ™ ^ on for appendicitia Mrs. Mach gave a very in te r actonipanied ly Mrs. Lewis at tho Mr. and Mra. S. A. Fredrickaen Oregon CUv He haa been S t' Vinccnt * hospital PortU nd, »pant lha weak end with relatives est ng talk on “Social Hygiene.” l-iano and Mr. liu lett on the violin. •»«>>*«« »« • » •utomobUm ac- “ « «« Saturday. in Molalla and dragon (¿Ay, MARRIAGE LICENSES She told where much valuable in Mr.- A n n . B .rn e . ga g .» e a vocal t dent Monday cvcnrng which r e - ^ *» Di----------------------- , ___________ _ Marriage llienaas were issued last ■ number of of- Dinner guests a t the Louia H ugh- form ation and literature on th a t Mr. and Mrs C. Vermillion and solo. She was accompanied by M rs. cut led in l-ruisca of the ave and arm work> ,n d for Mr«. Fn.-dnck»en and slight * P o lish e rs associations. *on home Tueaday evening were subject might be obtained, daughter of Linnlvn wars Sunday weak to Floranoa Tucker and Hol Doty. lis H Jam as, ho<h of Forast Grovo. visitors a t tha T. Jacobs hums. bruise.- for Mrs La»'ra Myers of Mr K oier- who U "earing the end Evans and Mr. and Mr» Ja s. A motwn w sa duly made and A vocal duct was rendered by To Charles Stock of Frasno, Cal- Portland, another occupant of their *1' s 6ec°nd term as secretary of wo h. . a fte r be ng seconded was carried Mra. W. J. Leonard and son, Mra. H attie H a rm and Mra. Tall by Governor H arrison Hughson and William th a t some way should be provided U.lly, spent the weak and with Ifornla and Emma H Sinay of 'he man. They were accompanied by mnchkna. T h ey machine was also s t,te * wa* selected considerably damaged 1 P»tt*r»$n 1° direct Uie S tate budget McAllen spent the week end h u n t- whereby the gas range recently County Saat. lrienda a t Abardaan, Washington. To Gordon Willow of Forest Vivian H arris. The F red rn h __ -en s aci'umPStVwt by because of^hi- many marked quali- ing near Timber. They brought purchased by the P T. A. could Mr. ami Mra. Kobart Summers, 1 Grove and Oda I. A rthur of ( > r - Mra Hugh le w is and daughter hi, ,'unt> g V j unn KlwdiKksen of fic* ‘ ° n* T h fr* '» perhaps no one home a big buck. be kept under lock and key. • t * f A I n * S — M A M -. / n , í 1 i . : é L » t. . . E e n u id Adania and Ml»» Call B rr- Dorothy, remlerad a piai<o duel f b c l>al'v* »ltd Mr*. Myera were in th e. state more fam iliar with the ne|iu* Little Maxine Cady, daughter of MrS <;eorge Wilson was ap- nanl apent tha weak end at Kactttc 'fhi program was in charge of r,tu rn in g from Portland via the "l>erative al,d fiscal affairs of ih ^ _ and _llu Mrs. W. L. Cady had her P°>n ,«d chairm an of the com m ittee Mr. * tiRHKRH HANDED DOWN l’»*t N«4>Te"7)rand, Mr». M arjorieLe Canyon road, and w ar. forced to r " n’mo"w ‘'a ,h ‘ *" Mr. h . ° " r - due tonaiia. reaieved at Dr. Mason a of- to ke«P the h *"** aecure- Haryy Hoffman and B Peek war» wla. who presided during the enter Mia L. L. Yuung arrlvad Sun ri,n " to » ,,ank to avoid collision ° '* '»ng ion act wi a i » var ^ Tue-day morning A motion waa made and being gteen «nlll Srpiemtwr IT to plead la'nm anl , with a car d n v .n by x young man ^ d o j^rtm en U A . d j r ^ o r of 7 day from The D»|1»* f*»r •» •* ’ , duly seconded was put and carried Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Wood tended vialt at tha K D Young thair rases. A fte r the p ro g ram , a dw'Viou* ^ c o m p a n ie d by two W estdaie attended s - K o n - ___to purchase the necessary supplies homa h«ra. In tha rasa of tha Stat* of O r lu n rh wa* servad by th# local lodge M r. T » “R " 1 Cro“ Cabinet," a t tha home of Mr- Mr*. Hamil, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Hol “ “ S t W atson a t Oswego Lake, Mr H arry Edmonds of San egon vs. Frank Wood, tha defen u n d er th e «upervlsion o f th e r e H ITEO JJ. HAo o a» K B T _ . ■ i d ' l i t ' t l t T l ’ D I U V ** °mceT’ Mr K ozrr WH1 * lve den and Mrs. Nunencamp were ap- Francisco waa a dlnnt-r guaat at dant was ( V m until September 17 fresh m en t co m m itter co n sistin g o£ M X IA U o A I U K I J A I : yon ta x p ay er, the advantage of t o M r, L. L. LasweU and »on, Lew- , committee to repair and tb Kay M Miller home on Tues to consult his counsel V cs.^am rs puah, I u-bv, an d Stov- -B ... _ T fund of. 1 "n0IT ^ 15 ^ J r - ,p *n t Thursday of last care for tha books in the library. day evening anb. lliteon, Ore. Sept. 17, 1928, (Spe- bus-n<*sg. and will fiB an im portant week a t the home of her sister, l t was voted to pay all bills as local n ew s rial) Hiteon s feminine artistic a b il- , r l , r e \n she adm mistraUon s offici- Mm. Henry K ara in Portland. hrought befere the meeting Mra. 1». Howard waa a lunt.|l- pi------ - M ity stood the test Saturday evening con guest at the -w. W. Howard 1 . ^ .A .. , .Viis» C arna Peterson left S at- The meeting then adjourned to Mrs J E Davis ta receiving WHITFORD C U TR HAS at the basket s.-oal Thy hoskets There will iu» tlrusUv changes . , » ike first Tuesday of home in «ho U.irnes district Tuesday treatm ent a t the Portland Medical CiOOD ATTENDANCE w«rv as tastily fitted as they were in the poruosuiel of the office of sec- r ** trlct Tuoaday, tetary of state, according to Mr i *l F » « . t Grove- October. hospital. cleverly made. Mr«. E. W- W iodruff and mother, Th* W hltford Woman'» Club met Viol.» Lauther, brother of Mre. H o».' who has let it bo known th a t ^ m ,ke her home H ernck The short program wf sung» and Mr» A<|u M Lot*, ware luncheon 11 C.‘ tU rtw ig,* )a racdveri (,K f “" 1 Wednesday with Mrs P G. B etten RA LEIGH P. T. A. IN p 'ays struck everyone » funny bone to intends to conduct affairs as ta - uc»l* ot Mr«. J- 8. B^ook« tn dorf as hostess. A very good a t Triol» o f the three- gossip* in “T he ficiently as possible w ithout regard STALL OFFICERS MON. a recent ill no s. Mr. and Mrs. Keeler Emmons ft1 'ortlnnd Tuesday. ri Mr. and Mra. R. Powell and son tendance is r»pori.»d. Tha m easures {/„buried Woman ------- - % were esiwcially to professional job-hunters a*d po- and two son» are making the r Mr». W F. Deal spent F rida) in were recent visitors of !>f. »nil Mr». on the volura phumplet were dis am using ami ovesvone feel* able to litical job-hunter*, and political home for the w inter wi‘h his fath e r Raleigh, Oregon, September 19, cussed. Mrs. M attie Katm an Salem, vis «ing w l'h relatives. She ° i fts* expertly after thi* example g iv bangi-rs-on. The Hoss family has Mr. W. B. Emmons, on the Denney tSpecial to the Review) The in stal- Portland was a guest, was accompanied by Mri*. !•', M A. E, Barger »"d »«" *tl Salam lation of the officers of the Raleigh en by Ardls Nelsen and Dean W il moved to Salem and taken up re - road. Mra.L. Hendrick» of Portland w-v» Wciila of Portland. sidence in the Fairm ont hill d is tric t.( Mrs M yrtle Haines vibited a t Parent-TV ocher association las® loughby- , THERE WAS A MAN a luncheon guest a t the W. L L a Scholls, Greenberg, Tigard Bea - 1 the home of her daughter, Mrs- Monday night bv Mrs C A. Wood- Mr. and Mra E T. Mulquln dy horns on Monday of this week. h-. f I h , . . v«rton a"d Portland « ere repres- J . .1, V A N K L E E K H O M E P. L. Petrequin, a t Lake Grove on w orth was an impressive ceremony ipent Tuerday a t the home of Mrs n».a among those preeent. ^ ______ _________ . . . . -r___ i . . . __J XI- J___T a wren rw-. Mrs. Ro*a Humburg has returned There was a man w no lancKH1 ln "‘ - ented Mrs. Samuel Lawrenoce, presi Mulquln'» pu rents, Mr. and Mr». HAS MANY VISITORS Tue*da> ' *nd Wednesday O f this nrest- By driving good and fast from a fsw weeks vacation, spent dent, in accepting h er office, paid Georgs B. Read. week. Q ^ I ---------- with her brother a t Spokans, Wash- He'd gel h :a car across the track trib u te to her predecessor, Mrs. W. Ai na Boswell elder d a u g h 't; . ( Before the train o rn o past *** Z ? Kinton. Ore Sept. 18 1928, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Weills of N- W allis who was largely respon The W. C. T. U. will meet with He'd mi«» Mr. and Mrs W. H. Boswell, fell engine b , au inch, * * ! * kcr lo K*31'™ buF* eU n Mr and Mrs MiUi cial) Mr. and M rs, \lf»**t Millard, Portland and Mr and Mrs. H. M. sible fo r the organization of the off her scooter Sunday afternoon Mrs. Howard Hughson at 2:00 P. And mak« tb# trslh -h an d s sort, tra Zor * '8U Mr- and C. Anderson, Mrs Nixon and two children of Salem ; - .i— M Wednesday Sept JtRh. A ^god T h ere'w as s man who fancied this— ; The Molal'a Commercial Club en I a M. VaiiKleek. Mrs. Webber H at- visited w ith Mrs. W. F. and sprained her left arm. Deal and ^ ugu>, orHer of business fol- pprnl.gr fgoin B orland has been se There le n t, any more! dorses the proposed C’* a»aes-Mea- trem and father, Mr M artin and Mrs. C. L. Hall on Allen Avenue, jo W€( j t ^e installation. Mr. and Mr» W. M Y0«ng and cured for the afternoon. There was a man who fancied th a t dowbrook Road. Sam Weiss, all cf P o rtland, *nd Mr. Sunday. j A di|)ner >nd b a ia a r will bo sons, Ueerge and 'W o o d fo r^ of Contracts have been let by the Guy C arr and Lout» Hughson Our stuff was mere surmising. Rertland were Sunday guests at o . , * ' ,n d Mr* W aI,V ^ Kleek a r d - Mrs. W. H. Boyd and Mrs. Doy held Thursday, October 25, the p ro - spent the week end hunting at He'd get his business o'er the top Roseburg city government for f i v |d a u (fH „ K athryn Helen of Beaver- G ray haT, c h . ^ e of the D om estk S a of which will be used to pur- the W. C. McKell home. Knsppa, Ora. They were accom- W ithout our atvertising. new road Dridges. j BIHl Mra George M artin and Science D epartm ent a t the Wash- chas# furnishings for the new school Mrs. F. C- Pock and Mrs. Day- pnniedby H. Davis of th a t place He'd Just keep mum and ploy along The to ‘ hope of ' a rail- daughter J “ ¡ 1 ^» iened. of Montavilla * have been ington County F air a t Hillsboro building, ton Peck and son Crandall, visited and each on# brought down a bvlck. And win at last somehow; m eet Rbuge Rouge w ith E u r- j g guest* and Mrs. A fter th the »o«n to connect with u e su a t the tne home of Mr >ir ana M rs. this week. | Aftcr - nl.0g ram of of the program the eve- a! the R. L. Tucker home, Hills Me Je, n K ltin . Rho- ning. gi Mrs. John Fredrlcksen of The There was a map wku tnn eted th at— eká. Canfora |a has been again pro- J- J- Van Kieek during the past given by C- A. Woodworth boro, on T hursdiy of last week. H .'s out cf bustnè s now! posed by ra il l officials. week. . ~ . ___ and r LaMerne ___ *»____ «_T. Mis* Mildred E rnest, t€ Dalis*, who has been visiting st da Thyng Dean v ____ have ___ vocalist; Mr und Mrs. L. E. Metsler and th» hum# ot her nephew S. A. -Fr»1 enrolled at the Turn Verein Gym reader; and singing by the assem - oaught«!, M|ss Ruth, of C.o(v»)lii drick*»n and family left Tussday to classes for dancing and swimming bly, led by Dr. J . Vinton Scott, rpent Sunday at the I. R. Matz- visit friends in Portland, this w inter. refreshm ents were served by the ler home on Lombard Street. Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Brwn and Mrs. John Egg man returned the •<**»! committee, Mr. and Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs R. M. Janin of family of Salem spent the week fipat of the wiel; fiom Skamokawa, A. Oleson, Mr. and Mrs. A- P oit'and were Monday evening vis Lareon end a t th# R. H. Towcll horns Mr. Wash., where she has been at- Christensen, Mrs. M- S. itors at tbs home of his sister, and Miss Jessie C anon. Brown is the advsrtising managar ; tending the County F a ir and vis Mrs. R C. D o'/, and har family- of ts Sslom Journal. iting relatives. Mis, Jam es Coutts and llttls Mi-and Mrs. William Zchr, m ay Mrs. H. C. H artw ig attended a MR. AND MRS MIXER; ¿« "« L.ter arrVCa last week from or of Chaplain, N ebraska ure visi - 1 VISIT RAY DUNBAR I bridal shower, given in honor of Spokane, Wash-, for an oxtendid Mrs. Thelma W hite a t ‘he home )UU w il ), relatjvgs in o«r lu»n, j l i a ^ s Mi'nd^hmi1y. VT^ey will spend of Mrs. Henry Carl in Portland' on Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell' M ixer o f Mr. and Mrs. Frsd V. Leglar and the week end a t Seaside and T illa Wednesday afternoon Chicago have been visiting a t thw two sons, who have been living mook beach»». home of her brother. Ray riw ibarV in ths Welter house on Third St., REV. INGALLS SUF- f.m .ly . Mr. and M r, Mixer are moved to Por'land tha first of tha EASTERN* STAR HAS . musicians and have ju st completed WeVk. FERS COLLAPSE MON. a tour Of th e Middle W est with the CARD PARTY WED _______ Redpath V aw tar Chatauqua C 'rcu it Mr, and Mra. A. C Chinn and n Rev wt t- j i i n — , ! Mr the first daughters, the M«se* Fern and tf . Edwin Ingalls suffered a “ r - Mixer - was mugie ovgr man the r. to . The E astern S tar card party Wed Laura, were dinner guests Sunday complete nervous c o lla r * early ¡ ™ * ” ; njunction with the e x p e r- nesday afternoon was well attended, a t tha Robert Uo-dittle home ln Monday morning, as a result of o- 0,0 ln co . - .. **— ton table» being played. Refresh m ents of Thomas A. Edison. Mrs. Aloha- of the Salem Journal. ments of coffee and ^ :o k 'ps were v, . „ , __ , Mixer is a dram atic reader and Mr- and Mra E. R. Dodds and sen«W. Mrs. ’ B. J. Woodward r e b a to Dave fo r Conference a t Hood * . . Gacrga Walton of Hi ber, and Mr*. ceived first prise, Mr*. N. W. Gor River Tuesday as was planned. He bachelor J. H.Yeager ofJac ktown visaed ham, rlcond, and th* consolation is in serious cord »ion at thia wrrit- . . . . rro/A X I O T PAV TV G a t th» H, C. lU rtw ig horn# S a t was awarded lo Mrs C. C. Beach. tin - and will require absolute re st " A « i t ¡n T trc n A V fo r at e a st a year. BEGINS ON TUESDAY urday. Hi» daughter, Mrs. I. C. Roberts ----------- Mr. and Mrs. W. R Van Klesk MRS. W EED EN TER and husband of Lake Grove, are as- The Cascade Construction Co . of and daughter, Cathryn, ipent Sun- TAINS AT HER HOME sisting u n tl fu rth er arrangem ents Portland began work on the int- dny at the home of her brother, can be made. provem ent of W atson S t. on T ues Ora Anderson, and his family at Mr. and Mrs. W l'hur Weed en- day of th ;a week The p av'ng is Collins View, near Ca| itol Hill « H W d duljrhtluliy a t their home * »• .1 to be widened between Front and CLUB HOLDS FIRST Mr. and Mrs. L- D Tallman cf Bnturday e v e ilrg with three tables Second S t., curbing will be put In Ryd rwiHxl, Washington, v'aited o- of RVMgc. Dainty re'resh m en ls MEETING OF YEAR and g rad ’ng fo r a w»n< beginning ver 'he week en I at th# hum* of were served. Those pre ent were, ■ at the corner of P 'n d er's store and hi* parent# and otl.sr relatives In Mr and Mrs. R. G. Gould and Mr Hiteon, Ore. Sept. 14, (Special) nn.ehing a* f a r »•» D r Mason’* Beaverton, ' I1 f I »nd Mrs. Francis Mttcbsl' of P o rt The Hiteon Progressive Club had house. its first meeting of the year, Wed- -------------------------- Rerent guests at the O. A. Hum- land, Mr and Mrs. I. R. Metxler. Dr. ne-day in the home o{ Mra. Ruth The E astern Oregon L ight A Po- burg home on Lombard street wore and Mrs. J. R. T rlh "it, Mrs. Guy C arr and Francis I/v arato re, Jr. Andea<n. Plan« tor project* to be * , r rio of Baker i* n la n rlrg an ox- Miss Evelyn Humphries of E u Honors were won bvMr and Mrs taken. up during the y ta r were dis- tensive tw o-year development nro- gene and Mrs. HumLurg's lister, Metr.lrr and th# consolation went cusse-i. The date o f the club bazaar r , m to cost ovor a h a 'f mllHotr Miss Gladys Rood, of H'llsboro. , to Francis Livomtoro. , wa# fixed for November 3. I dollars. AKKEST8 Anniversary Eventi T P Going Home from a Homecoming J