iW namam Beaverton Review aiwMONa In 'ha circuii Court of Ilia filala of Dream fur Waalilnalou Uouiitv. Friday at H u virton , Oregon, -B y - R E V IE W P U B L IS H IN G CO C H U nC H ¡OmCEMENTS In ú til Every Krill t Iaiall anil Itudoloti Duali, blatiitlffa vs. all unknown Italia of I'rlacllla Wateon and W |- Watson. liar huahaml. and ala» all i.lliar p»r»»ns or uniti, a unknown THE rlalililnx any rlahl. tilla, asíala li­ an »r Intarast In Iha real aalala described In Dia eunmlalnt liria . , . SucWty Editor In. defendants. Juliette Tartar M an aler J. 11. Ilulett . T » all unknown haïra » f 1‘rlarllla Wataun and W. I'. Welaon. Ii»r hueband and also all «liier oaraona Knierad a i second rlaaa mattar or sartlaa unknown clalutln« any I 1«-. i ' iii I m i V, lV'J'J, at tha poeteftice Markt. Iltis, astata lian or lalersel at Beaverton, Oraron, under tha la tbs real astata daaerlbad In thr ecutplalnt l.«rain, tha above nan Act o f March 3, 1879. ad defendants; i i IDA V, H K IT . Bethel Cong. Church I I. HrjM. r Hujillarn - ! p. in. W eek d a y Maas « ¿ I d a. m, H ntiirilny C on fesalon — t :? 0 and 7:30 p. rn. n#v. J. M. O’ N eill Tucker of llillaboro Her frlenda are Row good news doe* a vary happy to hoar that ike la much G E N E R A L G A S O LIN E In atS Improved in haaltb. and will bn able Adv. to make ber home In Heaverlon again. bent. LOCAL N E W S # ------------------------------------- i-------- a W H Bclilmoru and family returned Mr. and Mrs. Doy Gray returned on last weak from a few days* camping • rip at Lake Crescent and tha Puget Bunday of last weak from a two weeks' motor trip through California. Bound country. Their son John accompanied them aa Nazarene Church Visitors at tha C. C. Reach home on far aa Monterey, where he has ssrur- Bunday. H*pt«mli«r HSth Hunday wars, Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge ed employment. Mlaa Crete, their 10 eo A M Hunday School. Hhade and children. Mr. and Mrs. Cam­ daughter Is visiting her aunt, Mra. J. L. H old"«, Bob' eron W ither« and Mr. and Mrs. G. ft. James Ferguson at Los Angeles, Calif. 11:00 A M M orola* Worship Huston and daughter Husanne, of Port­ Mrs. Keba Martin, former teacher In 7:00 P M . ruiiiiy People« Mentina. land. tlu Beaverton grade school enlsrtaln- * 00 P M.— Praaehlnr Baryten. Mr and Mra. A. C. Chian, accom­ ed lost Friday at her home In Port­ 1:00 P M . Wednesday Prayer Meet­ panied by their son Gerald, who spent land with a luncheon and cards. Those ing. | a week’s vocation at hla home, mot or- preannt were. Mlaa Merle Davies. Mra You hnva a cordial welcome to at I ed to Kowena. Ore., Monday. Mr. and Richard Dlutacb, Mrs. Rosemarie tend these services. Mrs. Chinn returned Tuesday by way Lowell, Mr*. Mabel Began, Mra flO Y ^ MOLT? of tba Mt. Hood Loop. Genoud and ber slater, Mrs. Bizby and Pastor. Mrs. Maud Miller accompanied by Mrs. Cook. Itay Mahler and little daughter Hetty CHUBCH OF C H R ir r 1 Jean of Wasco, Ora., spent Saturday The paving from Shaw to Sublim­ Bible Hrhool al #18 A M School! " > * ,•ou,• Hughaon borne. Belly ity has been completed. haa begun and vacation time Is over, - ,,nn WDI make her borne with the so be sure to start to Hunday school! Hughaona for the winter. ne«t Bunday. Something new each1 John w , lter who hM ^ ipwid. lu Ilia i.alien of tha Htata of Ula »on you anil <*e» It of you ara h er» o y ragulrad tu aoorar anu anawat uio uomulalnl film aualimt yuu lu tha abuvn .m ill..I court and cauaa, on or before tha last day ul tha lliu* 1IITK O N N E W S Ui nachlbed lu Die order for puOliia lion of this auiuniona, lo-wlt; Kurl l 'rullo la ill at hla homo Uu or before tlto ea|ilrullon of four waaka neat, from and after tba Mr. David Naleon was III a few .lata of ftrat publication of title eum ni .il» U)a data of aald flrat puoiica- days last wotk. tlou tbaraof twin* on A usual I Tha wood saw la doing It'* fall I M . and aat forth by way of an ewer any claim you may bava tu busting In llltaon. the real properly herlnaller deecrlb- ” u,l< **• ’ log a week's vacation at the home of nd. and II yuu fall to au aovaar and • M i . und Mçe. Herman Matson •nawrr aald Preaching service at 11 A new aer- his father M. H Welter, left Monday cuntolalnt fur want tine wars Sunday uftornoon rullcrh | i n « . ..V. tba plainlifla will apply lea of sermona on th" characteristics morning tu resume bta duties as bar- 9:45 A. M., Sunday School. to the court fur the relief prayed at thl C, T. West hums of Jeaua begin neat Hunday. The ber on the Portland Limited train, fur In tlmlr aald oumplalnt lo-wlt 11:00 A . M., Morning Worship. flrat one being "Jesus the Great Pby- running between Portland and Cbl- Mr. nrul Mra. O. H Uelendvr and ! ¿ " V , ‘T * 11 . • f 4 Prayer Masting, Wednesday* at , ,, ... _ .... j i . I Itudolph D-e I. be adjudged and da stotan.’* Bpeclal music. cago. fam ily worn Sunday evening c u l - l cr ..il to be the owners In fee aim fig h t in *tha evening. Christian Endeavor 7:00. Como on, „ , „ lore kt the Van block homo. I pie of all the following bounded and — Donald MacNell, Ministar ^ " I d.tacrlbad real property situated In young people, wa are having a good 1 . Mr’ 0eor* * Hughaon and Mr. holds, who haa boon 111 for I the County of Washington and Htata lima social Friday night at 8:00 In the her fa,ber ^ GaaklU were recent $ St. Cecelia Church nevornl woolia In a Portland hoapl * uf o r* * un b*>-wia:— church baaemeut I T,»*to r* »t the home of her brother lleslnnlua at the auutheeet ^ tal Is roj.oitud ns getting along corner of Lot two I I ) In block tr. Tha evening aervlc- at 8 00 Hear 8* ,* m Sunday M asses — 7 :4 0 and Ibe sermon on the "inguc-at of Pbar Ht.vlee Addition to the Town <>f Mrs. John Fredrlckaen of fhv nicely. ^ Ilenvei tun in Waeblnnton c »nty. 10 a. m. Urea.>n. runnina licence northerly soh." Also enjoy our special music. Dalles is a guest at tba S. A. Fred­ Uitoon .Sunday school was wall ^ rickson borne this weak. She Is an IVO feel aluua the weet line of Sunday C atech ism — 8:30 and OSCAR A. COOPER. rcjiresenlated ut tha District Sun­ Dot Una of said Ulock r. In aunt of Mr. Fredrlckaen. 0:30 a. m. Minister. Htevla'a Addition; thance auuth- day school picnic hold In Elaner’s ^ weaterly on a line parallel with Saturday. Mra. F. C. Peck arrived borne Fri­ tha north llue of said Illudi y . fifty 11*1 feel; thence souths«» day after a month’s stay at Rockaway Mr. and Mr*. Christ Christen­ tarly an a lina parallel with the Beach with her daughter, Mra. R. L. weet line of aald l-nt Un» It i In sen and Mra. Ilaw ltt are spending aald Ulock 1 1 In eald Htvvla'a Ad­ u few days vacation on Tha Dal dition. one hundred (IVUI fret; thence .«s t illy filly I f « ) feet a- !vs-Mi'KsnsUi-hug«na loop lona tha south line uf the eald block to the place of b<-alnnlna. Mia- Herman Motscntine alien the land hereby conveyed belna •tied a mooting o f tho County Fed- fifty i f f ) feet In width and one hundred < 100 > feet In lenallc. eratiun of Women's Ctuba Tlcturo end that tha Utla of plaintiffs lu fom m lteo In Gaston, Frida*. aald property be absolutely ouleted. that It be decreed that y»u ami School opened Tuesday, Kept. 4. end each uf you and all persona clalmliis Mias Gertrude Klchtor uf I'urtlnnd I »y. throual. ur under you or either 1. tho teacher. Thera are *V pupil. “ ’^ S E ' s e t t S U S Including a beginning clnaa of liv# »• claim. aaaerilna or aiUmptins tu ■ HILLSBORO, OREGON ■ „ I aaaart any Interval. rlahl title. Mr. and Mra. Epneat llllo , Mr I claim or lien in. to or upon eaid DOORS ai,.l M r« r»..,.».. A ti.la.r»t»i M l., oremlava or any part or parcel and -'I™- Dau rge Amlirson, »**•• t h e r e o f edveree to the title of the W IN D O W S 2x4’s to 2xl0 ’s per M. $10.00 Evelyn Hite and Ernest Hits, Jr. I olelntlffe therein end therein, and SH IN G LE S vlaitod Mr and 1 btelnllffa havee uch C»urt other mey auJ viailecl at at the in# home Home o cu f *Jr » no tl‘* further relief ae to the M O U LD ING S M r«. Henry r rawing C nrlrton, I im r. ju«i «nti oquiubi*. l x l2 ’s ............... . 12.00 SC R E E N W IR E .nrodtc over the McMinnvilla- Kor- ‘ V .” ' ¡ ^ » “r0«° " Tu“ CEMENT Rock-Surface R oofin g eat D rove loop I view by .Td»r of Hun. Oeo. 1C Haa SAND _ . _ . ,i„,|l*V. Judae of tho above entitled GRAVEL P e r R o l l ............... $ 2.25 Ilitcun hi# been glowing tilt Ccurt. which order was made and past law d ay»— bacon's Van Slack’s I detod Auauet i f i t l l . at llillaboro. N A IL S 'O r e ^ n g ■ W EST SHOW EVERY A F -1 Cedar Siding, per M. 15.00 B U ILD E R S fcurtil •Uukmijfft. M «U*ntln#’« bou*« U Dump and D D. Bump. B 5 TERN O O N , FREE VAUDE- ¡ Attorney» for Plaintiff ha* a new composition roof and HARDW ARE M U. Dump, residence and address Barn Plank, per 11. 15.00 ! ■ V IL L E A N D SEM I OLD T IM E ! PO U LTRY Van K leek’a house has a composi­ Hillsboro. Orison. D - D — Hump and address a ; D A N C E IN M AM M OTH A U D tion roof and a coat o f paint. Mr. -------- rasldsacs -------- N E T T IN G T H U R S D A Y EVE-1 ■' J ? 5 ITOR ITO R IU M Philip Olsen and uon o f Sherwood | r " " rV, ‘¿ru0b',| u ,.u 5r°A u «aat IT Itti. NINC J S N IN G . , FH FR E E V A U D E V IL L E E- l« l publication. September 14. >>ld the painting. IH I Adv. c-14-41 5 ■ V E R Y N IG H J. D A N C IN G E-> A number of Hiluun people etlen- 5 ■ V EK R ' Y 1 VE N I N C , E O R E -1 rd the Dutrlile ¡>ix in Scholls Sat­ ai-MMona 5 ■ GON STA S T A T E C H A M P IO N S H IP i le tbe Cimali Cewrt >f tfcs Stats urday evening. Those present re ­ HORSE hor : ! SHOE P IT C H IN G C O N -1 I>f Orenew Fee Wraehlantue re e e tr port n very enjoyable evening. TEST. TEST F I IR S T A N N U A L K E N - TEST, Everyone 1» uigtd to attend the ] ttrnrat I a i i II i n j Uuilolph L«> e I1 p B N E L CLUB, LA R G E D IS P L A Y r u iiittfft ban,.el social mid program at the O F FIR E W O R K S S A T U R D A Y M. K M a c K s t; a liti «II unknow n Hitoon school house Saturday, -Sep­ h H r « o f J o i I iu r W wlth «m l U itV« U Z NIG H T. BANDS. M USIC. MER- \N . . h h l« * if«. « 1 «.. « i l *.i li* r tember 15, for the benefit o f the Phone, 4603 A F E R R IS 5 Z RY-GO-ROfUND, Drraofia or p «r t l« a unknown, cU liii- Hileou progressive club. In « «n y r i« h t tili«, « « U t « , llwn R E i - W H EEL. SHOWS A N D O TH ER ‘SV’ 5 r . D PECK, S A L E S N C R .. B E A V E R T O N , PH O N E 5608 ? or IntoriTat In th** r c * l •» #<* r ibrtl in the c«*m plalol A T T R A C T IO N S . bercia ■ ! Port « II loed seven p la in tiff«. great reftigarator ship* within aix ■ IB ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ * ■ ■ - weeks To U . K. ilacltec; also all unknown : li*lr, uf Joaliua Welch and ultvr The plans fo r new street light­ Wvluli. hie wife; aUo all uthar per- auna ur parila* unknown, clainiiiis ing syttein have been completed at any rtsht. m i», »a la i» Jl«n *>r in- Corvnlli*. larval In th* r**l **iata dsscrlbad In lh* complaint h*r«ln. Iha abov* A mllu o f asphalt |utving la being di-acrlbad dafandanla. laid on Silver Crvck Falls rokd out In tha name o f tb * « t a t e o f u r*- ol Silvarton. m a ■r-5 L UMBER £ * Washington j (I B ig Stocks! Special Prices! \ County Fair E fU a v g rto n lo d g e No. 252, L O. O. m eets * v - ery M onday* e v * - ning at H p. m. V is ito r * w e l­ come. 8 G. Bogara, N. Q. M . E. Underhill, Secretary. 7U Hcuvorton Rebok- a li Lodge N o. J 4M m e*te flr a t and th ird Tu es­ day even in gs at | J> J:30 P. M. in the L o . o . t . H all. M r«. W a lte r Harris, Secretary, M rs. M a r jo r ­ ie Lewis, N. O. p 41tf THAN 3 % You see the telephone instrument, which to many is the sum and substance of telephone equipment. Actually that telephone represents less than 3 per cent of the total equipment necessary for your share of service. Hidden from view are miles of wire, switch- boards power plants and other equipment — the in­ visible reminder, necessary to render efficient service W est Coast Telephone Company Berthold’« Famous Feeds II B e rth o ld ’ Egg M a sh B e rth o ld ’ D airy Feed B e rth o ld ’ S c ra tc h Feed CHARLES BERTHOLD Hay, Orata, Feed, Poultry Sappile« ‘OUR RED TRUCKS DELIVER’ Por den l eed 5 B I W. J. M cCready Lum ber Co. : Lime, Cement, Ptaeter, s The Man who is Wise cm n suu. yuu en d each uf yuu a te b err- uy rvuutrcd tu appear eud , u » w » t the A 1104,873 contract has been . . . _.» I cuinplsinl filed asutuat yuu In Ibi- warded i i,r the rocking o f l i mile* 1 .#,<•» »utltbd court ami cauai-. . » r b.-i-.r* l b * Isat day u f the tiuicprc- of tba Santlam road. •ctlbaj III Iba order f o r publlcalb u I uf tbl* auiuiiiuiia. to-w It.— On or b*fure tha expiration of four «»•< k. next, fr*>in and sfirr III» dal- u f flrat publication of till* «uinm- n*. Ill* lUtr of aald flral publication tli*i.u f brine on Auguat 17. I»!», and a-t forth by way of ana««-, any claim you may bav* to tb* real pro- porly hvrrlnarter deacrlbt-d. and If you fall eo to appear and anawtr »aid complaint for want thereof llir T h i n * * Y o « ' S b o ttiti K n o w plaintiff* will apply to th* Court for tn* relief prayed for In tlitlr **lu complaint, lo-wlt — That plaintiff*. Krnrai La>*ll and Rudolph U>*|i. b* •djudsed and decreed to be th* own* •r* In f*e airnple of all thr following hounded end di-*rrlb*d real properly elluated In th* County of Waehlng- ] ton and Finte of Oregon to-wlt:— L »t 8 Ulock 1. Hoc-ken’* Addition to llreverton. a* ahown by th* lui duly recorded map and plat thereof. lend that the title of plaintiff* to r Jphn eald properly be ab*»lute|>- uuteted; and that It bo decreed that you and C H E W IN G T O B A C C O each uf you. and all peraoua claim­ ing by, through or under you or Strange a* it may seem, the dis­ either or any of you be forever bar ■ gusting habit of maaticatlng "III« J red and precluded from claiming >-r Weed. 1* more seductive, more atempllng to claim, aearrttng or at- templing to aaeart any Interest, right, fcnaciou» in its hold on tha till*, claim or Ilea. In to or upon chcwer, and, in tome way*, leva aald praiulaea or any part or parcel harmful to him, than the moro ele­ thereof edveree to the title of plain­ gant custom of amoking, to which tiff* thrrin and thereto: and that plalntlffa bav* such other snd fur- s o c ie ty is much more tolerant. tha- relief a* to th* court may aeem In this article, I shall try to illus­ Juet and egultabl*. trate, not the effect* o f the nico­ Thli «liminoli» I» served upon you tine, but the perversion o f human hy publication In th* Iteaverton Re­ view by order of Hon. Ueo. It. Ras­ saliva from it* normal function— ter. Judge of the above entitled more deleterious than the tobacco Court, which order wo* made and alkaloid Involved. This is th* chi*! dated Auguat 11. IM I al Hllleboro. [ Oregon. trouble from chewing tobacco. —M. It Hump and D. D. Rump, The saliva Is a natural fluid, Attorney* for Plalntlffa •ecreted hy the gland*, for a drli- M. It flump, rtaldence and addret*. nits purpose —to balance the add | llillaboro Oregon. [auric juice. The chewcr wastel D. D. Dump, residence and addraa*. Forest Grove, Oregon. t by hit iuceeitive expectoration. Tlret publication, Auguat IT. 1J2* I f he chews before brrakfait, so U » t publication Heptemher 14 much the worse— he U sure o f ex* | 1821. Adv c-18-41 ces* of acid for the digestion o! thli highly important meal. Pro- Contractors are working on he De­ iongrd state o f this normally atka* schutes River. line saliva being thrown away, tha victim discovers himself to be a Th* Umatilla County wheat crop dyspeptic with chronic acid is sstimated st 4,750,000 bushels. stomach. Sourness, gas eructa­ tions, inability to digest fatty A m ity is planning to build a new foods, and even burning pain ara flrehouj# fo r their new fire truck evidences of the trouble. It Is not Work has begun on an $8,000 the nicotine, but the tost saliva hat produces the condition; chew« school fo r Piute Indians at Burns. ng any other thing, and spitting A carload o f peat has Laen ship out the saliva, -would doubtless ped from Quincy to Portland recent! cause as much trouble. The victim seldom la yr hli Construction la being pushed on trouble to the tobacco. Excess of th* South Umpqua Road. acids will in -time corrode the w*l| o f the stomach snd produce ulcer. - Douglas County she*- hsv* yield­ A pstlen* o f mine one* relieved ed growers over $700,uOO. nil his stomach distress hy stops A new $275,000 union high school ping short on the chew within tn* hour before and after meals. I haa baan opened at Klamath Fall*. ■once saw a chap o f 101 years, who Concrete work is completed on the b id chewed "ever since h* could ’-■it” , but never chewed be­ Shield's cold storage plant at Milton. fore breakfast, nor to excess any Stat* highway crawa are keeping M h tf time. the McKenxie Route in good condi­ O f course the better way Is, to never chew tobacco, or anvthlnfl tion. else but good, wholesome food iq W. A. George,' a Wallowa gladio­ ptoderation; but the aged brothrf w lip chaws, m t»t bt bornt with la lus grower, w ill burvsst 10,000 bulb« v h tflttt. (M l ihlj. A bout y o u r y » O K Considers m a im His Banl^ A Friend to be Trusted- Kno»r$ that his bank is eager to help him in every way possible. Comes to his bank for advice. Our years of experince in hand­ ling financial problems put us in a position to serve you satisfactorily. * BANK O F T h is T a g is Y o u r Assurance of Honest Used Car Values I f vim are In tha market for a used Car—come in and learn how compiereiv we protect ytmr put» ^h*»c when you buy a used car BEAVERTON A GOOD DANK IN A OOOD TOWN IN THK GARDEN . H oar S. P. Our used car department Is operated under the famous Red O.K. Tag system—developed by the Chevrolet Motor Company to protect the used car buyer. Under thl* plan, we attach to tha radiator cap* o f all our re-coo« dltioned car* the famous Chev­ rolet Red O.K. Tag — showing SPOT O f OREGON W. Livermore, Pres. 1». K. Denney, Vice Pres. Doy Gray, Cashier exactly what vital units have beet* chocked O.K. or reconditioned b f our expert mechanic». We believe that no fairer system o f used car merchandi ever been worked out S it,* Y assure* the customer honest umest value as well as a dependable, sails. factory car. , Com* in today and inspect our stock o f O.K. J used car*. You ar* sure to find tha car you want, at a price that w ill please you—ana our terms are exceptionally easy. This Carl ¡ L i l _ 1 f { A Few of our exceptional Used Car Value# “ w ith in ^ K ^ th a t.c o u n ts” ; ARTISTS THEATRE 19’Id Chevrolet Landnn Sedan. I Two Ford Touring*. N ew rubber Lots o f extras, two new tires- Thor- licence, ad good motors. Very r*a- ' sonable, oughly reconditioned (form erly M A JE S TIC ) v H om e o f the magnificent Old Ford Coupe. Licese, starter, | 1927 Chevrolet Roadster. Fine battery and fa ir rubber $50.00. | mechanical condition. Good rubber. UNITED ARTISTS photoplay* THURS. SEPT 2 0 ih w i/ h . r V Á RONALD COLMAN ,oVILM\BANKY .» T W O LOVERS" Bernard & Stipe Look f o r the Red Tad “ wi th an OR Stipe’s G arage Beaverton t hat Count»’ ’ „aa, ■ -¿m ,