F r id a y jt t l t . rr. is ;* nrn ~~ Sates pa per Men o f Oregon and California Enjoy Beauties o f Crater I ake iìk a t t u t o n r f v t iw Mr. ami Mra. J. l>. Wlraot left T uv day to upend three week« at l*e - S>>n< S f > e e d ( h a m j ’i o n U k f l«*oh. Headquarters Michael "Bud'* F H ipatri k f P o r t- lami siwnt Tuesday a t the VV. II. Kgleke home. mb . for OUALITY MEATS and GROCERIES Dr. and Mr* J R Talheit and Mrs. M. C. Me Kerr bar »pent the week end at hay Ocean and Sea •Ida. , * «1 Mra. I*. 0 . Donaldson i* the own­ er of the first 1928 Kord or Kurd Seilan delivered in the vicinity of Beaverton. ( ir o c e r ir s ih n l y o u k n o w to be* c le a n w h o le s o m e a n d fre » h a d d to y o u r m e a ls n le s t (h u t m e n m b e tte r h e a lth . W e c o m b in e q u a lity , i f t v i c r a n d v a lu e . T h a t 's w h y w e a rc g ro c e ry h e a d q u a rte rs fo r h o u s r w ifr s w h o k n o w . O u r s lo c k is c o m p le te in e v e r y d e ta il. Mr. and Mra. Harold Miller and Charles Hayixas reurned Wednesday font a few days outing on the Mc­ Kenzie River. We »penalise In Klondike W a- lemelens. Beaverton F- 1 and P ro ­ duce t*n. Highway and Oregon K- lectric track«, c-35 Canned Goods F re s h fru its , v e g n tn b lrs a n d m e a ts to suit th e Mr. and Mra. George Dupue and family of Glen Cullen »pent Wed­ m o st fa s tid io u s . nesday and Thursday at the K. J. Photo shows- Captain Malcolm Fredt icey home. Campbell. British ace, Just after he established « , .d M „. W .n ... Br**n.nr, / „ . T w . ’ j j i * N ? S ! OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SATISI-’IEII. M* Mr*- >• L More lock are |t |ue Bird Special over the hard »rending two weeks at Ocean Lake beach course at Daytona Beach D E L IV E R Y S E R V IC E : \V«»t S ide 2 p in. K ant S ide i p . r u They left Saturday. F la , at an average speed of 20^ We Deliver Satutday Ai 10 ; 0 a. in. miles an hour, breaking all re c Mrs. Roger Morse and two chil dren of Baker, Oregon, are visiting her aiater Mr*. J. A. Anderaon and Farmers: We pey cash for your eggs and produce mother, Mr». Oll-.e Riggs. Business E xpert B ill PHONE BEAVERTON Above— View of Crater Lake, in heart of Crater Laks National Park. This lake of deepest indigo bins Below, l e f t — R. W. Sawyer, publisher of the Bend Bulletin and president e f the Oregon Editorial Association, who presided at the Oregon session: K W Price, manager of Crater Lake lodge, who was host to the newspapermen, and Friend W Richardson, former governor of Cali­ fornia, and prtaldent o f the California Editorial Association, who led the delegation from the Golden 81»‘a CRATER LAK E LODGE, Oregon were also discussed during the meet this is only half m e story. The resulting crater, or " caldera,’* — (Special) — In aouthern Oregon, 60 ings. Visiting newspapermen from Ore 6 miles long and 5 miles wide, bai m iles north of California, stands the broken remnant of a onee mighty goa and California learned that been healed and cooled by ths fall­ mountain. In its ancient ernter bowl Crater Lake's dw elling place. Mount ing rams end snows of ages. This Marama, ia about 100 n-.ilc* north of precipitation, rising foot by foot, lies one of the world *s secnie wc dera—a lake whose romantic setting Mount Shasta, California'* great has covered over the great pit to a •and bewitching coloring are andsp s'eeping fire m onntjin. and is a true di pth o f nearly 2,000 feet. The site member of that chain of eatinet c f the vanished summit is thus ' licated anywhere. This broken mountain Itself is volcanoes that inclu lea Rainier. covered by a vast glittering lik e of still lofty, its upper crags soaring Adams and St. Helens in W .th ing deepest indigo. And what a lakel In 185.1 a party 7,000 to 8,000 feet above the sea. ten, nnd Hood, Jefferson and the , The lake is over 1,000 feet below Three Sister* in Oregon—all snow o f prospector* were ranging over their summits, and is one of the capped peak» today of rare acenie the Cascade Rung* in eear.-b of n The mine wa* nevef deepest fresh water lakes on earth. lp ielin css—nnd Lassen, the still loet mine. The mountain erag*. the lake, and smouldering volcano o f California found. But the mule of one ridef the eurrounding territory of motin Moon» M jzs « * ' i fires, however, are tiopped suddenly, his forefeet plant! , tmns, pinnaelen and forest* are col utterly H illed. It* day a# a O'»- td at the brink of a m-ghty era'er. k e tir e ly known as Crater Lake bieatbing mountain has been e r e / It yras then that Crater Lake, bluest for nntold centnries. Its loftiest of the blue lakes of nature, was first National Park. The story o f Crater t.ake and how eyag is now but 8,156 feet nbo*e sea Icheld by while m-t) 'j eye». For years after the great d'seoy* ■i» came Wit* being was one of the |*vH . J’et there was a time when most fascinating features a! two this mountain • js probatdy equal to cry, Crater L ike remained accessibl* state editorial association meetings Rainier and Shasta, y^rhaps over cnly to travelers oo horseback. Bnt every parly that reached tbe spot here during the week of «turn- 25 to topping 15.000 feet. Created by »be volcanic force* that brougwi hpek stories of the witchery July 2. During the early part of the n eck the California State Editorial eaat up it* neighbors. Mount Ma and mystery of ib is fresh watci lake ithnut visible outlet. A «social«», led by its president tom », like them, grew cold. There And so tbe varied wonder* o t ’Friend W Riehardsor, was welcomed earn? a day when great gtariera k: thi* grrs! i-eeort, and immediately gathered. Such glacier* may «till be Cratzr Lake cauie >o be known: its '•foflowfug them, og Thursday, the seen upon Ryinier, Adams, Hood. Hue water* aad its painted e'lffe, Oregon Stat* Editoriil asacieintioo Shasta and other voleanie cone* of and the prospect» that eould be ob­ tained from those cliffs, Liao R-»-h, convened for its animal meeting. All the P seifie Northweat. cam bers o f both organisation* were Vet Mo.uuc Mazama 1* only 7,000 Hie Watehman, the Cloud Cap, Gla­ guests o f R. W. P rice, manager of to 8,000 feet high today. What be­ cier peak, Garfield Peak, Vidae Peak the Crater Lake Lodge. came of tha rest of i l l E n d a o ily and others. It was recognised that With Robert W. Sawyer, publisher there was a vast eatnclysm of na­ hire » i s one of thc most interesting of tbe R-'ad Bulletin and president ture that earried the upper half of »rente spots is lb,e JVcat. go it waa ot tbe Orcgow State Editorial Asso­ Mount Mazama away, leaving a made a National Park, and set gside- ciation, presiding, th« Oregon dele­ yawning depression. But surround as a place of public recreation for gation held one of the most interest­ ing plains of G.ygoo do not show all time. Newspaper men of both stales, ing m eetings in the history of the debris of an explosion. Tet seven­ o r d in a t io n . Alemlier* present heard teen cubic mile« o f rock a u j lava lome of whom visited the lik e for tl.a report of the netivlties o f the have vanished from the earth- Ti.e the first time, were enthusiastic in pi- w field manager, Harris Ellsworth, conclusion of geologic science is that ib e ii praise for the area acd the n ’ d listened to a number of noted | the entire upper half of Mount lodge, and » a n y arc planning to re­ •isa k rrs. Local and state orob'emt Mazama fell in npon itself. But turn for longer stays later. is on* o f the wonders o f the P acific Coast. 3203 MARKET AND .GROCERY Mr. Doj- Gray nnd Archie Muaters Head Sehool at V. (). attended the Washington County Bankers' Association banquet at F o r- n v iv r n a tT V n * eat Hills Golf C” «b Tuesday eve- . 0 R ^ iOS ■ i **"•- Appointment to what i* con *' Probably the most Import.,nl Mrs. P. E. Hocken and son, Ro- faculty post to bert nnd daughter, Imogen«, of Cor- filled at the Cnl vallia »pent the week end at the versity of Oregon home of Mr» Broken'* aiater, Misa this year gor« t,> Mer'-e Davies. David F a r l l i e Mr. and Mr«. Ray Miller and son -, o r " * r a»*oelate Jack were week end gueata with re- prt> '**“r latives a t kelao Wash. They were * ... accompanied by Mrs. Miller** mo­ who will become ther, Mra. Fred Nyquiat of P o rt­ dean of the «chool af business sdmin land. istrati *fl nost ve*r. A picnic supper and swimming President Arnold in the Tualatin River were enjoy- Bennett Hall sn l ed Tuesday evening by Mr. a:nd other I'ntvrraity of Oar Id r»»lUs Mrs. Guy Carr, Mr and Mrs. Wtl- fielals have e'xpre.sed their eranTir. ¡«bur Weed, Mr. and Mrs. 1. R. M et- tioa at Favitls's *cee|tanr « of the tm im p.«*t and __ their ronfi- tier. Mrs. J. R Talbart and Mr. P"rl»»t Oreg,.* _ _____ and Mrs. Fran« Is Livertnoe, Jr. ; '•‘■nee In hi* tesehing nnd admiaistra- The Sisters Florentine and Hula- bu,-,u s«'' i—¡1 "V * *r?w, k ot ,h* lia of the Benedictine School at St. r® »«*h«»»»l. which . . .. . . , . i. C » ," r 'l r s p b l l v tn a t t e n d a n c e a n d Joseph Minn, visited the __________ Convent prestige . i „ „ || ( „ ta ld .,h mr „ | „ |..| | adn Benedictine Monastery at olt. is eximcled un 1er F», Ille*, directi,.». ’ Angvl last week, and spent the week end with the sisters a t St. How good new » doc* sp re a d M ary’s near Beaverton. t ' KNKH AL U.VBOI.INK in • „till till Mrs. L oretta Albright and nep­ t he host. 30 If hew, Donald Soule of Hollywood Calif, arrived Wednesday of last week to visit a t the home of her sister Mr». Jam es Finder and g ran d ­ son Carl C urtis Beach, for a week » yisu at Hoodspcrt Oregon. Mr. a ed Mrg. <«. M. Alexander and daughter, Gwendolyn of Fe- a tt’c and Mr. and Mrs. Gene T ran s- j harr. of Bozeman. Mont, were guests ^ last week in the home of Mr. and BEAVf.R THEATER. BRAVt'RTON Mrs. W J. Alexander. C. M A- FBI.. AND S A T , JULY 27 2» 1928 'exan ler and Gene Tran.Jinm m e Torn Tyler wjyb his D»h !\ HI "TH E I-LYING U HA> ANC1J1' Mr A lexander's Grandsons. I. I w* Hua, M o " , T t* « , July 2», JO. J |, H IT E O N NEW S ••SPEEDY” Hamid Ll,.«d « ------------------------------------------------ w _ . ---- * w. i 2 J ■ À S } J JR Rose Fletcher Shoppe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Kle«-k Wed. and Thurw, A«gu»i 1-2 K »tended the Gange meeting in Champoeg Sunday. H arry Carey in "Seventh Bandit'* 8 '•• , . ..,, — Our Gang Comedy; “ W ar F eath er’s Mrs. (trail« *w| cj^iloren, Doro­ thy and Earl, are spending a* weeks at Twin Rocks. Mr. and Mr». George Andorf I »rent SurnMy a t Molir* Ore. visit- BuU Run. ig with Mr. ar.d Mrs. H. R. C ourt- M rl Lj„ y Biprly( Mrg- Kthc| Mc. ney. Mrs. Courtney is Mr. W arren s Cw m l,,ki ond Grace, Blanche, and * * V r- ! Virudl McCormick, were Monday Mr ard A'rs. F H Schevne, Mr evening callers in the Mctzentine and Mrs. W. fc, MvKe'J, Mrs. W. home. J. Leonard acd son, B lfy an‘d Mf s. , . ^ cr of Hiteon people tried W alter Scott and daughter* of o(f SpnJ*i, a t the Lafavette W. C. McKcll is driving a new land Portland made up _ a . pleasant p arty Iockg The Tv„ Metzenfih*, Hire. „ , _ t i l « , Meal*. Ford Tudor sedan on his mail roule. T. -j M rs- i«wW Aljyn o f Banks i at 03 m Grove, Sunday. Peterson and Olson fam i’io* were , . I h ° l e , °. d , d S tore *hlpPed v isitin g a t t i e Horn* of her p aren t’s Mrs. Bentley and daughter, Miss among those on the tra il of Jack «1 r,i r, o ay to Seaside Mr. and Mrs. tL R. fvefson^ this Oldene of I^ongview, Wash, spent F ro st’s distant relative*. and one to A storia, last week. j week. Syjnday a t the J. A. Mi'ler home on Mis. C. H. W arren attended the ' M. and Ms. Philip Petrirjuin re - Lorra<*rd -Street. Mr. and Mrs. Mil- Pab (seeing Shriners on parade) funeral of her brother, George, of turned Sunday evening from a iro - ’ ,er accosnpasHed t-h^m for a week's “Who are they?*' A ancouver, W ashington, Thursday to r trip to San Francisco and Fas- vif't with their so«, tjlvn q t NxJjo. “They’re Shrmer».*’ '' w ,v*<' a4«-*i« California. Among the number from B«av«s- “An«i Wh« a rt shrine«-**” Mrs. l» u is Kejl of Aurora Ore. Mrs. O iarte* Estorly w ls a guest ton to attend the Pomona at Win- "They're Mas«««». vis.ted at the Charles E sterly home a/ a “500'' party Monday a fte r- ona Grange.Tu'atin, on Wednesday l i s t week. "M asons? Why they arc already , noon, at the home U Mrs, M artin n f tlli* week were; Mr. A. M. Ken- getting $18 a day, w hat more do nedy and the Mesdames J. E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Denney, and P ra tt in P o la n d . they w an t?” Mrs. J. H. Dobbins attended the * Guests a t the W. J FHward home Hugh Smith, O. H. BrePon, and B. Tigard Grange meeting last week. Tuesday evening were Mrs P. L’ey J. Woodward. Mr, and Mrs. L. L.Lasswell and -Sing a gong of flappers; Mr. John B. Hays was a guest at ^on and »o'1*- Merle, of Portland and -tu s j pus ‘ssap uos stq yo auioq eqj Roland of San Diego, Caiu. ,o:t, I.ouis I. McKerrher left Saturday *'^r - and -'irs- ' • A. Wood and spent thd weak end on the T uala- .Vo, they raise their skirts irir,-ning fo a visit with his f ith e r ia m il.v an ^ ' j V" ' / We guarantee that our ptummu« te n . I K ten. \ ' J work will give compl-.’tc sa tisfa c- . , Mr and Mrs B. K. Denney ind 8 Mr. and Mrs. W. R \ *1on *,,d *hat our price« are the , ». r , F ° ,Pn Fr" *0,1i Bruce and grandchildren. Ro- E t-lined Mr 8. B^ Robert* and nep- h. n and Ru(h Den attended the i most reasonable in town. hew. Harold of Puente C .h f , Tues- | , )gtorica, program at Champoeg, 0 | Sundiy. j K When You Phone Here For a Plumber, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cooper and Mra. F. P. Edwards and children, t children .,f Porttand were uinncr R;,|v anH Patricia. Mrs. K II FJV 2 g u y s at the ( h a r e s Jacka home w, „ am! ,w n . Danny> am, Mi, , r ^ , j You Know The Work Will He Done Right n a5’' Chinn left Thursday morning to spend ¡3 Air. nnd Ms. Ralnh Chinn ad fam - a week or ten days a t Lake Lytle. S And At A Kjgfrt Price ily ly of Portland were Tuesday eve- Mr an(i Mrg. A c . chinn and J n:ng guests ■ a t the e A. t . Ctnnn dau8.hterr, Laura are spending a 0 w«r «*«»» Prompt, Efficient Service Phone «303 home. few days this week at Ocean Lake (f i'UCO U1IIIU Woodruff n wuiuti was nne c a s tuii“ Miss Billie lun- Beach. They were accompanied by 0 A Silk Underwear, Combinations, Hobbiea, Slips, Rloomers, everytlilnjf at cost. $121.30 Silk Dresses marked down to $ 1 2 . 1 9 10.75 Silk Dresses marked down to 9 ,7 5 2.49 Cotton Dresses market! down to IM 2.2.5 Cotton Dresses marked down to lf4 9 4.50 Hats marked down to 2.00 .1.86 Hats marked down to 2.00 1.50 1.95 Silk Hosiery marked down to 1.50 Silk Hosiery marked down to 1.39 1.65 Silk Hosiery marked down to . . 1 . 9 9 1.00 Silk Hosiery marked down to .79 Stamped jrootls at cost. .85 Girl’s Silk Hose marked down to .59 Cotton Hose marked down, 3 pairs 1.00 1.00 Men's Ties marked down to .79 .50 Men’s Ties marked tjowp to Men’s Sock* and flandkorchiefh sujd at coat! Other articles, too numerous to mention, are to be sold, also, p f ca l Happenings jg T N s \ cheon guest Thursd ty o f last w eek pt the J, 8. Brook« home in Pert-^ F. A. Noyes tha R a Ph C1*inn ,B m ily o f Portland- t Mr. and Mr«. Charles Warren ind * EXPERT P L U M B IN G Beaverton Oregon ! Si v o t j i ’v - i,c m i i e s /% (i m i f v ” Qtto Erickson Co. Washington County Distributors Of S T A R C A R S S S S S 9 S E 9 H C -9 1 ! I \