The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, July 20, 1928, Image 2

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FRIDAY. J FI. Y 20, 1ft28
b itte n d e n
M e n t o li.
Handy to Have in Store Florida
When Original Plans Fail.
( Frepared by the Fnlt+d state« Dypartm «nt
of Agriculture )
A ' f c k '
Wl . .
CH APTER VII— Continued
— 14—
While the foremost bandit* baited
Wade and Barker caroo hurrying up
W ade’s head was bound up and be
sat In his saddle with very apparent
Go Ahead would have
Judged from his appearance that
Diego’s bullet had done some execu­
tion. Parker showed no sign of in­
jury, but he was a little behind
Wade in reaching the crest because
he had halted at the very last mo­
ment to get a better shot at Go Ahead
llad Barker preceded Wade by even
a moment Go Abends story would
probably have ended then and there,
for Barker would have paused to In
But Wade, burning with
feve and maddened by pain, stopped
for nothing, tils eye caught sight ot
Stella’s horse, which was still run­
ning northward, and with a yell he
raced after It, blindly certain that Go
Ahead and Stella had reached the end
of the valley or bad turned off Into
some Intermediate gap that was In
visible from where he stood.
Ills men followed him. and when
Barker reached the crest be supposed
that Wade had gone as be had for
some good reason. So he followed.
And for some moments the crest
seemed deserted.
Not for long, however.
had the mass o f the bandits reached
the bottom of the draw when one of
the luggers that Inevitably adhere to
any group o f riders, and Indeed to
any group of men. came up the slope,
crossed the crest and started downhill
with every manifestation of hurry ex­
cept speed. Uis eyes, fixed on his
companions below, whose eyes In turn
were fixed ahead, watching for traces
of the fugitives, passed entirely over
the ground close to his horse's hoofs
and took no note whatever o f a pa r
tlcular clump of tall g ass a few feet
wide that grew half a dozen paces to
his left. He did not even look at It
when his horse suddenly shied away
from It. •‘Git up.“ he rasped, .baking
bis reins. “ Dang you. git u p!“
The horse obeyed, and the Instant
be did so the bunch of grass (lew to
one side, revealing Go Ahead’s face,
a - 1 the sand stretching from it erupt­
ed a Go Ahead sprang from It. ran a
few feet forward and vaulted to the
h o n e ’s scrappers, (jghlnd his rider.
1 The first thing the man "knew was
when, coincident With the shock, he
felt a pistol Jabbed Into bis ribs and
heard Go Ahead’s order, calm but with
deadly emphasis. “ Get back across the
crest, quick. If foa want to live."
The man lid want to Uve. and be
obeyed Instantly.
Few men would
have hesitated to do so under the d r
»in stan ces. His horse, roweled deep
and hard, swung round and almost
vaulted over the crest in half a dozen
convulsive bounds, stopping only wheD
be squarely struck the horse o f a te c
ond laggard who was tolling up the
glope, and sent tts rider flying from
the saddle.
Before Go Ahead’s bandit ccnld re­
covet from the shock he felt blmsell
tossed to the ground to Join his fallen
An instant later both struggling upward, found them
Ivet staring into Go Ahead's revolv­
er. “ Hi.nds up, boys." said Go Ahead,
The two men obeyed prom ptly;
there was nothing else that they could
do. As they lifted their hands Go
Ahead whistled and a moment later
Stella came flying over the crest. guD
in hand.
When she saw the two prisoners
she whistled, too, then put up tier pis­
tol. an begun to dust the penetrating
sand out of her clothes. "W ell, for
the love of Mike," she demanded
•‘were you born lucky or did you learn
It In a correspondence school?”
Go Ahead grinned. "Both. I guess.”
lie answered
“ 1 thought I hrd one
hoise. but I didn't really hope for two
Just collect these chaps' guns, will
you. Boh?”
Stella obeyed, willingly enough. She
had seen the men’s eyes quicken with
recognition, and she wanted above all
things to prevent their saying any
thing that would betray who she was
As she approached, she frowned at
the two and shook her head slightly:
then, an instant later as she took their
guns, she muttered both a plea and a
command: "Keep your mouths shut
and I II help you." Then she went
over and caught the still trembling
In.rse that liud been rlddtn by the
second bandit.
Meanwhile Go Abend was gestur
Ing to ihe men
"lilt the trail you
came t>y. boys,” ne ordered.
“ Go
straight. I'll t»e right behind you In
a minute."
The men faced about and started
for tlie rear. As soon as they turned
Go Ahead rose cautiously to the crest
mounting It till he could Just see over
it and scan the expanse of the valley
Then he cnme t.ack. “ Tour horse
all right. Boh?” ho asked.
Stel a nodded.
“ Beckon so." she
said, “ lie ’s shaken, hut he can trov
el. I guess. See anything of the boys
when you looked?'
"Not a thing. They've clean dls-
appeared: turned off at the north end
o f the valley, probably.
Let's go
while the going Is good."
A few hounds o f the horses brought
them close to the backs o f the two
prisoners, who were Industriously
plodding away. “ Now, boys.” suld Go
Ahead, “ we’ve got a long walk before
US. but I’ll he a« easy on von as I
m i,
A 'd the quicker you walk the
sooiict It'll tie over and done with
The emergency shelf always hue
or should have— * can or two of
salmon In reserve« Then one Is never
at a loss If unexpected company ap­
pears, or If the grocery order la de­
layed. or any other familiar house­
hold situation prevents the original
plans for dinner from being carried
out. Canned salmon ran be used tu
different ways, according to tha other
materials one has on hand, the time
available, and so on. Oue o f the best
dinners you can produce with u can
o f salmon as a basis centers around
a plate o f croquettes. The method of
making them Is given by the bureau
o f home econom ics:
r f
See? Now get a move on. quick !" The
last word came like * pistol shot.
The men “ got a move on” Instantly.
They were riders, not foot travelers,
but under Go Ahead's urge they hit
and maintained a speed of which they
would never have thought themselves
capable. They knew that their fate
lay In his hands. Cp the slope and
over the crest that Go Ahead Indicat­
ed they hurried with scarcely a pause
until they were well down on the oth­
er side.
Then Go Ahead shouted to slow
them down, when they were reason­
ably out o f earshot, tn order to rest
them and the horses, on which at any
moment Ills and Bob's lives might
once more depend, and also that he
might talk to the boy at his side.
Long before he had become con­
vinced that Bob had been a ’ member
o f the bandit gang, but he was also
convinced that the boy had definite­
ly broken with It and would probably
be willing to talk about It more 01
less freely. Go Ahead had no Inten­
tion of breaking the pact that tie had
made with Fair through Jack Green,
either In letter or tn spirit, but he
did want to know how things had gone
at Robbers’ Roost since Green had left
a month or more before, and particu­
larly be wanted Information about his
Cousin Stella.
So he began. "B ob," he asked, rath
er startlingly, “ yon know Fair’s foster
daughter, don't yon?"
Stella Jumped« far more noticeably
Hue she had when the bullets had
begun to whiz past her. "You mean
Stella?" she gasped.
“ Yes. o f course. Yon must know
Stella gasped again, but not because
ol Go Ahead's assumption thal she
was familiar with the affairs of the
Robbers’ Roost gang. In fa ct It never
occurred to her that he was supposed
not to know. It was merely the ab­
ruptness of the question that took her
But she answered promptly; It
never took Stella long to recover her­
self. "Yes. I know Ler.” she admitted
“ But I didn’t know you did."
“ 1 don’t But I’ m Interested In her
all the same. I’ ve beard a good deal
about ber, first and la st and I’d like
to hear more. What sort ol a girt is
shoulders. "Never thought of her as
a girl,” she sniffed. “ She dresses like
a boy and acts like a boy and swear*
like 3 boy. And she’s a lot tougher
than most boys." Out o f the corners
of her eyes Stella watched the effect
o f her woids.
They were not what she bad expect
ed. Go Ahead did not look at all sur­
prised or taken aback. “ Poor child."
he murmured. “ Poor child."
Suddenly Stella found berselt furl
ously angry. Like a little tigress she
turned on Go Ahead. “ You’d better
not let bet bear yon call ber that,”
she grated. “ She’s a darned lot bet
ter than your Eastern gtrts that can’t
do anything but flirt and polls! their
( riv e * red by the Untied smina Depart «two«
A r i (« -a llu r e , l
Although Mrs. S. F. Pool# o f Win­
ter llaveu, Polk county, Fla., consid­
ers her roae garden partly as a com­
mercial venture, she gets a great deal
o f |>ers»nat enjoyment out o f Its
masses o f lovely color and Its char­
acteristic fragrauce. Site planned her
garden under the gultlunce o f the
county home demonstration agent, and
Is now able to make a grant aide In­
come by selling both cut flowers and
plants or cuttings.
The varieties o f tea ami hybrid
roses suitable for planting In such a
garden as this detrend somewhat on
the location ar
climate. As far
north as Iowa, varieties that will do
1 cups canned M l - 1 f i x
and t tb s
m en
cold w a te r
1 cup m ilk
1 tbs. chopped
Z tbs. b u tter
IS cup dried sifted
I t b s lem on Juice
bread c ru m b s
V tsp. salt
t i b s to u r
Prepare a cream sauce o f the but­
ter. flour, and milk ntnl let It cool.
Drain the salmon, remove the small
particles o f bone, and break the fish
into small pieces.
Mix the cream
sauce, fish, lemon Juice, parsley,
bread crumbs, atid salt. Form the mix­
ture into croquettes. Dip into the
beaten egg which has been well mixed
with the water. Roll in very finely
sifted bread crumbs and place on a
pan or board. Let stand for an hour
or longer for the egg coaling to dry.
Heat in an Iron kettle any desired
fat until hot enough to brown a bread
crumb In 40 seconds. Then carefully
place the croquettes tu a wire basket,
low er them slowly Into the fat, am!
rook until a golden brown. As the
croquettes are removed put them on a
paper to utisorb the excess fat and
keep warm in the oven um.t all are
Serve with a garnish o(
Raspberry Flummery Is
Delicate and Wholesome
Flummery is an old-fashioned des­
sert made o f fruit Juice thickened
with cornstarch or farina. It Is served
cold, with plain or whipped cream,
and Is delicate and wholesome. Rasp­
berries and blackberries and other
fruits with seeds which become prom­
inent when the fruit Is cooked may bo
enjoyed in flummery. "R ote grutie.”
or red grains, is the German name for
raspberry* flummery. The same gen­
eral proportions may be used with
any berry Juice, but the amount of
lemon may need to be Increased or
decreased according to the acidity o f
the berries.
well, according to the United States
Department o f Agriculture, are: for
pink blooms. Radiance. Klllamey. Mrs.
Wakefield. Christie Miller. La T o s c a ;
for white, Kulserine Augusta Victoria,
white Klllamey, Cochet; for red, lted
Radiance. Gruss an T cp llti; for yel­
low, Marie Van lioutte, and for cop­
per, Mrs. A. IL Waddell. Information
on the planting and management o f a
rose garden tuny be obtained by writ­
ing to the department.
R asp b erry F lu m m e ry .
t c ap s o f raspberry
Juice from canned
or cooked fresh
rasp berries
S tbs. farin a or
4 tbs. cornstarch
H cup s u g a r (If
Juice Is an*
sw eeten ed )
1% tsp. salt
Z tsp. lemon Juice
lleat the raspberry Juice. Mix the
sugar and farina or cornstarch and
the salt, and add to the raspberry
Juice. Cook In a double boiler for
fifteen or twenty minutes, or until the
mixture thickens and the raw, starchy
taste disappears.
It Nothing Lovelier Than
R ise Carden.
Homemade Confections
Occasionally It hnjipens that a Jelly
Is too stiff or “ tougii” for the house­
keeper to be proud of, for table use.
As a confection, cut up In block« and
dipped In the sweet chocolnte that
comes for the purpose, the unsatisfac­
tory Jelly Is more than redeemed, sug­
gests the United States Department
o f Agriculture. Figs, dates, raisins,
nuts and marshmallows ran also he
dipped In chocolate to make whole­
some confections for the children.
Sweets of this kind are especially good
as surprises In the monotonous school
lunch box.
Genius Accorded to
Old Southern Mammy
“Tile southern mammy was Ameri­
ca's first woman artist She created
our choicest and most original food
compositions," declares Farm and
Fireside’s cooking expert In reviewing
the home life o f George Washington.
“ Washington had one of these mam
mips who made history In the kitchen,’
continues the article, “ and their art
had much to do with the happy social
life of the borne and the world wide
fume o f the South, for tts hospitality
In Colonial days could not have been
without the genius o f these dusky
Washington’s particular colored cook
was famed for miles around and
Mount Vernon became Doted for Its
hospitality. The dinners given within
Its beamed dlniDg room played an !m
portuDt part In Washington's life and
In the political development o f the
country. At that festal board the fiery
patriots o f ttie Revolution decided the
future of the new nation.
Two-Way or Pass Closet Compactly Arranged With Reference to Dith Wash
ing Closet.
(P r e p u r v d
, h * U nit«-«! S t a t e *
o f A g r ic u lt u r e .)
D e [> * r t m * n t
If you ha vo u two-way dish closet
in the connecting wall between the
kitchen and dining room, preferably
where that partition Joins the outside
wall o f the bouse, It is possible to
place the sink et right angles to this
pass closet and continuous with It.
along the outer wail, with a window
directly above for light and ventila­
tion. This arrangement Is especially
good when the dining room wall Is at
Stamped the Letter
the left o f the sink, but It can be re­
Saralou. age four, was on ber way versed In homes
ith the opposite
with her mother to mall a letter to floor plan.
daddy. As they approached tlie post
Used dishes and silver are passed
office. Saralou, who carried the letter, through from the dining room directly
ran to put It In the box. Her mother, to the sink. After they have been
knowing It was unstamped, called to washed they are put Into the closet
her young daughter: “ Saralou, the ut once ready to he taken out pn the
letter must he stamped before you dining room slda. Not an unneces­
mall It, or daddy will never get If*
sary step Is then taken In serving or
Saralou looked Inquiringly into hei
cleurlng away meals. It Is wise to
mother's eyes. Then without much keep within the compact limits of
hesitation, she placed the letter on the these centers any small tools used at
sidewalk, and with all the wild en
the sink, and also cooking utensils
thuslasm of a four-year-old. Jumped that are filled with water before they
up and down with both feet upon the ;
are put on the stove or dining table.
letter. Thinking It had been stamped
The double hollers and stew pans, the
sufficiently. Saralou picked It up and
coffee percolutor, tea kettle and wnter
said In most assuring and convincing
tones. “ M ower, I stamped It; now i
daddy will get It, won't he?"— Indian
apolis News.
A Bucket Full of Air!
M r . ----- was driving a party ol
friends recently, the air In o u e .o f tbr
tires leuked o u t
Mr. —
nad nr
pump In the automobile. Several per
sons In the automobile purty offered
u number of solutions to relieve lb*
trouble. Finally Mrs. ----- said:
“ John, leave the automobile her*
and you wulk to (lie filling station for
the a I r I”
It you are short, avoid large hats.
• • •
Beat sour milk with a dover egg
beuter before using It for cooking.
• • •
Soft bread crumb* give a better
color and thinner crust to croquettes
than dried crumbs.
• • •
I’lai, the dessert to fit the meal—
a light dessert afler a heavy meal
and a rich dessert ufter a light oue.
pitcher have places on the shelves at
the side o f the sink. Spoons, brushes,
scissors and cleaning accessories that
can he hung up are Just below these
shelves. The counter space on a level
with the drain-boards should, howev­
er, be kept relatively clear both for
passing dishes and food* between the
dining room an I kitchen and for use
In spreading out plates to be filled at
serving time
The space under the
drain-hoards Is useful for storing
cleaning materials or supplies.
drain basket, garbage can an 1 kitchen
waste basket belong In the clearing
away center. The lower part o f the
pass closet Is a good place to keep
the electric toaster and grill, trays
and covered dishes that will often be
wanted Ir the dining room.
In the accompanying drawing, sup­
plied by the bureau o f home econom­
ics, the doors o f the two-way closet
ore shown ns sliding upward to save
space. Ordinary doors may o f course
lie used. The doors o f the lower part
o f this closet also slide out o f the
A metal-lined tilting bln un­
der the right-tin rid drain-board Is con­
venient for stowing smsll quantities
o f potatoes or ottiei root vegetables.
Roth alcohol and turpentine may be
used to remove paint and varnish
• • •
Children’s dislikes for certain foods
are often formed through the Influ­
ence o f their elders.
• • *
Dirt and perspiration are the chief
enemies o f silk. They cause the fiber
to break down and to wear out.
• • •
An excellent way to protect furs
againrt moths durinq summer Is to
keep them in a cold storuge plant.
T ilt
no. m t .
K v .i y
w m im i
tie s
Nswaaansr t'alou >
m ankind
l* k * n
ft** t>**n Spirit led. Kv*ry n*w
discovery ft»* been tlod’ e revela­
tion ot Hlmeelf. W ith every new
tl«* e o f light man come* nearer
to the central pow er over the
world —Anon.
As meat la our tiinal oxpenalv# Item
lu tha dtauer menu, wo like to nerve
aa »holi-some and
appetising food as
possible w i t h i n
the limit of our
budget for food
Hero la a good
dish worth try­
in g:
S h sphsrd'a
PI#.—Take any bits o f leftover meat,
lamb, beef, pork or mutton, cut Into
neat pieces. Fry one onion, chopped
fine. In butter, udd some pepper finely
minced for flavor, scaaon wllh suit
and pepper and cook five minutes.
Cover with broth and simmer fifteen
minutes; add a little French mustard,
put the hash Into a deep dial! and
cover with mashed potato, set to the
oven, brown lightly und Serve,
pound of chopped l>eaf. seasoned and
formed Into cukee. Fry In butter sn«l
when rooked remove to a hot platter.
I*ut one cliop(«ed onion In the sauce­
pan. two chopped green peppera and
let them fry In the fat. aild one to­
mato chopped, cook five mlnutea and
stir In a little French mustard; pour
over the steaks and serve.
The cheaper cuta o f meat. If proper­
ly cooked, are more flavorful and nu­
tritious than chops, steaks or legs o f
lamb. I>octor Mct’ollum says there Is
no more reason for buying steuka,
chops and ham than there Is for In­
vesting In summer furs. In both esses
we do It because It Is the custom.
A small amount o f meat, such as a
good cut from the shoulder, will. If
browned and cooked with vegetables,
make a most satisfactory meal. It Is
well known ttiul the coarser nut!
cheaper cuts o f meat are more rich In
extractives than those o f muscle not
so much used, such as chops, steaks
anil tenderloins. Long slow cooking
will soflen the tough fiber o f meat
and result In n good-flavored dish.
First o f all the housewife should
acquaint herself on food values, then
exercise her greut American right o f
Independence and buy such food ns she
can afford to feed her family In the
best possible way. O f nil elnss«*s o f
people the housemother and cook
should use wisdom In h«*r food s«-lec-
tlon and not buy something which
cooks quickly nr food that Is too ex­
pensive for her purse.
If less money were paid for expen­
sive cuts o f meat there would he more
to buy milk, fruits mid fresh vege­
lu mnny cases the use o f steaks and
chops nre found In families » here
little thought Is given to the food; It
Is easier to cook a steak thnn to get
a pot roast ready and see that It Is
pnqierly cooked.
Here Are s
Few Cakes.
German Soldiers Put
Wild Boars to Rout
Detachments o f the German army
stationed lu Thuringia were recently
I called lulu action against nil unusual
enemy. They were seul lulo the neigh­
borhood o f Ktrhsfcld, lu the Thurln-
ginn forest, not to put down an Insur­
rection bill to erudlvute hundreds of
Wild boars.
On the whole, the wild boar I* nn
uncommon occurence lu German for­
ests. Once he get* a chance to gain
a foothold, however, ho multiplies rap
Idly. Breeds o f “ 4 are known.
Near E lcblfflil, where the Thurln
; ginn forest Is skirted tiy mountains
«long Ils northwest boundary, tbu wild
boar became n veritable plague. Et
I forts o f the runners to rid themselves
Í o f l( proved unavailing
They ap­
pealed to (lie district commander o f tit*
rlchswehr, or federal srnty. who, to
the Joy o f the troops, permitted them
to break the monotony o f tlielr mili­
tary lift* by going on n hunt for wild
boar*. The casualties were nil on the
•Ule o f the enemy.
Kings Collect Coins
That kings are collectors o f rare
coins has been revealed In connection
wllh woik done by the king o f Italy lu
j publishing s series - f bool.« on the
coins of Italy. Ills personal collection
o f lUO.tKkl specimens Is the largest In
the world. King George of ” gland
also lisa a large collection, nnd other
rulers are said lo have taken a keen
Interest In the su bject
H eredity
The man who believe# there Is ss
much exercise In cutting the grans as
there Is In playing golf has a son who
thinks there Is ns mach exercise In
running to the store ns (her* Is In
chasing an outfield fly.—SL Louis
First of Large Band
Fred Ott has been called the first
motion picture actor since he nptieare«*
In the first picture Mr. Edison took
when he was experimenting lu iKMi
A**lrts is
Hirer Mflt.tiffliMur#
th« tr««t« Mirk .»f
ot M uauifH U K lilfliD r of l i l D i f l l f i e l f
C u te in a B a b y -
A w fu l a t T h ree
- a n t i i t 's D a n g e r o u s -
_______ b y R u th B ritta in
Thumb sucking does look sweet In s
baby, but It Is disgusting In the three
year-old und sometimes It hangs on
Until fifteen or sixteen! The habit
may cause an Ill-formed mouth or In­
duce adenoids; and It alwiyu Inter­
feres with digestion. I‘tnu!ng the
rleevo over the lisn d; attaching mit­
tens. or putting on cardboard cuffs, j
which prevent Isqidlng the arms at Hiv*
elbows, are some of the wuys to stop
Uie habit.
Another bud habit—Irregularity In
bowel action—Is responsible for weak
bowels and const I pa lion In babies.
Give the tiny t>ow«.|a nn opportunity to
act at regular periods each day. If
they don't act at first, a little Fletch­
er's Oartorla will soon regulato them.
Every mother should keep a bottle o f
It handy to use In case o f colic, chol-
eru. diarrhea, gus on stomach nnd
bowels, constipation, loss o f alerp. or
when baby Is cross and feverish. It*
g«-ntle Influence viver baby’s rystem
enables him to get full nourishment
from hi* food, helps him gain.
Strengthens his bowels.
Castorlu tn purely vegetable and
bnrtnlra*—the recipe Is on the wrap­
per. Physicians have prescribed It for
Over HO year*. With each package,
you get a valuable book on Mother-^
I«onk for (’ has. II. Fletcher's
Signature on the wrupper no you'll get
the genuine.
At times when eggs are not plen­
tiful one likes a rake that does not
call for them ; the follow­
ing Is one you will like:
Cak*. — Take
one-half cupful of short­
ening, cream It with one
cupful o f sugar. Mix and
sift two cupfuls of flour
with four tens|>oonfuls
o f linking powder, one-
half teuspoonful of salt,
World Trip in Submarine
one teaspoonful o f cinnamon, one-
A Dutch acholur bus Just completed
half (»sp oon fu l o f cloves, add the dry • submarine trip around the world. At
mixture alternately with one cupful o f some pluces he was uble to detect
wuter, beat well and add one cupful wllh comparative ease one of the phe­
of floured raisins.
Bake In a well- nomena known to sciential* for some
greased loaf twin for an hour.
time, the difference In weight of the
White Cake.—Cream one-half euptul same objects at vnrloua points on the
of shortening and one and one liulf globe. Tills was done with Instru­
cupfuls of sugar. Mix and sift two ments so delicate thut they could not
and one half cupfuls of (lour wllh function accurately on hoard an above-
three teaspoonfuls o f baking powder, water vessel, due to the motion. The
add the flour mixture alternately with difference In weight Is believed to be
one-hnlf cupful o f milk to the creamed caused by variations In the density of
butter and sugar. Beat the whites strnta composing the crust o f the
of six eggs until stiff, ndding a fourth earth.
o f a tenspoonful o f cream o f tartar,
flavor with almond and fold Into the
Long Auto Tout
enke mixture. Iluke forty five mlnuies
Dr. Eugene W. Fisk of Nantn Fe, N.
In a hot oven.
M„ claims the long distance record for
Golden Cake.—CTenm one-hnlf cup­ bv-lng towed. Doctnr Fisk found, when
ful o f Shortening und one cupful o f be was ready to return from a trip
sugnr together, add live beaten egg to a fur-distant farmhouse, thut the
yolks. Mix ami sift one und three- generator o f Ills car was burned out.
fourths cupfuls o f flour with three A two-ton truck cnme to Ills rescue
teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one- nnd towed hlin 77 miles from La Ven
fourth tenspoonful o f salt und one- tana to Albuquerque, over the most
half teiiM(ioonful of ninfe. add to the hazardous o f mountain roads. The
first mixture alternately wllh one-hnlf trip took five hours. The tow rope
cupful of milk. Bout well and hake broke once and the truck went on
In a square tin In a hot oven for fif­ some miles before the driver discov­
teen minutes, then bake slower for ered he had lost Ills trailer.
thirty minutes longer.
Coffee Cak#.—Cream one half cupful
Hall t o Be Memorial
of shortening and one cupful o f sugar
Out o f the sand along tts seashore,
until well blended, add two beaten
eggs. Mix and sift one and three- Atlantic City Is building the world's
fourths cupful* o f flour with two ten- largest convention hull. When It Is
spootifuls o f baking powder, one- completed lliehhll will lie large enough
fourth tenspoonful o f suit, and add to hold the entire populntln of Allan
alternately tn the butter nnd sugnr tic City—well over MI.OOO person*—
one-half cupful o f coffee Infusion, heat < ■ nd lenve room for a three-ring circus
well nnd add one-hnlf cupful of and a national bathing beauty contest
floured raisins cut Into small pieces besides. The huge structure will stand
as nn unnamed memorial to Mayor
or one-half cupful o f nuts.
A delicious tilling or frosting for Edward L. Bader, who conceived the
any cake Is one cupful of sour cream, plan but whose death Inst Junusry
one cupful each o f sugnr and finely prevented him from seeing his dream
broken nut meats. Boll until wnxy, take the form o f reality.
bent until cool before putting on cake.
One can be a "free thinker" without
being a free talker.
D O N T suffer tira.Udir*, or any ol
tlioac paini tlut llsyrr Alpina con
end in s hurry I PhyiiWant pirtrnbe
it, ami appi ove il* Ire« use, (or it
dori uot atfect the In-art. Kvery drug-
giit hai it, but don't lai! tu ask thè
druggist tor Ha ver. Ami don't take
any hut the Uix tlut say* Bayer, with
ihc word yrssise puntevi in redi
Many City Families Work
A survey of ’.ift.iHUi families In Chi-
engo shows the average number lu a
family to tie fewer than live. Ill IWis
fifths o f Chicago families the wife, or
children, or both, nre wage earners.
An Interesting fact Is that the number
o f children III divorced homes and the
numlier living In lodging houses and
hotels la very small. It takes parents
twenty four )ears to rear a four child
family. During s c . so years o f this
time one t-hllvl I* cured fo r ; during an­
other seven years, two children; dur­
ing six years. Hires children, and dur­
ing the Inst four years, four children.
Best o f nil, there la nothing mors
worth vvhlle If the children nr* brought
up right.—Capper's Weekly.
Fed Up
“ Who was It that sitld he would
rather make the oongs than the laws
o f his country?’*
“ Dunno; but I'd like to make tha
Inns for the people who make the
songs we hear nowudny*.’’— London
Not -W h ole" but -W h olly"
“ She seems to think she’s the whole
“ Yea. but she's wholly m istaken”
B R E A D "
Mr». Sknknn’» Opinion of
Pinkham’» Compound
Saugut Centre, Ms**.— “ t navs
taken 10 bottles o f l.vdia K. Pink-
ham's VegvSahls
a fr,
m ors
d jr y
J f g j
t l f
I« without tv tv.>t-
tin in the houae
than I would Im
t hrviul It
lias made a new
woman of ms. I
used to 1» so
cross with my
husband when I
s u f f e r in g
___________________ I Hint I t|0B*t know
how he »tood me. Now I am riicrrtul
and *trong anil feel younger than I
did ten vears ago when my trouble*
began.”— Mss
Jon s
H kaiiam .
Emory St., Saugus Centre, Mas*,
H a n f o r d ’ s B a ls a m
o f M jr r r h
Mwwjr b w l faff A M M U » If MK «
C jrU r't Litt!« U m PMt
(Ion poU ofifl w h ich m an y llm t i c a u m pimple
K r 'iir m ln r they ar« • d o c t o r '« proscription
an d c a n h r t a b r n b y th * e n t i r e fa m ily .
A ll D ruggist« 2 Sc an d 79c R a l I ' m Wages.
P A R K E R ’S
RemitTrsl'amtrulf *» ■•(•» Unir Pall In«
Restore* Color and
H.aut, I. Cray ....I !> M Hal.
'di. «an i ft 'O a t l>>uirgist«.
H!•*•«»« < Bent, W a». l ’wU (l««EtH-. it, Y.
S H A M P O O -M r «I for
cotimrtlou with 1‘arkrr'* llalr Itaivam Makmth«
hair «oft and fluffy, no rent« hy inali or at rirtiir-
Ilia cos i.'lumu-al
W ork«, l ’atchogur.,
* -------------------
t ,N .I
R E M O L A .ì,"
L f A C H
untJarfttl «rivi Mir* *k*o roar »kin
*l*n rqr** m m* PrW# It M.
I W breatlful.
• f row h Iso 1 I 4
UUOlntm*nt r-m<
forty years |l A siwl ( _
UtMBtfrsw Ask your «IwoUr us writ*
A r . C h i c a g o
I Itch.
W. N. U.. PORTLAND, NO. 2 8 -1»2&
Fresh Youthful Shin
And Lire Healthy Hair
K e p t a o b y C u t ic u r a . Regular use
o f tho Soap, assisted by the Ointment
as needed to soot he and heal any Irri­
tation!,, will keep the complexion fresh
and clear and the hair healthy. Cuti-
cura Talcum, fragrant and refreshing,
la ideal for daily use.
Sms *e <«»*■«•« ■ *,»1 *v T.l-ntn fv HoM .,»1
2S a M f i W E m * - * - '
• r C s k m Sheets* S«kk lie.