THE HKAVEHTOX MKVIKW FINNEY OF THE FORCE FRIDAY. Jl'I.Y 13 . ISO* Overcoming O bject t By f. O. AUiand*r Llltls T nidus, as* Bra, la always gtsd lo w e her aunt rum* to spend tho night, anil think* It quit* a treat to get up and eat braakfaat with bee the following morning, which la al­ ways about four hourw earlier tnan »he la uaually |>eniillted to arlao. At 8:.1U p. in. the uunC wua trying to ex- pluln that It made llttlo glrla cross to get up to early, an Trudas began to untie her ahoa, and Bald, "I'll bo going to bed right now, then.*' From the Wiee Read not to contradict end confuto, nor to helleva and taka for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. Home hooka ara to he tasted, others to lie swallowed, and some few to be chewed and di­ gested; that la, some hooks are to be | read only In parts, others to lie read, hut not curiously, and some few to bo rend wholly and with diligence and attention.— Ila con. By Otarie* Sughroe MICKIE, T H E PRINTER'S D EVIL Pearl» From Fieh Scalee Hardships o f C f « * N. * ii U m A plunt ha* been established at Nanaimo, British Columbia, for lha manufacture of an essence derived from the ecales o f herrings, to be used in the manufacture of artificial pearls. The plant Is equipped to handle dally tU.UUO pound* o f her­ ring scale«, previously dumped Into the sea as worthless. Æ G î . iîc ç S tn ïp ' Mankind "G oin g Strong” There Is oo need lo feel depressed. Youth Is pressing forward with un­ daunted energy. The physical aspect of man Is no longer Ignored. Wider and nobler truths ar< being recognized by science. Human welfure Is being attended to. and In spite of obstacles the outlook la bright.—Sir Oliver Lodge. Opportunity i. Opportunities make ua known to 1 ourselves as well as to others. In affairs of importance we ought leas to contrive opportunities than to use them when they offer Our qualities, both good and bad. are uncertain and dubious, aad st the mercy of oppor­ tunity.—La Unchefoucald. K ille d by Peaehooter “ Shot to deuih with a peashooter." was the verdict of the coroner’s Jury Investigating the demise of*Mrs. Jew- sle Archer In -1-ondon, England. It was found that she raptured I lie aorta when the vegetable, shot from a boy's artillery, hit her in the face. W o rd to Gam e H o g » We are the supreme egotists and monopolists of creation. We go out un the man who will originate three Jumps-lieyond-way-ahead lettuce.” H a t It C om in g A woman rarely fails to shoot a poisoned arrow at a man though »lie may have mi person ,1 grudge against him; she argue», no Inula that an­ other woman has. or will have.—K. W. Howe's lb nthly. H e K n o w » H it P ou n d » “ Claiming that they are inaccurate, j boxer declines lo use the scales of boxing comndsslon." nun's s sport story. He wanted lo have his own weigh, so to speak.— Farm and Fire- side. N a u gh ty B ird » Animals swear, according to the finding» of an Edinburgh university naturalist IPs only n itunil Why shouldn't chickens, for Instance, use fowl l".rs»::igc?—Farm ami Fireside. M o to r ’» Suprem acy Another differem*e between the automobile and the horse Is that the automobile cun be made in go just as fast away front Hi» home stable as toward It.—Cincinnati Inquirer. O ur Insect E n em ie» Insects are mans rivals for this planet. They are damaging us In­ finitely more today, than at any oth­ er time since civilization begun.— American Magazine. C h ef T a k e » th e Cake DOINGS OP THE V A N LOONS r*Z£ä Leave it to Father to know where he wants to go J y veu - P e K CeOOONES.) CAKE. H A « N T M H A M IN « VAU yoi/ ANV >V»V*Nt ANV TIMS *VMSN sense I w w r VSV T s PrK TH/tKJ IN THE MSVlK * 0 * vovj f»ON*T V«U KNOW HAUSU 14 «ICK. A M O TH 6 y01/ Cio HAMMEB i n «? U k i THAT W<*M T ON THScJ MAve to Be W M t on ACCSl/NT OW TM*\ QUARANj “TiNB , you HAVE N 0 TH '"6 J ■ A T A «-L J I F I - 0 ---- 7 « DO s o U'fcT BlHVC ANK KOOM TH AT ISN'T A , WORKSHOP* N A K a THAT n i \ an o at monks . v SHINES IN T H f c _____ T o -O K I < N A VAN LOON ,* N IX o n O 0T C A A P e w - 'j T lN t f S W i N E i j ' PIS I SS WA3H/NC DAT U N » I W A N T NO MESt NUT MV Ci-SAM ] C'LOTNAS STUMP «K.'H rTH SV Me W ONT R ssT [WON'T A t L ife ’» E vening — .. , ---------------— For some the evening of lite st. als on unawares and the sky Is afire with the colors of sunset.— Womans lb me Companion A»NO THty US.? M E WORK-' QUARANTINE Be. JO a s h & o : |*M d o »«; OUT — • 5LAR14J TSyt< OUT OP HCRE \ E A t l H t NSW, "The aviator.” says a magazine ar­ ticle. "lias the most stirring joli of ■II.” We dimmi. What about cooks? —Farm and Fireside. ^ / C o m e . *oA Y 1 7He I J C a m ouflage m e Poverty may be a blessing bui mot »ample familiar with it believe Hint Is too well disguised — A-hetlll Times. f f f The Patient the "C o a t” C O L D I N H E R W A YS "Theory and practice are very dif­ ferent things," said the professor. "Yes, Indeed,” assented the medical student. ” 1 pay for theory nnd In­ tend to bo pnld for practice.” The Complete Drug Store Customer— How long must I wult for this prescription? Druggist—About twenty minutes, sir. But we have a moving picture deportment where you can pass the time very plensantly. Take the door on your left. Dehner “ Can you give me the definition of nothing?'' “ Yes, an air balloon without Its cover,” —Cologne Lustige Kölner Bettung. — by—"Yes ; especially when she freon's onto my pocketbook." First Hubby—"Your very cold In her ways." wife seems Second Hub The porruplne'a quills are from half an Inch to three Inches In length. Daughter Advieee A H A P P Y E N D IN G "Mn," said Miss Suburb, Just home from the seminary, “you should pul on more dignity when you go out” "Goodness, Henrietta, I can't put on anything more this hot weather, I'd melt if I did.” A Breakdown Apftarel and Romance She— Father objects to your suit, dear. He— Why, that’s strange. His Is almost as bad as mine. both of them were happy when It was broken off.” George— "Did their engagement have Man (returning his new car to tho salesroom)—Did I understand you to say that If anything broke within a month you'd replace It without ad­ ditional cost? Salesman—Certainly, sir. W hrt Is It that's wrong? “Oh, I knocked down my neigh­ bor's fence when I backed out o f the garage this morning." on Racist and Colon atimntK also dstails of Or. C J. D**a u o u q l u l method o f k u h ■sent, which wo «* * cxchntvelv. Ssnd lor R today aad Ison <4 car W RITTEN A S S l'R A N C t ELIMINATE PILES OB » E REFUNDED W ™ * r* "