Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1928)
/««;► > r.. V uí * v »»»*J í University Library IF IT'S FOR BEAVERTON, K KV I KWH FOR THF. IT T he B ea ver ton R e v ie w CLBAN M i r m tg F 0 » ALL T O FAMILY The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively T o The Interests O f Eastern Washington County. VOLUME VI. NO. 37. Single Copy, 5 Centn Heaverton, Washington County, Oregon. Friday, MCOtriCT HOUSE ITEMS * Council Met Monday Night To Discuss The Water --------------- — à AHRKHT8 Win. C. Taylor waa arrest« d Aug. 1, on a larceny charge by Deputy -a The road | completed. Wei'kart. **S| rink lu g rrohiM tidH a ml then „# IVriLml ° !" \ * * ^ they »aid "Spi inkling may be d«M W J i I mh . » Ul<“ f , r :-x -.K s H f ™ - - V ~ , ,L / r r ,íf í ” ... Early and late lamb crops very good with light losaes. ef one year's ............ > *’nr ■ Round-Up, iv.iunu- n p be- lie- <w U,u *1» n"*L r « u the » for Eor Wea.ern ,.*h bition. n-.w in 1,1 "iw tr ir th year, has I« nine so w*'n ^'•hlahed as „ community ,*n- *hat it la a nart o f the life , . p*..»he cum«,unity llaeif. v .. , I1U.1’ ■* P "' “ '“ *">•< d"> ‘ " n^ •,cn.llt t„n'ans especially .-'p,s-ially bu*y w,th Wl,h Pfeparations the an preparatlon. for th.- ■’ •• th« 8 ptcmlwr L' ' 21 " n<l con>* on apacc. Tbc ,own w,’Mr« 8" uipeatant alr and «veryw-heu* «her« «re «vktenecs c f Rourd-Up p(sna. r The matter of paving Watson St. c ,lw!.o y i nnd roW|rir|i( who #ro - — "* fr1 Cf m*. rh* ml’,on» » nd champion, to-»«*, arc ‘ t ^ c t ^ T '* " ' " ‘“ L * 1? " ' ^ V t e a * for Wming in th e r u ual numbers. A - v*>* ard pi P 1 , m< ng the competitors this year w 11 the drafting of the ord.n- ^ Wr ,,f flnp ^ •nr<’ ' , formers and beautiful sti>i k |*u*,wu The C'liineil ««Mourn'd to me» II, the < ii»rw.v Irwin and Eddie Mr- agnii) nvxl MuiulRy cvonuig wl aii Carty outfits (two rpparntc groups), tha paving matter will be given In. hided In the galaxy o f fumin- furthcr uttenUon. inc »tars 1» Mabel Strickland, queen __ — -------- |,r * ir 1927 Round-lip, and th- only M il S O N F A M I L Y R E - woman steer roper In tho world. I T V I fk M U K I 1) S U N D A Y |,' “ Uy M" M - ‘ '""»H e « serious ac- U N lU I N H tL U OUl cWent , 0 her hHn(1 wh,,„ ,ast ------ r z , ... i >“ ,r’ Would n" 1 relinquish th . hemp Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Allen aim until alio ha«i l|ie al«ior tied with a f"m|l< at'endod a fondly r« vtn.**«« pb* reatnesa nnil »feed which the cow- ntc at the tihme <4 her b r » W bqya envied. (V. W'i| on at C*«le» Creyk on Sm\- «>f c o u r c lh«* bucking, a« atwnya, day. There were about one bundled wi|) fi,, a mont colorful event ami to tcVi*n of t h e m were graialchildrcn •• d met of i-apri ions hcrsefti* h tho and fifty memliers present, thirty RoUnd-U|> re«-entlv adili'd a large one great grandchild gri up c f bron«*a which arc conucien- Among tlio*o present wore V'** tious objec'or* so far as «addles or and Mrs. Ed Wilson of Portland, Mr. rid«rg are concerned. Dan Clark, and Mr». Fred Wilson nnd family «*f '|Ve«tock «Kent for th.- 'Union Fa- S»n Francsco, Calif., Mr. und Mrs. ;«„g got * south #to bring b.u-k W'lriant Wilson and children o f to r - Mcxlcnn ateors guaranteed to give eat Grove, Mr. nnd Mr», Waller r„p wluj Ini^duggvi-s plenty of W i'aon and fondly of Tjl(amook, ov ttpatton. Ticket ordera are Iving Mr. and Mr» L)«nton W’ il-on and received «laily and | Ians for special family of Gales Creek, Mr. and trnjni made, | ! Mrs, Caateel nnd family of Aloha, -------------------------- Mr. an.) M r., Tom Taylor and fan.- | » U R E - B R E D JERSE Y ft ty of Portland, Mr. «nd Mi*. J** \I A W P Q A I> ^ York of Hulur, »nd Mr. nn l Mr*. M AK hh A K IM O R D Stunum and fnmily o fl’ortland Amy _ «• * * * j s I), a Millie, a purebrcil Jer sey cow, has »>een awarded n Silver FO R M E R A LO H A HOY »7 7 idal by the American Jersey la t - S E R IO U S L Y IN J U R E D '«, Club. Mtills is owned nnd was ----- ----- test-d t.y .1, J. Vatl Klvek and Sons Al *ha Oregon, August 7, 1928, 0f Beaverton, Oregon. (Special) Vernon Hoffman, tho son ,sh0 was stnrteil on this ofTlcial of Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Hoffman, for- production test when aho waa 2 morly of Alihn but now rosliling years nnd 2 months of ago nnd In in Forest Gro\o. was painfully In- thy following 3C6 days she produced jured recently when h* and nnoth- 577.0,1 Iba. o f buttcrfnt and 10,917 er lad filled a pipe with powder and |bs 0f milk. Her milk averaged touched a m-i’ ch to It. 5 29G fat for the tost and she waa A large hole was blown in the with calf for 174 days o , the year, yard of his home and hi« eyes were H,-r sire is SI. I’ aronbl ai d her i*a«l|y injured. He ia only ab'o to ,|nm ja I,nCreole's Amy's Darling, haVa t)-p I,stulaga off hia oyer«>nlv a ,„vv which has a »(15-day record few minutes at a time, now. His „ f j ,« hi .OI lbs, of butterfat and »763 fneo was fi !c 1 with bits o f powder jhg, 0f m Ik ma<'e when she was 1 that had to be extracted. year and 11 montha o f nge, Mr. W. II- Scldmore. who ha" Mr, and Mr*. Wa’laei Brown ard been employed In electrical origin- g, ni glwood, Mr. nnd Mrs, I. L. ee lng work at Port Townaend for Morclork returned Saturday from n the past six month» returned to hi* two week'* outing at Ocean Luke boms In Beaverton Friday. i beach, aro OpeninK of It,,ad II*. Been Expected. *• In crease of llusiness NOT Presented W ith The Trophy By Several streets are being graded, graveled and oiled at Springfield. President Williams FINISHED - work by -------— «• A X00-acre cucumber crop ia be- ,ng harvested near Sherwood. The new lumber mill at ALL *•*»• Kinxua MEETING HELD TUES. Wr ork has sUrted on tha La Fine- | ■■■ -toad Will Shorten Distance Be- r° * d OMtrucUon project. TreaMirer'» Report la Given And , . , Extensive building improvements ,, »een I ortland And Beaverton arc being carried on at Devl'a Lake. J*°'!*y Being Returned to Teams ■ » c.„r i ^ ^ <o,000 pounds of halibut were - 1 - s ir 1 ■J ¡ S ’K R■ - » place Sunday * though the road u ** ■•t yet ail completed. viaiona. w id ta , » m T last Tuesday night. There was not with hre preventative pro- * quorum present, as the rules re quire representatives of six .J r t , T 11? l uie r0Bd wUI A new Un#t>rpe. coating »5,000 hut as it was a postpo'neiTmeetiiur' P®rt- was installed for “ The M u f at there not being .q u o r u m preaent land and Beaverton by several miles St. Helena. the week before. It was decided to “ ? aW‘ veryr‘few m m u t ^ d r , ^ «o rk ha. been start- J * the of the lengu. P r .^ n d on the Gold Beach High School * * * * WiUiama of p i v . gymnasium. Garden Home preaided. People have »wen traveling ‘ he - ----- -| In a neat speech, the president new road for two or three weeks lh l; EoUUr rrigation ditch at presented the trophy to Tony Ri- but have had to make detours o- Mountain Dale ia to have a new nel'a for the St. Phillips team Th« ver SOM bad places. concrete flood dam. trophy is a silver cup restiiig on The opening of the new Canyon The Swede Basin mill at Grants three hats with a ball bo- road is expected to bring increased Ians was destroyed by fire and is ne,th th“ "». lh* whole mounted on business to Pc-averton and to turn to oe rebuilt at once * black wooden base. A ball play- the eyes of Portlanders and other», . . , . , ' _ er w sUnding on the lid, with un- lookng for a new home this way. Contract is let for the construction iform and glove on. On the cun _ ______ _______ ____ ___ The new road from the Washing- oi a mrKe m°dcrn apple packing are engraved the words, “ Champion f'iidolph Schucpbach, .lr. Playing The Violin He ____ Made The above is n picture of Uu- t<> tunc the wood o f the bark an,I lon <0- lin* west is still unded con- “ ,m1 c° :i1 borage plant at OdeU. Tualatin Valley League, 1928” The d- lph Schucpbach, Jr., the sc ,i„| front *.f tho violin while making. ,lr «rtion and will not be open for A »20,000 quicksilver plant is be- ‘„roPhy WM *nve» by the Portland Srhrupbai S r , j I lie carved poet- of hi» vio- some w ni* time. *°.n Ku«l »l|»h S 'hcupLa* h. 8 *!«* ram -d the n#v-i mg built at Sutherln. It will be S p itin g Goods Co., from whom * V r1,,rJM !,'* * " 1 l 'c? irom Sw*t- lh out o f hard rnnpV, using his^ . --------------------- j ready for operation on October 1. a o it ° f supplies for tike games » - ~ ho I, .,f Iti! sboro on August I. They weie mariitd August I by Rev ti. Frait. lh<‘ twi-lot ,»f >f tlu Frenbyteeiau Church. "«to (>p|w.ntander and Cora Rreuu on July ;il. They - were --------, mar rtod l,y th« Rev, lliw nghl Lcin«n,ko of tho Cornelius Lutheniu Church. -------------- - . F O ltM K K O l ’ E E N T il _______ » , . l> fT * V II. * ' , * , , , ** * K I H . M I — I I ' ^ rK,1*ton, t>r.., August 8. (8,w ) "**-y K‘ ** d U,,H v,,ry la near Maupin A new ladiea apparel shop la o - pened at Klamath Falla. CIRCUIT COURT II. W. K réanimer, plainlifr, \s. K. Mj rnea, d« fondant, in nn action for money, whlrh » * « flVd August 2. O. ('. Ko. lir ia tlie attorney for .StePi, Armentrout filed anil foi an art'on 1 r **,o nay August 4. Hnr... MeAtear and I'atora are tha ■‘ torn..... f..r the plaintiff M EET AGAIN M O ND AY Varda Llnorker filed auft for dl- vorca from Floyd Linocker. The Couple were marred in April, 1912 Hill I'robably I'aaa Faring Ordin- McMinnville. The charges aro .. „ *'*■«•* «»d Inhuman treatment. Thoa. anca U r Watson St. Next Eva. | 'I. nguo, J r. is the attorney for tha ______ plaintiff. I D. D. Hump filed suit Aug 4, « - The Town Council met in tha C l- gainst John Fotter on demurrer ty Hall Monday in regular session charge. with Aldermen Uaynard, Manning, o tto Grander III,,] euit on action and Wilson ee wreli aa Mayor Erick- for money against John Anderson, son in their aecustomod pla as. A f- Han*, McAlear and Feter» aiu ut ter the regular bill* were piesetilcd toriteya for the plainliif. and ordered paid, the principal part —----- - t f liie evening was taken up in a PRORATE discussion of the water aituation. th e estate of Mary Portor, de- Thla IS the tirât regular mealing ,.rased. wn» filed for probate, Au- <*f the City t’ uumii in over a yeur gust 4. Myrtle Kyron is the a d -j when this „«p er wan not represented ministrator nn.i W. O. Sims aid by an authorised representative, but out on Sima are the uttomey» t ua Urne w , just iialuially fo ig «l. for the enlate. Ai.d we went to tho “ t at an.l the Th........tule of V. It Henderson, Canary ’ showing thut evening ut deceased, wan filed for nrobste, Au- the leaver Theatre, However, It KU»t I Jennie Henderson is the in just ponnlhle that we may give adminintrutor and Hors, McAlear a coherent re|Kirt of the meeting. amj ¡-„ter» are the attorneys for Anyway it in probable that * t can- t|ie e*tutc, ' net get much farther olf than the _______ - f l*»| er thrown «bout »um« M A g g i ktlB l.h KNHDt part, of lo w „ tant week and .ho Marr, were uTu«d to w. < U U:!i»rt* «Lu||i th«. »prtnkling of fo'lowlng: work T ea Tualatin Valley Base ball Season Closes Oregon State News ? Situation Thoroughly We know c f no provision In the Charter or in any ontinancc that guvs anyone any authority to s:iy when I use water thut I pay f«u or W1' ’ her I > a n u .y It «■{ no|. Ij I pay for it Isn’t It my wal-.-i . Anil if I don’t pay l»r it b u t it auin«- body’a IniRii»»» to alun It off? And ....body thinks that a voi« may come In handy at the election . I : f . II u l k a r .. i l m a » aa W _ this fall seem« e rather a f flimsy ex- cum* for not attending to one a du- ty. lint that la l*csldc Out aituation. We .tarted out to write up^ tho |>Vtini.|| iiiRclpiM All, »lay , ■> .„.I , II, in r r e in ant t . ’ " " water bill " was a little higher Th.* than usual but oven at that Will mu h le1** than any bi l for Bull Run water. Engineer Cunningham rom Fortlaud hail been invited out from .............. and ho, Ot lather («ta firm, wert* emhloyed to aul.mtt eatlin.t«. a . to th7 fensibility of obtainir.g wnt.r It f.»m different »ourc... Il is « gen- n- irully urutcratoed «hat lome of the different rroi*oaltions for a »upply i*. r - d ' go nto th« bailot nt th« "ctty elrrtton Ulla fall $1.50 P e r Canyon Road Gpens f t ---------- In Regular Session AUG U ST 10, 1928. î ï ;- i-, ssjrx a s a - i n r s ■ c ™ ^ “ “ “ s .- v - j Ä - . t working to equip a nfnip that he sure a la»y an voung nn he with ment’ o t ° A ’ C- ^ m“ dc the Over 600 certified strawberry league. 120 per cent of the collec- '— * 1 home. ---------" ha» at WV.d carving ha: the ability to make an fine an in- 4—* ,lr * 4 , 1 * inspertion of * grain enter- plants were shipped from Grants »ions at the games) was »90.98. It ...... . hi- hoi by. ! „ n violin w II n.,t need 'T ,^"r **rtifieatlon in the county. i'a»s to California growers during was decided to retain »20 in th« last September he la-gan to to take many lessons lie able to , ,| h wbjcb i>a»-Kcd follow. Sam- the past year. treasury to start with next season. ["'h e a violin whleh h- lini hod in play his own violin. i P,e* ?f thin prain however, must be -_______________ ___________________ «.la n d divide the balance among th« February. He received instructions Rud-Toh In i very young, iu-t iu-t h«v - hav- 1 •“ hmitt.-d to the Farm Crops De- ■ — - -- * * II id Inh very young, I | t**ra3 to the n R t e a a i l F i b s s t i a a t t i c * T i r r a a n n ^ s f i p t r r w s each ^ in Pr°Portiun turned into t h« amount league. ' n 'h <- tuning o f violin« from C. K ing finished grade scie ol this last F*rtm‘-’nt *t O. A. C. for final in- htì- ••«"Ivtdvach from whom he learned i-rtpg T > spection. At the annual meeting to be called A. Bendler of « omelius Rt. 1, W’m. Mayers et ux to George Ford by tho president in the spring, to acres ^f^H annchen barley; 10 et ux, 1.2ho acres o f Thos. H. Den- any team not wishing to remain In acres o f White Winter wheat- M U S K 'A L P R O G R A M A T NO LAW R E Q U IR IN G ncy Cl j the league its *2.50 will be refunded < . W, Hyrgoft o f Hillsboro, R. 2. Grace Stephens et al to F. J. Me- and the team taking its place will N A Z E R IN E CHURCH D R I V E R ’S IN S U R A N C E d ö f ' T Z w in te r T tiJ inofT et ux. Fart o f Jesoe Butler Cl- he required to deposit the same a - I J!.». --ewe.I UI im isooro k i. z ^ ^ as ■ d J l .- »«u n t with the league. Till* Flyng Squadron o f the Norlb- <i*hu will ■"•«*' -« ■ * give "■ ’ :: I f fact that . . . then* a i f " a e ^ r l ? ^ I i ^ i i - progra . . surance solictors a musical m u 'i i program aliout town who G. » - « m * . Oiuivh th . u u prosiK-ciiw ......................, „ h ^ u k n Becnen o f lS ' h K1W. ^ wiii.i „ R d t , et — .ux, 2 acres Sec. at“ 34 T T1S Hi Islioro R I. u-.ii: .. ,i j . . * « - *j f c S ; £ 1 '^ e rd d ^ ^ “ a ^ " speech. on f for .. J, " 7 Narerinc Friday, (today) August 10. i.. „ ■ i aU* law just pascal ttiat r e -1 W- J- Ens hade of Hillsboro R. 4. K -irv f.w ' A id b Thl* «»u»ical program will be gi- quires the owner c f an autontohikv fi ■cre» o f Gr«y w !" ‘ " oats. Shade- , _ Emily K. vp" " nl>‘ n'»fht. The admssion to take out publi, liability and lan*i Climax oats, and Hannchen - ' __ “ “ Tualatin Val- h«* nhaolutely free* p rop erty damage insurance. »varley. j, L R . Fubols Jr. of Hillsboro Rt. ley Uome8- The singers pcercut will he Rev. U -■ ti - - i - . _ , An interview with Mr. Skee, the 4, 3\4 acres o f Hannchen barley. A- J* Hartranapf et ux to Annie * - * £ " " * " rd * lU\ . T? n° ' mnd '<**' « p w ^ n U U v e of one of the n . ,.om| „mpanies w riting that M rt J ’ A ’ Lin,lon pf Hillsboro, 6. acres «• J * H d M * • ■ «■« W’ alter Po- A to. anil and ine the Co. Col ege .-g.* Male Male ljuar tjuar W ' . rgr3t l' ‘t t consl.tlng consisting of l.aurrn Lauren S Seamen. insurance reveal« that there ia '* Hannchen bartey. men y Cl. 3J Sec. 21 and 28. l* m r w r , , f ¡nsuranc, ' " J---------- C — Tenor, ----- no guch „ )aw r . th . th H Hagg Bros, of Reeilville 19 acres John Gahler et ux to J. H Br- ®a**’/ rh“ r ' Gudimmaon. F M im | acres Sec. 7 d .lJ T iiE . S £ S & k ' W * | ...J 17 u .r ,, „7 . « « • « . « Nevin. hirst Lass, W. D. tors claimin Winter oats. Giwlfrry, Seiend Tenor, I* *b *it nny ju .tic.tion in any fact Gray Grnv Wint* r ° “ ts " nd 18 T1N R1W’ W. W. Jaquith of Laurel Rt. 2 ^ k'Vorjono u »nv,ted W> attend of ,aw lb i« musical program. If any fellow comes to you and 4 acres o f Jenkins club wheat and MRS W . E. INGALLS IS --------------------- G IVEN SURPRISE TUES. tells you that the state requires that 2 acres of White Winter wheat. G. A. Pleith and Sons o f Sherwood bo take out anv sort o f insurance D O N ’T F O R iiE T F R E E * M i m n • W it « V r r ,ofore he can drive « machine on Rt- 4 Jenkins Club wheat. A very delightful surprise was Mrs. Mary Stoinke of Hillstoro o f S H O M A T I I I H E R H A L L t(p> roada, fust quietly get hos name, ---------- £ ( * „ uml the name of the com- Rt. 5, Hannchen barUy and Ban: sprung on Mrs. Ingalls at the Meth- odist parsonage on Tuesday evening Mr. Fetors, a forirer U. S. Gov- Pony he claims to represent, and " " ° “ U - _________________ alter the choir rehearsal at the rrnnirnt |K>ultry man, hut now cm - bring this information in to the office „ . L. N. Alexander of Chicago, 111. cr.urcn. ployed by the Alber’s Research Do- of the Beaverton Review. We thank Upon coming home Rev. and Mrs. pnrtmcnt will g iv e n lecture in con- ,r> Iso that if you can aw- has been visiting the past we -k w .'h " ’ ’ . J. ’ Alexander. He Ingalls unlocked the door of the par- ncition with an educational Mo- cure this informatiwi we will take his father W •« .* |*i-tiirc show tonght at tho steps to L*va * l least one less ped- was accompanied by a friend, Mr. soilage and went in all unsuspecting; Huhor Commercial Hull. 'r c u * ' hutU*ring tho neighbors. Frank Taylor o f Indiana, They re- only to find the front part of the 0f charge. | ----------- ----- turned Monday, via Seattle. W J house filled wjth friends who had |j¥ ryun« u urRO(l to u , progent Mrs. Harold M ilW Is spending Alexander had not seen Ins sor. for come to keep celebration wjth Mrs. They and enjoy the ow ning’s entertuin- the week with retattves In Grants -’ < years so you can imagine what Ingalls or her ^ birthday.’ rw u la y . ’ ^ TB«y hud gained admiaaion to the house in ment. Pass. I this reunion means to them. some mysterious way, and leaving the lights off awaited in o ita ce the return o f the -Domon.e and his S and delightful h.., (fppyrtr»», W. Y Rinella . . M won four trophies. The president suggested that the teams endeavor to improve their grounds before the s* 1,*on » » " te d next .ummer Mr. ffdU — M fa a ^ " r t o r of the Garden Home school district and said they intended to enlarge their ground. A VPte c* thanks was given to the President tor his efforts in behalf ot the games this season. — The Fair vale Htrald TUES. BRIDGE CLUB M EET IN PORTLAND _ . { RpC^ * r _ ; M- bpenter were joint hostesse« at * lunth^n and afternoon bridge, given at the Campbell Court Hotel, Portland on Friday o f last week for thp Xurgday bridge club and an extra ubl<? o f puegtg Among those enjoying the occa- gion wpre Mrs E w Woodruff( Mrg F H .Schoene, Mrs. Doy Gray, Mrg A £ Hango|1( Mrs w c M(.. Kc„ Mrg j E j,avig> Mrg F _ G ”Mrs. ‘ Robert ““ su m m e d „ E,mer sti Mrs ^ E lick- !<w an<j ^ hogtcggeg. „ „ Schopne won the c)u hon. K5 x-jxzssrvzi - - lowed; light refreshments were served; and many beautiful and ser- viceable gifts were presented to Mrs. Ingalls. Among those present wore Mrs. William Hart and son, Ross, and daughter, Miss Frances. Mrs. Laura Holcomb, Mr- and Mrs. L. L. W alker and son, Mrs. J. F. Godard, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roseman and children, Mrs. F. Sams and three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roseman, Mi s Loreen Palmquist, Mrs- Schunk, Mrs. Ethel Edwards and son, Mrs. Arthur Clemeht and Mrs. W. R. Petch. --------- T H — Mr ^ . -ri“ - JUIWE KENDALL NEW PREb. OF LEAGUE , >| Person. General Manager o f Washington Savings A Loan, Hillsboro, Ore., returned Saturday from the Annual Convention of Sa- vings & Loan Associotions held at Salem Ore. He reports that the condition of the Savings A Loan business in jfeneraj js very good. The State League, however, went on record #g recommending still closer State Supervision to cover new ard chang- jng conditions. No loss in any A s- soclotion, as to the investor, has o c- PICNIC HELD AT LAKE cored in twenty years. OSWEGO, S U N D A Y Jud?* Kendall o f Portland was _______ _ elected President of the League for A very enjyable picnic waa held coming year. Sunday afternoon at Lake Oswego, nvp/-< « T I A V 4 1 o In honor o f Mr. and Mrs. Ray John- CONGREGATIONAL S. son and son, Harold, o f Portland, S. TO HOLD PICNIC who are leaving this weak to make . „ , their home in California. | The Bethel Congregational Sun- Among the many friends and re- Hsv scb«5ol will hold a picnic at Lost latives the following are among Saturday. August 25. There those trom Beaverton who were in {„ j,e swimming, games and rares attendance, Mr. and Mrs John Pe- f or a|j t»rson and son. Harold. Mr. and Mrs. ^ basket dinner will he served at Harrison Hughson. nod familv Mr. Bring your own nlate, cu(r, end Mrs. H M. Barnes and two sons, rj’ Verwaro and basket dinner, leg and Mr. and Mrs. M H. Metcalf and c r e m will be furnished. «on. Mrs. Johnson is a sister of y^|] members, families, and friends Mrs. Teterson and Mr. nughson- a-„ invit«d to onjov this picnic to- ------- ■' 1 ■ gether. See Mr. Dotv about trans- Tho daughter of O. B. Bates of portat:on. Everyone is to s«aeml*l« Huber fell from a swing last week at t),g church at 230. Don't for-i j and suffered an injury to her knee get the date. j