t TnE BEAVERTON REVIEW R t r ? i t i » v v p D » r f r t i n u n i i I U ' c n v v i i c o n a than an hour in some of the ch’ir ] ( ...Id C Inn left Siimlav In vis chea of this city on Sunday. it ui'li i. .itivoa ut Ruwcna, tico. O. A, Cooper, Minister ' , w * ■“ pi * * wwk * th*y ,ha wer* not *•> , ubj*,.t w ,n ‘ « w " th* supplying of water from the laauad Every 1 riday at Beaverton, Tuil,iUn Valley Water Co. % Oregon, This company ia owrwl priiKipal- — By— j ly by citisena of Beaverton. These THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO cltiaens have other property here _______ - - - - ---- — ! aa well aa .the Water Compan.\. Ja ictte Csrtor ____ Soearty Editor They should be aeorded due con- J. H Hulett n„.s— . Manager sideration in casting abou* for a ‘ possible supply of water for the M r lh t it iis l Archie Master* ia »ponding hi* vacation at the Tllamook Beaches. '« litnnhf e |a-r»OK<W >. (V* coa oddrex l/wj F/o. •a core af Ihn aeinpop. r. _ Mr. and Mrs. Georo" S aient Sund* • at the homes of Mrs K. T. 1 , Mutiti n and M r.‘ and Mrs. Robert ¡principles in a man- that he re- Need of Portland. Entered a. aecond Casa »a tta r l?“ !,". w ire/ ^ S T J ^ L T I ^ L ^ ~ hM*»whnod and that he does ! Mrs. M C, MoKercher and son I ’e.-emU r 9. 1922. at the * • * * < : • ’ ^ tlnM that IW« vvrtlm '**** '* ' ^ _ . 'pt*S a girl to let him kiss G*,<rgv were irueats at a Undue at B e a c o n t>^ron. under th. ^ h, d , waUr When girls prefer Her' n ir and pa>v h er'over us payment party at the 0. A. Gilmore ¡»Jim Act of • birth .. 1 < . Beaverton voted almost unanimous- „ tvJWlr 'V , . ------------- _ .— a “ /toed lim-.-a for every little courtesy he shows Saturday evening ly to put in a system that would claM¡c pr«fi>«. the latest cut clothes her KRIDAY, JU LY 13. 1928 connect us up with Pu’l Run Water and „ lot pf money. U yalily. » o r - Ami three girl»—who are in the , Mr. and Mrs. W. R. iVtch and — —— — — — — these pOople were cut off ami the ai,(y_ anj honesty mean nothing majority reitaidlcss *»r ■"•< many >,r **re. "• A. of *> how r'rr1 Hut‘ *rÄ*w I of the other kind there seem t o , ‘ h* * « • * ùu' u hon'* n The world Is your oyster, don’t *UPP|5 ,ak* n Portl.n.l The whatsoever to them suordv cost anywhere from $660 a j be-don ’t .-are a whoop whether a ^ anthill Wednesday, P. n hurt yourself opening it. month to fl.350. (Please remem man has a classic profile or what ¡ ber that these figure*» are approx - There isn’t any standar'-ed type ¡kind of clothes he wears if he is Among the hooks with unhappy (maty and are not submitted for the 0f man who is a sure fire hit with neat and clean and intelligent. endings are check books. basis of any mathematical calcula- pir)S- for girls tastes in men differ ¿ ¡N N ------------^ — tion, but for the purpose of get. as they do in everything else. Bear Mias Flo:—• A pedestrian should always ting • " estimate of the actual con- on „ „ intelligent conservation with I am a girl of seventeen, and 11 Nazarene Church have himself under control. ditions.l them. , have been going out w th a boy , for 1 When Portland cut off the Bea- death by a man who tried to carry three months. I see him almost . '-e-ton water supply a litt'e less There are s'/ly, frivolous girls, every night. My parents object - Mosi advice seldom gets any far- a yetu ago these people turn- w ith the mentality of a moron, who «nd the no ghbors are always talk- 10:00 A. M Sunday School. J. L. Hidden, Supt. ther in than the eardrum. ^ W74ter f or our uie Their, hill prefer boys whose b-ains are in ¡ng about us. What shall I do? —--- —~ for a month’s water has at no time their hie’ », who know all the new V. W. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship The laxy preacher always wants run up as hyrh as the lowest from dance steps snd who babble thej . * * * * 7:00 P M. Young People’s Meeting Portland, for a month's supply. »«me unintelligible chatter that they Your parents are right in ob- 8:00 P. M. Evangel Stic Service to reform tho world by law. _________________ Later these people came in with Jo. These girls would be bored to jecting. You are too -oung to go You are welcome to all of throe b r i * « . behind vmi * contract offering to put in a re- There are wild girls who prefer, out with any one boy so much, services. Bummg your bridges behind you >#pw|p ^ at , retfu. the men who carry hip flasks snd: Try seeing him once a week. — Roy L. N'olt, Pastor. isn't so bsd if you can swim. Ur pressure so that we could have have automobiles and money to I -------- • --------------------- . . adequate fire protection. They of- *Pcnd on them.« Tht-se girls have r v „ r M’ss Flo:— Bethel Cong. Church LoU o f bps just made to kiss femJ jt at # nominal price. They «*0 regard for honor and chlva'ryj The other evening 1 met a very are made over again just after.. werp to ,head and put and sobriety and industry and they nice young man at a partv. Two ■---- ' == in their improvements if the Town think men a ’‘ flop’’ who did- days later I met him and he did Famoua last words: “ I believe of Beaverton would contract to n * offer them a dr ?'k and take n’t speak. Shouldn’t he have spok. en first ? that’s his left headl'ght burning.'' take water from them for five them to cabarets and didn t Other - S. W. ----- ............ wars. But one of the things they " » • « * ' y* tn«’m * • • • * But there are a great many oth. Enforced rest is enforced servi- forgot ws. to guarantee to supply >ny er girls who are intelligent and re No It wasn’t his duty to speak tude, the same as is enforced la- the water or to guarantee any fcoj.. stated pressure that this water flnec* sud who take serious views fir«t. That is the privilege of the of life. These g'vls demand high lady. w would be supplied under. Goodness, like humility, loses its Now it looks to us as though if virtue when it forces itself upon they will guarantee to supply the Hood Loop trip Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dcnho'm others. watcr needed and to furnish this Andrew Denholm of Stacy Ave. of Stacy Ave., Mrs. Alice Wheeler, Mrs. R. Chamberlain and Sanford — ----------------- - « t ¿he C ity L m u t. at a cer. hag ^ kept from his Roger*, attended the Tigardvilie It it presumed that picnic ants f 111 ° U»>« * n *n-iure<1 hand received from a Rehekah lodge Tuesday evsning to „ . y r , , . : . . ,h. . . . ,< ^ * ^ 1 » ■>« « * * . ““ ~ - « • «• see the Installation of the officers. B “ t<?lnal‘ comes along and says that these Marjorie Weaver, of Beaverton. people do not own any water sup- who has been s guest of Mr. and HITEON NEWS It can be proved without insur- piy_ that they have to buy the wa- Mrs. Harry Weaver the past week -W i ance statistics that careful driv. ,er from othir Coninany and '* »'siting with Portland relatives, V¡«»Ethel North is riding a bi. M ^ ---- & ers live longer. why not u, buy the water from Rachel Hark has accented a pos- cycle. ! the other Company and so save thè it on as clerk at the Àloha Mer Home and Hillsboro were the * * « Stmcjay School About the only th/ng a man difference in »cost town: ? cant'le Mason • cost to tne the town cantile Co. in place of Wilma Maso claimants of Hiteon folk tho Four- » * « • * « - , VV. or" hip’ can achieve without some inspir- Well what better off would the City of Stacy Ave. who has resigned. 3:00 P. M., Junior Endeavor. ation is whiskers. of Beaverton be than it is now if th. 7:00 P. M. Senior Endeavor. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Marugg cf ''--------- = lhey from th. Company at the teen‘ “ ™oiring Mr. snd Mrs. Wm. Campbell and 8.00 P. M., Evening Worahip The first sign of defeat in an source. Is the supplying of wa- Switz<.r|,nd and Chicago the past son« returned to Husum, Wash., Prayer Meeting, Wednesdays at argument is resort to mud-slinging ter to municipals rs such a source yfar wtun|ed to th,jr home last Suntiay. eight in the evening. and show of temper. of enormoas profit thac peonle be- — Donald MacNeil, Minister Mr. snd Mrs. Ernest Hite spent m come rich over night by virtue of Satuniay evening in the W at. As long as people blame Satan » * * n g * «-ocple of towns buying Church of Christ for their own mistakes, they will w aterJ rv m them? And .f anyom. over the . N o larking signs, put Campbell home. i* to get a profit from the water UP l**1 w-eek bv the Stage Com. Mr. and Mr*. O. H. Si'lnmler keep on making them. that Beaverton use*, is not right panics, not allowing park ny in the called in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Announcements for Sunday, Ju’y 16 and proper that this profit should business center of the town. Ernest Hite Sunday. The Bible School is important So live that you can get sick ^ a Beavertonian. Chris Norgard who has been rc - Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanKk-ek “ > *">> ^ f » ri- <,ur» # ^ and be delirious without later wo-- _ a ---------------------------------- - 9 reiving treatn: it at St. Vincent's attended the installation of offle, r. ■» 9:46. C ukk I teacher* for all rying over what you said. Aloha-Huber Review hosp*»l and then retured to the of the Beaverton Rebeoca Lodge, cl* “ e* The morn rig service at 11:00. gj— ----------------------------------- -— gjj home of his parents here, has re- Tuesday evening. Some people tell a'l they thiuk The minister will he back from his Roberta Marvin has accepted a turned to St- Vin cut’s hospital for Six c’ghth grade diplomas were varatjon The aermon will beon snd add some more, then wonder . . further treatment. why they get into trouble. position T T e d ’s" cafe. presented to the graduat ng class -Wreet’ing With God.’’ Mrs. J. « Thompson of %-stv | of the Hiteon School, Friday eve- M<u Vivian Whi,|er ^ Spokane, Clifton —1 1 ■ ■ — Mr. and Mrs. William been receiving nir(r. Kthel North, Grace and Ma- Waah wj,, h, ve char^e of the visitors. Avenue who has Seme remedies are worse than weri‘ Clackamas County treatment at the good SamanUn » ei Rehm. Vivian Nelson, Wilbur Wa,h . wll have charge of the mu the disease, and some reforms make Sunday, Ira Lee returned Monday from ? * * * “ "* th* hon,cw of h« r Hanson, and Martin Seidn received >ic she wi„ alld di confusion more confounded. t.:. k—tVar dl*uirht«r *n Beaverton, where she d$lomas. A fine program was rec, th(, ch()jr Come t), hear h6r, ■ ■1 j . . 'j a week's visit with his brother in will stay for a few weeks. | enjoyed by those present. The evening sermon on “ A Good What the average woman wants Montana, ■■ ■■ » Man’s Hell,” will set everyone is a stron* flexible man who can Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haines of think'rig. be wrapped around her finger. H'lber were Portland visitors last Special song service and music Saturday. What could be more refreshing Involuntary lesure and ■ « » " . * Mr, Mrs. Pray have sold I are more darrerous to society than their home here and have moved n n M M m n M a w , involuntary tiployment and work. Forest Grove. r c CHUUC1I ! Olici P O IS —a I . . T 7 7 ... , . Tom Sullivan and fam'Jy have » P eaaant to think of the moved jnto their new home, re- Garden of Eden, without t a x e s ,«- ,centi tfon,pleted, , t Alohs. formers, working hours or rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Watson and chil- - dren of Canbv were visitors at B e r th o ld ’ E g g M a s h B e r t h o l d ’ D a ir y F e e d There is gain that U loss and loss the W ’ Brome hom* SunJay' that is gain; just as there are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph York from rich who are poor and poor who Yamhill were week end guests of are rich. their daughter, Mrs. Frank Gaunt. Next to persons who know how to run a newspaper are probably those who are sure they could Write a book If they had time. - With the girls all working, cer- Let" une who ill tme who w ll B e r th o ld ’ S c r a tc h F e e d Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hayes and daughter, Elizabeth, and Portland friends spent Sunday at Blue Lake, Mrs. Alice Wheeler has returned. to her home here, from a few week's visit with relatives in Port- land. last week. to „ . .. . No He cn Marv,T, of to “ g11e8t at the home of enU’ Mr' and Mr8, vin Sunday. How would you like to get that car fixed up ^ for less than you figured on? JI t h e g r e e n c l o v e r \ H a y , G r a in , F e e d , P o u lt r y S u p p lie s “ Our price* are right; liberty to KENNETH BERRY * * **• te'fishiiess. - "» lain last week s . B e a v e r t o n ^ MORg ABOUT W A T E R -S U P P L Y ^Scored Last week we had someth.ng to ^ »ay in regard to the proposition A of the Wesstnger Springs as a pos. aible water supply for Beaverton The little discussion brought out some things that were told us. jPHONE tl>* belt. i Saturday Confessim i —» (O O Th* Ttaasury offai* * n*w and 7:30 p. to. l* é Ilev. J. M. O’ Neill Beaverton Lndee No. 252, I. i -• v* * r Tli* naw bond* will b**r Beaverton Hotick- ali Lodgi» N o. 2 IH incela first Third Liberty Loan Bonda mature on September 18, 1928, and will cease to bear interest on ' iat date. third Tues evenings ul 7:30 P. M. In the 1 . O. O. F. Hall. Mrs. \\ uller Marri», Secretary, Mrs. Marjor ie Lewis, N. O. p 4ftf 11 In tail ftom July 16, ISi(. I n t t r m on T h ir d l . l h . n y Loan Bond* auriamisrad lor •achang* will b* |>aid In lull to S*pl*mb*r 19. (Oja. Holder* ahouM ronaull (hair baolia al one* (or further d*> tail* of Ihl* i>n*rin(. O. O. F „ nieel* ev ery Monday evo- •>lng at 8 p. m. V isitor» wel come. S O. Roger*. N. O. M. E. Underhill, Secretary. 7tf and day p st « sa t. Tie-tu iv bond . In sachaogs loi l'bltd Libafly t.uan Uoiuis. A. W M E L L O N , Bfcifttry ol 11»w TivtuRiiy W athin^lon. July 9 . 19 Jt. i KEEP IN TOUCH Failure to keep in touch with your business or family at all times has been made inexcusable because of TH E TELEPH O NE Call L o n g Distance O re g o n Telephone Co. ! L UMBER B ig Stocks! Special Prices! DOOR9 WINDOWS SHINGLES MOULDINGS SCREEN WIRE ( (K E N T SAND GRAVEL NAILS BUILDERS HARDW ARE POULTRY NETTING 2x4’s to 2xl0’s per M. $10.00 lx l2 ’s ..................... 12.00 Rock-Surface Roofing Per R o ll............. $ 2.25 Cedar Siding, per M. 15.00 Barn Plank, per M.. 15.00 J j Phone, 4603 J F D PECK, SALES NGR., BEAVERTON, PHONE 5603 4 This Car has been carefully checked as shown by V marks below You Get Definite, Known Value W h e n you buy an “ O .K .'d ” reconditioned used car from us, you can he certain that all such vital units as motor, body, electrical V Motor BEAVERTON 6702s| OREGON t Radiator v R e a r Axle V Transmission V Starting V Lighting y Ignition V Battery v-TI res ■y Upholstery V “I ICE BEAVERTON Adv 30 tf Liberty Loan Bonds Near S. P. Depot ä i Æ l Beaver \ ^ »"Iw W o o d Co.} How gooff news does spread. GENERAL GASOLINE ie «till Third Weekday Mass H:îd a. m. •g L spending He who wants a law to support ' Charles ™ ” Haines a,nes in 1 UI . „ a few his argument and a law to pro- * ,vacatl” n hia fam,,y at hibit an opposing -««S.W..WÌ argument, _ Mub^r from nis duties as engineer at a logg ng camp. knowledges the weakness of his own argument. Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Buck and son, Mr. and Mrs. Sophue Bonlokke The worst ra I amity that could and “ Dick’' Bourn an made the Mt. possjbly happen to this sorry world • ...... be ... ... aot-iauun of ui i the no at. ^ ^ would an alteration di. vine plan of diversity by making all men think and art alike. ^ SOMETHING TO HOLD Ut» Of ybr leememleel Yrentfertttlen Beaverton, Ore. Charles s .s r a z iv it & ä and L im e , C e m e n t , P la s t e r , F e rtH I z e r _ .. . Portland was of her Par' R°bert Mar- last week at the Charles Haines’ teach home in Huber. Mrs. Masso» — 7 : A0 W. J. McCready Lumber Co. We treat you white." e= ■■ -T j Harry Sidwell, Arthur Preston Long hair, says a woman's page and Tobert Morrison enjoyed a bote, will come back slowly if at camping trip to Timber the first all. Bobbed young ladies who are week. trying to grow it know that al- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan King and ready. daughter of Buxton were guests He who want; Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday Catechism — 8:30 and 9:30 a. in. llnpllaiti — 2 p, in. ‘ O U R R E D T R U C K S D E L IV E R ’ Under new management. Guaranteed Auto Repairing. G a rd e n S eed ROSI FLETCHER SHOPPE St. Cecelia Church SERVICE S T A T I O N ^ C H A R LE S BERTHOLD ,may “Tommy» Haines cut hi. finger h i a 0 1 mee I” and ’kifection set in which neccss- help moot expenses. lla* d , to j * . M W a office - It does cbsolute'y no good try to guess a w o ~ , y , age. man would have the courage tell the truth if he were certain it. 2 ^ i Sundsy, Julv IRlh, service* as follows: Sunday school at 10:01* A. M . Edward 1*. Koaemun. Supt. Pub Str-.ipcd and hem- $1 lic worship at 11:00. EpWorth L h . sti died pillow sli|)K, gue at 7 00. Evening worahip at Me h * hocki hnndkcr* 8:00 oc luck Serinons Unii morn ing and evening by the pastor. You, t l Iffs . iih I NtMiic not ions are most cordially Inv'Ced to ntl'Uid Id i crit*. circuses, iitH'kwear these seasons of worahip and hcing SPR M PKII'K ON Itlll.I.INEItV your friends. We tllvo 8 A II Green Stamps — W. Edwin IpgaMs, Pastor. 1 — ~ “~ Berthold’s Famous Feeds Sta nped Goods Sale d tu iili To earn money ’8 one thing, but to save money is another. And a more important thing. Many fortunes have grown out of pennies saved in Youth. As a protection against des titution in the esse of illness, or unemployment, saving has come to be an absolute necessity. People who spend all they cam really live above their income, though not in debt. BANK OF equipment and brakes have been checked and tested— and that all necessary repairs "N have been made. It is a car good for thou sands o f miles o f satisfactory service. vX op DEAVERTON ternani & A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD TOWN IN T H * O A HORN SPOT OP OREGON ^ ■ *-i'pTmorp, I’rea. II. Jv. Dennoy, Vice Prog. Doy Orny, f ’aaliier P U_ A L l T Y A T L O W C O S T