F r i d a y , A*irr.tT8T a«, ija t. TITS BUSINESS ; _____ DIRECTORY STUDIO BARBER SHOP FIRST CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE TRICES WE .WERT-ON REVIEW X »loner, I Tin Juan«, Mexico. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS* . Interesting Little Notes from the Surrounding Country as Told jy Our Active Special Correspondents Weekly j visit a number of the beaches while away. m- CEDAR MILL Hnrry Weaver has resume«! at Jone» Mill in PorUand, ter a recent illness. 0»cnr Mason ««»» k > >t f work hy an uta L .. f i t , « the ftist of the ««'«• k. * ' ** o. in, ae«k. was in town a short time, Wednesday, his al • | Mrs. Willis Cady was hostess at a luncheon, Thuisuuy of lust week, ki •fUV,u I*’«"* Mr*. Harry Barnes . " *nd ,a "». Mrs. Milton Metcalf nn«l t Advertisements In this column I *MI‘ *wn :,nd Mrs. John Bnukus and two cent a word. Minimum charge 25c children. ---------------------------------- . -------- m sTSjrs ¡ sl Trass'. *■,•*«- «■ . ....... . ! ¡£;. -i___ ro“ r.r *•-«• ___ Vk acre tracts I*» Dvr Mr. and Mrs. Ranks of Tertian«* inolil Ad,tutoli, Ucavertun, iheltTa a Addition, Hcnvcrton, Ul*. Ore. ® j who have recently |>urchase«l the C. Barker has lievn hauling his lVnney left Momliy f,»r the same Some tracts clear and others not Mrs. ------ Rose Vounjr place on v Cooper ------ ------ * spent ---- Sunday ---- - j , ( v Clyde ijiir WilYlnson piace oopei » d ' , , , , Fvvd Store at rises to spend several day» w ih clear unit some with sha.le trees. 8t0ck Country with her mother, Mrs. Mary Reeves. I mountain spent the week end here. Keedvtlle during the past week. «heir daughter. I M blocks from High and ’. 'ob. Companies Rates The Ladies Com e« Club met at Mr B*nk® *» «"»king seme improve. M - •*‘d Mrs. Sophua Honlokkc Mr. and Mra. Ih>y Gray aro lie Si ho«>|.« on ruck road, l.g h l* Automobile Insurance the home of Mrs. SWavans. n,ent* *"d pattili» on a coat of o f i amhi l were visitors at their «Pending their vacation motoring Gas and with all Improvement* home in Aloha last week. jhru California. Tliey left ttaturtlav N. J. SKEE ALOHA Mr. Henry Katterman is visitili» X ? , _ paid $600. $10 down and $10 per Office, Beaverton Finance Ce. his dau»hter. Mrs. Elvin Haskell, on , „ and Mr* Flo>d B>«rly end month. Call, Beaverton, 3d- Sanford R«>gers and Rot w“ y ot MarshAeld and Coquille moot) T___________________________________ Sauries Island this week. I { , * ’ “ 'l a*'d Mra- R*>y Bier'y and beilem paid tiie Hillsboro I 03 c -t f , for San Francisco, where they will u „ . . . Mr*‘ McCormick and family • meet their daughter. Miss ------------ Crete. ! Z----- T" - ------ Mrs Willis Barnes spent the day were very pleasantly entertained at r . Lodge a fraternal visit, For Sale Babbit* ami tuitches for W h o l l 'f t I 'm f i n n .I Tues.lay Tti.tm.lssA> on .... »W.. A. E. HANSON Prof I , „ k __ , , . who Portland the * Mri. Martha Thorn«, Wcdnfi* a birthday dinner given by Mrs, L. aste or traile. Steve law let Bea- proud um eii / ‘ " d W i c *** th* S,r«'»<«,r Admit al Henson. WOOD and COAL <“ F* - Bierly, Sunday in honor of her pn»ud parents of a son. b,»rn se v e r-' . . . . . . . vitt.m Ut. .1. i If al necks ago at Independence. Or* , Wr‘. * ,u! Mr*- ► rssnk Wilson of Cord Wood or Slab—any Mr. » " 4 Mrs. John Maurer spent birthday. Slab— any length \li*« 1 « wii '*’* Angch's Calif, who hive been For Sale 1924 Willy's Kn;gh l„ on­ any kind ev*ni*«S at th* P A. Thorne W. M. Brooks snd son, Myron. ly run 2000 mile». A snap, for 1»., I u r * ,mUn *° * , ‘or,- fclalivee In Beaverton. For Thone 45*4 nome- * V\aldport and Miss Ruth Brook - « i u Prompt Delivery.. $273. Green Clover Service Sta ‘ “ Coring est CUove. Gales Civek and Port. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Britch spent “ f S*1*"» WTr* visitors last week it • **•> attack o f acute indigestion, land for the past month spent Mon lion. .................................................. Satunlay evening with Mr. and Mrs. th* hom,! ot Mr- Brooks* daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ilcnty Niels,>n haw dl,y ** *'■ ^ Allen home. Th«>\ U AI C T I’ V H ARDW ARE p- A- Thorne. •'*«'•• Eterett Wright. Tney were returned to their home here, after ^or Ualifom a Tuesday. Mr. | h r Sii*— Delphinem aeel In rea dy for planting now. Orders H A L M E IN H A K U B A M . Mr and Mrs P a n „„ .___ » a > °«> • « " « o r trip to Cathlamot, Wash. • pleasant vacation s|K-m at the ’ Vi!*°n *• ** brother of Mrs. Allen STANDARD HARDWARE booked for seedling and 1 year l*}:kt'ht's a» . . . day with Mr. ' and lira!*** T. *A* ^ W fi* ht holl‘* en' G mam rham anti and. ----- ' Mr. ..... and Mrs. N. W. n . vi ■— - ■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■■— and FURNITURE J. R. Stephens, Trop. C .,b p .« l '^ U“ W “ *l Mr M M„ M A „J - -■* ■-*.___ s?Afsa»- im>- R“ k" > For Sale Manure Bpreader, Llteh. held make, a'most Du- n**i«« tran, Portland, Rt. d. Ho* DUMI, lievi Road, near Glen Cullen. p fl‘J “ - - ■' *-*---- **— *—*- ------- Dining room set and other pieces all good. Cheap. Call at cottage oppoa te St. Mary's Institute, p 30 L«»t and Found. latat—Sack of corn, Monday morn­ ing on llyland road. Return to W. li. Woodo on Allen A ve­ nue. P-30 WANTKI) Wanted 60fl to lOOtl gallon pre*. sure lank. Must be In good eon dll ion. Stato your lowest ea»h price. Roy E. Bierly, U. »verton, Rt. 3 C-3*» ~ u d d^ ,hUr> rilô fîio h .» ,U y ''••ver. Cl i t X Cr" r^ ent H,1Ul>oro visitor». t o gnd w ‘ n|T K lL PW,wrtü? Mr«, C. K. B ilg e left a week ago ; at the Airport ground«. They had Mrd ,” , ¡ ¡ 1 , ^ ' Monday for an extended visit with set the grass when they were out to  h . Î iïm k wîÎn Z i ‘ ? , " > «r sister, in K a n ... City, M’Mourl there und had the h o « „ ort 1 omkxison and d iughter, n.._ keep >. it »___ from _____ spreading. Just a Mr, Mie. W h - 1 » k . M,s. Hemic, of Portland were mem- *nd , h U . i K° . n“ ' 1 ^ M I - —___ T ib siiu of making the premise« *a- Ground v,»a broken Wmlnemtoy of f ,N r#r. , M,|y drop, th s w ifk for a new walk in front *. . 1 of the J. W. Sprague property at ***** ' land relatives. Mrs. Dan Adams was hostess x* 7J " _V How good news does spremi. Hugh Lewis f , D 1th* t ,ub »“ «>vh. >n. Tuesday, ,h* fo r^ r ° f H m “ nd " * U,' n St’ vgfton w »r. v is i t o r /!!’".^ °/.. ® **-! ‘’Vinin*. •« h«r homo. Among thos • A fire alarm waa turned In 8at- GENERAL GASOLINE la « t il the Adv. 30 tf Maxcv hum > n i u |tHe Ahar,<* Present were the Me'daiues Sarali urday when them was a grass fir« ^>,t. " * — “* - - Fountain Service . . old plants for fall planting Choice Wrexham strains. Bea­ ver Delphinium Gardens. C. K. Allen. c SH-lf ¡»parks, Bert Sparks, and son Cle- Sunday, while chopping wood a rait> Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tabor . Best of Eats stick flew up and hit Mr. Frank *nd children Marjorie and Earl, Mr. Whitehall Restaurant Steffan between the eyes, knocking » " d Mrs. D. E. Beck and son, Tho- him unconscious. mas. Mr. and Mrs. John Beck of MAGAZINES and CANDY Mrs. P. A. Thome and Mrs. Frei- ,Purtl£nd and Rwd Sparks of Wich- K n th m l» and »nit Mrs. \f. . C. r H. u Kat «.-_* ’**, Kansas. !•: OREGON da Wuthreile BEAVERTON s-: __ . terman picked black berries at I* is earnest'y hoped that there Launder'a Tuesday. ' U a large atendance o f th parenU' Beaverton Lumber Co. Mrs. Louise Reeves and children ?? U!*. childr* n ot this school at «"• s. i r ’S T,ni"s;.|,Ii,' ...................................... ................................................... .. _____ Gertrude and Elmer. motored to thf ^ nnt P'cn,< «he six Sundav turned to their home in Portland nf- Mr8- Adams was presented with a J _____" *'*’ ______ * Ls « . . i WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Scappoose. Sunday the 12th o f Au- ? klXI 8 *° ^ held at Eisner s grove, ter a week s visit with Mr. and Mrs. P'**»« o f Aluminum ware M I n D I v . A . r». •• l l . o t / . x _ gust to visit Mrs. Albert Bosel baturday, September 8. There is to Andrew Denholm o f Stacy Ave, jew eler ! le«wis Brothers, Proprietors * Dc a a new ...»i many m ««.. other ,.» l ... RcV. and Mra. W. KMwin Infilili ® OI*OMETRIST u. .j u „ ,, _ ht fine nnwram program and Mr. . ml « Mr j Sanford Rogers. Mr*. J. Guunt hid ---- — M - Sunday ^ inicsU, ..... Mr. and Mr» B. B. Reeves and attractions. All interested in Kin Optical Work—Hrpairlng I c » _, . w .. n .Sunday --u...... . K nw i are invtie.1 « : n;ï . ... k " t . -------- E,n’ t rs - 8r i - w f ... nt lo school invited to «.. a?- at- and , Mr. Braga o f Portland, and the *• * • Robert* and son, Richard of 11KAV FUTON OHHCONj Mason, Gsunt. ■“» and " Weaver Ij*ke Grove and *'*. Dr. * P. *'• I). V. , .i ur. ay t ' e . with Mr. and Mrs tend. Bring a lunch and dishes to - Denholm, V — t’Uftr ------- '•*''*v ••*'« ». Van »¡an Dellmore Lessard T n n iir»« _1. _ I . - , _ # ________!.. a aw • . . rrank bteffan. serve ¡ t rimile» picnicked at Gales Creek, nin* formerly of Pnsadrna, Cal f ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■BN ■ !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ »!■ * ■ ■ »■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Sunday. , ’ i hut w hose home at present Is at . M,rs- C* 1'in K®tterman has been Mr. snd Mrs. J. C. Snider enter- Charles Maxcy of Wheeler Ave- B*‘rk' ,*v , ^ '««»nning is an ex- Office* with Justice Swenson H I* re.nt?- M r aRd MrS* **lned th* following as b u n ly chim 'v»l research and consult- H M . he don, at Central», Wash., guest» at their home on Peasant nue. who has beer, receiving treat I ** Here Tucsdavs and Thursdays for the part two weeks. Mr. K at-j Valley road: Mr. and and Mrs Me ment at the Sellwood hospital in I *nt and W** " turninK f rom a bus! Portland f«r Injuries re eived at a ” *** tr

f her father, M. H. We'ter, Sunday at home for the present. j * - h . . . ' Mrs. CantnII and daughter were afternoon. Thone, 2003 ........................ Beaverton WASHINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jefferies o f Portland visitors, Wednesday ^ Cornelius O regon Phone Main 2 7 2 ^ Dr. anl Mrs. R. S. Welsh and lit­ McMinnville spent Sunday at their „ • Savings & Loan Assn. Cooper Mountain home. Mrt' GharIes Halnes of Huber has tle daughter, Loia, were luncheon Four blocks South of W arehoure ^ w „ „ recovered from a recent illness. cuosta at the M. C. Mi-Kercher home Shute Bldg. HilUboro, Ore. W. E. PEGG Miss Rosa Bucher o f Portland William Guardinicrs was a P ort- Wednesday. uaited with her parents, Mr. and land visitor thr firsi f d i Mrs. Maude Miller «nd grand­ UNDERTAKER and EMBALMER Mr». F. A. Bucher, Sunday. I ^ fi f the Wefk* IÜ— _ . I .... _ . . . -------- Mr and Mrs w r u « J , Mr9’ Su,livan »nd children of IIu daughter, Betty Jean Miller of Was- ■ V U • ' - .y ' .< • j -J . i 1 * r j v ." .; ' j u vi U (o, spent Sunday at. the Lou's Grange Building — Beaverton daughter spent Sunday with vela- * F' '"*** 1 ort'and v pi tors Monday a ______________________________________ — --------- Hughson home. --------------------- ■ — ----------—— tives and friends in Jenning’s Lodg° -'Irs. L. Gaunt and Mr. Brsga of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hughson. Beaver Wood & lee Co. „ Portland M!- *"■> were » ” visitors w.»»i ,f ’’’P "'*. S[,M‘ y v" i,or- ■*» and eon, Harvey, and Mrs. E’izabeth w eaver Vi o o a Oi l i e c u Sunday a* U s Gray <* Aloha is riding a Davia, visited relat'ves at North II i r a d ^ f U t S w a s h . cort. ^ reCently Plains Sunday evening. Yard at Front & Main * Will'am Shoemaker o f A'oha made Mr. and Mrs. Reed McClincy and P. L. Schultz Phone 6702 Mr- »nd Mrs. C. B. Waters and a business trip to Portland last two children of Forest Grove visi­ BEAVERTON OREGON three daughters o f Portland were re. We*k> ted at the home of his mother, Mrs. cent visitors at the home of Mr. and Charles Esterley, Sunday. The Jess Hayes and Harry Gee ...................... . r--. r Mrs. Everett Wright. families picnicked at Dodge Park Mr. S. C. Beach, daughters. Miss Beaverton Barber Shop Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Holboke and Sund**F- Josephine and Mra. McLaughlin, I The regular, everyday p a t r o n a g e at every Thrift Store is proof of the fact family and guests. Mr. and Mrs. The Aloha Baptist church w 11 hold and sons, William and Edward, ar­ i that our week-end features are not the only Savings we have to offer. C. J -STEVENS, PROPRIETOR Ç t a j k T K . i c T r y f iitpjHitr, spent tneir annual pici Ä t ? Ä rived Sunday from Los Angeles, | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ;>un(lay with relatives in St. Louis. Grove, Saturday t Savings on Quality Foodsfuffs Everyday! Calif, to visit at the home of his | son, C. C. Beaeh and family. Beaverton. Oregon ,, e ^ n g ^ h t 'p a n ’’^ t w o '^ k i“ *. V* ^ B° aman ,eft f ° r ------------ ------ -------- --— --------------- . ‘ pai.1 V *** thtt a few weeks vacation to b- spent «♦ F. W. Livermore, County Commls- Painting. Kalsomining. Papering ^lr :and Mr*’ f C: Snider, Price* Reasonable 10 her home ‘ n Portland, ‘"■'r * .S“r*- V •“ *“» R'’-i------------------------------------------------------—----- r LOANS \ \ C. R. LafoUette 1 I A. Norgaard 8c Co. n Beaverton. - ,,V <215. for »ervice Mrg. Julius Wedeking and »on Buster, and diughter, Mis» Anna d ' . i a .Tonoi and M r,‘ Lou»®« Van Kleek were Portland A T-021, c,n in g on relatives in Hillsboro.. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gcmbella and Walter Heaton and family are on a trip to the coast. They will : vl8it several coast resort« before returning home. «nd quality Sw Dewey, the Phone 7702 Plumber .............. Beaverton V C C m -D L' I L S > »U tV E i, U * », THE GREEN CLOVER j at Jantzen beach. AH kinds of wood Coal and Briquets At reasonable prices Efficient and courteous service N. HILL 1952, Aloha, Oregon -------- ----------- ------ . BEAVERTON FEED and COMPANY * PRODUCE • — V Wr V ^ w H ighw av and O ’ E . T rack s C. J. Beach, Manager -- ***** F. A. NO^ ES plumbing, heating gaa fitting. Always on the Job. Pipe Cut And Threaded. Phone, Beaverton 3303 Sanitary and C. L. BAKER DRY GOODS and MEN’S FURNISHINGS W antsd-G ood family preferred In her - cow. third — , Jersev Heat Your Home Next Winter with GAS Mr. and Mr». F. A Bucher and grandson, Glenn Pringle and Mm. - « y Kinton school will begin Tuesday September 4, with the same tea­ chers as last year, Mrs. Pearl To- zier of Portland and Mrs. Harrietta I Ford of Umatil’ a , The regular meeting of the La dies’ Aid Society was held at the church, Thursday afternoon. One ccmfcrter was finished, and more MIC Tl M J , are MII1IV under & way. J(r. and Mr». Zack Martin spent Sunday in Newburg with some of their old friend» and neighbor». Thé Martins resided in Newburg before coming to this town. Automatic— Instantaneous— Clean No Chores or Ashes L Mrs. J. J. Van Kleek and daugh ■ ter Mias Helen left the first of the ■ week for a visit with Mra. Van * Kleek’s daughter, Mrs. Virgil L an-1! dess of Chitwood, Ore. m Mr. Yeager of the Beaverton link- S e'ry is building a house pn his tract ! on Rood road, and will soon m ove: g hi» family here. We wi'l be glad to lB welcome this family in our midst 5 mr*. Mra. i/onraa Conrad a-noenoacnier S hoenbachler am and ! Mj„ A|pi0, son A|) lactation draw- motored to the coaat Sunday p-38 tQ* » week'* vacation. They will PLAN NOW 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hemrich of Heppner, returned to their home, Monday, after spending a few day- as guests o f Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hoi ; boke o f Pleasant Valley road. BARBECUE IS OPEN ® ^ « ^ , ^ Phone r REGULAR SAVINGS 1 Thrift Savings for Sat.- Mon., Aug. 25 27 SANDWICH SPRKAD- PEAS— Bull’s Eye, fine 23c Luxury, Pint jar .............. 39c flavor, No. 2 tins, 2 eans PRESERVES, Strawberry, ASPARAGUS—Hillsdale, 35c selected berries packed in CQg* No. 1 tall tins, 2 cans . .. full 3 It) glass jar ............. iJ O V SPINACH—Del Monte, 15c MALTED MILK— Thomp­ fine, clean pack, No. 2 tin son’s, Chocolate flavor, 1 CORN BEEF, Cooked, 49c 25c ^ * * * Camp’s, medium tins, 25c Pork (8 t> Beans Van 3 cans .............................. y|Q T 'î / C SALMON, Fine Alaska Red, tall cans, 2 for ....... 47c Thrift Coff 3 lbs.............................. $1.37 Pancrust Shortening^o 1'Æ 8" fan: 39c £ A Candy Special Matches Assorted orange and lemon slices, tender Jelly candy in tasty fruit flavors T b....... easy striking, long burn­ ing, carton of 6 box es....... flavored, 2} lb tin P08T BRAN FLAKES. for health, pkg.............. . GRAPENUTS, an old reli­ able breakfast dish that re- o C tains its popularity, 2 pkgs. O O C If. O. OATS, quick or regu­ lar cooking, the finer, more O Q wholesome oats, 2 pkgs . SOAP—Fels Naptha, Car ton ________________________________ of 10 bars You will find a full line of pickling 10c Meat is a necessity always Especially during the cool days of autumn. Begin now to build up re s ta n c e for winter. -Meat quickly sup. p!ies warmth and nourishment Your body needs it City Meat Market TEA—Tree, Orange Pekoe Q*Tr or Japan, popular tea 1 îb O # v our quality blend, ground fresh to your order, 1 H) , 59c WIIKKK YOU SAVK ON IW V Ii aw ' 1 lu a iu f 19c 17c lll,c long grain Louisiana rice, 1 O-w t sanitary tnnîtarv 9 n lftr A 4/ 2 th lb pkg. . .. FLY SWATTER, made from fiber will not mar fur­ niture or curtains, each .. TOILET PAPER—North­ ern Tissue, 3 rolls ............. WASHING POWDER—Ci­ trus, large size, 2 pkgs. ... AMMONIA or Bluing, large bottles, 2 for spices at your Thrift Store. FOODSTUFFS — THAT’ S THRIFT! 9c 25c 47c 15c