t THT! DRAVFnTON RFYTFW FRIDAY, JYH.Y », lt>M WHEN PROMOTERS USE “CHARITY" TO DECOY TRUSTFUL CONTRIBUTORS Investigation* of Variou* Scheme* for Defrauding Public Out of Money Ditclosed by Banker* Association— Many Kinds of Fake Industrial Promo­ tions Used as Bait. By W. R MOREHOUSE •| t I f\ } > ! Public Relation* Commission. A m erican Banker* Association LOCAL I H £JP P E N IN G $ H ealth I About V o u f F a I ucm I ìoiiii I ('hula ny Dr. Arnold Bannatt Hall President, University of Oregon T h in g s You S h o u ld K now Mr*. J. K. Davis days this week li Seattle. A baby i u was burn to Mr and Mr*. Barney K. Yocum, June -S 1928. Mr. and Mr*. F. M. loissitei' syvnt Saturday and Sunday in Sv altle. li nr Inn ^bv John Joseph Gaines, M. D Mr. W. H. Hart and son, Ru»s aie spending two weeks at Sea- W* aro all eonstnntly preparing. Everything wo do, overy thought wo think, overy vletory w* win and »very battio wo lo»o tend* to prepare ua fur th# struggles t h a t a r e thead. If we culti- vale habit* of tgnnr- tore, »lot euliaeso and indifference, we nra preparing fur failure vn,| defeat. If nac la to prepare tueerufnlly to tube hia place la this world lie amai firal develop hihiti of industry, per Dr A B H»U severance and nnstery. l'ho men c f Industry, the farmer, the • tore keeper, or the doctor succeed to Juot the extent that they bring to bear upon the performance of their duties the«« splendid hatdtx which re­ sult in mastery ami achievement. Then loo, If nr* are to pr*p*r* for mat*rial sucre** we must learn to think, to plan, to us* our head*. W* must study the problems of life, the prjbiomt of our business and our profession and bring to bear upon the aolution of three problem« not only Industry but a keen intellect and *» open mind. We must work Into this foundation of material sucres*, good health and physical fitness. ,V'o dish Is equipped to grapple with the proklrms of life, and particularly with the alrrnuotis problems of this strenuous age, unlesa ho hm learned to heep himself physic ally fit, to ronscrv * bis energy and Ip come lo his lash In th* prime of phy sieal and intellectual vigor. lo succeed today * man must also have personality. Ho must learn to Win th* confidence and frlfndship of men, ho most lenrn lo mabe friends, he miisl i learn thnl on* of th* Moments of nm U'lial sucres* i* to h* * leader of hi* Mr. And Mrs. J. A. Miller Kntertain Son, “Zandru’ How guild now » dopa aprenti. Hi M i l l \ l . GASOLINE In alili /.until II, "The Man Who Known,") «ml Mr*. Zandra, wlui have Junl completed a three month'» then itim i tour In the Hawaiian la- landa and a one month tour of A laaka, npeiil Thin »day and Friday at the home of hia |mrvnt'a Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Miller on Lombard St root. They left for San De-go Fri­ day •veiling, mv--»<)>*ied by Iheir daughter, Kuva'e, and Mrs. /.andra'a mother, Mra. Sly via Wtlaon uf In coma. YES, SURE, T iE {¡KEEN CLOVER BARBECUE IS OPEN III tw-gt, Adv iti THE WEEK S BROCRAM At The Beaver Theatre IT>duy and S atu rd ay , July Hus* Moilon in 6-7 "INTESTINAL FLU" *1 HE BCY RIDER" A* if the hydra-headed monster, inlWnta, were not terrible enough Imi»- of Reevlville is 1 Sun., Mon., Tuen., July N-V-IÜ dr. J. in its esii|y-rwogiii»aMe torn, im­ h s home wuh heart quite ill John Gi lu rl and Gertrude tdinatvad munity must, it veemt, l>e harassed disease. •VAMEO KIRBY* by that obscure, battling, demon lor Mr. and Mr». Elmer Stipe npent Which Medical scietue ha* offered no from Friduv to « 1 •• at Net rata. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deuamger handier name than "intestinal ilu." * W. Timdl nml children of Runa, W m . t l a v and Thur »day, July II 12 and Lee Carr spent the -it h tn A very distressing weakness is •YOUNG APRII. burg, Wnnh. were gin-.t», Sunday 1 o il and. characteristic of Spanish lnflncnra. and Monday in the homo of Mr. Jom-ph and Rudolph Schlldkraut It is distinctly a respiratory disease, Mr. ami Mr*. F. 11. Schoeno and Mr*. Thom«* Jacob«. und Beano Love caused by germs which take lodging spent the week end at Newport In the breathing passagri, hence we and Taft. find sneering, coughing, and general irritability, along with exceptionally Or. Mason performed a tonsilco*- high temnerature in most cases; rare­ toniy on Frank Tobcits of Cortland ly have I seen cases wiih low temp­ Thursday. erature; and, the disease is not dif­ ficult to diagnose at the first call. Robert Wood and a friend from But this ''intestinal” thing it a dif­ Portland spent the fourth at Can­ ferent proposition. The victim always non Beach. In a run-down condition, begins with a chilly, creepy feeling of considcra- William Campbell of Boise Ida. bio intensity, which lasts for a day was a Sunday guest at the John or more, bebore being compelled to Petersou home. seek his bed; no matter what the treatment the bewildered physician Mr. and Mr*. Nel G. Anderson applies, the temperature will mount have a baby daughter. She was to 104 or 105, about the third day; born June 27. there is no cough, or other symptom referable to the lung or breathing- Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Wood and passages. No point of infection can their son, Billy, spent the fourth at be made out bv physical method*. A The Oaks Park. temperature o( 105 is a phenomenon For several d*ys a new automobile. a - ---- -- — that I had much rather not see; my PORTLAND OAS A COKf. 00 . Mr. and Mrs. H. Lassweli and mounted on a truck, was driven up It wa* claimed that the promotion hair it too grry for my age anyway. Sixth and Sainton son visited with Portland rvlat vis bad the support of the Chamber of and down the street*, with banner* Still, the patient manage*—by sheer will-power I think—to get well And, telling about the drive for funds for Commerce, but It did not have any on the fourth. I don't know how he accomplishes the charitable Institution. One day such an endorsement. It was claimed Mr. and Mrs. Brodley Wood, ill ,, , the truck would go by displaying one that the corporation had a signed con ward attended the Buekaroo at My motive in this article Is, to of the popular make* of automobiles, tract for the sale of millions of dollars' Mola'la last Sunday. warn my readers at this season, to A few days later It would parade by worth of its products—orders enough take the best possible care of them­ Mrs. Lutie Boring and son, Mil. displaying some other popular make. to keep the mills running day and selves, it being the only way I can fellow men. •ugRcst* of avoiding attacks. Pont Periodically the truck would pull Into night for many years and accordingly ton, lelt Tuesday to spend two There ha* never been a period I* weeks at Lake LyieL overload the stomach; keep the dl- insure Its success, but all that It had the curb where It would park for sev­ our hiatoly lien there baa lie*» aurh estive tract eliminating freely; eral hours white the promoters plead­ was a valueless fake agreement. Miss Alice Johnson left Thurs­ a dramatio rail fbr service to the best rink plenty of water; eat good, It waa claimed by two of the prln day for a months vuut with ed with parsers by to take tickets on j 'deals and purpose« nf our demoerary. nourishing tood, but not eo exces* the raffle and thereby help a deaervlag elpal promoters that they had had fnends at Vader Wash. To prepare nurselve* for this service Keep the surface of th* body com­ charitable Institution to meet Its bills. many year* of experience In the manu­ fortable. Avoid crowd*. Alkalin* w* must mobilise our spiritual re Mrs. L. R. Dean and daughter, facture of woolens.—In fact had or­ I'SK OREGON WASTE mineral waters are very useful. D.* Thousands "Touched" sourer* for our country. W* must d*. LaMerne returned last week from ganised and financed a woolen mill not worry. Do not exhaust the body. velop a passionate love for liberty, for Thousands of people, touched by the Effrrli«* April I, and a v sit at Caunon Beach. Immunizing vaccine« are worth whit* righteousness and for justice until w* appeal for help, bought tickets, the which Is the largest In the United too, I am sure; your physician U States. The facts were these two pro- until further notice Fern Chinn left Tuesday niorn- fiud opr deepest pleasure and our total sale running into the thousands «ra-vatr *ng to spend the summer with ■ ■ greatest «limitation its sacrificing for a No. I Heavy llluck .. .$3.73 load of dollars. Contrary to the belief of Portland friends at Seaside. • 95'. in-id* wood Iti" a n i under the ticket havers their contributions of Portland, Thursday of last week. these nobl* aims. This means w* must aulliralr our did not go 100 per ceht to charity. No. 2 l .ghl Range W ihh ! $5.23 h>*d Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Spencer and Mrs. Harry Barnes and sons, Ro­ Instinct* of human sympathy. Wr must Instead the charitable institution re­ Ju«t right for summer rook wool son and Mrs. Connie Spencer of bert and Johnnie spent Monday I learn fo recognise that w* are our 2 J ceived hot 26 cents on the dollar, the 16" ai|e and under England spent Sunday m ba.em. and Tuesday with her sister, Mr». brother»’ keeper. We must come to th« promoters getting 52 cents on tho L. D. Tail man at Ryderwood, Wash. vital, vivid realization that in a demur W. J. Edwards and family a t­ I’larr your order now for cord wood and good eo inlry slab for dollar as their net profit, or twice the later delvery. Our price la right. tended the Masonic P rnic at Glad­ Mrs. F. M. Seevor and throe sons racy the burden of securing ju*ti-e and amount received by charily, while the stone on the Fourth of July. of Seattle, are spending the week enthroning righteousness is * burdru remainder of 22 cents on each dollar I that belongs to everyone. represented the amount charged Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Me Kell and at the home of Mr. Soever* mo­ BEAVER WOOD & COAL COMPANY If the citizens of our detnovrs'y can against gross sales by the promoters Miss Janette Carter spent from ther and sister, Mrs. lletlie Server | build for material sue esa upon these Oregon as expenses. I Beaverton — j Sat ui day to Wednesday at Taft. and Miss Nora Scever. I great corner stones and In addition, It In other words, every person wtio Mrs. Mary Denney of Jefferson they can develop a genuine dynamic Mrs. Maud Miller of Portland bought a 50 cent ticket for the sake spent the fourth with her mother, Ore. has been visiting at the homes patriotism, one that will marshjll tlirlr 1 of charily, contributed but 13 rents to forces and their hopes an I their ssplrn M js , Elisabeth Davis of Beaverton of Mrs. Ohio Brown of Garden charity and 37 cents to those promot­ Home and A. C. Denney and B. tion* to the defense of Aoierien end si ' ing the scheme. Whether yon give The ladies of the Christ an church The “Charity" Drive the great things for which It standi K. Denney of Beaverton. to charity or make an investment It he d a picnic recently at the home we will have prepared ourselves ft will pay you to get the facta! Mr. ami Mis. Ja^ob Schmitt en­ mot era had not been connected with of Mrs. Hulbert near Ctianipoeg. Unfortunately there Is a general tm any mills for over twenty years and tertained at a family reunion din- j eitizenahip and built an impregnabl Miss Martha Woodruff spent ner, about r:**- members beihg hati* and bulwark for demorr»' presslon abroad that wildcat promo­ they had attempted at different timet and Wednesday wuh present from Portland. .Vancouver against which the forces of anarch tions ace confined to oli, mining and to promote mills, all of which had Auesuay lawlessness and bolshevism will beat new inventions. The truth Is, many failed. One of the promoters repre­ Miss riawlcy at Hillsboro. Wash., Sheridan, Shaw and to r- vain. stock selling promotions are operated sented that formerly he was president Mrs* Merle Davies and Miss va’.i*. under the name of other industries. and general manager of one of the Cathryn Pessinger motored to Cor- Mrs. Fred Krotch of Knapps a r­ False Claims Mr. and Mra. John Doctor and largest woolen mills In Canada. The vabis and Newport over the four­ rived last week to spend part of 1 . „ J her vacation n her home on Wat­ three children motored from I’or- A certain group of promoters In­ fact was the mill referred to had gone th. vestigated offered for sale stock in a into bankruptcy and he had been care­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hughson and son Street. She left Thursday tor shal| North Dakota and were re ­ proposed woolen mill. In order to sell taker of the plant Mr. and Mrs. Howard Uughson mo­ a two week's visit with her hus­ cent viaitors in the home of Mrs. This story of misrepresentation can tored to Mount Hood on tne four­ band in Seattle. the stock they resorted to the use of Doctor'« brother, Fred Rent*. Of Service and Satisfaction misrepresentation aad false claim*. be duplicated in practically the whole th. s. «. Mrs. Fred Oimstead and mo­ After renting space on the ground Industrial field, and because onr In- Whalever mny be your gro­ Mrs. Charles Esterly and daugh­ ther, Mrs. iinin, returned, Monday floor of an offlee building fronting dustrles .axe, .being exploited with In- A. FREISE lrum an extended visit with io- i ter, Frances, were the guests of cery or meat wants, we are on a busy street they began their cam- 1 tent to defraud. It behooves every fn- paign Orally and by printed adver- ; vestor to investigate carefully. He friends in Portland over me four­ lam es in Dmaha, Nebraska. Her prepared to Fill (hem. daughter, Mis# Crtrude remained tfsementa extravagant claims were should consult his banker before draw th, a _ a '* *-*■ lor a longer stay. made for the proposed corporation Ing his savings out and losing them Our g 'ods are fresh ami our prices reaonable. Rev. and Mrs. Donald Mac Ned which were grossly false. on some wildcat investment. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kennedy were dinner guests at the R. C, Do­ We deliver goods to your home promptly. ty home Friday evening of last and lanihy moved Sunday to La Oiande, U.cgon. Mr. Kennedy Uac week. Just phone 3203 and tell us what you want. U. o f (?. c Spoms Morir» for Netespoper Career been traaalericti Irwin liurul Lai- O. E. Sclander s litt‘e boy had i.er Tigard uout* one to the i ’ost Try us you won’t be disappointed. i: \T .H V IIil.N G ON T H E n i f i ARK his heel almost cut off when he ran Uttic* at La Grande. L A D IE S A M I GKNTH T AILO R ING in front ol the lawmnower at his iv. ol. \_mnn and lanuly of Port- . Dry ( leaning. I’reaning und Repairing OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SATISFIED. hom«, ( land and A. C. Chinn and family WELTER BLDG. BEAVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Venjon Domagol- spent tne fourth at liinsboro.! la and family spent from s a tu r. a iu s Laura Chinn returned with j Fast Siile d l>. tu DIvl.IYI'.kY S K k V I C K : Wt »l Ni.lr 2 m day to Monuay a t Newport amj her uncle to spend the remainder , We Deliver Fututilny At 1U;.‘ 0 a. Taft. • | Of the week Hi Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doolittle i Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Miller ami j BEAVERTON M ARKET AND GROCERY and family of Aloha were Sjnday f son, Jack, and Mrs. M illers p a. | dinner guests a t the A. C. Lh nil I m l», Mr. and Mrs. m u -xyqu s i I Farm ers: We pay cash lor your eggs and produce home. _. m . m* aa* of Portland left Saturday for a J Mrt. J. W. Baines returned Wed weeks visit with Dr. and Mrs. M. nesday from Resthaven, a hospital «jultz at Hukeview Ore. Mrs. Sul- in For$lsbd much improved in lt a sum r ol Mrs. Miller, hea'th. • « * •“ ! Guest* at the W. R. Van K'.eek Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Tdlbert and ' |,on.e on the “fourth" were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Weed left and Mrs. Uia Anderson of Collins i f o f H & V U 1 R f t l i c l l i f t ! * * . * Tuesday to spend the week at Bay View, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Ander- ■ Ocean. — | son, Jack A nderson, Mr*. G ladys M r.. M. C. Me Kerch«* returned »hi«kU and Mr« b ro e .t Will., m ‘ «Cups and S te e n » 15 c ! Sunday evening from a week 3 af f ortlaniL visit with her husband in Ban hlr. Joseph T’rooat and nephew, SDinnet Plates 10 to 25 t " Francisco. | Loren Trvoat, who have been visit- > T llm U |_ra 6 for 25 c* Mrs. W. R. Van Kleek' and mg at the N. W, Gorham home, ■ last t"N » uvi - mo R o A. 4J!W *',BM daughter, Kathryn, returned ;u euiuq »¡»q* «oj nuu.a j»«H ** week from a short stay at Ocean tonal Bark and the Royal Gorge. Lake Beach. Mr. and Mrs. 1’aul Treost also re­ Norma Jean Mailer was kicked turned to Seattle last Thursday. AB■ •■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ in the head by a cow July 1st, Last Sunday the Matrons and receiving a three inch cut in the their husbands and the i’alrons and top of her head. their wives, of the I'ortland Chap­ Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tallman a r- ter O. E. S. and vicin’’ held a Kyderwood, 1 picn«j at the Clyde Stove place rived Tuesday from Ryderwood, Wash, to spend the week witn at Fairview. Those present from leaverton relatives. J were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bum, Southern Pacific's deluxe motor- 10:25 a.m. and hourly thereafter Earl Evans, Mrs. Inez Whitwor- "J.rs, Mr and Mrs. Y. H. Schoene, (ozches now make 11 trip* daily to 5:25 p.m. then 5:25, *6:25, th and daughU-rs, Eva and E lse Miss Mabel ‘ »«¡Ison, Mrs N W. to Portland from 7:25 and 9:25 p.m. m , Mr. and M rb W .lU , lU r- The lure of netveapaper work ha* proven stronger than the gl,mor of th« and Mis. Erma N.ison, motored to ^ rji h . and Forest Grove —leave 5:50, Red Electric T rains—126, daughters, Vivian and Dor­ n nvio« for Miss f'orolyu Whitn r, student nt the University of Oregon. Last The Dalles on the fourth. 7;45, 9:45 a.m. and hourly there­ 128 ar,d 150—No change. Train othy, jumtier Mia« Whitney won the Wert Coart theater* h»antv rnntest in Portland, after ro 2:45, then 4:45, *5:45, 125 leaves Portland Union Sta­ Mrs. F, J, Tibbetts and three » i h included n free trip to Hollywood. Whilo there screen teats were made 6:45 and 8:45 p.m. tion 4:20 p.m., 129 St 5:20 and sons of Salem arrived Thursday for of the Portland girl, and a movie contract .vns offered her. Bhe decided to ga Mrs. H. E. Weed Enter- ¡8 FAIRBANKS-MORSE Hillsboro —leaves 5:45,8:01, 125 st 6:05 p.m. to the University of Oregon instead, however, and row is s student in the several days’ visit at the home of 10:01 a.m. and hourly there.ifter Rail ticlreti are good on the trL'i.d of inornMiem. her father, F. M. Lassiter. tains At Bridge Luncheon 4 to 5:01 then 5:01, *6:01, 7:01 Silver-Gray motor roaches in­ and 9:01 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barne», Mr. cluding the 10 ride ticket. The R. C. Do*.- and W. H. rents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lassiter and Mrs. Tallman and Miss Carna Mrs. H. E. Weed entertained at Beaverton — laave 6:05, 6:25, "Sunday only. appearing at the Portland Peterson motored to the Races at a bridge luncheon last week Tuesday TJ omvo II f«iii'T:e.i -;>ent the fourth $70 F. O. B. Factory Theatre this week. at Jiantzeii B w dlr * in honor of her s »-.ter*, Mesdames Salem, Wednesday afternoon. Term» J. V. B‘ an of New Jersey, Robt. Os­ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Doty and I John B. Hays spent the fourth Among those atending the Ma­ borne of New Orleans and Jos. Coul­ daughter, Lorraine, were dinner with relatives in Hillsboro. Come aud see sonic Picnic at Gladstone Park priest* Sunday at the home Mrs. Mr. and »**» Axtell re. W alter Harris and daughters - and ter of Grand Rapids, Michigan. O. C. Allan Agent a demonstration There were places laid for sixteen Doty’s brother, L. A. Jnnen of • timed to Mom Thursday a f­ Mr. and Mrs. N, W. Gorham. Portland. ter a ten days visit at the home Plumber I The guests of honor expect to ^ I)CWey, the Mrs. V. A. Wood attended a V\ arren and Frank Lass ter a r e , of Mrs. Ax toll's brother, Wallace meeting of the Daphne Club at leave 'o r Alaska about the 2bth of gPhone 7702 . . , , H eav erto ^ visiting at the home of their pa- j Brown and family. the home of Mrs. Gu* Edlwevd the month. ILLIONS of dollars raised under the disguise of chnrity go to line the pockets of promoters. Ticket sales on radios are commonly used, and while the loss to any one person who buts a ticket is small the aggregate loss for the * United States runs into millions of dollars. Usually the promoters of these schemes first make a contract with some charitable insti­ tution to conduct a campaign for funds on behalf of the institution. They are to run the campaign in the name of the institution and share the proceeds. The whole scheme is often one of deception. To those who have been led to believe that their contribu­ tions go practically 100 per cent to charity, the following case we investigated should prove illuminating. A number,of promoters recently contract­ ed' with a cVfyritable institution to put on a campaign to raise funds by the ratfle of a new automobile. So far as the public could tell from the banners used in displaying the automobile, the full amount of the sale price V» a. m ore ho u se ^ckets went to the institution. There was nothing to convey any other impression. Apparently it was open and above board and was being conducted by men who were contributing their time gratuitously. M Smoothtop Sale only $ 5 down G et the Block Wood Habit S The Grocery And Meat Market »!►*! ! NOW! i ■ Is the time to re ! ■plenish your deplejj Sted stock of dishesS Ü it- If vest time Ü iDietsch Hardware! J& Furnitur® StoreJ " S ilv e r G ra y s ” every hour P o r tla n d WATER Your Lawns \ With A Automatic Water System S o u t e n P a c ific