FR ID A Y , S E P T . 14, 192*. JL — J .. TPTE "— r—r BUSINESS FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS DIRECTORY Interesting Little Notes from the Surrounding Country as BEA VERTO N REVIEW ~tQ ¡airifted Achèrfì/ùfi DR. A. K. WILSON OFOMETKIST -¡. ■ JEWKI.K r J Told by Our Active Special Correspondents Weekly Opliral Work— Repnlrtug ■ Advcrtisements in this column 1 Por Sale Jersey Co« nud t« o b*'Uer STUDIO HARDER SHOP calves. 1100 00. almi Leghnm pullet*. cent a word. Minimum charge A5c. ____ ____ BEAVERTON O R EG O N * On Hennessey avenue, two mile* F IR S T CLASS WORK t£ 9 f~ ü FOR SA L E west of Ue.vrerton A lto n MHU r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • 0 ■ 1 ■ Ufl- ■ • ■ ■ a !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • « ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ AT REASON ABLE PR IC ES N l Aloha-Huber Review IklNTON HAPPENINGS* kor Sale— H acre iracta in B ar J. E. Stephens, P n p , thold’s Addition, Beaverton, Ore. For Sale— Several two-month old — — " l ----- - - - - .... . . . . . . . I Mr. and Mrs. Lon Kinncrman ar« Workmen are working ou Tile Some tracts clear and others not white pigs. Herman Braun, on clear and some with shad« trees. Stock Country driv’ni • new r ° ntilM: S e d « k | F la t road Green Mountain t »ad, U X ____ Banks Four blocks from High and Pub. Companies Rates L aD cn i Underhi!! has returned to| T. J , Dorgan relumed last Fri lie Schools on rook mad. L g in s ' How good news does spread. Automobile Insurance h* r **om i in Rp»«l’urIC Qr«g after j >*y from a three Weeks’ visit at the **. ? 11 improvements G EN ERA L GASOLINE is si'll tl.e N. J . S K E E — ALOHA Mr- * nd Mr*- A L U r M " of H“' paid 9500. 910 down and 910 p«r best. Adv. 80-tf AUTO TRUCK AND LIVBBV SERVIOS, DAILY T R IP S Office Beaverton Finance Ce w* r* reoent Beaverton visitors S iVer»l flock* of wild reese have month. . Call, Beaverton, 36 - 1 " TO PO RTLARD * C -tf, For Sale— Cook stove, heater for ________ L __________________________ Mrs. Alice Wheeler will he s guest " T ■ouU‘ duri" * **>e FURN ITU RE AND PIANO MOVINO coal or wood, dining ta'da, d t V • q | relatives at Spokane, Wash, fo r, *'*** ^eek. 1 l,r Sale— Rabbita and hutches for chairs, couch, chickens, etc. C. I A. E . HANSON s week. August Wensel and son, Joatpph onice*: Itenverluit, C.i»rn*r i»f Walsm. und First 0L sale or trade. Steve Lawler Bea 11*11, Allen Ave. p i'i Portland tUflcg Portland Alilo Freight Terminal WOOP and COAL Henriette Gern.w has accepted a T eT* _}™n* * cUn* business in i\»rt verton Rt. 3. c-tf „ J _ , 0, u , fc position as cashier, a t a Portland, ,and Thur* U * ■ Phone! Beaverton 6203 Poithind, Main 35<0 Young Chinchilla Rabbit.- for sale Cord Wood or S la h -a n y length | Mr. and M rt. Floyd B.erly and For Sale 10X4 W illy’s Knight., on or trade. G A Camp. Phone SS.VI ly run 2600 miles. A snap, for _ wv.« * " y k*nd Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Portland, * on- Elmer, t spent the da> last Wed- on the Hudon place. p-42 $275. Green CK»ver Service S ta Prompt Delivery.. Phone 45*4 wer# WM,k cnd quests a t the N. G. lB Portl* nd tion. FOR RENT ................................................................... Freeman home recently. j ‘ ’ Emefy VanKLek is seen at Uie wheel o f a new F .rd sedan which F ir SGe— IVIphinirm seed is res For Rent— Garden Acreage. 17 a« dy for planting now. Orders HALSTEN HARDW ARE recent visitors here, from their log' »• » « t i r m ta » * res cleared. Also pasture land Invoked for seedling and 1 year 1H miles from Beaverton on Den STANDARD HARDWARE fring camp near Yamhill. Stanley and David Beck of Port- old plants for fall plantiug ney Lane. Running water. In and FU R N ITU R E Mr Mr#. W alter Anderson Und h[ * nt ind »>«> their Choice Wrexham strains. B ea quire at Amacher’s. R. F. D. No. ver Delphinium Garden*. C. E. 8. p-41-42 Allen. c -3 8 - ti w srt Hil’sborq. visitors, the first of Mr. and M r* Rcy Bierly and In Bank Block ths week. family were among the Kinton folks Mis Berths Dullrasn, who hss A coopérât I vs feed plant sstab- ! Rev. Geo. M srrs has moved from Who w,p# in Portl,u,d Satu.-d«y Fountain Service . . .B e st of E ats one of the Buchanan houses on in Mow, Ore. for '¡»bed at Pier 1 by Lower Columbia Mr. and Mrs. George Newell of been empk»yed Wheeler Ave. to the W att’s place Portland spent Sunday at the home the past six months, hss returned °»aP«ruUv» Dairy Association of A* Whitehall Restaurant on Blanton A m | Mrs. Newell's father, S. H. Porn- to her home her* where she w ill,*0™ 1, ~ 5 MAGAZINES and CANDY Mrs. William Shoemaker has re- ***** remain fo r a w h il* BEAVERTON s-i OREGON turned to her home here, after a Alfrd Wensl of Portland spent Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hail and ' Mr*- L - F Humburg U>gs to sn - ^ ^ week's visit with her pmarents at Friday with his parents, Mr. and daughter. Mary Cathrvn. and Miss npun<« the opening of a Beauty Mrs. August Wensel, Coopr Moun- Bend. Oregon, Lucille VanHorn spent the day in p* r,Pr at hpr on Franklin Beaverton Lumber t o . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knorr and tiUn Slem. Saturday, whew Mr Hall at- Avpnu»- Your patronage Is kindly toileted. Ad», c-tf. V A Itn n . - D o u i C B family attended the Baxaar and Mr. anJ Mrs. T. H. Fricker and tended a Union meeting. WE SOLICIT Y O LR PATRONAGE Festival held at S t. Mary's family of Portland, spent the week Mrs. L S. Bierly and daughter Lewis Brothers, Proprietors St. Mary’s home, Sunday. J end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Ethel McCormick and family, k 'A . 'A W b n , r -------------------------------------------- ------ Dr. I. E. Looney and wife of Los U L Chambers. who have been spending the sum Angeles, California were recent Regular services at the church mer at their Kinton home, returned l-jijoy die "Silver Grays" -They arc built to Dell more Lessard guests at the home of Mr. and Airs, this Sunday, blble s.hool at 10 o- to Hillsboro Saturday, where they give the utmost in comfort and safety. Individual N. G. Freeman. 1 clock. Everyone is invited to a t- will spend the winter. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW scats, sir cushioned, lights so that you may read Delhart Marvin was operated on tend thes* Mrviccs' ÍS- — » Offices with Ju stice Swenson at the Dorenbacker hospital in Port- at night, s it brakes and a driver o i Southern Joseph Wenzel, who visited with ANNOUNCEMENT ! land last week fo r a rupture and his sister, Mrs. Kurt Braune of Pacific dependability. A great network o f "Silv er Here Tuesdays and Thursdays is reported as doing nicely. % Rainier, Ore., ver Labor Day, re- Grays" covet the Willamette Valley, providing H There will bo a carload of good' Esther Boring o f Huber, who on- *,urnt>d heme Tuesday, last, convenient, comfort able, economical navel draft work horses for sale at the derwent a major operation several Melvin Vandermost. formerly of ^ , " ¡ „ „ ”¡1,“ StockyaVd. * 7 l "p. ~M. B e a v e r . I M APES & SON to and front valley points and Portland. *» months ago. isn’t recovering as ra - thls t° wn but now of handy Ore Ratnrdsv i:,th F T Ham. BILLIA RD PARLOR pidly as her friends hoped. waa a visitor Saturday of his prents rjc| ) ’ c i . . , W o o d C o . j Cigars, Tobaccos N ott tb*it Sc h* .Inlet to P ortlan d from Confections, Soft Drinks j Freddie Twen.tesd of the Aloha Mr and Mrs C* Vandcrmo*t F orest G ro v e —leave 5 :5 0 ,7;-43,9;-li s.m . s n J i SPH O N E BEAVERTON «702^ WT. L. VanHorn went with the Cady Bldg. — :— Watson St, Service Station and W a'ter Fish of hourly thereafter to 2 :1 5 , dicn 4 ;45, * 5 :4 5 ,6 :4 5 CARD PARTY TO BE GIVEN Stacy Ave. have returned from a Naval Reserves on their week end \ BEAVERTON OREGON j and 6 :4 5 pm . few day* vacation spent in Canada cruise to Longview, Wash. He re-<j There will be a c a rd . H illsb o ro — leave 5 :4 5 ,8 :0 1 ,1 0 .0 * * . m. and , W alter Harris, manager of the tnrtw l home Sund‘ y evemn* ' A. C. CHINN party given by B ea- j Beaver Theater almost severed h is 1 Mrs. B Hollenbeck of Portland houtly thereafter to 3:01 then 5 :0 1 , * 6 :0 1 ,7 :0 1 ver Social club in the PAIN TER and BU ILD ER thumb, doing a little carpenter work and her sister-in-law . Mrs. J . W in- Masonic Hall Wednes-1 and 9 :0 1 pan. It was necessary for Dr. Mason to garton of Sidney, Anstm lia, were day at 1:30 P M. Re- Day or Contract Work B e a v e rto n — leave 6 :0 5 ,8 :2 5 .1 0 :2 5 a. m. and take a number of stitches. j guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. freshments-, Adm^i-ion. 25<. A j hourly thereafter to 3 :2 5 pan. then 5 :2 5 , * 6 :2 5 , Pkonc, Beaverton 3754 cordial invitation is extended to all Charles Maxcsy.who has been re- L. L Chambers. ceiving treatment at the Good S a- ■- ................................— 7 :2 5 and 9 :2 5 p.m. mariton hospital of Portland, for in would (Uisraafee pront* ,«* f*rV er Rail tickets are good on the “ Silv er G ray ” ju r ie s received fiom a fall in a log F . W. BISH O P and liour men. Alter they had sol* on real estate. Low inter m o to r e o a c tic t (A llu d in g tl»« lO r id « tic k e t. ging sampL has returned to his home all the American public would buy est cost, repayment priv PLUMBING and HEATING «Sunday only. at prices much Increased, of conrsd here and is able to get around with packers, millers, cotten men, etc, the aid of crutches. ileges. Write for details. Hardware, Paint* would “dump" the balance In for» ei>jn market* at any price obtain Phone, 2903 ..................... Beaverton U I___ ! Beaverton Transfer Co. £ Lewis Brothers Props. jj "SILVER* N G R A Y S” Portland Ì Íscored | 0 i = i LOANS IbisWcek LOCAL N EW S -3 E- W. E . PEGC. The _ Rebeleaps will T— — . ip'-« a iiinner UNDERTAKER and EM BALM ER cn October 27th at the Odd Fellows Hall. Peter Vandehey Is digging wells (or Grange Building — ;— Beaverton C. E. Allen and Fred Bolton at West- dale. Mrs. V. A. Wood attended a lunch Beaver Wood & Ice Co. Block Wood, Planer Ends; All eon at the home of Mrs. Fred Earle in Portland, Tuesday. grades of Utah-Wash. coal. 1 Yard at Front « Mam Miss M. Thompson of Portland spent P. L. SchulU Phone 6701 Tuesday and Wednesday at the home BEAVERTON OREGON of Mrs. Alfred Fell. Beaverton Barber Shop C. J .STEVEN S, SATISFACTION PROPRIETOR GUARANTEED Miss Coral Stephens has entered her second year of school at the St. Fran cis Academy In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thorp of White Salmon, Wash., spent Sun (lav at the B. A. Rhose home. Beaverton,____________ Oregon Painting, Kalsomining, Papering Price« Reasonable Robert Wood and Homer Allen let» Wednesday to spend a lew days in Albany and Philomath, Ore. A . N o rg a a rd & Co. W. O. Wilson of Kerry, Ore., arrived ALOIIA -t- OHEGOJf Saturday to spend the week with his wife, who is a teacher in the grade PHON ES: Beaverton, 7215. Portland AT2021 school here. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Holzgraf of Ken nedy Acres visited at the home of for service and qaality their daughter Mrs. C. Z. Manning on Saturday. See Dewey, the Phone 7702 Miss Caraa Teterson was a week end visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. D. Tallman and tamily at ity- Beaverton derwood. Wash. Plumber ................ Mr. and Mrs. T. U. McClincy and children of Banks, Ore., were Sunday visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs. Charles Esterley. We Serve Good Coffee. C-URL’S BA R B E C U E All kinds of wood Coal and Briquets At reasonable price* Efficient and courteous service N. H ILL Phone 1952, Aloha, Oregon BEAVERTO N F E E D and PRODUCE COMPANY Highway and O E . Tracks C. J . Beach, Manager F . A. N OYES Sanitary plumbing, heating gas fitting. Always on the Job. Pip* Cut And Threaded. Phone, Beaverton 8303 T f i s . F. M. Crabtree left Thursday for her home in Forest Grove, after spending several days with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. W. Reynard. Mrs. George Shields and daughter Analee of Portland spent a day last week at the home of her sister Mrs. W. H. Van Kleek and family. B. J. Woodward and A M. K ‘-unedy attended the 80th Anniversary of Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. i 4t A. M. et Oregon City Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Z. Manning and daughter Doris spent Thursday even ing at the home of her brother E. E. Holzgraf and family, in Portland. The Misses Edna and Imogene end Hocken and brother John of Corvallis, Oregon, spent the week-end at the home of their aunt, Miss Merle Davies. C. L. B A K E R D RY GOODS and MEN’S FURN ISH IN G S Lat The Beaverton Review Oe That Printing For You. Mrs. Oma Smith and Miss Bessie Smith of Lewiston, Idaho, spent sev eral days this week with Mrs. A. 0. Fields and son L. F. Fields on Front Street. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Denney and son Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Perkins and R. B. Denney an« sons and daughter Cathryn spent Sunday at Wllholt Springs. Callers at the N. W. Gorham heme Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. W E PRIN T C. P. Wheeler and children and Mr. CATALOGS P R IC E L I8 T 8 and Mrs. H. N. Troost and daughter of PORTERS HANDBILLS Portland. Southern Pacific WASHINGTON Savings & Loan Assn. -a y A rth u r B ris b a n e ITALY’S FISTIC HERO A BILL FOR THOUGHT THE P U C E FOR SPEED MEDALS FOR F L IE R S Italy’s heavy-weight champion is fcers, 22 years old, 6 feet 2 inches (all, weight 235 pounds. Boxing two and a half years, each of bis tqa opponents kln«||» tScsmo un- And whatever the ‘Yrocesser«" lost by dumping, the Government would make up in hard cash takes from taxpayers. There is an equal- ¡ration plan of doubtful value. Another feature of the bill wrou. be complicated bookkeeping an< na inspection, involving gigantic arm ies of additional public servants When a packer tuy* a pig ha changes it into scores of products. He would report profits and losses to the Government, and the Gov ernment would have to investigate every detail. The prospect of Gov ernment price-fixing, with guaran tees and inflation, worries soma men that think. » --« . — .m g O l H IK* sand al Daytona gonscious in four r ^ , of ,c l l * Beach, In his Black Hawk rk Special _ more than 200 ■ T his descendant of Roman gladi speed car, . _ going miles an hour, Frank Lockhart ators, Umberto Torrino, is artistic, blew out a rear tire. HI* car ^ings, plays several musical instru bounced 300 feet, "turned several ments and could lecture on Verdi. somersaults’* and landed upside He seems to be the natural, physi- down. Lockhart was killed. This unfortunate death of a dar ta l and mental opponent for Tun- ing automobile racer is a warning ney. to those that indulge in excessive Torrino could interest local tal- s*»eed. The air, not ths ground, is Snt by offering to revive the old the place for speeding. Roman boxing with the cestus, a rlove of heavy thongs loaded with President Coolidge will gfr* ror or bronze, making it unneces medals t o six fliers— three recently sary for the referee to count arrived, the Frenchmen, Costes and Lebrix, and the able Italian ths Marquis de Pintdo. agen He might add- one medal for tbusiastically passed by the Senate. Miss Junkers, daughter of the man There are elections coming. The that made the westward flying air House will pass it also, many that plane, responsible for the trip’s Vote for it counting on the Presi success. Through all the excite dent’s veto to counteract their vote. ment she has kept out of the lime That the President will veto the light, and that deserves a medal. bill is probable and that it will b« passed over his veto is probabl*. t , According to wise men, aorno "best minds," far removed It om farming, now approve the bill Anything to make the farmers *« r* ------------ prosperous would f*' ------ be wel- e, b " - “farim “ (come, but the ---------- so-called ------ — t ' — rs bilL” may surprise i bill." farmers when nder-----* understood. A German scientist proposes "one clock for the entire scientific world.” The exact time would be broadcast throughout the world by radio. I t would be correct within one-one-hundred-thousandth part of a second," which seems exces sive accuracy to the layman. O "* " m a s t e r synchronizer" would do the work for the whole world. price they must buy hogs, and .ell exP»nd«d to qp« P « p le capacity. hr.“* w h ir * 1 T hai Pric« .,h<y The onion crop in the Lake Lablsh i l u y wheat. And the C o rejr.m a it>d:itrlc t is e,«m ated at |300,000. /^1 V JQ O D S ^ The Most Delicious, TenderestandChoi. cest Cuts of Meats are here at the BEAVERTON CITY MARKET At a real cut in price. Phone 0818 Shut« Bldg. g - 'J L ö fi C. E. Allen, General Agent HilUboro, Ore. *: -1 o ’ ^ - v.cid THRIFT SAVINGS The Savings to be had at every Thrift Store are more fully appreciated when you have become acquainted with the Quality of our merchandise— COME IN TODAY- Thrift Savings for Saturday and Monday Sept. 15 & 17 FAME CORN—a fine pack of Eastern Country Gentleman in No. 2 tins, 3 cans 44c MALTED MILK-Thompson’s Chocolate flavor lib. tin with shaker free 49c 25c BREAKFAST COCOA - in bulk, 3 lbs SALTED PEANUTS- Spanish style nuts fresh roasted and saltc-d, 2 lbs. 35c 33c CORN MEAL-fresh stock,yel low or white, 9 lb. bag RICE - Water Maid, fine long grain Louisiana Rice in san itary pkg. 2 lb pkg 19c 25c ALBERS FLAPJACK FLOUR 3 pound pkg. PINEAPPLE- Broken slices of Golden ripe fruit, packed in No. 2 1-2 tins, 3 cans CRACKERS-premium Sodas or Honey Grahams in 2 lb. cartons MUFFETS-adelicioushealthful cereal, 2 pkgs. CREAM of WHEAT - nation ally popular for a warm cereal large package, ROYAL BAKING POWDER 12 oz tin FIG BARS — delicious whole bars filled with fresh figs 2 pounds PURITAN MALT-Hop flavor ed, No. 3 tin THRIFT COFFEE-“The Tas te Treat’ ' fresh ground to or der, 1 lb. SNOWSHOE SYRUP-A deli- cious cane and maple syrup containing a high per cent maple. No. 2 1-2 tin 39c 49c 83c 99c 45c 25c SALMON - Alaska Red Sock- eye, No. 1 tall tin 2 cans . FRUIT JARS- Kerrs Economy Pint size dozen Quart size RINSO-Soaks theclothes clean large pkg. 2 pkgs. TOILET' PAPER - Northern tissue. Sterilized 20 times, 3 • 3 pounds, SARDINES- large oval tins in mustard or tomato sauce 2 - 33c 25c 24c 43c 35c 59c 47c 1.37 25c MATCHES-Buffalo Diamond easy striking long burning 6 boxes P & G While Naptha Laundry Soap 10 bars BLUING or AMMONIA-large bottles, 2 bottles LUX TOILET SOAP - Bring your coupons, 3 bars for ¿ a CENT S . 57c r r t f A T ’ O T IIIM I/ T l 17c 39c 25c